Occult films participate and can influence the direction of such discourse as a continuation and transformation of the discourse in literature regarding the occult and the literature regarding film as communication and discourse.
The occult is found is books. The occult is found in small, darkened shops off the beaten path. The occult can be hiding in plain sight as part of institutions or traditions that we make find safe, free of the occult -- a safety upon which we may take for granted, as implied by the films referenced in this paper. The occult is what is revealed when a person pulls back the proverbial curtain on reality displaying unknown yet influential powers at work. The occult tradition is one of secrecy and masking. The occult is present in everyday reality, no matter how modern or simple, as in the Name of the ose, where the occult mystery takes…...
Annaud, Jean-Jacques. (Dir.) the Name of the Rose. Perf. Sean Connery, Christian Slater, Helmut Qualtinger and Elya Baskin. Twentieth Century Fox, 1986. Film.
Bak, John S. Post/modern Dracula From Victorian Themes to Postmodern Praxis. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007. Print.
Carroll, N., & Choi, J. (ed.) (2006) Philosophy of Film and Motion Pictures: An Anthology. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA.
Coppens, Philip. "The Ninth Gate Opens." Web, 2013, Available from: 2013 April 18.http://www.philipcoppens.com/ninthgate.html .
Hundreds of thousands regularly gathered themselves into sports stadiums and historic courtyards where Hitler and other senior Nazi officials publicly proclaimed the duty of "true" German citizens to unite in national pride and issued vitriolic speeches about the manner in which the Jews had brought about the outcome of World War I and their responsibility for poisoning German society. On the eve of World War II, Hitler himself warned his nation of fanatical followers that it was "international Jewry" that was threatening the entire world, that the world was on the verge of global military conflict because of the Jews, and that it would be the Jews who reaped what they had sewn should Germany be plunged into another war.
Justifying Genocide in Practice
y the time that millions of Jews were being rounded up and incinerated by the millions throughout Europe, the German people were sufficiently indoctrinated with racial animus toward…...
mlaBy the time that millions of Jews were being rounded up and incinerated by the millions throughout Europe, the German people were sufficiently indoctrinated with racial animus toward the Jews and cultural hatred for the Slavic people that ordinary citizens were completely indifferent to the obvious evidence that their government was conducting genocide throughout the European Continent with the full intention of replicating it in Britain and the United States as soon as possible.
Initially, the Nazi hierarchy referred to the systematic imprisonment and murder of Jews only euphemistically as "resettlement in the East" and solving the "Jewish Problem." Not until 1944 when German defeat was imminent did Himmler openly refer to the murder of the Jews in a speech to several hundred German generals. By that time, Himmler was probably hoping to convey a sense of shared responsibility by eliminating any possible or plausible deniability among his Generals, presumably to motivate their renewed commitment to a failing war effort. In that regard, Himmler specifically referred to the "courage" of those capable of doing what was "necessary" and to the fact that one of the curses of greatness was having to advance over dead bodies for the good of the German people.
In retrospect, it is impossible for most German citizens not to have known exactly what was happening to the Jews in their country as many German civilians maintained into modernity. Across Germany, the Rhineland's, and Austria, German citizens witnessed (and participated in) the rampant persecution of Jews in the pre-war years, followed by the systematic (literal) removal of Jews from their shared neighborhoods. German people willingly accepted facile explanations for why their Jewish neighbors were forcibly removed from their homes, their belongings thrown in the street, and non-Jewish Germans granted their homes and apartments.
It is only through occult understanding that the forms and the archetypal images and symbols can be interpreted.
Here we see that the term unconsciousness is very similar to the Platonic ideals and forms. Another aspect that will form part of the theoretical perspective of this study is the concept of transformation. In order to understand the occult and its relationship to the forms, a process of transformation has to take place. In Platonic terms this transformation is a radical change in life, morality and ethics; while for Jung it is transformation in terms of the deeper understanding of the relation of the unconscious to the conscious mind.
Transformation also has related occult meaning and symbols such as fire. Fire is an age-old indication of change of perception and consciousness. This also refers to Jungian concepts such as the shadow. There are many other points of reference and similarity between the…...
Archetypes as Defined by Carl Jung) October 9, 2004. http://www.acs.appstate.edu/~davisct/nt/jung.html#shadow
Arnzen. M. "The Return of the Uncanny." 1977. University of Oregon. March 17, 2004. http://paradoxa.com/excerpts/3-3intro.htm
Boeree, G. Carl Jung. October 11, 2004. http://www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/jung.html
Christian Churches of God) Mysticism Chapter 1 Spreading the Babylonian Mysteries (No. B7_1). October 9, 2004. http://www.holocaustrevealed.org/english/s/B7_1.html
The ordeal could have been avoided if Rosemary would have taken more responsibility for her own health and started to act upon her inner doubts. Individual inner doubts and other impulses are also very occult in nature as they seem to appear out of nowhere in many instances. This type of hidden information is very valuable for individuals to notice and eventually master in their own practices of living life. The world is subjective in nature and if one is willing to forfeit this gift, there are others, much like Roman and Millie, who have no problem taking you and your self-hood for their own personal purposes.
The occult means hidden, not scary or creepy. Occult knowledge is creepy and scary if we are not prepared to handle the unknown. Masters of occult knowledge will certainly try to confuse others to prevent them from attaining the knowledge contained in the mysteries.…...
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Greenhorn, Sean. "I've Never Seen Rosemary's Baby." Telstar.me 16 Mar 2013. Retrieved from http://telstar.me/2013/03/16/ive-never-seen-rosemarys-baby/
Peary, Gerald. " Roman Polanski's 'Rosemary's Baby' and the Dark Side of Hollywood. Vigilant Citizen, 26, Feb 2011. Retrieved from polanskis-rosemarys-baby-and-the-dark-side-of-hollywood/http://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/roman -
Dark Spirituality as a Symbol of Female Frustration:
Voodoo Gothic and the Mill on the Floss
George Eliot's The Mill On the Floss is arguably one of the most widely read novels of the Victorian period. Although many differ as to just why this is the case, one thing is clear -- what was once a rather straightforward tragic tale, tinged with the time's popular romantic/gothic influence, has become a bastion of feminist criticism. Although many readers, especially those contemporary to the work's publication, expressed strong disappointment with the fate of Maggie -- especially at the end of the novel, the advent of feminist criticism brought many readers to begin to strongly identify with the fate, and the message, George Eliot was trying to convey. (Jacobus 62) Maggie Tulliver's representation of the tragedy of intellectual womanhood mired in the doom of repressive Victorian society -- is particularly satisfying. For these critics, they…...
mlaWorks Cited
Ashton, Rosemary. "The Mill on the Floss: A Natural History." Twayne's Masterwork Studies. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co. 1990
Byatt, A.S. "The Placing of Steven Guest." Appendix, the Mill on the Floss, Middlesex, Blays Ltd., St. Printing; Penguin Classics. 1979
Carlisle, Janice. "The Mirror in the Mill on the Floss; Toward Reading of Autobiography Discourse." Studies in the Literary Imagination. Vol 23:Issue 2. [EBSCO] Masterfile
Eliot, George, Christ, Carol T. (ed.) The Mill on the Floss: the Norton Critical Edition. Berkley: University of California Press, 1994.
Plato's Phaedo and STC's "Christabel"
In Phaedo 80ff, Socrates outlines Plato's theory of Forms, particularly attempting to prove that the eternal Forms are of divine origin. Through analogy with the living body and the dead body, Socrates in dialogue with Cebes forces his interlocutor to admit that the body-soul dualism admits to a qualitative difference between the two, and then Socrates begins to describe the separation of body and soul, such as we would describe as a ghost:
"And, my friend, we must believe that the corporeal is burdensome and heavy and earthly and visible. And such a soul is weighed down by this and is dragged back into the visible world, through fear of the invisible and of the other world, and so, as they say, it flits about the monuments and the tombs, where shadowy shapes of souls have been seen, figures of those souls which were not set free…...
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Bennett, Andrew. Romantic Poets and the Culture of Posterity. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Print.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. "Christabel." Project Gutenberg; n. pag. Web.
Frede, Dorothea. "Disintegration and Restoration: Pleasure and Pain in Plato's Philebus." In Kraut, Richard (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Plato. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Print.
Gamer, Michael. Romanticism and the Gothic: Genre, Reception and Canon Formation. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Print.
Spear of Destany
The history of civilization is full of legends and myths that have cut across cultural barriers and are nowadays some of the most well-known stories related to the old times of religion and civilization. One of these myths include, among others, the Holy Graal, the Shroud of Turin, or the Spear of Destiny, both of them linked to the life and death of Jesus Christ.
The present research provides a detailed account of the history of the Spear of Destiny, or the Holy Spear, which is considered to have been the one that eventually killed Jesus on the Cross. The accounts of this artifact is important and to some extend crucial for the history of Christianity in particular because of the role it played in the final hours of Jesus' life and, at the same time, due to the mysticism and meaning that has been attributed to it along…...
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Above Top Secret. (2014). The Spear of Destiny and Its Victims: From Jesus to Hitler . Retrieved March 14, 2014, from http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread914336/pg1
Bible Probe. (n.d.). Search for the real Holy Lance. Retrieved March 13, 2014, from http://www.bibleprobe.com/holy_lance.htm
Charney, N. (2013, Dec 21). Hitler's Hunt for the Holy Grail and the Ghent Altarpiece. Retrieved March 14, 2014, from http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/12/21/hitler-s-hunt-for-the-holy-grail-and-the-ghent-altarpiece.html
Don Schwager. (n.d. ). Daily readings and Meditation. Retrieved March 13, 2014, from The Gospel of John: a commentary & meditation: http://www.rc.net/wcc/readings/john1931.htm
On June 27, 1844, hundreds swarmed the jail and brutally murdered the Smith brothers, leading their followers to conclude that they were martyred (Sisk).
At Joseph's death, righam Young was president of the Twelve Apostles of their church and became the leader of the largest faction within (Sisk 1992). Some who separated from Young's group formed their own, called the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, under the leadership of one of the brothers of Joseph Smith. In 1846, Young's group declared that the "saints" would leave Nauvoo and they settled in Utah the following year and, for the next 20 or so years, many moved to Salt Lake Valley to join those "saints (Sisk)." The growth was so tremendous that many ascribe greater magnetism to Young than to Joseph himself in attracting followers. It is noted that the current-day Mormon Church has millions of such followers…...
Bowman, Robert N., ed. Mormonism. Christian Research Journal, 1989. http://www.mustardseed.net/html/tomormonism.html
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Joseph Smith: a Prophet of God. Intellectual Reserve, Inc., 2004. http://www.lds.org/library/display/0,4945,104-1-3-2,00.html
Griffith, Michael T. The Book of Mormon - Ancient or Modern? Could Joseph Smith Have Written the Nephrite Record? Refuting the Critics: Evidence of the Book of Mormons in Authenticity. Horizon Publishers, 1993. http://ourworld.cs.com/mikegriffith1/id108.htm
Institute for Religious Research. Translation or Divination? Mormons in Transition. Institute for Religious Research, 1999. http://www.irr.org/mit/divination.html
Eastern eligion, Eastern Mysticism, And Magic
Influence the Pop Culture in America
Eastern religion" - also alluded to in this paper as "Eastern Mysticism" and "mysticism" - and the occult, along with magic and its many off-shoots have had a considerable influence on American Pop Culture over the past few decades. Movies, books, music - all have been touched and enhanced by mysticism and its cousins. So, when referring to "Eastern religion," this paper is generally alluding to the ancient religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, and other spiritual genres.
It is also important to be clear on what "occult" truly means; it is a word that comes from the Latin occultus, meaning, literally, "hidden" or "concealed" (Merriam-Webster defines occult as "to shut off from view or exposure"). "Occult" has been equated with Satan, witchcraft, vampires, and other unseemly topics related to death and blood-letting. For this paper's purpose, the occult will be aligned with…...
Arnold, Thomas K. "Azkaban audiences do a vanishing act." USA Today 15 June
Bowles, Scott. "Cruise shows clout again with 'Collateral'." USA Today
Davy, Emma. "Harry Potter's Magic: Physics or Fiddlesticks?" Current Science 86
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In addition, both governments and churches began to grow suspicious of the group, probably because of the "organization's secrecy and liberal religious beliefs" (Watson, 2009). As a result, Portugal and France banned Freemasonry; in fact, it was a capital offense to be a Freemason in Portugal (Watson, 2009). Moreover, "Pope Clement XII forbade Catholics from becoming Freemasons on penalty of excommunication" (Watson, 2009). Feeling pressure in Europe, many Freemasons decided to flee the Old World and travel to the European colonies scattered throughout the world, most notably, America.
Influence on America
Anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of the Freemasons and American history understands that, whatever resistance the Freemasons met with in Europe was not to be found in America. The Freemasons set up lodges in Boston and Philadelphia, and some of the founding fathers, including Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. More importantly, the Freemasons are reported to have played a…...
Crowe, F. (2003). Things a Freemason should know. Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing.
Decker, E. (Unknown). Masonic rituals for the Blue Lodge. Retrieved April 14, 2009 from Saints Alive in Jesus.
Web site: http://www.saintsalive.com/freemasonry/blue_lodge/blue_lodge_index.htm
How it began. (1998). Retrieved April 13, 2009 from Grand Lodge a.F. & a.M. Of North
" James a.S. McPeek
further blames Jonson for this corruption: "No one can read this dainty song to Celia without feeling that Jonson is indecorous in putting it in the mouth of such a thoroughgoing scoundrel as Volpone."
asserts that the usual view of Jonson's use of the Catullan poem is distorted by an insufficient understanding of Catullus' carmina, which comes from critics' willingness to adhere to a conventional -- yet incorrect and incomplete -- reading of the love poem. hen Jonson created his adaptation of carmina 5, there was only one other complete translation in English of a poem by Catullus. That translation is believed to have been Sir Philip Sidney's rendering of poem 70 in Certain Sonnets, however, it was not published until 1598.
This means that Jonson's knowledge of the poem must have come from the Latin text printed in C. Val. Catulli, Albii, Tibulli, Sex. Aur. Propertii Opera omnia…...
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Alghieri, Dante Inferno. 1982. Trans. Allen Mandelbaum. New York: Bantam Dell, 2004.
Allen, Graham. Intertextuality. Routledge; First Edition, 2000. Print.
Baker, Christopher. & Harp, Richard. "Jonson' Volpone and Dante." Comparative
ather than continue the process that began in the first two books, in which the osicrucian Order first announced themselves, gave their history, and then responded to certain criticisms while making their position within Christian theology clearer, the Chymical Wedding can almost be seen as the first instance of literature written within the osicrucian tradition, rather than as part of its manifesto-like founding documents, because it does not seek to explain the history of osicrucianism, but rather explicate how the teachings and underlying beliefs of osicrucianism contribute to and alter one's interpretation of Christian scripture (Williamson 17; Dickson 760). Specifically, one can see a distinct connection between the Chymical Wedding and seventeenth-century attempts to expand Protestantism throughout Europe. The Chymical Wedding can be seen as a the most explicit attempt on the part of osicrucians and osicrucian supporters to wed the new (or newly revealed) society to the larger religious…...
Andreae, Johann. The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz. N/a: Benjamin Rowe, 2000.
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Allegory and an Explanation of the Ten Rosicrucian Grades. York Beach, Me: S. Weiser,
1985. Print.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Symbology on the itch: Unveiling Hidden Meanings in Football Imagery:
This essay would explore the subtle symbolic significance of football imagery, from club badges and mascots to the ritualistic designs of jerseys. The topic scrutinizes how history, identity, and myth are interwoven into these visual elements, often overlooked by the typical spectator.
2. The Metaphysical Side of Football: Understanding the Game Beyond hysics:
In this essay, the discussion would revolve around the non-physical components of football such as team spirit, emotional communication, and the psychological warfare between players and teams. It would analyze the esoteric factors that influence player performance and the outcome of matches.
3. Football as a Microcosm for Society: Decoding Social Dynamics:
This topic involves an inquiry into how football mirrors societal structures, relationships, and tensions. The essay would investigate football's role in reflecting and sometimes perpetuating cultural and social norms, class distinctions, and community…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Bleacher, Ceridwen. “Mystical Patterns in the Beautiful Game: An Exploration of Football Symbolism.” Journal of Esoteric Sports Studies, vol. 7, no. 2, 2019, pp. 113-129.
Gaarder, Erik. “Footballs and the Field of Life: Philosophical Undercurrents in Sport.” Metaphysics of Sports Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, 2018, pp. 45-62.Kennings, Brigid. “The Rituals of Football: Pagan Origins in Modern Sport.” Anthropological Perspectives on Sports, vol. 11, no. 1, 2017, pp. 88-104.Pennant, Roscoe. “Soccer’s Sacred Geometry: An Occult Examination of the Pitch.” Occult Football Quarterly, vol. 2, no. 3, 2020, pp. 201-215.Striker, Lance. “Emergent Complexity in Football Dynamics: A Spiritual Analysis.” Journal of Transcendent Sports Science, vol. 9, no. 3, 2021, pp. 54-69.
1985) held that municipal ordinance prohibiting fortune-telling and any related activity were in violation of Cal. Const. art. I, 2; while arrests for fortune-telling are now less frequent in California than before Azusa, they still occur. For example, in San Diego, four women belonging to the same Gypsy family were recently charged with theft by false pretense; as a precondition of being offered bail, these psychics were prohibited from engaging in fortune-telling or from being in locations of psychic activities (Weyrauch, 2001).
Certainly, there has been much skepticism concerning the reality of paranormal powers since antiquity. A number of "natural philosophers," people that would eventually be known as scientists when more organized systems of thought came into existence, disproved such claims several centuries ago (andi, 1982). For example, in 1692, a French dowsing practitioner by the name of Jacques Aymar was hired by municipal authorities to discover a murderer by…...
Abanes, R. (1998). End-time visions: The road to Armageddon? New York: Four Walls Eight Windows.
Cavendish, R. (Ed.). (1970). Man, myth & magic: An illustrated encyclopedia of the supernatural, vol. 17. New York: Marshall Cavendish Corporation.
Dodge, a.G. (1996). Psychic the science of psychical activity: A psychic's viewpoint. Education, 116(3), 387.
Drury, N. (1985). Dictionary of mysticism and the occult. San Francisco: Harper & Row.
Decision of Uncertainty
One of the important features of medicine is diagnostic testing. The companies that produce diagnostic tests are multi-billion dollar companies. Not only is the effectiveness of their tests important for their bottom line, but it is also important for the health and well-being of those who rely on the tests for their health. One such test important diagnostic test is the test for colorectal cancer known as the fecal occult blood test. When analyzing the effectiveness of such tests, we consider the sensitivity and the specificity of the test. In this case, the sensitivity of the test is the proportion of results that correctly identify people with colorectal cancer. In symbolic terms, P (testing positive | have colorectal cancer). The specificity is the proportion of tests that correctly identify those people who do not have colorectal cancer. Symbolically, it is P (testing negative | do not have…...
Niv Y, Sperber AD.(1995). Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of fecal occult blood testing (Hemoccult II) for colorectal neoplasia in symptomatic patients. Retrieved July 7, 2012 from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7485003
Sherlock Holmes is probably the most famous fictional detective in the English language. Known for his keen observational skills and ability to put together facts, Sherlock is still considered a genius detective. In fact, the ultimate detective continues to inspire mystery fans, everywhere. However, his creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle famously had a love-hate relationship with Holmes. In fact, he believed Holmes was preventing him from pursuing other characters in his writing and even killed him (and his mortal enemy, Moriarty) in a story, only to bring Holmes back to meet readers’ demands.....
Vampires: History, Legend, and Literature
1. The Origins of Vampire Myths: Exploring the Ancient Roots of Bloodsuckers
Investigate the origins of vampire lore in ancient Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome.
Discuss the historical events and beliefs that may have influenced the development of vampire myths.
Analyze the role of fear, superstition, and the unknown in shaping vampire legends.
2. Vampire Legends: A Global Perspective on Bloodthirsty Creatures
Compare and contrast vampire lore from different cultures around the world.
Examine the similarities and differences in beliefs about vampire appearance, abilities, and vulnerabilities.
Discuss the cultural significance of vampire stories and their impact on local....
1. Early detection through screenings such as colonoscopies can help identify precancerous growths or polyps in the colon before they have a chance to develop into cancer. These growths can be removed during the procedure, reducing the risk of cancer formation.
2. Regular screenings can detect colon cancer in its early stages when it is most treatable. When colon cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, the chances of successful treatment and survival are significantly higher.
3. Screening can help identify individuals who are at a higher risk for developing colon cancer due to factors such as family history or genetic predisposition.....
Early Detection and Screening Methods for Colon Cancer Prevention
Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, accounting for approximately 50,000 deaths annually. However, when detected early, colon cancer is highly treatable, with a five-year survival rate of over 90%. Regular screening and early detection methods play a crucial role in reducing the incidence and mortality of this preventable disease.
Screening Tests for Colon Cancer
A variety of screening tests are available to detect colon cancer at an early stage, including:
1. Colonoscopy: A procedure where a doctor uses a thin, flexible tube with a camera attached to....
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