Oil Crisis Essays (Examples)

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Oil Crisis of 1973 Its
Pages: 33 Words: 9741

This was good for those that felt OPEC was getting too strong because these changes would have been very difficult to make had the embargo and the oil prices not become such an issue (Reid, 2004).
Many countries begin to look for alternatives to the supplies that they were getting from Arab nations and in the years immediately following the embargo many efforts would be directed at the promotion of production and exploration in areas such as Alaska and the North Sea (Reid, 2004). The energy information administration indicated that the world oil production share that was generally provided by OPEC declined by approximately 25% between the years 1973 and 1985 (Reid, 2004). In the United States, the consumption of gasoline increased between 1970 and 1973 by 15.2 billion gallons (Reid, 2004). One estimate indicated that over 90% of Americans were taking vacations in their cars and averaging over 2100…...


Works Cited

Abdalla, Hussein (1979). The Market Structure for International Oil with Special Reference to OPEC. New York: Arno Press.

Abraham, Kurt (2000). If OPEC members are cheating, why have oil prices been rising? World Oil 221 (4) April.

Adelman, M.A. (1982a). OPEC as a Cartel. In J. Griffin and D. Teece et al., eds., OPEC Behavior and World Oil Prices. London: Allen and Unwin.

Adelman, M.A. (1982b). Coping with Supply Insecurity. The Energy Journal 3(2): 1-17.

1970's Oil Crisis the 1973
Pages: 3 Words: 771

Throughout the United States, schools and offices often closed down to save on heating oil, and factories were forced to cut production and lay off workers (1973 pp).
A national speed limit of 55 miles per hour was imposed to help reduce consumption, a law that was not completely reversed until 1995 (1973 pp). Year-round Daylight Saving Time was implemented, and at 2:00AM local time on January 6, '974, clocks were advanced one hour across the nation (1973 pp). However, this move sparked much criticism because it forced many children to commute to school before sunrise (1973 pp). Thus, the clocks were turned back on the last Sunday in October as originally scheduled, and in 1975 clocks were set forward one hour at 2:00 AM on February 23 to accommodate the children (1973 pp). The pre-existing daylight-saving rules, calling for the clocks to be advanced one hour on the last…...


Works Cited

1973 oil crisis."   century of dodging meteorites." National Petroleum News. 2/1/2000.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_energy_crisis 

Reid, Keith. "1973 Oil crisis: the embargo shows both OPEC power and weakness." National Petroleum News. 8/1/2004.

Oil Dependency & Solutions Problems
Pages: 8 Words: 2337

Much oil is also used for heating, especially during winter. Therefore, new commitments toward researching, developing, and making available, on a large scale, alternative sources of heating must be made, and this time kept, as well.

To try seriously, however, to identify and describe one core "solution" to oil dependency; that is both untested and would nevertheless work, in this author's opinion, is (and especially given even the current extent of research and understanding into the gnarly depth of the problem and its myriad continuing causes) not only a fruitless exercise, but extremely naive. Instead, the answer lies in not one solution but combinations of many: starting with will; and continuing (perhaps indefinitely) with persistence, patience, personal and public sacrifice; and a loss of national hedonism; self-centeredness; arrogance, and a sense of personal and national entitlement. All of this, in combination, albeit gradually, could still, if the will were to…...


Works Cited

Bush, George W. State of the Union Speech, January 31, 2006. Retrieved December 7, 2006, from:

eBXy3XnVdAMJ: www.whitehouse.gov/stateoftheunion/+bush%27s+oil+ dependency+speech&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=1.html>

Gulf War." Wikipedia. December 3, 2006. Retrieved December 7, 2006, from: .

Hybrid Vehicle." November 28, 2006. Retrieved December 7, 2006, at  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_vehicle.html

Crisis Economics by Nouriel Roubini
Pages: 2 Words: 508

These funds are now removed from the banking system. Keep in mind that banks use every dollar on deposit to create many more dollars worth of loans, the hit to the banking system and by extension, to the money supply is something approaching 25 to 30 billion dollars. This was a global phenomenon, as the crisis arises interest rates are slashed. So hence, by 2008-2009 the Federal Reserve, Bank of England to many others have pushed interest rates close to zero. He also explains how major players like Mr. Bernake and the Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson affected the crisis and how the steps and how they have left their mark on this financial crisis. He also contends that all crisis have an ebb and flow in their severity and rarely hit once and subside. He vilifies our toxic waste method of having recourse to non-recourse government loans and in…...

Oil and Religion Europe in
Pages: 2 Words: 837

Similarly, while the arrangements made by the British lasted a relatively short timeframe, the dividing up of land necessary to mark off territory for such constitutional authorities had a more permanent effect. In Iraq, for example, the grouping of ethnic Kurds with Sunni and Shi'a Arabs within the same monarchy territory proved disastrous, as continuing ethnic strife led to the eventual dissolution of the state and the rise of events leading to the wars of the last decades of the 1900s and the first decade of 2000. The establishment of Palestine, and the subsequent favoring of Jewish immigration to the region, leading to the establishment of a Jewish state following WWII and the Holocaust, placed people of distinctly different belief systems and ethnic grudges in close proximity together (Grenville, 428-429, 431-437). This pattern of drawing up of territorial arrangements that suited the British interests rather than accounted for Arab…...



Grenville, J.A.S. (2005). History of the World from the 20th to the 21st Century (First Edition). London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

High Oil Prices and Effect on the
Pages: 4 Words: 1331

High Oil Prices and Effect on the Economy
Global oil prices have maintained a creeping trend since 2004, following the 2001 initial oil crisis (Pahl & ichter, 2009). The increase in oil prices and the expected further increase in the future pose a serious threat to the stability of the global economy. This study looks at how high oil prices affect the economies of both developed and third nations, which makes them remain vulnerable following an unstable period of fluctuating oil prices. It draws and contributes to the existing literature carried out by researchers globally. This study is based on the most recent dynamics of high oil prices and the effect on the global economy. Oil is a significant factor of production in many countries; the fluctuation of its price to a high level has a significant negative effect in the growth of global economy.

High oil prices and effect on the…...



Pahl, N., & Richter, A. (2009). Oil Price Developments - Drivers, Economic Consequences and Policy Responses. Mu-nchen: GRIN Verlag GmbH.

Ye-pez-Garcia, R.A., & Dana, J. (2012). Mitigating vulnerability to high and volatile oil prices: Power sector experience in Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, D.C: World Bank.

United Nations (2008). World economic situation and prospects 2008. New York: United Nations.

Influence of 2007 Economic Crisis on American Car Market
Pages: 88 Words: 24230

2007 Economic Crisis on American Car market
Effect of the 2008 global economic crisis on automotive industries

Crisis in the United States

Crisis in Canada

Crisis in ussia

Crisis in European markets

Crisis in Asian markets

Effects by other related crisis events

In this paper, we will review the effects of 2008 global automotive crisis. Our main focus will be on the American car manufacturers and the negative impact they suffered due to the crisis. We will also have a look at how this crisis had affected car manufacturers in other major markets around the world notably Europe, Canada and the prominent Asian markets such as China and India. Finally, we will look at some of the other factors which were important to this event namely the energy crisis since the cost of fuel is directly related to the car industry.


The automobile industry is a very important part of the global economic structure, in many of the…...



Lee, C. (2003). Financial Liberalization and Economic Crisis in Asia. New York: Routledge.

Pempel, T.J. (1999). The Politics of Asian Economic Crisis. New York: Cornell University Press.

Arestis, P. (2001). What Global Economic Crisis? New York: Palgrave.

Liou, K.T. (2002). Managing Economic Development in Asia. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Asian Currency Crisis the Objective
Pages: 8 Words: 2684

Resulting from the devaluation of China's currency was an exacerbation of problems throughout Asia.

In the summer of 1995, the reversal of the chronic weakness of the dollar resulted in the depreciation of the Japanese yen, which had been approaching an acute deflationary crisis with a steep fall in the stock market. (Makin, 2000; paraphrased)


The work of Williamson (1999) entitled: "Implications of the East Asian Crisis for Debt Management" relate that a countries debt can be viewed from four different external perspectives in terms of debt composition which include: (1) FDI; (2) Portfolio Equity; (3) Long-term loans; and (4) short-term loans. This is the ideal composition of a countries debts however the debt profile of countries in East Asia are known to profoundly differ from the foregoing profile in that they had too much short-term debt…...



Banking System Developments in the Four Asian Tigers (1997) Economic Research and Data. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. 8 Aug 1997. Online FRBSF Economic Letter. Available at  http://www.frbsf.org/econrsrch/wklyltr/el97-22.html 

Barro, Robert J. (1998) the East Asian Tigers Have Plenty to Roar About. Economic Viewpoint Business Week 27 Apr 1998. Online available at  http://www.economics.harvard.edu/faculty/barro/files/bw98_04_27.pdf 

Hughes, Christopher W. (1999) Japanese Policy and the East Asian Currency Crisis: Abject Defeat or Quiet Victory. 1999 February Online available at  http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/csgr/research/workingpapers/1999/wp2499.pdf 

Hughes, Christopher W. (1999) Japanese Policy and the East Asian Currency Crisis: Abject Defeat or Quiet Victory. CSGR Working Paper No. 24/99. February 1999. Online available at

Party's Over Oil War and
Pages: 4 Words: 1426

I think that people think what they do does not make a difference. However, if enough people do it, then it could make a difference, and make people more aware of alternatives at the same time.
I feel the current political policies, for the most part, are critically flawed and need to be radically reformed. In fact, I think many politicians have their heads in the sand over this issue, and need their attitudes totally readjusted. I just read an article online that the Nevada Legislature wants to rescind a law giving "green" builders tax breaks, because it could cost the state too much money (Bellisle). This seems extremely short sighted and backward to me. It is a time when we should be encouraging the use of alternative power and building methods, rather than rescinding tax incentives. That is just one reason I feel the current political policies are fatally…...



Bellisle, Martha. "Gibbons Threatens to Veto 'green tax break' Suspension." RenoGazetteJournal.com. 4 May 2007. 4 May 2007.

Heinberg, Richard. The Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies. Gabriola Island, BC, Canada: New Society Publishers, 2003.

Crisis Risk and Security All Play a
Pages: 8 Words: 2355

crisis, risk, and security all play a role and are linked within an organizational context. It is also important to examine the role gaming and simulation play within this phenomena. In the past, risk was established as an idea that generated academic interest not just in social sciences but in pure sciences. It also has become subject to overzealous social and political controversy. isk management has then become the main source of debate as well as theory development (Borodzicz, 2005) As risk can appear within anything from public safety, to transportation, and health, businesses must learn an effective way to manage it. Security management however, has less developed theories and debates but still plays a vital role is lessening risk and increase proper risk management. It is then crucial to understand how both play roles in the stability and safety of any organization.
In John Adam's isk at the beginning…...



Adams, J. (1995). Risk (1st ed.). London [England]: UCL Press.

Borodzicz, E. (2005). Risk, crisis and security management (1st ed.). West Sussex, England: J. Wiley & Sons.

Button, M. (2008). Doing security (1st ed.). Basingstoke [England]: Palgrave Macmillan.

Cavanagh, T., & Whiting, M. (2003). Corporate security management (1st ed.). New York: Conference Board.

Oil and Gas Industry
Pages: 3 Words: 969

structure o the global oil industry b. The structure of the global gas industry.
The integrated oil and gas companies (IOCs) are vertical, tall, or centralized structures where producers refined 100% of their production and then marketed refined products through their retail outlets. Production and distribution was downward. Today many of these IOCs combine verticality with a certain horizontalness with many spreading their tasks over various fields and involved in various simultaneous activities. They operate in many segments, whilst also buying and selling oil and gas to and from other firms. The companies are therefore centralized around a certain core management with specialists in each field clustered in tiers underneath.

The vertical structure denotes uses a hierarchical structure with downward directives and management span of control where underneath tiers are controlled by and responsible to upper levels of management. Again, each of the firms demonstrate this vertical structure in diverse ways…...



Charon Advantages & Disadvantages of the Vertical Functional Organizational Structure


Inkpen, A The Global Oil and Gas Industry -- 2010. Thunderbird.

Oil Firm Industry Analysis
Pages: 9 Words: 2688

price of oil has fallen from around $120 per barrel about a year and half ago to around $50 per barrel. This has resulted in a sharp fall in revenues for all oil companies and specially the smaller companies that have a limited cash or revenue reserve. IN this condition this paper studies the possible strategies that can adopted by smaller oil companies to tide over the situation.
For this study we take the case of BNK Petroleum. The study reveals that the company expended more than three forth of its revenue of exploration which was one of the major causes of losses. It was recommended that the company should reduce its exploration expenses and look to venture into new markets of South America and Africa. To enable financing of marketing expenses in these markets, it has also been recommended that the company dilute some of its equity. To further…...



Bhar, R. and Nikolova, B. (2010). GLOBAL OIL PRICES, OIL INDUSTRY AND EQUITY RETURNS: RUSSIAN EXPERIENCE. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 57(2), pp.169-186.

Bnkpetroleum.com, (2015). Frequently Asked Questions -- BNK Petroleum Inc. -- TSE: BKX. [online] Available at:   [Accessed 17 Nov. 2015].http://www.bnkpetroleum.com/about-us/faqs?view=category&id=17 

Fine, L. (2009). The SWOT analysis. [Place of publication not identified]: Kick It.

Grant, R. and Grant, R. (2005). Contemporary strategy analysis. Malden: Blackwell.

Crisis of Islam Holy War Unholy Terror
Pages: 4 Words: 1184

Lewis' the Crisis of Islam
On page 160 of The Crisis of Islam, Bernard Lewis states, "There is no doubt that the foundation of Al-Qa'ida and the consecutive declarations of war by Usama bin Ladin marked the beginning of a new and ominous phase in the history of both Islam and terrorism." Indeed, based on the historical outline of Islam that Lewis provides, the new and ominous phase applies equally to non-Muslim cultures. The Crisis of Islam examines the origins of Islamic fundamentalism and its deadly application as terrorism. The September 11 attacks made Americans more conscious than ever about the threat of anti-American sentiment, a threat that existed far before Al-Qa'ida. In his book, Lewis offers several insights into Islam's current social and political crisis. First, the author describes the flourishing of Islamic culture, noting in particular its theocratic foundations. The theocratic foundation of Islamic culture and religion allow Islam…...


Works Cited

Lewis, Bernard. The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror. New York: The Modern Library, 2003.

Oil and Gas Industry in
Pages: 70 Words: 19369

A large body of literature has treated many different aspects of these influences on Asia, Europe and the United States (Busser & Sadoi, 2003). The importance of the study relates to the current trends taking place in Libya where aggressive steps have been taken in recent years to normalize relations with the international community. For example, Libya opened up its programs to develop weapons of mass destruction to international scrutiny and renounced terrorism as a political tool (Libya, 2010). Moreover, the country's political leadership has been equally forthcoming in its efforts to normalize their relations with Western nations since 2003 (Libya, 2010). More recently, Libya has been removed from the U.S. State Department's list of states that sponsor terrorism in 2006 and in 2008, Libya joined the United Nations as a nonpermanent member on the UN Security Council during the 2008-2009 term (Libya, 2010).
Other signs that clearly point to…...



About us. (2010). Mobil. Retrieved from  http://www.exxonmobil.com/Corporate/about.aspx .

Al-Waha Oil Company overview. (2010). Al-Waha Oil Company. Retrieved from http://www.


Announcement of oil discovery. (2010, July). National Oil Corporation. Retrieved from  http://en.noclibya.com.ly/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1423& ;

Business Crises Evaluation
Pages: 5 Words: 1565

Crisis Management
Argenti raises many sound points regarding the proper protocol during crisis management. The bulk of chapter ten demonstrates a sound understanding of how crises unfold, and how every crisis is different. While this is true, there are still strong areas of overlap among crises. "Few circumstances test a company's reputation or competency as severely as a crisis. Whether the impact is immediate or sustained over months and years, a crisis affects stakeholders within and outside of a company" (Weiner, 2006). In such a case, clients cancel orders and cancel subscriptions. Employees start asking questions or worse, quitting. Competitors start circling like sharks and government agencies and other regulators often start knocking, with attorneys at their heel (Weiner, 2006). Given all the aggravated circumstances connected to a crisis and the variety of ways that any potential crisis could be handled, Argenti makes a continually strong and pervasive argument about how…...



Argenti. (2007). Strategic Corporate Communication. New York: Tata McGraw-Hill


Friedman, K. (2013). Dealing with the Media During a Crisis. Retrieved from bernsteincrisismanagement.com:


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