Career Interest: Gerontology
The research topic of interest or priority is the identification of the skills and knowledge most critical to leaders of health care organizations, such as accountable care organizations, health care homes, medical homes, and clinics, specifically serving the aging population. In particular, this focuses on teamwork among nurse leaders, nurses and other healthcare professionals, current status of research work, the barriers in collaboration, inadequacies and proposed solutions to these inadequacies in order to increase healthcare professionals' ability to serve aging clients more productively. Gerontology is the science of aging and the problems of aging.
Current Status of Research
Studies now focus on the effects of lifestyle factors, physical and mental activity, social interactions, and nutrition on cognitive functions in the aging (Williams & Kemper, 2010). These studies are able to provide initial evidence that physical and mental activity, satisfying social support, and a balanced diet support cognitive functions in the…...
Annweller, C et al. (2015). Vitamin D and cognition in older adults: updated international recommendations. Vol. 277, # 1 Journal of Internal Medicine. Retrieved on September 7, 2015
Dwyer, D. (2011). Experiences of registered nurses as managers and leaders in residential aged care facilities: a systematic review. Vol 9 # 4, International Journal of Evidence-Based
Healthcare. Retrieved on September 7, 2015 from
ole of Nurse Leaders in Disaster Planning
Politics of the Hospital and Disaster Planning
The politics in hospital settings surrounding nurse leaders and any functional change is likely associated with the hierarchy of the hospital systems, where individuals in administrative positions and doctors limit the input of nurse leaders in making change. This can be associated with nurse leaders reluctance to provide input based on the hierarchy, the exclusion of most or all nurses from discussions and meeting surrounding change or any number of other aspects of the system of hierarchy. The reason for this exclusion is multivariate but could be associated with the fact that many nurse leaders feel ill prepared to make major decisions regarding disaster planning as a result of limitations in disaster planning in the nursing curriculum. (Olivia, Claudia, & Yuen, 2009, pp. 3165-3171)
Increasingly hospitals and other large health care organizations are coming to terms with the fact…...
Coyle, G., Sapnas, K.G., & Ward-Presson, K. (2007). Dealing with disaster. Nursing Management, 38(7), 24-30. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Fu-Jin, S., Turale, S., Yaw-Sheng, L., Meei-Ling, G., Ching-Chiu, K., Chyn-Yng, Y., & Yen-Chi, L. (2009). Surviving a life-threatening crisis: Taiwan's nurse leaders' reflections and difficulties fighting the SARS epidemic. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(24), 3391-3400. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2008.02521.x
Hwang, L. (2006). Living History. California Nurse, 102(3), 18-19. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Kane-Urrabazo, C. (2007). Duty in a Time of Disaster: A Concept Analysis. Nursing Forum, 42(2), 56-64. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6198.2007.00069.x
The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and ImplementationThe advancements in technology and the integration of technology in healthcare to increase efficiency and improve patient safety have resulted in additional roles for nurses in the informatics field (Risling, 2017). In systems development and implementation, nurses should be involved in the entire process as they are critical to the success of the system. Systems development aims to provide a solution to an existing problem and who is better to offer the link between the developers and the healthcare facility other than the nurse informaticist? The nurses are the majority in the healthcare workforce and spending the most time with patients will better understand the issues they face and how they would like solutions implemented. Involving nurses will result in better outcomes for the system implementation and the patients.The Systems Development Life CycleThe Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) comprises several…...
Collins, S., Yen, P.-Y., Phillips, A., & Kennedy, M. K. (2017). Nursing informatics competency assessment for the nurse leader: The Delphi study. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 47(4), 212-218.
McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2017). Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Risling, T. (2017). Educating the nurses of 2025: Technology trends of the next decade. Nurse education in practice, 22, 89-92.
Issues And Trends That Affect Nursing and Nurse LeadershipThe nursing shortage is a significant issue affecting nursing and nurse leadership (Haddad, Annamaraju, & Toney-Butler, 2020). There is an overall shortage of registered nurses across the United States. Nursing schools have to turn away interested students due to a shortage of student positions, which affects the number of nurses completing the nursing curriculum. The nursing shortage results in the available nurses having to work for longer hours (Haddad et al., 2020). With extended working hours, the likelihood of making a mistake increases, which compromises patient safety. Therefore, there is an increase in medication errors and neglected patients.As a nurse leader, the best way to mitigate the nursing shortage is to ensure the organization has better systems (Haddad et al., 2020). Nurses spend most of their time searching for doctors and medications, completing redundant paperwork, and hunting down equipment. All this can…...
Haddad, L. M., Annamaraju, P., & Toney-Butler, T. J. (2020). Nursing shortage. StatPearls [Internet].
Manges, K., Scott?Cawiezell, J., & Ward, M. M. (2017). Maximizing team performance: the critical role of the nurse leader. Paper presented at the Nursing forum.
Nurse Leadership Interview ReflectionAbstractThis paper provides a reflection on an interview with a nurse leader at a medical surgical unit. The nurse leader provided responses to questions about her philosophy of leadership, her methods, and factors that influence staffing. While she applied a team leadership style, some elements of transformational leadership, authentic leadership and servant leadership could be detected in her approach. As for staffing, she observed that telemedicine could be viewed as an opportunity for addressing future staffing issues while at the same time relieving concerns about COVID.IntroductionFor this reflection an assistant manager on the medical surgical unit provided answers to questions about leadership, what makes a good follower, shared governance, and quality improvement. The interviewee also discussed the role of nursing leaders in the workplace, the role of technology, and the impact of organizational factors on staffing plans. This paper reflects on the answers given and compares and…...
Alilyyani, B., Wong, C. A., & Cummings, G. (2018). Antecedents, mediators, and outcomes of authentic leadership in healthcare: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 83, 34-64.
Elson, E. C., Oermann, C., Duehlmeyer, S., & Bledsoe, S. (2020). Use of telemedicine to provide clinical pharmacy services during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 77(13), 1005-1006.
Gandolfi, F., & Stone, S. (2018). Leadership, leadership styles, and servant leadership. Journal of Management Research, 18(4), 261-269.
Hadi, T. P., & Tola, B. (2019). The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation on Innovative Behavior. IJHCM (International Journal of Human Capital Management), 3(2), 100-108.
Nursing Sills
Grayce Sills and Nursing Leadership
Brief Biography:
Grayce Sills dedicated her life's work to improving conditions for psychiatric health patients, both through reforms in the area of psychiatric nursing and through education of future generations of nurses. During the era succeeding orld ar II, the psychiatric nursing profession was making its first forays into mainstream treatment orientation. Grayce Sills would emerge into the profession during this time and, in the late 1950s and 1960s, would observe that the conditions to which psychiatric patients were often treated at this juncture were abhorrent, inhumane and inconsistent with the standards otherwise sought in general patient treatment. As a student of Hildegard Peplau, whom she refers to as the mother of psychiatric nursing, Sills would come to appreciate the need for greater demonstration of caring and compassion in this subsection of the nursing profession. (Barker, p. 79) Earning a Bachelor's Degree from the University of…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Barker, P.J. (1999). The Philosophy and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Fitzpatrick, J.J.; Shultz, C.M. & Aiken, T.D. (2010). Giving Through Teaching: How Nurse Educators Are Changing the World. Springer Publishing Company.
Houser, B. & Player, K. (2007). Pivotal Moments in Nursing: Leaders Who Changed the Path of a Profession. Sigma Theta Tau International; 1st edition.
Their leadership role deals with service to their clients, hence, they are their leadership role are similar in a way. However, they differ in that; Florence has the attribute of being autocratic, whereas Clinton is persuasive. Florence showed aspects of commanding whereas Clinton worked by means of winning the trust of others to support his initiative. Secondly, it is notable that nightingale is a nurse while Clinton is a politician. Additionally, they lived in different times, hence the level of development explains their difference in the way they approached issues. They both are holistic; however, Clinton is more open-minded as compared to Nightingale.
Self-analysis of myself as a leader
As a leader, a person works with a group. Therefore, the leadership skills that a person exercises should focus on establishing effective working relations and the environment. A quality leader has multidimensional traits, making him or her appealing and effective in behavior.
My strengths…...
Parakala, K. (2012). Leadership - the Clinton style. Retrieved from -
Yoder-Wise, P. (2011). Leading and managing in nursing (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO:
Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-323-06977-9.
The Affordable Care Act Bills (ACA) 2010 enactment significantly impacted the United States Healthcare System.Evolution of the Affordable Care ActWhen the ACA was launched in 2010, it was a period when the United States was recovering from a harsh recession, the worst since the Great Depression. Policymakers at the time were concerned about the potential of the newly established law, with its ambitious insurance coverage expansion and strict requirements for employer-provided health benefits, to possibly hinder employment growth and the ongoing economic recovery. However, some speculated that the ACA, with its provisions designed to curb the growth in healthcare expenses and its strategies to expand the insured populace, would stimulate the economy. This economic boost would come from liberating funds that could be channeled toward job creation and wage increases, along with expanding demand in sectors other than healthcare (Schoen, 2016).The ACAs fundamental objective is to revamp insurance and health…...
mlaReferencesBlumenthal, D., & Collins, S. R. (2014). Health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act—A progress report. New England Journal of Medicine. K., Motter, T., Rudsill, P., & Benson, L. (2022). The Affordable Care Act: Considerations for leveraging the power of nursing. Retrieved from Collins, S. R., Rasmussen, P. W., Doty, M. M., & Beutel, S. (2015). Americans’ experiences with the marketplace and Medicaid coverage—Findings from the Commonwealth Fund Affordable Care Act Tracking Survey, March–May 2015. The Commonwealth Fund. Harper, K. J., & Benson, L. S. (2021). The value of including the nursing perspective in the boardroom. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 45(3), 192-196. Hellerstedt, W. L. (2013). The Affordable Care Act: What are its goals, and do we need it? The Centre for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health.Nurses on Boards Coalition. (2022). Home page. Retrieved from Schoen, C. (2016). The Affordable Care Act and the U.S. economy: A five-year perspective. The Commonwealth Fund.Woolf, S. H., & Aron, L. (Eds.). (2013). U.S. health in international perspective: Shorter lives, poorer health. National Academies Press.,
Leadership is a challenge for all leaders across different realms and being a nursing leader is not an exemption. This is particularly taking into consideration the circumstances and issues distinctive to the medical and healthcare profession. As a nursing leader, it is imperative to not only be accountable for matters distinctive to their own individual departments or team, but are also responsible for organizing and facilitating interactions with other departments within the organization, to attend to patient health care; both direct and indirect. The prevailing healthcare system is gradually developing and progressing into a new system founded on a vision of health advancement, primary care and community-based home care, with hospitals continuing to be an essential pillar of the healthcare system but not its most important service (Gottlieb et al., 2012). Considering the evolving healthcare situation, a key issue in the contemporary times is that nursing leaders are not cognizant…...
Al-Sawai, A. (2013). Leadership of healthcare professionals: where do we stand? Oman medical journal, 28(4), 285.
Baker Strategy. (2016). Denison Organizational Culture Survey. Retrieved from:
Casida, J. J. (2008). Linking nursing unit's culture to organizational effectiveness: A measurement tool. Nursing Economics, 26(2), 106.
da Graca Batista, M., Furtado, L., & Silva, F. (2011). Situational Leadership and Professional Nurses' Satisfaction: The Example of Hospitals. 2011.
(Feldman & Geenbeg, 2005, p. 67) Staffing coodinatos, often nuse leades must seek to give pioity to educational needs as a eason fo adjusting and/o making schedules fo staff, including offeing incentives to staff not cuently seeking educational goals fo assisting in this pioity egadless of the implementation of a tuition eimbusement pogam. (Feldman & Geenbeg, 2005, p. 233)
Nuse Leades as Academic Theoists
The fact that many nuse leades seve as the fundamental souces fo new and emeging nusing paadigms and theoies cannot be ignoed in this eview. The theoies associated with nusing ae as divese as nuses themselves and seve seveal puposes. With egad to nuse ecuitment and the ole that nusing theoy and paadigm plays in it, nuse leades seve to espouse theoy though mentoship and taining that helps individuals see thei futue intinsic ole in nusing. To explain this ole a bief discussion of nusing theoy will…...
mlareferences and Affirmative Action in Making Admissions Decisions at a Predominantly White University. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 31(4), 269.
Burgener, S.C., & Moore S.J. (May-June, 2002) The role of advanced practice nurses in community settings. Nursing Economics 20 (3) 102-108.
Cimini, M.H., & Muhl, C.J. (1995). Twin Cities Nurses Reach Accord. Monthly Labor Review, 118(8), 74.
Cleary, B. & Rice, R. (Eds.). (2005). Nursing Workforce Development: Strategic State Initiatives. New York: Springer.
Daly, J., Speedy, S., Jackson, D., Lambert., V.A., & Lambert, C.E. (Eds.). (2005). Professional Nursing: Concepts, Issues, and Challenges. New York: Springer.
Clinical nurse leader (CNL) is a relatively new designation in the nursing profession. It is designed to take nurses that are already highly skilled and help them focus on safety and quality outcomes for their patient populations (American, 2013). In order to be a CNL, one must be a registered nurse and have a Master's Degree in the Science of Nursing (American, 2013). Additionally, the nurse must complete advanced coursework. This includes classes in pharmacology, pathophysiology, and clinical assessment (American, 2013). Those who work as CNLs have a very important job in that they oversee the coordination of patient care, develop strategies to improve quality, and assess any health risks that have to be dealt with (Institute, 2000). They also must focus on communication among their nursing team and solutions to problems that are evidence-based and created for their particular unit (Institute, 2001). To become certified as a CNL, one…...
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2013) Competencies and curricular expectations for clinical nurse leader education and practice. White Paper.
Institute of Medicine. (2000). To err is human: Building a safer health system. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Institute of Medicine. (2001). Crossing the quality chasm. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Institute of Medicine. (2003). Health professions education: A bridge to quality. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the Council on Graduate Education for Administration in Nursing (AACN, 1996; Dienemann & Aroian, 1995) operationally define the professional nurse as one who has been prepared with a minimum of a baccalaureate or higher degree in nursing. (Feldman & Greenberg, 2005, p. 219)
These were necessary requirement in the 90's. Now in an ever increasing age of need for more highly educated professional, the Clinical Nurse Leader armed with a Master's degree or better, is more adapted to handle a wide range of situations and create a fulcrum from which to balance all the staff in a given unit.
Literature eview
Clinical Nurse Leader
Kennedy, M.S.. (2004) Introducing the Clinical Nurse Leader. American Journal of Nursing, 104 (10), 22.
This article is a report regarding the decisions calling for a new role for nurses. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), held an extraordinary…...
Dalton, B., & Wright, L. (1999). Using Community Input for the Curriculum Review Process. Journal of Social Work Education, 35(2), 275.
Feldman, H.R. & Greenberg, M.J. (Eds.). (2005). Educating Nurses for Leadership. New York: Springer.
Kennedy, M.S.. (2004) Introducing the Clinical Nurse Leader. American Journal of Nursing, 104 (10), 22.
Knorr, R.S., Condon, S.K., Dwyer, F.M., & Hoffman, D.F. (2004). Tracking Pediatric Asthma: The Massachusetts Experience Using School Health Records. Environmental Health Perspectives, 112(14), 1424-1439.
As a "guardian of care," a nurse leader fulfills one of the most important roles in healthcare. All aspiring nurses and nurse leaders need to learn by observation and critical analysis of what a nurse leader does and how nurse leaders make their decisions. Observing a nurse leader entails documenting details of the day, with a goal of recognizing themes. The following is a plan of observation of a nurse leader who is actively engaged in their role.
The plan of observation is to serve as participant-observer, in a classic ethnographic role. This means that as an observer, I will not simply stand aside and watch but also actively participate in the target research environment, even interacting with the nurse leader when necessary. A participant-observer role allows for naturalistic observations as a qualitative research method.
Expected Roles and Behaviors as a Participant-Observer
As a nurse who is aspiring to be a nurse leader,…...
Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing PracticeToday, health care delivery models and nursing practice are experiencing fundamental changes in response to innovations in technologies and controlling state and federal legislation. The purpose of this paper is to examine the changes that were introduced to reform the U.S. health care delivery system in an act proposed by Senators Bill Cassidy and Tammy Baldwin in February 2022. Further, the paper also assesses the implications of these changes for the role of professional nursing leaders. In addition, an analysis concerning how quality measures and pay for performance affect patient outcomes and how these affect nursing practice and describe the expectations and responsibilities of the nursing role in these situations is followed by a discussion about professional nursing leadership and management roles that have arisen and how they are important in responding to emerging trends and in the promotion of patient safety and quality…...
mlaReferencesAnsah-Ofei, A. M., Paarima, Y., Barnes, T., & Kwashie, A. A. (2021). Staffing the unit with nurses: the role of nurse managers. Journal of Health Organization and Management,Cassidy, Baldwin Introduce Legislation to Begin Modernization of Health Privacy Laws. (2022, February 9). Senator Bill Cassidy. Retrieved from gov/newsroom/press-releases/cassidy-baldwin-introduce-legislation-to-begin-modernization-of-health-privacy-laws.Harrington, A. (2023). Quantum leadership: a new approach for nurse leaders. Nursing Management, 30(4), 25–31.Lewis, M. (2022, February 24). New Legislation Aims to Upgrade HIPAA to Account for New Healthcare Technologies. Health Law Scan. Retrieved from https://www.morganlewis. com/. Marnie, C., Peters, M. D., Forsythe, D., Kennedy, K., Sharplin, G., Eckert, M., Chiarella, M., & Vernon, R. (2020). Recency of Practice and the Maintenance of Professional Competence for Nurses and Midwives: A Scoping Review Protocol. Journal of Law and Medicine, 27(4), 1008–1013.Pandian, V., Ghazi, T. U., He, M. Q., Isak, E., Saleem, A., Semler, L. R., Capellari, E. C., & Brenner, M. J. (2023). Multidisciplinary Difficult Airway Team Characteristics, Airway Securement Success, and Clinical Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 132(8), 938–954.Sandridge, S., Palokas, M., & Odom, A. (2023). Nursing staff communication with pediatric patients and families in a pediatric transitional care unit: a best practice implementation project. JBI Evidence Implementation, 21(2), 120–127.https://www.cassidy.senate.
Nurse Leaders in Executive PracticeIntroductionNurse leaders in executive practice are the force behind the vision for nursing practice. They oversee the management and delivery of safe, timely, efficient, equitable patient-centered care. With their help, collaborative and interprofessional relationships are built among professionals in the healthcare industry, and patients benefit from the improved level of care that follows. Overall, thanks to nurse leaders in executive practice, population health can be promoted and healthcare costs reduced. To support these ends, the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) has its Nurse Executive Competencies, which represent the necessary skills that nurse leaders in executive roles should acquire and possess. These competencies were developed in collaboration with the Healthcare Leadership Alliance in 2004 and can be considered the most important educational domains essential for effective healthcare leadership for nurses.The Vision for Nursing PracticeNurse executives are responsible for communicating a clear vision for nursing practice. That…...
mlaReferencesClipper, B. (2023). The Innovation Handbook: A Nurse Leader’s Guide to Transforming Nursing. Sigma Theta Tau.Engle, R. L., Mohr, D. C., Holmes, S. K., Seibert, M. N., Afable, M., Leyson, J., & Meterko, M. (2021). Evidence-based practice and patient-centered care: doing both well. Health care management review, 46(3), 174-184.Sole, M. L., Klein, D. G., & Moseley, M. J. (2020). Introduction to Critical Care Nursing E-Book: Introduction to Critical Care Nursing E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
1. The Impact of Effective Leadership on Nursing Practice
2. Challenges and Opportunities in Leadership Development for Nurses
3. Transformative Leadership in Nursing: Inspiring Change and Innovation
4. The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Nursing Leadership
5. Strategies for Developing Strong Nurse Leaders in Healthcare Organizations
6. The Importance of Ethical Leadership in Nursing: Fostering Trust and Integrity
7. Overcoming Barriers to Leadership Advancement for Nurses
8. The Influence of Gender and Diversity in Nursing Leadership
9. Building Resilience and Well-being in Nurse Leaders
10. Enhancing Patient Outcomes through Strong Nursing Leadership
11. Empowering Nurses to Lead: A Call to Action for Change
12. The Evolution of Leadership Styles in....
1. The Transformative Role of Leadership in Nursing: Inspiring Excellence and Patient-Centered Care
2. Leadership in Nursing: A Compass Guiding Innovation, Empowerment, and Patient Advocacy
3. The Essence of Nursing Leadership: Balancing Patient Care, Collaboration, and Organizational Success
4. Empowering Nurses Through Effective Leadership: A Key to Enhancing Patient Outcomes and Professional Satisfaction
5. The Vital Role of Leadership in Shaping the Future of Nursing Practice: Meeting the Challenges of a Transforming Healthcare Landscape
6. Leadership in Nursing: A Catalyst for Change and Continuous Improvement
7. The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Nursing Teams: Fostering a Culture of Excellence and Patient-Centeredness
8. The Qualities and Competencies of....
1. Leading Through the Storm Strategies for Nursing Leaders During a Crisis
This title highlights the importance of leadership in the midst of a crisis and offers guidance for nursing leaders on how to navigate difficult situations.2. The Resilient Nurse Leader Essential Qualities for Managing Crisis
This title emphasizes the importance of resilience in nursing leadership during times of crisis and explores the key qualities that make a successful leader.3. Crisis Management The Role of Nursing Leaders in Times of Uncertainty
This title delves into the specific responsibilities of nursing leaders during a crisis and the impact....1. Catalyzing Resilience: The Role of Nursing Leadership in Crisis Management
This title highlights the crucial role of nurse leaders in fostering resilience among healthcare teams during crises.2. Navigating the Storm: Nurse Leadership Strategies for Crisis Response
This title emphasizes the importance of nurse leaders' strategic decision-making and effective planning in crisis situations.3. Shaping the Future: Nurse Leaders as Change Agents in Crisis
This title showcases the transformative power of nursing leadership in driving positive outcomes amidst adversity.4. Fostering Unity: The Nurse Leader's Role in Orchestrating Interdisciplinary Collaboration
This title stresses the significance of collaboration and teamwork in crisis response, with....Our semester plans gives you unlimited, unrestricted access to our entire library of resources —writing tools, guides, example essays, tutorials, class notes, and more.
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