Opium Essays (Examples)

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Opium Wars Consisted of Two Separate Conflicts
Pages: 4 Words: 1234

Opium ars consisted of two separate conflicts, the first between 1839 and 1842, the second between 1856 and 1860. Ostensibly these wars were fought over the fear that British- opium would have a drastic effect on the economy of China. On a deeper level, the conflict was over the invasion of estern influences into the Asian markets and the need for China to remain a major economic figure in the world. After global colonization, China was the last remaining Eastern country to have no foreign influence in their government or their economy. To the people of the est, who considered themselves superior beings, this was unacceptable. The resources of China should be open to estern colonizers as had all the other Asian nations, such as Japan and India. Although ostensibly about the decline in Chinese economy due to the issue of opium in the country, the Opium ars were really…...


Works Cited:

Allingham, Philip V. "England and China: The Opium Wars, 1839-60." (Ontario: Lakehead).

Last modified 24 June 2006.

Hanes, Travis and Frank Sanello. The Opium Wars: The Addiction of One Empire and the Corruption of Another. (Illinois: Sourcebooks, 2002).

"The Opium War and the Opening of China."

Opium Wars Pragmatism and Policy
Pages: 6 Words: 1682

There was a debate at the highest levels of Chinese government as to how to handle the problem, with some arguing for stricter regulation and others insisting that the substance simply be banned (Hanes & Sanello, 2002; Bello, 2005). The voices calling for an outright ban of the substance eventually won out, and thus the cultural detriment that opium presented led directly to the band that sparked two wars (Page, 2003).
The decision to outlaw opium in China did not, of course, stop the opium trade or the use of opium by Chinese citizens, but it did have a significant impact on both business and the internal and external perceptions of Chinese government and culture (Page, 2003; Bello, 2005). Ultimately, China as a whole was forced to acknowledge that it could not remain completely independent either economically or culturally, and that the world had grown in its networks and relationships…...



Bairoch, P. (1995). Economics and World History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Bello, D. (2005). Opium and the Limits of Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Hanes, W. & Sanello, F. (2002). The Opium Wars. Naperville, IN: Sourcebooks.

Melancon, G. (2003). Britain's China Policy and the Opium Crisis. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Opium Can Be Described as Cancer in Afghanistan
Pages: 12 Words: 3882

Opium Can Be Described as "a Cancer" In Afghanistan
In 2014, an estimated 224,000 hectares (or between 200,000 and 250,500 hectares) of land in Afghanistan was utilized for cultivation of opium poppy -- a 7% increase from the previous year. Also, as per 2014 estimates, 98% of all opium farms in the country were found in Eastern (9%), Western (22%) and Southern (67%) Afghanistan. Southern Afghanistan's opium farms were concentrated in the provinces of Kandahar, Day Kundi, Zabul, Hilmand, and Uruzgan; Western Afghanistan's farms were concentrated in the provinces of Badghis, Nimroz, Farah, and Hirat; and Eastern Afghanistan's opium farms were concentrated in the provinces of Laghman, Kapisa, Nangarhar, and Kunar. The aforementioned provinces are the most vulnerable, with high to extreme security risk, according to the UNDSS (United Nations Department of Safety and Security). Furthermore, they are also largely inaccessible to non-government organizations and the UN. Day Kundi represents the…...



AHMED, A. (FEB. 15, 2016). Tasked with Combating Opium, Afghan Officials Profit from It. The New York Times. Retrieved from   on 5 March 2016http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/16/world/asia/afghanistan-opium-heroin-taliban-helmand.html?_r=0 

Azami, D. (26 February 2013). Why Afghanistan may never eradicate opium. BBC World Service. Retrieved from   on 5 March 2016http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-21548230 

Buddenberg, D. & Ruttig, T. (11 January 2016). On the Cultural History of Opium -- and how poppy came to Afghanistan, Afghanistan Analysts Network (AAN). Retrieved from   / on 5 March 2016https://www.afghanistan-analysts.org/on-the-cultural-history-of-opium-and-how-poppy-came-to-afghanistan 

CHELALA, C. (MAR 1, 2013). Opinion: Afghanistan's legacy of child opium addiction. The Japan Times. Retrieved from   on 5 March 2016http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2013/03/01/commentary/world-commentary/afghanistans-legacy-of-child-opium-addiction/#.VtsHc1R96M9 

Opium Consumption and Trade the
Pages: 9 Words: 2838

The author mentioned that rather than only tying the drug consumption with unemployment, urban drug culture, and other factors, one needs to view the drug pervasiveness issues in light of distribution channels as well. The author mentioned that South East Asia's Golden Triangle was the hub of opium trade to the world. Thai-Burma border was used by the Yunnan province drug lords to change opium into marijuana and heroin. The long trail from Golden Triangle to New York was managed by Yunnan merchants and they exported the illicit drugs to Thai -- Burma border. After refinement into heroin, the drugs were then carried by the Chiu Chau Chinese drug traders. They transported these drugs to Bangkok, South Asia, America and Europe. ith loose organizational structures, these Chinese networks of drug trade were closely knit clans and fiercely ruthless in their trade practices as were the gangs of Versailles.
Davenport observed…...


Works Cited

Chabat, Jorge. "Mexico's war on drugs: No margin for maneuver." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 582.1 (2002): 134-148.

Grayson, George W. Mexico: Narco-violence and a failed state? Transaction Books, 2011.

Opium in China With That
Pages: 8 Words: 3088

mericas Coalition Puts Marijuana Legalization Up for Discussion. Retrieved from the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/18/world/americas/nations-in-americas-urged-to-consider-legalizing-pot.html?_r=0
Bakalar, N. (2006). Marijuana as Medicine: Consider the Pros and Cons,. The Mayo Clinic .

Lawrence Genen, M.M. (2012). Cannabis Compound buse. Medscape Reference .

National Instritute of Health. (2012, December). DrugFacts: Marijuana. Retrieved from National Institute on Drug buse: http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana

Considering the magnitude of the worldwide illicit drug trade and its impact on the United States, take a position on merican enforcement policy in the world. nalyze the impact that merican drug enforcement has had on the international drug trade. Has it been effective?


The countries in which drug plants such as poppy (for opium and heroin) and cannabis (for marijuana), such drugs are smuggled into them. International drug trafficking is a billion-dollar business that grows each year.


Drugs trafficked on an international scale include heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine etc. It has been an accepted fact the drug use has…...


Abuse, N.I. (2009, September). DrugFacts: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction. Retrieved from National Institute on Drug Abuse:   ic, T.M. (2011, August 23). Intervention: Help a loved one overcome addiction. Retrieved from the Mayo Clinic:  http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/intervention/MH00127/METHOD=print http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/treatment-approaches-drug-addiction 

Preidt, R. (2013, May 16). Adult Children of Substance Abusers More Prone to Depression. Retrieved from Mediline Plus- U.S. National Library for Medicine:  http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_136922.html 

Services, U.D. (n.d.). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Retrieved from SAMHSA:  http://store.samhsa.gov/shin/content/SMA07-4292/SMA07-4292.pdf

opium wars Britain china
Pages: 5 Words: 1645

Miscommunications between Britain and China abounded in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, culminating eventually in the Opium Wars. In the 1840 document from Lord Palmerston to the Emperor of China, and the 1792 letter sent directly from King George III to the Emperor of China both reveal British desperation to trade with China. Initially motivated by access to China’s tea markets, the British East India Company soon recognized the lucrative potential of diversifying into the global opium trade as well. Even prior to the newfound hunger for opium, the British sought free trade with China, evidenced in these letters. Yet as the tone and content of these two documents show, China had little to gain from doing business with Britain. China’s concept of international diplomacy also seems qualitatively different from that of the British, although these two British documents naturally offer only a one-sided view of the situation. The conciliatory…...

Cultural medical and literary aspects of opium
Pages: 4 Words: 1058

. After reading the attached, The Opium Kings, post tracing the origin, history, and progression of the "opium poppy," making sure to discuss the cultural, medicinal, and literary aspects of its history from 3400 B. C. to at least the First Opium Wars.The history of Opium first began in lower Mesopotamia. Throughout history, opium was seen in various capacities and methods. Primarily it was seen or used a medical treatment (Bagchi, 2010). During BC 3400 due to its medical importance many wars emerged to control lands used to cultivate the opium poppy. Here, the land used to cultivate the poppy was considered essential for economic development and thus wars were waged to control the corresponding land. As economic development continues to manifest throughout the world, trade routes were established between countries to help transfer product know-how and opium poppy throughout the world. This trade know-how ultimately allowed rival countries to…...



1. Alexander R. The Rise and Progress of British Opium Smuggling: The Illegality of the East India Company’s Monopoly of the Drug; and Its Injurious Effects Upon India, China, and the Commerce of Great Britain. London: Judd and Glass, 1856

2. Amin Shahid. Sugarcane and Sugar in Gorakhpur. An Inquiry into Peasant Production for Capitalist Enterprise in Colonial India. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1984

3. Atkinson Fred. “Rupee Prices in India, 1870 to 1908; with an Examination of the Causes Leading to the Present High Level of Prices.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 72, no. 3 (1909): 496–573

4. Baden-Powell Baden Henry. The Land-Systems of British India. Being a Manual of the Land-Tenures and of the Systems of Land-Revenue Administration Prevalent in the Several Provinces. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892.

Opium Is the Least Potent
Pages: 1 Words: 306

The drug is notorious because it contains "morphine, codeine, papaverine, and other alkaloids" (dictionary.com). Heroin is the most popular and addictive derivative of opium. Heroin users use the drug because of its immediate effects of peace, calm, and relaxation. It is also said to eliminate feelings of hunger, pain, fear, and frustration. Opium costs vary - it is much more expensive when it is purchased on the black market.
hile opium is a natural drug treated to ease pain, there is no reason why its use should be tolerated in the United States. This is primarily because it is so highly addictive. A present American epidemic is that of becoming hooked on painkillers. Because there are so many other options for pain that are far less addictive, they should be chosen over opium.

orks Cited

ordNet® 3.0. Princeton University. Dictionary.com. Site Accessed 16 May. 2008. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/opium....


Works Cited

WordNet® 3.0. Princeton University. Dictionary.com. Site Accessed 16 May. 2008.  http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/opium .

Poppy Production in Afghanistan
Pages: 8 Words: 2669

Target ecommendations
The current opium irradiation program in Afghanistan is failing to address the long-term challenges impacting the country (i.e. poverty, a lack of economic opportunities and corruption). This is resulting in the Taliban and organized crime utilizing it as an avenue to create greater amounts of instability. In the ten years, seizures of opium and heroin have declined by 57 and 77% respectively. This is problematic, as it is making it difficult for the country to move forward beyond the decades of civil war. (Ackerman, 2014)

To address these issues, a new approach must be used that are showing the way forward. This will be accomplished by providing policy recommendations and suggesting a future course of action which can reverse key trends. Together, these insights will enhance stability and decrease the influence of the Taliban / organized crime elements.

Policy ecommendations

The opium trade and poverty are directly related to each other. This…...



Drug War? American Troops are Protecting Afghan Opium. (2014) Global Research. Retrieved from:  opium-u-s-occupation-leads-to-all-time-high-heroin-production/5358053http://www.globalresearch.ca/drug-war-american-troops-are-protecting-afghan -

The Most Addictive Drugs. (2014). Rehabs. Retrieved from:  http://luxury.rehabs.com/drug-addiction/most-addictive/ 

National Drug Policy. (2001). Canadian Parliament. Retrieved from:  http://www.parl.gc.ca/content/sen/committee/371/ille/library/dolin1-e.htm#3 .

Ackerman, S. (2014). Afghan Opium Production Explodes. The Guardian. Retrieved from:   billions-spent-us-reporthttp://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/30/afghan-opium-production-explodes -

Anglo Chinese War the Historical
Pages: 14 Words: 4723

More recently two schools of military history have developed that attempt to consider its object from a more eclectic, objective perspective, dubbed the "New Military History" and "War and Society" history. New Military History "refers to a partial turning away from the great captains, and from weapons, tactics, and operations as the main concerns of the historical study of war," and instead focusing on "the interaction of war with society, economics, politics, and culture."

New Military History is a relatively broad category, and its perspective can be evinced both on the level of a particular methodology and ideology.

Along with the "War and Society" school of thought, New Military History seeks to uncover the multifarious factors driving and influencing military conflict, with a particular view towards the interaction between these factors and the actual practice of war. That is to say, these schools of thought do no entirely abandon any consideration of…...



Alexander, Joseph G. "The Truth about the Opium War." The North American Review (1821-

1940) 163, (1896): 381-383.

Bello, David. "The Venomous Course of Southwestern Opuim: Qing Prohibtion in Yunnan,

Sichuan, and Guizhou in the Early Nineteenth Century." The Journal of Asian Studies.

East Asian Civilizations
Pages: 7 Words: 2642

East Asian Civilizations
(1) Unequal Treaties

(2) sino-japanese war 3





The growing demand for Chinese tea, silk and ceramics by ritish had created severe trade imbalance for ritain. The ritish were also losing their silver reserves in exchange for Chinese goods. In late 1930's government of Great ritain found "opium" as a solution for resolving trade imbalance. Opium, which is more addictive than tea, was being supplied to China by ritish merchants. As demand for opium increased in China, ritain's imports increased and in this way silver bullion was flowing out of the China into ritain.

However Chinese government (Qing government) took serious steps to stop the trade of opium. Lin Zexu, which was appointed as an Imperial Commissioner for the Destruction of Opium, started an anti-opium campaign. During the campaign, opium stores were destroyed and opium dealers were arrested. This act…...



CIIC. "Formation of the Chinese Civilization." 2001. China Internet Information Center. .

Devine, Richard. "Japanese Rule in Korea After the March First Uprising." Monumenta Nipponic 52.4 (1997).

Dyke, Van and Paul Arthur. Tha Canton trade: Life and Enterprise on the China Coast 1700-1845. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1998.

Liu, Li and Xingcan Chen. The Archaeology of China: From the Late Paleolithic to the Early Bronze Age. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Westerners in China in the
Pages: 4 Words: 1264

The trading situation between Great ritain and China in the early part of the 18th century continued to expand, yet the ritish were not satisfied and wanted to possess the ability to trade at any Chinese port and with any entity it wished. In 1793, the first formal diplomatic mission arrived in China under the leadership of Lord Macartney, a man often described as having a powerful influence on trade in India and with a vast knowledge of Eastern sensibilities. Macartney's main objective was to devise a treaty for a fair exchange of diplomatic representatives and the opening of all Chinese ports to ritish shipping while creating a set of tariff duties which were to be vigorously enforced in every Chinese port.

Unfortunately, Macartney's mission to China did not turn out as he had expected, for he was rebuffed by the emperor. In 1816, another attempt to establish formal trading relations…...



Gregory, J.S. The West and China Since 1500. New York: Macmillan, 1999.

Mungello, David E. The Great Encounter of China and the West, 1500 to 1800. New York: Rowman & littlefield, 2000.

Women and Drugs
Pages: 11 Words: 3809

Female Substance Abusers and Addicts
Heroin is a highly addictive substance which is characterized by a rush of biophysiological symptoms such as a rush or feeling of euphoria, heaviness in one's extremities and a certain element of dry mouth (rehab-international.org). When it comes to heroin and gender, either gender can become addicted to it in a brief amount of time: "Addiction to heroin is characterized by the compulsion to use heroin despite an onset of negative consequences and despite the user's best attempts at stopping via willpower alone" (rehab-international.org). For women, one of the more common traits of heroin abuse is rather detrimental: the acquired tolerance means that greater doses of heroin have to be taken in order to get the original effects of the drug. When women are under the influence of the drug, they may engage in unsafe sexual activity, actions which can lead to STDs, unintended pregnancies and…...



Anderson, T. (2000). Drug Use and Gender . udel.edu, 286-292.

Beckerleg, S.'Women heroin users: Exploring the limitations of the structural violence approach,'

International Journal of Drug Policy, vol:16 2005, p183 -190

Cicero, T., Ellis, M., & Surratt, H. (2014). The Changing Face of Heroin Use in the United States. JAMA Psychiatry, 821-826.

Afghan Problems in Discussing the Challenges of
Pages: 2 Words: 572

Afghan Problems
In discussing the challenges of the military and poltical restructuring of Afghanistan, Black (2009) suggested that there were several points relating to this effect. First and foremost, the geographical territory that composes the territory of this nation, is extremely mountainous and not practical for military operations in many instances.

Besides the geography and lay of the land, Afghanistan is portrayed as a country consistently and constantly in turmoil and conflict. This steady dose of upheaval makes the people of this country very hard to govern as a result of their savage behavior. Another structural component dealing with this idea is the fact that there is no real structure and that entangling alliances dominate the governance structure making it hard if not impossible in detecting who is on whose side of the conflict. Black elaborated to highlight this point when he wrote " counter terrorist operations posed serious difficulties for military…...



NA" The War In Afghanistan."

Black, B. (2008). War Since 1945. Chapter 7 Searching for a New World Order. Rand Institute.

Lambeth, B. (2005). Air Power Against Terror. U.S. Central Command Air Forces.

Maley, W. (2002). The Afghanistan Wars. Palgrave Macmillian New York 2002.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge During Samuel
Pages: 4 Words: 1277

" However, refutes Ernest Coleridge, whatever may be said about Coleridge for or against, as an "inventor of harmonies," his self-criticism was the most stern of all. He continually wrote and rewrote his work in order "discover and reveal the hidden springs, the thoughts and passions of the artificer."
One would be wrong to believe that it was only his family that thought his work excellent. Many later critics have been just as positive about his writings. Suther (5) said, for example, that Coleridge's greatness was due to his "dogged refusal to pretend that the problems and paradoxes of human life are any less vast, ineffable, and terrifying than his intuition revealed to him they were." In his efforts to come to terms with life using words such as "tragedy," "sin," "guilt," "redemption," "grace," "eason," "inspiration," and "God," to describe phenomena he was helping others deal with the paradoxes that they…...



Coleridge, E.H. (1912). The Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. London: Henry Frowde.

Jackson, J.R. (1995). Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Critical Heritage. Volume: 1

London: Routledge.

Suther, M. (1960) the Dark Night of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Contributors: Marshall New York: Columbia University Press.

How can plant chemical defenses benefit medical treatments and therapies?
Words: 553

1. Plant Chemical Defenses and their Prominence in Medical Treatments

Plants have evolved intricate strategies to defend themselves against herbivores, pathogens, and environmental stressors. These defense mechanisms include the production of a diverse array of chemical compounds. Plant chemical defenses play a crucial role in protecting plants from damage and ensuring their survival. However, the medicinal properties of these compounds have been recognized for centuries, with traditional medicine systems utilizing plants as sources of healing remedies. Modern medicine has also begun to harness the therapeutic potential of plant chemical defenses, leading to the development of novel drugs and therapies.....

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