Nurse Educator Essays (Examples)

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Academic Nurse Educator Insights
Pages: 18 Words: 5367

Part A1. What are the qualities most needed to be a successful academic nurse educator?I have found that be a successful academic nurse educator, there are a wide range of skills that one should ideally have. One such skill is the ability to communicate with others in effective and clear formats. Without superior communication abilities, you are not likely to get your message across which is crucial in this role. There are also chances that whatever it is that you attempt to communicate could be misunderstood or misinterpreted. This could be a major handicap in efforts to design educational programs. Next, success in this role also requires one to be an effective collaborator. This is more so the case given that as an academic nurse educator, you will be expected to routinely collaborate with interprofessional teams in not only the implementation, but also the evaluation of educational programs. I…...



Columbia School of Nursing (2021). About Us: Mission and Vision. 

Diggele, C., Roberts, C., Burgess, A. & Mellis, C. (2020). Interprofessional education: tips for design and implementation. BMC Medical Education, 20(455), 52-61. 

Ezzeddine, S.H. (2017). Patient Safety: Nursing Education to Practice. Journal of Perioperative & Critical Intensive Care Nursing, 3(2), 11-15.

Nurse Educator Interview and Reflection
Pages: 3 Words: 1223

What is the most valuable lesson you've learned as a nurse that you've tried to impart to your students?

Get to know your patients. You can make a valuable human connection with any of your patients, if you just put in the attempt. Their care will be so much more effective and your time at work will be all the more richer.

How do you build awareness of the personal attributes of your students (Clark, 2008)?

I try and see my students outside the classroom to get to know them. I need to be aware of their personal attributes and how those can benefit them as nurses to be. Thus, I try to arrange picnics, pizza parties and other outings with my students so that we can all relax and get to know each other better.

How do you make some of the more intricate educational theories more attainable for your students?

I try to…...



Bastable, S.B. (2008). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Clark, C.C. (2008). Classroom skills for nurse educators. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett


Utley, R.A. (2011). Theory and research for academic nurse educators: Application to practice.

Nurse Educator Strategic Plan
Pages: 3 Words: 1008

Nurse Eduactor Strategic Plan
Nurse educator strategic plan

A strategic plan for a nurse educator

At present, I would say that my greatest strength as a nurse educator is my willingness to challenge myself in the pursuit of excellence. Within the next year, I will obtain my MSN with a specific concentration in education. Previously, I obtained certification as a Basic Life Support instructor (BLS). Also within the next year I intend to seek out certification in Advance Cardiac Live Support (ACLS) and Pediatric Life Support Instructor (PAL) with the intention of becoming both an ACLS and PALS instructor. These will enhance my capabilities as a nurse educator and provide greater specificity in the range and types of teaching I will be able to convey.

My second great strength as a nurse educator is the compassion I have for my patients and my genuine love of teaching. A nurse is always a 'teacher,' teaching…...



Covey, S. (2012). 7 habits of highly effective people. Franklin Covey.

Gardner, H. (2007). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic


Professional Nurse Educator's Group. (2013). Official Website. Retrieved from:

Nursing Educator and the AED Personal Experience
Pages: 3 Words: 844

Nursing Educator and the AED
Personal Experience of Teaching and Helping Other Nurses to be More Ready in the Use of a Phillips Heart Start Defibrillator (AED)

Children and young adults as well as other adults can and do have cardiac arrest. Estimations state that undiagnosed heart conditions cause the deaths of one individual every three days in organized youth sports in the United States. (AED Universe, 2012, paraphrased) The Survivor's Foundation states that 460,000 deaths occur each year in the U.S. from sudden cardiac arrest. Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is reported to occur "when the lower chambers of the heart (the ventricles) suddenly stop beating normally and develop what is called ventricular fibrillation (VF). VF is a chaotic heart rhythm that is similar where the heart muscle begins quivering which prevents the heart from effectively pumping blood. If this condition is not corrected immediately, death will follow within ten minutes.





Automated External Defibrillators Reviewed (2003) Survivor's Foundation. Retrieved from: 

Deakin C. et al. (2010) European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2010. Section 3. Electrical therapies: Automated external defibrillators, defibrillation, cardioversion and pacing. Resuscitation; 81: 1293-1304.

Jevon, Phil (2011) Defibrillation 1: Using an AED Outside Hospital. Nursing Times. 23 Sept 2011. Retrieved from: 

Philips Announces 8-year warranty on Heartstart Onsite and FRx AED's (2012) AED Universe. Retrieved from:

Nurse Educator and Leadership
Pages: 3 Words: 952

competencies of the direct care provider and the indirect care provider are similar in many ways because both are based on the idea that quality care is the ultimate goal for any stakeholder in healthcare. The competencies are also different in some ways because direct and indirect care providers must focus on roles that are oriented towards using different skills from one another. This paper will compare and contrast the core competencies of the role of a nurse educator with those of a nurse practitioner to show how they are the same and different in a variety of ways.
The core competencies of the nurse educator are based on the idea that the instructor needs to be a leader for students. The National League for Nursing (2017) identifies 8 core competencies for the nurse educator -- and every one of them has something to do with leadership at root --…...



National League for Nursing. (2017). Nurse educator core competency. NLN.

Retrieved from 

National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties. (2014). Nurse practitioner core competencies content. NONPF. Retrieved from

Nurse Educator and Nursing
Pages: 2 Words: 740

Nursing Goals
Specific: Hone Interpersonal Abilities

Measurable: e a part-time preceptor to novice nurses

Attainable: Engage in one-on-one work with nurses fresh out of university, as this role necessitates explaining all hospital operations clearly, right from updating patient charts to working in collaboration with the organization's workforce, including doctors and other nurses.

Realistic: The above experience helps gear up for the nurse educator's role well before enrolling in an advanced course.

Timely: Attain this goal within a period of 1 year (Williams, 2016)

Specific: Develop Clinical Experience

Measurable: Work independently full-time

Attainable: Obtain comprehensive, practical, clinical experience prior to transitioning to the educator roles. Further, concentrate on emergency medicine, pediatrics, or some other specialized field.

Realistic: Concentrate entirely on patient treatment, prior to teaching distinct criteria

Timely: Attain this goal within a 2-year period (Kelly, 2011)

Goal # 3

Specific: Acquire a Teaching Certificate

Measurable: Earn a general nursing educator degree or qualify for full-time nursing education

Attainable: Add a nursing educator certificate…...



ANS. (n.d.). About a doctoral degree in nursing. Retrieved from All Nursing Schools: 

Kelly, P. (2011). Nursing Leadership & Management. Boston: Cengage Learning.

Kemppainen, V., Tossavainen, K., & Turunen, H. (2012). Nurses' roles in health promotion practice: an integrative review. Health Promot. Int.

Williams, E. (2016). An Example of Short-Term Goals to Becoming a Nurse Educator. Retrieved from Chron:

Herzing University Online the Nurse Educator Role
Pages: 4 Words: 1209

Herzing University Online
The Nurse Educator ole

Applying Teaching Strategies

Teaching Strategies

Teaching methodologies have evaluated from simple questioning techniques to the most advanced practical education methodologies today. However, no single teaching methodology works for all. Based on age, educational background and profession, different people are differently taught. On the issue of diabetes, the patients as well as their family and the community need to be educated. This task is done by physicians and the nurses. The nurses can design plans that can help to teach different strategies to different type of individuals and their families that will help them and convince them to adopt healthy life styles. These strategies can be modified according to demographic factors and nature of disease.

Influence of Learner Characteristics on Teaching Strategies

The short life of useful information has dramatically changed the teaching strategies in healthcare (ussell, Comell, and Wright, 2007). Besides the nature of information, the patient health conditions…...



1) Bahn, D., (2007), "Reasons for post registration learning: Impact of the learning experience," Nurse Education Today, 27(7), 715-722

2) Russell, A.T., Comell, R.J., and Wright, D.L., (2007), "Teaching Strategies Promoting Active Learning in Healthcare Education," Journal of Education and Human Development, 1(1), Retrieved from:

The Nurse Educator Role
Pages: 10 Words: 2905

Part A What would you consider your main role in the training of skilled professionals in the nursing realm – specifically in formal academic settings?
Well, my main role in this case is to equip nursing students with the relevant nursing skills. In so doing, I tap into not only my academic expertise, but also my clinical experience. To be able to effectively fulfil their mandate, future nurses must have their learning properly facilitated within the nursing program faculty. I consider myself a key stakeholder in the facilitation of the said learning.
Why do you refer to yourself as a ‘stakeholder’?
Because I do not function alone. I work in close collaboration with others in this role.
What are some of the qualifications that someone should have to successfully serve in your role?
First and foremost, to be allowed to teach nursing curriculum in an institution of higher learning or teaching hospital, you must have an…...



Ezzeddine, S.H. (2017). Patient Safety: Nursing Education to Practice. Journal of Perioperative & Critical Intensive Care Nursing, 3(2), 11-15.

Kaihlanen, A., Hietapakka, L. & Heponiemi, T. (2019). Increasing cultural awareness: qualitative study of nurses’ perceptions about cultural competence training. BMC Nursing, 18(38), 117-124.

Linda, S. (2018). A nurse educator\\\\'s guide to cultural competence. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 16(2), 19-23.

Shin, C., Fine, J. & Chen, C. (2016). Culturally Competent Nurse Educators in Clinical Teaching. Nurs Educ Perspect., 37(4), 224-226.

Utley, R. (2010). Theory and Research for Academic Nurse Educators: Application to Practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

The Role of Nurse Educator
Pages: 10 Words: 2905

NUSE EDUCATOThe Nurse Educator olePart AWhat would you consider your main role in the training of skilled professionals in the nursing realm specifically in formal academic settings?Well, my main role in this case is to equip nursing students with the relevant nursing skills. In so doing, I tap into not only my academic expertise, but also my clinical experience. To be able to effectively fulfil their mandate, future nurses must have their learning properly facilitated within the nursing program faculty. I consider myself a key stakeholder in the facilitation of the said learning.Why do you refer to yourself as a stakeholder?Because I do not function alone. I work in close collaboration with others in this role.What are some of the qualifications that someone should have to successfully serve in your role?First and foremost, to be allowed to teach nursing curriculum in an institution of higher learning or teaching hospital,…...


ReferencesEzzeddine, S.H. (2017). Patient Safety: Nursing Education to Practice. Journal of Perioperative & Critical Intensive Care Nursing, 3(2), 11-15. Kaihlanen, A., Hietapakka, L. & Heponiemi, T. (2019). Increasing cultural awareness: qualitative study of nurses’ perceptions about cultural competence training. BMC Nursing, 18(38), 117-124. Linda, S. (2018). A nurse educator\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s guide to cultural competence. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 16(2), 19-23. Shin, C., Fine, J. & Chen, C. (2016). Culturally Competent Nurse Educators in Clinical Teaching. Nurs Educ Perspect., 37(4), 224-226. Utley, R. (2010). Theory and Research for Academic Nurse Educators: Application to Practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning. AppendicesCore Questions1. Who is a nurse educator? In a single sentence, define “a nurse educator.” 2. What would you consider your main role in the training of skilled professionals in the nursing realm – specifically in formal academic settings? 3. What are some of the qualifications that someone should have to successfully serve in your role? 4. Nursing happens to be a collaborative role. Is this also the case for the nurse educator role? 5. What are some of the strategies or approaches that ought to be implemented to enhance collaboration in this role?6. As a nurse educator, how often do you collaborate with external stakeholders and what does such collaborations involve? 7. What are some of the benefits of being a nurse educator? 8. From research, I have gathered that in addition to being involved in the facilitation of student learning, academic nurse educators are also actively involved in leading change towards nursing education improvement. Could you please expound more on this latter role? 9. What is the job outlook for the nurse educator role?10. What should be done to encourage more professionals to join the ranks nurse educators?

Nursing Long-Range Goal All Staff
Pages: 3 Words: 952

Short-Range Goal: Appoint persons who are responsible for retrieving and providing information.

One challenge that night personnel in a hospital face is the fact that technical and information personnel, along with the resources that they provide, are only available during daytime hours. In order to handle the issue, the first step will be to determine the extent of the problem.

During the first three days of the two-week period, interviews will therefore be conducted with night staff to determine their information and resource needs. he findings will then be compared with the availability of resources to the day staff to determine what can realistically be accomplished to reach the long-range goal.

On the first day, applications will be invited from the night staff for the position of information assistant at each particular floor. Such persons will have to have a proven record of reliability and ethics, as well as at least 5 consistent…...


Through interviews and regular monitoring and testing, the educator can also identify problems in the quality of nursing work, which will lead to the further identification and implementation of the staff's educational needs. By filling these needs, the role of the educator is to ensure excellence of care for patients and excellent knowledge for nurses.


Nurses for a Healthier Tomorrow. (2010). Nurse Educator.

Nursing Shortage Review on Nurses Shortage the
Pages: 6 Words: 2703

Nursing Shortage
eview On Nurses Shortage

The supply of professional nurses relative to the increase in demand for their services has been on a general decline over the years. As a career choice, nursing has been facing perennial shortage of professionals. Most healthcare organizations will affirm that their daunting tasks were recruiting fresh nurses and retaining the ones already in practice. The 2008 projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the demand for professional nurses would increase from the then two million to three million, which represents sixty percent increment. In ideal situations, the number of those who have enrolled in nursing will be sufficient to supply the rise in their number. Nevertheless, this would not be the case if nothing were done to salvage the worrying trend of most students not graduating or resorting to other careers. According to Benjamin Isgur of PWHC Health and esearch Institute, of the…...



American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2009, September, 28). Nursing Shortage Fact Sheet. USA: AACN.

Buerhaus, P.I., Staiger, D., & Auerbach, D.I. (2009). The future of the nursing workforce in the United States: Data, trends, and implications. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Blakeley, J., & Ribeiro, V. (2008). Early Retirement among Registered Nurses: Contributing Factors. Journal of Nursing Management, 16(1), 29 -- 37

Cummings, G., et al. (2008). The Relationship between Nursing Leadership and Nurses' Job Satisfaction in Canadian Oncology Work Environments. Journal of Nursing Management, 16(5), 508 -- 518.

Nurse Educators Today
Pages: 4 Words: 1134

Educational Standards
There are a number of common criticisms of educational standards. The first is the concern that predetermined set standards for education creates a 'teach to the test' mentality vs. truly educating students to be creative problem solvers. Another concern is that of equity in education: namely students with different learning styles, learning challenges, or socio-economic obstacles are unfairly penalized by the format of standardized tests (What do critics of standards have to say, 2004, Educational Broadcasting Corporation).

But most educators would agree that there must be standards in some form -- in other words, that every unit taught must have an objective for student learning and that students must have goals throughout the educational process. The concern is having standards imposed upon a classroom in a manner that is not truly appropriate for the students' needs and is not conducive to process-based learning. Ultimately, learning is a process, not a…...



Mentoring: A boon to nurses, the nursing profession and patients. (2013). RWJF. Retrieved

from:   -- and-patient.html 

Nursing Area of Specialty Education
Pages: 1 Words: 380;jsessionid=C59CE4E95A0391D35CE10B51E75DE39B.mc0?sitePageId=101757
As a future nurse educator, using technology to gather and disseminate healthcare information will become even more critical for me in the future. Students and patients alike will expect that their teachers will have a broad, in-depth range of knowledge about new technology in the field of heath informatics.

The organization offers information about 'best practices' in healthcare technology, such as how to protect patient privacy in the online age. Medical ethics and best practices will no doubt be a topic of debate in many of the classes I will teach in the future, whether I am educating future nurses or patients.

The organization offers continuing education resources in the field of health technology. Keeping one's education current is essential, as healthcare computer systems are constantly changing and improving.

Members can attend conferences, and interact with nurses from a wide variety of backgrounds, thus broadening my framework of knowledge and allowing me to…...

Nursing Bar Code Medication Administration Bcma Is
Pages: 2 Words: 673

Bar code medication administration (BCMA) is one of the keys to minimizing medical errors in a manner consistent with evidence-based practice (Poon et al., 2010). However, universal embrace and utilization of BCMA remains stagnant. easons for resisting the transition to BCMA include nurse perceptions. Holden, Brown, Scanlon, & Tzion-Karsh (2012), for instance, found nurses reporting low perceived usefulness of BCMA in spite of the wealth of evidence supporting the technology. Perceived ease of use of BCMA was moderate, suggesting that it is mainly attitude factors preventing nurses from implementing BCMA in their institutions. When perceptions of the usefulness of BCMA increase, then compliance with BCMA standards can become more widespread. Any program that attempts to increase the utilization of BCMA must focus first on human factors including attitudes. This requires that all nurse leaders, as well as nurse educators, prepare advance practice nurses for using BCMA as a matter of…...



Duffield, C.M., Roche, M.A., Blay, N., & Stasa, H. (2011). Nursing unit managers, staff retention and the work environment. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(1-2), 23-33.

Roberts, B.R. (2013). Doctor of nursing practice: Integrating theory, research, and evidence-based practice. Clinical Scholars Review, 6(1), 4-8. doi:

Nursing Leader
Pages: 3 Words: 896

Nursing Sills
Grayce Sills and Nursing Leadership

Brief Biography:

Grayce Sills dedicated her life's work to improving conditions for psychiatric health patients, both through reforms in the area of psychiatric nursing and through education of future generations of nurses. During the era succeeding orld ar II, the psychiatric nursing profession was making its first forays into mainstream treatment orientation. Grayce Sills would emerge into the profession during this time and, in the late 1950s and 1960s, would observe that the conditions to which psychiatric patients were often treated at this juncture were abhorrent, inhumane and inconsistent with the standards otherwise sought in general patient treatment. As a student of Hildegard Peplau, whom she refers to as the mother of psychiatric nursing, Sills would come to appreciate the need for greater demonstration of caring and compassion in this subsection of the nursing profession. (Barker, p. 79) Earning a Bachelor's Degree from the University of…...


Works Cited:

Barker, P.J. (1999). The Philosophy and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Fitzpatrick, J.J.; Shultz, C.M. & Aiken, T.D. (2010). Giving Through Teaching: How Nurse Educators Are Changing the World. Springer Publishing Company.

Houser, B. & Player, K. (2007). Pivotal Moments in Nursing: Leaders Who Changed the Path of a Profession. Sigma Theta Tau International; 1st edition.


\"How can a well-designed essay introduction enhance nursing education curriculum for BSN program?\"
Words: 717

1. Paragraph:

Nursing education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of healthcare by equipping nurses with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to provide high-quality patient care. As such, curriculum planning for Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs warrants meticulous consideration to ensure alignment with evolving healthcare needs and best practices. A well-designed essay introduction can serve as a cohesive framework for exploring how an effectively crafted introduction can enhance the overall efficacy of BSN program curriculum.

2. Background Information on Nursing Education Curriculum Planning for BSN Programs:

BSN curriculum planning entails a rigorous and multi-faceted process that involves identifying....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on nursing covid. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 312

1. The impact of COVID-19 on mental health in nursing professionals
2. The role of telehealth in nursing during the pandemic
3. Strategies for addressing health disparities in underserved populations during COVID-19
4. The importance of self-care and resilience in nursing during a public health crisis
5. The challenges and benefits of remote clinical education for nursing students during COVID-19
6. The role of public health nursing in pandemic response and prevention
7. The ethical considerations of triage and resource allocation in nursing during COVID-19
8. The long-term effects of COVID-19 on nursing education and practice
9. The use of technology and innovation in nursing care delivery during....

My teacher suggested focusing on nursing. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 229

1. The importance of communication skills in nursing
2. The role of technology in modern nursing practice
3. The impact of cultural competence in nursing care
4. The challenges faced by male nurses in a predominantly female profession
5. The role of evidence-based practice in improving patient outcomes in nursing
6. The significance of self-care and mental health awareness for nurses
7. The ethical considerations in end-of-life care decisions in nursing
8. The role of nurse educators in shaping the future of nursing
9. The increasing demand for nurse practitioners in primary care settings
10. The importance of teamwork and collaboration in the nursing profession.
11. The impact of technological....

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