New York City Essays Examples

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New York City Character New York
Pages: 2 Words: 580

This world that corcese has depicted in the city is one that is marvelously cruel, intensely chaotic and completely imbued with his own musings on what he believes that period in time would have been like. The movie is completely modern and relevant today because it reflects on some of the same issues of race, class and ethnicity that we are struggling with today. While Gangs of New York depicts these issues set against the backdrop of Civil War era New York, which makes the film all the more disturbing, the issues that he is addressing are as ugly as the foul neighborhood of Five Points.
While Gangs of New York reenacts images from Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives (1997), such as the visual reference to "Bandit's Roost," an emblem of urban poverty, the city is an amalgamation of part truths and part Hollywood flair. The movie is…...


Scorcese's film uses the city of New York and the violence that takes place within it as a sort of birth scenario of modern American society. From the very beginning of the film, Scorcese shows us a world that is barbarically full of chaos and foul occurrences everywhere. While the actual characters themselves are either completely fiction or a mish-mash of other characters taken out of their true time, the city itself feels like the most smartly constructed character, as it seems that Scorcese put more effort into creating a city that is a representation of the director's views on society at large. This world that Scorcese has depicted in the city is one that is marvelously cruel, intensely chaotic and completely imbued with his own musings on what he believes that period in time would have been like. The movie is completely modern and relevant today because it reflects on some of the same issues of race, class and ethnicity that we are struggling with today. While Gangs of New York depicts these issues set against the backdrop of Civil War era New York, which makes the film all the more disturbing, the issues that he is addressing are as ugly as the foul neighborhood of Five Points.

While Gangs of New York reenacts images from Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives (1997), such as the visual reference to "Bandit's Roost," an emblem of urban poverty, the city is an amalgamation of part truths and part Hollywood flair. The movie is fictional, but it does capture a bit of New York's essence of this period in American history, especially in the way that it illustrates the discrimination against the Irish immigrants.

While the character of the city tends to be trite in its representation, there are some complex ideas concerning racial and ethnic conflict in early American history. There are issues of racism, of class struggle, and of the division between the Anglo-Saxon Protestant "Nativists" and the Roman Catholic Irish immigrants in Civil War time New York. The issue of ethnicity is especially poignant because it resonates within society today

New York City Brooklyn Bridge
Pages: 6 Words: 2033

"In 1940 David ockefeller became a member of the Board of Trustees of the ockefeller Institute for Medical esearch, which had been established in 1901 by his grandfather, John D. ockefeller. A decade later he succeeded his father as chairman of the Institute's Board of Trustees, serving in that capacity for 25 years (1950-1975). Working with Detlev Bronk, ockefeller led the transformation of the research institute into a biomedical graduate university, which was renamed the ockefeller University in 1965" (David ockefeller, 2004).
Jane Jacobs was born May 4, 1916 and died April 25, 2006. She was an American-Canadian writer and activist with major interest in communities and urban planning and decay. She is best known for the Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961), a commanding review of the urban renewal guidelines of the 1950's in the United States. The book has been recognized as reaching beyond planning issues…...



Brooklyn Bridge. (2012). Retrieved from

Cross Bronx Expressway. (n.d.). Retrieved from -bronx/

David Rockefeller. (2004). Retrieved from 

Jane Jacobs. (n.d). Retrieved from

New York City's Beverage Ban
Pages: 2 Words: 592

Argument Opposing the Ban

The primary argument against the beverage ban is that it violates the fundamental autonomy and freedom of personal choice. Critics argue that in that respect, it is no different from prohibiting the consumption of a maximum amount of calories or banning sunbathing, because the former also contributes to obesity and because the latter is known to cause sin cancers that are sometimes deadly and that are also typically treated at the public's expense. The other main argument against the measure is that the Mayor circumvented the legislative process by implementing it through the Department of Health instead of through the City Council.

The Basis of the Legal Decision

In striking the law down, the tate upreme Court characterized the proposed law as "arbitrary" because it applied only establishment regulated by the city and not to supermarkets or chain stores (such as 7-11, for example), even when they do business…...


Saul, M.H. (2013). "Judge Cans Soda Ban: Ruling on Sugary Drinks Marks Rare Defeat

on Health Policy for Bloomberg." The Wall Street Journal (March 11, 2013).

Retrieved online:

New York City's Beverage Ban
Pages: 1 Words: 360

The legal basis of the tate upreme Court decision was that the ban is "arbitrary" because it would only have applied to some types of businesses and only to those regulated by the city. For example, supermarkets and chain stores were exempted, even though they might be located on the same block as businesses affected by the ban. Ultimately, whether or not future versions of the same law survive legal challenges will probably depend more on how they are framed and whether they resolve some of the issues that the court characterized as "arbitrary" rather than on whether or not the city authorities have the legal right to regulate the sale of large servings of some kinds of beverages.

ource Consulted

aul, M.H. (2013). "Judge Cans oda Ban: Ruling on ugary Drinks Marks Rare Defeat

on Health Policy for Bloomberg." The Wall treet Journal (March 11, 2013).

Retrieved online:


Saul, M.H. (2013). "Judge Cans Soda Ban: Ruling on Sugary Drinks Marks Rare Defeat

on Health Policy for Bloomberg." The Wall Street Journal (March 11, 2013).

Retrieved online:

New York City
Pages: 2 Words: 638

Neighborhood Guides: Gramercy Park
In the neighborhood guide New York Living Solutions, Gramercy Park is marketed as a neighborhood which is both upscale and quaint. It is labeled the perfect neighborhood for someone who wants to live in an area that has 'character,' versus the rather faceless and generic Upper est and Upper East Sides of Manhattan, but who does not necessarily want the hustling, bustling, and more democratic milieu of less affluent neighborhoods in the East Village, Hell's Kitchen, or ethnic neighborhoods. One Internet guide advertises: "Gramercy Park is one of New York's most historic, high-end real estate, and exclusive luxury neighborhoods. Centrally located on the East Side of Manhattan, residents have the convenience of living downtown (SoHo, NoHo, and the Village are just blocks away), coupled with a sophistication generally reserved for the wealthiest uptown neighborhoods" (Gramercy Park Neighborhood Guide, New York Living Solutions). Residents are thus likely to…...


Works Cited

Gramercy Park Neighborhood Guide. New York Living Solutions. [12 Nov 2013] 

"Gramercy Park." [12 Nov 2013]

New York City
Pages: 2 Words: 532

Sharon Zukin's Whose Culture? Whose City?
My visit to Times Square confirmed that Sharon Zukin's characterization about the corporate domination of the landscape is quite accurate. First, virtually everything imaginable is associated with one corporate entity or another, as hardly any physical surface other than the asphalt of the streets is covered with corporate logos. From below eye-level to as high as one can look up at buildings, there are advertisements beckoning people to buy luxury goods, entertainment tickets, clothing brands, and every type of food fare in existence. Even the taxi cabs are festooned with endless advertisements, in high-tech format like television screens atop their roofs as well as inside facing riders as soon as they enter the passenger compartments. Without looking at street signs and well-known landmarks it might be difficult to know whether you are in New York City of Las Vegas, because the amount of flashing…...

New York City
Pages: 1 Words: 385

Hell's Kitcen
History of Hell's Kitcen

History of immigrant communities tat inabited te area (Amell 2010)


Iris vs. German tensions (Po 2012)

Current reputation

Current demograpics

Current geograpical boundaries:

"Te neigborood extends from te West Side of Eigt Avenue to te Hudson River, and from te nort side of 34t Street to te sout side of 56t Street" (Sietstema 2012).

Also known as te teater district

Overview of current appenings


"No New York neigborood offers a denser collection of restaurants, aimed at teater-goers, tourists, local neigborood types, Times Square office workers, and budget-conscious diners of every stripe" (Sietstema,2012)

B. Teater and oter entertainment

Everyday life


Farmer's markets (Sokol 2010)

Typical profile of residents

a. Burgeoning gay population ("Te Hell's Kitcen Guide," Time Out, 2013)

b. More youtful and etnically diverse tan before

D. Gentrification

1. "As gentrification takes old, new apartment blocks are springing up in te former wasteland near te Hudson River -- and development will kick into overdrive wen te long-delayed mixed-use complex Hudson Yards…...

New York City Case Involving
Pages: 3 Words: 837

Petitioner contends that he merely escorted the student back to his seat. Petitioner further asserts that any injury to the student's hand had occurred the day before, during an incident in which the student allegedly punched a blackboard in another teacher's classroom. espondents, however, contend that petitioner impermissibly used corporal punishment to force the student back into his seat (John George vs. Board of Education of the City School District of the City of New York and Maria Santory Guasp, Superintendent, Community School District 9,)."

The principal dismissed the teacher without allowing the teacher to take part in the investigation. Because of that decision the teacher was later reinstated with pay so that an subsequent investigation could take place.

The principal based her decision to terminate on the OSI investigation however, the probationary teacher was not allowed to take part in that investigation, therefore was reinstated until a second investigation could be…...



John George vs. Board of Education of the City School District of the City of New York and Maria Santory Guasp, Superintendent, Community School District 9

New York City Forrest Junior Said He
Pages: 3 Words: 943

New York City. Forrest Junior said he would like to see me, but he didn't have time to come to Alabama, so we finally said we would meet in New York City.
New York City was amazing! It's really an island. I think New York City has more cars in it than all of Alabama and maybe Mississippi too. Maybe it's just hard to get all those cars off an island, so people just stay there. Everybody walks so fast, and they don't really want to stop and talk. I asked this policeman for directions, and he told me all right, but that was all he wanted to talk about. In Alabama we would have talked about three other things before we got down to business.

Forrest Jr. got us a room at a hotel down near the end of that island. He said the name of the hotel was the…...

New York City Congestion Pricing
Pages: 2 Words: 649

New Yorkers who must drive to work already endure horrendous traffic congestion conditions and exorbitant parking fees because legal on-street parking spots are extremely scarce, particularly in the midtown area and the financial district.

Similarly, commercial businesses that use delivery vehicles have no option but to drive into the city every day and the congestion pricing plan would not have exempted them.

In many cases, implementation of the plan could conceivably have threatened their continued commercial viability to continue in business.

Critics also pointed out that the plan would not necessarily have achieved the carbon emission reductions initially claimed by it proponents, and that the other main justification, reducing congestion within the fee zone in Manhattan, was equally spurious. More recent studies demonstrated that most of the reduction in traffic and congestion would have occurred in the suburbs along the main routes traveled by commuters from North of Manhattan in Westchester and Long…...



Diaz, Ruben, Jr. Congestion pricing plan was a regressive tax on Bronxites; New York Daily News, April 29, 2008. Retrieved May 1, 2008 from the website, at 

Berger, Joseph. Congestion Pricing: Just Another Regressive Tax? The New York Times, April 20, 2008. Retrieved May 1, 2008 from the NYTimesOnline website, at

New York City Commuter Tax
Pages: 10 Words: 2665

New York City Commuter Tax and its history. The writer discusses the previous attempts to bring it forth as well as current discussions about its use. The writer argues that the tax is a bad idea. There were 15 sources used to complete this paper.
While New York City continues to grow it struggles to find resources to handle its public duties. As the most populated city in the nation it bears the brunt of providing the largest police force, the largest garbage collection service and many other large agencies. All of these services must come from tax dollars and throughout the years there have been many incidences where the money has run out and the services has stopped. Several times along the way the idea of a commuter tax has surfaced. Those who are in favor of the tax believe it will provide funds for public services by people…...




WRITERS, No way, commuters say., The Record (Bergen County, NJ), 11-15-2002, pp A01.

Paul J. Hendrie, Record Staff Writer, COMMUTER TAX WAR DECLARED., The Record (Bergen County, NJ), 02-25-1992, pp a01.

PIA SARKAR, Staff Writer, RULING ELIMINATES COMMUTER TAX IN N.Y.., The Record (Bergen County, NJ), 06-26-1999, pp a01.

New York City Geology and Architecture Transit System
Pages: 2 Words: 804

Manhattan Geology
Much of Manhattan lies on the Manhattan schist formation, made up of "Paleozoic and Proterozoic metamorphic and metamorphosed igneous rocks crystalline basement rocks" (Merguerian) that form a solid bedrock base for the soaring skyscrapers of Manhattan. Without this rock-solid base, much of the building in Manhattan would not be possible. Of course, this solid rock core of the island also helped create difficulties in excavating and in construction. These igneous rocks "are subdivided into two basic sub-layers, an older sequence consisting of ~1.0 Ga (billion year old) gneisses (Layer I) and a younger sequence of complexly deformed and internally sheared schist, gneiss, amphibolite, and marble (Layer II)." Some of this bedrock is exposed throughout Manhattan, while much of it is buried deep under a layer of .... This deep bedrock is strong and enduring, aid it also "forms the spine of the island and provides the foundation for its…...



Alden, Andrew. "A Tale of Two Favorite Cities." 1997. 21 June 2005.


Federal Writers' Project (N.Y.). A Comprehensive Guide to the Five Boroughs of the Metropolis: Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Richmond. New York: Random House, 1939.

Merguerian, Charles. "A Geological Transect From New York City to New Jersey." 2002. 21 June 2005.

Comparing Between Films of Cities Berlin vs New York City
Pages: 5 Words: 1754

Berlin and New York City
Artists of all media are inspired by the culture in which they live and work. This is a universally accepted idea; it is impossible to extricate the artist from the culture in which he or she created his or her pieces of artwork, no matter if the art is writing, paintings, or any other type of multimedia. One of the most important influences that an artist can find is the life that exists in the city in which they were reared; the landscapes, the people, and the sights and sounds cannot help but to find their way into the works of artists who lived in that given location. The nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were important in the development of what are now considered to be modern metropolises. Examining Berlin, Germany and New York City, New York in the United States of America, the culturally significant…...


Works Cited:

Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis, directed by Walter Ruttmann (1927; Berlin, Germany: Fox

Europa, 2012), DVD.

Manhatta, directed by Charles Sheeler & Paul Strand (1921; New York, NY, 2012), DVD.

Spiegel, Uwe. "Conquering the Capital: the Ruthless Rise of the Nazis in Berlin." Spiegel.

History of Pollution in New York City
Pages: 5 Words: 1495

History Of Pollution in New York City
New York City has unique benefits in that there are tremendous amounts of people who live within close proximity to each other. This has resulted in higher uses of mass transit systems (such as: subways and buses). On average, New York's total environmental footprint is 7.1 metrics tons per person annually. This is much lower than national average of 24.5 metric tons. The city contributes 1% of the total amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere for the United States each year. ("Inventory Greenhouse of New York City," 2007) (Jarvey, 2006)

In spite of these benefits and lower levels of carbon emission, New York City was named the dirtiest city for 2012 in Travel and Leisure magazine. They cited poor air quality, water and large amounts of trash everywhere. This is problematic, as New York has been trying to consistently reduce the overall amounts…...



Inventory Greenhouse of New York City. (2007). NYC Government. Retrieved from: 

Brown, R. (2012). Filthy Truth! New York Daily News. Retrieved from: -

Heroin NYC New York City
Pages: 9 Words: 2569

First and foremost is the recurrence of addiction with which Ms. Stone has struggled her entire life. This reflects the powerful dependency which is a distinct feature of heroin as is this compares to other substances. Indeed, Ms. Stone makes explicit mention of the intense physical and emotional rigors of withdrawal that are associated with detoxification. The number of times that Ms. Stone has engaged in detox and relapsed back into heroin use is startling. According to her own report, she has undergone the painful process of detox ten times. This underscores on an anecdotal level what is true for New York on a general scale. Namely, the continued availability of heroin combined with the relative lack of effectiveness of programs aimed at rehabilitation tend to make addiction relapse a highly probable occurrence.
Ms. Stone's case is rendered yet more persistent due to what seems an apparent failure to address…...


Works Cited:

Epstein, E.J. (2006). Agency of Fear. Edward J. Epstein.

National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC). (2002). Heroin.

Ngo, E. (2009). New York drug dealers ride 'Twilight' high with vampire-themed heroin. AM New York.

Stanglin, D. (2010). NYC-Funded guide for Heroin Users Draws DEA's Ire. USA Today.

what do think about the states that have passed laws for the salary history ban do you think this helps with equal pay within the workforce if so how?
Words: 607

Salary History Bans and Equal Pay in the Workforce

The gender pay gap, a persistent disparity between the average earnings of women and men, remains a multifaceted issue with significant consequences for economic equality and social well-being. In an effort to address this inequity, several states have implemented salary history bans, prohibiting employers from inquiring about or relying on a job candidate's salary history during the hiring process.

Rationale for Salary History Bans

Salary history bans are based on the premise that previous salary information perpetuates existing pay disparities. When employers use salary history to determine a candidate's compensation, they may perpetuate unequal....

How does the market respond to a new tax on commercial office space?
Words: 429

Impact of Commercial Office Space Tax on the Market
The imposition of a tax on commercial office space can have far-reaching implications for the real estate market. Here's an analysis of how the market typically responds to such a tax:
1. Reduced Demand and Renting Activity:
The tax increases the cost of occupying commercial office space, making it less affordable for businesses.
As a result, demand for office space declines, leading to a decrease in renting activity.
Tenants may seek alternative, less expensive options, such as subletting, co-working spaces, or working remotely.
2. Lower Rental Rates:
With reduced demand, landlords must adjust their....

How do different tile shapes affect the overall aesthetic of a room?
Words: 611

## The Transformative Power of Tile Shapes: Shaping the Aesthetic of a Room

Tile, an enduring and versatile flooring and wall covering material, transcends its functional role to become an artistic expression that profoundly influences the ambiance of a room. Among the myriad design elements that define a tile's aesthetic, shape stands out as a transformative force, capable of subtly or dramatically altering the overall character of a space.

### Geometric Precision and Rhythmic Flow

Geometrically shaped tiles, such as squares, rectangles, and hexagons, impart a sense of order and precision. Their clean lines and consistent forms create a structured and cohesive foundation,....

Who are some lesser-known but impactful community leaders making a difference in their neighborhoods?
Words: 853

Community Luminaries: Unsung Leaders Transforming Neighborhoods

Amidst the tapestry of urban and rural landscapes, countless individuals tirelessly dedicate themselves to making a profound impact within their communities, often operating beneath the radar of mainstream recognition. These lesser-known changemakers, driven by unwavering passion and commitment, are the unsung heroes whose efforts ripple through their neighborhoods, fostering positive transformation.

1. Ayanna Johnson: Cultivating Urban Gardens in Chicago

In the heart of Chicago's impoverished Woodlawn neighborhood, Ayanna Johnson has been instrumental in establishing a network of community gardens. Through her organization, Growing Home, she empowers residents to cultivate their own food, promoting health, self-sufficiency, and a....

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