Nuclear Energy Essays (Examples)

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Nuclear Energy Nuclear Power A Short Commentary
Pages: 3 Words: 1039

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Power:

A Short Commentary on the Safety of Nuclear Energy

The question of safety in the utilization of nuclear energy has been discussed in the world debate forum on nuclear issues since the inception of nuclear technology in the 1940's. Many experts believe that nuclear energy can be utilized safely, and many advocate for the continued utilization of nuclear energy. Yet there are some among illustrious scientists who believe that nuclear power, in any form, is bad, and can harm humans. These latter individuals give the example of Chernobyl, and most recently, Fukushima, and point to countries such as Iran, who are developing nuclear "energy" without a clear statement of their intention as to what they will do with this technology. Thus, the uncertainty surrounding various facets of nuclear issues prompts one to think whether, in fact, nuclear energy is positive or whether the world forum should monitor more closely…...



1. Cribb, Julian. (2011, April 26) The Canberra Times. "Why is no one talking about safe nuclear power." Retrieved December 6, 2011 from .

2. Dallas News. (2011, June 22) "Editorial: yes to nuclear power, but only if safety comes first." Retrieved December 5, 2011 from .

3. NY Times. (2010, February 17) "Editorial: a reasonable bet on nuclear power." Retrieved December 5, 2011 from .

4. The Yomiuri Shimbun. (2011, June 23) "We need nuclear energy, so let's make it safe." Retrieved December 5, 2011 from .

Nuclear Energy Why the World
Pages: 4 Words: 1260

The risks are primarily the waste produced, nautical calamities damaging the nuclear reactors, and accidents occurring at nuclear sites. It cannot be assumed that it is completely safe to rely on nuclear energy and reactors. However the treatments of these risks are available and improvements in the systems and technologies can provide a reliable basis for appropriate risk management. These risks are discussed along with the available remedies in following sections.
Measures Required:

The measures required to manage risks identified above are dealt on priority by nuclear scientists, governments, and regulatory agencies. It is required to maintain appropriate safety measures for proliferation of nuclear technology as it is capable of developing weapons of mass destruction and nuclear bombs. The adequate audits and measures should be taken to sustain security at nuclear plants. The requirements for analytical reports concerning the geographic locations, possible threats of accidents, and safety procedures applicability in case…...


Works Cited:

Abbott, Derek. "Limits to growth: Can nuclear power supply the world's needs?" Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 68.5 (2012): 23-32. Print.

Farris Naff, Clay. "After Fukushima-Can We Still Think Straight about Nuclear Power?" Humanist-Magazine of Critical Inquiry and Social Concern 71.3 (2011): 17. Print.

Goudie, Andrew, and David Cuff. The Oxford companion to global change. Oxford University Press, USA, 2008. Print.

Moore, Paddy. "A Global Shift in Favor of Nuclear Energy."Resource World Magazine Inc. 01 Feb 2009: 12-16. Print.

U S Nuclear Energy Policy in
Pages: 4 Words: 1234

" (Alvarez, 2008) Alvarez states that upon investigation it has been found as follows:
GNEP is a rush, ill-conceived, poorly supported and technically and economically risky expansion and redirection of the nuclear industry;

Even if the unproven technologies are shown to be viable, GNEP also has the potential to inhibit the adoption of more reasonable solutions to global climate change by diverting resources into an unproven and, most likely, a prohibitively expensive nuclear option;

GNEP also would increase the danger of nuclear proliferation and the potential for weapons grade materials falling into the hands of hostile or unstable nations and terrorist groups; and GNEP will likely worsen the radioactive waste disposal problem and would also make the United States the dumping ground for nuclear wastes from the other participating nations. (Alvarez, 2008)


The work of Makower, Pernick and Wilder entitled: "Clean Energy Trends 2008" states that "amid a challenging economic…...



Annual Energy Outlook 2008 Energy Information Administration. December 2007. Online available at 

Alvarez, Robert (2008) Risky Appropriations: Gambling U.S. Energy Policy on the global Nuclear Energy Partnership. Nuclear Policy. 31 Mar 2008. Online available at 

Makower, Joel; Pernick, Ron; and Wilder, Clint (2008) Clean Energy Trends 2008. Clean Edge Technology Corporation.

Nuclear Facts (2008) New Nuclear Power Plants. Online available at:

Thailand Not Develop Nuclear Energy Topics -Thai
Pages: 7 Words: 2324

Thailand NOT develop nuclear energy topics: -Thai Govt Plans build nuclear power stations -potential problems nuclear waste -expense problems -terrorism/proliferation problems -political instability problems -safety pollution problems -alternatives nuclear energy Thailand -dependency uranium supplies website starters: sabaibooks.
The developing nature of the economy today has determined an increase in the energy consumption worldwide, especially given the rising of a new economic world power, China that has at this point surpassed Japan as the second most important economy of the world. These achievements however come at a rather expensive price, taking into account the fact that there are numerous concerns for the energy supplies in the future.

From this point-of-view, numerous countries have tried to redevelop their energy strategies in terms of efficiency and at the same time sustainable power supplies. Thailand is among these countries, including Vietnam and Indonesia, with a clear aim of developing alternative power resources (The Nation, 2010).…...



Bloomberg. Thai. (2010) Vietnamese Nuclear Plans Face Delays on Labor, Wood Mackenzie Says. 

Channel News Asia. (2007) Thailand to build first nuclear plant. "Asia Pacific News." 

Chonglertvanichkul, Prutichai (2007). Thailand Power Development Plan. 

Corben, Ron. (2008) Aust 'ready to sell uranium to Thailand'. The Sydney Morning Herald..

Why We Should Use Nuclear Energy
Pages: 4 Words: 1382

Nuclear Energy
Ever since an Italian physicist, Enrico Fermi succeeded in producing the first nuclear chain reaction at the University of Chicago in December of 1942 the usefulness and the drawbacks of nuclear energy have been debated all over the world. While the opponents of nuclear energy point to its enormously destructive power unleashed in atomic bombs, and the potentially harmful effects of radiation that can be released in nuclear reactor accidents and from nuclear waste -- its proponents emphasize the important benefits of the technology such as its application for producing cheap, plentiful and 'clean' electricity. In this paper we shall focus on the benefits of nuclear energy and discuss why we should use it? While doing so we shall also examine the concerns regarding the use of nuclear power and describe ways of overcoming them.

Types of Nuclear eactions

There are two types of nuclear reactions through which nuclear energy…...



Economical Energy Source." Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Web site. Retrieved on March 13, 2003 at 

Environmental Preservation." (2003). Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Web site. Retrieved on March 13, 2003 at 

Nuclear Energy." (2003). Article in Encyclopedia Encarta. CD-ROM, 2003

Nuclear Energy: Benefits for All Americans." (2001). Nuclear Energy: From Yesterday to Tomorrow. Retrieved on March 13, 2003 at

UAE Nuclear Energy
Pages: 2 Words: 813

UAE Nuclear Energy
UAE is the third largest exporter of oil in the world, despite this fact UAE has considering the installation of nuclear-powered plants. These plants are to be installed so as to meet the increasing demand of electricity that is estimated to rise from 15.5GWe to 40 GWe in the next decade. The UAE government took an interest in the evaluation of nuclear energy as an extra source that would meet the growing energy demands the country has. It set up a policy of the evaluation and development of the peaceful development of nuclear energy known as nuclear policy. This concluded that nuclear power was proved to be a commercially competitive and environmentally friendly source of energy compared to other energy sources.UAE has signed treaties with countries such as USA that will ensure nuclear cooperation that is peaceful (World Nuclear Association, 2013).

Strengths and weaknesses of the sector

Strengths of the…...



Kazim, A. (2012).UAE's future energy plans. Retrieved April 29, 2013 from 

World Nuclear Association. (2013). Nuclear Power in the United Arab Emirates. Retrieved April 29, 2013 from 

UAE interact. (2013).Infrastructural development - nuclear energy. Retrieved April 29, 2013 from

The Phenomenon of Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy
Pages: 30 Words: 27163

Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy: A Qualitative Content Analysis
A Dissertation Presented using the Qualitative Content-Analysis

Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan

Christina Anastasia PH-D, Chair

[Committee Name], [Degree], Committee Member

[Committee Name], [Degree], Committee Member

Date Approved

Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan, 2016

This research proposal explores the phenomenon of decreased usage of nuclear energy at a time when global climate change indicates the need for increased usage of nuclear energy. First, nuclear energy is declining in its share of global energy. Second, nuclear energy offers what might well be the best solution to climate change. Given the threat posed by climate change, greater understanding of why nuclear is decreasing rather than increasing is the purpose of this proposed study. This esearch proposal seeks to look at some of the issues facing nuclear power, and how it can overcome these issues to increase share going forward. The research will utilize a qualitative content analysis technique to examine the phenomenon of…...



Alic, J. (2012). Six Things to do with Nuclear Waste: None of them Ideal. Oil Retrieved June 17, 2015 from 

Alley, W. & Alley, R. (2013). Too Hot to Touch: The Problem of High-level Nuclear Waste. Review by Konikow, L. (2013). Hydrogeology Journal.

Bauer, N., Brecha, R. & Luderer, G. (2012). Economics of Nuclear Power and Climate Change Mitigation Policies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(42), 16805-16810.

Becker, U., Coppi, B., Cosman, E., Demos, P., Kerman, A. & Milner, R. (2008, November/December). A Perspective on the Future Energy Supply of the United States: The Urgent Need for Increased Nuclear Power. MIT Faculty Newsletter, 21(2). Retrieved from

The Phenomenon of Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy
Pages: 7 Words: 29097

Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy: A Qualitative Content Analysis
A Dissertation Presented using the Qualitative Content-Analysis

Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan

Christina Anastasia PH-D, Chair

[Committee Name], [Degree], Committee Member

[Committee Name], [Degree], Committee Member

Date Approved

Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan, 2016

A qualitative content analysis will be conducted to explore the phenomenon of decreased usage of nuclear energy at a time when global climate change indicates the need for increased usage of nuclear energy. Qualitative analysis involves obtained data from existing literature is evaluated using processes for interpreting contexts and cases. In this qualitative content analysis, the researcher will use a systematic analysis to identify themes and patterns on decreased nuclear energy usage. The researcher will compare, contrast, and classify the content of qualitative data obtained about this phenomenon. First, nuclear energy is declining in its share of global energy. Second, nuclear energy offers what might well be the best solution to climate change. Given the threat posed…...



Alic, J. (2012). Six Things to do with Nuclear Waste: None of them Ideal. Oil Retrieved June 17, 2015 from 

Alley, W. & Alley, R. (2013). Too Hot to Touch: The Problem of High-level Nuclear Waste. Review by Konikow, L. (2013). Hydrogeology Journal.

Bauer, N., Brecha, R. & Luderer, G. (2012). Economics of Nuclear Power and Climate Change Mitigation Policies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(42), 16805-16810.

Becker, U., Coppi, B., Cosman, E., Demos, P., Kerman, A. & Milner, R. (2008, November/December). A Perspective on the Future Energy Supply of the United States: The Urgent Need for Increased Nuclear Power. MIT Faculty Newsletter, 21(2). Retrieved from

The Phenomenon of Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy
Pages: 11 Words: 2904

Part 1 ( Just one Page)

Primary Discussion Response is due by Wednesday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Sunday (11:59:59pm Central).

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Discuss the following:

What excites you most about your future in your desired profession?

When responding to colleagues, remember that your goal is to support their career exploration and planning.

I do not think that part 2 has investigator in this proposal research

Institutional Review Board: Abridged Application

Information about Investigator

Investigator Name

No Investigator

Daytime Phone Number

(208) ***

Evening Phone Number

Not applicable

Cell Phone Number

(208) ***

Email Address

Not applicable

Date of submission to mentor:

If this is research for dissertation or paper option, what is the title of your research?

Thesis:Doctoral of Management Research in Decreased Usage…...

The Phenomenon of Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy
Pages: 2 Words: 647

Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy can be described as energy in the nucleus or core of an atom, which is basically a small unit that results in all matter in the universe (Josephson, 2000, p.2). Nuclear energy is an issue that has attracted considerable attention in the recent past given the increased environmental effects of the conventional sources of energy. This increased attention is largely attributable to evidence in existing literature that conventional energy sources contribute to global climate change through affecting the world's ecosystems (emo, 2015). As this issue continues to attract attention among policymakers, governments, and environmentalists, nuclear energy has been regarded as a sustainable energy source with capability of addressing the problem of climate change. esearch has demonstrated that nuclear energy has the capability of meeting current energy needs in an environmentally sustainable way. Actually, nuclear energy is considered as a clean, safe, and sustainable…...



Josephson, P. (2000). The red atom: Russia's nuclear power program from Stalin to today. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Remo, J.L. (2015, May 1). The Dilemma of Nuclear Energy in Space. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 71(3), 38-45.

Nuclear Energy Risks vs Reward Every Source
Pages: 3 Words: 1039

Nuclear Energy: isks vs. eward
Every source of energy has its own drawbacks. This is more so the case taking into consideration the recent energy source related accidents including but not limited to coal-mining mishaps, the nuclear crisis in Japan, the B.P. oil spill, etc. In this text, I will amongst other things concern myself with nuclear power and the consequences associated with the development of the same.

As I have already pointed out in the introductory section, every source of energy has a set of drawbacks. For instance, while there are a number of benefits associated with wind energy, the same also has several disadvantages. In the words of Eccleston, March and Cohen (2011), "wind farms can interfere with radar, creating a hole in radar coverage affecting aviation and national security." The author further points out that wind energy is largely unpredictable. Similarly, although hydroelectric power in the opinion of Eccleston,…...



Eccleston, C.H., March, F. & Cohen, T. (2011). Inside Energy: Developing and Managing an ISO 50001 Energy Management System. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Ginley, D.S. & Cahen, D. (Eds.). (2011). Fundamentals of Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability. New York: Cambridge University Press.

McKinney, M.L., Schoch, R.M. & Yonavjak, L. (2012). Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Miller, G.T. & Spoolman, S. (2007). Environmental Science. Belmont, CA: Thompson Higher Education.

Case Against Nuclear Energy
Pages: 8 Words: 2543

Downside of Nuclear Energy:
Energy production has been a major issue that has attracted huge concerns in the recent past because of the negative environmental impacts associated with generating energy through burning of fossil fuels. A growing interest in nuclear power has significantly increases during this period as it is considered as a real solution to energy security and means of dealing with climate change. Actually, there have been concerns on whether nuclear power is the solution or answer to a warming planet or it is dangerous and expensive to meet the future energy needs of the modern society. hile some people have argued in support of the use of nuclear energy as a solution to these problems, others have opposed such attempts. These varying opinions have been based on arguments and counter-arguments that demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy.

Increased Attention on Nuclear Power:

As previously mentioned, nuclear power…...


Works Cited:

Adamson, Greg. We All Live on Three Mile Island: The Case against Nuclear Power. Sydney: Pathfinder, 1981. Print.

"The Case against Nuclear Power and the Case for Real Solutions to Energy Security and Climate Change." Greenpeace International. GREENPEACE. Web. 31 May 2014. .

Totty, Michael. "The Case For and Against Nuclear Power." The Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones & Company, 30 June 2008. Web. 31 May 2014. .

Williams, Chris. "The Case against Nuclear Power." ISR - International Socialist Review. The Center for Economic Research and Social Change. Web. 31 May 2014. .

The Case Against Nuclear Energy
Pages: 7 Words: 2175

Nuclear Energy
The modern world has been characterized with several environmental issues in the recent past including natural resource depletion, climate change, pollution, and overpopulation. However, climate change has attracted significant attention because of increased environmental impact of industrialization and globalization. Climate change is largely attributable to the current energy sources, which continue to affect the environment. As a result, the search for a suitable energy source with little to no environmental effect has become a major issue for policymakers, governments, and environmentalists. Despite conventional views that nuclear power is unsuitable, recent studies and statistics have considered it a clean energy source. This has contributed to arguments and counter-arguments on whether nuclear energy is clean and safe for the environment. Despite having little to no emission of dangerous gases, nuclear energy is unsustainable when considered from an economic and social perspective.

The Case for Nuclear Energy

In the past few years, nuclear…...



Cavanagh, R. & Cochran, T. (2013, November 6). Nuclear Energy Film Overstates Positives, Underplays Negatives. CNN. Retrieved February 9, 2016, from 

Kemfert et al. (2015, November). European Climate Targets Achievable Without Nuclear Power. DIW Economic Bulletin, 5(47), 619-625.

Koffler, D. (2008, July 8). The Case for Nuclear Power. The Guardian. Retrieved February 9, 2016, from 

Totty, M. (2008, June 30). The Case For and Against Nuclear Power. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved February 9, 2016, from

Energy Is Hard to Define
Pages: 5 Words: 1565

These massive walls of water travel faster than a commercial jet as they descend upon cities and islands. The energy and force of a Tsunamis is the massive transference of potential energy, caused by the shifting currents of the ocean, into kinetic energy that active pushes the Tsunamis forward. In 2004, one tsunami traveled 375 miles in a mere 75 minutes, about 300 miles per hour. Energy however is not just limited the massive, and the mystical, it is present in every form of life. In our own bodies, energy is the driving force behind why our heart pumps blood and why we have the ability to breathe. We use chemical energy, kinetic energy, heat energy, etc. To power the basic functions of our bodies.
imply put, energy drives every stage of life, it is in attempting to find the factors that influence how energy is used and cultivated that…...


Simply put, energy drives every stage of life, it is in attempting to find the factors that influence how energy is used and cultivated that has established the sciences. There are limitations to energy however, detailed by the fundamental laws of physics such as the law of conservation of energy. Scientist's everyday is attempting to fine hone and find the limitations of scientific knowledge. In the hopes that one day we will find an indisputable source of energy that will never wane in force, the dream of "perpetual motion."

Serway, Raymond a.; Jewett, John W. (2004). Physics for Scientists and Engineers (6th ed.). Brooks/Cole

Walding, Richard, Rapkins, Greg, Rossiter, Glenn (1999-11-01). New Century Senior Physics. Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press

Energy Industry Is Heavily Dependent
Pages: 10 Words: 3063

Nuclear energy possesses perhaps the largest potential for growth over the next few decades. The reason for this is the simple fact that it creates a relatively small amount of environmental pollution and can be adapted for use in nearly any part of the world. It certainly poses some security risks if it this technology is misused or mishandled, but the benefits certainly outweigh the costs. This type of energy production does not create smog, or direct environmental wastes, and many scientists, entrepreneurs, and engineers are looking at low cost, micro-nuclear solutions for small cities and towns (Kruger, 2006). Instead of building huge, multi-billion dollar power plants, the focus has shifted to creating small, sustainable, community nuclear power plants. The sustainability level of nuclear power is quite high given that a very small amount of nuclear waste is created for a huge amount of power output, unlike coal-fired power plants…...



Hekkert, Marko P.; Hendriks, Franka H.J.F.; Faaij Andre P.C. And Maarten L. Neelis.. (2005).

"Natural Gas as an Alternative to Crude Oil in Automotive Fuel Chains Well-to-Wheel Analysis and Transition Strategy Development," Energy Policy: Vol. 33: Iss. 5, pp. 579-594.

Hoffmann, Peter. (2002). Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and the Prospects for a Cleaner Planet. MIT Press: Cambridge.

Kruger, Paul. (2006). Alternative Energy Resources: The Quest for Sustainable Energy.

I need some suggestions for science essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 340

Certainly! Here are some science essay topic suggestions:

1. The impact of climate change on the environment.
2. The role of renewable energy sources in reducing carbon emissions.
3. Exploring the potential health benefits of genetic engineering.
4. The effects of plastic pollution on marine life and ecosystems.
5. The future of space exploration and its potential for human colonization.
6. The ethical considerations of using animal testing in medical research.
7. The development and implications of artificial intelligence in various fields.
8. The challenges and benefits of using nanotechnology in medicine.
9. Exploring the effects of deforestation on biodiversity and climate change.
10. The impact of technology on human....

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Fossil Fuels?
Words: 320

I. Introduction
A. Define fossil fuels and discuss their geological origins
B. State the thesis statement: The impacts of fossil fuel consumption on environmental and societal well-being are multifaceted and profound.

II. Environmental Impacts of Fossil Fuel Consumption
A. Air pollution:
1. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and global warming
2. Particulate matter and respiratory problems
3. Acid rain and ecosystem damage
B. Water pollution:
1. Oil spills and marine ecosystems
2. Coal mining and water contamination
3. Fracking and groundwater depletion
C. Land degradation:
1. Deforestation for fuel extraction
2. Mining scars and habitat loss
3. Agricultural impacts of climate change

III. Societal Impacts of Fossil Fuel Consumption
A. Energy security:
1. Dependence on foreign imports
2. Geopolitical conflicts....

I need some suggestions for persuasive essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 414

Persuasive Essay Topic Suggestions


The benefits of early childhood education outweigh the costs.
Standardized testing is an effective measure of student achievement.
The role of technology in education should be expanded.
Charter schools should receive equal funding to public schools.
School choice should be expanded to include private schools.


Universal healthcare would improve the health of Americans.
Mental health should be treated with the same urgency as physical health.
Vaccination mandates are necessary to protect public health.
The Affordable Care Act should be repealed.
The government should regulate the cost of prescription drugs.


Climate change is an urgent threat that....

How did Maria Mayer\'s work revolutionize the field of nuclear physics?
Words: 359

Maria Mayers work revolutionized the field of nuclear physics by providing the first theoretical explanation for the structure of atomic nuclei. Mayer proposed the nuclear shell model, which suggested that protons and neutrons within a nucleus occupy specific energy levels, similar to the way electrons orbit the nucleus in an atom. This model helped explain the stability of certain nuclei and provided a framework for understanding the behavior of nuclear particles. Mayers work also contributed to the development of the liquid drop model, which described the nucleus as a fluid drop held together by nuclear forces. This model helped physicists....

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