Negotiating Essays (Examples)

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Negotiating I Feel That This
Pages: 3 Words: 1102

He who has learned to disagree without being disagreeable has discovered the most valuable secret of a diplomat." Robert Estabrook

To disagree in a polite, yet friendly manner, while appearing to agree, is perhaps the most effective way of being a diplomat in negotiation exchanges. In negotiations, the advantage is lost if one loses one's stance of calm, caring concern for the other party's interests. One will find success at the negotiating table when one seeks not to offend or insult, which is the result of losing this concern. Even if one does it unknowingly, one loses face, as well as a good portion of one's negotiating power. A principled negotiator will not lose face for any reason.

Jan Ulijn is a researcher of intercultural negotiations and states "Professional technical communicators increasingly find themselves in a negotiation situation where cultural differences have caused misperceptions." Ulijn proposes that with the globalization of the…...


Works Cited

Fisher, Robert, Ury, William L., Patton, Bruce. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreements Without Giving In, 2nd Rep/Edition. New York: Penguin Books. 1991.

Shell, G. Richard. Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People, Penguin Books. 1999.

Ulijn, Jan M., O'Duell, Michael, and Robertson. Stephen A. "Teaching Business Plan Negotiation: Fostering Entrepreneurship Among Business and Engineering Students." Business Communication Quarterly. March, 2004. 67: 41-57.

G. Richard Shell, Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People, Penguin Books (1999), p. 6.

Negotiating Over the Past Two
Pages: 4 Words: 1253

Instead, the well-being of all members in a family is taken into account when decisions are made. The same, according to hell (1999), is true of business. In internal bargaining procedures, the interest and well-being of subordinates are taken into account when arriving at decisions. It should also however be taken into account that different people will have different opinions and interests. The ideal is to use integrative bargaining in order to arrive at an outcome that best serves the collective values and ethics of the company as a whole. In order to achieve this, hell suggests a focus on the bargaining styles of individuals, and how these can be used to arrive at the most desired situation for the company as a whole.
Part II

Li and Roloff's work focus on the emotions involved in intercultural communication. This is translated to the business situation, and the role that emotions play…...



Lax, David and Sebenius, James. The Manager as Negotiator; Bargaining for Cooperation and Competitive Gain. New York, NY: The Free Press,1986.

Shell, G. Richard. Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People. Penguin Books, 1999.

Negotiating the Manager as Negotiator
Pages: 2 Words: 878

Also, the number of musicians should be more under the control of the producers, who presumably had a better idea of how many employees could be afforded by a particular show, as opposed to the Musician's Union, which would only have one narrow interested party in mind, namely the musician's collective welfare. (Hostetter, 2003)
ho owns the final product -- the artist or the person funding the art? Neither can make art 'happen' without the other, yet both parties view art in very different terms. Creating value for both parties requires that the commercial theater on Broadway continue in a state of financial health -- a view that seems to favor the producer's point-of-view. The musicians had a point that, if the quality of music slowly declined on Broadway, this would have a long-term deleterious effect upon the quality of attendance in the long run. Using taped music rather than…...


Works Cited

Lax, David and Sebenius, James. The Manager as Negotiator; Bargaining for Cooperation and Competitive Gain. New York, NY: The Free Press. 1986.

Martha Hostetter (2003) "The Musician's Strike." The Gotham Gazette.

Negotiating Team Job Overview Flyer in the
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Negotiating Team
Job Overview Flyer

In the normal course of events in business and society, most management groups are not adequately prepare to effectively deal with crisis situations: fires, natural disasters, bomb threats, or any type of willful acts of destruction. Two recent examples that showed just how underprepared most organizations are were the 9/11 Trade Center attack and Hurricane Katrina; both failures in their own right of the ability to quickly and effectively manage crises situations. This historical event changed the lives of many Americans forever and proved that business communities as well as communities at large and in general are all susceptible to disasters or crisis at any time. These disruptions can also be very costly the economy in general, and have wide ranging consequences for individuals and culture alike. Since 9/11, there have been a preponderance of reports, books, academic tomes, and conferences on the subject of crisis management…...

Negotiating a Trip to California With My
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Negotiating a trip to California with my spouse
I lived in California for more than four years and all of my dearest friends still live there. When I moved to Washington DC I planned to revisit California frequently but I became absorbed in my schooling and never had the time to plan a trip. After my marriage I made an agreement with my wife to never travel on my own, except for work-related reasons. My negotiation will be a challenging task because my California trip involves me traveling alone for several days without my wife.

Negotiation Purpose:

There are several reasons motivating me to travel to California, which are:

I am really stressed about school and I need some time to spend with my old friends.

I need to get some of my textbooks and house supplies that I stored at my friend's house in California.

I want to visit a close relative and personally express…...

Negotiating Strategy Principled Negotiation and Cooperation According
Pages: 3 Words: 928

Negotiating Strategy
Principled Negotiation and Cooperation

According to an article provided by the Conflict Research Consortium (CRC)(1998), one style of negotiation that has achieved favor in modern business practice is Principled Negotiation. This calls for an interest in achieving a meaningful compromise in which both parties have cause to accept the terms of an agreement. According to the article illiam Ury and Roger Fisher first advocated this form of negotiation as a means to reaching shared objectives even in the face of apparently divergent interests. In principled negotiation, Ury and Fisher would argue, it is important to separate one's neogiation objectives from one's personal feelings. Accordingly, the CRC reports that "negotiating about interests means negotiating about things that people really want and need, not what they say that want or need. Often, these are not the same. People tend to take extreme positions that are designed to counter their opponents' positions. .…...


Works Cited:

Conflict Research Consortium (CRC)(1998). Principled Negotiation.

Peelle, H. (2006). Promoting Cooperation Using Tit-For-Tat. The Negotiator Magazine.

Ury, W. (1993). Getting Past No. Random House Digital, Inc.

Negotiating With Suicidal Plans Negotiating With Suicidal
Pages: 2 Words: 679

Negotiating With Suicidal Plans
Negotiating with Suicidal Persons

Human beings have their own set of desires, choices, and aspirations, which they put into effect in various ways that are usually different from one another. While at some times, people exercise ways to fulfill their desires in a much productive manner, other times, this execution can turn out to be self-destructive. Suicide is one of the self-devastating approaches that an increasing number of people in the today's time are applying to satisfy their pain or desire of relieving the ache. In fact, the statistical records have exposed the fact that suicide has become one of the prominent cause of death not only in the United States, but across the world, thus, making this issue a serious one on the public health domain (Chehil & Kutcher, 2012).

Before an individual can complete the act of suicide, he/she makes at least a hundred attempts before it.…...



Chehil, S. & Kutcher, S.P. (2012). Suicide Risk Management: A Manual for Health Professionals. 2nd Edition. USA: John Wiley & Sons.

McMains, M.J. & Mullins, W.C. (2010). Crisis Negotiations: Managing Critical Incidents and Hostage Situations in Law Enforcement and Corrections. 4th Edition. USA: Elsevier.

Negotiating a Conflict When a
Pages: 3 Words: 1264

Moreover, both parties can "win" and gain something. Creativity is valued in this form of negotiation as a way to come up with new ideas that will allow both parties to feel satisfied. In other words, the win/lose aspect of competitive negotiation is shunned, and it is assumed that the needs of both parties can be met. The communication in a collaborative negotiation reflects this assumption. In order to find out what the real interests and needs of both sides are, the participants must listen closely to each other. Often negotiations begin with a frank discussion of common interests and what will benefit both. The interdependence of each upon the other is acknowledged. The negotiators transcend the idea of "not enough" limited resources, as each party expresses personal preferences. This allows more equitable distribution. The goal of collaborative negotiation is to reach a mutually acceptable solution and one that…...



Hocker, J.L. And Wilmot, W.W. (2007). Interpersonal conflict. Seventh Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Negotiating the P& 38 G Relationship With Walmart
Pages: 5 Words: 1843

Negotiating Procter and Gamble

Exhibit I

Exhibit II

Proctor and Gamble (P&G) faced growth constraints and customer relationship management (CM) issues with its large retail clients such as Wal-Mart. Disintegrated operational and business level management, lack of strategic direction, and poor CM were the main issues faced by the company. Unnecessary competition with its own customers and hostile price/margin negotiations were draining out the strategic growth opportunities that a company, as large as P&G could have achieved with an improvement in internal processes and CM.

Having considered these issues through contemporary research-based business process models, it is recommended that P&G should alter its organizational culture, strategy, and adopt CM approach. Several alternatives such as those based on collaborative channel management, increased responsiveness to customer concerns, and BMP improvement may be applied by the company after aligning the culture of the company to resonate with the proposed improvements. Vendor managed inventories (VMI), JIT manufacturing and…...



Corsten, D., & Kumar, N. (2005). Do suppliers benefit from collaborative relationships with large retailers? An empirical investigation of efficient consumer response adoption. Journal of Marketing, 80-94.

Fisher, M.L. (1997). What is the right supply chain for your product? Harvard business review, 75, 105-117.

Goyal, S.K., & Gupta, Y.P. (1989). Integrated inventory models: the buyer-vendor coordination. European journal of operational research, 41(3), 261-269.

Hagel, J. (2002). Out of the box: strategies for achieving profits today and growth tomorrow through web services. Harvard Business Press.

Negotiating Muslim Youth Identity in a Post 9-11 World
Pages: 2 Words: 546

Negotiating Muslim Youth Identity in a Post-9/11 World
Cynthia White Tindongan's article "Negotiating Muslim Youth Identity in a Post-9/11 World" discusses with regard to Muslim individuals in the contemporary society and with regard to young Muslims in the U.S. In particular. The writer promotes the idea that it would be impossible for a young Muslim person in the contemporary society to ignore effects associated with events that have shaped public opinion concerning Muslims. The article is effective in putting across this message and is actually very informative when concerning its succinct nature and the fact that the author clearly focused on providing readers with the opportunity to get a more complex understanding of the matter.

The article is meant to present information concerning the series of events that played an important role in shaping public thinking with regard to Muslim immigrants. Even with this, while Tindongan focused on providing a long history…...



White Tindogan, Cynthia. "Negotiating Muslim Youth Identity in a Post-9/11 World." The High School Journal Volume 95, Number 1, Fall 2011 pp. 72-87 | 10.1353/hsj.2011.0012

Trust and Relationships in Negotiation
Pages: 7 Words: 1997

Trust and Relationships in Negotiation Introduction
Successful negotiations rely heavily upon the ability of those involved to develop trust and build solid relationships. If parties to a negotiation cannot trust one another and do not develop the kind of relationships required, it is highly unlikely that they will arrive at the kind of satisfactory, win-win outcome that all sides desire. But how does one define trust? What steps can be taken to best support a working relationship? How can one tell if one is moving towards a successful negotiation or working against one’s own best interests? This paper will review the topic of trust and relationship development in negotiations to show how one can approach the problem of trust and relationship building while working on negotiating an outcome that satisfies all parties.
What is Trust?
Trust is a concept that has different meanings depending on how one thinks of its application in negotiation. For…...

Negotiating Skills Six Skills Some Strengths Some
Pages: 1 Words: 344

Negotiating Skills
Six Skills: Some Strengths, Some Weaknesses

Of the skills identified by Fisher and Davis in their article, "Six Interpersonal Skills for a Negotiator's Repertoire," there are two in which I believe I already excel. The first of these is remaining rational in the face of strong feelings; though I am very passionate about many issues -- passionate about any issue in which I take a real interest, in fact -- I have never really let my passions get the better of me, but am willing and able to calmly and rationally define and support my passion in a manner that does not cloud the facts or their logical connections and that is able to take in opposing views and facts without feeling any umbrage or emotional stress. I actually find that the more deeply I care about something the easier it is for me to remain rational due to the…...

Negotiating a Facility Rental Agreement as a
Pages: 2 Words: 559

Negotiating a Facility ental Agreement
As a facility operations manager, it is critical to first understand key legal issues in Stadium contracts. These contract could be ridden with pitfalls and liability characterized by shifting language, and other provisions, with serious legal consequences to the event sponsor. These facilities have provisions in their contract that specify terms of performance (rates, dates, space) and meant to protect the stadium as well as establish event sponsor's responsibility and liability.

It is a common procedure to sign a letter of intent with the facility and in this case, the Durham Bull's Stadium Facility Manager and General Counsel. The Letter of Intent must include all necessary contingency clauses that protect the New York Yankees, the Met's, Yankees and Major League Baseball's right to advance negotiations on mutual agreeable terms with the Durham Bull's Stadium Facility Manager and General Counsel by a certain deadline. However, this should be…...



Youngblood, H.D. (2010, August). Drafting And Enforcing Complex Indemnification Provisions. Retrieved November 13, 2012, from

Negotiating for a Used Car
Pages: 6 Words: 1877

In retrospect, the argument could have been made that the Chevrolet Cavalier was very old and was not worth $3,000, even with a brand-new windshield, horn and the maintenance agreement worth $300. A counter-offer a $2,500 could have been proposed and negotiations could have continued until Archie conceded a few more dollars or the deal broke down. As noted above, though, a secondary objective was to successfully complete the negotiations in an efficient fashion, and this knock-down, dragged-out approach was not deemed appropriate or even potentially effective since Archie had made some valid points concerning the expenses involved in repairing the vehicle to my satisfaction. In sum, both parties to this negotiation received most of what they wanted and the car has performed admirably to this day.
Reflective Analysis

Both of my previous cars had been purchased from friends or relatives, and this was my first experience with a real, live…...


The final outcome that resulted from the above-described negotiations was the purchase of a 1996 Chevrolet Cavalier with a repaired horn and brand-new windshield from Archie's Used Cars and Trucks for $3,000 cash, a price that also included a 6-month maintenance warranty and, as it turned out, a new set of jumper cables the dealer threw in for free (the schmoozing about Archie's football days paid off it seems). In retrospect, the argument could have been made that the Chevrolet Cavalier was very old and was not worth $3,000, even with a brand-new windshield, horn and the maintenance agreement worth $300. A counter-offer a $2,500 could have been proposed and negotiations could have continued until Archie conceded a few more dollars or the deal broke down. As noted above, though, a secondary objective was to successfully complete the negotiations in an efficient fashion, and this knock-down, dragged-out approach was not deemed appropriate or even potentially effective since Archie had made some valid points concerning the expenses involved in repairing the vehicle to my satisfaction. In sum, both parties to this negotiation received most of what they wanted and the car has performed admirably to this day.

Reflective Analysis

Both of my previous cars had been purchased from friends or relatives, and this was my first experience with a real, live used car dealer, a profession that has been vilified time and again in the mainstream media and by stand-up comics. Indeed, Richard Nixon was a used car salesman before he became the first president to resign, and the image endures. Therefore, perhaps the most important lesson learned from this car-purchasing experience was that not all used car salespeople are deceptive monsters that are only out to gouge the unsuspecting consumer, but that forewarned is forearmed when it comes to buying any used vehicle. The research that was conducted preparatory to the negotiations was highly useful in persuading the dealer to throw in a maintenance contract for free, for example, and despite some isolated consumer reports concerning poor experiences with these vehicles, the preponderance of such reports were positive. These steps helped to improve my negotiating position, but they were not sufficient to overcome the legitimate counterpoints that were made by the dealer. A significant weakness that was discerned during these negotiations, though, was just how uncomfortable the whole process can be for the novice and that the concepts that have been learned in class can be used to keep the "eye on the prize" in many cases, people can become so angry or frustrated during the negotiating process that they lose sight of what they are really after, but by focusing on the best alternative to a negotiated agreement, even novice car buyers can achieve their primary objectives, including being treated fairly and honestly.

Negotiating for Your Life New Success Strategies
Pages: 2 Words: 999

Negotiating for your life (New Success Strategies for a Woman)" is authored by Nichole Schapiro (1993) who has the credible credentials of industrial psychologist The fact that she founded her own training and consulting firm in 1972 indicates her breadth of experience and training in the field The jacket also describes her as a speaker, consultant and trainer to thousands of women and men around the country and abroad on negotiating skills, diversity, and on gender collaboration in and out of the workforce, as well as on building effective teams This mass and length of experience gives her the skills to write the book and makes her a reputable voice
Premise and relevance - The main premise/point of the book including the issue/problem involved and the book's relevance and relationship to the course

The theme of the book is how to effectively negotiate both in and out of real work…...


. I do recommend the book to others since negotiating becomes easier and less intimidating with the practical exercises that Shapiro creates. Some of them -- if not most of them - are commonsensical, but yet they are exempt form other books on negotiation skills. The way Shapiro phrases them makes negotiation a skill that even the most inexperienced novitiate can grasp.


Shapiro, N. (1993). Negotiating for Your Life: New Success Strategies for Women, Henry Holt & Company, Inc.: USA

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of expact dads in korea?
Words: 480

Outline for an Essay on Expat Dads in Korea

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a compelling anecdote or statistic highlighting the unique experiences of expat dads in Korea.
B. Thesis statement: Briefly state the central argument or claim of the essay, such as "Expat dads in Korea face distinct challenges and rewards that shape their experiences as fathers and cultural outsiders."

II. Body Paragraph 1: Challenges of Being an Expat Dad
A. Lack of social support: Discuss the isolation and disconnect that expat dads may feel due to being far from their extended family and support systems.
B. Cultural differences: Explore....

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on interview paper with grant writer?
Words: 352

1. The role of a grant writer in securing funding for nonprofit organizations: challenges, strategies, and best practices
2. Exploring the ethical considerations and potential conflicts of interest in grant writing
3. The impact of storytelling and narrative techniques in grant writing: How to effectively convey a compelling message to funders
4. The role of data and evidence in grant writing: balancing quantitative and qualitative information to make a persuasive case
5. The importance of building relationships with funders in successful grant writing
6. The impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives on grant writing and funding opportunities
7. The future of grant writing in a....

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about Stereotypes in Pocahontas?
Words: 582

Titles for an Essay about Stereotypes in Pocahontas

Title 1: The Myth and Reality of Pocahontas: Unraveling Stereotypes in Popular Culture

This title succinctly captures the central theme of the essay by highlighting the contrast between the idealized image of Pocahontas and the historical complexities of her story. It suggests an exploration of the ways in which stereotypes have distorted the understanding of this significant figure.

Title 2: Pocahontas: Beyond the Feminine Ideal and Cultural Misappropriation

This title emphasizes the problematic nature of the stereotypes surrounding Pocahontas, particularly her portrayal as a passive love object and a symbol of Native American culture. It hints....

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