Oklahoma Essays (Examples)

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Oklahoma Health Oklahoma's Health Two
Pages: 3 Words: 880

educing obesity is seen as the primary goal of these efforts, but part of combating obesity is engaging in more active lifestyles and thus the educational efforts Oklahoma is planning will address both identified risk factors for diabetes. Strategies outlined that will assist in achieving the objective of reduced obesity other than through an increase in the availability and effectiveness of education include working for better policy development and implementation that directly encourages more healthy choices and behaviors, a better integration of various local programs and resources available throughout the state, and ensuring that evidence-based practices are used in medicine.

The State of the State report notes that infant mortality is higher in Oklahoma than in the rest of the country, with a lack of adequate prenatal care being a contributing factor in this issue. Healthy People 2020 addresses this issue in calling for a greater awareness of infant health…...



Healthy People 2020. (2011). Accessed 8 October 2011.  http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/default.aspx 

Oklahoma State of State Report. (2011). Accessed 8 October 2011.  

Oklahoma City Bombing and the Orlando Nightclub Attack
Pages: 8 Words: 2461

Terrorist Activity Since 9 11 Introduction
The Oklahoma City Bombing was a domestic terrorist attack perpetrated in 1995 by Timothy McVeigh—a Gulf War Veteran—and Terry Nichols, a former Army serviceman who had obtained a hardship discharge after only a year in service. The two targeted the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in retaliation for the Ruby Ridge and Waco stand-offs. More than 150 people were killed in the blast and nearly 700 more were injured (Collins, 1997). The Orlando Nightclub shooting occurred in 2016 and was committed by Omar Mateen at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Florida. Mateen was motivated to act by the killing of Abu Waheeb in Iraq and swore allegiance to the Islamic State before being shot and killed by Orlando Police after a brief standoff (Doornbos, 2016). Mateen killed 49 and wounded 53 more.
These two attacks serve as good comparison points because each contains actors who are motivated…...



Best, R. A. (2002). Intelligence to Counter Terrorism: Issues for Congress. Congressional Research Service: CRS Report for Congress.

Collins, J. (1997). Oklahoma City: The weight of evidence. Retrieved from  

Doornbos, C. (2016). Transcripts of 911 calls reveal Pulse shooter's terrorist motives. Retrieved from  https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/pulse-orlando-nightclub-shooting/os-911-calls-released-orlando-shooting-20170922-story.html 

Greenwald, G. & Hussein, M. (2018). As the trial of Omar Mateen’s wife begins, new evidence undermines beliefs about the Pulse massacre, including motive. Retrieved from  https://theintercept.com/2018/03/05/as-the-trial-of-omar-mateens-wife-begins-new-evidence-undermines-beliefs-about-the-pulse-massacre-including-motive/ 

Michel, L., & Herbeck, D. (2015). American terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma city bombing. BookBaby.


Video Review of the Musical Oklahoma in 1955
Pages: 6 Words: 1811

1955 Film Version of Oklahoma: An Evaluation
Oklahoma is a musical set in the turn of the 20th century which concerns two cowboys who spar against a malevolent ranch hand and a migratory vagrant for the union of the hearts of the women they love. The video being examined today is the 1955 film version of this very musical. The musical debuted in 1943 and was largely considered to be quite innovative for a multitude of reasons: the play integrated a range of songs with the main storyline in a harmonious and engaging fashion and also showcases a simplicity and austerity of production designs. This film version of the musical was able to present the bulk of the songs which were generally removed from the bulk of the stage presentations. There was a slight streamlining of the story which differed in a certain sense from the musical: Laurie (played by Shirley…...



Zinnemann, F. (Director). (1955). Oklahoma [Motion Picture].

Mcveigh Oklahoma City Bomber Terms Acts Violence
Pages: 4 Words: 1291

McVeigh (Oklahoma City bomber) terms acts violence, childhood background, situational factors,
Timothy McVeigh will long be remembered as the Oklahoma City bomber and as the principle culprit of the bombing of that city's Murrah Federal Building the morning of April 19, 1995. The mass media was quick to vilify the then 26-year-old as an aberration -- someone who was driven by an unprovoked pathology to commit this act that resulted in 168 dead (including approximately 20 children in an on-site day care center) and which was inexplicable. However, a prolonged analysis into the background of McVeigh from his childhood through his days in the Armed Forces to the erratic behavior he exhibited prior to the bombing of the federal building demonstrates that from a psychological perspective, there are certainly explanations for McVeigh's actions. This document attempts to examine the myriad facets of McVeigh's life through the five axes of the…...



Brown, B.L. (1999). "Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale (DSM - IV Axis V)." www.facstaff.gpc.edu / Retrieved from http://facstaff.gpc.edu/~bbrown/psyc2621/ch3/gaf.htm

No author. (2001). "Timothy McVeigh: convicted Oklahoma City bomber." CNN. Retrieved from  http://archives.cnn.com/2001/U.S./03/29/profile.mcveigh/index.html 

Linder, D.O. (2006). "The Oklahoma City Bombing & The Trial of Timothy McVeigh." www.law2umkc.edu. Retrieved from  http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/mcveigh/mcveighaccount.html 

Walsh, D. (2001). "Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh: the making of a mass murderer." International Committee of the Fourth International. Retrieved from  http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2001/04/mcve-a19.html

Songs From the Musical Oklahoma Specifically it
Pages: 2 Words: 732

songs from the musical "Oklahoma!" Specifically, it will include an analysis of "I'm Just a Girl who can't Say No." How does the song transition from the text? What does the song do for the musical? What does the words and music reveal about the character?

I'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say No" is one of the most humorous songs in the musical "Oklahoma!" In it, Ado Annie, a kind of sad character who does not seem to have much chance of catching a man, talks about how she cannot say "no" to kisses and romance. "Other girls are coy an' hard to catch / ut other girls ain't havin' any fun! / Ev'ry time I lose a wrastlin' match / I have a funny feelin' that I won!" (Oklahoma!). Annie recognizes that she may not be the most attractive of the girls, but she is a little more…...



Oklahoma!. Dir. Fred Zinnemann. Perf. Gordon MacRae, Shirley Jones, Eddie Albert, and Gloria Grahame. RKO Radio Pictures Inc., 1955.

Nursing Oklahoma Health Demographics When
Pages: 4 Words: 1154

Diabetes-related deaths are impacting Oklahoma minority groups at a disproportionate rate. For instance, the age-adjusted death rates are over 200% higher for Native Americans and over 130% higher for blacks compared to whites. Because diabetes is a risk factor for other chronic diseases especially cardiovascular disease, the total impact of diabetes on the longevity of Oklahoma citizens is even greater than what present data shows (Oklahoma Diabetes State Plan, n.d.).
In the United States, diabetes represents $491.8 billion in direct medical costs and $39.8 billion in indirect medical costs. The per capita yearly costs are about $10,882. Applying this figure to the anticipated number of persons with diagnosed diabetes in Oklahoma, the cost attributable to diabetes in Oklahoma is thought to be $1.8 billion. The economic burden of diabetes in Oklahoma is widespread (Oklahoma Diabetes State Plan, n.d.). Diabetes affects an estimated 23.6 million people in the United States and…...



Healthy People 2020. (2011). Retrieved from  http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/default.aspx 

Heart Disease in Oklahoma. (2010). Retrieved from  

Criminal Appeals in Oklahoma
Pages: 2 Words: 853

Sullateskee V. the State of Oklahoma, No. A-14062
Facts: In 1967, Gladys Juanita Sullateskee was charged in Oklahoma Municipal Court with possessing a total of 556 bottles of whiskey for sale without the proper issued state permits (via the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Control Board). During the proceedings a jury trial was waived and the case was sent to a judge. He determined that Sullateskee was guilty of possession with the intent to distribute and fined her $25.00.

Sullateskee is appealing the decision based upon the fact that the prosecution failed to show the whiskey actually belonged to the defendant. This is because she was a waitress who worked at the establishment and is not the owner. She argues that intent is not the same as actually conducting the crimes she is charged with. During the trial, the prosecution had only one witness who was the investigating officer. He testified that Sullateskee was…...



Sullateskee V. the State of Oklahoma. (1967). E Cases. Retrieved from:  http://www.ecases.us/case/oklacrimapp/1391482/sullateskee-v-state 

US Liquor Law. (2015). Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Fletcher, G. (2005). American Law. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

How Oklahoma is improving its healthcare'systems and outcomes
Pages: 3 Words: 969

Discuss state initiatives to address concerning health problems: how public resources are utilized to improve population outcomes. Healthcare, over the past decade has become a very contentious and polarizing issue with the United States. For one, populations are now becoming much older. As these populations are living longer, they often require a larger number of social benefits and healthcare. The strong demand for healthcare related services has helped to fuel a rapid rise in healthcare costs throughout the United States. Currently, healthcare expenditures as a percentage of GDP are roughly 18% or roughly $3.8 trillion. On a per capita basis, this is roughly $11,582 per person. Even more alarming is that these trends of increasing costs show no signs of abating. In 2020, healthcare cost rose 4.6% well more than the overall GDP growth of the country which has historically be 2% to 3%. By the year 2030, some healthcare…...


References1. DeVol R. & Bedroussian A. (October 2007). An unhealthy America: The economic burden of chronic disease. Milken Institute. Santa Monica: CA. Retrieved from  Jamal A., Agaku I.T., O’Connor E., King B.A., Kenemer J.B., & Neff L. (November 2014). Current cigarette smoking among adults — United States, 2005–2013. Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report, 63(47), 1108- 1112. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pdf/ wk/mm6347.pdf3. Lang A. & Blair M. (September 2014). New report finds adult obesity rates increased in six states [press release]. Retrieved from http://healthyamericans. org/newsroom/releases/?releaseid=313http://www.milkeninstitute.org/publications/ view/3212.

Race in Lawton Oklahoma the
Pages: 5 Words: 1692

I also become more aware of the beauty that I have within myself. The story is further inspiring to me, because I identify with Ms. Chavez as a result of her Mexican origin. Obviously she has come to America in pursuit of a dream. he has fulfilled her American dream many times over. I can only hope to do the same with my life.
Another encouraging and gratifying factor in this story is the validation of my own views regarding Lawton. It is a city of truly equal opportunities for whomever chooses to take them. It seems like literally anyone can achieve anything. Furthermore, I find it very encouraging that both the media and government institutions support and openly report the success of efforts such as those by Ms. Chavez. As a White-Mexican female, this makes me aware that, while all cultures are beautiful and should be promoted in their…...



City of Lawton, Oklahoma. (2007). "History." http://www.cityof.lawton.ok.us/history.htm

City Policy." http://www.cityof.lawton.ok.us/CityCode/Lawton_City_Code/Chapter_13/1/101.html

City Profile" http://www.cityof.lawton.ok.us/About_Lawton.htm

Lee, Ann Dee. (2006, Nov. 1). "News Release: Isidra Chavez to receive Governor's Arts Award." Oklahoma Arts Council News.  http://www.ok.gov/~arts/news/2006/1101GAAChavez.html

Local Farmer Producers Growers One Oklahoma City
Pages: 2 Words: 592

local farmer / producers/growers. One Oklahoma City state United States. Please make crops markets include horticulture crops. Inform.informations include limited: Growers / names, farm enterprise, crops grown, acres.
Two different small farmers

Crestview Farms is a certified organic farm that grows a wide range of vegetables, fruits, and herbs. The farm is operational year 'round. Crestview places a strong emphasis on seasonal produce, although it does grow some of its produce in its greenhouse and hoophouse to allow the farm to offer food to customers twelve months a year, even during the dead of winter. Currently, the farm is offering potatoes, onions, garlic, shallots, and herbs and lettuce (the majority of which are cold-weather crops). Throughout different times of the year, it also sells tomatoes, peppers, other herbs, broccoli, squash, cabbage, beans, and many other varieties of vegetables.

All produce is grown without synthetic chemicals and no GMOs are allowed. The farm…...



Crestview, Inc. Farms. Official Homepage. Retrieved:


Paradise Farms. Official Homepage. Retrieved:


Oklahoma Senate Bill 674 Telemedicine
Pages: 4 Words: 1255

HEALTHCAE BILLS: OKLAHOMA SENATE BILL 674-TELEMEDICINEHealthcare BillsOklahoma Senate Bill 674-TelemedicineTo start with, it would be prudent to note that many industries have had to adapt their way of functioning owing to the new realities triggered by COVID-19 pandemic. Amongst other things, the Covid-19 pandemic led to government mandates including the imposition of lockdowns and limitation of face-to-face interactions to avoid the spread of the virus. Industries that offer face-to face services, including healthcare, have been impacted by the spread of the said pandemic (Lee and Lee, 2021). For this reason, the said industries have been forced to adapt new digital functions so as to replace face-to-face interaction. As a result, new and existing digital functions have improved significantly. One of the digital applications that has been adapted in this new era happens to be telehealth/telemedicine (Lee and Lee, 2021).Many states, organizations, and private clinics have integrated telehealth medicine in their…...


ReferencesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, June 10). Using telehealth to expand access to essential health services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fair and equal access to telehealth services. (2021, February). https://www.healthymindspolicy.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/SB674-Infosheet.pdf. Lee, S. M., & Lee, D. (2021). Opportunities and challenges for contactless healthcare services in the post-COVID-19 Era. Technological forecasting and social change, 167, 120712.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120712 Measure providing telehealth parity signed into law. Oklahoma Senate. (2021, May 6).  https://oksenate.gov/press-releases/measure-providing-telehealth-parity-signed-law . Senate Bill (SB) 674, 58th Legislature, 1st Session, (OK, 2021).  http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2021-22%20INT/SB/SB674%20INT.PDFhttps://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/telehealth.html.

Pay Structure Southeastern Oklahoma State University Is
Pages: 1 Words: 338

Pay Structure:
Southeastern Oklahoma State University is a growing university that has been characterized with professor and employee turnover rate. Since the rate is becoming a major concern, the institution is currently working on their pay structure in order to overcome this challenge. Notably, one of the major concerns for the institution is whether to conduct a survey when developing the pay structure. The need for conducting a survey is a crucial concern for the institution given that every organization must develop its own pay policy line, which is a trend line that best represents the value of jobs that are considered to have specific worth (Henderson, 2006, p.266).

Similar to many organizations, Southeastern Oklahoma State University should conduct a survey since the procedure for establishing a trend line or pay policy involves identifying the market rates for various benchmark jobs that cater for…...



"Developing a Competitive Pay Structure." (n.d.). Fox Lawson & Associates LLC. Retrieved

November 11, 2013, from  http://bookstore.icma.org/freedocs/mlgs/foxlawsonarticle.pdf 

Henderson, R.I. (2006). Designing a Base Pay Structure. In Compensation management in a knowledge-based world (10th ed., Chapter 11, pp.264-293). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Mcveigh Oklahoma City Bomber Terms Acts Violence
Pages: 4 Words: 1267

McVeigh (Oklahoma City bomber) terms acts violence, childhood background, situational factors,
In the last several years, there has been a significant degree of research into the nature of homosexuality. Traditionally, homosexuality was regarded as a preference and a mere by-product of an individual's nurturing. However, a bevy of research has been produced in the past decade that alludes to the fact that there may be biological, social, as well as psychological or cognitive processes that significantly affect an individual's proclivity towards sexual orientation. Although there has yet to be a conclusive determinant for the specific psychological processes that possibly affect an individual's sexual orientation, the bulk of research points to both genetic and biological processes that may affect the psychological perceptions of gender and attraction. An examination of the articles within this document reveals that there is more evidence that supports biological factors affecting the psychology involved in determining whether…...



Bocklandt, S. Vilain, E. (2007). "Sex differences in brain and behavior: hormones vs. genes." Advances in Genetics. 59: 245-266.

Jenkins, W.J. (2010). "Can anyone tell me why I'm gay? What research suggests regarding the origins of sexual orientation?." North American Journal of Psychology. Retrieved from http://www.freepatentsonline.com/article/North-American-Journal-Psychology/226818615.html

Kraemer, B., Noll, T., Delsignore, A., Milos, G., Schnyder, U., Hepp, U. (2006). "Finger length ratio (2D:4D) and dimensions of sexual orientation." Neuropsychobiology. 53 (4): 201-214.

LeVay, Simon. (2011). Gay, straight and the reason why: the science of sexual orientation. New York: Oxford University Press.

The History of Oklahoma
Pages: 2 Words: 564

While it may not seem like an exciting state from a distance, Oklahoma actually has a great history to it that is full of action and adventure. In Dwyer’s The Oklahomans, the history of these people comes to life. There are many stories to tell as Dwyer notes, so it is difficult to know where to begin—but as always the best place is typically at the beginning. The beginning of the story of the Oklahomans begins even before statehood was accomplished in 1907. It starts in the 19th century when the land was being used by cattle herders, farmers, settlers, and Indians who were placed there in what was then known as Indian Territory. Some of these Indians were fierce, like Quanah Parker, the warrior Comanche who killed many settlers and made the region a frightening place. However, Parker converted to Christianity later in his life, after coming into contact…...

Local Team Response Communication Hitches
Pages: 3 Words: 1340

There were incidences of the army having supplies but no requests came in for the supplies from FEMA which was supposed to be initiating that.
The lack of the CIA activation also meant there was no unified command on the ground hence the delay of the arrival of the active duty-federal troops in New Orleans. Even though there were in excess of 50,000 troops sent with resources from over 49 states, the operations did not proceed efficiently due to lack of the command from federal Northern Command, which was overseeing the large-scale deployments and operations of the active-duty military (Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, 2006:Pp11).

3. Politics and decision making process

In the event of any disaster, be it natural or an act of terrorism, there is always an attempt to politicize the process of making decisions particularly relating to the search and rescue and general response after the…...



Department of Homeland Security, (2004). Catastrophic Incidence Annex. National Response

Plan. Pp1. Retrieved October 2, 2012 from  http://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg5/cg534/nsarc/Catastrophic_Incident_Annex.pdf 

Homeland Security, (2005). Catastrophic Incident Supplement to the National Response

Plan. Retrieved October 2, 2012 from  http://publicintelligence.net/catastrophic-incident-supplement-to-the-national-response-plan/

I am preparing a speech on birth control. I am working on the speech outline and I am having writers block on what my 3 main points can be?
Words: 357

There are a few different ways that you could approach a speech about birth control.  You could focus on contraceptive and reproductive rights as basic human rights and look at the legal controversies surrounding access to birth control.  You could discuss types of birth control.  You could discuss how birth control policies impact things like teen pregnancy and teen sexual activity.  You could even discuss birth control and the religious implications of its use or widespread availability.  In other words, there are many ways that you could go.   We are providing three....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on american history. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 381

1. The impact of the Salt March on the Indian independence movement
2. The role of women in the Harlem Renaissance
3. The influence of Chinese immigrants on the development of the American railroad system
4. The forgotten history of the Mexican Repatriation during the Great Depression
5. The impact of the Stonewall Riots on the LGBTQ rights movement
6. The role of Native American code talkers during World War II
7. The history of Japanese internment camps in the United States during World War II
8. The significance of the Zoot Suit Riots in the history of civil rights in America
9. The contributions of Filipino farmworkers....

How has musical theater evolved over time to incorporate diverse styles and stories?
Words: 562

## The Evolution of Musical Theater: Embracing Diversity in Style and Story

Over centuries, musical theater has undergone a remarkable transformation, mirroring the ever-changing cultural landscape. From its humble beginnings to contemporary masterpieces, the genre has embraced a rich tapestry of styles and stories, becoming a vibrant reflection of human experiences.

Early Influences and Operatic Roots:
Musical theater traces its origins back to the Renaissance era's masques and intermezzi. These theatrical presentations combined music, dance, and dialogue to entertain courtly audiences. In the 18th century, Italian opera gained popularity, exerting significant influence on the development of early musicals.

The Rise of Ballad Opera and....

How did the Cherokee Removal shape the future of Native American tribes?
Words: 736

The Cherokee Removal, also known as the Trail of Tears, was a dark chapter in American history that had far-reaching consequences for Native American tribes, particularly the Cherokee people. The removal of the Cherokee from their ancestral lands in the southeastern United States resulted in the loss of thousands of lives, the destruction of communities, and the displacement of a proud and resilient people. The impact of this forced relocation was profound and had lasting effects on the future of Native American tribes across the country.

One of the most significant ways in which the Cherokee Removal shaped the future....

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