Negative Impacts Essays (Examples)

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Positive and Negative Impacts of DNA Microarrays
Pages: 7 Words: 2243

positive and negative impacts of DNA microarrays, Genetic engineering and cloning on the society, environment and the living beings.
In the past years, people have heard much about the biological revolution and they have seen it coming too. Biology, with its modern discoveries, has not only influenced agriculture, medicine and economy but it has affected the nature of man as well. In today's era, where both, biology and technology are developing at a fast pace it is impossible for anyone to survive without having sufficient knowledge about science. The information related to scientific issues will enable the people to make good choices about their health, environment, surroundings and the society in which they reside. This information also enables the people to logically analyze different inventions and advancements in biology so that they can decide that whether the projected discovery is good for them or not. (Silva, 2008)

In the past years,…...



Agarwal, N. The California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS), (2010).The pros and cons of cloning. Retrieved from The California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS) website: 

Asbury, L. The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre, (2005). DNA microarrays. Retrieved from The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre website:

Brock, D. Brown University, (2009). Cloning human beings. Retrieved from Brown University website: 

Silva, K. Flinders University, School of Biological Sciences. (2008). Biology and society: A new way to teach tertiary science to non-science students. Retrieved from Flinders University website:;jsessionid=507BB9A61E39EF7034A7C025D0896D59 ?

Positive and Negative Impacts Western Colonialism Peoples
Pages: 3 Words: 929

positive and negative impacts Western colonialism peoples Africa. Give specific examples.
Imperialism in Africa

European colonization of Africa was one of the most important events in world history, providing Europeans with the raw materials and labor resources to conquer and control much of the rest of the world. Moreover, centuries of European colonial domination left an indelible imprint on Africa's societies, economies, and cultures that is still visible nearly half a century after the end of decolonization. Though imperialism clearly benefited Africa and some Africans, on balance, it is clear that imperialism was negative for Africa and Africans.

Europeans had colonized Africa as far back as the Greeks' establishment of a mercantile colony at Naucratis in the sixth-century B.C.E. Typically, however, when scholars discuss colonization of the African continent, they are referring to the period from the sixteenth-century C.E. through the mid-twentieth century, when European powers vied with one another to exploit…...


Yet, for all of the structural benefits of colonization -- the Suez Canal, the Cape to Cairo Railway -- the reality is that European colonization of Africa was devastating for the continent, responsible for the corruption and poverty that characterizes many African nations. According to famed historian Walter Rodney, European countries deliberately retarded African development so that they could exploit the continent's mineral and labor resources.[footnoteRef:1] Of course, the most obvious form of European colonial exploitation of Africa and Africans was slavery, which Rodney called "the basic factor" in Africa's underdevelopment. Though slavery goes back to ancient times, the emergence of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade in the mid-fifteenth century created a racial hierarchy in Africa that legitimized the expropriation of Africans' labor by force.[footnoteRef:2] This racial hierarchy existed, in modified form, in South Africa as late as 1994; called "apartheid," it was a system of legal discrimination and enforced segregation that had its roots in slavery. Slavery tainted everything, even Europe's "gifts" to the Africans; for instance, the French forced Egyptian peasants to perform the hazardous and backbreaking word of actually digging the Suez Canal, a form of chattel slavery known as "corvee."[footnoteRef:3] [1: Walter Rodney, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa (Nairobi, Kenya: Sitima Printers and Stationers, Ltd., 2009), 8.] [2: Patrick Manning, Slavery and African Life: Occidental, Oriental, and African Slave Trades (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 4. ] [3: Zachary Karabell, Parting the Desert: The Creation of the Suez Canal (New York:: Knopf Doubleday Publishing, 2004), 112.]

The negative effects of European colonization of Africa did not stop at enslavement and exploitation; as Rodney makes clear, European colonization left Africans with an enduring legacy of corruption and poverty. Despite the fact that Africa is Earth's second largest continent, and the planet's most populous, it remains the poorest. Moreover, as economist John Mukum Mbaku makes clear in his new book, Corruption in Africa: Causes, Consequences, and Cleanups, Africa "… is one of only a few regions that has failed to make any significant improvements in human development [since the end of the Cold War} & #8230; [and one] of the most important contributors to this state of affairs in Africa is corruption."[footnoteRef:4] [4: .John Mukum Mbaku, Corruption in Africa: Causes, Consequences, and Cleanups (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2007), xi.]

It is undeniable that European colonization benefit Africa and Africans in a number of ways. As this paper had made clear, Europeans designed, financed, and built a number of important infrastructure projects during their time in control of the continent; these include the Suez Canal and the Cape to Cairo Railway, both of which are still in use and generating wealth for Africans today. On balance, however, it is clear that these technological marvels pale in comparison to the years of organized exploitation and slavery that characterized European domination of Africa. Moreover, the colonialism's legacy -- political corruption -- keeps Africa mired in poverty and despotism. Therefore, one is forced to conclude that western colonialism had a mostly negative effect on Africa and Africans.

Positive or Negative Impacts of
Pages: 7 Words: 2035

That is; the text, pictures, animations, or videos used in the campaign. If these things are not appealing to the target viewers, all the efforts will go is vein and no one will pay attention to the company's presence on the social media (Hendricks, 139).
Recommendations to meet this challenge:

First of all, the contents must not be confusing or ambiguous. The target viewers must be communicated in simple and informative words. Then the contents; specially videos and pictures must be interesting and enriched with some clear message. This will increase the chances that they view the whole campaign and most likely wish to buy the product or at least have a healthy discussion with their close ones on the social media (alsh). Finally, the campaigns must never contain any words or pictures that are against the sentiments of some group of people. This can badly affect the public image of…...


Works Cited

Evans, Dave. & McKee, Jake. Social media marketing: the next generation of business engagement. 1st Edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Technology Publications, 2010. Print

Hendricks, John. Social Media. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2012. Print

Kaplan, Andreas, & Haenlein, Micheal. "Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media." Business Horizons. February 2010: 59 -- 68. Print

Maignan, Isabelle & Ferrell, OC. "Corporate social responsibility and marketing: An integrative framework." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 2011: 3-19

Positive and Negative Impacts of
Pages: 2 Words: 645

As slavery evolved and it became permissible in society to treat slaves with less and less regard, more labor could be demanded from each individual, which meant more profit from the owners. In America, especially the United States, it is possible that slavery was responsible for the development of the American middle class, because it established a caste-system and gave birth to the concept of white privilege. Slavery was certainly pivotal in the boom years of America's early economy.
Despite the fact that slavery had some advantages, the price for those advantages was staggering. As the transatlantic slave trade increased, the old reasons for enslavement largely fell away, and an increasing number of Africans were kidnapped into slavery solely for profit. Furthermore, once enslaved, these people's children were trapped into a life of slavery as well. Millions died as a direct result of the brutal conditions of slavery. In addition,…...

Negative Impact of Videogames on
Pages: 10 Words: 4076

while the parents were asked to complete the Conners' Parent Rating Scale (CPRS). This helped the researchers obtain information regarding the behavioral abnormalities, hyperactivity, inattention, ADHD, etc.
Statistical analysis of the gathered information clearly revealed an increase in inattentive behavior (p ? 0.001 for both Internet and console video games) and ADHD (p = 0.018 and 0.020 for console and Internet games, respectively). The researchers also concluded that students who engaged in video gaming for more than an hour showed significantly lower academic performance with (Grade point average (GPA), p = 0.019 and 0.009 for console and Internet games, respectively). The association between the time spent on playing video games and the YIAS (p < 0.001), was clearly evident indicating the development of video game addiction among the subjects who played for more than one hour daily [Philip and Terry, (2006)]. This study shows that children playing video games may…...



1) Online Education, 'Video game Statistics' Accessed Mar 26th 2010, available at, 

2) NIMF, 'Effects of Video game playing on Children', Accessed Mar 26th 2010, available at, 

3) Jerald J. Block, M.D., 'Issues for DSM-V: Internet Addiction', Am J. Psychiatry

165:306-307, Mar 2008, Available online at,

Negative Impact of the Addie Process the
Pages: 6 Words: 1637

Negative Impact of the ADDIE Process
The ADDIE model is a problem solving process that has emerged in the last 30 years as the key process that is used to design, develop and implement training for medical students. Instructional design is the systematic approach to the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of learning materials and activities. Instructional design aims for a learner-centered rather than the traditional teacher-centered approach to instruction, so that effective learning can take place. This means that every component of the instruction is governed by the learning outcomes, which have been determined after a thorough analysis of the learners' needs.

First, Analysis is the process of defining what is to be learned. Design is the process of specifying how it is to be learned. Next, Development is the process of authoring and producing the materials. Implementation is the process of installing the project in the real world context.…...



Kruse, K. (2004). Introduction to Instructional Design and the ADDIE Model. Retrieved January 19, 2005, from e-Learning Guru Web site:

Exomedia. (2005). ADDIE Model. Retrieved January 19, 2005, from Exomedia

Communicate at Will Web site:

McGriff, S. (2000). Instructional System Design (ISD): Using the ADDIE Model.

Negative Impact of Social Networking
Pages: 2 Words: 590

The much-promised value of social networks is then an illusion, with benefits that could easily be attained through other means.
A second aspect of why social networks have such a negative social impact is because it creates a fertile environment for cyber bullying and abuse that many are too cowardly to do in person (Meredith, 2010). Cyber-bulling is often anonymous, concerted across multiple people in a group targeting an outsider, and faceless, yet vicious in its verbal attacks and threats of violence (Meredith, 2010). The point of cyberbuylling is to ostracize someone and also make them feel terrible so they will leave a school, university or workplace permanently. What is very troubling about this type of behavior is the fact that spreads and becomes commonplace across groups; in effect there is a proliferation of hate that occurs because everyone can stay anonymous (Meredith, 2010). Cyberbullying is reason enough to not…...



James Bennett, Mark Owers, Michael Pitt, & Michael Tucker. (2010). Workplace impact of social networking. Property Management, 28(3), 138-148.

Bernoff, J., & Li, C.. (2008). Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.

Di Cagno, D., & Sciubba, E.. (2010). Trust, trustworthiness and social networks: Playing a trust game when networks are formed in the lab. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 75(2), 156.

Hathi, S.. (2008). BILLIONS LOST FROM SOCIAL NETWORKING. Strategic Communication Management, 12(2), 9.

Negative Impact on Children's Learning
Pages: 9 Words: 2629

These generally viewed race in terms of superior or inferior throughout history.
The time frame family studies explored involved biological and pathology theories dating from the 1899 through the twentieth century. Interestingly, these researchers found that in early history, race was more likely to negatively impact child education than socio-economic status, especially during times in history when most people were at a disadvantage economically (as in during the depression). As researchers moved into the twentieth century however, there seems to be a trend in research leaning toward less emphasis on race and minority status, with many researchers turning away from terms like "morons" or "inferior" or "degenerates" and more focusing on terms like "poverty" and "poor" or "welfare status" (Block, Balcazar & Keys, 2001, p. 18). Historical data gathering included a review of researchers and psychologist reports and collection as described in a comparison table which the researcher then reviewed…...



Anderson, E. (1990). Streetwise: Race, class, and change in an urban community.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Block, P., Balcazar, F. & Keys, C. (2001). From pathology to power: Rethinking race, poverty and disability. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 12(1): 18.

Deyhle, D., Parker, L. & Villenas, S. (1999). Race is - Race isn't: Critical race theory and qualitative studies in education. Boulder: Westview Press.

negative impact and tenure
Pages: 2 Words: 673

ecause there is a surplus of people who want to be in academic positions today, it is very easy for an academic institution to hire someone who will not be given tenure. These people can be paid a lower wage than someone with tenure, because they will not be standing on the same legal ground if they are let go at a later date (Dilts, Samavati, & Rahnama-Moghadam, 2007, p. 335). They make less, so the institution saves money, and that money can be used to hire more instructors, to purchase supplies, or for any other area in which the establishment is lacking.
People who are not tenured but who are doing the same work make about 1/2 of what tenured professors make (Dilts, Samavati, & Rahnama-Moghadam, 2007, p. 336). However, these same people have the potential to keep rising in their salary, although not to the level of a…...



Dilts, DA, Samavati, H, Rahnama-Moghadam, M. (2007). Economic motivation for post-tenure review in academic institutions. Journal of Collective Negotiations, 31(4), 333-341.

Negative Aspects of Video Games
Pages: 2 Words: 623

First, a thorough secondary literature review and an assessment of available dissertations and theses on the subject, the goal will be to determine the cause-and-effect of prolonger video game use on the psychological stability of children. These are to be clear not children who play for a few hours each day, they are the ones who are playing for up to eight to ten hours a day. Second, the research from the dissertations, thesis and published journals discovered during the first step will be summarized into a table of results. The intent of this effort is to define the cause-and-effect factors that lead parents to allow their children to be some detached and consumed in these games. Third, an action plan will be defined for how to raise public awareness and assist parents in setting better constraints and parameters for the use of video games in the future.

I. Introduction


Negative Effects of Television on
Pages: 10 Words: 2867

For small amounts of viewing, achievement increased with viewing, but as viewing increased beyond a certain point, achievement decreased. That function was found for each of the 3 ages studied, but optimal viewing time -- the apex of the function - was different at each age and decreased with the age of the students. (Razel, 2001)
Research Showing Positive Effects on Children

On the other hand, there is some research that disagrees that television has a profound negative effect on a child's behavior, health and cognitive ability. This research does not support the hypothesis that television is bad for children. There is observation

Television and Children 7 research that shows that television can be a positive influence in a child's learning process. The television can inform, entertain, and educate children in many ways.

Even though there is an abundance of children's shows that promote violence and other generally un-educational topics, there are also…...



1. Comstock, George A., Eli A. Rubinstien, and John P. Murray. Television and Social Behavior: Television's Effects: Further Explorations. Rockville, MD: National Institute of Mental Health, 1972.

2. Winn, Marie. The Plug-In Drug. New York, NY: Viking Penguin Press, 1985.

3. Children and the News Retreived July 26, 2006 at 

4. Razel, M. (2001). The complex model of television viewing and educational achievement. Journal of Educational Research, 94, 371-379.

Negative Effects of Off Shoring on the
Pages: 6 Words: 2045

Negative Effects of Off shoring on the U.S. Economy
Globalization and technological advancements over the last couple of decades have shifted the ways of many facets of life, which include the ways of doing businesses and its impact on the economies. Off shoring (preferably termed as outsourcing) is one of the widespread terms that have not only emerged as a result of globalization but have come under extensive utilization by the developed economies such as the U.S. (Farrell, p. 1-9).

Off shoring simply means that enterprises hire other people (which are typically known as third party vendors) in other countries that can perform their part of the jobs. In simple words, off shoring is a universal practice of shifting particular operational tasks to a new location that was originally performed in the home country. The phenomenon of off shoring is not restricted to a single sector but companies in various sectors that…...


Works Cited

Bertho, M. The Impact of Globalization on the United States: Culture and society, Volume 1. USA: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008. Print.

Committee on the Offshoring of Engineering. The Offshoring of Engineering: Facts, Unknowns, and Potential Implications. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2008. Print.

Farrell, D. Offshoring: Understanding the Emerging Global Labor Market. USA: Harvard Business Press, 2007. Print.

GOA. 'OFFSHORING OF SERVICES - An Overview of the Issues.' United States Government Accountability Office. (2005): 14-31. Web:   November 27, 2012. .

Negative impacts of gentrification on minorities
Pages: 8 Words: 2255

Outline Introduction Why gentrification is an important issue for low income communities Issues both economic and health that apply to low income communities as it relates to gentrification Economic Impacts of Gentrification How rates of return impact investment and housing prices How low interest rates further exacerbate the gentrification process Summary of economic impacts of gentrification on low-income families Health Impact of Gentrification Anxiety and Depression ConclusionOf late, the topic of gentrification has become a polarizing and contentious issue with the urban development community. Here, professional recognize the need to further help foster wealth and higher incomes with low-income communities, but on conflicted in the manner in which to do so. ecent evidence from Green Gentrification and 21st Century Civic Infrastructure suggest that gentrification can actually harm low income communities due to rising home valuations and displacement of low-income communities. Those individuals who are displaced due to gentrification, studies have…...


References 1. Adams, Don, and Arlene Goldbard. Creative Community: The Art of Cultural Development. New York, NY:2. Banks, William. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"A Secret Meeting in Boise.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Midwestern Political Review 6 (1958): 26-31.3. Ellen IG, Ding L. Advancing our understanding of gentrification. Cityscape 2016. Available from:   Chapple K and Zuk M (2016) Forewarned: The use of neighborhood early warning systems for gentrification and displacement. Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research 18(3): 1–24.5. Hyra D. The back-to-the-city movement: neighbourhood redevelopment and processes of political and cultural displacement. Urban Stud. 2015;52(10):1753–736. Lim S, Chan PY, Walters S, Culp G, Huynh M, Gould LH. Impact of residential displacement on healthcare access and mental health among original residents of gentrifying neighborhoods in New York City. PLoS One. 2017;12(12):e01901397. Richardson J, Mitchell B, Franco J. Shifting neighborhoods: gentrification and cultural displacement in American cities [Internet]. Washington (DC): National Community Reinvestment Coalition; 20198. Rigolon, Alessandro & Nemeth, Jeremy. (2019). Green gentrification or ‘just green enough’: Do park location, size and function affect whether a place gentrifies or not?Urban Studies. 57. 004209801984938. 10.1177/00420980198493802 4.

Negative Effects of Social Media
Pages: 5 Words: 1677

Negative Impacts of Social Media
Without a doubt, social media has changed the way that we live. People all over the world are more connected and have more potential to connect with others, making friends and colleagues all over the globe. News and currents events are able to travel at lightning speed around the city, nation and world community, making us all in touch as ever. But even so, there is a dark side to social media, one which must not be ignored. For all the wealth of information that's out there, there's a ton of information which is trite, repetitive or useless. Part of the battle of social media is the need to weed through all the worthless information that's out there, in order to get to the information which is important or necessary. This is one of the milder drawbacks of social media. Social media at its most…...



Gee, D. (2013, November 17). 'Twitter tantrum' is a tragic lesson for teens. Retrieved from


Kaiser, S. (2012, February 13). Social media can both help and hurt real-life relationships. Retrieved from -media-can-both-help-and-hurt-real-life-relationships/53084556/1

Negative Addictions Addiction Can Be
Pages: 2 Words: 677

The negative thing associated with this practice is that the individual may buy unnecessary items since the practice is carried out without proper consideration. Furthermore, shopping has the ability of becoming a negative addiction if it leads to the purchase of items that will no longer fit the individual after a short period of time. While shopping is a good activity, it turns to a negative addiction if it's driven by a state of tension and anticipation.
Similar to positive addictions, negative addictions are recurring habits or behaviors that are learned or acquired through trial and error or through observation of other people. When an individual is continually exposed to the substance or behavior with some level of satisfaction, the urge or craving for the substance or behavior emerge gradually following repeated practice and experience. The craving or urge for the habit or substance is a person's way of anticipation…...



Chakravarthula, S. (2001, December 16). Addiction. Retrieved September 9, 2012, from 

Pressley, J. (2010, February 28). The Positive and Negative Effects of Addictions. Retrieved September 9, 2012, from

Authoritarian parenting and how it affects the self-esteem of junior high school students?
Words: 359

There is a substantial amount of evidence that authoritarian parenting is a sub-optimal parenting style because of its negative impacts on children.  To understand why, it is important to understand the authoritarian parenting approach. Authoritarian parents take a strict approach to their children, with an emphasis on obedience from their children.  Authoritarian parents rely on punishments, threats, and shaming to elicit desired behaviors.  They are often described as cold, lacking warmth and responsiveness to their children.  The three other parenting types are permissive parents who are described as warm but lax; authoritative parents who expect their kids to follow the....

With reference to relevant theory and recent literature, critically discuss what is understood by the term ‘stress’ and the sources of stress experienced by those involved in sports?
Words: 524

Stress in sport can refer to two distinct things.  It can refer to physical stress and is compared to recovery periods or it can refer to the emotional stressors experienced by athletes in various sports.  Because you referred to the sources of stress experienced by those involved in sport, we are proceeding under the assumption that you are referring to emotional stressors.  We are going to provide an outline to give you an idea of what we might include in the introduction, main body paragraphs, and conclusion of an essay about that topic.

Essay Outline:

I. Introduction


what is counter urbanisation?
Words: 267

Counter urbanisation refers to the movement of people away from larger urban areas to smaller towns and rural areas.

This phenomenon is often driven by factors such as high cost of living in cities, overcrowding, pollution, and lack of affordable housing.

Individuals may choose to counter urbanise in search of a better quality of life, greater sense of community, or a desire to live closer to nature.

Counter urbanisation can have both positive and negative impacts on the areas experiencing population growth, such as increased strain on infrastructure and services, but also potential economic benefits from new residents.
One potential positive....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Adventure Tourism?
Words: 534

1. The Evolving Trends in Adventure Tourism:

Explore the emerging trends and innovations shaping adventure tourism worldwide. Discuss how technology, sustainability, and changing consumer preferences are transforming the industry, including topics like virtual reality experiences, eco-friendly practices, and the rise of niche adventure travel.

2. Adventure Tourism and Local Communities:

Examine the impact of adventure tourism on local communities, both positive and negative. Discuss how tourism can empower local economies, promote cultural exchange, and contribute to conservation efforts. Conversely, analyze potential challenges such as environmental degradation, overtourism, and the need for responsible tourism practices.

3. Risk Management and Safety in Adventure Tourism:


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