Occupational Health Essays (Examples)

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Occupational Health and Safety the
Pages: 3 Words: 1148

The safe administration of therapeutic substances involves the five R's - 'Right dose', 'Right Drug', 'Right Patient', 'Right Route' and 'Right time'. [WHO, (1997)]
Attending to patient's comfort needs is one of the important nursing responsibilities. Patients may experience discomfort due to both environmental factors such as privacy requirements, lighting, noise, ventilation etc. As well as personal factors such as age, disease, surgery, stress etc. Nurses can help in many ways including helping patients change to comfortable positions in their bed, turn off lights, provide relaxation by playing music, provide emotional support by listening to patient's concerns, etc. Effective pain management is critical for improving the comfort levels of patients and in helping them to rest their bodies well. Nurses should take appropriate action to ensure optimal pain care. [arbara R. Hegner, (2004) pg 128-135]

Healthcare Ergonomics

Healthcare ergonomics is a fast developing field. The increasing number of injuries sustained by nurses…...



1) Dr. Perri Timmins & Dr. Anthony Hogan et.al (Nov 2008), 'Occupational Health

and Safety risk factors for rural and metropolitan nurses: comparative results from a national nurses survey', retrieved Sep 17th 2010, from,  http://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/4306A238-CA70-4E2E-97A6-795EC5A88128/0/NationalNursesSurvey.rtf .

2) NSW Nurses Association, (2004), 'Occupational Health and Safety Essential for Nurses', retrieved Sep 17th 2010 from, http://www.nswnurses.asn.au/multiattachments/3009/DocumentName/ohs_complete.pdf

3) NSW Government, (Oct 2009) 'Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 No 40', retrieved Sep 17th 2010 from,  http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/maintop/view/inforce/act+40+2000+cd+0+N

Occupational Health and Safety BSB41407 Certificate IV
Pages: 6 Words: 2018

Occupational Health and Safety
BSB41407 Certificate IV Occupational Health Safety BSBOHS408A: Compliance. 1. The difference OHS Act, OHS egulation COP (code practice) legal requirements workplace . 2. Sources relevant legislation. 3.

The Managing Director

Advance Waste Company

Brookvale, N.S.W.

Difference between the OHS Act, the OHS egulation and COP and legal requirements

The occupational health and safety act was passed by parliament to secure and promote health, welfare and safety of employees while at work. It also protects employees from health and safety risks in the workplace. The act provides a legislative framework allowing for standards of occupational health & safety to be set to take into account the new technology and work practices that can be used. OHS regulation is the law which must be followed by employers, workers, insurers, and manufacturers which must be met both under the legislation and regulations. They provide the general requirements of the legislation but are more in-depth. The…...



Bluff, E., Gunningham, N., & Johnstone, R. (2004). OHS Regulation for a Changing World of Work. Annandale NSW: Federation Press.

Driscoll, T., Mitchell, R., Mandryk, J., Healey, S., Hendrie, L., & Hull, B. (2003). Coverage of Work Related Fatalities in Australia by Compensation and Occupational Health and Safety Agencies. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60(3), 195-200.

Editors, C. (2009). Planning Occupational Health & Safety: CCH Australia.

Emmett, E.A. (1997). Occupational health and safety in national development -- the case of Australia. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 23(5), 325-333.

Occupational Health and Safety Workplace
Pages: 13 Words: 4960

A surprising exclusion by the OSH happens to be a certain area of paid domestic work, which is largely dominated by female workers. Several occupational safety and health standards and exposure limits to hazardous substances are founded on male populations or laboratory tests and associate in a great deal in favor of male work areas. This apart, occupational accident and diseases which are listed for compensation purposes give better coverage in case of accidents associated with work and problems related to sickness which are increasingly common among men. Therefore these concerns are required to be dealt with. The need of the hour lies in enhancing gender sensitivity is risk prevention. Gender sensitivity is associated with consideration of gender problems, variations and inequalities in strategies and actions. (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work)
The outcomes of this report as regards present research and good practice, and suggestion of global…...



Building Healthier Workplaces: Institute for Work & Health Annual Report 2001.

Retrieved at  http://www.iwh.on.ca/archive/pdfs/AR_01.pdf 

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Gender issues in safety and health at work. 2003. Retrieved at  http://osha.europa.eu/publications/reports/209?set_language=en 

Forastieri, Valentina. Information note on women workers and gender issues on occupational safety and health. International Labour Office. 2000. Retrieved at  http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/safework/gender/womenwk.htm

Occupational Health and Safety There
Pages: 14 Words: 4258

Combined with the human development index these studies showed that using parameters that affect the standards like education, longevity, and standard of living it is possible to predict the environmental health factors, and find the actual health indicators. (Corvalan; Briggs; Zielhuis, 2000, p. 159)
The first problem is the distinguishing between health promotion and health education. Work place health actions tend to be concerned about disease prevention. So far it was up to the institutions to take care of workplace hazards. There were no proper evaluation methods. In Britain safety and health was not given any importance and this trend is changing with the claims filed by employees for damage. Today employers are more concerned with health issues, and health promotion has gone beyond occupational health promotion. (Wilkinson, 2001, p. 50) the management of risk begins with the evaluation of the risk qualitatively and quantitatively. The quantitative analysis of risks…...



Boyd, Carol. (2003) Human Resource Management and Occupational Health and Safety. Routledge. New York.

Brune, Dag; Edling, Christer. (1989) Occupational Hazard in the Health Professions. CRC Press.

Corvalan, C; Briggs, D; Zielhuis, G. (2000) Decision-Making in Environmental Health From evidence to action. E&FN Spon. London.

N.A. (1995) Occupational Hazards for Hospital Workers. MFL Occupational Health Centre, Inc.,   Date accessed 11/3/08.http://www.mflohc.mb.ca/fact_sheets_folder/hospital_work-occupational%20hazards.html .

Occupational Health and Safety Audit
Pages: 13 Words: 4541

At which point, the Howard government would begin to pass a series of amendments to the Workplace Relations Act of 1996 (Work Choices). This would change the relationship between employers and employees once more. Where, a number of new regulations were implemented to include: the formation of federal system of regulations, the creation of the Australian Fair Pay Commission (to set minimum wage standards), increasing the life of various labor contracts from a maximum of three to five years, the creation of five minimum workplace conditions, exemptions for companies with less than 101 employees from unfair dismissal laws and increased restrictions on what union activities were allowed in workplace. ("Work Choices Legislation," 2006) This is important, because it highlights a shift that is taking place, in the labor relationship between employers and employees. As far as occupational health and safety is concerned, this would change how employees would be…...

Occupational Health and Safety With
Pages: 8 Words: 2184

(Litebook, 2008)
Used in combating these symptoms is a product referred to a "Litebook." Litebook is a lighting product designed to combat shift work challenges. The report states that bright light, specifically in certain wavelengths has demonstrated in clinical research to assist the body's internal clock in the regulation of sleep patterns through the small use of 30 to 40 minutes immediately after waking in the morning. This product is stated to be used situated between 12 and 24 inches, or 30 to 60 centimeters from the face of the individual who performs shift work or those who are workers of irregular hours in order to enable the individual to "...feel more alert, energetic, and, in turn, notice an improvement in on-the-job performance." (Litebook, 2008) Also offered are Litebook glasses that block light by shielding the eyes facilitating the individual's body receipt of a signal that tells them this: "...is…...



Bjorvatn, Bjoern; Kecklund, Goeran; and Aekerstedt, Torbjoern (2001) Bright Light Facilitates Circad. Adapt. Among Night Workers at an Oil Platform. Litebook. Online available at  http://www.litebook.com/research/displayresearch.asp?id=67&type=t 

Czeisler, Charles a. (1990) Exposure to Bright Light and Dark to Treat Physio Maladaptation to Night Work. The New England Journal of Medicine. 1 Jan 1990. LITEBOOK Online available at  http://www.litebook.com/research/displayresearch.asp?id=35&type=t 

Harder, Ben (2006) Bright Lights, Big Cancer: Melatonin-Depleted Blood Spurs Tumor Growth. Science Daily Vol. 168, No. 1. 7 Jan 2006 online available at  http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20060107/bob9.asp 

Light Management for Night Shift Adaptation (2008) the GreenLIGHT System is the Optimal Tool to Enhance Nightwork Performance. Sunnex Biotechnologies. Online available at http://www.sunnexbiotech.com/shiftwork/shift%20work.html

occupational health hazards associated with chemicals
Pages: 2 Words: 740

Components of the Hazard Communication Standard Can Be Used to Identify Occupational Health Hazards Associated With Chemicals.
Uniform conditions have been stipulated by the HCS (Hazard Communication Standard) for ensuring evaluation of hazards associated with every chemical that comes into, is manufactured by, or utilized in workplaces in the United States, as well as ensuring communication of hazard information to exposed workers and concerned organizations (OSHA, 1998). Hazard communication quality hinges on workplace hazard evaluation's accurateness and adequacy. It is mandatory for chemical importers and makers to study the scientific facts and evidence available with regard to the hazards associated with chemicals they bring into the country or manufacture in their own plants. They must also report whatever facts they have discovered to their workforce and to companies distributing or utilizing their products. A downstream firm will be able to depend on assessments conducted by chemical importers or producers for establishing…...

Occupational Health Safety Risks and Hazards Identified in a Student Workplace in UK
Pages: 30 Words: 8588

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the cost of workplace injuries and disease is in excess of $20 billion dollars per year. Obviously, these figures are alarming and would suggest that Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) should be a top priority for management. However, a survey from 2011 revealed that many companies have no written OHS policy and nearly half have no formalized occupational health and safety program. A relatively high number of risks and hazards exist in the workplace, particularly within the retail industry. These include gas, fire and electrical dangers, personal security and violence, biological hazards, dangers from improper equipment handling, and exposure to hazardous substances.

Organisations can avoid falling into the trap of mere reactive approaches to OHS through proper education and personal responsibility. Employers have a responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace, properly train workers, comply with legal requirements and implement…...



HSE. Workplace health, safety and welfare. HSE Books, ISBN 978 0 7176 6277 7. Available online:   .http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg244.pdf 

Occupational Health and Safety Policies at Workplaces
Pages: 10 Words: 3084

Occupational Health and Safety Policies at Workplaces
Occupational Health and Safety Policy of Toyota

Occupational Health and Safety Management Strategies of Toyota

Organizational Structure of Toyota In elation To the Occupational Health And Safety

Working For the Safety of the Employees

Detailed Human esources Development

The paper will highlight occupational health and safety management systems being followed at Toyota Motors Corporation. Employees are the main stakeholders for any organization and it is important that the organization in order to be successful in the global bossiness and in the environment of cutthroat competition values its employees and taken into account all the daft measures that are needed by the employees working at the workplaces. The main occupational health and safety management systems being followed to Toyota will be taken into consideration along with the fact that if these policies and management systems are being advantageous for the clients, customers and employees of Toyota.

Importance of Occupational Health…...



Creighton, B., and Rozen, P. (2007). Occupational Health and Safety Law in Victoria, G- Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects Series. Edition 3. Federation Press.

Johnson, M.C., Redmon, K.W., and Mawhinney, C.T. (2001). Handbook of organizational performance: behavior analysis and management. Routledge.

Leigh, J.P. (2000). Costs of occupational injuries and illnesses. University of Michigan Press.

Rhodes, E., Warren, p. J., and Carter, R. (2006). Supply chains and total product systems: a reader Open University Reader Series. Wiley-Blackwell.

Occupational Health and Safety Specifically
Pages: 2 Words: 672

It seems like a simple step that would make the job safer and more effective at the same time.
The bill would obviously benefit employees, who could look forward to a safer work environment, and it would result in more streamlined reporting for OSHA staff. Employers could benefit too, because they would get a broader picture of their operations by including contractors and other employees on the site. They could get a much better idea of how safe their operations really are, and what improvements they need to make them even safer for all their employees. It would seem that employers might oppose the bill, because it would create more record keeping for them, and it might skew their safety records until the number of cases caught up with the increased number of reported incidents. Counting subcontractors and temporary employees in their accident reports could cause their insurance rates to…...



Greene, Gene. To direct the Secretary of Labor to revise regulations concerning the recording and reporting of occupational injuries and illnesses under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Retrieved 16 Feb. 2011 from the THOMAS Web site:  http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z-c111:H.R.242 :.

Need for Occupational Health and Safety
Pages: 3 Words: 707

Occupational Health and Safety
The objective of this study is to examine the issues surrounding the need for occupational health and safety.

Occupational health and safety specialists work conducting analysis of various types of "work environment and work procedures." (ureau of Labor Statistics, 2012, p.1) In addition, occupational health and safety specialists "inspect workplaces checking for compliance to safety, health, and environmental regulations. Occupational health and safety specialists further design programs that serve to prevent injury or disease to workers and environmental damage." (ureau of Labor Statistics, 2012, p.1)

Aims and Objectives of Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational health and safety has as its aim the following:

the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; the prevention among workers of adverse effects on health caused by their working conditions; the protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to…...



Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Occupational Health, and Safety Specialists,

on the Internet at   (visited September 11, 2012).http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/occupational-health-and-safety-specialists.htm 

Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety (2011) International Labor Organization. Retrieved from: http://actrav.itcilo.org/actrav-english/telearn/osh/intro/inmain.htm

Global strategy on occupational health for all: The way to health at work (1995) Occupational Health. World Health Organization. Retrieved from:  http://www.who.int/occupational_health/globstrategy/en/

Business Occupational Health and Safety
Pages: 4 Words: 991

Safety Meetings

New safety protocols and expectations are always buying released. To ensure that all employees are aware of the new policies and can respond appropriately, a staff meeting will be held once a month to go over new safety policies and update employees on all changes within the company. For urgent updates, department informal meetings will be utilized to give the employees notice of the changes.

Safety Awards

Employees appreciate and preform better when there are incentives for such actions. Safety should not be an exception to this rule. The safety patrol rewards program will allow a reward for those employees who consistently follow proper safety protocol. The program will have three sections: knowledge, habits, and record. The knowledge section will be multiple choice tests that employees can take on recent safety releases from the safety committee. If they receive a perfect score on the test, they get a prize, such as…...


Works Cited

Roles & Responsibilities for Occupational Health & Safety. University of Wollongong. Accessed 9 March 2012. Available from  http://staff.uow.edu.au/content/groups/public/@web/@ohs/documents/doc/uow016892.pdf 

Managing Health and Safety. Government of Southern Australia. Accessed 9 March 2012. Available from  http://www.safework.sa.gov.au/uploaded_files/gs601i.pdf 

The OHS&W Act: Your Obligations. Government of Southern Australia. Accessed 9 March 2012. Available from  http://www.safework.sa.gov.au/uploaded_files/gs7i.pdf 

Immediate Threat to Health and Safety. Government of Southern Australia. Accessed 9 March 2012. Available from  http://www.safework.sa.gov.au/uploaded_files/gs652i.pdf

Healthcare Occupational Safety and Health
Pages: 5 Words: 1605

The penalties for being out of compliance when OSHA comes knocking should be enough to motivate any healthcare facility to devise a plan to make sure that they are in compliance with OSHA's regulations. The startling thing is that it took an initiative like NEP to wake these facilities up and get them thinking about being compliant. Since they deal with people and their well being on an everyday basis, these are things that they should have been doing all along and not just because there is an increased probability of getting into trouble by OSHA.


Harris, S. (2012). OSHA in Health Care: Out of Sight & Out of Mind? etreived from http://ohsonline.com/articles/2012/04/01/osha-in-health-care.aspx

Healthcare workers. (2012). etrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/healthcare/

New OSHA inspection initiative focuses on healthcare. (2011). etrieved from http://www.puresafety.com/public/workingwell/?p=1209#.UAa4aFJ6EM

Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA") Targets Nursing and esidential

Care Facilities. (2012). etrieved from http://www.hancocklaw.com/p/OSHA_Newsletter_212_May_H1768037.PDF

Prepare Your Facility for the National Emphasis Program (NEP). (2012).…...



Harris, S. (2012). OSHA in Health Care: Out of Sight & Out of Mind? Retreived from  http://ohsonline.com/articles/2012/04/01/osha-in-health-care.aspx 

Healthcare workers. (2012). Retrieved from  http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/healthcare/ 

New OSHA inspection initiative focuses on healthcare. (2011). Retrieved from  http://www.puresafety.com/public/workingwell/?p=1209#.UAa4aFJ6REM 

Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA") Targets Nursing and Residential

Health Care in the Wake on New
Pages: 3 Words: 1147

Health Care
In the wake on new and very contentious health care reform, many firms have undergone extensive transformations. These transformations have been predicated on both cost control and quality management. In particular quality management has had a profound impact on the underlying business operations of many health care firms. For one, firms are now finding methods in which to enhance the overall patient experience while also mitigating potential loses due to negligent means. The focus on quality management has also made firms more efficient in regards to the overall delivery of service. In particular, my firm has done extensive work with reducing elderly accidents within the facility. This quality management initiative has not only reduced costs associated with accidents, but it also has enhanced the trust and patient experience of all stakeholders within the firm (Kelly, 2011).

Identify the milestone you chose in the history of quality improvement in the first…...



1) Draper, Elaine, Joseph LaDou, and Dan J. Tennenhouse. 2011. "Occupational Health Nursing and the Quest for Professional Authority," New Solutions 21, 47 -- 81

2) Kohn, L.T., Corrigan, J.M., & Donaldson, M.S. (Eds). (2000). To err is human: Building a safer health system. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

3) Kelly, D.L. (2011). Applying quality management in healthcare: A systems approach (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press

4) Lucia, Patricia R.; Otto, Tammy E.; Palmier, Patrick A. (2009). "Chapter 1

Health and Safety the Main
Pages: 13 Words: 3319

The respondents also believed that premiums should be adjusted based on an organizations willingness to introduce and enforce health and safety standards.
5. Safety representatives-these representatives serve the purpose of serving notices or organizations when breaches in safety and health standards take place.

6. Occupational Health and Rehabilitation -- a significant percentage or respondents believe that there needs to be greater access to occupational health services for employees. The respondents also believed that there should be a "new focus on the provision of rehabilitation services for injured and sick workers."

7. Financial Incentives-finally the respondents believed that employees needed financial incentives to encourage cooperation as it pertains to health and safety standards.

The HSE used all of the information gathered to create new strategies for dealing with Health and Safety issues in the workplace. One of the primary trends that developed was that of enforcement. In an effort to have the capacity to…...


Works Cited

"A strategy for workplace health and safety in Great Britain to 2010 and beyond"

"Enforcement Management Model." (2002). Health and Safety Executive

Enforcement Policy Statement. Health and Safety Executive

Environmental Health Policy Improvement Committee (20 April 2004) . Health and Safety Commission

What are the common barriers to OSH implementation in SMEs according to literature?
Words: 579

Occupational safety and health (OSH) implementation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has been a growing concern due to the significant impact it has on the overall well-being of employees and the productivity of the organization. Various studies have been conducted to explore the challenges, benefits, and best practices of OSH implementation in SMEs.
One study by Dorman and Norville (2015) examined the barriers to OSH implementation in SMEs, finding that lack of resources, limited knowledge, and competing priorities were common obstacles. The study emphasized the importance of providing SMEs with tailored support and guidance to overcome these barriers and improve....

What are the common barriers to OSH implementation in SMEs according to literature?
Words: 577

Common Barriers to OSH Implementation in SMEs According to Literature
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often face unique challenges in implementing occupational safety and health (OSH) measures due to various barriers. According to extensive literature, the most prevalent obstacles include:
1. Resource Constraints:
SMEs typically have limited resources, including funding, personnel, and time. This can make it difficult to invest in OSH equipment, training, and compliance with regulations. [1]
2. Lack of Awareness and Knowledge:
Many SME owners and employees lack adequate knowledge about OSH best practices and legal requirements. This can lead to complacency and resistance to implementing safety measures. [2]
3. Competing Priorities:
In the....

Why should we embrace the benefits of waking up early in the morning?
Words: 636

The Profound Benefits of Embracing Early Rising: A Comprehensive Guide
In the tapestry of life, the choice of when to awaken carries far-reaching implications. Embracing the benefits of waking up early in the morning unveils a wealth of advantages that can profoundly enhance our well-being, productivity, and overall happiness.
1. Enhanced Cognitive Performance:
Studies have consistently shown that waking up early can boost cognitive function. As the brain gradually awakens during the morning hours, it is at its peak for concentration, memory, and problem-solving. By starting the day with this cognitive edge, individuals can tackle their tasks with greater efficiency and clarity.
- Van....

How does occupational science contribute to understanding the impact of work on health and well-being?
Words: 644

Occupational Science and the Impact of Work on Health and Well-Being

Occupational science is an interdisciplinary field that studies the relationship between human occupation and health and well-being. It examines how people engage in meaningful activities, how those activities shape their lives, and how they impact their overall health and well-being.

Work is a significant occupation that plays a pivotal role in many people's lives. It provides financial stability, social connections, and a sense of purpose. However, work can also present challenges that can adversely affect health and well-being.

Occupational science contributes to understanding the impact of work on health and well-being by:


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