Online Shopping Essays (Examples)

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Online Shopping With Traditional Shopping
Pages: 1 Words: 426

There is no gasoline expense and no chance of an accident. Online shopping can also be done just about any time, day or night, and it does not matter whether a brick-and-mortar store is open (Hong, Thong, & Tam, 2005). This makes it much more convenient than traditional shopping for a lot of people. The problems with online shopping include a danger of credit card information being stolen, a possibility of merchandise being damaged in shipping, and the fact that a person cannot touch and carefully examine the merchandise before he or she agrees to buy it (Hong, Thong, & Tam, 2005). Of course, it can be returned, but waiting for it to come in, sending it back, and waiting for it to come in again can take a very long time and be frustrating. Some places also will not pay for the return shipping, so it might end…...



Hong, W., Thong, J.Y.L., & Tam, K.Y. (2005, Winter). The effects of information format and shopping task on consumers' online shopping behavior: a cognitive fit perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems, 21(3).

online'shopping and brick and mortar
Pages: 3 Words: 1035

(You can add it anywhere to the Op-Ed, would fit best at the end) Although brick-and-mortar shopping seems here to stay, it has definitely been threatened by the online shopping model. As Wallace points out, more than half of American consumers prefer to shop online, and almost all (96%) of Americans who have any Internet access have made an online purchase. Most Americans (80%) have ordered something online in the past month (Wallace 1). The number of Americans who prefer to shop online is even greater for young people, with 67% of Millennials preferring online shopping to going to a store. The reasons for preferring online shopping include convenience and time savings, although Millennials do spend about six hours per week shopping online (Wallace 1). Online shopping with major retailer like Amazon also makes it easy for people to buy everything they need in one place, all without leaving the comfort…...



Gilreath, Dave. “Online Shopping Hasn’t Killed Brick-and-Mortar Retailers.” ABC News. Retrieved online:  

Gusoff, Carolyn. “Online Retailers Turn to Brick-and-Mortar Stores as Shoppers Seek Personal Service.” CBS New York. Retrieved online: 

Thau, Barbara. “Five Signs that Stores (Not E-Commerce) Are the Future of Retail.” Forbes. Retrieved online:

Wallace, Tracey. “Ecommerce Trends: 147 Stats Revealing How Modern Customers Shop in 2017.” Retrieved online; 

Business of Online Shopping Started
Pages: 3 Words: 1248

Here again the consultant may need to provide proper advice. The plan for growth and traffic peaks has to be made before they occur, and for help during difficulties it is important that the supplier is available at that time. In the case of America's Gardening resources, the traffic during their peak season became more than 11 times the traffic that they have during normal seasons. (Gardener's Supply) This is an important point that has to be decided before the consultant is chosen.
There are different types of technology that can be used and some are by Microsoft and others are on open source like Linux operating system, Tomcat application server and Apache Web server. Some of the experts are now capable of building, refreshing or reconstructing the e-commerce site of its clients with software which is totally open-source and this will avoid all software licensing costs when the site…...



E-Commerce. Retrieved at   on 7 August, 2005 

Sell your products online with MonsterCommerce Shopping Cart Software! Retrieved at on 7 August, 2005

Web retailers go open-source. 23 February, 2004. Retrieved at   Accessed on 7 August, 2005,10801,90366,00.html .

Port City Web. 10 February, 2005. Retrieved at   Accessed on 7 August, 2005 .

Why Amazon Is a Great Online Shopping Mall
Pages: 3 Words: 842

Amazon Shopping is a great website for finding and purchasing consumer items that you used to have to leave the house to get. It is especially helpful for locating and perusing books before you buy them. Amazon typically allows users to "look inside" a book that is available for purchase from its website: this is like being in a book store and skimming a book to see whether or not you want to buy it ("The Say, I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic riting -- Second Edition"). But Amazon allows you to do a lot more than just locate the item you want: it allows you to find the best price available, from various distributors, of the item you want, new or used. You can shop first-hand or second-hand products. You can stream movies. You can even sell your own items. Amazon is a one-stop website for…...


Works Cited

"The Say, I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing -- Second Edition."

Amazon. Amazon, n.d. Web. 24 September 2015.

Big Data on Online Shopping
Pages: 5 Words: 1626

Big Data Shopping
Big data is a relatively recent concept in the marketing world, that describes the process of analyzing massive data sets to unearth trends. The data sets are so large that it would be almost impossible to find such trends without high-powered analytical technology. Big data has been facilitated by the ability to gather massive amounts of information about consumer profiles and shopping trends. The primarily facilitators of big data collection are credit card companies and online companies like Google and Facebook that track people's purchasing and computer usage patterns. Big data has been used in a lot of different industries to revolutionize everything from health care to manufacturing to government (Manyika, et al., 2011). etailers use big data to better understand the "path to purchase" and then adapt their strategies to take advantage of this keener understanding (Macy, 2013). Some retailers have found that the use of big…...



eMarketer. (2013) Big data helps reveal consumer behavior. Retrieved December 11, 2013 from 

eMarketer. (2013). What do marketers want from big data? Retrieved December 11, 2013 from 

Ford, K. (2013) How to harness big data for better holiday shopping experiences. Marketing Profs. Retrieved November 13, 2013 from 

Hockenson, L. (2013). How big data makes shopping online suck less. Gigaom. Retrieved November 13, 2013 from

The Demise of Brick and Mortar Stores Not Really
Pages: 3 Words: 910

Why the Growth of Online Shopping Will not Lead to the Demise of Brick and Mortar Stores “Among other offerings, consumers will need to patronize brick-and-mortar stores for the unique experience—an item that simply cannot be found online.”
The number of online shoppers has been steadily growing over the last two decades. In addition to saving time, online shopping is immensely convenient – all a customer has to do is logon to a retailer’s website, select the items he or she is interested in, make payment, and voila! The items will be delivered home without the shopper ever leaving the house, or even bed! Why then would someone go to a physical store to queue, beat the traffic back home, and waste valuable time when a better way to shop is readily available thanks to the internet and ecommerce apps? The death of in-store shopping is nigh, right? WRONG!
While it is true…...

Psychology Online Shopping Addition Oniomania
Pages: 1 Words: 341

This can lead to social isolation and increased depression, which then leads to more shopping. People that are addicted to online shopping find themselves in a vicious cycle that is often hard to break. The best way to deal with a shopping addiction is to get therapy. Shopping addicts need to have their deeper issues dealt with by a professional counselor because it is thought that shopping is merely a symptom of a more serious psychological problem (Shopping Addiction 2008).

Karimi, Sabah. (2007), How to Develop an Online Shopping Addiction, Associated Content, acesses 9 April, 2009

Oniomania-Shopping Addiction (2008), City Vision College, accessed 9 April, 2009,

Shopping Addiction (2008),, accessed 9 April, 2009,...



Karimi, Sabah. (2007), How to Develop an Online Shopping Addiction, Associated Content, acesses 9 April, 2009 

Oniomania-Shopping Addiction (2008), City Vision College, accessed 9 April, 2009,

Shopping Addiction (2008),, accessed 9 April, 2009,

Online Security
Pages: 2 Words: 565

Online Shopping Can Be Safe
There are definitely risks associated with online shopping. There have been many cases of hackers gaining access to shoppers' personal information. One case that just happened recently and has flooded the airwaves was Target who was hacked on December 18th, 2013. The company had over seventy million people with their names, home addresses, email addresses and phone numbers stolen and an additional forty million debit card credit card account information stolen as well (Malcolm, 2014).

Target, after acknowledging that as many as 110 million customers had personal information and card data stolen, said it would speed up its adoption of more secure payment technology. Suddenly, banks were being pressured to issue customers new cards with microchips, which have been used in Europe for more than 20 years. Congressional committees asked, with urgency, what more could be done (Malcolm, 2014).

Now many banks and retailers are trying to push…...


Works Cited

Garver, A. (2012, September 11). Top 5 Dangers Of Online Shopping And Precautions To Take On Cyber Monday. Retrieved from Forbes: 

Malcolm, H. (2014, February 24). Merchants look for new and improved payment technologies. Retrieved from USA Today:

Online vs Traditional Shopping the Tremendous Growth
Pages: 2 Words: 647

Online vs. Traditional Shopping
The tremendous growth of the Internet over the past decade has given a significant boost to e-commerce and made online shopping a part of every-day experience of many people. However, since online shopping is still a relatively new phenomenon, and has its advantages as well as disadvantages, it has not yet realized its full potential. In this paper, I shall compare and contrast online and traditional retail shopping; look at some of the reasons that drives consumers to shop online and discuss which shopping experience is more satisfying.

The Advantages

Online shopping provides the convenience of shopping from the comfort of one's home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week -- since online stores never close. It enables a customer to avoid braving the weather, the hassles of navigating traffic or trying to find parking places -- common requirements of traditional retail shopping.

Online shopping provides an enormous variety…...



Gilman, Alan. (1999). "The GC guide to online shopping: The Advantages."

Gilman Computer Technologies. Retrieved on June 27, 2004 at

Granovsky, Nancy (2000). "Consumer Decision Making Contest 2001-2002 Study Guide: Online Shopping." Retrieved on June 27, 2004 at .

This is also true of mail-order shopping

Shopping in Malls vs Shopping
Pages: 2 Words: 688

Moreover, it is also possible to conduct a product search online, research the product, locate the lowest price, and then look for it at the mall in person to examine it physically. If the product is cheaper online, the consumer can then make the purchase saving money and making no greater effort than just going to the mall to shop for the same item in the first place.
Another common objection to online shopping is that the buyer must rely on the trustworthiness of the seller. That is true but with a few basic precautions, the consumer can reduce any risk of fraud or dishonesty to an entirely acceptable level. First, consumers should always use a credit card because credit card companies protect their customers from fraud and will reverse charges incurred through any fraudulent transaction. Second, consumers should use the same search methods that they use to research products…...

Shopping Online Has Many Benefits and Advantages
Pages: 3 Words: 1226

Shopping online has many benefits and advantages as compared to going to an actual store. One of the biggest advantages is that you can see many different products in much less time (Prussakov & Kaushik 2008). However, with the benefit of so many online stores comes some apprehension. There are literally tens of thousands of online shopping sites -- with more being added every single day (Lynn 2006). ith the benefit of so many choices comes a bit of an overload of information. Yet despite this overload of information, one only has to know how to navigate their online shopping experience in order to make the best of their shopping adventure.
Shopping online is an incredible way to shop because you can find pretty much anything you would ever want -- or anything you would ever need (or not need). A trip to the local mall to find something very specific…...


Works Cited

Beshara, Tony. Acing the Interview: How to Ask and Answer the Questions That Will Get You

the Job. AMACOM. 2008.

Davis, Brian. Top Notch Interviews: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques from the First Call to Getting

the Job You Want. Career Press; 1st edition. 2010.

Shopping Center Is a Mercantile
Pages: 4 Words: 1201

It is not only the shoppers who are satisfied but mall tenants as well.
In view of challenges facing shopping centers, there are several factors noted in contribution of intense and competitive environment within which shopping center managers operate. Some of these factors include overcapacity of shopping center and retail space, overlapping of merchandise offerings by different retailer formats and changing consumer lifestyle. In addition, modernization and evolution of technology also affects market share of this industry. It is currently subjected to new competitive threats from non-traditional sources such as the internet and other mode of non-store shopping. There were researches made that shoppers are finding that they do not have the luxury to spend time shopping or malling the as they once did. As a result, they go for the faster and most convenient way of shopping such as online shopping or home-TV shopping.

In these instances, it is best…...



DeLisle, James. "The Evolution of Shopping Center Research: A 12-Year Retrospective." 2005.

May 10, 2007.


Hazel, Debra. "Brave New Format. Lifestyle centers look good, but are they earning their keep?"

Online Transaction Empowered by E-Currency Exchange Without
Pages: 13 Words: 3484

Online Transaction Empowered by E-Currency Exchange without credit card
The growth of the internet on a public scale, since its arrival in the eighties has allowed businesses to expand internationally. User interactions are no longer restricted to the local level. Easy to use web interfaces allow voice, message and video-based conversations. Entrepreneurship is much easier than before as individuals can place their product catalogues on websites without much set up costs. Country specific currencies (such as the American dollar, Euro, upee etc.) tend to cause problems if users need to purchase something unavailable in their location. This led to the concept of 'E-Currency' which is geared towards online transactions as it removes usage limitations based on country or nationality. The popularity of this industry grew as a way of handling the restrictions imposed on global businesses. Privacy is a major concern in this regard since there are multiple web-based transactions involved.…...



Christian, P.(n.d.) Speed-E-Money: A subsidiary of international load center. Retrieved from

n.a. (2002) Understanding the E-Currency and Exchange maker industries. Retrieved from

n.a. (2011) Terms of service. Retrieved from

n.a.(2011) E-Currency Fact Sheet. Retrieved from

Online Store Business Concept Type
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Despite this array of potential benefits I also came across numerous obstacles including risk issues that encompass security and privacy concerns. With this in mind when starting my own business I'll will focus to prevent and take every precaution possible to overcome and therefore give myself advantage over the competition.
Potential customers how many have you talked to?

While attending seminars, talking to friends and meeting new people during my research I spoke to at least 30 people.

A what did you ask them?

Did you shop online? How many times? What was your experience? Were you satisfied with the transaction? Were you satisfied with the product? Why do you shop online? What products do you buy online? What website do you use when shopping online?

A what did you find out?

According to my findings, although online shopping is already a multi-billion dollar industry, electronic commerce is still in its development stage. About 56%…...

Shopping Strategies
Pages: 2 Words: 757

Shopping literally means giving some of your income for something that you want to possess. The medium of acquisition can range from cash to check book to credit card or to substituting something of value that you possess to something that the vendor will accept in exchange for the article.
The location too varies from the conventional shop / supermarket to a vendor or, nowadays, to online shopping. Shopping too can be done via the mail through catalogues; some say shopping can be achieved over the phone, too. The end-product also varies from something as complex as a computer or vehicle or house to shopping around for a type of service or labor. In the end, it means buying something from another. Some people shop only for products / services that they need whilst others enjoy shopping for the thrill of doing so accumulating seemingly unnecessary items. Either way, the…...


Describe a hoped for outcome - Include an existing business or service that is similar or analogous to your ideas.

The hoped for outcome is that I become a savvy shopper, refraining from buying on impulse, buying wise and enduring purchases that are both quality and cheap and saving money over the long haul.

An existing business that is similar to my idea may be the Division of Consumer & Business Education (Federal Trade Commission   which serves to give consumers the tools they need to make informed decisions. This is not so much a business as a service / agency. There is also the BBB and then there are games and books on consumer education (see for instance.) )

How the Covid19 pandemic has created opportunities for businesses?
Words: 402

When most people think about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economics, they think of it as being purely destructive.  While there can be no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has created economic uncertainty in many sectors, leading to a loss of production and high unemployment rates in many areas, it cannot be ignored that the pandemic has also led to new opportunities for certain businesses.  Understanding those opportunities may be critical to the overall recovery of the global economy, as those industries that have experienced gains determine how to leverage them in a way that....

I\'m not very familiar with outline. Could you suggest some essay topics to help me learn more?
Words: 209

Of course! Here are some essay topics that can help you practice writing an outline:

1. The effects of social media on modern society
2. The importance of mental health awareness
3. The impact of climate change on the environment
4. The role of technology in education
5. The benefits and drawbacks of remote work
6. The history of immigration in the United States
7. The significance of voting in a democracy
8. The rise of online shopping and its effects on traditional retail
9. The portrayal of women in the media
10. The challenges and opportunities of globalization

Feel free to choose any of these topics to create an outline....

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding outlines for impact of technology on society?
Words: 233

1. The role of artificial intelligence in shaping the future of work
2. The impact of social media on interpersonal relationships
3. The benefits and drawbacks of internet connectivity in developing countries
4. The implications of digital surveillance on individual privacy rights
5. The influence of technology on healthcare delivery and patient outcomes
6. The effects of automation on job displacement and income inequality
7. The ethical considerations of genetic engineering and its impact on society
8. The risks and rewards of the "internet of things" in everyday life
9. The potential of virtual reality and augmented reality in transforming education and entertainment
10. The challenges of regulating emerging....

Need help refining a thesis statement about the A Comparative Analysis of Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping?
Words: 118

Online shopping and traditional shopping both offer unique experiences for consumers, but ultimately online shopping provides more convenience and access to a wider variety of products, while traditional shopping allows for in-person interaction and the ability to physically inspect items before purchase. To refine the thesis statement further, consider focusing on how online shopping and traditional shopping impact consumer behavior and preferences. By examining factors such as convenience, product variety, price comparison, customer service, and overall satisfaction, a more detailed analysis can be made on the advantages and disadvantages of each shopping method. This will provide a clearer perspective on how....

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