Nutrient Essays (Examples)

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Accessory Nutrients and Carnitine
Pages: 2 Words: 430

Accessory Nutrients
As opposed to the vitamins and minerals on which the body's systems rely on to function, which are considered to be "essential" nutrients, the list of "accessory" nutrients includes several substances which the body naturally produces to assist and enhance functionality. Although not essential for optimal health, accessory nutrients are commonly ingested as a supplement by people seeking specific health benefits, with patients suffering from insomnia or other sleep-related ailments finding the effects of melatonin to be both therapeutic and curative in nature. The following description of a few widely used accessory nutrients is intended to answer several questions, including 1.) Where are they being sold? 2.) What is the price? 3.) Do they mention good manufacturing practices (GMPs)? 4.) How about dosage and ingredients? 5.) Can you find the Nutrition Facts Panel?.


According to Dan's Essentials, one of many online vendors which carry and distribute Carnitine, this accessory nutrient…...



Schlenker, E.D., & Long, S. (2007). Williams' Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy. Elsevier Mosby.

Skidmore-Roth, L. (2009). Mosby's handbook of herbs & natural supplements. Elsevier Health


Water An Overlooked Essential Nutrient You Are
Pages: 4 Words: 1366

Water: An Overlooked Essential Nutrient
You are a egistered Dietitian, and you have been invited to a Lunch and Learn program at a very large law firm. The firm must make a decision about which company they will select for a year long beverage contract. The lawyers must choose water, Gatorade, or PowerAde. Of the 55 attorneys attending your presentation, 32 of them workout regularly for 1 hour five days out of the week.

The firm has requested that you address all of the questions mentioned in the introductory paragraph while creating a handout that compares water, Gatorade, and PowerAde on the following categories:

Daily recommendations

Daily recommendations for water are an average of 3.7 liters (125 oz) for men about 2.7 liters (95 oz) for women. Some individuals who have higher than average fluid and electrolyte needs may need more (GSSI).

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Athletics' Trainers Association…...



Associated Content. (Oct 14, 2007). Gatorade vs. PowerAde: Which is the Better Sports Drink? Accessed online March 30, 2011: 

Gatorade FAQ. Accessed online March 30, 2011: 

Gatorade Ingredients and Nutrition Content. Pepsi Product Facts. Accessed online March 30, 2011:

Ecosystems Energy and Nutrient Cycles
Pages: 2 Words: 788

Ecosystems, Energy, And Nutrient Cycles
Energy is the capacity to perform work, and it can only be measured in relation to how it affects matter. All organisms require energy to stay alive. All organisms also transform energy. Energy cannot be created or lost, it can only be transferred and transformed. Therefore, in order to perform any kind of function (or work) the body needs energy (the capacity to perform work), and since the body cannot create new energy, it must get energy from outside sources. All energy that is exerted within an organism is transformed into a new kind of energy, and all organisms are energy transformers. All chemical reactions in cells require energy.

Within an ecosystem, energy transfers from one organism to another. This begins with producers, then energy transfers to consumers, and then to more consumers. Producers make their own food by utilizing outside energy, such as plants use photosynthesis…...



Campbell, Neil and Reece, Jane. Biology. Pearsons Higher Education, 2001.

Taylor, Martha. Student Study Guide for Biology. Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 1999.

Water An Overlooked Essential Nutrient
Pages: 2 Words: 636

Our company encourages that its personnel stay in good physical shape and exercise at least three times a week. Our employees' health and mental well being is a highest priority.

Because of this importance on health, it is essential to choose the most essential foods and beverages for the largest number of people.

Hydration during sporting activities is a necessity. Heat exhaustion and dehydration can lead to major health problems and even injuries.

According to nutrition experts, when exercising for less than 60 to 90 minutes, water should be adequate to meet one's fluid needs.

Water is a great source of fluid when exercising for one hour or less.

According to an article in the Journal of the American Dietary Association (by SM Kleiner, 1999, p. 200), the following are the standards for fluid intake.

Drink a minimum of 1 quart (4 cups) of fluid for every 1,000calories you eat every day.

Drink at least 5 cups…...

Iron an Essential Nutrient for Normal Growth
Pages: 2 Words: 563

iron an essential nutrient for normal growth in tomato plants?
Iron plays a role in chlorophyll synthesis, with chlorophyll responsible for creating energy for the plant. This suggests that without iron, a plant will not have the chlorophyll and hence the energy for normal growth to occur.

If a plant receives all essential nutrients except Iron, growth will be reduced, leaf color will be effected and leaf necrosis will be observed, as compared to a plant that receives all essential nutrients.

Materials and Methods


Two labelled brown two-liter jars with lids.

Calcium nitrate stock solution.

Potassium nitrate stock solution.

Magnesium sulfate stock solution.

Potassium phosphate stock solution.

EDTA Iron III stock solution.

Trace elements stock solution.

Distilled water.

Two tomato plants.





Obtain two brown two-liter jars and label one as the control and one as the Fe-deficient plant.

2. Plunge each of the six stock solutions into the control jar.

3. Plunge each of the stock solutions EXCEPT the EDTA Iron III into the…...

Carbohydrates the Macronutrient Carbohydrates Are
Pages: 5 Words: 1510

The amount of carbohydrates, rather than the source, is the primary concern. lood glucose levels are influenced by the food preparation process, the amount of food, sugar absorption and the combination of foods.
Carbohydrate counting assigns certain carbohydrate grams or exchanges these with specific foods. Computations determine insulin need, which lead to a better control of blood glucose levels over a broad range of foods. Diabetics may even add moderate amounts of sugar as long as these are carefully monitored (Rasberry).#


Jenkins, Emma. Carbohydrates Counting: Successful Dietary Management of Type 1 Diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Nursing S.. Communications, 2006.

Retrieved on April 9, 2009 from;col1

Parcell, Allen C., Drummond, M. & Christopherson, D., et al. Glycemic and Insulin

Response to Popular Protein Supplements. Nutrition Research Newsletter: Frost & Sullivan, 2005. Retrieved on April 9, 2009 from;col1

Raspberry, Catherine N. Carbohydrates. Nutrition and Well-eing a-Z:

Gale, Cengage Learning, 2004. Retrieved on April 9, 2009 from…...



Jenkins, Emma. Carbohydrates Counting: Successful Dietary Management of Type 1 Diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Nursing S.B. Communications, 2006.

Retrieved on April 9, 2009 from;col1 

Parcell, Allen C., Drummond, M. & Christopherson, D., et al. Glycemic and Insulin

Response to Popular Protein Supplements. Nutrition Research Newsletter: Frost & Sullivan, 2005. Retrieved on April 9, 2009 from;col1

Equine Nutrition -- Review of
Pages: 5 Words: 1619

The variability of salt consumption in horses makes it difficult to use salt as a carrier for other nutrients. It is preferable to offer a balanced feed that is designed for the type of horse you are feeding and simply provide free choice white salt" ("Don't forget the salt," CFC, 2006).
Treatment and prognosis for recovery

Horses that are salt starved "must be introduced to salt slowly. Salt poisoning is possible if salt is suddenly available. Symptoms of salt poisoning are digestive upset and cramps" if the horse indulges in too much salt at once ("Horses and salt," University of isconsin, 2010). Salt is the only mineral which horses know they need. "Horses can be deficient in copper or any other mineral and not consume the needed amounts when they are available. But horses will eat salt if their body needs it" ("Horses and salt," University of isconsin, 2010). hen being…...


Works Cited

"A pinch of salt." Horse and Rider. 2001. February 5, 2010. 

"Don't forget the salt." CFC farm and home center. January-February 2006.

February 5, 2010.

Food Intake Analysis Food Inake Analysis Who
Pages: 3 Words: 1051

Food Intake Analysis
Food Inake Analysis

Who does not want to be healthy? However, to achieve such an admirable goal, it will require diligence, motivation, and consistency. To many, this is quite a daunting task that is met with much resistance because of the level of commitment and consistency that it requires. Insomuch, with all the various types of fast foods available and society's life style, the challenge to reach and to maintain an ideal rate seems impossible. According to the Center for Disease Control (2012), the U.S. obesity rate at 35.7%; this demonstrates a significant increase since the 1990s. Since I am concern about my health and refuse to become a statistic, I will analyze my food intake for three days.

ecorded Intake

Below is my recorded 3-day food intake. Based on the data, several adjustments will should be made to reach the recommended dietary reference intake (USDA, 2012). According to My Fitness…...



Build a Heathy Body (n.d.). Let the pyramid guide your food choices.

Retrieved from 

Center for Disease Control -- CDC. (2012). Adult obesity facts. Retrieved from 

MyFitnessPal. (2012). Charts and reports. Retrieved from

Dietary Analysis the First and Most Noteworthy
Pages: 3 Words: 979

Dietary Analysis
The first and most noteworthy fact about my three-day food intake, when compared with the Dietary Reference Intakes that are recommended by medical experts, is the astonishing number of "Empty Calories" listed. The easiest way to examine this is by taking a closer look at one of the most deleterious items on my three-day menu, which was a McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese. The Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese turns out to be a 748-Calorie sandwich, however the United States Department of Agriculture analysis estimates that 263 of those calories qualify as "Empty Calories." For a further breakdown, that includes 238 empty calories from "Solid Fats" (presumably from the cheese and meat) and an additional 25 empty calories from "Added Sugars" (this presumably just from the condiments, such as ketchup, included in the McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese). It's obvious that the easiest way to improve my…...

Endocrinology Amazing Hormones Counterbalance of Sugar and
Pages: 8 Words: 2340


Counterbalance of Sugar and Fat Content between Insulin and Glucagon

Physical survival depends on the sustained availability and use of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate or ATP from sufficient levels of a substance, called glucose (owen, 2001). The use of energy depends on the varying levels of activity. Hence, the amount of glucose needed for activity likewise varies each day. Too much or too little glucose is damaging to the body, hence the need for some system to regulate the availability of glucose. It must be present at the precise time and amount that it is needed in order to maintain what is called glucose homeostasis. Homeostasis is the tendency of the body to maintain internal stability and balance through the coordinated responses of body parts to stimuli or conditions (owen).

Insulin and Glucagon

The regulation of glucose availability begins with the pancreas, primarily by its production of the two…...



Biomed (2002). Insulin/glucagons. Brown University. Retrieved on November 25, 2013


Bowen, R.A. (2001). Hormones, receptors and control systems. University of Colorado.

Retrieved on November 25, 2013 from

Nutritional Analysis Food Analysis Week
Pages: 5 Words: 2139

However, fruit juices, consumed in moderation, can be a healthy addition to a diet, as long as they are not consumed in lieu of actually eating any whole fruits.

My nutritional analysis revealed that I am not eating a balanced diet. I am consuming too much protein and too little fiber, issues that plague the diets of many Americans. To remedy these problems, I need to increase my intake of fruits, vegetables, and grain products, while reducing my intake of meat products. In addition, because my intake of milk products was also low, I need to look at how to increase my milk intake without increasing protein intake.

Here is the food displayed for jjohn90 on 9/10/2008

Select your serving sizes and specify how many servings you consumed for each. When you are done, click Save & Analyze to save your food entry information and to analyze your food intake. If you…...

Hardship Letter - Nutritional Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 1376

Subject should also increase fat intake to better balance his diet.
Subject's fiber consumption was so far in excess of DV that negative digestive consequences cannot be ruled out.

Salt intake was more than the DV, but could be easily corrected with some minor dietary changes.

The Food Standards Agency has developed the Eat Well Plate as an easy to follow nutritional guideline.

The Eat Well Plate is a visual display and quick reference for consumers to better balance their diets in compliance with the DV's. Analysis revealed a shortfall in fruits and vegetables as well as bread, rice and pasta - the two largest sections of the plate. Subjects fat consumptions were well below the DV's, but per the Eat Well Plate are the smallest category recommended.

ecommendations for Subject's improved nutritional balance would include increased caloric intake, weighted heavily in the fruits and vegetables, breads, rice and pasta categories. Targeted changes in…...



Nutritional Analysis Tool 2.0, created July 1999, retrieved January 31, 2009

Supplement Evaluation
Pages: 2 Words: 709

vitamin and mineral supplement products which are presently used, and compare and analyze its' amount of nutrients with the generally established nutrient guidelines per day, specifically by considering the DA or AI and UL of the nutrients in question as related to women from 19 to 30 years of age, together with evaluating the daily use of those two products of choice.
The first supplement brought into question is Caltrate 600+D3, whose quantity of nutrients in a single tablet amounts to 800 IU of vitamin D3 and 600 mg of calcium. According to a 2010 re-evaluation of dietary reference intake, the Council for esponsible Nutrition agreed that the adequate value of calcium nutrient for women aged 19 to 50 falls between the AI of 1000 mg and the UL of 2500 mg (Dickinson, 2012). Thus, the recommended dose of one tablet of Caltrate 600+D3 per day would provide 60% of…...



Dickinson, A. (2012). The Benefits of Nutritional Supplements. Washington, DC: Council for Responsible Nutrition. [Online]. Available:   [2013, July 9] .

A.D.A.M.. (2012, August). Vitamin C In The New York Times. [Online]. Available:   [2013, July 9] 

Milk by Products and There Effects on Growth in Poultry
Pages: 10 Words: 3810

Milk from the cow is one of the most versatile and important substances in the human diet as well as in the diets of many animals and in particular in the diet of poultry that are being raised as layers, broilers or for other purposes. The fact that this milk can be processed into many different forms adds to its versatility and provides a wide array of by-products from which specialized uses can be determined. Understanding the basic array of materials that can be obtained from processing milk is the first step in understanding how those products can be used in the diets of poultry. The next step of understanding the relationship between dairy by-products and the benefits they can provide to poultry comes through examining the nutritional content of those by-products for the feeding and development of poultry. As these two explanations are provided it becomes evident in which…...


Works Cited

Attfield, Harlan H.D. Raising Chickens and Ducks. Arlington, Virginia: Volunteers in Technical

Assistance, 1990.

Bailey, JS, Roberts, T, Harvey, RB, Anderson, RC, et al. "Food Safety: Alternatives to Antibiotic Use." Poultry Science (2004).

Burrington, David. "Can-do' proteins - enzymes - Ingredient Technology." Dairy Foods, April,

Living Things Are Characterized by the Following
Pages: 12 Words: 4492

living things are characterized by the following seven characteristics namely mobility, respiration, excretion, sensitivity or response to external stimulus, growth, feeding, and reproduction. Though there may be variations between animal and plant kingdom (ex, plants take in carbon dioxide and prepare their own food), these characteristics are commonly observed among all living things.
iology is a very broad field that encompasses the study of characteristics of living things. It includes botany, zoology and all other sub-disciplines that range from microbiology to evolution and ecology.

Evolution is the branch of biology that deals with the study of natural development of living organisms and the changes in them over time. Evolution refers to the heritable changes that occur in a population over a period of time. All the diversity that is observed currently in plant and animal kingdom can be ascribed to evolution over a long period of time.

Atoms are the smallest, fundamental…...



1) Mark Rothery, "Cells," Accessed on Sep 20th 2005, Available from

Could you suggest some essay topics related to plants?
Words: 611

1. The Role of Plants in the Earth's Ecosystem

Discuss the significance of plants in producing oxygen through photosynthesis and absorbing carbon dioxide, thus maintaining the balance of atmospheric gases.
Explore the role of plants in nutrient cycling, soil conservation, and providing habitat and food for wildlife.
Analyze the impact of human activities, such as deforestation and pollution, on plant communities and ecosystem health.

2. Plant Adaptations to Diverse Environments

Describe the various adaptations that plants have evolved to survive in different habitats, including deserts, rainforests, and aquatic environments.
Discuss how plant structures, such as leaf morphology, root systems, and reproductive....

Can you assist me in formulating a thesis on the benefits of breastfeeding?
Words: 595

Thesis Statement: Breastfeeding offers substantial benefits for both mothers and infants, promoting optimal health outcomes and fostering a unique bond between them. Its advantages range from providing essential nutrients to reducing the risk of diseases and enhancing cognitive development in infants, while also providing health benefits and convenience for mothers.


The practice of breastfeeding has been recognized as a fundamental aspect of parenting, providing infants with the optimal nutrition they need to thrive. This thesis delves into the multitude of benefits breastfeeding offers to both mothers and their infants, highlighting the positive impact it can have on health, development, and emotional....

Stuck on formulating a unique Aquaculture industry in the Philippines thesis statement. Can you help me brainstorm?
Words: 410

Thesis Statement:

The aquaculture industry in the Philippines has the potential to be a significant contributor to the country's economic growth and food security through sustainable practices and technological advancements, while addressing environmental concerns and ensuring the well-being of coastal communities.


1. Aquaculture's Economic Importance:

- The aquaculture industry in the Philippines has the potential to contribute significantly to the country's economy.
- By promoting responsible aquaculture practices, the industry can generate income and employment opportunities, especially in coastal regions.
- Sustainable aquaculture can also ensure a steady supply of seafood, reducing the country's reliance on imports and increasing export potential.

2. Food Security and Sustainable....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on crohns disease?
Words: 562

1. The Impact of Crohn's Disease on Quality of Life

Explore the physical, emotional, and social challenges faced by individuals living with Crohn's disease.
Discuss the impact of symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and weight loss on daily life.
Examine the role of social stigma, isolation, and anxiety in reducing quality of life.

2. The Role of Diet and Nutrition in Managing Crohn's Disease

Describe the dietary and nutritional challenges faced by patients with Crohn's disease.
Discuss the efficacy of elimination diets, low-FODMAP diets, and specific nutrient supplementation in managing symptoms.
Explore the importance of individualized dietary plans and....

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