Nonverbal Communication Skills
In in-person or face-to-face communication approximately 60% of the meaning is an outcome of non-verbal behaviour." We have actually all heard-- and stated -- "physical actions speak louder than words." Actions have been so essential to our communication that analysts have estimated that within face-to-face communication as much as 60% of the social meaning is a result of nonverbal behaviour. In other words, the meaning we appoint to any communication is founded upon not only the content within the verbal message but also our analysis of the nonverbal behaviour that accompanies as well as overlaps the verbal message. And translating these nonverbal actions has not always been the most convenient thing to do (Vantgage learning, 2009).
Attributes of Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal communication stands out from spoken communication in that it is continuous as well as multi-channelled. It might be unintentional and uncertain. The non-verbal aspect of the message has been…...
Buck, R and VanLear, C.A. (2002). Verbal and Nonverbal Communication: Distinguishing Symbolic, Spontaneous, and Pseudo-Spontaneous Nonverbal Behavior. Journal of Communication.
Vantgage learning. (2009). Communicating through nonverbal behaviours. Verderber Communications Publications.
Kahlbaugh, P.E. And Haviland, J.M. (1994). Nonverbal communication between parents and adolescents: a study of approach and avoidance behaviours. Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour 18(1).
Andersen, P. (2007). Nonverbal Communication: Forms and Functions (2nd Ed.) Waveland Press.
This expose the fact that non-verbal communication is imperative and effective because the eye, voice, or even touch sense is being used in a general conversation that are a part of non-verbal communication (Calero 2005).
Sending and receiving silent gestures on a constant basis is the regular and unconscious practice during general interactions. This demonstrates that all the non-verbal behaviors of an individual during the general conversations such as the appearance, way of talking, sitting, eye contact, hand contact and various others prove to send powerful and effective messages. Besides, the non-verbal message communication still continues even if the group stops talking or is silent (Calero 2005).
Non-verbal communication has not only proved to be effective in general conversations but specific conversations also rely on Non-verbal communication most of the time. It has been analyzed that nonverbal communication acts as a primary and essential source in creating the first impression, as…...
Calero, H.H. (2005). The Power of Nonverbal Communication: How You Act Is More Important Than What You Say. First Edition. Silver Lake Publishing, USA.
The author has focused on the effects of non-verbal communication on human beings and how it can play a substantial role in building relationships or associations. The book also highlights that the human nature takes decisions that are based on their subconscious impressions when communication is involved. Similarly, the paper has also provided a useful overview of how effective this communication can be.
Ivey, a.E., Ivey, M.B. & Zalaquett, K.P. (2009). Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society, Seventh Edition. Cengage Learning, USA.
This book has provided with the essential tools that needs to be considered and likewise acclimatize basic skills in order to meet uniqueness. The author has compared how communication (both verbal and non-verbal) can create an impact on the learning process and form behaviors of individuals, which has been reflected within the report as well.
Nonverbal Communication Skill
Although there is no consensus about the exact definition of "nonverbal communication" among experts, it is generally regarded as any communication conveyed through body movements (the "body language") and the intonations and emphasis that are given to words (also called the "paralinguistics"). The term
"nonverbal Communication" may itself be relatively new but its importance has long been realized. Martin Luther, the 16th century protestant reformer, often advised his followers, "not to watch a person's mouth but his fists." (Quoted by Bull, 2001) Charles Darwin discovered commonalities in facial expressions among humans and animals in his 1872 study, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, which is still read with interest among researchers. In the present day, nonverbal communication evokes the interest of a broad spectrum of academic disciplines including psychology, sociology, anthropology, communications, and linguistics, and has a similarly wide scope. Most research in the field of…...
Bull, Peter. (2001). "State of the Art: Nonverbal Communication." The Psychologist. Vol 14:12, December 2001. Retrieved on October 3, 2004 from .
Dulek, Ronald E. & John S. Fielden. (1990). Principles of Business Communication. MacMillan Publishing Company: New York:
Dunn, Laurel J. (1999). "Nonverbal Communication: Information Conveyed Through The Use Of Body Language." Missouri Western State College. Retrieved on October 3, 2004 from. 'Mehrabian Communication Research." (2004). Professor Albert Mehrabian's communications model. Retrieved on October 3, 2004 from
Riggio, Ronald E. (1992). "Social Interaction Skills and Nonverbal Behavior." pp. 3-30.
Gestures whether voluntary or involuntary can be used to support a message or call attention to specific points in a delivery. Generally those gestures that appear natural and relaxed are more likely to send a message of self-confidence and less likely to detract from the speaker's message than those that are extreme. The authors suggests that rubbing or clenching hands may signify tension or anxiety and should be avoided during a presentation.
Visual aids are another form of nonverbal communication that can be used to enhance a message, express an additional sentiment or clarify a confusing message. Visual aids when designed tastefully and meaningfully can greatly enhance a presentation. It is also important to note however that visual aids can also detract from a presentation if they are utilized too often or are not used in a manner that adds to the presentation or amplifies the message the speaker is…...
Nonverbal Communication
Interpersonal communication, which plays a large role in business and personal relationships, refers to the ability to relate to people by using verbal and nonverbal communication. Good communicators are perceived as those who are able to deal with different people in different situations, and make people feel more comfortable with them.
When we think about communication, we usually think about words and the way that people use language. However, most people do not realize the significant role that nonverbal communication plays in delivering and receiving messages. When people talk, they have a tendency to use their bodies, use various poses and postures, make eye contact, and use body language, in addition to speaking. This is nonverbal communication.
One of the most important aspects of nonverbal communication is physical appearance. Physical appearance has a subconscious effect on practically everybody. Most people are judged on their physical appearance, which includes features, race, height,…...
Borrell, Leo. (2002). Medical, Social and Financial Consequences & Risks of Being Overweight.Weight Loss for Life Program. Retrieved from the Internet at .
Cowley, G. (1996). The Biology of Beauty. Newsweek, 25, pp. 60-67.
Donohue, William. (August, 1992). Managing Interpersonal Conflict. Sage Publications.
Dunn, Laurel. (January 14, 2002). Nonverbal Communication: Information Conveyed Through the Use of Body Language. Missouri Western State College Journal.
They interacted with a blonde-haired woman who did not want to give up her phone. She was a typical "ditzy" blonde who had no idea what she would do for three hours without her phone. The scene was meant to add some comic relief, but it was still played with the same kind of unemotional intensity that the other detectives had. These people are supposed to be serious about their work, and there is little banter or personal talk at all. Because of this, their body language is stilted as well. It is almost as if they were "half" people who only act one way on the show, and keep the rest of their lives (and their reactions) to themselves. This woman was not shy, and it was clear by the way she tossed the phone into the evidence envelope she was annoyed. After she turns in the phone,…...
Non-Verbal Communication
When we communicate, we tend to focus on what people are saying and their emotions, while paying very little attention to their body language. We're all aware of some non-verbal cues but "body language is about more than how we move and stand and the signals we give off in any interaction have more influence than the words we say" (Gray, 53). In fact "only 5 per cent of communication involves the words we use and 38 per cent involves speech as a whole. A staggering 55 per cent is attributed to body language" (53).
This would entail that during the majority of the conversations and communications we have with people often take place without us realizing the non-verbal signals that we are giving off in our body language. "Up to 93% of all face-to-face communication is sent through nonverbal means. This implies the room for miscommunication is awfully wide"…...
Perin, M. "Body Language Expert Has a Read on Communication."
Houston Business Journal October 10, 2003
Vol 34, Iss. 22, pg.2 American City Business Journal
Gray, P. "What Signals Do You Send?"
Nonverbal Communication: Journal Entry
From an early age, I was urged to always make eye contact when I spoke to others. I feel that making eye contact is natural, given that it seems people are more willing to listen to what you have to say, if you gaze directly into their face and eyes. I have since learned that eye contact is not commonly practiced in all cultures as a way of indicating sympathy and rapport with a speaker, but it feels natural to me because that it how I was raised. Kinesthetically, I have also noted that a relaxed and informal style is preferred in our culture. But I have been accused by some people (such as my parents) of putting my hands in my pockets, slouching, and not seeming sufficiently attentive in my posture. Although this may be acceptable in everyday conversation, I know that it is not always…...
If the pitcher does not agree, he shakes his head, jiggles his glove or makes some other sign. Then the catcher will make an additional sign and the procedure goes on until they both have the same opinion on the pitch to be thrown.
In the interim, the batter glances at the third base coach who goes through a sequence of signs from touching the nose to rasping his hand crossways on the letters of the uniform: Gestures intended to convey -- nonverbally -- what he desires the batter to do. All of these signals start off from the manager sitting in the dugout who gives signs to the third base coach who on the other hand sends them to the batter.
Body Language and Nonverbal Communication in Sporting Contests
Of the numerous types of nonverbal communication, body language is conceivably the most understandable means through which humans express judgments and emotions…...
Kneidinger, L.M., Maple, T.L., & Tross, S.A. (2009). Touching behavior in sport: Functional components, analysis of sex differences, and ethological considerations. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 25, 43-62.
Nunnaly, J.C. (1970). Introduction to psychological measurement. New York: McGraw Hill.
Pedhazur, E.J. (2002). Multiple regression in behavioral research (2nd ed.). New York: Holt.
Sullivan, P.J., & Feltz, 13. L. (2003). The preliminary development of the Scale for Effective Communication in Team Sports (SECTS). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33, 1693-1715.
Non-Verbal Communication
Although verbal communication is the basic, most common, and easiest form of communication, there is also the non-verbal communication that can be as effective as the verbal form.
People communicate a lot. Communication is very important because it is from communication that we are able to do what we do now. Think of how you learned to walk when you were still a child if there is no process of communication that occurred between you and your parents who taught you to walk. You may not know how to speak back then but through the non-verbal form of communication, you were able to learn to walk.
There are so many instances where we can see the use and effectiveness of non-verbal form of communication. For instance, the newspaper that people buy everyday is a non-verbal form of communication. Through the text written in it, the news is brought to the people.…...
Nonverbal Communication.
Web site:
Nonverbal Communication.
Web site:
Channels of CommunicationCommunication in a workplace occurs in various forms and use different channels. One of the critical components of communication is non-verbal communication, which varies based on culture and behavior. The situation in the case study demonstrates the significance of communication in an organization, particularly elements of non-verbal behavior. As evident in the scenario, most of the communication in the marketing department of a Fortune 500 consumer products company takes place informally. As the project team is working on a marketing research report, communication between the members is essential for their success and the overall organizational success. This paper discusses the key issues and the underlying issues with the goal of developing tentative solutions to address the problem as well as follow-up and contingency plans.Key Issues and Underlying IssuesAs stated in the case study, Margulis, the director of marketing research, continues to use informal management style as his preferred…...
Anh, N.T. (2017). The importance of awareness of nonverbal communication in leadership success. Retrieved Aalto University – School of Business website:
Chiu, C.C., Nahrgang, J.D., Bartram, A., Wang, J. & Tesluk, P. (2021). Research: Informal leadership comes at a cost. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from
Veltsos, J. R., & Hynes, G. E. (2021). Managerial communication: Strategies and applications (8th Edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Further, uncertainty and stress can stifle the flow of conversation (Countrywatch).
Understanding the challenges to verbal and nonverbal communication in Austria can provide an important step to enhancing communication with this country.
An understanding of the non-verbal cue of forms of respect, coupled with an understanding of language, can greatly enhance communication in Austrian culture. Titles are very important in Austrian culture, indicating the non-verbal importance of proper forms of respect in Austria. Language is important also, as the wives of men with titles often hold their husbands' title. For example, the wife of an Austrian professor named Schmidt may be known as Frau Professor Schmidt (Munter).
The importance of non-verbal cues in communication in Austria can hardly be overstated. For example, North Americans and Israelis may interpret stroking a beard as being deep in thought. However, Austrians see the same gesture as meaning "How boring" (Barth, Calcote, and agsdale). Similarly, temporal…...
Barth, Michelle, Calcote, Michelle, and Ragsdale, Kathleen. Communicating Across Cultures.
SURVEY OF INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION, MMC 5306, Section 2979, Fall 1998. Accessed October 20, 2005.
Countrywatch. CROSS-CULTURAL ISSUES AND INFORMATION. Accessed October 20, 2005.
Munter, Mary. Cross-cultural communication for managers - includes related articles on training at multinational corporations and similarities of cultures. Business Horizons, May-June, 1993. Accessed October 20, 2005.
Findings from the study showed that levels of perceived affiliation of the individual determines the perceived expressiveness of smiles, whether this smile is given out by a man or a woman. In the study, individuals who were rated and perceived as "highly-affiliative" are perceived to be more expressive, and both highly-affiliative male and female participants of the study were identified as more expressive than participants with low affiliation ratings (532).
These findings support the claim earlier that the smile has complexly evolved as a form of non-verbal communication. Smiling is no longer treated or analyzed at "face value," since other factors, such as perceived personality traits of the individual, are attached in one's assessment of the individual's propensity to express his/her happiness through smiling. As in the words of the author, " mediated by differences in perceived dominance and affiliativeness of men and women rather than by gender per se..." (533).
Harris, C. (2005). "Facial expressions, smile types, and self-report during humour, tickle, and pain." Cognition & Emotion, Vol. 19, Issue 5.
Hess, U. (2005). "Who may frown and who should smile? Dominance, affiliation, and the display of happiness and anger." Cognition & Emotion, Vol. 19, Issue 4.
Venezia, M. (2004). "The development of anticipatory smiling." Infancy, Vol. 6, Issue 3.
Zaalberg, R. (2004). "Relations between emotions, display rules, social motives, facial behaviour." Cognition & Emotion, Vol. 18, Issue 2.
Types of Non-verbal CommunicationNon-verbal communication encompasses all communication behavior other than speech. There are three classes of non-verbal behavior linked to communication: verbal-vocal, nonverbal-nonvocal, and nonverbal-vocal (Mandal 417). Along with this broad categorization of non-verbal communication, specific forms are discussed below.Facial expressionIn this form of communication, the senders use the face to signal the message to the receiver, who then interprets it to derive the correct meaning. Faces pass different emotions such as sadness, surprise, fear, and disgust. Facial expressions find a wide range of applications globally (Darwin 303-306).GesturesThis constitutes body language and integrates various items such as hand movements. It is essential to note that gestures can carry different meanings depending on the cultural setup. For example, some gestures can be acceptable in one culture and offensive in another (Mandal 419).Bodily contact and personal space (proxemics)These are closely linked to the physical space during a conversation. Very close body…...
mlaWorks CitedDarwin, Charles. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. John Murray, 1872. Mandal, Fatik Baran. “Nonverbal Communication in Humans.” Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, vol. 24, no. 4, 2014, pp. 417–421. doi:10.1080/10911359.2013.831288.
ReflectionOne concept that particularly stuck with me from the first five modules is nonverbal communication. The idea of nonverbal communication was prominently discussed in the textbook chapter 3 Communicating Nonverbally, where it talked about the various channels and functions of nonverbal communication. I found this idea fascinating, and, in fact, it was something I had always sensed but now was being given words for. I knew that facial expressions, hand gestures, posture, and body language in general had meaningbut I had never really thought about it in terms of using these aspects of the human personality and human nature to deliberately convey meaning??. In my own words, I would now say that nonverbal communication represents the conveyance of messages without the use of words. It refers to all the ways a person can communicate meaning by use of the bodythe eyes, the hands, the face, the stance, the space between.…...
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