Evolution of Non-Profits
An organization can essentially be defined as non-profit if it is not under the obligation to distribute any financial surplus to the individuals that are responsible for controlling the use of the assets for the organization. The most typical categories for non-profit organizations are arts, advocacy, civic, education, cultural, health, and human or social service, and these organizations range in size and scope.
Non-profits are described by the Internal evenue Service as organizations that serve religious, charitable, scientific, or educational purposes, of which the income does not benefit anyone associated with the administration or execution of services offered by the organization. According to section 501(c)(1), there are several types of non-profits, including social welfare organizations, voluntary employee beneficiary associations, credit unions, labor unions and agriculture, and mutual insurance companies to name a few. However, the impact that non-profits have is widespread and all segments of society are affected…...
As per the client's request, all information used for this project was sourced from the Power Point notes provided by the client.
Marketing in Non-Profit organizations
In the contemporary era of shrinking public resources and increasing public demands the socially liable non-for-profit organizations are becoming more significant than ever before. Irrespective of the fact that the personnel and board members of such organizations are much strengthened in terms of their good will they are some times weakened in terms of technical know-how on the methodology in which to attain the coveted objectives. (Marketing Strategies for Non-Profit Organizations) As in the commercial organizations the non-profit organizations are also required to sell their products. However, rather than concentrating on their market efforts on customers, most non-profit organizations focus on the potential benefactors. (Exercise: How Well Do Nonprofit Organizations Market Themselves?) Irrespective of the kind of non-profit services that is provided and not considering the scale of the organization the marketing approaches and techniques are felt essential so as to optimize the effectiveness of the…...
Espy, Siri. "Marketing Strategies for Non-Profit Organizations" Retrieved from Accessed on 19 April, 2005http://lyceumbooks.com/markstrat4np.htm
"Exercise: How Well Do Nonprofit Organizations Market Themselves?" Retrieved from Accessed on 19 April, 2005http://www.swlearning.com/web_resources/nonprofit.htm
Katz, Kathryn. "Marketing a Non-profit Organization" Retrieved from Accessed on 19 April, 2005http://electricstores.com/articles/resources-nonprofits.asp
Maynard, Wendy Gray. "Marketing for Non-profit Organizations" Retrieved from Accessed on 19 April, 2005http://www.marketingsource.com/articles/view/2101
It is inevitable that vested interest and even government will not always be pleased with the work some NGOs are performing. However, a number of western causes are totally alien to the culture and society in developing countries and are being propagated by a few NGOs to attract financial assistance from western countries. The role of NGOs in these areas needs to be monitored.
The financial requirement of most of these non-profit organizations is being met by donations from foreign countries. Foreign countries would obviously only support the causes of their own liking and that too to the organizations of their own choice. It would be fair to acknowledge that some of these organizations would be, knowingly or unknowingly, providing cover to undesirable espionage activities. Wolf [14] accuses that the reputedly humanitarian groups, the NGOs, are now being openly integrated into Washington's overall strategy for consolidating global supremacy. He cites…...
Cohen, M. And Cohen, J, Dictionary of Modern Quotations, page 120, Penguin Books, 1970.
Asia Child Rights, Retrieved from Internet on 15 October 2005. http://acr.hrschool.org/mainfile.php/0209/402
Human Rights Watch Report on Contemporary Forms of Slavery in Pakistan, ISBN 1-56432-154-1, Retrieved from Internet on 15 October 2005. http://www.hrw.org/reports/1995/Pakistan.htm
Reddy, E., Cooperation in International Sanctions Against South Africa, Retrieved from Internet on 15 October 2005. http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/solidarity/interaction.htm
Food eserve Non-Profit Organization
Feasibility Study Analysis
Food eserve is a non-profit food bank service organization that will provide grocery items to assist residents of Cincinnati, Ohio. Food eserve has the goal is end hunger in Cincinnati by seeking, gathering, growing, and putting together food packages that will be distributed using a network of similar service organizations, and programs that offer aid to targeted populations in need. The services offered by Food eserve are boxes of groceries, emergency services, and a youth ranch which will be run by at risk youth to grow garden foods for local residents, restaurants, and markets. Food eserve will be supported through the counties, corporations, and other charities such as community churches (Hofstrand, and Holz-Clause, 2012).
There are about 25% of Cincinnati residents that are qualified to receive from Food eserve. The profile of clients are lower income families or members of society that are facing an…...
Census.gov. (2011). Poverty Census Data. January 25, 2012 from http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/poverty/poverty.html
Cincinatti-oh.gov. (2011). Cincinnati 2011-2012 Biennial Budget. January 25, 2012 from http://www.cincinnati-oh.gov/cmgr/downloads/cmgr_pdf40554.pdf
Choosecincy.com (2012). Demographics. January 25, 2012 from http://www.choosecincy.com/datacenter/demographics
Choosecincy.com (2012). Economy. January 25, 2012 from http://www.choosecincy.com/datacenter/economy
158). These five life cycles are described further in Table 1 below.
Table 1
Five Life Cycle Model for eviewing and Improving Ethics Programs in NPO Consultancies
Life Cycle Stage
This stage is primarily concerned with identifying the goals and the means. Key components of this stage are identifying needs and intended uses for outcomes assessment results, identifying key audiences and obtaining their support, shifting modes of thinking from input measures to output measures, reexamining the mission and goals/objectives of ethics training, and developing a general mission for the outcomes assessment effort. This stage also includes the identification of one individual or group who is responsible for managing the assessment.
This stage focuses more closely on the execution of the assessment effort. Who initiated the effort? Who is interested in the results? What will be assessed? How will the assessment be carried out? Cooperation and support so essential to a successful assessment effort are…...
Financial management has a significant role to play in the success of an organization, regardless of whether it is a profit-motive organization or a non-profit organization. In particular, financial management is taken into consideration as a course or direction that all organizations have to follow in order to become successful. This essay offers acumen and understanding on the application and implementation of financial management methods for a non-profit organization, as well as comparisons of this organization with a for-profit organization. While the strategic management approach for both these types of organizations is comparable, there are a number of differences. For instance, non-profit organizations tend to operate in a monopolistic setting or structure that provides services or manufactures products offering low returns; non-profit organizations are also reliant on finances and capital from outside sources. There is increasing growth in the non-profit industry, and there is great importance for understanding the roles…...
Blackbaud. (2011). Financial Management of Not-for-Profit Organizations. Retrieved 3 June 2015 from: https://www.blackbaud.com/files/resources/downloads/WhitePaper_FinancialManagementForNPO.pdf
Horngren, C.T., Foster, G., Datar, S.M. (1997). Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River.
Jody, B. (1996). Financial Planning for Not-for-profit Organizations. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Robert, A.N., Young, D.W. (1994). Management Control in Not-for-profit Organizations. Boston: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.
A Systematic Review of Online Auctions for Fund Raising by Non-Profit Organizations
Its origin dating back to Babylon in 500 BC auctions account as one of the oldest forms of price determination mechanism in the markets. Auction is negotiation protocols that entail simultaneous bidding with the price determined bidders and products or services allocated based on competition amongst potential buyers (McAfee, 2017).
Classifications of Auctions
There are four major classifications of auctions formats in the market based on the information asymmetry and the flow of prices. The auction types include English Auction, Dutch Auctions, sealed-bid first-price auctions, and Vickrey auctions (Klemperer, 2004).
English and Dutch auctions are both open auctions implying that they are orally implemented but entail distinguishing value setting features. According to Klemperer (2004), an English Auction also known as the oral ascending auction or first-price auction entails an ascending sequential price strategy where the auctioneer sets a reserve bid price which is…...
In other words, Save the Children manages to improve the conditions of the individuals and of the community.
Given the difference between the objectives of nonprofit and for profit organizations, it seems to be more difficult to efficiently manage a nonprofit organization in comparison with a company. This is because individuals working in nonprofit organizations cannot be financially motivated in order to reach the efficiency and quality standards imposed by the organization's managers. A good leadership strategy consists in the collaboration between organizations. There are numerous nonprofit organizations, and some of them address the same issue or category of people, and also activate in the same area. This creates a competition situation in such cases, if one can accept the possibility of competition in the nonprofit sector. Such organizations should collaborate in order to achieve their common objectives in the area in case and set an example to be followed…...
mlaReference list:
1. A Short History of the Nonprofit Sector (2010). California Association of Nonprofits. Retrieved September 16, 2010 from http://www.canonprofits.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=254&Itemid=107.
financial position of the nonprofit organization is designed to provide specific insights about its liquidity, long time solvency and assets management ratios. These areas will help to determine if the entity is facing tremendous financial challenges. Moreover, they will highlight how administrators can seize upon new opportunities in the future.
To determine the strength of the nonprofit organization a comparison will be conducted with the city of Charlottesville. The below table is contrasting various financial ratios.
The Liquidity, Long Time Solvency and Asset Management atios for the Non-Profit vs. Charlottesville
Nonprofit (Table 9.4)
Charlottesville 2005
Current atio
Working Capital
Quick atio
Debt to Asset atio
("Financial Statement for a Small Nonprofit," 2006) ("City of Charlottesville Net Assets," 2005)
Analyze the comparison of ratios
The current ratio is showing that the nonprofit is in a better financial condition to address short-term obligations and liquidity challenges. This is because they are several times higher than the figures for the city of Charlottesville.…...
City of Charlottesville Net Assets. (2005).
Financial Statement for a Small Nonprofit. (2006).
Gibson, C. (2008). Financial Reporting and Analysis. Mason, OH: Southwestern.
Ethics for Non-Profits
Introduction century ago, corporate social responsibility was an idea whose time had not yet come, and companies were free to treat their employees as badly as they could get away with and cause nearly unregulated environmental damage. Profits were considered the only measure of how good a company was, and higher profits were often derived from unethical treatment of workers and resources.
Such an attitude today is no longer either practical nor acceptable. Increased government regulation (brought about in direct response to corporate irresponsibility) has limited everything from the safety conditions of the workplace to the ways that companies must restore any environmental damage that they inflict (www.ethics.ubc.ca).
This is all to the good, for corporate social responsibility is as important to a society as individual responsibility is to a family. The rights of a corporation, like those of an individual, only extend to the point where harm is done…...
The goal of nonprofit organizations vary as it depends on its specific objective, mission and focus. The objective of an NGO can cover from improving human rights to providing education on environmental issues in a geographical area. It can also cover issues related to improving a given state, country or region. All NGOs worldwide share the desire to further their mission and vision. Most individuals that form NGOs usually tend to have passion for what they believe in. Most of them usually come from places that care for the future and human race as well. The main goal of NGOs is, therefore, to improve human experience by lending their efforts to a specialized and specific cause.
What Ethical Values are Important for Nonprofit Organizations and Their Leaders? Why?
Ethical values refers to the set of principles established to govern conduct of behavior. To assist in assuring a Nonprofit Organization maintains the best…...
Assefa, H. (2004). The challenges of influencing policy in conflict situations. NGOs at the Table–Strategies for Influencing Policies in Areas of Conflict, Lanham/Boulder/New York/Toronto/Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 45-56.Bansal, P. (2003). From issues to actions: The importance of individual concerns and organizational values in responding to natural environmental issues. Organization Science, 14(5), 510-527.Doherty, A., Patterson, M., & Van Bussel, M. (2004). What do we expect? An examination of perceived committee norms in non-profit sport organisations. Sport Management Review, 7(2), 109-132.Groves, K. S., & LaRocca, M. A. (2011). An empirical study of leader ethical values, transformational and transactional leadership, and follower attitudes toward corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 103(4), 511-528.Jones, T. M. (1991). Ethical decision making by individuals in organizations: An issue-contingent model. Academy of management review, 16(2), 366-395.Mihelic, K. K., Lipicnik, B., & Tekavcic, M. (2010). Ethical leadership. International Journal of Management & Information Systems (Online), 14(5).Musteen, M., Datta, D. K., & Kemmerer, B. (2010). Corporate reputation: do board characteristics matter? British Journal of Management, 21(2), 498-510.Roloff, J. (2008). Learning from multi-stakeholder networks: Issue-focussed stakeholder management. Journal of business ethics, 82(1), 233-250.
In regards to leadership development workplace giving campaigns there are campaign events known as charity fairs which can be used to develop leadership. During a charity fair, charities from the workplace giving catalog are invited to come to the organization's offices, and staff a table with their representatives, give out their materials, and answer any questions that the potential donors might ask. These events can be an ideal practice field for emerging non-profit leaders (Tedesco and Doncaster, 2008).
Charity fairs are seen as one of the best leadership development opportunities that exist in the non-profit world. Non-profits that have integrated workplace giving campaigns into their overall leadership development efforts often use them to provide low risk, high value opportunities to their staff in a number of areas, including project management, public speaking, and team building. The skills that can be developed and practiced through participation in charity fairs include:
Oral Communication…...
Huddleston, Bill. (2009). Non-profit Leadership Development -- Where's the practice field?
Retrieved September 11, 2009, from Web site:
Non-profit organization. (n.d.). Retrieved September 11, 2009, from Investor Words Web site:
Measuring Performance
Performance measurement is one of the critical components in the success and growth of an organization regardless of whether it’s a nonprofit or for-profit organization. Measuring performance is critical towards organizational growth and success since it provides an avenue for an organization to examine its progress towards achieving its goals/objectives (Success Factors, 2017). Given the importance of performance measurement in organizational success/growth, there are several performance measures out there. While these measures focus on examining different aspects of performance, they are considered equal (Success Factors, 2017).
One of the performance measures used by a nonprofit organization is relief chain performance measurement, which focuses on inputs rather than outputs (Beamon & Balcik, 2008). Through this performance measure, nonprofit organizations evaluate financial and non-financial inputs as part of enhancing their visibility and accountability. The second performance measure utilized by a nonprofit organization is random assignment, which involves cherry-picking projects randomly and examining…...
Beamon, B. M., & Balcik, B. (2008). Performance measurement in humanitarian relief chains. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 21(1), 4–25. Retrieved from Savedoff, W. (2012). Impact evaluations everywhere: What’s a small NGO to do? Center for Global Development. Retrieved from http://www.cgdev.org/blog/impact-evaluations-everywhere-what%E2%80%99s-small-ngo-do Success Factors. (2017). Performance Management – The Key to Outperforming Your Competition. Retrieved October 14, 2017, from https://www.successfactors.com/en_us/lp/articles/automate-performance-management.html http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Combating fraud and corruption in nonprofit organizations (hereinafter alternatively “nonprofits”) and/or non-government organizations (NGOs) is an especially challenging enterprise because of the nefarious methods that are used and the corrupt practices that extent to the highest government levels that are endemic to many of the countries served by these organizations (Menzel, 2009).
Main Points to be Addressed
1. What types of fraudulent and corrupt practices are most common in nonprofit organizations? For example, although nonprofit organizations are vulnerable to many of the same types of fraudulent and corrupt practices experienced by other public and private sector organizations, asset misappropriations are by far the primary factor. In this regard, Zack (2009) emphasizes that in nonprofit organizations, “More than 80 percent of all reported frauds involve some form of asset misappropriation. And, to no great surprise, the asset most frequently misappropriated is cash” (p. 7). Despite cash being the most frequently misappropriated asset, other…...
Menzel, D. C. (2009, Summer). In pursuit of ethical governance: New approaches are emerging to fight corruption, including the use of measurement tools. The Public Manager, 38(2), 30-33.Sile, A. W. (2017, January 24). These are the world’s most corrupt countries. CNBC. Retrieved from Zack, G. M. (2009). Fraud and abuse in nonprofit organizations: A guide to prevention and detection. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/24/these-are-the-worlds-most-corrupt-countries.html .
The Role of Consumerism on NonprofitsIt would be prudent, from the onset, to note that consumerism does not have an assigned definition. This is to say that in the past, there are a number of definitions that have been floated in an attempt to develop better understanding of the particular concept. However, to a large extent, consumerism has got to do with the purchase of goods and services to meet certain needs or wants. Further, it has also got to do with not only the promotion, but also the protection of consumer interests. There are a myriad of factors that are often at play in purchase decisions. What this means is that an individual paying for a good or service could be motivated by a unique set of factors. While persons have traditionally been motivated by the desire to satisfy a need or want in their purchase decisions, today, persons…...
Gautler, A. & Pache, A. (2015). Research on Corporate Philanthropy: A Review and Assessment. J Bus Ethics, 126(3), 343-369.
Maier, F., Meyer, M. & Steinbereithner, M.A. (2014). Nonprofit Organizations Becoming Business-Like: A Systematic Review. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 45(1), 72-83.
Valor, C. (2006). Consumers’ responses to corporate philanthropy: Are they willing to make trade-offs? International Journal of Business and Society, 6(1), 11-26.
Yngfalk, A.F. & Yngfalk, C. (2019). Modifying markets: Consumerism and institutional work in nonprofit marketing. Marketing Theory, 20(3), 343-362.
1. The Influence of Graphic Design on Consumer Behavior
2. The Evolution of Advertising Techniques in Visual Communications
3. The Role of Social Media in Visual Communications
4. The Importance of Visual Storytelling in Marketing
5. The Impact of Color Theory on Visual Communications
6. Visual Trends in Digital Media and Their Effects on Society
7. Visual Communication Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations
8. The Role of Infographics in Data Visualization
9. Visual Identity and Branding in the Digital Age
10. The Ethics of Photo Manipulation in Visual Communications.
11. The Use of Typography in Visual Communications and its Impact on Branding
12. The Role of Visual Elements in Web Design and....
1. The process of writing successful grant proposals: A comprehensive guide
2. The role of a grant writing professional in securing funding for nonprofit organizations
3. Strategies for effectively communicating a nonprofit organization's mission and goals in grant proposals
4. The importance of building strong relationships with funders as a grant writing professional
5. Exploring the ethical considerations in grant writing and fundraising practices
6. Overcoming common challenges and obstacles in the grant writing process
7. The impact of technology on modern grant writing practices
8. Analyzing successful grant proposals and identifying key elements for success
9. The future of grant writing: Trends and innovations in the field
1. The role of a grant writer in securing funding for nonprofit organizations: challenges, strategies, and best practices
2. Exploring the ethical considerations and potential conflicts of interest in grant writing
3. The impact of storytelling and narrative techniques in grant writing: How to effectively convey a compelling message to funders
4. The role of data and evidence in grant writing: balancing quantitative and qualitative information to make a persuasive case
5. The importance of building relationships with funders in successful grant writing
6. The impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives on grant writing and funding opportunities
7. The future of grant writing in a....
Here are the requirements for operationalizing a new institution:
1. Establish goals and objectives:
Before launching a new institution, it is important to clearly define the goals and objectives that the institution aims to achieve. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This will provide a clear direction for the institution and help in guiding decision-making processes. (Smith & Rasberry, 2018)
2. Develop a strategic plan:
A strategic plan outlines the actions that need to be taken to achieve the institution's goals and objectives. It includes elements such as a mission statement, a description of the institution’s core values,....
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