North Korea Essays (Examples)

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North Korea Due to Its
Pages: 8 Words: 2724

hile the dictators of Europe often get the most attention, the Kim family has actually been far more successful in terms of maintaining power, to the point that it has not only managed to exist well into the twenty-first century, but it has also managed to develop its own nuclear weapon program.
The existence of North Korea's nuclear weapon program is one of the reasons for the country's extremely serious economic woes, because its desire to expand its weapons programs has led estern countries to impose increasingly harsh sanctions (Kim & Chang 1). However, while these recent sanctions have become more biting and precisely targeted in order to impose hardship on particular members of the regime, it is also important to note that the United States has imposed economic sanctions on North Korea consistently since the outbreak of the Korean ar in 1950. This means that at no point in…...


Works Cited

Armstrong,, Charles. "Trends in the Study of North Korea." The Journal of Asian Studies 70.2

(2011): 357-71. "CIA - the World Factbook - North Korea." 2013. Web. 7 May 2013.


North Korea Political Position Regarding the United States
Pages: 7 Words: 2191

North Korea Political Position egarding United States
Threatening for U.S. government

This assignment demonstrates the position of politics of North Korea regarding United States. North Korea developed third nuclear technology that brought an impact on United States. This assignment discussed the threats given by North Korea to United States. This assignment also puts light on the implications of technology on North Korea regarding United States.

During the period of the cold war, North Korea had become a main problem for the foreign policy of United States. United States and North Korea have never had the political relations with each other. North Korea has become a serious threat for United States because North Korea has introduced an advanced nuclear technology; and has become a more powerful nuclear power. The new nuclear device has a high range of strike against U.S. And lately established technology is beyond the ability of the North Koreans. U.S. takes…...



Akaha, T. (2013) "The Future of North Korea" Routledge.

Avery, C. & Squassoni, S. (2006) North Korea's Nuclear Test: Motivations, Implications, and U.S. Options. CRS Report for Congress.

Chanlett-Avery, E. & Rinehart, I. (2013) North Korea: U.S. Relations, Nuclear Diplomacy, and Internal Situation. Congressional Research Service, Working Paper No. R41259.

Dunlop, W. & Smith, H. (2006) Who Did It? Using International Forensics to Detect and Deter Nuclear Terrorism. Arms Control Today.

North Korea Amid Famine in
Pages: 5 Words: 1329

S. However, the nation's powerful military and unpredictable nature make it a significant threat to world peace. North Korea's military strength belies its weakness in all other areas. The economy is essentially non-functional, the people struggle to survive and non-military accomplishments are few and far between. Yet, North Korea is a nuclear power, which gives it great strength and makes it a nation of acute interest for the United States. Containing the North Korean threat is one of the most significant foreign policy challenges in the world today for the U.S. And its allies.
North Korea represents a significant threat to U.S. allies in South Korea and Japan. The country is technically still at war with South Korea and has no diplomatic relations with the United States. The current strategy with respect to the Korean ar is to keep the situation from once again becoming an open conflict. The U.S., China…...


Works Cited

No author. (2000). North Korea buys English Brewery. BBC. Retrieved March 6, 2009 at 

No author. (2009). North Korea. CIA World Factbook. Retrieved March 6, 2009 from 

No author. (2009). North Korea. United States Department of State. Retrieved March 6, 2009 at 

Faiola, Anthony. (2005). N. Korea Declares Itself a Nuclear Power. Washington Post. Retrieved March 6, 2009 at

North Korea President Bush Was
Pages: 5 Words: 1991

Yet, during the negotiations for the 1994 agreement one of the frequent demands of the North Koreans that was not met was a non-aggression treaty with the U.S. The reason that they may want this is because it may set the course for normalization of relationships and the economic benefits that would come as a result. These economic benefits would help bolster the present regime and ensure that the regime survives. This has not happened so far and some do believe that it is for this reason that the North Koreans have been using the nuclear weapons program as a battering ram to help open the doors to the U.S. And will continue to do so as long as this desire of theirs is not met. Maybe more talks and negotiations will help clear this and thereby find a way to resolve the complex issue of North Korea. (U.S.…...



Huus, Kari. Tightening noose on North Korea. Pyongyang's missile, drug trade under scrutiny. MSNBC News. May 22, 2003. Retrieved at   Accessed on February 10, 2005 .

Huus, Kari. U.S. weighs grim N. Korea options. MSNBC News. January 16, 2003. Retrieved at   Accessed on February 10, .

Kupperman, Tamara. U.S. says North Korea may be ready to talk. MSNBC News.

December 10, 2004. Retrieved at   / Accessed on February 10, 2005 

North Korea Weapons of Mass Destruction
Pages: 1 Words: 401

North Korea MD
The weapons of mass destruction problem in North Korea is characterized by a number of geographic and political issues. North Korea (the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea, or DPRK). In January of 2003, North Korea has withdrawn from the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (Chanda and Evans, 2003; Kyong-Soo Kim). In addition, North Korea has developed long-range missiles, and recent reports suggest that the country is now the "world's largest proliferators of ballistic missile technology" (Kyong-Soo Kim). Further, the country is reputed to have chemical and biological weapons (Kyong-Soo Kim). As such, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in North Korea has sparked a great deal of conflict with the United States and other nations.

The weapons of mass destruction problem in North Korea is compounded by spatial and geographic issues. Physically, North Korea borders South Korea, with both China and Japan close neighbors, and Russia in close proximity as…...


Works Cited

Armitage, Richard L., Deputy Secretary of State. Weapons of Mass Destruction Developments on the Korean Peninsula. Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Washington, DC, February 4, 2003. 17 June 2004. 

Chanda, Nayan and Evans, Gareth. 2003. North Korea is a Symptom of a Larger Problem.

YaleGlobal, 8 October 2003. 15 June 2004. 

Kyong-Soo Kim, ed. North Korea's Weapons of Mass Destruction. 15 June 2004. 'sWMD.html

North Korea Is One of the World's
Pages: 1 Words: 376

North Korea is one of the world's most centrally planned and isolated economies (The World Fact ook). As a result of years of underinvestment and spare parts shortages, its industrial capital stock is considered to be beyond repair and its economy is in chaos, faces desperate economic conditions. Industrial and power output have eroded and the nation has suffered its tenth year of food shortages because of a lack of arable land, collective farming, weather-related problems, and chronic shortages of fertilizer and fuel. Large-scale military spending is blamed for consuming resources needed for investment and civilian consumption. Led by dictator Kim Jong Il, and hailing a million-man army, the North is believed by the U.S. To have at least one nuclear weapon, an extensive chemical weapons stockpile and a biological arsenal (ray, 2003).
Despite its adversarial relationship with North Korea, the U.S. is its largest supplier of food aid (Cohen, 2002).…...



Bray, M. (2003, December 10). North Korea: What are the options? Retrieved June 18, 2004 from Web site: 

Cohen, R. (2002, May 16). Aid meant for the hungry. New York Times. Retrieved June 18, 2004 from Web site: 

The World Fact Book. Retrieved June 17, 2004 from Web site:

North Korea Weapon Issue
Pages: 5 Words: 1522

North Korean Weapon Issue
North Korea has been intimidating the United States with a series of nuclear threats since October 2002 when U.S. officials stopped the supply of heavy oils to the North in retaliation of its confessed production of nuclear warheads violating agreements signed in 1994. Shortly after, North Korea withdrew from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NTP) and agreements with the United Nations. While there is little proof that North Korea has nuclear weapons, it is strongly suspected that it does. This paper will discuss the North Korean weapon issue.

North Korea's Withdrawal from the NPT

Since its inception in 1970, the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) become the most widely subscribed to international treaty in history, with 187 members. However, there used to be 188 members prior to North Korea's withdrawal from the treaty in April 2003. This withdrawal marked the first time in history that a state has ever left the treaty.…...



Kerr, Paul. (April, 2003). "NK's uranium program moving ahead, Kelly says." Arms Control Association. Retrieved from the Internet at .

Koppel, Andrea. King, John. (October 17, 2002). "U.S.: NK admits nuke program." Retrieved from the Internet at

Laney, James. Shaplen, Jason. (2003). "Peace in Korea." Foreign Affairs 82.2, 16-30.

NTI. (2003). "NK nuclear capabilities." NTI. Retrieved from the Internet at:

North Korea Punishing the Petulant
Pages: 4 Words: 1309

Experiencing a quality of life that is much lower than their Southern counterparts, as North Koreans suffer with a quality of life that is worse than even those in other totalitarian regimes, such as Cuba (Oh, 2007). Just a few of the issues that citizens of North Korea have to deal with each day include famine, death, a caste system, and poverty. While famine and poverty are problems that immediately threaten the physical body, the strict caste system is the social problem that probably, more than anything, affects the life of a typical North Korean. With no ability to dream, to have a hope in increasing one's position and station, or of overcoming one's circumstance, it is difficult to be human. For these reasons, the symbolic value of North Korean's threats are damaging in the worst way. And it is just for this reason that North Korea can't be…...



Bolton, J.R. (2008, June 30). The Tragic End of Bush's North Korea Policy. Retrieved July 20, 2009, from 

Greco, E.S. (2009, April 5). What's Up With North Korea. Retrieved July 20, 2009,


Oh, K. (2007, May). North Korea: The Nadir of Freedom. Retrieved July 20, 2009, from

North Korea's Becoming the Ninth
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Firstly, he is seen as a dictator and one of the last posts of the communist regime by most of the western world. Therefore, the power given by the possession of a nuclear device is indeed a worrying perspective, considering the fact that the Korean leader is known for his opaque foreign policy. At the same time, the Western countries are worried by the latest tests also in the light of the 9/11 events, which reshaped the perspective from which we tend to view threats. Thus, it is possible that the technology used by the North Koreans to reach third parties, such as terrorist organizations. If a state's bellicose intentions to some extent can be controlled through sanctions and even military strikes, in the case of non-state actors, this is practically impossible, as the recent experiences involving especially Al Qaeda have shown. Therefore, in such a situation, the international…...

North Korea's Nuclear Proliferation
Pages: 2 Words: 750

Noth Koea has acknowledged that it has a development pogam fo nuclea technology. Intenational talks and pessue tactics have attempted to halt this peceived polifeation of nuclea weapons; howeve, the methods used (fom political pessue to sanctions) have not been successful. I will ague that Noth Koean polifeation is not the secuity theat feaed by the West and exploe how nuclea advances in Southeast Asia may actually help stabilize the egion, as opposed to the pevailing opinion that a nuclea Noth Koea is a situation to be avoided at all costs.
In ode to study the intenational elations of the Koean Peninsula and make the agument that a Noth Koean nuclea pogam may actually incease egional secuity, I am going to endeavo to find souces which ae elated to the subject both geneally as well as specifically. This will fist include an investigation of the majo theoies of intenational elations…...


references to write the dissertation on one issue with many different views, not just those of the region but also the international opinion regarding this situation.

SIGNIFICANCE: The current destabilisation that is present in East Asia proves to be a threat for nations all across the globe. Each nation wishes to acquire nuclear weapons to secure their position and gain an advantage of being the dominant nation. With such instability, terrorist groups and rogue states come into existence and because they do not have good international relations with any, they are a potential threat to all humanity. With a study about the history of the region and the reasons that gave rise to this desire for nuclear weapons, one can better analyse and provide for a solution that would harmonise the current situation. Understanding of an actor's motivation is a vital step in after one recognizes a problem otherwise the condition worsens and goes beyond control; this study will devote a significant portion of its research to this understanding of why DPRK feels nuclear weapons are necessary to its own security, and then I will address the validity of this concern and its implications for regional security.

Strategic Intelligence and North Korea
Pages: 5 Words: 1312

SWOT Analysis: North Korea
The Intelligence Community had made significant strides against North Korea when it comes to that country's nuclear weapons program. However, that does not mean that everything has been figured out or that there are no other issues that have to be considered. With that in mind, a SWOT analysis can provide more insight into whether the Intelligence Community is doing the right thing, and whether it has enough knowledge to adequately plan for what North Korea might do in the future. Understanding the nuclear weapons program that North Korea currently has, and what kind of program it may still be developing in the future, is vital to making sure that the Intelligence Community is prepared for changes that the country might be making to the power it has in the world (North, 2005). The danger that North Korea presents is real, and should not be underestimated just…...



Busch, N.E. (2004). No end in sight: the continuing menace of nuclear proliferation. KY: University Press of Kentucky.

Moltz, J.C., & Mansourov, A.Y. (2000). The North Korean nuclear program. NY: Routledge.

Myers, S.L., & Sang-Hun, C. (2012). North Korea agrees to curb nuclear work; U.S. offers aid. The New York Times

North Korea confirms it has nuclear weapons. (2005). Fox News.

Iraq and North Korea's Threats to America
Pages: 2 Words: 804

Iraq and North Korea's threats to America. Is Iraq a greater threat or is North Korea? It is explained that Iraq has to be greater threat to America's interests as the latter wishes to protect the integrity of North Korea's neighbors. Iraq's threat to America is also seen as more dangerous than that of North Korea because of Hussein's global reputation.
Threat to America: Iraq or North Korea?

Using force against North Korea seems inappropriate because the Communist nation looks less vulnerable to attack than Iraq, and thus, less of a threat to America than Iraq. There are three reasons for opposing an attack on North Korea and these reasons have to do with the protection and honor of the neighbors of North Korea. War also appears as a less compelling option in dealing with North Korea because its nuclear weapons threaten American interests less than Iraqi nuclear arms would. A…...



Mandelbaum, M. (2003. February 1). Iraq, Not N. Korea, Must be Target. Newsday, pp A37.

Korean Peninsula and World Politics a Study of North Korea
Pages: 5 Words: 1593

Korean Peninsula and World Politics: A study of North Korea
Having been described as one of the most secretive states in the world, where even calculations of economic indicators is a difficult job to attain, there seems to be two very different perspectives of what North Korea is and the sentiments towards it. One is obviously the sentiments of the West, which has long considered it as an enemy state due to its strict regime and censorship policies, which has provided its citizens with no human rights. USA in a fact has put up quite an argument against the regime of North Korea stating again and again how the citizens of North Korea are being suppressed under the authoritative rule of Kim Jong Li.

The second perception is that which is delivered to us through the documentary "A State of Mind" which follows the lives of two gymnastics, who are training to…...

Negotiation Between North Korea Dprk
Pages: 12 Words: 3222

m. To 6 a.m.), the overtime premium is 100% of the hourly wage rate. In some cases, North Korean workers have asked for additional night shift or weekend work in order to qualify for additional pay. Companies also may pay cash rewards as a special incentive. KIC employees receive 14 days per year in vacation time. At first, North Korean workers were reluctant to ask for leave time, but now they do. Female employees receive 60 days paid maternity leave. Labor costs in Kaesong are approximately 8% of those in a South Korean metropolitan area. South Korean labor laws extend to South Korean workers in the KIC." (Nanto and Manyin, 2008)
It was reported that Unification Ministry officials confirmed in April 2007 that the DPRK had made a request that pay be raised 30% and 10% for members of the North Korean workforce who had graduated from two- and four-year colleges…...



Nanto, Dick K. And Manyin, Mark E. (2008) the Kaesong North-South Korean

Industrial Complex. CRS Report to Congress. 14 Feb. 2008. Online available at 

Human Rights Watch, North Korea: Workers' Rights at the Kaesong Industrial Complex, 3 October 2006. Online. UNHCR Refworld, available at   26 December 2008] [accessed

United States and North Korea
Pages: 5 Words: 1670

The U.S. Army 2d Infantry Division, together with South Korean forces, is likewise poised near the demilitarized zone. The 2d Infantry Division is also supported by massive air power that could easily -- and quickly -- decimate North Korea just as air power was used during the Korean War to level hundreds of North Korean cities, towns and villages. According to Bechtel, "The 2d Infantry Division operates 30 multiple-rocket-launcher systems and 30 M109A6 Paladin self-propelled howitzers" (p. 76).

Taken together, the research showed that it is little wonder that North Korea is jittery about tens of thousands of American troops remaining on South Korean soil and its nuclear arms program and military buildup can be better understood when these issues are taken into account. Given the uneasy state of affairs that exists between North and South Korea as well as the United States today, an objective observer might suggest that…...



Beal, T. (1998). North Korea: From confrontation to communication. New Zealand

International Review, 14.

Bechtol, B.E., Jr. (2005). The future of U.S. airpower on the Korean peninsula. Air & Space

Power Journal, 19(3), 75-76.

Is there anything in the news related to no clear and present danger by bruce m russett that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 596

The Enduring Relevance of "No Clear and Present Danger" in the Age of Cyberwarfare

In his seminal work, "No Clear and Present Danger: A Skeptical View of the U.S. Exercise of Military Power in the Post-Cold War World," Bruce M. Russett argues that the United States is misusing its military power to advance its geopolitical interests. He contends that the supposed threats to its national security are often exaggerated or illusory, leading to unnecessary military interventions that undermine international stability.

Russett's analysis, published in 1999, remains highly relevant in the contemporary era, particularly in light of the increasing sophistication and prevalence of....

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