Occupational Safety Essays (Examples)

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Occupational Safety and Health
Pages: 15 Words: 7021

Occupational Health and Safety in Catering Industry in Hong Kong
Occupational Safety and Health

The incidence rate of workplace accidents in the catering industry in Hong Kong is higher than that of other sectors, even those associated with inherently high risk to workers. Despite corrective action within the catering industry, the accident rate remains stubbornly high. This research identifies causal factors in occupational accidents in catering companies and delineates effective strategies that can be emulated by catering businesses in Hong Kong in efforts to reduce their accident rates and worker injuries.

Hong Kong is known for its international cuisine and, characteristically, a high number of restaurants -- many offering catering services -- exist in the city. Yet, the polished environments of the dining areas of world-class restaurants contrast greatly with the restaurant kitchen and backroom workspaces. The catering industry in Hong Kong attains extraordinarily high rates of accidents and has, according to the…...



Bailey, K. (1994). Methods of social research, (4th ed.) New York, NY: The Free Press.

Denscombe, M. (2007). The good research guide for small-scale social research (3rd ed.). Open Up Study Skills. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill International. Retrieved http://valsci-edu.weebly.com/uploads/2/7/9/1/2791482/


Dyer, J.G, Schatz, I.M., Rosenberg, B.A., and Coleman, S.T. (2000, January). Constant comparison method: A kaleidoscope of data. The Qualitative Report, 4(1/2).

Occupational Safety and Health Act
Pages: 3 Words: 1238

It is involved in enforcing effective standards, assist and foster employers to maintain safe and healthful working conditions and to provide necessary environment for its effective enforcement, research, information, education and training in the area of occupational safety and health. By means of this Act the California workers have been guaranteed that they would have the rights to attain orientation training from the employer in relation to the workplace hazards and the rights of the labor force. They might request for the necessary information in relation to the injuries and illnesses in the workplace. Also information on hazardous substances in the workplace like material safety data records could also be requested. The workers also have the right to request the employer for taking up corrective measures and methods for avoiding hazards. (Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH))
In similar ways many states have enacted their own OSHA approved laws…...



Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)" Retrieved at   Accessed on 4 June, 2005http://www.dir.ca.gov/DOSH/WorkersPage.htm .

Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)" Retrieved at   Accessed on 4 June, 2005http://www.smartagreements.com/bltopics/Bltopi30.html .

Occupational safety and health and employability programs, practices and experiences"

Retrieved at   Accessed on 4 June, 2005http://www.arbo.nl/news/conference_docs/proceedings/GBI/sessie1/Kerklaan.pdf .

OSHA Electrical Safety Occupational Safety
Pages: 6 Words: 2245

Adoption of this practice will ensure that accidental energization of power lines from back feed electrical energy from generator. Hence this will help in safeguarding utility line workers from possible electrocution. The generators need to be turn off and allow them to cool prior to refuelling. (Occupation Safety and Health Administration, n. d.)
(ii) Power lines: Safety measure are required to be adopted from overhead and underground power lines as they carry very high voltage current. Fatal electrocution is the main impending risk as also burns and falls. The safety precautions that are required to be taken are (a) Overhead and underground power line indicators need to be looked. (b) it is important that one stays 10 feet at the minimum from overhead power lines and take for granted that they are energised. (c) Lines need to be de-energised and grounded when people are working in close proximity. (d) While…...



American Pipeline Contractors Association. (n. d.) "Tool Box Safety Topic"

Retrieved 28 April, 2012 from  http://www.americanpipeline.org/ToolBox/English/ElectricalSafety.pdf 

Chao, Elaine L; Henshaw, John L. (2002) "Controlling Electrical Hazards"- OSHA"

Retrieved 28 April, 2012 from  http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3075.pdf

Oshe the Occupational Safety and Health Act
Pages: 7 Words: 2037

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 set the stage for the creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) whose duties include the prevention of illnesses, injuries, and deaths that are work-related. The administration has produced tangible results in reducing occupational deaths and injuries by 62% and 42% respectively. The reason behind OSHA's success is down to its regular inspection of work facilities, as well as issuance of certificates and applications of fines whenever law violation takes place. OSHA takes keen interest in warehouses bearing in mind the central role they play on business supply chain. Warehouse managers must take the safety maintenance issues very seriously (HSE, 2009).

What ole Does Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Play in Warehousing Safety?

OSHA issues warehouse certifications in areas such as electrical wiring methods, forklifts, electrical system design, hazard communication, wall openings and holes, respiratory protection, exits, lockout tags, mechanical power…...



Health and Safety Executive (HSE) (2009): A Guide to Safety and Health Regulation in Great Britain. 4th edition. ISBN 978-0-7176-6319-4

Koester, Frank (April 1912). "Our Stupendous Yearly Waste: The Death Toll of Industry." The World's Work: A History of Our Time. XXIII: 713 -- 715. Retrieved 2009-07-10.

Ladou, Joseph (2006). Current Occupational & Environmental Medicine (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 0-07-144313-4.

Lebergott, Stanley (2002). "Wages and Working Conditions." In David R. Henderson (ed.). Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (1st ed.). Library of Economics and Liberty. OCLC 317650570, 50016270 and 163149563

Voluntary Protection Program Occupational Safety and Health
Pages: 2 Words: 530

Voluntary Protection Program
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has undertaken to develop a matrix that guides employers at work places that would significantly reduce their vulnerability to terrorist attacks as well as reduce the effect of the explosion if any arises hence increasing the internal security of each employee within the premises among other major policies formulated to protect employees at workplaces (Counter Terrorism, 2011).

Voluntary Protection Programs therefore works with OSHA and national Bureau of Labor Statistics in ensuring the safety of the employees at work. VPP is mandated with recognizing employers and employees within the private sector and federal agencies that have effectively implemented the safety and health management systems. They also recognize such organizations that have maintained the injury and illness rates of the employees below the average of the national Bureau of Labor Statistics (United States Department of Labor, 2013).

The VPP they work in cooperation with OSHA…...



Beverly Ford, (2012). Massachusetts workers killed, seriously injured at OSHA designated

"Model Workplaces." Retrieved February 12, 2013 from  http://necir-bu.org/investigations/model-workplaces/ 

Counter Terrorism, (2011). Community Preparedness. Retrieved February 12, 2013 from http://www.counterterrorismtraining.gov/comm/index.html

David E. & Mark A.(2012). OSHA releases report on Voluntary Protection Program.

Ergonomic Injuries Occupational Safety Has
Pages: 5 Words: 1377

However a more basic plan is to be adopted by firms with lower risk of these injuries.
OSHA provided training to employers for implementing these guidelines. These training sessions are considered even more critical for small businesses which are at a higher risk of facing such injuries. OSHA also plans to conduct regular inspections to make sure these guidelines are being adhered to. It is the responsibility of the employer to identify risk factors and make reasonable effort to remove them in order to develop a safer and healthier workplace. Development of programs to identity and remove risky patterns is what OSHA demands and expects from employers. It states clearly that: "Employers need to remain vigilant for ergonomic risks. This issue clearly is important to OSHA and will be a priority during upcoming inspections. Companies need to take steps now to identify and eliminate ergonomic hazards. At a minimum, employers…...



OSHA Issues New Plan for Reducing Ergonomic Injuries May 6, 2002. Retrieved online http://www.constructionweblinks.com/Resources/Industry_Reports__Newsletters/May_6_2002/osha.htm

Ron Wood, Ergonomic injuries and the workplace December 13, 2005. Retrieved online  http://www.thefabricator.com/Safety/Safety_Article.cfm?ID=1214 

Michael Adelizzi. OSHA's Comprehensive Plan to reduce ergonomic injuries. Retrieved online  http://www.masoncontractors.org/newsandevents/masonryheadlines/headline.php?id=20020603083700 

Adelizzi, 2002

Electromagnetic Field and its Strength
Pages: 4 Words: 1080

Investigating Factors Affecting the Strength of an Electromagnetic FieldCertain factors affect the strength of an electromagnetic field, including the coil density, the wire length, strength of the electric current, and even the metal wire and its type. This paper aims at investigating the effect of one of these factors on the entire strength of an electromagnetic field. The data would be recorded in table form, so that interpretation of the results becomes convenient. Also, the reliability and validity of the hypothesis and the selected method would be gauged for authentication of the strategy.Planning the InvestigationThe changes in the electromagnetic field would be explored by changing the coil density in the simulation. For this purpose, the following criteria are set for looking thoroughly into the changes.Research questionWhat is the effect of changes in coil density (independent variable) on the electromagnetic field (dependent variable) with the varying degree (5 to 15) and…...


Works Cited

“The Electromagnet.” Electronic Tutorials, Accessed 7 Jun. 2021.https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/electromagnetism/electromagnets.html.

Zradzinski, Patryk. “Difficulties in Applying Numerical Simulations to an Evaluation of Occupational Hazards Caused by Electromagnetic Fields.” International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, vol. 21, no. 2, Apr. 2015, pp. 213-220, DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2015.1028233

Healthcare Occupational Safety and Health
Pages: 5 Words: 1605

The penalties for being out of compliance when OSHA comes knocking should be enough to motivate any healthcare facility to devise a plan to make sure that they are in compliance with OSHA's regulations. The startling thing is that it took an initiative like NEP to wake these facilities up and get them thinking about being compliant. Since they deal with people and their well being on an everyday basis, these are things that they should have been doing all along and not just because there is an increased probability of getting into trouble by OSHA.


Harris, S. (2012). OSHA in Health Care: Out of Sight & Out of Mind? etreived from http://ohsonline.com/articles/2012/04/01/osha-in-health-care.aspx

Healthcare workers. (2012). etrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/healthcare/

New OSHA inspection initiative focuses on healthcare. (2011). etrieved from http://www.puresafety.com/public/workingwell/?p=1209#.UAa4aFJ6EM

Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA") Targets Nursing and esidential

Care Facilities. (2012). etrieved from http://www.hancocklaw.com/p/OSHA_Newsletter_212_May_H1768037.PDF

Prepare Your Facility for the National Emphasis Program (NEP). (2012).…...



Harris, S. (2012). OSHA in Health Care: Out of Sight & Out of Mind? Retreived from  http://ohsonline.com/articles/2012/04/01/osha-in-health-care.aspx 

Healthcare workers. (2012). Retrieved from  http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/healthcare/ 

New OSHA inspection initiative focuses on healthcare. (2011). Retrieved from  http://www.puresafety.com/public/workingwell/?p=1209#.UAa4aFJ6REM 

Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA") Targets Nursing and Residential

Safety Management in the United
Pages: 5 Words: 1525

Any organization that deals directly with petroleum-based products, including storage facilities, will be affected by the act. The act also provides for Area Contingency Plans in case of emergency. The Pollution Prevention Act aims to reduce pollution "through cost-effective changes in production, operation, and raw materials use," ("Pollution Prevention Act"). Recycling programs fall under the Pollution Prevention Act; therefore, organizations might be required under this law to participate in large-scale recycling programs. Moreover, the Pollution Prevention Act is designed to curb source pollution, so the act applies especially to organizations that are potential polluters. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act applies especially to storage of toxic waste. The act will pertain to employees of waste management facilities or of any organization that must dispose of its waste material in an environmentally sound and legally authorized way.
orks Cited

About EPA." 2005. Online at http://www.epa.gov/epahome/aboutepa.htm.

Clean ater Act." Online at http://www.epa.gov/region5/water/cwa.htm.

Endangered Species Act."…...


Works Cited

About EPA." 2005. Online at  http://www.epa.gov/epahome/aboutepa.htm .

Clean Water Act." Online at  http://www.epa.gov/region5/water/cwa.htm .

Endangered Species Act." Online at  http://www.epa.gov/region5/defs/html/esa.htm .

Freedom of Information Act." Online at  http://www.epa.gov/region5/defs/html/foia.htm .

Safety and Heath in it Environments Applied
Pages: 8 Words: 2533

Safety and Heath in it Environments
Applied Business esearch: The need for Safety and Health Standards in Hazardous Working Environments in the Information Technology

Businesses including IT firms are flooded with IT tools like microcomputers, photocopiers, digital surveillance tools, internet, among others. There is mounting evidence from a review of literature that in the IT work environment, especially the IT industry, present hazardous working environments to workers. Workers in these environments also undergo stress from the lack of knowledge of the tools, the lack of, or reduced human contact. Information technology tools also create electrical and fire hazards, which threaten the safety of employees. Employees also suffer from health issues like bleary-eyes from bright screens and monitors of IT tools. The research proves the need for increased safety and health measures in these environments. In the end, the research creates knowledge in the business community of the importance of increased safety and…...



Fraihat, H.M. (2003). Taxonomy and remedy of work hazards associated with office information systems. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 3(1), 127-127.

Information Resources Management Association (1994). Managing Social and Economic Change with Information Technology. Proceedings of the Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 1994. IDEA Group Publishing.

Jones, L.K. (1996). A harsh and challenging world of work: Implications for counselors. Journal of Counseling and Development: JCD, 74(5), 453-453.

Koreneff, I. And Sims-McLean, K. (2005). Excel. Glebe, NSW: Pascal Press.

Safety Plan
Pages: 4 Words: 1518

Investigations related to incidents that occur at a certain worksite, help both workers and employers recognize the dangers and health risks along with limitations of their health and safety programs. In most cases, the necessary preventive measures are identified and implemented to ensure that those incidents don't occur in the future. Investigating incidents with the aim of identifying their causes and finding preventive solutions increases productivity and the morale of the employees. This is because it shows that the employer is committed to ensure a healthy and risk free workplace. Supervisors are mostly responsible for conducting investigations on these incidents. For the investigation to be successful, the employees and managers should cooperate and work together considering that they all have different perspectives, knowledge and understanding of the incident. The team conducting the investigation should try to see beyond the incident's immediate cause. Most of the time there is the misleading…...

Safety Innovations in Mine Safety
Pages: 6 Words: 1704

On the plus side, though, the research also showed that innovations in technology, both high- and low-tech, hold enormous promise for improving miner safety by providing early warnings of impending disasters and by providing rescuers with better techniques for locating and rescuing trapped miners. In the final analysis, the technology already exists to accomplish these improvements and it remains a matter of establishing the relevant priorities at the state and federal levels to ensure that all mines are equipped with these devices before disaster strikes, and that these technologies are available for rescue efforts when the inevitable does occur. Future studies should investigate how these technologies can be deployed more cost effectively for developing nations and what steps should be taken ahead of time to ensure that these devices provide the maximum amount of protection for the investments involved.

Cooper, S., yan, J., & Sinback, M. (2003). Employment-related crimes. American…...



Cooper, S., Ryan, J., & Sinback, M. (2003). Employment-related crimes. American Criminal Law Review, 40(2), 367.

Kravitz, J.H., Kovac, J.G., & Duerr, W.H. (1994). Advances in mine emergency communications. Proceedings of the International Emergency Management and Engineering Conference, 23-26.

Mining disaster incidents and fatalities, 1900-2006. (2007). National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2007). Retrieved October 2, 2007 at  http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/statistics/disasters.htm .

Peters, C. (2006, March). The other mine disaster. Washington Monthly, 38(3), 8.

Safety and Spills Prevention
Pages: 3 Words: 1026

DHS and Plainsville In order to comply with the priorities handed down through Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Grant Programs and state mandates, Plainsville, Colorado, must address the situation of its critical rail line running through its community. The rail line is crucial for industrial use in manufacturing a hazardous material that is not manufactured anywhere else. However, the rail line is two centuries old and in need of repair. To assess the issues and risks at hand, the city has been tasked with bringing a committee of experts together that can share information on a range of issues, including: the integrity of the rail line, the prevention of a hazardous spill, the safety of the citizens, and the continuity of the neighboring town’s industry. This paper will describe ten organizations that can serve as a pool of expert opinion on these areas. It will also discuss their individual value to…...

Safety in Massachusetts Vocational School
Pages: 5 Words: 1257

children attend school every day and while they are there, their parents want them to be safe and sound. That includes when they are on the playground, lunchroom, and in the classroom. The equipment in which that the school use should be safe so that will be injured during school hours. And, when the students become older and want to attend vocational school, the equipments and machines that the school and teachers have for the classroom must be extremely safe while working with them. This is a must since when a person is in vocational school; they are working with power tools and heavy equipment while in the classroom. When it comes to safety in vocational school, there is also a health issue due to the fact that some of the machines might be a health hazard to the students and teachers.
The machines and equipment in which the Massachusetts…...

Global Leader and Safety
Pages: 2 Words: 778

Safety in Mining in Australia
The mining industry in Australia is traditionally renowned for establishing best practices that are geared towards promoting the health and safety of miners as they engage in their various activities towards improved productivity. Through the use of these best practices and safety solutions, Australia's mining sector has developed to become a global leader with regards to safety and health. According to the Australian Trade Commission (2014), the health and safety of miners in the country's mining industry has partly been attributable to the use of an effective world class regulatory and policy framework. Moreover, the Australian government collaborates with industry players and stakeholders to ensure that the mining sector is free from injuries, fatalities, and disease. Currently, the Australian government utilizes a Safety Engineering Model that has helped in dealing with unsafe acts and unsafe conditions as shown in Figure 1 below (Cliff, 2012).

Figure 1: Safety…...



Australian Trade Commission. (2014, June). Australia's Mining Health and Safety Systems. Retrieved from Australian Government website:

Cliff, D. (2012). The Management of Occupational Health and Safety in the Australian Mining Industry. Retrieved May 19, 2017, from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/6625/75fe4001b93872dfa4aed58b76b4f29875e8.pdf

Evekall, E., Gillespie, B. & Riege, L. (2008, August). Improving Safety Performance in the Australian Mining Industry Through Enhanced Reporting. Retrieved May 19, 2017, from  https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/energy-utilities-mining/pdf/safetypaper_english_final.pdf 

Joy, J. (2004). Occupational Safety Risk Management in Australian Mining. Occupational Medicine, 54(5), 311-315.

What are the common barriers to OSH implementation in SMEs according to literature?
Words: 579

Occupational safety and health (OSH) implementation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has been a growing concern due to the significant impact it has on the overall well-being of employees and the productivity of the organization. Various studies have been conducted to explore the challenges, benefits, and best practices of OSH implementation in SMEs.
One study by Dorman and Norville (2015) examined the barriers to OSH implementation in SMEs, finding that lack of resources, limited knowledge, and competing priorities were common obstacles. The study emphasized the importance of providing SMEs with tailored support and guidance to overcome these barriers and improve....

What are the common barriers to OSH implementation in SMEs according to literature?
Words: 577

Common Barriers to OSH Implementation in SMEs According to Literature
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often face unique challenges in implementing occupational safety and health (OSH) measures due to various barriers. According to extensive literature, the most prevalent obstacles include:
1. Resource Constraints:
SMEs typically have limited resources, including funding, personnel, and time. This can make it difficult to invest in OSH equipment, training, and compliance with regulations. [1]
2. Lack of Awareness and Knowledge:
Many SME owners and employees lack adequate knowledge about OSH best practices and legal requirements. This can lead to complacency and resistance to implementing safety measures. [2]
3. Competing Priorities:
In the....

How can government programs better support and protect vulnerable workers in the workforce?
Words: 628

Government Programs to Support and Protect Vulnerable Workers

In the contemporary workforce, a significant proportion of individuals face various forms of vulnerability, rendering them susceptible to exploitation and economic hardship. Government programs play a crucial role in mitigating these vulnerabilities and ensuring workers' well-being. By adopting comprehensive and well-designed programs, governments can empower vulnerable workers, promote equitable opportunities, and foster a more inclusive and sustainable labor market.

1. Wage and Hour Protections:

Minimum wage laws, overtime pay regulations, and wage theft prevention measures are essential pillars of worker protection. Governments should ensure compliance with these regulations and provide robust enforcement mechanisms. This safeguards....

How did Kinder Bradley\'s case study contribute to your essay conclusion statement?
Words: 222

Kinder Bradleys case study provided a real-life example of the impact of implementing a comprehensive safety management system in a manufacturing facility. This case study demonstrated how a proactive approach to safety can lead to reduced incidents, improved employee morale, and increased productivity. As a result, it strengthened the conclusion statement of my essay, which emphasized the importance of investing in safety management systems to create a safe and productive work environment.


  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Case Studies
  • National Safety Council Research Reports
  • Journal of Safety Research Articles
  • Safety Management System Implementation Guides
  • Manufacturing Industry Safety Success....

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