Online Essays (Examples)

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Online Venture Business Plan
Pages: 8 Words: 2497

Online Venture Business Plan
Four Significant Steps for Establishing an Online Business

Basic Overview of the Online Venture

Mission of the Online Business Venture

Business Model to be Used



Tempting Features

Features Attracting Diverse Culture

Ethical Issues

Potential isks

Strategies for Protecting Privacy

Potential Benefits

This research paper is about which is an online forum that will be a global leader in e-commerce for business. It will act as a powerful tools for finding reliable and capable suppliers. Numerous advanatages, disadvantages, security issues, processes, tempting features, potential risks and potential benefits are discussed in detail.

Online venture is a very progressive idea these days. It usually comprises of small low risk investment that is capable of covering the initial expenses in a very short period of time and can generate profits in the long run. In this time of global evolvment, internet has become a necessity in every individual's life. This is a blessing that has created thousands of millionaires across…...



Holden, G. (2010). Starting an Online Business For Dummies. Torronto: Wiley Publishing Inc.

Kaplan, S. (2012). The Business Model Innovation Factory: How to Stay Relevant When The World is Changing. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.

Lynn, J. (2010). Start Your Own Freight Brokerage Business, Third Edition. New York: Jere L. Calmes.

Moschtaghi, A.-R. (2010). Permission Marketing of Infomediaries in M-Commerce Advertising. New York: Grin

Online vs Traditional Learning Online
Pages: 3 Words: 872

' This is learning as was conducted throughout history, as mentioned above. Though traditional learning is not dependent on technology, it utilizes technology in order to supplement various learning techniques. The reason traditional learning is hypothesized to be more efficient in this case is because of the fact that it can eliminate the components that may not function well in online learning, described above.
The proponents of online learning, however, argue that it is much more efficient, as students are still able to turn in assignments and ask questions, but that it enables those at a distance to still fulfill their classroom obligations and learn despite being unable to attend class in person. The opponents of such learning, however, or the advocates of traditional learning, maintain that interaction with a professor, and with other students, is actually part of learning, and that this interaction can lead to questions and thoughts, and…...


"Earn Online Distance Degrees. Accelerate Your Career." Compare Online Learning vs. Traditional Learning. Web. 09 Mar. 2012. .

"ReadWriteWeb." ReadWriteWeb. Web. 09 Mar. 2012. .

"Online vs. Traditionally-Delivered Learning." The University of West Georgia. Web. 09 Mar. 2012. .

Online Teaching Technology Advancements Have
Pages: 4 Words: 1241

In order to get the valid and complete feedback, the writer should have included both the experienced as well as novice students in this study. The reason is that experienced students may not be able to point out the real problems as compared to novice students, who are much more aware of their surrounding and notice things more. The correct approach would have been to take feedback from both the experienced as well as the new student, in order to synthesize the correct result. Choosing old student would not make this research very authenticated. One more thing that is worth point out is that social presence can be felt by student if they experience any feedback from fellow students, but in case of online education which does not contain interaction between students, so how will social presence be judged there.
The concept discussed in this article reflects the work of…...



Dewey, J. (1930). Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. New York, USA: The Macmillan Company.

Online Ed Online vs Traditional Classrooms the
Pages: 4 Words: 1042

Online Ed
Online vs. Traditional Classrooms

The Internet has provided enormous opportunities in many different areas of society, from pure information seeking to commerce to government access and a variety of other services. Even the world of education -- and especially higher education -- has been transformed by the advent of the Internet in numerous ways that support traditional classroom learning (the availability of online notes and podcast lectures, email communication, etc.) and in classrooms and learning experiences that are entirely online-based and do not require any physical classroom or direct student interaction at all. While there are many benefits to online education from both the school's and the student's perspective, there are also certain potential problems. The following pages compare online and traditional classrooms in the areas of cost, ease, and the quality of the education, comparing and contrasting the benefits and problems of the two learning methods in each area.





Carron, J. (2006). Online Learning vs. The Traditional College. Accessed 17 April 2012.

Lohr, S. (2009). Study Finds That Online Education Beats the Classroom. Accessed 17 April 2012.

Online Dating the Internet Provides Society With
Pages: 2 Words: 648

Online Dating
The internet provides society with a wide selection of things to do, people to communicate with and items to purchase. It is important to pause occasionally and examine how this invention has both helped and hindered people since its use became so widespread. The purpose of this essay is to examine how this online platform affects the practice of dating. This essay will argue that the dating rituals of past times are no longer being practiced in the same way, rather online dating has created new and dramatic effects that alter the way society is constructed.

Social activity often requires people leaving their homes and going out to meet others. This live interaction, as it still does, provides opportunities for people to perform courting and mating rituals. This live interaction gives each other an opportunity to get a good feel for what someone is like in many different ways.

Although people…...



Park, A. (2012). Does Online Dating Make It Harder to Find The One? Time, 7 Feb 2012. Retrieved from   harder-to-find-the-one/ -

Online Recruitment Began Concurrently in
Pages: 15 Words: 4226

e. lagely jobs that need definite skill-sets, tempoay ecuitment, gaduates and othe senio positions ("Online Recuitment," 2009)
3) How companies utilize these diffeent foms of ecuitment to thei advantage:

Companies ae vaying thei ecuitment paadigms to sell to an unbelievably competitive job maket. One of the method that is inceasingly being used is though Intenet Ads which ae hailed as one of the most cost effective and the by fa the most effective fom of ecuitment. Latest maket suveys eveal that almost 95% of the U.S. employees ae ecuiting candidates though the online mode. Companies will le investing close to half a million dollas with the next few yeas in ceating and upgading thei own websites and posting positions with job seach sevices. This is because online ecuitment compaatively involves less cost and is easie to manage than pint and the tunove time could be almost immediate. Statistics eveal that thee ae…...



N.A. (2009) "Lowering Corporate Recruiting Cost with e-recruitment software" Retrieved 5 April, 2009 from


Armstrong, Michael. (2006) "A handbook of human resource management practice" Kogan Page Publishers.

Arthur, Diane. (1998) "Recruiting, Interviewing, Selecting & Orienting New

Online Education Online Learning vs
Pages: 28 Words: 9159

Persistence (also called retention) is defined as remaining enrolled in the institution, presumably until degree attainment or completion. Online courses can help students achieve this, because they provide options for learning that were previously not available to them (Drennan, Kennedy, & Pisarski, 2005).
Satisfying and rewarding interactions with the formal and informal academic and social systems of the institution lead to greater integration and persistence (Tinto, 1975). However, teachers of online classes must find ways to keep their students integrated and to increase the social network that they have. Online chats and discussions can help with that, but only if the students participate in them (ichardson, 2006). If the students do not want to participate they will not, and if they are forced, this can cause them problems as well. Unpleasant or limited interactions inhibit integration and decrease the likelihood of persistence, whether online or in the traditional classroom.

Having online…...


References - Chapter Four

Addison, Joanna. (2000). Outsourcing Education, Managing Knowledge, and Strengthening Academic Communities. In Werry & Mowbray Online Communities: Commerce Community Action, and the Virtual University (175-194). Prentice Hall.

Irvine, Martin (2001). Net Knowledge: The Coming Revolution in Higher Education. Gnovis, 1(1). .

Knight, J. (1996). The Virtual Classroom. Business Education Today, Mar/Apr. pp 44-48.

Matthews, D. (1999) the Origins of Distance Education and its use in the United States. Technological Horizons in Education, 27 (1).

Online Gambling Should it Be
Pages: 12 Words: 3738

Washington Capitals hockey star Jaromir Jagr is a latest example of a star being enticed and getting involved with the gambling world. (Kyl, 2003).
The involvement that some users get with online gambling can lead to obsessive behavior and an eventual disregard or inattention to the workplace or family which could lead to domestic stress when things start to go bad, or one experiences fraud and deceit and looses a big chunk of money. It could lead to further loans and debts, financially and economically stressful situations for not only the user but his wife, kids, friends, etc. (McMillen, & Grabosky, 1998).

As a whole, the society gets influenced negatively with the increase in unemployment rates and money crimes like bank robberies out of desperation to repay debt, bankrupt citizens. Estimates show that about 1/3-1/4 of gamblers being treated in the Gamblers Anonymous survey have experienced a high unemployment phase along…...



GAO. "Internet gambling: An Overview of the Issues." United States General Accounting Office. 2002. Taken at   report assesses (1) the legal framework for Internet gambling domestically and abroad; (2) the credit card industry's policies regarding the use of credit cards to pay for Internet gambling and actions taken to restrict such usage; and (3) the views of law enforcement, banking regulators, and the credit card and gaming industries on the vulnerability of Internet gambling to money laundering. 

Goldstein, Harley J. "Online Gambling: Down to the Wire?" Marq Sports L.J. 1, 51. 1997. (contending that because cyberspace should be treated as its own legal regime, to properly regulate Internet gambling without creating an international conflict of laws, "a regulatory framework must be formed on the international level")

Herrmann, Denise Von. "The Big Gamble: The Politics of Lottery and Casino Expansion." Praeger. Westport, CT. 2002.

Keller, Bruce P. "The Game's the Same: Why Gambling in Cyberspace Violates Federal Law." Yale Law Journal. 108, 7. 1999.

Online Video Advertising Business Plan
Pages: 3 Words: 1079

An example of this is Disney's decision to make their popular television programs available via download to Apple iPod users. Figure 3 provides a forecast of the spending on Internet Downloads of TV Programs from Veronis Suhler Stevenson (2005), a well respected communications company that focuses on the online video marketplace.
Figure 3: Internet Video Downloads of Television Programs

Additional key points from the firms' research on online video advertising and downloadable television programs include the following insights:

About one in ten U.S. online consumers watches television broadcasts online.

espondents mostly were still watching as much TV on the TV as they had been, despite adding some online viewing to the mix.

Three out of four online views said their traditional TV-viewing habits haven't changed, a small percentage said it had decreased and a smaller number said it had increased.

More than two-thirds of online consumers log on daily for entertainment purposes, and 16% seek…...



Forrester Research (2005) - U.S. Online Marketing Forecast: 2005-2010 May 2, 2005. Charlene Li, Chris Carron, Jennifer Joseph, Sally M. Cohen. Forrester Research. Cambridge, MA.

Veronis Suhler Stevenson (2005) - Veronis Suhler Stevenson Communications Industry Forecast 2006-2010. New York, NY

LWC Research (2006) - Growth of Online Animation Markets. Irvine, CA May 2006

Online Stores
Pages: 3 Words: 940

Online Stores Offers Competitive Advantage
Comment by Sabina:

In an unstable economy such as our current economy every business must seek a competitive advantage. Our economy has suffered a recession in the last few years, many people have lost their jobs, families have lost their homes and disposable income has disappeared. All business must develop a strategic business plan to gain a competitive advantage, allowing them to stay in business and establish success. In this paper I will discuss how offering online services and online stores have a competitive advantage in the market.

Stores that are fully online can keep overhead cost low. Online businesses do not have to pay rent for space, and in many case they can keep cost lower without additional expenses. Store front business has many expenses such as electricity, insurance for the location and many other expenses. Online stores require fewer employees since the business is operated from…...



Edelman, D.C. (2010). Branding in Digital Age. Harvard Business Review. 88 (12) 62-69.

Edelman, D.C. (2010). Gaining an edge through digital marketing. McKinsey Quarterly. 3

Lindsay et. al . (2008). U.S. Internet -- The end of the beginning. Black Book. 1-310

Mishra, S. (2009). A conceptual framework for creating customer value in e-retailing in India. South Asian Journal of Management. 16 (4) 127-147.

Online Counseling
Pages: 4 Words: 1273

Online Therapy
Given the prevalence and permeation of digital discourse, it is not surprising that psychological counseling can now be conducted online. Online counseling provides similar sets of services to clients as in-person counseling, albeit the scope of services will be limited to the restrictions of the technology. One of the benefits of online counseling is that it permits individuals to transcend both geography and time with regards to scheduling services with professionals. Individuals in rural areas, and those with difficult schedules, stand to benefit most from online counseling. Preliminary research shows that online counseling can be effective for many disorders (Bell, 2007). However, not all psychological issues or disorders are conducive to an online counseling intervention. Online sessions have a "disinhibiting" effect that can be especially effective for cohorts with issues like social anxiety (Cook & Doyle, 2004, p. 95).

Four of the top Google hits for a search on online…...



7 Cups of Tea (n.d.). Website: 

Bell, V. (2007). Online information, extreme communities and internet therapy: Is the internet good for our mental health? Journal of Mental Health 16(4): 445-457.

BlahTherapy (n.d.). Website: 

Breakthrough (n.d.). Website:

Online Archival Repository Websites
Pages: 6 Words: 1585

Comparison of Two Archival Repositories Websites The New York State Archives website provided access to textual records, photographs government documents, artifacts, and manuscripts. The digital collection archive is mostly derived from the New York State Archives, New York State Museum, and the State Library. From the collection of information, one can access from the website it is mostly historical in nature, which makes the website highly targeted towards genealogists, historians, and K-12 students. Looking at the Florida State Archives website, it does not offer as much information as the New York State Archive, but it does provide select archival resources that have been pulled from the collections held in the State Library and Archives of Florida. The website has mainly digitized materials and information that illuminates the state's culture and history. This makes the website mostly geared towards genealogists, historians, and K-12 students. The website is quite different from the New…...



Hunter, G. S. (2015). The Archival Profession and Society. The American Archivist, 78(2), 285-287.

New York State Archives. (n.d). About New York State Archives. from  

State Archives of Florida. (n.d). About Florida Memory. from 

Online Rhetoric Online Collaboration Software
Pages: 4 Words: 1193

Logos in online communications changes because diction has changed such as in the use of slang. Words can be copied, pasted, and inserted into related documents that are then shared with the group via the online collaboration software and so words have become less sacrosanct, more a part of the common domain.
Online collaboration tools aid communication and make at-a-distance meetings possible. However, online communication has drawbacks. One major drawback with online communication is the potential for misunderstanding because of the lack of nonverbal communication cues. Unless the speaker uses video conferencing tools, his or her emotions are difficult to read. The use of emoticons does not make up for slight twitches in facial muscles, eye contact, or posture in helping viewers read the speaker. Therefore, online communication tools make the pathos part of the rhetorical equation more difficult to execute. Group members need to use creative means to convey…...



Canons of Rhetoric." Retrieved Aug 1, 2008 at

Cisco WebEx. Retrieved Aug 1, 2008 at   eParticipation. Blog retrieved Aug 1, 2008 at 

Zara, O. (2004). Managing collective intelligence: toward a new corporate governance. Axiopole. Retrieved Aug 1, 2008 at

Online Securities Trading the Combined
Pages: 6 Words: 2024

In these exceptions, which may be a one-time transfer of funds from a 401k to an IA or to a mutual fund, the financial services firms need to create ethical safeguards to ensure the confidentiality and actual funds themselves are secure. The bottom line is that the financial services firms need to create a highly secure, customized and tightly integrated series of web-based online trading applications and tools to make sure individual investors can work to attain their investment goals.
Improvements for Online Trading as a Self-Service Strategy

There are many opportunities for improvement for Web-based online trading tools, starting with even stronger security specifically on the area of inter-fund transfers and the recording of transactions. Today many of these Web-based online applications store history only for 12 months, and do not provide an audit record back three or five years of all in-account transactions. This lack of multi-year audit capability…...



AMR Research (2003) - Configuration is the Heart of Customer Fulfillment for Complex Product Manufacturers. AMR Research Report. Monday March 31, 2003. Retrieved from the Internet on April 19, 2007 at

Columbus (2001) - Defining Your Direction in Guided Selling. AMR Research Report. October, 2001. Retrieved from the Internet on April 19, 2007: 

Columbus (2002) - the Sell-Side E-Commerce Market: It's All About Integration. AMR Research Report. Monday April 1, 2002. Retrieved from the Internet on April 19, 2007:

Online Profiling the Extensive Collection
Pages: 10 Words: 2797

They worked with the FTC to define the following four Fair Information Practices, rules designed to prevent companies from abusing the information they receive through online profiling (Computer law tip of the week, 2000):
Rule 1 (Notice): A company must notify customers that it uses online profiling to track their online habits. If it collects personally identifiable information about customers, such as their names, addresses or telephone numbers, the company's website must clearly and unambiguously notify them of this fact before the company collects this information.

Rule 2 (Choice): Depending on the type of information a company collects, there must be opt-in and opt-out options. Opt-in, or obtaining the customer's permission, is required to link personally identifiable information that a company has about a customer such as name, address or telephone number with data acquired about Web surfing habits. Opt-out means that the customers have to be given the chance to…...



Arnis, D. (2000, Feburary 1). Online profiling: A threat or a benefit?.

Berman, J. (2000, May 25). Privacy online: Fair information practices in the electronic marketplace. 

Clickstream concerns.

Computer law tip of the week (2000, August 14).

" How to be a successful church in a small city"?
Words: 123

You can find information to create this thesis statement by using several different types of sources. In addition to the standard Google search for websites about the topic, there are online and offline books and magazines that deal with religious subjects. Ministry Magazine is a good source to consider, along with Enrichment Journal and Christian Standard. Liberty University's Digital Commons also provides a lot of good insight into growing small churches. Any church can be successful in a small city, as long as it provides the community with what the people need in order to feel their lives are being....

What role does business communication play in your day-to-day activities?
Words: 234

Business communication plays a significant role in day to day activities, because nearly every transaction a person engages in is a form of business. At work, business communication is more than just talking with the boss about important matters. It's also small interactions between colleagues, how you talk to customers and vendors, and non-verbal communication concerns like posture and facial expression. In an increasingly global society, proper business communication is becoming more significant. You can find information on this issue in business journals. The website provides you with access to a large number of business journals from a wide variety....

Does divorce cause juvenile delinquency?
Words: 157

According to some authors, divorce is a problem when it comes to delinquency. Others do not see a strong correlation. For example, "The variables that predict male delinquency were found to be different from those that predict female delinquency. Characteristics of the parents' marriage play an important role for boys, while misbehavior of girls is more strongly predicted by variables measuring parent-child interaction and parental control." comes from and appears to say that only boys are affected by factors in their parents' marriage when it comes to delinquency. However, this article: states that divorce is a cause of....

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