Nurture Wins
The debate of nature vs. nurture has persisted with intensity over time. Some scholars contend that this debate can be traced back to the times of ancient Greece. In the debate, nature may be referred to as nativism, or innatism. The side of nature contends that a person's natural, in-born, or innate qualities have more of an influence over the person's life. Nurture refers to personal experience, context, and environment (physical and social) with respect to what has a greater influence over a person's character as well as the general outcome of his/her life. It is a debate that has engaged those in the social sciences, such as sociologists, anthropologists, and psychologists, as well as debated by political scientists and philosophers. Nurture may also be referred to as behaviorism or empiricism in the context of this debate. It is the position of the paper that though both nature and…...
Collins, W.A., Maccoby, E.E., Steinberg, L., & Bornstein, M.H. (2000). Contemporary Research on Parenting -- The Case for Nature and Nurture. American Psychologist, 55(2), 218 -- 232.
Lewkowicz, D.J. (2011). The Biological Implausibility of the Nature-Nurture Dichotomy and What it Means for the Study of Infancy. Infancy, 1 -- 37.
Sameroff, A. (2010). A Unified Theory of Development: A Dialectic Integration of Nature and Nuture. Child Development, 81(1), 6 -- 22.
Position paper; Nature verses Nurture in children which is strong.
Objects are the same size, obviously, whether they are near or far, but our minds perceive size relative to surroundings. The dogs appear much larger the closer they get. They may seem huge to a person who is afraid of dogs.
3) Depressants, Stimulants, and Hallucinogens
Depressants numb one's feelings. They act as anesthetic to one's nervous system. One loses energy, almost as if very fatigued. A person under the influence of a depressant will feel very apathetic towards everything. It is all too much effort. Alcohol acts as a depressant, with real physiological effects in addition to the psychological effects. Heavy alcohol consumption decreases metabolization of fat in the liver and also suppresses movement of white blood cells, making one more prone to infections. Heavy alcohol consumption causes the stomach to produce more digestive acids, which can lead to ulcers or acid reflux disease.
Nicotine is a stimulant. Nicotine can stimulate…...
nature/nurture in the development of children. The author presents the argument that nature has a lot to do with development but that nurture has a larger influence. There were two sources used to complete this paper.
There has been a long-standing debate on what is more important to a child's development; nature or nurture. Those who believe it is nature think that one can provide an optimum environment and the child will still develop with genetically programmed traits, both good and bad. Those who advocate for nurture winning out believe the environment is the major factor in how a child develops. The debate has raged on for many years and both sides have their points but nurture seems to win out if the statistics are accurate.
Every once in awhile a case makes the headlines about a child who grows up to be violent and he or she turns out to…...
Author not available (1998). Nature vs. Nurture: Do parents really shape a child?., The Dallas Morning News, pp 36A.
McCall, William (1998). Born to be bad: Why do some kids kill?., AP Online,.
Born to be bad: Why do some kids kill?
Providing more effective and less painful treatments would indeed be a very large step in the right direction. The study results indicated by the above authors provide significant hope in this direction.
Jaffee, S.. And Price, T.S. (2007). Gene-environment correlations: a review of the evidence and implications for prevention of mental illness. Molecular Psychiatry, Vol. 12. etrieved from:
Lahey, B.B., D'Onofrio, B.M. And Waldman, I.D. (2010, Feb. 10). Using Epidemiological Methods to Test Hypotheses egarding Causal Influences on Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. etrieved from:
oth, T.L., Lubin, F.D., Sodhi, M. And Kleinman, J.E. (2009, Jun. 25). Epigenetic mechanisms in schizophrenia. Biochim Biophys Acta. etrieved from:
utter, M. (2010). The Cutting Edge: Gene-Environment Internplay. Depression and Anxiety. Vol. 27. etrieved from:
Wermter, A-K., Lauch, M., Schimmelmann, B.G., Banaschweski, T., and Sonuga-Barke, E.J.S. (2010). From nature vs. nurture, via nature and nurture, to gene x…...
Jaffee, S.R. And Price, T.S. (2007). Gene-environment correlations: a review of the evidence and implications for prevention of mental illness. Molecular Psychiatry, Vol. 12. Retrieved from:
Lahey, B.B., D'Onofrio, B.M. And Waldman, I.D. (2010, Feb. 10). Using Epidemiological Methods to Test Hypotheses Regarding Causal Influences on Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Retrieved from:
Roth, T.L., Lubin, F.D., Sodhi, M. And Kleinman, J.E. (2009, Jun. 25). Epigenetic mechanisms in schizophrenia. Biochim Biophys Acta. Retrieved from:
Rutter, M. (2010). The Cutting Edge: Gene-Environment Internplay. Depression and Anxiety. Vol. 27. Retrieved from:
That is simply because individual in the same family are much more likely than unrelated individuals to share similar foundational experiences by virtue of their exposure to similar parenting and resources in their immediate environment throughout their early lives (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2007; utter, 2006). Just as hesus monkeys tend to adopt maternal behaviors and elements of personalities of their mothers irrespective of their genetic inclinations, so do human infants and growing children and adolescents internalize and adopt various aspects of the behaviors and reactions exhibited by their parents and other significant adult behavioral role models in their lives (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2007).
Twin Studies
The quality of resources available to siblings (such as food, medicine, educational opportunities, etc.) is generally very similar within biological families (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2007; utter, 2006). To the extent these factors contribute to the development of behavior, it is extremely difficult if not impossible to identify…...
Gerrig, R., and Zimbardo, P. (2007). Psychology and Life. Prentice Hall.
Rutter, M. (2006). Genes and Behavior: Nature - Nurture Interplay Explained. Wiley-
Steen, R.G. (1996). DNA and Destiny: Nature & Nurture in Human Behavior. De Capo.
In several well documented instances, the twins pursued identical courses of academic study and career, married spouses of the same name, and even exhibited identical habits, such as their preference for a type of clothing, a brand of beer, and even a unique style of opening a beer can (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2005).
However, that environmental influences have a significant effect on the development of behavior is equally evident, even in animal studies, such as experiments involving chimpanzees exposed to various environments that produce behavior that appears contrary to their known genetic predisposition (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2005). Ultimately,
both "nature" and "nurture" likely play approximately equal roles in shaping behavior.
Coleman, J., Butcher, J., and Carson, . (1994). Abnormal
Psychology and Human
Life. Dallas: Scott, Foresman & Co.
Gerrig, ., Zimbardo, P. (2005). Psychology and Life 18th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Coleman, J., Butcher, J., and Carson, R. (1994). Abnormal
Psychology and Human
Life. Dallas: Scott, Foresman & Co.
Gerrig, R., Zimbardo, P. (2005). Psychology and Life 18th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
It is what we know, because that which we understand from the experience of the vision quest finds no words to express it, and if we cannot express it, hear it said, we question and fear it. But we continue to long for the escape, to shed the body like the snake that sheds its skin.
We try to share our experience, the knowledge that nature has imparted upon us -- but it is difficult, and often times seems to fall upon deaf ears. But we cannot pace others, only ourselves, and we cannot make them hear what they resist; perhaps they just are not ready. Enlightenment through nature comes to people at their own pace through life. Often times, I think, it is later in life, when the noise of youth subsides. It is then, for some, that the distant mountain beckons us to our individual vision quest, and…...
mlaReference List
Needleman J., and Lewis, D. (Eds.). (1976). On the Way to Self-Knowledge. New York,
NY: Knopf.
Perluss, Bessy, (2008). Climbing the Alchemical Mountain. Psychological Perspectives, 51/1, 87-107.
Perluss, Betsy, (2007). Touching Earth, Finding Spirit: A Passage into the Symbolic Landscape. Spring Journal, 76/2, 201-222
(O'Neill, 2001, p. 34)
Thee is gowing evidence to suppot the claim that cetain behavios ae in found hadwied in you DNA. Conventional thinking had usually been that childen ae always poducts of thei envionment and it is this ecological suoundings that often is at the oot cause of eithe good o bad behavio. But looked at fom anothe viewpoint, it could be possible that thei envionment, which is geneated in lage pat by thei paents, is a consequence of paental genetics as well and not the simply the envionmental cause of the behavio. A ecent eseach study at the Univesity of Viginia concluded that:
naughty youngstes aen't simply copying behavio they may have been subjected to at home. Instead, taits such as bullying, lying, o being agumentative could be passed on in the genes. The eseach, fom the Univesity of Viginia, indicates that some childen would be badly behaved no…...
mlareferences and You: What 'Innate' Behaviors and Perceptions Tell Us about Ourselves and Our World. Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, 6(4), 28-37.
O'Neill, M.E. (2001). Stalking the Mark of Cain. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 25(1), 31-38.
Strickland, S.J. (2001). Music and the Brain in Childhood Development. Childhood Education, 78(2), 100-110.
Tremblay, T., & Gagne, F. (2001). Beliefs of Students Talented in Academics, Music and Dance concerning the Heritability of Human Abilities in These Fields. Roeper Review, 23(3), 173.
Vander Zander, James W. (2003). Human development. (Crandell, L.T. & C.H. Crandell
(We've never had it so good - and it's all thanks to science) Thus the question of genes is an effect on certain humans and their behavior; in short their physical and behavioral traits. That does not change the view of society on what a well nurtured human is.
Thus we still expect "other people" in society to be upright, polite, incorruptible, generous, are honest, hard working, well-informed, broadminded, who are conscious about society, sensitive to environment, non-violent and self-restraint. In short, those are the objectives of good nurturing, but does it happen all the time? Even in the Old Testament we had the tale of Cane and Abel. Society involves both nature and nurture.
Bad Gene Ups Prostate Cancer isk in Black Men. 9 July, 2003. etrieved at Accessed on 10 August, 2005
Did the march of progress bring Aids to Africa? Sydney Morning Herald. 15 September 2000.
etrieved at…...
Bad Gene Ups Prostate Cancer Risk in Black Men. 9 July, 2003. Retrieved at Accessed on 10 August, 2005 .
Did the march of progress bring Aids to Africa? Sydney Morning Herald. 15 September 2000.
Retrieved at Accessed on 10 August, 2005 .
Lemonick, Michael. D. Gene Mapper. December 17, 2000. Retrieved at Accessed on 10 August, 2005 .
The problems that the men in Allison's family face may have been a bit personal, but they were probably more social than anything. She grew up in the south during an era where women weren't a liberated as they are today. She never gives any indication that there were strong male role models in her family for her uncles. Given this, the men in her family probably did not have any guidance and this goes back to the personal level. On a social level the author notes how many people in the south could say that their descendants own a plantation and that her family could not say such a thing because they were so poor. It is evident from this short narrative that the poor were treated differently than those who weren't poor. There was a definite distinction between the social classes which is not much different than it…...
mlaWorks Cited
Allison, Dorothy. Two or Three Things I Know for Sure. New York: The Penguin Group, 1995.
Nature vs. Nurture The nature vs. nurture argument is one that has been around for many years—especially since the behavioral sciences emerged in the 20th century with the experiments of Skinner and Bandura. It was Bandura’s (1977) theory of social learning that viewed all behavior as learned from one’s environment. Skinner (1957) likewise postulated that it was the “nurturing” side of one’s experience that shaped human activity, thought and expression. Galton (1883) on the other hand felt differently. He predated both Skinner and Bandura and was himself a student of Darwin. He thus postulated that “nature” was responsible for the development of human behavior—that some people were simply born with greater gifts, such as intellectual ability, than others. Galton was a 19th century philosopher and scientist and his views aligned with ideas like the Great Man Theory, which articulated the position that great leaders are born, not made. This paper will…...
Strike has ethics, as shown in his behavior towards his 'boss' Roscoe, and his mentoring of the younger, more vulnerable young men. In a different social situation, Strike would likely have put his moral impulses to different and better use. Strike obeys the moral logic of his urban society with the same kind of adherence that an upstanding citizen might, who had been afforded ways to make a decent living in a law-abiding way. But Strike grew up in a neighborhood where the most noble and respectable persons were all drug dealers, and the person one could aspire to be like, at the highest level, was a criminal. Thus, although he does not wish to kill, and seeks an escape from the limits of his existence, because he has no role models around him (and unconsciously provides a bad example to younger members of his neighborhood) Strike becomes a…...
mlaWorks Cited
Ellison, Ralph. (1995) Invisible Man. New York: Vintage.
Faulkner, William. (1991) Absalom, Absalom. New York: Vintage Reissue.
Price, Richard. (2001) Clockers. New York: Harper Paperbacks.
Nature and nature psychology explains the behavior of man and the origin of individual differences and their personalities. Nature and nature theories explain the origin of individual differences and type development of personality. In the history of developmental psychology, heredity- environment issue has been identified as the central touchstone of theoretical differences between nature and nurture. Darwin's theory of evolution has impact on notions of human origin and their abilities. In this theory the environment does the selecting on organisms and not vice versa; natural selection dictates that organisms will survive best in the environments they find themselves. Nature- nurture discussions imply that Darwin's evolutionary theory is nature driven, while it contains an interaction of both nature and nurture. Galton (a psychologist) uses twins in his studies to differentiate between nature and nurture. The study shows that twins had little variation on their similarities despite exposure to different environments. He…...
sex vs. gender and nature vs. nature on a multi-disciplinary approach. e base our discussion on a variety of papers which we present as annotated bibliography. The papers are then used in the development of rest of the paper. e present our paper on the following views: religion, culture, norms, society etc.
One of the major issues that has attracted a lot of debate in this century in the field of psychiatry revolves around nature and nurture (Keltner et al., 2001).Nurture is used to refer to upbringing and nature refers to biological aspects of life.There is a raging controversy that revolves around hereditary environment with several historical evidences used in order to explain the connection between the two. The history locates the genesis of this debate to John Locke.It'd worth noting that this controversy has never stopped. This is because it still remains a major question as to how much…...
mlaWalker PL and Cook DC.(1998) Gender and sex: vive la difference. Am J. Phys Anthropol 106: 255 -- 259,.[CrossRef]
Nature vs. Nurture?
The nature versus nurture debate should not be viewed as an 'either/or debate.' Clearly, genes have an effect upon human behavior, shaping everything from our physical appearance to our gender to our tendency to inherit specific diseases and characteristics. But that genetic foundation is also always in interaction with the wider social environment. As noted by the Jungian psychoanalyst Maxson McDowell, as soon as a baby is born, his or her cognitive structure is being affected by the environment. Even before birth, the environment of the womb can affect the baby's development. A child born in a stimulating household will be better able to develop his or her innate intellectual gifts than a child that is born in an abusive and neglectful one.
A good example of the interaction between nature and nurture is that of height: parents who are genetically predisposed to be tall are likely to…...
Cherry, K. (2015). What is nature versus nurture? Retrieved from:
Hurley, D. (2013). Grandma's experiences leave epigenetic mark on your genes. Discover Magazine.
McLeod, S. A. (2016). Bandura - social learning theory. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from:
1. Title 1
The Profound Impact of Nature on Physical and Mental Well-being2. Title 2
Nature's Healing Embrace: Exploring the Physical and Mental Benefits of Immersion3. Title 3
From Forest Bathing to Coastal Escapes: The Therapeutic Wonders of Nature4. Title 4
The Mind-Body Connection: How Nature Nurtures our Holistic Health5. Title 5
Beyond Pills and Prescriptions: The Power of Nature for Physical and Mental Healing //Sources:
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