Nutrition Essays (Examples)

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Nutrition the Food Service Industry
Pages: 6 Words: 1847

It is important, therefore, that the food service industry addresses these issues at the supply chain and industry economics levels. It is difficult to change the nutrition value of foods without dealing with it at the supply chain level. The inputs are critical, and it will take key industry leaders to work with major suppliers like Sysco to improve the quality of inputs. In addition there needs to be a cultural shift. There is this idea that food cannot taste good without massive amounts of added fat, sugar and salt. This is simply not true. Food can taste good with moderate amounts of these things, but there needs to be concerted effort to craft good recipes, not just crank out the easy answers. More creativity is going to be important to meeting this challenge without compromising customer interest.

Lastly, industry needs to promote new ideas such as targeted indulgence. Right now,…...


Works Cited:

Begley, S. (2012). Fat and fatter: U.S. obesity rates to soar by 2030. Reuters. Retrieved November 22, 2012 from 

Jones, J. (2012). Michelle Obama announces new school lunch nutrition guidelines. BET. Retrieved November 22, 2012 from 

Kelso, a. (2012). Restaurant industry's 2012 trends shaped by demographics, nutrition. Fast Casual. Retrieved November 22, 2012 from 

Park, a. (2012). NYC's trans fat ban worked: Fast food diners are eating healthier. Time Magazine. Retrieved November 22, 2012 from

Nutrition Health Science
Pages: 4 Words: 1447

The Digestive System

Mechanical digestion begins the process of digestion. Otherwise known as chewing, it "involves mixing, grinding, or crushing large pieces of food into small pieces" (Lab: Mechanical and chemical digestion, n.d, Chapter 38). In contrast, the process of chemical digestion occurs inside of the body within the digestive organs, "when digestive enzymes break down complex molecules, such as carbohydrates, into simple molecules, such as glucose" (Lab: Mechanical and chemical digestion, n.d, Chapter 38). When digesting a ham and cheese sandwich, first the teeth grind the sandwich mechanically. Then this is followed by the process of breaking down the food chemically within the body. While mechanical digestion is a willed activity in the sense we select the foods we eat and how much we chew, chemical digestion is not.

During the process of chemical digestion, "the parietal cells of the stomach produce HCl and secrete it primarily in response to ingested…...



Barke, Sheri. (2005). Eating for exercise & sports. College of the Canyons. Retrieved: 

The basic principles of food safety. (2006). NH Department of Health & Human Services. Retrieved: 

Carbohydrates. (2012). NIH. Retrieved:

Nutrition What Is Nutrition Good Nutrition Important
Pages: 6 Words: 1532

What is Nutrition?

Good Nutrition

Important Food Elements


enefits of Good Nutrition

Nutrition for a Healthy ody

Nutrition for a Healthy Mind

Nutrition for the Future

What is Nutrition?

The most basic definition of nutrition is "the science of how food nourishes the body." (Null) Still, nutrition is a very broad and complex subject. The food we eat must go through many changes before our bodies can use it for nutrition. Nutrition includes the physical act of eating, digesting and absorbing nutrients.

Nutrition is the process that living things take in food and use it. Plants can be nourished by air, water and sunshine. ut human beings have much more complicated needs. Our nutrition may be good or poor, depending on the food we eat.

Well-nourished persons have strong bones, muscles and teeth and healthy skin and blood. (Fuller) Poor nutrition, or malnutrition, results when a person eats too little food or the wrong…...



Shapiro Kendrick, A., Kaufmann, R. And Messenger, K.P. Healthy Young Children. National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1995.

Null, Gary. The Complete Guide to Health and Nutrition. Doubleday, 1984.

Fuller, Cook. Nutrition: Annual Editions. Dushkin, 1990.

Braverman, Eric R. The Healing Nutrients Within. Keats Publishing, Inc., 1997.

Nutrition in Pregnancy
Pages: 7 Words: 1966

Nutrition and Pregnancy: Eating ight Helps the Developing Fetus
This paper presents a detailed discussion about the importance of proper nutrition during pregnancy. The writer includes an interview with a nutritionist as well as discussion about exercise and other health aspects of pregnancy. There were seven sources used to complete this paper.


The medical community has been aware for many years that nutrition is important during pregnancy as well as supplements and exercise. The proper nutrition and supplements help the baby develop as well as keep the mother healthy during the pregnancy. Often time's expectant mothers are confused about their nutritional needs and they are unsure about exercise as well. It is important for the expectant mother to maintain a nutritionally healthy diet throughout the pregnancy as well as take the supplements prescribed to her.

When one becomes pregnant, one requires additional…...



Kerry Hillard, Table For 2/Nutrition News For Baby And One: E-ting Well., Baby Talk, 11-01-2000, pp 83.

John Davenport, A Tragic But Telling Legacy., Newsweek, 09-27-1999, pp 53.

Christopher Weems, Tips To Be Fit: Pregnancy, Exercise & Nutrition., Atlanta Inquirer, 06-29-1996, pp PG.

Author not available, PREGNANCY AND NUTRITION: 'One are what one eat' takes on specialmeaning when eatting for two.., The Dallas Morning News, 09-30-1996, pp 3C.

Nutrition Tropical Creme Desert Bars
Pages: 2 Words: 633

vanilla extract, 1 tsp. lecithin granules, appropriate preservative -- flavors to be determined. The product has no lactose, is sugar free, and with the coconut and almond milk, already has the taste of tropical drinks -- with the addition of pineapple, strawberry, mango or guava, and banana, or a combination, there would be even more tropical flavoring. The desert could be made in cups, larger containers, or with the use of a low-calorie "crust" as a tropical desert sandwich. Several permutations of "deserts" could be made, including a frozen "sorbet" version using the discarded 1/2 shells of coconuts used for processing coconut products.
Labeling -- 240 grams, 1 cup, about 2 servings

Coconut Milk

Almond Milk

Sugar Sub.*

Vanilla Extract















36 mg./1%






13 g/4%





Dietary Fiber























Calories from Fat





Splenda like product using Dextrose, maltodextrin, and sucralose.

Thus, a label for a single portion of X using our product, less flavors, would read:

Amount per serving, 240 grams, 1 cup

Calories 632




National Institute of Health, (2010). "Lactose Intolerance." NIH.GOV. Cited in: 

Scott, M. And C. Flanagan. (2007). "Ice Cream Wars: Nestle vs. Unilever." Business Week,

Cited in:

Nutrition Bariatric Surgery and Nutritional
Pages: 3 Words: 992

, 2010).
The Long Magenstrasse with pyloroplasty as functional Gastric Bypass (LMGBP) procedure is that such surgery. This surgery has been found to reduce the occurrence of side effects connected with gastric restrictive and malabsorptive surgery, particularly on quality of life and long-term nutritional insufficiency. This surgery has shown to result in significant weight loss, together with its moderate surgical risk, very low complication profile, and the satisfaction of patients. This suggests that is might be a feasible advance in bariatric surgical technique. This procedure can be employed to advantage and perhaps may be preferable to the technically more complex RYGBP, which is not without nutritional-metabolic side effects (Vassallo, 2010). The goal is to limit the nutritional deficiencies as much as possible.

In a study done by Vassallo et al. (2010), the researchers set out to confirm that patients undergoing LMGBP had safe and effective weight loss with conjunction with excellent reduction…...


Works Cited

De Luis,, D.A., et al. "Clinical Results and Nutritional Consequences of Biliopancreatic

Diversion: Three Years of Follow-Up." Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 53.3-4

(2009): 234-9. Web. 30 Jan. 2012.

Vassallo, C., et al. "The Long Magenstrasse with pyloroplasty as functional gastric bypass: 6-

Nutrition During Infancy and Toddler-Hood
Pages: 2 Words: 642

The toddler gains self-feeding skills and, thus, becomes more in control of what he or she will actually consume. So, those good nutritional habits and foods that a parent has introduced in the formative months, become even more critical to good nutrition as a toddler. If the baby has learned the tastes of good nutrition, those will continue with them as a toddler, young child, etc. And if bad nutritional habits have been developed -- for example, too much sugar -- it could affect the child's health for a lifetime.
Obesity, as we have mentioned, is an enormous problem with children. Its importance has risen dramatically over the past decade as a part of the public health issues. Besides obvious health considerations, poor nutrition leading to excess weight can lead to low self-esteem, diabetes, hypertension, and other weight-induced difficulties. However, it should be emphasized that, in toddlers, diets should not…...

Nutrition as a Means of
Pages: 15 Words: 4735

urthermore, the overall high quality nutrition intake is efficiently supported with the implementation of sustainable control policies that can help monitor the employee's regularities or irregularities in gaining nutritional knowledge and/or its application. The health programs and their impact can also be effectively measured through these control policies.

Some of the American-based companies like the L.L. Bean, the mail-order outfitters shop in reeport, NutriWork which is a consulting agency part of the Network, Inc. from Andover operating at and the Lotus Development Corporation and Xerox are all adopting the nutrition awareness programs. The L.L. Bean shop uses both online and offline sources to gather employees in huge groups and give them nutritional education as well as asks for suggestions on any nutritional upgrades and cuts that they want. NutriWork conducts conferences over a course of ten weeks whereby they highlight the benefits, needs and implementations of their nutritional programs and policies…...


Flegal, K.M., Carroll, M.D., Kuczmarski, R.J., Johnson, C.L. Overweight and obesity in the United States: Prevalence and trends, 1960-1994. International Journal of Obesity. 1998; 22:39-47.

Balch, J.F. And Balch, P.A. Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Avery Publishing Group. 1990.

Bland, J. Be present for miracles. CAM. (2005): 5(1): 36-37.

Nutrition Public Health Nutritionists Public
Pages: 4 Words: 1219

People achieving registration are known as egistered Public Health Nutritionists (PHNutr). Associate registration is also available for graduates who are in the process of gaining sufficient work experience in order to apply for full registration. The Nutrition Society is also starting to accredit degree courses in public health nutrition so that this career path can be selected from the outset (All about Careers in Nutrition UK, 2004).
With the growing number of professions, the desire for external oversight and transparent accountability has grown. Professional limitations in the health sector are under pressure from the dynamic changes in the knowledge base, changes in the organization of health and social services, and an increasingly demanding litigious consumer-oriented society that we live in. Therefore most modern professions find it necessity to be dynamic and include continuing professional development. This requires a sturdy discipline base whereby research has an organic relationship with practice. It…...



All About Careers in Nutrition UK. 2004. Viewed 1 March, 2010,

Dietitians: working to improve public health through nutrition. 2008. Viewed 1 March, 2010,

NSA Voluntary Register of Nutritionists. 2007. Viewed 2 March, 2010

Nutrition Health and Adolescence There
Pages: 7 Words: 2169

Therefore, in the light of the above views, a central part of the solution to the problems of poor nutrition in adolescence is an awareness of the problems. This is a first step in the development of any effective program.

In other words, the youth should be made more self-aware of poor nutritional habits and the importance of adequate nutritional intake and the way that these factors are often promoted through the media. This in turn would necessitate the involvement and cooperation of various other parties, including schools, parents and related organizations in the educational arena and food industry.

One of central objects of this type of program is to improve general awareness of nutritional and health issues. There could, for example, be more emphasis health education classes in schools, where nutrition is discussed in relation to the contemporary world. The cardinal aspect of this program would be a focus on a…...


Works Cited

Cheetham N. And Klindera K. The Nutritional Needs and Status of Adolescents.

26 August, 2006.

Hearne. S. et al. (2004) F. As in Fat: How obesity policies are failing in America.

Retrieved 12, February 2006 from Trust for America's health. 25 August, 2006.

Nutrition Industry
Pages: 3 Words: 1060

Nutrition Industry
A person who is qualified in all features of nutrition and fit to direct people on improving their health by diet and lifestyle alterations is called a nutritional consultant. A Nutritional Consultant is capable of assessing a person's nutritional requirements by a complete nutritional evaluation based on present lifestyle and eating habits. A proficient Nutritional Consultant realizes that each person has different nutritional requirements and is able to form an exclusive plan for each customer, based on the latest scientific principles and practical skills. Nutritional Consultants are skilled in all aspects of nutrition and are fit to give advice to people on improving their health by diet and lifestyle. We must be conscious about the matters like detoxification, holistic nutrition, physical fitness, alternative healing methods, weight loss and much more, which can modify our life. It is not that we will get the essential mechanism to become a proficient…...



"About the Profession: Dietetics" Retrieved from   Accessed on 23 February 2005 

"Dietetic Professionals are Registered Dietitians (RD) and Dietetic Technicians, Registered (DTR)" Retrieved from   Accessed on 23 February 2005 

"Nutritional consultant -- Home study program" Global College of Natural Medicine. Retrieved from Accessed on 23 February 2005

"Nutrition services: an essential component of comprehensive health programs" (2003) Journal of American Diet Association. Vol: 103; pp: 505-514. Retrieved from   Accessed on 23 February 2005 

Nutrition Obesity and Physical Activity
Pages: 13 Words: 5299

More specifically, when certain species (including homo Sapiens) consume more calories than necessary for immediate energy requirements, their digestive systems efficiently converts those excess calories into storable forms of reserve energy that are capable of being called upon in times of need (Larson-Duyff, 2005; Rinzler, 2004).
In humans, excess caloric consumption increases the amount of sugars dissolved in the blood (Larson-Duyff, 2005; Rinzler, 2004). This triggers a natural insulin response in which the pituitary signals the body to release extra insulin into the bloodstream to process the blood sugar. Many chronically overweight individuals become resistant to insulin, eventually requiring artificial insulin supplementation to maintain blood sugar levels consistent with ordinary physiological processes and to avoid onset of acute diabetic responses that are debilitating and that can be fatal when not treated appropriately (Hamric, Spross, & Hanson, 2009; Taylor, Lillis, & LeMone, 2005).

Even in non-diabetics, excess blood sugar attributable to consumption…...



Al-Isa, A.N. "Body mass index, overweight and obesity among Kuwaiti intermediate school adolescents aged 10-14 years" European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Vol. 58, No. 9; (2004): 1273 -- 1277.

This source reports the results of an empirical survey published in a peer-reviewed European scientific clinical nutrition journal. It details the evolution of an obesity epidemic in one Middle Eastern country (Kuwait) where the rapid shift from an active lifestyle to sedentary living in the last half century has greatly contributed to the incidence of obesity throughout society. The survey documents the prevalence of obesity in intermediate school adolescents and implicates lack of exercise and the preference for sedentary recreation as important causal factors in the problem.

Baldauf, S. "Too Fat? No More Excuses: Research Is Revealing How Very

Damaging Extra Baggage Is" U.S. News & World Report; Jan 14/08: 57-61).

Nutrition Is the Study of
Pages: 9 Words: 2472

Moreover, alcohol can lead to many social and psychological problems, including family conflict, arrests, job instability, injuries related to violence or accidents, and psychological symptoms related to depression and anxiety (Negative pp). These problems can become a great emotional burden to individuals and families, as well as a great financial expense to health care systems and society (Negative pp).
Approximately fourteen million Americans, or one in every thirteen adults, either abuse alcohol or are alcoholic, and several million more engage in risky drinking that could lead to alcohol problems, such as binge drinking and heavy drinking on a regular basis (Alcohol pp). Moreover, fifty-three percent of men and women in the United States report that one or more of their close relatives have a drinking problem (Alcohol pp).

Consequences of alcohol misuse serious and in many cases can be life threatening (Alcohol pp). Alcoholism and heavy drinking can increase the risk…...


Work Cited

Adle, Jerry. "Doctors say it's a health crisis in the making."

Newsweek International; 4/11/2005

"Adolescents and anabolic steroids: a subject review." Pediatrics; 6/1/1997


Nutrition and Age Related Macular Degeneration
Pages: 10 Words: 3247

Nutrition and Age elated Macular
Fats/Fatty Acids

Nutritional fats and fatty acids are a significant source of energy and an essential part of the human diet. Fatty acids are, in fact, central components of fat molecules. DHA and EPA are two of the most important fatty acids that are found in fleshy fish and other aquatic animals and help in the prevention of macular degeneration. Similar to carbohydrates, essential fatty acids are also important for the maintenance of eye health. They are known for supporting the cardiovascular, immune, nervous and reproductive systems of human beings. Their intake is also important because they are helpful in the development of vision and facilitate the functioning of retina. If an individual's DHA/EPA levels are low, he/she has a higher risk of dry eye syndrome. The lack of DHA/EPA in the human body can also causes diseases like AMD and diabetic retinopathy ("Diet, Nutrition and," 2009).




Blodi, B.A. (2004). Nutritional Supplements in the Prevention of Age-related Macular Degeneration.INSIGHT The Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses, Inc., XXIX (1), 15-18. Retrieved June 14, 2012 from

Brown, N.A., Bron, A.J., Harding, J.J., & Dewar, H.M. (1998). Nutrition Supplements and the Eye . Eye,12, 127-133. Retrieved June 14, 2012 from 

Bryhn, M. (2006). Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Prevention of Age-Related Eye Diseases. Retrieved June 13, 2012 from 

Christen, W.G., Glynn, R.J., Chew, E.Y., Albert, C.M., & Manson, J.E. (2009). Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12 in Combination and Age-Related Macular Degeneration in a Randomized Trial of Women. Arch Intern Med., 169(4), 335-341. Retrieved June 14, 2012 from

Nutrition and Physical Activity Program the Centers
Pages: 2 Words: 632

Nutrition and Physical Activity Program
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a division that focuses on Nutrition, Physical, and Obesity to address the problem of obesity in the United States. This division provides funds to 25 states to tackle the challenges of obesity and other chronic diseases via statewide initiatives that are coordinated with various partners. In addition to preventing obesity and other chronic diseases, the primary focus of the Nutrition and Physical Activity Program is to improve the health of Americans through changing environments where people operate in daily. It will work to develop long-term and comprehensive efforts to tackle these diseases by implementing several evidence-based nutrition and physical activity strategies.

Through strategic public health initiatives, the outcome objectives of the Nutrition and Physical Activity include lessening the prevalence of obesity, enhance physical activity, and improve dietary behaviors. On the contrary, the impact objectives of this program are to…...



Hamre et. al. (2006, July). Improving Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Prevention.

Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website: 

Kennedy, K. (2011, March 3). Overweight and Obesity -- West Virginia. Retrieved from Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention website:  

Can you help me with my stress concept analysis?
Words: 364

While stress is a commonly used term, it is a poorly defined term that can refer to a wide scope of things, depending on the context.  Generally speaking, stress refers to the person’s response to some sort of aversive stimuli or stressor, though stress can also be used to refer to the stimuli that causes the stress.  The perception of stress appears to be related to whether a person finds a particular stimulus to be overwhelming. Therefore, a stress concept analysis can have different meanings and is personalized for each person experiencing a particular stressor.  Generally, we....

I need assistance in a writing process on the impact of tv advertising on children’s behavior essay?
Words: 539

There have been many studies that have looked at the impact of popular media on children’s behavior.  The general consensus is that children are significantly impacted by media exposure.  Of course, this impact increases when the media in question is an advertisement; the whole purpose of advertising is to bring about a targeted change in the audience.  The goal of advertising is to inspire the target audience to want to purchase the goods or supplies.  Children’s advertising appears to successfully accomplish that goal; studies reveal that after being exposed to advertising children....

what is the difference between apples and oranges?
Words: 155


- Origin: Apples are commonly grown in temperate regions.
- Appearance: They have a round shape with a stem and can be found in various colors.
- Taste: Apples have a crisp and sweet, sometimes tart flavor.
- Nutritional content: They are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants.
- Popular varieties: Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Gala, Fuji.


- Origin: Oranges are typically found in tropical and subtropical regions.
- Appearance: They have a spherical shape with a thick, textured peel.
- Taste: Oranges have a juicy and tangy, often sweet flavor.
- Nutritional content: They are rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and different....

how can government help schools in the rural?
Words: 1012

The government can play a crucial role in supporting schools in rural areas by implementing various measures. Here are some ways in which the government can help:

1. Infrastructure development: The government can provide funds for the construction and renovation of school buildings, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other essential facilities. This will ensure that rural schools have adequate physical infrastructure to provide quality education.

2. Technology integration: The government can facilitate the integration of technology in rural schools by providing funds for the purchase of computers, projectors, internet connectivity, and other necessary equipment. This will enhance the teaching and learning experience for....

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