News Media Essays (Examples)

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News Media and Media
Pages: 6 Words: 2380

Media & Public Opinion
There are many people that might think or even assert that the media plays a passive role in reporting the news and that there is not a causal link between what is depicted or reported in the media and what is then seen and witnessed within the press and other media spheres. However, this cannot be further from the truth. This is not to say that everyone is influenced and shaped in large part by what the media says. At the same time, to suggest that the public is not guided or urged in a given direction by what the media does or does not do would be less than true. While the media is often referred to with insults or pejoratives, they possess and wield a major role in American society and that power is sometimes misused to a great degree.


There are a couple of dimensions…...



API. (2016). American Press Institute. Retrieved 27 August 2016, from 

Calderone, M. (2008). Hannity and Colmes split up -- Retrieved 27 August 2016, from 

Clark, L. (2006). Walter Cronkite - About Walter Cronkite - American Masters - PBS. American Masters. Retrieved 27 August 2016, from 

Clark, M. (2016). 10 stories the National Enquirer actually got right. Politicschatter. Retrieved 27 August 2016, from

News Media Versus Defective People
Pages: 3 Words: 1144

Violence in the Media
The presence of violence in the media has been a rather prominent and controversial issue for some time. Its presence as an important issue has been made all the more important and presence by the fact that there is now 24/7 cable news and a concurrent 24/7 news cycle. This omnipresent news cycle is present on the internet as well. Some people decry the fact that so much of the news is violent while others say that the journalists in question are just reporting what is going on. hile there are points to be made for both sides but the "if it bleeds, it leads" mentality is in full effect and the news media seems all too ready to give the dire predictions and push the narrative they want consumed and believed when the time comes.


There are some that say that violence in the media is to…...


Works Cited

Mattejat, Fritz and Helmut Remschmidt. "The Children of Mentally Ill Parents." Deutsches

Arzteblatt International 105.23 (2008): 413. Web. 6 June 2016.

A review of the implications and results when the mentally have children and/or abuse drugs. It is clearly asserted and perhaps proven within the report that people who are mentally ill end up raising children that themselves are mentally ill

Mendoza, Jessica. "Ferguson Case Reveals U.S. Media's Flaws In Covering Issues Of Race."

Opinions of News Media
Pages: 3 Words: 946

Media: An Exercise in Sensationalism
In modern society, the media contributes little more than sensationalism entertainment rather than serious coverage of current and relevant news affairs. Corporate mergers and consolidations of broadcasting agencies have resulted in a need to offer media coverage that will attract ratings and boost profits rather than assure the well being and best interests of the public. Consumers are no longer informed, but rather sensationalized as a result of the news media. The news media tends to be biased and subjective, offering limited views on important political and international phenomena, thus depriving consumers of their right to fair and unbiased coverage. These ideas are explored more below.

Though consumers now have more media coverage available than at any point in the past, the overall welfare of consumers has not benefited from media coverage in recent years. The news media is charged with providing consumers unbiased information that…...



Baker, William F., and George Dessart. Down the tube: An inside account of the failure of American television. New York: Basic Books, 1998

Champlin, D. & Knoedler, J. (2002). "Operating in the public interest or in the pursuit of private profits? News in the age of media consolidation." Journal of Economic Issues, 36(2) 459.

Croteau, David, and William Hoynes. (2001). The business of media: Corporate media and the public interest. Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press, 2001

Sparrow, Bartholomew H. (1999). Uncertain guardians. Baltimore: Baltimore: The Johns

Ethnic Race in the News Media
Pages: 5 Words: 1922

Ethnic/Race in the News Media
Race and Ethnicity in the News Media

When news media made the conversion to radio from print only, a new era was born in America. The birth of television pushed the mass media to an even more omnipresent place in our society. Today it is impossible to avoid the news media without reverting to a completely hermetic and reclusive state. Newspapers, radio broadcasts, television, and the Internet all stream information into our homes and businesses, information on which people rely to understand world events and local news. However, if the information presented to society is inaccurate, the majority of the public will still believe it to be fact. Subtle messages can easily be entwined with the news to present whatever image the media would like to convey. Additionally, even entertainment in the media has become so closely related to the actual news that it is impossible to…...



AAR. "History of AAR." Artists Against Racism.

Creeley, Will and Rendall, Steve. "White Noise: Voices of Color Scarce on Public Radio." Extra! September/October 2002. Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting. 

Douglas, Susan. Listening In: Radio and American Imagination. New York: Times Books, 1999.

Ely, Melvin Patrick. The Adventures of Amos 'N' Andy: A Social History of an American Phenomenon. New York: The Free Press, 1991.

Citizen Journalism Tech Advertising If News Media
Pages: 5 Words: 1841

Citizen Journalism, Tech, Advertising
"If news media have to cut back and are unable to provide the same level of coverage for their communities that they did in the past, citizen journalism may need to step in," said Margaret Duffy, associate professor of the Missouri School of Journalism (Hurst). Her comment was posted in a July 2010 depiction of a study on Citizen Journalism vs. Legacy News, which refers to traditional coverage by mainstream sources. The outcome was not positive; it appears that the grassroots alternative is falling short of its potential. Few citizen journalists publish daily and sites that host them do not have the resources for conventional investigative writing. The Weblog of the World Association of Newspaper and News Publishers (WAN-IFNA) was even more specific in claiming that informal writing of this nature was no threat to their sector. Apparently they do not believe that readers will find stories…...



Bandon, F. Citizen Journalism & Democracy in Africa: An exploratory study. Open Society Foundation for Africa. 2010. Retrievable from

Bentley, C.H. Citizen Journalism: Back to the Future. Discussion Paper: Carnegie-Knight Conference on the Future of Journalism, Cambridge, MA. June 20-12, 2008. Retrievable from

Bruns, A. Citizen Journalism and Everyday Life: A case study of Germany's ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation Queensland University of Technology. 1-11. No date. Retrievable from

Hurst, N. Citizen Journalism vs. Legacy News: The battle for supremacy. Missouri School of Journalism. Columbia, MO. July 8, 2010. Web. Viewable at .

Analyzing News Media Analysis
Pages: 3 Words: 1028

rock Turner's ruling of a six-month imprisonment by Judge Aaron Persky, the internet was filled with people's aggressive responses. rock Turner, a famous athlete in the swim team of Stanford University, was pronounced guilty of having sexually assaulted a 23-year-old unconscious woman. He was also charged for three sexual offences. The internet and all social media forums overflowed with people's call to the judge to review the sentence. These included blogs, CNN videos, Twitter and Facebook posts as well as hashtags, which called upon rock Turner as a rapist, while also appealing for justice for the victims. A letter written by Turner's friends Leslie Rasmussen delivered a similar message; the reason why rape cases occur on campuses isn't always because of the rapists (Li, 2016).
The rape victims have not been given much say on media forums. Very rarely are they actually given a chance to speak on talk shows…...




Fiducia. (2012, August 14). The Media's Influence on Criminal justice policy. Retrieved from 

Golshan, T. (2016, June 07). Why the Stanford sexual assault case has become a national flashpoint, explained. Retrieved from Vox Explainers: 

Li, W. M. (2016, June 10). The Stanford rape and the social media effect. Retrieved from

Sourcing in Current News Media Are Women Left Out More Than Men
Pages: 15 Words: 5072

Sourcing in the Current News Media
Over the last 50 years, the issue of women in media has been continually brought to the forefront. This is because there is an emphasis on promoting ideas that are relevant to the largest demographics within society. While at the same time, there are discussions on those issues that are germane to specific groups (such as women). The basic idea is to be able to offer a wide range of content, on topics that are of most interest to everyone. However, when you look beneath the surface, it is clear that the majority of content in media is often focused towards men. This is because advertisers and studios are spotlighting the fact that males are earning more money in comparison with their female counterparts. Evidence of this can be seen with a study that was conducted by Economica. They found that over the last several…...



"Comparative Analysis." Business Dictionary, 2011. Web. 16 Nov. 2011

"Media Coverage of Women." Media Awareness, 2011. Web. 16 Nov. 2011.

"Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources." UMD, 2011. Web. 16 Nov. 2011

"Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research." Wilderdom, 2011. Web. 16 Nov. 2011

Media Events and Political Actions Shaping The Government
Pages: 4 Words: 1279

Civil Rights In the American government, several civil rights events have been discussed to show how they influence a sense of social responsibility. On July 2, 1964, are when the American civil rights legislation law was enacted, and this Act managed to outlaw discrimination issues based on issues like sex, race, national origin, and religion. From this Act, people were given the right to be politically and socially free thereby fostering equality. For example, the Montgomery Bus Boycott became the turning point for the African Americans because they would soon enjoy the freedom of movement and influence other civil rights groups globally. Parks saw an opportunity, and she was determined to stand against the unfair laws imposed on African Americans (Kenney, 2015). After Park's arrest, the yearlong boycott started and directed towards the racially segregated city buses. The protesters persevered through the unrelenting pressures from county courts, city hall, and white…...



Barnes, M. D., et al. (2008). Analysis of media agenda setting during and after Hurricane Katrina: Implications for emergency preparedness, disaster response, and disaster policy. American Journal of Public Health, 98(4), 604-610.

Burns, S. (Ed.). (2012). Daybreak of Freedom: The Montgomery Bus Boycott. Chapel Hill: Univ of North Carolina Press.

Kenney, K. L. (2015). Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. USA: ABDO.

Keneally, M. (2017 Aug). Ruby Ridge siege, 25 years later, a ‘rallying cry’ for today’s white nationalists. ABC News. Retrieved from

Rapoport, R., McGlennon, A. I. & Abramowitz, J. (2015). The Life of the Parties: Activists in Presidential Politics. University Press of Kentucky

New Media Technologies Have Driven
Pages: 5 Words: 1615

Over the next twenty-five years, however, the digital divide will be decreased. Despite the slow pace of change in much of the developing world, change will occur over the next twenty-five years. In addition, the younger populations of most of these countries will mean that the opportunity to replace citizens with little likelihood of adopting modern telecommunications with young ones who will know of nothing else. As the pace of innovation slows in the est over the next twenty-five years, the developed world will have a chance to catch up, particularly in the countries where strong economic growth rates promise to bring those nations in the developed world in that span of time.

orks Cited:


M. & Farlie, R. (2006). The determinants of global digital divide: a cross-country analysis of computer and Internet penetration. Oxford Economic Papers. Retrieved May 10, 2010 from

Dasgupta, S., Lall, S. & heeler, D. (2005). Policy reform,…...


Works Cited:


M. & Farlie, R. (2006). The determinants of global digital divide: a cross-country analysis of computer and Internet penetration. Oxford Economic Papers. Retrieved May 10, 2010 from 

Dasgupta, S., Lall, S. & Wheeler, D. (2005). Policy reform, economic growth and the digital divide: An econometric analysis. Oxford Development Studies. Vol. 33 (2) 229-243.

Guillen, M. & Suarez, S. (2005). Explaining the global digital divide: Economic, political and sociological drivers of cross-nation Internet use. Social Forces. Vol 84 (2).

Balanced and Accurate News Media
Pages: 1 Words: 335

They are able to check into many different issues and determine whether what someone tells them is accurate always, sometimes, or not at all, and this helps them to make informed decisions regarding healthcare, finances, environmental issues, and many other areas of life.
When it comes to correcting the misinformation that they see, however, there is no real responsibility for this, it seems. Some people will work to correct the problems that they hear about and that they see in media reports, but most people just examine the information for themselves, determine whether it is accurate or not, and use the knowledge that they have acquired to make their own informed decisions. Beyond that, however, they do little to try to change the perceptions of the media or of other members of society that choose to believe in what the media has to tell them....

Whether New Media Will Create or Undermine the Global Village
Pages: 2 Words: 683

Digital Divide and the Global Village
Digital divide does pose a serious problem for developing countries because it is, as Aleph Molinari states, "a new illiteracy" (Molinari). Just as the Industrial Revolution put the estern nations ahead of the rest of the world, the digital divide is putting a gap between those same industrialized worlds and the developing world, which is falling behind -- behind in terms of having access to information that the developed world has, behind in terms of being able to take advantage of tools and technology that can allow persons to connect to one another across the planet for free, and behind in terms of possessing the tools to be able to meet the requirements and demands of the business world in the 21st century. The further the gap widens, the farther behind the developing world is being left.

Thus, it is important that developing countries fill…...


Works Cited

Campbell, Patricia; MacKinnon, Aran; Stevens, Christy. An Introduction to Global

Studies. UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Print.

Molinari, Aleph. "Let's bridge the digital divide!" Web. 1 Apr 2016.

Media Audiences
Pages: 10 Words: 3186

New Media Implications
The improvement of internet and other technology and its ready availability to more and more people has revolutionized the structure and population of the media around the world. People that would normally be members of the audience have become the creators of news and vice versa. The lines that separate news makers and people that normally would be making news or expected to make news have blurred significantly and in several different ways. There are many examples of countries that could be focused on for this subject but one of the best is the United States.

Media Structure

There are multiple ways in which the structure of news creators has changed and evolved over recent months and years. One way in which the idea regarding audience and news sources has been altered significantly is the corporate structure of the people that are providing the news. The companies that provide the…...



Babad, E. (2005). The Psychological Price of Media Bias. Journal of Experimental

Psychology. 11 (4), 245-255.

Barkow, J., O'Gorman, R. & Rendell, L. (2012). Are The New Mass Media Subverting

Cultural Transmission. Review of General Psychology. 16 (2), 121-133.

Media the Two Media News
Pages: 5 Words: 1502

Arguably, the raw data at ikiLeaks is far more powerful than anything that can be found in traditional media or satire news. The audience here must also acquire the tools necessary to properly digest the information, as an audience accustomed to uncritical digestion of mainstream media will be challenged by the raw information presented devoid of spin and context.
orks Cited:

Feldman, L. (2007). The news about comedy. Journalism. Vol 8 (4) 406-427.

Ludlow, P. (2010). ikiLeaks and hacktivist culture. The Nation. Retrieved November 27, 2011 from

McCue, D. (2009). hen news breaks, "the Daily Show" fixes it: Exposing social values through satire. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Retrieved November 27, 2011 from

Postman, N. & Power, S. (2008) How to watch TV news. Penguin Books.

Reilly, I. (2011). Satirical fake news and the politics of the fifth estate. University of Guelph. Retrieved November 27, 2011 from


Works Cited:

Feldman, L. (2007). The news about comedy. Journalism. Vol 8 (4) 406-427.

Ludlow, P. (2010). WikiLeaks and hacktivist culture. The Nation. Retrieved November 27, 2011 from

McCue, D. (2009). When news breaks, "the Daily Show" fixes it: Exposing social values through satire. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Retrieved November 27, 2011 from

Postman, N. & Power, S. (2008) How to watch TV news. Penguin Books.

Media as the Linguistic Discourse Analysis Object
Pages: 3 Words: 971

Media as the Linguistic Discourse Analysis Object
esearch in Discourse Analysis - Linguistics

Discourse analysis' focus is noteworthy semiotic events. Discourse analysis aims to understand not only the nature of the semiotic event, but also the socio-psychological traits of the participants of the event. The proposed subject of research is media discourse analysis or media as the linguistic discourse analysis object. Media is highly relevant and almost fundamental to life in the 21st century. There is no doubt that there are social, perceptual, psychological, linguistic, and behavioral affects of technology and media upon users and communities. Objects of discourse analysis vary in their definition of articulated sequences of communication events, speech acts, etc. Media is nothing but a series of coordinated sequences of various communications events operating semiotically. Therefore, media discourse analysis is a worthwhile linguistic research endeavor. The hypothesis of the research contends that media discourse analysis, as part of media…...



Chen, L. (2004) Evaluation in Media Texts: A Cross-Cultural Linguistic Investigation. Language in Society, 33(5), 673 -- 702.

Chigana, A., & Chigana, W. (2008) Mxit It Up in the Media: Media Discourse Analysis on a Mobile Instant Messaging System. The South African Journal of Information and Communication, 9, 42 -- 57.

Constantinou, O. (2005) Multimodal Discourse Analysis: Media, modes and technologies. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 9(4), 602 -- 618.

Gamson, W.A., Croteau, D., Hoynes, W., & Sasson, T. (1992) Media Images and the Social Construction of Reality. Annual Review of Sociology, 18, 373 -- 393.

Media Society Book Section Summary Croteau
Pages: 3 Words: 947

Vietnam films have rewritten the winners and the losers of that saga and action-adventure films reinforce cultural norms of violence and power (175). Despite the increased real presence of women in positions of power, often media representations of women and other formerly disenfranchised groups remain stereotyped or relegated to marginal or token roles, although this is changing. Still, certain outlets like women's magazines often function as advertisements that perpetuate corporate images that make women feel worse, rather than better about themselves (188). Furthermore, a hegemonic ideology is implied by supposedly mainstream news organizations. Consider the construct of 'economic news.' This implies that the 'economy' is in a neat little box, and that social issues of race and political disenfranchisement, limits on wealth and access to education and power, have no role in who possess wealth and who lacks wealth in society. Economics as separate from other issues is essentially…...

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Rhetorical Analysis?
Words: 330

1. Analyze a persuasive speech given by a political leader and evaluate the effectiveness of their rhetoric.
2. Examine an advertisement or commercial and analyze the rhetorical strategies used to sell a product or service.
3. Compare and contrast the rhetorical techniques used in two different speeches on a similar topic.
4. Analyze a controversial public figure's use of rhetoric and how it influences public perception.
5. Investigate how social media influencers use rhetoric to persuade their audience.
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of rhetorical techniques used in a famous courtroom speech or closing argument.
7. Analyze the use of rhetorical devices in a piece of literature....

I\'m not very familiar with deepfake. Could you suggest some essay topics to help me learn more?
Words: 500

1. The Ethics of Deepfake Technology: What are the moral implications of creating and sharing deepfake videos?

2. The Impact of Deepfake Technology on Privacy: How does the ability to easily create realistic fake videos affect individuals' privacy?

3. The Role of Deepfake Technology in Manipulating Public Opinion: How are deepfake videos being used to spread misinformation and manipulate public perception?

4. Combating Deepfake Technology: What measures can be taken to detect and prevent the spread of deepfake videos?

5. The Future of Deepfake Technology: What are the potential implications and applications of deepfake technology in the near future?

6. Deepfake and National Security: How....

How does the essay introduction in newscast rhetorical analysis set the tone for the content?
Words: 679

1. The essay introduction in a newscast rhetorical analysis serves as a crucial element in setting the tone for the content that follows. It is the first opportunity for the writer to engage the reader, establish the focus of the analysis, and provide context for the discussion that will unfold. By crafting a strong introduction, the writer can effectively frame the analysis, set expectations for the reader, and generate interest in the topic being explored. In the analysis of a newscast, the introduction plays a key role in laying the foundation for the examination of rhetorical strategies employed in the....

How do literature reviews contribute to understanding mental illness stigma?
Words: 692

Literature reviews play a pivotal role in understanding the stigma associated with mental illness by synthesizing existing research, identifying trends, gaps, and providing a comprehensive overview of the subject. They serve as a foundational tool for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to grasp the multifaceted nature of stigma, its origins, manifestations, and the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing it.

One of the primary contributions of literature reviews in this field is the aggregation of empirical evidence. For instance, reviews often highlight how stigma operates at various levels - individual, interpersonal, and structural. At the individual level, self-stigma can lead to reduced....

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