Nursing Care Essays (Examples)

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Nursing Care Planning Background- in
Pages: 3 Words: 961

Complete Care Plan

Associated care plan completed

None -- done

Additional research, collaboration, consultation.

Additional isk Factors

Very specific evaluation

Collaborative or nursing issues that are important but may, by necessity, be delayed

Priority identification -- anticipate problem prior to formalizing plan

eview, evise, Assess

Fluid and continuous

Depending on treatment outcome

Surgery or treatment may accentuate

(Carpenito-Moyet, 2009, 25-31)

Process and Planning -- The nursing care plan is a guide, but is meant to be fluid and responsive to the patient's individual needs, issues, and potential emergencies. Both subjective and objective data are collected, and then organized into a systematic plan. This helps each member of the healthcare team glean the appropriate information at any time. More important, it allows the charge nurse to identify and comment on specific areas of concern in order to avoid future problems whenever possible. The basic PES Nursing Diagnosis is used (Problem, Etiology, Signs and Symptoms). Then expected (and potentially unexpected) outcomes and goals are explained…...



Barrett, Wilson and Woollands. (2009). Care Planning: A Guide for Nurses. Pearson Education.

Brown, C. (2007). "Where are the Patients in the Quality of Healthcare?" Editorial in International Journal for Quality in Healthcare. 19(3): 125.

Burkhard, M., (2007). Ethics and Issues in Contemporary Nursing. Delmar Cenage.

Carpenito, L. (2009). Nursing Care Plans and Documentation. Kluwer Health.

Nursing Care Beliefs I Believe
Pages: 2 Words: 575

he care that a nurse provides to these individuals is part of the holistic care of the patient. By ensuring the peace, comfort, and education of those surrounding the patient, the nurse by extension helps contribute to the peace, comfort and education of the patient themselves.
here is no question that nursing is demanding, but I believe that, for a person who holds all of these abilities, nursing is not only a fulfilling profession but in fact the ONLY fulfilling profession. I, for one, have wanted to be a nurse since I was a child, and cannot think of a single other job that would allow me to act on all of the principles I hold dear. I believe deeply in the basic right of every individual to a healthy life, and am committed to helping them achieve that life. I also believe that the suffering or discomfort of those…...


There is no question that nursing is demanding, but I believe that, for a person who holds all of these abilities, nursing is not only a fulfilling profession but in fact the ONLY fulfilling profession. I, for one, have wanted to be a nurse since I was a child, and cannot think of a single other job that would allow me to act on all of the principles I hold dear. I believe deeply in the basic right of every individual to a healthy life, and am committed to helping them achieve that life. I also believe that the suffering or discomfort of those who cannot help themselves should never be left unattended. I know that this will often mean dealing with aspects of life that others might find unappealing or menial, but nothing in the service of creating a better life for someone else should be considered too insignificant a task. On the contrary, I think it is the highest calling.

My biggest fulfillment in life has come from helping and nurturing others. By bringing comfort of body, peace of mind, and strength of spirit to those who are suffering, I know I will find those things for myself as well. I feel lucky that there is a profession that will allow me realize my desire to bring happiness to others.

Henderson, Virginia. (1964). The Nature of Nursing. American Journal of Nursing, 64(8): 62-67.

Nursing Care Management Why it
Pages: 3 Words: 892

Such is to say that the nurse will be the single greatest resource to the patient and that through this professional, all other necessary resources are channeled. Essentially, this denotes that the relationship established between the patient and nurse will itself be the most valuable resource in combating a condition or improving the subject's health and well-being.
hy should nurse monitors responses of patients throughout each intervention and how should nurse adjusts care accordingly

In such theories as Margaret Newman's "Health as Expanding Consciousness" model, it is clear that the decisions which a nurse must make will be based on the convergence of scholarly nurse and individualized attention. This latter quality especially must define the role that the nurse plays in health intervention on the patient's behalf. Conjecturing that a nurse will provide a specific emotional connection and psychic closeness to patient's who are contending with the absence of certainty, the…...


Works Cited:

Newman, M. (2004). Health as Expanding Consciousness. Nursing Theory.

Nurse Barriers Nursing Care and
Pages: 2 Words: 640

While it would have been unquestionably beneficial to the patient and indeed to this nurse to be able to engage in a more meaningful, enlightened, and research-based discussion of her condition and methods for addressing it, this nurse simply did not have the time to devote to reading the latest research on diabetes care in addition to remaining prepared for all patients. The policies of the organization in which the nurse was functioning do not support the use of at-work time for engaging in reading, nor is there a substantial knowledge-sharing apparatus at work: the published and long-accepted guidelines for care remain largely unchanged not only from day-to-day but from year to year, as well.
Overcoming this barrier is fraught with practical difficulties, not the least of which are the financial pressures on the organization to perform as a volume operation -- the number of patients treated in a day…...



Polit, D.F., & Beck, C.T. (2012). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Zeitz, K., & McCutcheon, H. (2003). Evidence-based practice: To be or not to be, this is the question! International Journal of Nursing Practice, 9(5), 272-9.

Nursing Improving Nursing Care Requires
Pages: 7 Words: 2159

Although patient resistance may be high in some instances, the proposed benefits appear to far outweigh the unwillingness of the patient to participate.
Secure Funding

The proposed program can be carried out with minimal funding. If funding is required, it is possible that the organization could obtain funding from a government grant or through the assistance of a non-profit organization. The most challenging issue created in this context is that of insurance. Although the organization currently holds insurance for providing occupational therapy for patients, it is possible that the organization will need additional coverage to implement a regular exercise program. If the organization chooses to develop the program as an integral part of its service, the cost of the insurance could be passed to patients. Overall, this cost should be minimal, allowing the organization to provide this service and ensure that patient safety is protected.

Plan the Change

The proposed program will first…...


Reference List

Chen, K., Li, C., Lin, J.N., et al., 2007. "A feasible method to enhance and maintain the health of elderly living in long-term care facilities through long-term, simplified Tai Chi exercises," Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 156-163.

Exercise alleviates dementia in elderly," 2006. Nurse Practitioner, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 51.

Kato, M., 2006. "Development of an exercise program for fall prevention for elderly persons in a long-term care facility," Japan Journal of Nursing Science, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 107-117.

Luukinen, H., Lehtola, S., Jokelainen, J., et al., 2006. "Prevention of disability by exercise among the elderly: A population-based, randomized, controlled trial," Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 199-205.

Nursing Care HIV Infections
Pages: 3 Words: 1065

Nursing Care
HIV / AIDS is a condition that has taken on pandemic proportions. Nursing and other health care professionals are therefore highly concerned not only with the current care of patients suffering from the condition, but also with new advancements in this care. This is why articles such as "CE: Nursing in the Fourth Decade of the HIV Epidemic" by Starr and Springer (2014) are such an important part of nursing practice today. The nurse is required to not only have a thorough knowledge of his or her profession and current practice, but also of research advancements that can improve the lives of HIV positive and AIDS sufferers. This is particularly the case for this condition, since there is currently no known cure. Starr and Springer's article provides some very important information on the advances within medical science and the field of AIDS research. It therefore provides great benefits for…...



Starr, W.M. And Springer, L.B. (2014, March). CE: Nursing in the Fourth Decade of the HIV Epidemic. American Journal of Nursing, Vol. 114, Iss. 3. Retrieved from:

Nursing Care Facility's Information Technology IT Improvements
Pages: 3 Words: 1009

Improving Health Care Delivery by Integrating Information Technology
In order to modernize the operations of their medical facility, Pleasant Manor nursing home should consider contracting to implement the Epic System of electronic medical record (EM) and practice management throughout their campus. A pioneer in the march towards digitization of health care records, "Epic makes software for mid-size and large medical groups, hospitals and integrated healthcare organizations" using proprietary software that efficiently "spans clinical, access and revenue functions and extends into the home" (Epic, 2012). In accordance with Pleasant Manor's stated mission to serve as an "expanded geriatric clinic that provides basic services for seniors, general practice, counseling and education programs, radiology, complete blood work, and an osteo-care unit for citizens of the outlying communities," the facility will make this transition with the goal of standardizing its procedures and streamlining its processes. Located on an expansive campus in the retirement community of…...



Epic Systems. (2012, August 13). Epic: Who we work with. Retrieved from 

Freudenheim, M. (2012, Jan 14). Digitizing health records, before it was cool. The New York Times. Retrieved from   digitizing-health-records-before-it-was-cool.html?pagewanted=all -

Versel, N. (2013, November 05). Taking a close look at electronic health records. U.S. News: A

World Report, Retrieved from

Nursing Care Based on Linkages Across NANDA NIC and NOC
Pages: 4 Words: 1164

Standardized Nursing Terminology


Nursing practice is the fabric of patient care with threads running through nearly every patient experience. While a medical diagnosis is typically the catalyst for a nursing care plan, it does not completely define patient care. In this paper, I hope to demonstrate the crucial role that a nursing diagnosis plays in establishing and maintaining quality patient care. I write first about nursing diagnoses, then frame the discussion with a scenario of presenting symptoms and a medical diagnosis. The next sections of the paper address the elements of data collection, integration of information and knowledge, accessing wisdom, and the conclusions drawn from the discussion.

The Nursing Diagnosis

It is helpful to begin with a definition of nursing diagnosis, so as to distinguish it from a medical diagnosis and as a way to lay a path to nursing interventions and outcomes. A…...



Bulechek, G., Butcher, H., Dochterman, J., & Wagner, C. (Eds.). (2013). Nursing interventions classification (NIC) (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Bavarescol, T., de Fatima Lucenall, A., (2012, December). Nursing Intervention Classifications (NIC) validated for patients at risk of pressure ulcers. Latin American Journal of Nursing, 20(6). 

Gradishar, D., Muzio, L., Filipski, A. & Klopp, A. (2012). Nursing Diagnosis Care Plans. Elsevier Publishing.

Park, H.J. (2010). NANDA-I, NOC, and NIC linkages in nursing care plans for hospitalized patients with congestive heart failure. [Dissertation]. .

Patients Suffering From Neurologic Issues and Nursing Care
Pages: 3 Words: 1060

Nursing Care of Patients With Neurologic Issues
This article is about a research that compares people who have had strokes and the problems that they experience with eating, three months after their illness. esearchers elaborate on the challenges that stroke victims experience in their daily life, including problems with eating, taking care of their appearance, taking a bath, using the bathroom and their bodily functions with this respect, and moving from one place to another. One of the frequent consequences of stroke is the challenges experienced by victims while eating, and this is something common in the countries in Europe. However, there are insufficient studies on difficulties in feeding that are experienced by victims of strokes in the three months after their attacks. More insight is therefore required into how these difficulties with feeding develop so that the result of the stroke on the victim's ability to function socially can be…...



Medin J., Windahl J., Von Arbin M., Tham K. & Wredling R. (2012) Eating dif-culties among patients 3 months after stroke in relation to the acute phase. Journal of Advanced Nursing 68(3), 580-589. doi: 10.1111/j.13652648.2011. 05759.x

Gerontology Nursing Care Questions
Pages: 2 Words: 909

Niacin and Increased Cholesterol Levels
For most people struggling with undesirable levels of cholesterol that cannot be enhanced sufficiently through diet and exercise, prescribed statin drugs are usually the recommended treatment options. One of the most commonly recommended treatment options is niacin, which is a vitamin that is also known as B3 that is administered in very large doses. This vitamin is recommended because it can enhance the levels of cholesterol while lessening the risk of heart attacks (Berkeley Wellness, 2011). Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is found in an individual’s blood and his/her body cells. While most of the cholesterol comes from the liver, a significant portion is obtained from foods an individual eats. Niacin raises high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which is the healthy form of cholesterol since it helps in transporting extra cholesterol from the arteries to the liver. Additionally, niacin lowers triglycerides, which are fats in the blood…...



Anlauf et al. (2015, June 23). Complementary and Alternative Drug Therapy Versus Science-oriented Medicine. German Medical Science, 13. Retrieved from  

Berkeley Wellness. (2011, November 30). Niacin and Cholesterol. Retrieved September 17, 2017, from 

Lamont, S., Stewart, C. & Chiarella, M. (2017, January 17). Capacity and Consent: Knowledge and Practice of Legal and Healthcare Standards. Nursing Ethics. Retrieved from

Schnabel, K., Binting, S., Witt, C.M. & Teut, M. (2014, March 26). Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by Older Adults – A Cross-sectional Survey. BMC Geriatrics, 14(38). Retrieved from 

Sweet et al. (2014, August 11). Ethical Challenges and Solutions Regarding Delirium Studies in Palliative Care. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 48(2), 259-271. 


Case Management and Management
Pages: 7 Words: 2182

Nursing care models serve as important foundations for decision making within the care environment. They influence the scope of tasks nurses engage in as well as how nurses relate to other healthcare professionals and patients in the course of care delivery. Though there may be no one-size-fits-all model, the choice of the appropriate model -- obviously depending on factors such as the nature of the organizational setting and the availability of resources -- is crucial. An effective model is important for achieving the desired patient, staff, and organizational outcomes. This paper discusses the use of two care models in the care setting: the case management model and the inter-professional practice model. The aim of the paper is two-fold. First, a description of the case management model as used at a practice setting known to the author is provided. Next, the paper recommends the inter-professional practice model as an alternative model…...



Bridges, D., Davidson, R., Odegard, P., Maki, I., & Tomkowiak, J. (2011). Interprofessional collaboration: three best practice models of interprofessional education. Medical Education Online, 16, 10.

Finkelman, A. (2016). Leadership and management for nurses: core competencies for quality care. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Girard, N. (1994). The case management model of patient care delivery. AORN Journal, 60(3), 408-12.

Nester, J. (2016). The importance of interprofessional practice and education in the era of accountable care. North Carolina Medical Journal, 77(2), 128-132.

Nursing Care Plan Low Self-Esteem
Pages: 7 Words: 1960

Specifically, deficient cae may esult in a child's being vulneable as a consequence of a low intinsic level of self-esteem and self-woth (Pake, Baett, and Hickie, 1992). It is clea that a numbe of factos ae likely to affect the teenaged individual esulting in depession and it is citically noted that this depession must necessaily be addessed, teated and esolved. The client in this instance has bodeline low blood pessue which should be monitoed seveal times each week and futhemoe the body mass index (BMI) of this individual is excessively low indicating that this patient needs to be counseled in egads to thei diet both in tems of quality and quantity of foods consumed.

Logsdon, Cynthia J.(nd) Depession in Adolescent Gils: Sceening and Teatment Stategies fo Pimay Cae Povides Jounal of the Ameican Medical Women's Association Volume 59, No 2.

Lemay, Edwad P. And Ashmoe, Richad D. (2005) the elationship of…...


reference: Studies of occupational and recreational choice. Social Psychology Quarterly, 49, 11-18.

Nursing Care
Pages: 8 Words: 2202

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Impact of Nurse-atient Ratios on Care Quality:
    Explore how the number of patients assigned to a nurse influences the quality of care provided. Discuss the balance between workload and patient outcomes, and analyze how different healthcare systems manage this ratio to maintain a high standard of nursing care.

2. The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Nursing:
    Examine how emotional intelligence affects nurses' ability to provide empathetic and effective care. Consider the various dimensions of emotional intelligence, such as self-awareness, empathy, and relationship management, and how they contribute to patient satisfaction and nursing performance.

3. Technological Advancements in Nursing Care:
    Analyze the incorporation of technology in nursing and how it has transformed care delivery. Look at specific innovations, such as electronic health records, telehealth, and wearable patient monitoring devices, and discuss their impact on patient care, nursing efficiency, and data management.

4. Cultural Competency in Nursing ractice:
    Discuss the importance of cultural awareness and…...


Primary Sources

Carpenito-Moyet, Lynda Juall. \"Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice.\" Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2019.

Potter, Patricia A., et al. \"Fundamentals of Nursing.\" St. Louis: Mosby, 2020.

Bickley, Lynn S. \"Bates\' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking.\" Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2021.

Giddens, Jean Foret. \"Concepts for Nursing Practice.\" St. Louis: Elsevier, 2020.

Polit, Denise F., and Cheryl Tatano Beck. \"Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice.\" Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2021.

Nursing Care
Pages: 8 Words: 2188

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Impact of Nurse-to-atient Ratios on Care Quality:
This essay would explore how different nurse-to-patient ratios affect the quality of care provided in healthcare settings. It could investigate outcomes related to patient satisfaction, recovery times, and the incidence of medical errors, and discuss possible strategies for optimizing staffing levels to improve care.

2. The Role of Cultural Competence in Nursing ractice:
This topic would look into the importance of understanding and respecting cultural differences in the nursing field. The essay might analyze how cultural competence affects patient-nurse communication, compliance with care plans, and overall patient well-being, drawing from specific case studies or broader research.

3. Advancements in Nursing Technology and atient Care:…...


Primary Sources

Donahue, Patricia. \"Nursing, The Finest Art: An Illustrated History.\" 3rd ed., Mosby Elsevier, 2010.

Nightingale, Florence. \"Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not.\" London, Harrison, 1859.

Taylor, Carol. \"Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Person-Centered Care.\" 9th ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2019.

American Nurses Association. \"Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice.\" 3rd ed., American Nurses Association, 2015.

Carper, Barbara A. \"Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing.\" Advances in Nursing Science, vol. 1, no. 1, 1978, pp. 13-23.

Nursing Care
Pages: 8 Words: 2346

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Evolution of Nursing Care ractices:
    This essay would explore the history of nursing, highlighting the developments in patient care from Florence Nightingale's era to the present day. It would examine how changes in technology, medicine, and society have influenced nursing responsibilities and techniques.

2. The Impact of Nurse-atient Ratios on Health Outcomes:
    This topic would discuss the importance of appropriate nurse-to-patient ratios in healthcare settings. The essay could analyze research findings on how these ratios affect patient recovery times, mortality rates, and overall satisfaction with care, as well as the job satisfaction and burnout rates among nurses.

3. Cultural Competence in Nursing:
    The essay would delve into the concept of cultural competence, examining the necessity of understanding and respecting diverse cultural backgrounds in patient care. It would provide examples of challenges and strategies for delivering culturally appropriate care in a multicultural society.

4. Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Care:


Primary Sources

Nightingale, Florence. Notes on Nursing: What it is, and What it is Not. Harrison, 1859.

American Nurses Association. Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 3rd ed., American Nurses Association, 2015.

Carpenito-Moyet, Lynda Juall. Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice, 15th ed., Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2016.

Barker, Roger G. The Social Psychology of Physical Disability, University of Kansas, 1948.

Watson, Jean. Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring, rev. ed., University Press of Colorado, 2008.

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about Joyce travelbee theory historical influence ?
Words: 258

1. The Historical Impact of Joyce Travelbee's Theory on Nursing Practice

2. Exploring the Evolution of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in Nursing

3. The Influence of Joyce Travelbee's Theory on Nurse-Patient Relationships

4. A Historical Overview of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in Nursing Care

5. Examining the Legacy of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in Contemporary Nursing

6. Joyce Travelbee's Theory: A Historical Perspective on Nursing Philosophy

7. Uncovering the Historical Context of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in Nursing Education

8. The Enduring Influence of Joyce Travelbee's Theory on Nursing Research

9. Joyce Travelbee's Theory: A Historical Analysis of Its Impact on Nursing Ethics

10. Tracing the Historical Development of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about Joyce travelbee theory historical influence ?
Words: 201

Title 1: Embracing Humanistic Care: A Historical Examination of Joyce Travelbee's Theory and Its Enduring Impact on Nursing Practice

Title 2: The Legacy of Joyce Travelbee: Unveiling the Profound Historical Influence of Her Theory on the Evolution of Nursing Care

Title 3: Advancing Patient-Centered Nursing: A Historical Perspective on Joyce Travelbee's Theory and Its Transformative Role in Nursing Practice

Title 4: Historical Impact of Joyce Travelbee's Theory: A Journey Through the Evolution of Nursing Care and Humanistic Approaches

Title 5: Humanistic Care in Nursing: A Historical Exploration of Joyce Travelbee's Theory and Its Profound Influence on Nursing Practice

Title 6: From Theory to Practice: A....

I\'m looking for an essay nurse ratios that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 945

Research-Based Essay: Impact of Nurse-to-Patient Ratios on Patient Outcomes


The nurse-to-patient ratio is a key factor that influences patient care quality and outcomes. Extensive research has demonstrated a strong correlation between lower nurse-to-patient ratios and improved patient outcomes, highlighting the critical role that nurses play in providing safe and effective care.


Reduced mortality: Studies have shown that patients cared for by nurses with lower caseloads experience lower mortality rates. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that for every additional patient assigned to a nurse, the risk of in-hospital mortality increased by 7%.
Shorter hospital stays:....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Nursing?
Words: 223

1. The impact of technology on the nursing profession
2. The role of emotional intelligence in nursing practice
3. The importance of evidence-based practice in nursing
4. The ethical dilemmas faced by nurses in healthcare settings
5. The challenges of caring for elderly patients in nursing homes
6. The role of cultural competency in providing nursing care
7. The impact of nursing shortages on patient care
8. The importance of effective communication in nursing practice
9. The role of nursing leadership in improving patient outcomes
10. The benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare settings.
11. The role of nursing education in shaping the future of....

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