Onboarding Essays (Examples)

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Onboarding Practices
Pages: 16 Words: 4892

Onboarding Best Practices

As the procedure of recruitment progresses in most organizations, the term onboarding becomes used in human resources. The key to organizational capacity to execute policy and attain its objectives is a productive workforce. An exceedingly competitive business backdrop requires its entire workforce to perform at its best at both team and individual level. Onboarding is an intricate operation affected by numerous aspects relating to the newcomer employee and the institution. These factors include the characteristics and behaviors of an employee as well as the organizational efforts. Augmenting commitment of employees is paramount for productivity in any organizations. To achieve productivity, skills and attributes acknowledged in each novel employee requires adequate support and detailed introductory procedure. Effective onboarding is crucial to acclimation and socialization of new employees within their working place. The acclimation procedure is an accepted expansion of employee's orientation training. Advantages of productive onboarding entail maximizing novel…...



Bradt, G., & Vonnegut, M. (2009). Onboarding: How to get your new employee up to speed in half the time. Texas: John Wiley & Sons.

Bruce, A., & Montanez, S. (2012). Leaders start to finish: A road map for developing top performers. Texas: American Society for Training and Development.

Dam, N. (2007). 25 best practices in learning and talent development. New York: Lulu.com, 2007.

Hernandez, R. (2009). Strategic Human Resources Management: In Health Services Organizations. New York: Cengage Learning.

New Consultants Onboarding Program
Pages: 17 Words: 5058

Onboarding Program for New ConsultantsThis paper is my own work that I created specifically for this course and this section. All research or material I used in preparing this paper has been properly acknowledged within the assignment in accordance with academic standards for complete and accurate citation of sources.COVER MEMOTO: Mr. Anderson Green, Director of Human ResourcesFROM: (Name), Manager of TrainingDATE: October 26, 2023SUBJECT: An Effective Onboarding Program for New HiresRetaining top talent is crucial for any organization that wishes to maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace today. Failure to devise innovative ways to retain top talent places the organization at risk of incurring unnecessarily high costs in employee turnover. Available data from the Institute of Corporate Productivity shows that the cost of replacing a single employee in the US is between 90 and 200 percent of the employees annual pay (Walker-Schmidt et al., 2022). Fortunately, studies have shown…...



Bell, T. (2021). Onboarding: improving employer and employee relations. Certified Public Manager Applied Research, 2(1), 1-8.

Cordiner, S. (2017). The theory and principles of creating effective training courses: What to do before creating your course. Maintraining Pty Limited.

Kirkpatrick, J. D., & Kirkpatrick, J. K. (2016). Four levels of training evaluation. Association for Talent Development.

Recruitment Selection and Onboarding
Pages: 5 Words: 1523

Business Management
ecruitment, Selection & Onboarding

With the economy growing and hiring demands increasing, conventional methods of posting jobs and contacting candidates are losing effectiveness. ecruiters are taking ground-breaking approaches to finding talent. Even with the elevated volume of candidates in the marketplace, recruiters are most apprehensive with their ability to find qualified candidates quickly. Technology advancements and social media platforms are providing many opportunities for recruiters, which are seen as one of the most significant topics today. ecruiters and hiring managers are using technology and social media to get around conventional methods of posting jobs so they can unite with passive candidates directly (2010 ecruiting Survey esults the New Age of ecruiting, 2010).

The use of social media communication tools in business is so new that best practices are still emerging. It is no surprise that there appears to be some puzzlement among recruiters about the best ways to leverage these tools…...



2010 Recruiting Survey Results The New Age of Recruiting. (2010). Retrieved from  http://www.jcsi.net/pdf/2010_recruitment_survey.pdf 

Wright, E., & Domagalski, T. (2010). Common sense hiring. SuperVision, 71(5), 15-15-17.

Yamamura, J.H., Birk, C.A., & Cossitt, B.J. (2010). Attracting and retaining talent: The importance of first impressions. The CPA Journal, 80(4), 58-58-60.

Howard, A., & Johnson, J. (2010). If you were a tree, what kind would you be? The surprising truth about interviewing. The Catalyst, 39(2), 13-13-21.

Recruitment Selection and Onboarding
Pages: 3 Words: 998

Business- Management
ecruitment, Selection & Onboarding

Current Process

The hiring process at Proctor & Gamble, headquartered in Cincinnati, OH is a very impressive one. Procter & Gamble is a global company that provides consumer products in the areas of pharmaceuticals, cleaning supplies, personal care, and pet supplies. P&G is recognized as a leading global company and a company committed to creating a diverse workplace (Proctor & Gamble, 2011). Upholding this reputation can only be done by making sure that as a company they are recruiting, hiring and retaining the right talent. This is done by way of a process that involves recruiting, selecting and onboarding.

If one looks at P&G's career website they will find a lot of very useful information. The application process consists of many steps. The first step is to submit an application. Once the application is filled out then the applicant must fill out an assessment. P&G uses online assessments…...



2010 Recruiting Survey Results The New Age of Recruiting. (2010). Retrieved from  http://www.jcsi.net/pdf/2010_recruitment_survey.pdf 

Hiring Process. (n.d.). Retrieved from  http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/careers/PGHiringProcess.pdf 

Howard, A., & Johnson, J. (2010). If you were a tree, what kind would you be? The surprising truth about interviewing. The Catalyst, 39(2), 13-13-21.

P&G Careers. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.experiencepg.com/default.aspx

Target Audience and Stakeholders
Pages: 2 Words: 442

dissemination strategy would utilize a multifaceted approach. Onboarding in particular is an ongoing process. In many instances onboarding can take many months. Therefore a multifaceted approach towards disseminating information is warranted. The target audience is the entire clinical staff at Nightingale Home Care. The relevant stakeholders consisted of administrators, directors, finance managers, IT professionals, and front line employees. The dissemination plan will be designed to appropriately address all of the following stakeholders in a comprehensive manner.
As stated in the introduction, the dissemination plan will be comprehensive, multi-faceted plan. The plan will incorporate a video of media including print, video, electronic and verbal demonstrations. Each will be designed to impact specific stakeholders in a manner best suited for them. Directors, high level managers, and executives will be targeting using the verbal approach. One on one interactions are appropriate this regard because these individuals are key decision-makers within Nightingale Home Care.…...

Retention Strategies and Training
Pages: 2 Words: 794

Human esources
The service provided by H to the employer by contributing to the creation of strategic advantage. The H function aligns itself with the overall strategy of the organization by ensuring that the right people are in the right roles, that they are sufficiently trained to perform to expectations, and that there are an absence of issues with respect to things like safety (SHM.org, 2016).

Hiring and retention are two key areas of importance for H. Basically, an organization requires good people who can execute their roles effectively. It is not always easy -- depending on the role -- to find such people. So where H adds value with respect to strategy is by finding such people in the first place, and then putting the policies in place to retain such individuals (Mayhew, 2016).

The first practice that can be improved is the two day onboarding. You can't just blitz new employees…...



Dillon, S. (2016). The advantages of ongoing training instead of single-event training. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved October 8, 2016 from  http://work.chron.com/advantages-ongoing-training-instead-singleevent-training-6199.html 

Mayhew, R. (2016). Key recruitment and retention strategies. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved October 8, 2016 from  http://smallbusiness.chron.com/key-recruitment-retention-strategies-2534.html 

SHRM.org (2016). Strategic HRM. Society for Human Resource Management. Retrieved October 8, 2016 from https://www.shrm.org/india/hr-topics-and-strategy/strategic-hrm/Pages/default.aspx

Learning Quest Neo and On-Boarding the Critical
Pages: 8 Words: 2710

Learning Quest: Neo and on-Boarding
The critical thinking assignment module utilizes a Learning Quest. You participate explorer a quest learn New Employee Orientation (NEO) On-boarding. As explorer, search information practices utilized NEO-On-boarding programs.

Learning quest: NEO and onboarding

New employee orientation comes immediately after selection as the next process in the human resources management activities. Orientation of new employees to the organization and to their positions is essential to establish a productive and successful working relationship. The first interactions of the employee with the organization are essential to create a positive and lasting impression on the department and therefore time should be spent in planning and executing the new employee orientation activities to ensure their first days, weeks and months at work greatly improve their chance of succeeding at the position. New employee orientation goes hand in hand with on-boarding whereby the employee is taught the necessary behaviors, knowledge and skills for them…...



Akdere, M., & Schmidt, S.W. (2008). Employee Perceptions of Quality Management: Effects of Employee Orientation Training: Online Submission.

Bauer, T.N., Bodner, T., Erdogan, B., Truxillo, D.M., & Tucker, J.S. (2007). Newcomer adjustment during organizational socialization: A meta-analytic review of antecedents, outcomes and methods. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 707-721.

Bauer, T.N., & Erdogan., B. (2011). Organizational socialization: The effective onboarding of new employees. In S. Zedeck (Ed.), APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Vol 3: Maintaining, expanding, and contracting the organization, APA Handbooks in Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Drake, B.H., Meckler, M., & Stephens, D. (2002). Transitional Ethics: Responsibilities of Supervisors for Supporting Employee Development. Journal of Business Ethics, 38(1/2), 141-155.

Learning Quest Neo and On-Boarding
Pages: 9 Words: 2510

For instance, according to Mcgillicuddy (1998), "A successful new employee orientation serves not only to answer employees' fundamental questions about health insurance and other benefits, but also to begin the ongoing communications and training that helps employees succeed in their jobs" (p. 551). The intended outcomes of these programs, then, involves not only helping new hires in making the transition to the new organization but establishing a long-term relationship with them as well.
Approaches to Developing and Implementing NEO and On-Boarding Programs

One of the best approaches to developing and implementing these types of new employee orientation programs is to help new hires become self-directed in the process. Therefore, providing new employee with various resources and materials concerning the organization that can help them determine any other information they may require in order to make the orienting and socialization process more self-directed should be supplemented by the following actions on the…...



Bielski, L. (2006). Seeing the value of employees more clearly. ABA Banking Journal, 98(8),


Dubs, D. (2005). Onboarding part 1: Definition. HR Technology Discussion Board. Retrieved July 11, 2009  http://hrtech.blogspot.com/2005/07/onboarding-part-1-definition.html .

Flanagin, A.J. & Waldeck, J.H. (2004). Technology use and organizational newcomer socialization. The Journal of Business Communication, 41(2), 137-138.

Using Needs Assessments to Individualize New Hire on Boarding for Home Health Nurses
Pages: 2 Words: 924

PODCAST: Customizing the Employee Orientation Process for Optimal Benefit
Conducting employee orientations that are a good fit with the organization and with new hires is challenging. A home health agency in La Mesa, California was considering ways to address the organizational challenges of onboarding newly hired registered nurses who are positioned to serve a majority of geriatric patients in the San Diego County. For the project that is central to this discussion focused on a total of five full-time nurses who were newly hired to home health within the last six months to a year.

Sharp Home Healthcare experienced similar challenges to those described for the home health agency located in La Mesa. Specifically, the challenges that Sharp Home Healthcare needed to address included: 1) Keeping newly hired nurses interested and preventing or decreasing turnover rates; 2) properly providing a well-designed orientation program; 3) training the skills needed for the home health…...

Human Resources and Onboarding
Pages: 2 Words: 625

Human esource Management
Human resources departments play several important functions in a company. Key roles including the recruitment and retention of talent, administration of benefits, and adjudication of disputes. Increasingly, the human resources role is being viewed as strategic in nature, and can even be a source of competitive advantage in the information economy (ay, 2016). This paper will outline some of these key roles for H, and explain why they are important to exceling in the modern business environment.

The first role is with hiring/recruiting of employees. In today's business environment, knowledge is power. Workers are easy to find, but talented ones are scarce, and there is intense competition for quality workers. So one of the most important roles for H is to continue to bring good people into organizations, as this will help the organization to remain competitive and innovative, if it has the best people (Mcgrath, 2008).

Onboarding new employees…...



Himelstein, C. (2014). Why onboarding has become a strategic priority. ERE Media. Retrieved December 3, 2016 from  https://www.eremedia.com/tlnt/why-onboarding-has-become-a-strategic-priority/ 

Massad, M. (2005) Importance of a job description. Entrepreneur. Retrieved December 3, 2016 from  https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/78506 

McGrath, R. (2008). Connecting HR with competitive advantage. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved December 3, 2016 from  https://hbr.org/2008/06/connecting-hr-with-competitive 

Ray, L. (2016) How can HR become a competitive advantage for any organization? Houston Chronicle. Retrieved December 3, 2016 from  http://smallbusiness.chron.com/can-hr-become-competitive-advantage-organization-50913.html

Staffing Plan Comprehensive Staffing Plan Engineering and
Pages: 4 Words: 1363

Staffing Plan
Comprehensive Staffing Plan

Engineering and manufacturing requires many individuals who are adept at skilled labor. Additionally, there are unskilled laborers who can also be of use to a company that engineers and manufacturers goods. In a city such as this one, however, there are large challenges, such as a lack of a skilled workforce and many people who are on public assistance. College graduates and professionals are not that common, because many of them leave and move to others areas where high-tech hubs can be found. While the company in question here cannot focus its efforts on stopping that tide of workers who are leaving, there are ways in which it can reach out to and recruit people who have the skills - or are developing the skills - for which the company is looking. That can go a long way toward a company that workers want to consider…...



Anonymous (2009, June). Onboarding: A critical element in strategic talent management. (2009, June). Workforce Management, 88(7), S10. Retrieved November 28, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1785568191).

Bernthal, P. (n.d.) Calculating ROI for Selection Systems, accessed November 28, 2011 at:  http://www.ddiworld.com/DDIWorld/media/white-papers/calculating_roi_for_selection_wp_ddi.pdf?ext=.pdf 

Kluemper, DH, & Rosen, P.A. (2009). Future employment selection methods: Evaluating social networking web sites. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 24(6), 567-580. Retrieved November 28, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1871932911).

Wright, E., & Domagalski, T. (2010, May). Common sense hiring. SuperVision, 71(5), 15-17. Retrieved November 28, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2018927241).

Feldman Socialization
Pages: 3 Words: 929

They will be trained in what the employee needs to know right away. So whether this is certain functional skills or for a low-level retail job it is more likely to learn about the organizational culture, that manager will be able to convey only the needed information during this initial encounter phase.
An important component during the encounter phase is to have a series of seminars over the first few weeks -- perhaps with multiple new employees -- where the employees can receive supplemental training that reinforces what they are learning from their supervisors and from the first trainer. It is also important to have a mentor at this stage. I find that the mentor can be somebody who is in the same position, but who has been around a while and is a good representative. The role of the mentor is just to help the new recruit learn more…...



Feldman, D. (1981). The multiple socialization of organization members. The Academy of Management Review. Vol. 6 (2) 309-318.

Healthcare Professionals and Technology
Pages: 3 Words: 869

Practicum Project in Health Informatics

• This practicum thesis allows the student to work on developing informatics-based applications while also applying informatics science and skills.

• Uses technology to help streamline processes that ultimately aid in the patient experience

• Lowers costs while increasing efficiency


• Does not focus on the "human component" of technology

• Focuses on the benefits of informatics but does not take into account the costs as it relates to onboarding. People must be training on the technology; stakeholders must know how to fix problems that arise. All employees must be willing to adopt the technology.

• Does not properly take into account the threat of cyber security and its implications on training nurses. A hack may disrupt the overall application of the technology

"Preceptor Training and Nurse etention"


• Strong emphasis on a team approach as it relates to training and retention

• Use of preceptorship

• Emphasis on training programs and rotational environments





1) American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials. (2006). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Retrieved from  http://www.aacn.nche.edu/publications/position/DNPEssentials.pdf .

2) American Nurses Association. (2010). Scope and standards of practice. Silver Spring, MD: Nursebooks.org.

3) Bae, S., Mark, B., & Fried, B. (2010). Impact of nursing unit turnover on patient outcomes in hospitals. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 42(1), 40-9. doi:10.1111/j.1547-5069.2009.01319.x.

4) Baker, S. L. (2010). Nurse educator orientation: Professional development that promotes retention. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(9), 413-7. doi:10.3928/00220124-20100503-02.

Financial Decision and Budget
Pages: 3 Words: 1024

budget process, "make" or "buy" decisions, and non-financial performance measures.
The initial budget process starts with the existing budget, and the information in this budget should be verified, and reconciled against actual performance. You have to know that your starting point is accurate. The second step in the budgeting process is to determine the information flows and measures that will be used to create the budget. A budget depends on having accurate information, and this step is necessary to ensure that the information is accurate. The third step in the budgeting process is to determine a methodology that will be used. When you have an existing budget and an ongoing business, that is usually the starting point, but there are still several different choices of methodology that can be used. Choose the one that is optimal for the type of business and its situation. The final step is to make…...



Putra, L. (2014). Essential five steps on budgeting process. Accounting: Financial and Tax. Retrieved December 10, 2016 from  http://accounting-financial-tax.com/2009/02/essential-five-steps-on-budgeting-process/

Recent Trends in Human Resources
Pages: 5 Words: 1841

Training is one of the critical areas that SEIIC needs to address in order to maintain its advantages in human capital. The company has experienced turnover in recent years, and this increases the need for it to improve the talent base of those who remain. There are a number of trends in training at present that SEIIC can adopt in order to improve the training of its employees. The first is with respect to new employee training and onboarding. The learning curve is steepest for new employees, but they need to know not only critical task skills but also about the organizational culture and the soft skills that are expected of them. etention is also added through better onboarding, as the onboarding training relates to having better task clarity, which in turn allows employees to enjoy better performance.
The early stages of onboarding are said to be a critical point in…...



Bates, R., Holton, E., Seyler, D. & Carvalho, M. (2000). The role of interpersonal factors in the application of computer-based training in an industrial setting. Human Resource Development International. Vol. 3 (1) 19-42.

Hvidman, U. & Andersen, S. (2014). Impact of performance management in public and private organizations. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Vol. 24 (1) 35-58.

Melnyck, S. Bitici, U., Platts, K., Tobias, J. & Andersen, B. (2014). Is performance management and management fit for the future? Management Accounting Research. Vol. 25 (2) 173-186.

Pulakos, E., Hanson, R., Arad, S. & Moye, N. (2015). Performance management can be fixed: An on-the-job experiential learning approach for complex behavior change. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Vol. 8 (1) 51-76.

I am doing a thesis on onboarding and employee retention management and I am stuck. I do not know what to prove about them because I everything I suggest is not good enough?
Words: 340

Onboarding and employee retention management are two of the primary concerns of HR professionals because retaining qualified and competent employees should be HR’s main objective.  In fact, the ability to find competent employees, welcome them to the company in a way that encourages them to continue to pursue their career goals with the company, and provide incentives and opportunities for them in a way that increases employee loyalty actually helps reduce the potential problems that you could have from other HR issues that develop from people being unhappy in the workplace and high turnover rates.


I need a good and interesting topic for my Phd thesis, related to Human Resources . Can you suggest any?
Words: 365

Perhaps the biggest challenge when selecting a topic for a dissertation is trying to choose something unique.  You want to be able to add something new to your field, but in an area like human resources, it is not like you are likely to be creating new research.  We have noticed an increased interest in two particular aspects of human resources: globalization and aptitude testing.  Therefore, either of those broad topics would make a good jumping-off point for a thesis about human resources. 

Some topics to consider include:

  1. Fairness in HR benefits in global....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about Case Study: Summit Financial Assume you are a Human Resource Specialist employed at Summit Financial?
Words: 270

I. Introduction
A. Overview of Summit Financial and its HR challenges
B. Thesis statement: Outline of key HR recommendations for Summit Financial

II. HR Issue 1: Low Employee Engagement
A. Factors contributing to low engagement (e.g., lack of recognition, limited career growth)
B. Proposed solution: Implementing an employee recognition program and revised career development plan

III. HR Issue 2: High Employee Turnover
A. Causes of high turnover (e.g., poor onboarding, lack of training)
B. Proposed solution: Enhancing onboarding process and expanding employee training programs

IV. HR Issue 3: Poor Communication
A. Obstacles to effective communication (e.g., unclear communication channels, lack of transparency)

In conclusion, how has the Covid-19 pandemic impacted online application users\' experiences?
Words: 462

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Online Application Users' Experiences
The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted various aspects of our lives, including the way we use online applications. Here's a comprehensive analysis of its effects on users' experiences:
Increased Usage and Reliance:
The pandemic led to widespread lockdowns and social distancing measures, prompting individuals and businesses to rely heavily on online applications for communication, collaboration, and service delivery.
The number of users and the duration of app usage surged significantly, particularly for video conferencing, messaging, and e-commerce applications.
Enhanced Functionality and Features:
In response to the surge in demand, developers rapidly introduced new....

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