North Carolina Essays (Examples)

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North Carolina's Approach to Sexual Predators Recently
Pages: 4 Words: 1364

North Carolina's Approach To Sexual Predators
ecently, North Carolina struck down North Carolina's ban on registered sex offenders using social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. had an issue with Cooper notes that there are still laws on the books that investigators can use to charge suspects with soliciting children online. However, he believes we need a law to try to prevent child sex crimes before they happen. "There are laws for soliciting children online and these predators should be convicted to the fullest extent of the law, but that's after the fact," said Cooper. "That's after they have solicited the child. This law works to put a preventive barrier, to prevent that sex offender from going online to start with."

Laws that prohibit Predatory Conduct

One of the laws involve North Carolina's ban on accessing commercial social networking sites by sex offenders is unconstitutional on its face, the court of appeals held…...



Cooper, A. (2013, August 20). North Carolina appeals court strikes social media ban for sex offenders. Retrieved from

Cooper, R. (2013, August 5). The North Carolina Sex offender & Public Protection Registration Programs. Retrieved from 

Markham, J. (2013, August 20). Social Networking Prohibition for Sex Offenders Facially Unconstitutional. Retrieved from 

North Carolina Sentence and Policy Advisory Committe. (2013, March 5). Retrieved from

North Carolina
Pages: 1 Words: 357

ew South" on the state of orth Carolina following the close of the Civil War, historian John G. Barrett notes that "the state's detachment from the main contours of Southern plantation life and orthern free-labor society contributed greatly to its future status after Lee's surrender in 1865." 1 As this statement indicates, orth Carolina, once part of the southern Confederacy, faced numerous problems associated with its isolation and the downfall of plantation life which depended heavily on slavery.
At the beginning of the "War Between the States," only seven percent of households in orth Carolina owned slaves, but as the war progressed, this number rose sharply throughout most of the state. Yet poor farmers concentrated primarily on the production of foodstuffs for their own households and found it very difficult to deliver their goods to the main towns and cities, due to the fact that railroads had not yet penetrated…...



Barrett, John G. The Civil War in North Carolina. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1963: 134.

Carbone, John S. The Civil War in Coastal North Carolina. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1976: 57.

Craven County North Carolina Obesity Epidemic Craven
Pages: 5 Words: 1345

Craven County North Carolina Obesity Epidemic
Craven County, North Carolina is located in the Coastal Plains section of North Carolina and is situated halfway between New York and Florida. Craven County is reported to cover 708.43 square miles of land area and is characterized by flat land to gently rolling hills. Craven County is topographically flat with the average elevation approximately 17.5 feet above sea level. Craven County is reported as rural with no metropolitan areas and to be comprised of two cities: (1) New Bern; and (2) Havelock and six other towns that are incorporated. ecreational activities in Craven County are reported to include easy access to water with the terrain, temperature, and climate being conducive to many outdoor recreational activities including sailing, boating, fishing, hunting, golf and other activities.


Craven County, North Carolina has a population of 96,892 and the median household income is $38,473. The hardship index in Craven…...



Craven County, NC (2013) PBS Newshour. Retrieved from: 

Craven County, North Carolina (2011) Community Health Assessment. Retrieved from: 

Craven County, North Carolina (2012) County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Retrieved from: 

Craven County, North Carolina (2013) County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. Retrieved from:

Women and the Homefront in Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee During the Civil War
Pages: 31 Words: 11672

Women and the Home Front in Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee during the Civil War
This paper examines the living conditions and attitudes that shaped the lives of the women in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee during and after the American Civil War. The thesis statement should deal with the breakdown of long standing ties between the people of the mountains as they chose to fight for the Confederacy or the Union. In the pre-war years, these close ties had become strong out of a mutual attempt to try to built a life in the rugged environment they encountered. ased on primary and secondary documentary evidence, this paper will investigate how could friends and family become bitter enemies and how this process played out in the mountains of western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee to better understand what the women went through while their brothers, husbands and fathers…...



Among the Pines," State Chronicle, September 22, 1883 in Leloudis.

Barret, John G. And W. Buck Yearns (Eds). 1980. North Carolina Civil War Documentary. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

In an appendix, the editors provide this excerpt from the diary of an eighteen-year-old girl of Everittsville, who recorded her concerns about the fate of women in the Confederacy and her views about the part played by the Confederate male:

Aug. 30, 1861. Hatteras taken by Yanks-- women and children fleeing. "Quick oh God! Save us from the enemy. Surely thou hast not forsaken us."

Why I Want to Go to University of North Carolina Wilmington
Pages: 2 Words: 622

fall, it is my intention to attend the University of North Carolina-Wilmington. UNC Wilmington is my first choice among schools because it has the right mix of education, social, climate and setting. What I appreciate most is the UNC-Wilmington approach to learning, where the school seeks to offer a high end education that rivals research-first schools. Having such an excellent education in a student-focused school is a major attraction for me, since I want to be in a place where my studies come first.
Academically, my strengths are in mathematics and sciences. This means that I can contribute to the academic excellence of the student body in a number of ways, although my preference is to study either occupational or physical therapy. I know that the biology department at UNCW is strong, as are many of the other science departments, and that is an important draw for me. I see…...

City of Four Oaks North Carolina Is
Pages: 9 Words: 2350

city of Four Oaks, North Carolina is involved in the planning stages of development of a new diamond interchange at Keen oad. Unfortunately, several businesses lie in the way of the design and construction of the project and must be relocated to other parts of the town. onnie's Place, Inc. is at the center of controversy as the business must be demolished and a new building must be constructed in another location. In order to finance the reconstruction, the State Department of Transportation must purchase the existing facilities and compensate the owner for his time, effort, and interruption of daily business. Until a fair price has been established between both parties, the owner must concentrate on other opportunities to acquire capital to construct the new facility. Furthermore, he must create and implement a suitable business plan to sustain the growth of his new business. To accomplish these efforts, the…...



Chapter 4: The microenvironment and an era of global competition.

Increasing Access for Women to Use Free Clinic Screening Services in North Carolina
Pages: 5 Words: 1887

Access for Women to use Free Clinic Screening Services in North Carolina
U07a1: Nursing esearch Course Project- Part I

Marry Perry

Orientation to Graduate Nursing Study

All around the world, women are facing many difficulties maintaining their health and due to their lack of knowledge of the importance of regular checkups, the rate of deaths due to breast and cervical cancer are ever increasing. In order to decrease this, the North Carolina decided to take a step forward and find a solution that would save the lives of the women by early detection of diseases like cancer and by promoting awareness of the importance of early detection and regular screening.

North Carolina has over 79 clinics that offer free screening especially for women. Their goal is to provide health and well-being of the women and their families by providing proper health care to all individuals especially those who cannot afford it. By this means,…...



H.M. Malm - Medical Screening and the Value of Early Detection, The Hastings Center Report. 29(1)

Ogden, Jane (2007) Health Psychology: A Textbook. . Maidenhead, England: Open University Press. 201.

Lewison (1965) The Nurse's role in Early Detection of Cancer of the Breast. (4)3

Winsome St. John - editor, Helen Keleher (2007) Community Nursing Practice: Theory, Skills and Issues.(pp.124). Crows Nest, N.S.W. Allen & Unwin.

Charlotte North Carolina City Profile
Pages: 5 Words: 1475

These highways provide a way through several other Southern states and far into the North East as well. A new highway is currently under construction in the expanding city. Construction on the I-485 began around the turn of the Twenty-First Century, and is planned to be completed within the next five years. The city has also invested large sums of money and energy into the completion and maintenance of the rail line system called the Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS). This is a state of the art light rail which feeds into various parts of the city. The local city airport is a major international hub, and one of the largest international airports in the Southern region. Charlotte/Douglas International Airport oversees arrivals and departures from all over the world. This complex transit system has opened up Charlotte not only to other areas of the South, but to the rest…...


Works Cited

Christie, Les. (June 2007). "The Fastest Growing U.S. Cities: From the Empire State to the Lone Star State - the cities that are growing the most." CNN Money. (2006). "2006 Crime Statistics."

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Story. (2002). "History Timeline." 

U.S. Census Bureau. (2005). "Charlotte North Carolina Quick Facts,"

Jones North Carolina Top Political
Pages: 5 Words: 1637

In the end, North Carolina seems to suffer from many of the ills experienced by the country at large. Although it is, without doubt, a state blessed with a high level of natural beauty as well as economic prosperity, it is also seriously affected by political and environmental issues that impact the lives of its citizens in very negative ways. hether the state will become increasingly mired in dollar-driven industrial and budgetary problems, or whether the state will eventually pull ahead of its neighbors in dealing with those issues will remain to be seen. One can only hope that a state with as rich a history, and blessed with such potential, will eventually triumph over the problems it currently faces, and arise clean and efficient in the years ahead.

orks Cited

Citizen Times. Staff. "Budget foot-dragging costly and inexcusable." Citizen Times Online Edition. 31 July, 2005. Retrieved on August 1, 2005



Works Cited

Citizen Times. Staff. "Budget foot-dragging costly and inexcusable." Citizen Times Online Edition. 31 July, 2005. Retrieved on August 1, 2005 

Citizen Times. Staff. "TVA should clean up its act, clear up our skies." Citizen Times Online Edition. 01 August, 2005. Retrieved on August 1, 2005 

Hamed, Mubarak, Thomas Johnson and Kathleen Miller, The Impacts of Animal Feeding Operations on Rural land Values, Community Policy Analysis Center, University of Missouri - Columbia. May, 1999.

Hartsoe, Steve. "States fighting shortages of state police and highway troopers." 30 July, 2005. Retrieved on August 1, 2005   -- troopershortage0730jul30,0,702689.story?coll=ny-region-apconnecticut 

Low Coastal Lands North Carolina
Pages: 4 Words: 1299

Background InformationOn the low coastal lands of the eastern part of North Carolina, many people, including families in some rural parts daily, must be confronted by lousy smells from hog or pig farms that occupy large tracks of land in the State. People have often covered their noses and mouths using handkerchiefs or masks to reduce the saturated odor, usually waiting for them to step outside. Even a small amount of mist of pig or hog mature when sprayed in farms; it sprinkles nearby vehicles, hanging clothes on the line, homes, and even on people\\\'s faces and hair.This environmental pollution problem started majorly in 1982 in counties of North Carolina. By 1997, over 95% of swine farming was all carried out in the eastern side counties of the coast low-lands (Edwards et al., p215). Most large-scale farms, referred to as CAFOs, rear thousands of these animals. These CAFO farms in…...


Work CitedBindell R. Hog Waste Is Dragging North Carolina Through the Manure [weblog entry].  May 2011).Edwards, B., et al. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"From farms to factories: the environmental consequences of swine industrialization in North Carolina, 1982–2007.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Twenty Lessons in Environmental Sociology (2008): 209-232.Lowman, Amy, et al. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Land application of treated sewage sludge: community health and environmental justice.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Environmental health perspectives 121.5 (2013): 537-542.Nicole, Wendee. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"CAFOs and environmental justice: The case of North Carolina.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" (2013): a182-a189.Schiffman, Susan S., et al. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The effect of environmental odors emanating from commercial swine operations on the mood of nearby residents.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Brain research bulletin 37.4 (1995): 369-375.Wilson, Sacoby M., and Marc L. Serre. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Examination of atmospheric ammonia levels near hog CAFOs, homes, and schools in Eastern North Carolina.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Atmospheric Environment 41.23 (2007): 4977-4987.Wing, Steve, Rachel Avery Horton, and Kathryn M. Rose. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Air pollution from industrial swine operations and blood pressure of neighboring residents.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Environmental Health Perspectives 121.1 (2013): 92-96.Zublena, Joseph Peter, James C. Barker, and Jack Wilmer Parker. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Swine manure as a fertilizer source.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" AG-North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service, North Carolina State University (USA) (1990). (11

History Slavery North Atlantic British Colonies United
Pages: 10 Words: 3188

history slavery North Atlantic British colonies United States
Observations egarding Slavery

One of the primary methods of resistance for people of African descent who existed in servitude in the North Atlantic British colonies and in the United States was rebellion. Although far from occurring frequently, armed, violent revolt from chattel slaves helped to shape the history of their descendants in these locations. One of the most notorious of these uprisings was known as the Southampton Insurrection led by Nat Turner in Virginia's Southampton County in August of 1831. The effect of Turner's armed insurrection, and those of others in the Southern United States and in other North Atlantic British colonies can be evidenced in the amended legislature which ultimately influenced the future and perception of both slaves and former slaves for several years to come.

Turner's 1831 rebellion was just the latest in the lengthy list of historical uprisings slaves of African…...



Dr. Thomas C., Parramore (1998). Trial Separation: Murfreesboro, North Carolina and the Civil War. Murfreesboro, North Carolina: Murfreesboro Historical Association, Inc.. p. 10

"Nat Turner's Rebellion," Africans in America, Retrieved from 

Aptheker, H. (1943). American Negro Slave Revolts. 5th edition. New York, NY: International Publishers.

Cullen, Joseph P. "Bacon's Rebellion," American History Illustrated, Dec 1968, Vol. 3 Issue 8, p.4

Native Art of North and Meso America
Pages: 3 Words: 953

Native Art of North and Meso America
The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between native North American art and the art of Mesoamerica? Is an exchange of artistic influences seen between these two neighboring regions?

etween 20,000 and 30,000 years ago, the first inhabitants of the Americas arrived in North America. This time was approximately around the time of the last glacial age. The oceans of the world due to water forming into ice were lower than they presently are and a land bridge approximately 1,000 miles wide connecting Siberia to Alaska formed. This is known as the ering land bridge. Some of these new inhabitants settled in North America and others migrated to Central and South America. There were great civilizations flourishing throughout the Americas at different times and in different locations. (Education Department of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 2000, paraphrased)

Meso-America Indian Art and…...



Art of the Americas: Information for Educators (2000) Education Department of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. Retrieved from: 

Messenger, LC (2010) The Southeastern Woodlands: Mississippian Cahokia -- Late Prehistoric Metropolis on the Mississippi. Making Archaeology Teaching Relevant in the XXI Century (MATRIX). Retrieved from: 

Sorenson, JL (2012) Mesoamericans in Pre-Columbian North America. Meal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. Brigham Young University. Retrieved from:

Thornton, R. (2010) The Mesoamerican connection: the Toltecs, artisans, scholars, priests and fearsome warriors. The Examiner. 22 Apr 2010. Retrieved from:

Separating North America Into Sub-Regions
Pages: 6 Words: 1584

North America into Sub-Regions
By total area, the United States is the world's third largest country, with landscape that varies from temperate forestland and rolling hills on the East coast, mangrove in Florida, the Great Plains in the center of the country, the Mississippi and Missouri river system, the Great Lakes which are shared with Canada, the Rocky Mountains west of the plains, the deserts and temperate coastal zones west of the Rocky Mountains, the temperate rain forests in the Pacific Northwest, and the tundra of Alaska (United). Canada, the second largest country in the world, occupies the northern half of the North American continent, and is divided into six regions, the Pacific Coast, the Interior Plains, the Canadian Shield, the St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Appalachian Region, and the Arctic Lowlands (Geographic). The majority of the regions of both countries tend to correspond with one another. Aside from the South…...


Work Cited

Canadian Shield. Retrieved November 05, 2005 from:

Exterior Form of North America. Retrieved November 05, 2005 from:


Chesapeake Middle Colonies Georgia and the Carolinas
Pages: 3 Words: 994

British colonizers took a different approach as compared to Dutch and French settlers in America. The former actively pursued their apparent "God-given" power to carry out farming, fishing and hunting activities within Native Americans' lands and water resources.
Chesapeake and Middle Colonies

The region lying between the Chesapeake (i.e., Virginia and Maryland) and the New England colonies encompassed New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Delaware (i.e., "middle colonies") which were formerly Dutch colonies. By the year 1670, the largely-Protestant migrant group from the Netherlands boasted the world's biggest mercantile fleet as well as the loftiest living standards. They were in control of trade in the northern European region and grew into one among the most liberal and multicultural European communities, in addition to being the British's fiercest rival in international trade. They welcomed and supported religious and cultural diversity unlike a majority of America's other colonizers from the European continent.

The Quakers or…...

South and the North of the 19th Century
Pages: 3 Words: 1198

South and the North of the 19th Century
Dear Trevor,

As I write this, I can hear faint yells and cheers through my window. Somewhere, the city of Charleston still celebrates. You'll have heard why by the time my letter arrives. Secession. It was no secret that it would happen when Lincoln, that great ape, was elected. As many years as we've been on the receiving end of Yankee insults and "compromises," I wonder why we took so long.

You and I have talked about our peculiar institution, and I know you disapprove, but then, you have not been around Negroes. They are not our equals. They need us to care for them and direct them, and we need them to work the fields and keep our farms and plantations running. There is no immorality, no terrible sin. Merely an advantageous arrangement for both sides. But the Yankees don't see it that way.…...



Catton, B. (1961). The coming fury, volume one. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co.

Naden, C.J. & Blue, R. (2000). Why fight? The causes of the American Civil War. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn Publishers.

Words: 44


A title for an opinion essay on New England colonies, middle colonies, and Southern colonies?
Words: 386

While people often lump the American colonies together, there were significant differences between the New England colonies, Middle colonies, and Southern colonies. These differences were not only geographical, but also based in who had the grants for the colonies, their favor in the British government, and who eventually settled in the lands. These differences initially impacted how successful the American colonies were and how prosperous they would become. They eventually impacted industrialization and, in many ways, could be cited as one of the root causes of the eventual American Civil War and even some of....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on embesslement in north carolina?
Words: 255

1. The prevalence of embezzlement in North Carolina: statistics and trends
2. Case studies of high profile embezzlement cases in North Carolina
3. The impact of embezzlement on businesses and individuals in North Carolina
4. The legal consequences of embezzlement in North Carolina
5. Strategies for preventing and detecting embezzlement in North Carolina businesses
6. The role of technology in preventing and detecting embezzlement in North Carolina
7. The ethical implications of embezzlement in North Carolina
8. Comparing embezzlement laws and enforcement in North Carolina to other states
9. The psychology of embezzlement: exploring the motives and mindset of embezzlers in North Carolina
10. The challenges of prosecuting and....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on embezzlement in local government in north carolina. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 339

1. The prevalence of embezzlement in local government in North Carolina: A case study
2. The impact of embezzlement on public trust in North Carolina local government
3. Investigative strategies for detecting and preventing embezzlement in North Carolina local government
4. The legal consequences and penalties for embezzlement in North Carolina local government
5. Ethical considerations in handling cases of embezzlement in North Carolina local government
6. The role of internal controls and audits in preventing embezzlement in North Carolina local government
7. Comparing embezzlement cases in North Carolina local government to other states
8. The psychological profile of embezzlers in North Carolina local government
9. Strategies for....

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