Nurse Manager Essays (Examples)

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Nurse Manager Skills The Process of Becoming
Pages: 3 Words: 960

Nurse Manager Skills:
The process of becoming a successful nurse manager entails multi-tasking across limitless issues on a daily basis that range from focusing on patient safety difficulties to solving disputes among the nursing staff. However, practitioners serving as nurse managers may find it difficult to have adequate time in the day to accomplish all the activities. The professional role of nurse managers is crucial in the delivery of quality health care and enhancing the effectiveness of these practitioners. Nonetheless, nurse managers need to have certain skills in order to enhance their efficiency in their respective job duties. Some of the necessary skills set include personal and professional accountability, career planning, personal journey disciplines, reflective practice behaviors, and leadership skills. These professionals can identify their strengths and weaknesses in these areas through evaluation that can be done using the Nurse Manager Skills Inventory that was developed by the American Organization of…...



Garner, C. (2011, April). Powerlessness is Bad Practice: Any Nurse Can Be a Facilitator of Change. Retrieved from American Sentinel University website: 

Gscarlett. (2009, March 21). Using Goals to Grow in Nursing. Retrieved July 17, 2012, from 

"The AONE Nurse Executive Competencies." (2011). The American Organization of Nurse

Executives. Retrieved July 17, 2012, from

Nurse-Manager for a Hospital Floor and Focuses
Pages: 7 Words: 2455

nurse-manager for a hospital floor and focuses on a proposed change to that floor: the addition of a certified wound care nurse. It begins by describing the benefits of a specialized wound care nurse, the existing conditions on the hospital floor, and how each of the stakeholders would be impacted by such a change. It utilizes Lippitt's phases of change theory to describe how those changes would be implemented on the floor, outlining each of the phases in implementing such a change.
Wound care nurses play a special role in the hospital environment, and hospitals without those specialized nurses may not be able to offer the level of care as hospitals that have these specialized professionals. "Wound care nurses, sometimes referred to as wound, ostomy, and continence (WOC) nurses, specialize in wound management, the monitoring and treatment of wounds due to injury, disease or medical treatments. Their work promotes the…...



Kritsonis, A. (2004-2005). Comparison of change theories. International Journal of Scholarly

Academic Intellectual Diversity, 8(1), 1-7.

McIsaac, C. (2007). Outcome measurement and EB wound care practice in home care:

Translating evidence into action: Evidence-based practice, education, and knowledge transfer. Retrieved January 16, 2012 from Medscape website:

Nurse Manager Shadowing Experience
Pages: 6 Words: 1968

One of the most important elements towards developing necessary skills and competencies in the nursing field is shadowing a practitioner in a healthcare setting or unit. The shadowing experience helps in observing how a nurse practitioner applies nursing concepts in daily activities that focus on delivery of high quality patient care. As a nursing leadership and management student, my shadowing experience involved observing WW, a nurse manager of a cardiac progressive unit. This paper provides a discussion of the shadowing experience with this nurse manager, which focused on identifying leadership styles she utilized to accomplish daily activities in the unit and enhance patient care. The discussion includes a review of the position, credentials, and leadership styles of the nurse manager. This paper also includes an explanation of how the nurse manager handled a conflict using the leadership style. An explanation regarding how the shadowing experience has changed my impression of…...

Nurse Manager Stress and Work
Pages: 4 Words: 1613

Essentially, the book covers all the details of CTA methods, from examples and guidance to directions on how to study cognition in real-world settings and face the difficulties associated with rapidly evolving technology.
Institute of Medicine. (2004.) Keeping Patients Safe: Transforming the Work Environment of Nurses. Washington, DC.: The National Academies Press. Studies have shown that thousands of hospitalized Americans die each year, not because of disease or illness, but because of errors that occur while they are being cared for. This alarmingly statistic has been supported by a 2002 national survey where 42% of the American public reported having experienced an error related to their own care or of a family member. As a result, this issue has gained the attention of a variety of organizations as well as federal and state policy makers, and have encouraged more research on this issue, the dissemination of patient safety information and…...



Buerhas, P., Staiger, D., & Auerbach, D. (2009.) The Future of the Nursing Workforce in the United States: Data, Trends and Implications. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. This book provides an extensive, integrated body of data on the forces shaping the United States' nursing workforce. The book also identifies and illustrates the major changes in the existing nursing workforce as well as provides forecasts and insights for the future.

Crandall B., Klein G., & Hoffman R. (2006.) Working Minds: A Practitioners Guide to Cognitive Task Analysis. London, UK; MIT Press. Somewhat of a handbook, this book provides a set of tools for performing Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA.) CTA helps provide researchers with an understanding of the cognitive skills and strategies people use to act effectively and accomplish tasks. Essentially, the book covers all the details of CTA methods, from examples and guidance to directions on how to study cognition in real-world settings and face the difficulties associated with rapidly evolving technology.

Institute of Medicine. (2004.) Keeping Patients Safe: Transforming the Work Environment of Nurses. Washington, DC.: The National Academies Press. Studies have shown that thousands of hospitalized Americans die each year, not because of disease or illness, but because of errors that occur while they are being cared for. This alarmingly statistic has been supported by a 2002 national survey where 42% of the American public reported having experienced an error related to their own care or of a family member. As a result, this issue has gained the attention of a variety of organizations as well as federal and state policy makers, and have encouraged more research on this issue, the dissemination of patient safety information and the support of new information technology to assist with health care delivery.

Shirey M., Ebright P., McDaniel A. (2008.) Sleepless in America: Nurse Managers Cope with Stress and Complexity. J Nurs Adm., 38(3), 125-131. It appears that the performance expectations for nurse managers who practice in acute care hospitals may be unrealistic. In this article, the authors discuss interview data that show that as these expectations become more intense, so does the level of stress felt by the nurse managers. As a result, coping becomes more difficult and the entire well-being of nurse managers and the overall work environment are affected.

Nurse Manager's Strengths and Weaknesses
Pages: 3 Words: 974

Nurse leaders and managers are vital in every aspect of a healthcare organization with regards to their role in ensuring the provision of quality care services. Given their significance in a healthcare organization, nurse managers and leaders need to develop essential competencies and leadership abilities. This implies that nurse leaders not only need to develop essential knowledge, competencies and expertise but should also focus on their leadership skills and abilities. One of the ways nurse managers and leaders can use to develop their leadership skills and abilities is through examining their competencies. The American Organization of Nurse Executives developed the Nurse Manager Skills Inventory that nurse managers can rate themselves based on several content areas (Denker, 2014). The tool can in turn be used as a platform for planning career pathway and identifying professional targets as a nurse manager.

Personal ating

As part of promoting my personal career plans and development,…...



Denker, A. (2014, November 20). Transformational Leadership in Nursing: A Pilot Nurse Leader Development. Retrieved from Bellarmine University website: 

Dever, K.H. (2010, August). The Skills, Competencies, Expertise, and Embedded Knowledge of Nurse Managers, as Leaders, in Long-Term Care. Retrieved from St. John Fisher College website: 

Garner, C. (2011). Powerlessness is Bad Practice: Any Nurse Can be a Facilitator of Change. Retrieved from American Sentinel University website:

Nurse Manager Role in a Medical Surgical Unit
Pages: 3 Words: 768

Organizational ole Description
Long Island Jewish Northwell Health is a healthcare network comprising 21 hospitals, which makes it the largest integrated healthcare system in New York State. This integrated healthcare system has a huge employee base to an extent that it's the largest private employer in this state. In addition, Long Island Jewish Northwell Health has a huge service area that includes over 8 million individuals in New York. Despite having different hospitals and systems, the ultimate goal of this healthcare network is to provide highest quality care to all. For this practicum, the student chose 9 North, which is a medical surgical unit of this integrated healthcare system or network.

Long Island Jewish Northwell Health is headed by a president who is also the Chief Executive Officer. Under the president and CEO are more than 35 administrative leaders who head the different systems or departments in this healthcare network. The next…...



Northwell Health. (2016, June 14). Nurse Manager -- OR -- Evening. Retrieved June 24, 2016, from 

Northwell Health. (n.d.). Vision and Leadership. Retrieved June 24, 2016, from

Skills Inventory the Nurse Manager Skills Inventory
Pages: 3 Words: 966

Skills Inventory
The nurse manager skills inventory celebrates and encourages reflective practice in nursing. Organized according to specific skill areas, the inventory reveals strengths and weaknesses that can help the nurse manager improve his or her performance in real and measurable ways. eflective practice is a valuable tenet of professionalism in nursing, allowing for honest self-reflection and constructive change. eflective practice also allows nurses like me to focus on personal and professional goals and structure an implementation plan to reaching those goals. The personal goal for leadership growth I would like to focus on is specifically in the area of presentation delivery and public speaking. First, I will provide a reflective outline of the results of the nurse manager skills inventory in four key areas, followed by a brief discussion of how to apply my current leadership skill set to advocate for change in my workplace. As Wrubel et al. (2004)…...



"Nurse Manager Skills Inventory," (n.d.). AACN, AONE. Retrieved online: 

Wrubel, B.P., et al. (2004). A practical approach to promote reflective practice within nursing. Retrieved online:

Conflict Management Approaches for Nurse Managers
Pages: 2 Words: 616

Conflict Management Issue in Nursing
Mary Johansen has conducted a study on conflict management strategies that can be used by nurse managers as part of initiatives to keep peace in their working environments. This study is based on the premise that dealing with conflicts in an effective way is crucial in nursing since it contributes to efficient and effective results. The efficient and effective results are evident in enhanced quality, staff morale, patient safety, and reduction of work stress for the caregivers. For nurse managers to develop effective means for managing of conflict, they need to approach the issue cautiously and thoughtfully since it entails handling working relationships that are vital for the effective functioning of the nursing unit. The relationships involved in the management of conflict in a nursing unit include nurses and other members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team who need to collaborate across the overlapping roles and responsibilities…...



Johansen, M.L. (2012, February).Keeping the Peace: Conflict Management Strategies for Nurse Managers. Nursing Management, 43(2), 50-54.

Conflict Management and Conflict
Pages: 3 Words: 888

Conflict Management in Nursing
Conflict management is one of the most important aspects of a healthcare system. This is because of the impact that conflicts have on the effectiveness of nurses and other healthcare professionals. It is manifested in different ways that include the interpersonal conflict between nurses, a conflict between a nurse and the patient or his or her family and the conflict between a nurse and another professional working in a different discipline. Therefore, it is important for the nurse manager to have the right skills that will ensure that he or she can not only identify conflicts at an early stage but also ensure that the measures are taken to deal with the condition before it escalates. This paper looks at the concept of conflict management by focusing on the issue of interpersonal conflict as addressed in "Keeping the Peace: Conflict Management Strategies for Nurse Managers" by Mary…...



Johansen, M. L. (2012). Keeping the Peace: Conflict Management Strategies for Nurse Managers. Nursing Management, 43(2), 50-54

Nursing Bar Code Medication Administration Bcma Is
Pages: 2 Words: 673

Bar code medication administration (BCMA) is one of the keys to minimizing medical errors in a manner consistent with evidence-based practice (Poon et al., 2010). However, universal embrace and utilization of BCMA remains stagnant. easons for resisting the transition to BCMA include nurse perceptions. Holden, Brown, Scanlon, & Tzion-Karsh (2012), for instance, found nurses reporting low perceived usefulness of BCMA in spite of the wealth of evidence supporting the technology. Perceived ease of use of BCMA was moderate, suggesting that it is mainly attitude factors preventing nurses from implementing BCMA in their institutions. When perceptions of the usefulness of BCMA increase, then compliance with BCMA standards can become more widespread. Any program that attempts to increase the utilization of BCMA must focus first on human factors including attitudes. This requires that all nurse leaders, as well as nurse educators, prepare advance practice nurses for using BCMA as a matter of…...



Duffield, C.M., Roche, M.A., Blay, N., & Stasa, H. (2011). Nursing unit managers, staff retention and the work environment. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(1-2), 23-33.

Roberts, B.R. (2013). Doctor of nursing practice: Integrating theory, research, and evidence-based practice. Clinical Scholars Review, 6(1), 4-8. doi:

Nursing Retention it Is True
Pages: 6 Words: 1811

It is thus possible for the institution to retain nurses by strengthening the interpersonal leadership and management skills that lead to empowerment within the healthcare environment. This is especially supported by studies that found that despite the fact that a nurses' pay is important, it is not as critical in enhancing retention as a positive work place or an empowered environment that promotes teamwork and encourages ongoing learning, trust, and respect. (Chan, 2001).
It must always be remembered that nursing retention is the result of a combination of factors. There is no easy solution, and managers and leaders need to choose the combination of approaches that will be effective in their specific organization, since there is no one range or combination of strategies that will fit all.


Buerhaus, P., Staiger, D.O. & Auerbach, D.I. (2003) Is the Current Shortage of Hospital Nurses Ending? Health Affairs 22: 191-198.

Chan, C.C.A. (2001). Implications of…...



Buerhaus, P., Staiger, D.O. & Auerbach, D.I. (2003) Is the Current Shortage of Hospital Nurses Ending? Health Affairs 22: 191-198.

Chan, C.C.A. (2001). Implications of organizational learning for nursing managers from the cultural, interpersonal and systems thinking perspectives. Nursing Inquiry, 8(3), 196-199.

Faulkner, J., & Laschinger, H. (2008). The effects of structural and psychological empowerment on perceived respect in acute care nurses. Journal of Nursing Management. 16(2): 214-221.

Kanter, R.M. (1979). Power failure in management circuits. Harvard Business Review, 65-75.

nurse advocacy and patient autonomy
Pages: 2 Words: 747

.....nurse assigned to care for this patient, I would strongly advocate on behalf of the patient's autonomy. The clash between patient autonomy and the healthcare system and its representatives like nurses can only be resolved by being honest in this situation. The patient is under a high degree of stress, not only because of his health condition and the fear that brings out in him, but due to other stressful life events including his financial situation. He was also supposed to get married immediately before the bypass surgery was scheduled, and this is bound to add to his level of stress. The primary issue here is providing what the patient needs to keep him safe during the procedure, and if he insists on using his own pump, which he has successfully used for the thirty years he has lived with the disease of diabetes, then he should use his own…...

Nursing Effects of Nursing Rounds
Pages: 5 Words: 1495

The dependent variable in the study is the nursing rounds (which involves undertaking the prescribed protocols and actions to be taken as well as the frequency of rounds, i.e. one hour rounding and two hour rounding). The study aims to see the behavior of the nursing rounds variable when tested against the study's independent variables (which are patient's call light use, level of satisfaction, and safety). The title of the article, as readers may notice, effectively points out the dependent and independent variables in the study.

In terms of the relationships of the dependent and independent variables, the authors hypothesized that nursing rounds will reduce the call light use (negative direction, i.e. As one variable increases, the other decreases), increase patient satisfaction (positive direction, i.e. one variable increases and so is the other), and improve patient safety (positive direction).

For the first hypothesis (nursing round and call light use), probability tests were…...



Ebert, J.R. (n.d.). What Is an Abstract? Retrieved from   on April 9, 2009. 

Meade, C.M, Bursell, a. & Ketelsen, L. (2006). Effects of Nursing Rounds on Patient's CallLight Use, Satisfaction, and Safety. AJN, 106 (9), 58-70.

Nachmias, C. & Nachmias, D. (1996). Research Methods in the Social Sciences. London: St. Martin's Press.

Nursing Mentor Scenario Introduction- Just as the
Pages: 4 Words: 1501

Nursing Mentor Scenario
Introduction- Just as the theoretical and practical backgrounds of nursing have changed over the past several decades, so has the nursing education environment itself. . Students now entering the field are diverse in culture, educational background, and most especially age and experience. Traditional undergraduates coming directly from High School or Junior College often interact with more mature and experienced students. In addition, nursing instructors remain challenged to recognize different learning needs and styles, and respect that adaptive scenarios might be necessary to further the learning opportunities for many students. e thus see that the most effective way of teaching in the modern nursing classroom is to adjust one's pedagogical paradigm outward and to actively find new and innovative ways of reaching each student, rather than expecting each student to completely bend to the tried and true curriculum of previous generations (Young, L., Petson, B., eds., 2006). Too, we…...


Works Cited

Bradshaw, M., & Lowenstein, A. (Eds.). (2011). Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Bulman, C. And Schutz, S. (1998). Reflective Practices in nursing. Sudbury, MA: Jones

And Barlett Publishers.Epp, A., & Price, L. (2011). Designing Solutions Around Customer Network Identity Goals. Journal of Marketing, 75(1), 36-54.

Cramer, C., Davidhizar, R. (2008). Helping At-Risk Nursing Students Succeed on the National Council Licensure Examination-Registered Nurse. The Health Care Manager.27 (3): 269-76.

Nursing According to the Joint Statement on
Pages: 2 Words: 628

According to the Joint Statement on Delegation produced by the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) "the N assigns or delegates tasks based on the needs and condition of the patient, potential for harm, stability of the patient's condition, complexity of the task, predictability of the outcomes, abilities of the staff to who the task is delegated, and the context of other patient needs" (Joint Statement).

In this particular case, it is easy to determine the frustrating aspects affecting Ms. W. It can also be a relatively simple matter to correct the situation in order to ensure effective care for Ms. . The nursing supervisor in this case would sit down with Ms. W. And map out a strategy for the patient's care, remembering of course that the key to successful delegation "depends on the quality of N and NAP working relationships, timely…...



Joint Statement on Delegation, American Nurses Association and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).

Potter, P.; Deshields, T.; & Kuhrik, M.; (2010) Delegation practices between registered nurses and nursing assistive personnel, Journal of Nursing Management, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 157-165

How does the hospital hierarchy impact patient care and outcomes?
Words: 685

The Impact of Hospital Hierarchy on Patient Care and Outcomes

The hospital hierarchy plays a pivotal role in shaping the delivery of patient care and influencing the overall outcomes of medical interventions. The complex and multifaceted nature of this hierarchy involves a well-defined chain of command and responsibility, with each level possessing specific roles and accountabilities. Understanding the impact of hospital hierarchy is crucial for optimizing patient care, improving safety, and enhancing healthcare outcomes.

Chain of Command and Responsibilities
The hospital hierarchy establishes a clear chain of command, ensuring that decisions are made efficiently and that accountability is assigned appropriately. At the apex....

I\'m searching for essay topics on nursing. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 663

Nursing: The Art and Science of Caring

Nursing is a multifaceted profession that encompasses both the art of caring and the science of medical knowledge. It requires a unique blend of compassion, critical thinking, and technical skills. Students pursuing a nursing education have the opportunity to explore a wide range of topics that will prepare them for this demanding and rewarding career.

1. The Foundations of Nursing: History, Ethics, and Philosophy

The historical evolution of nursing from its humble beginnings to the modern profession we know today
The ethical principles that guide nursing practice and ensure patient safety and well-being
The philosophical....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on nursing?
Words: 401

Nursing as a Profession

The Evolving Role of the Nurse in the 21st Century
The Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Patient Care
The Ethical Challenges and Dilemmas Faced by Nurses
The Impact of Technology on Nursing Practice
The Future of Nursing: Emerging Trends and Innovations

Nursing Practice

Innovative Approaches to Patient-Centered Care
Evidence-Based Nursing: Integrating Research into Practice
The Role of Nurses in Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring
The Impact of Nurse Case Management on Patient Outcomes
Ethical Decision-Making in End-of-Life Care

Nursing Education and Training

The Importance of Simulation in Nursing Education
The Role of Technology in Nursing Education
The Challenges....

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