Natural Gas Essays (Examples)

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Natural Gas Drilling a Retrospect
Pages: 12 Words: 3795

7. Wells on Indian eservations

Wells to drilling natural gas are often found on Indian reservations as the respective lands are rich in resources. Historically, debates have emerged based on the undervaluation of the gas extracted, which led to the inhabitants of the region being only limitedly remunerated for the usage of the land and the extraction of the natural gas. The matter has been addressed throughout the years (judiciary trials have even been filed) and the situation is more balanced in the present. Consequently, today, several Indian reservations base much of their economic development on operations of natural gas extraction. The most relevant example in this sense is given by the Blackfeet Indian eservation, which generates income from leasing lands for gas extraction.

The large majority of the drilling operations were centered in the western part of the reservation, but an agreement signed in January 2009 allows the new processors of…...



Baker, D., August 4, 2008, the Compromise "Drill Anywhere" Plan, Truth Out,   last accessed on March 26, 2009 -- Truth Out is an independent website, supported only the contributions made by their readers. They did not seek the sponsorship of for-profit organization as their focus was on presenting the facts from an objective standpoint and they also wanted to not become associated with any institution. The ultimate aim of the website is to present the readers with extensive information on various topics of interest and as such assist them in making the most adequate decision. The main areas of interest include social progress, environmental concerns, human rights, healthcare or international relations. 

Dentry, E., July 22, 2008, Natural Gas Drilling Hurting Land, Rocky Mountain News,   / last accessed on March 26, 2009 -- Rocky Mountain News is in many ways similar to Truth Out, with the main difference that the first only covers a limited geographic zone -- the area in the vicinity of the Rocky Mountains. Their news are organized under eight categories, including general news, business news, sports, entertainment, living, outdoor activities, opinions and multimedia. Ed Dentry's article is featured under the outdoors section, under the subcategory of columns and blogs. The article is a presentation of drilling activities for natural gas from the standpoint of those who suffer the negative consequences. Its findings are reliable as they are based on direct research and his conclusions resemble those of other researchers. 

Gallun, R.A., Wright, C.J., Nichols, L.M., Stevenson, J.W., 2001, Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Accounting, 4th Edition, PennWell Books -- the work is extremely useful for a generalist understanding of oil and natural gas extraction and the adherent processes. It explains basic notions such as the formation of the natural gas reserves or the history of drilling operations. Its easy-to-read style makes the work accessible to all those interested, be them exports or novices. The downside of the book is however that the consequent revised editions bring in little additional information. In this context then, the book is more suitable for a generalist look at the industry, rather than a specific and modern analysis.

Hurdle, J., March 13, 2009, U.S. Energy Future Hits Snag in Rural Pennsylvania, Truth Out,   last accessed on March 26, 2009 

Natural Gas Is Less Polluting Than Coal or Other Fossil Fuels
Pages: 2 Words: 756

Hydraulic Fracking Issues
There has been a great deal of controversy over the technique called hydraulic fracking, which environmentalists and others have claimed it is a dangerous procedure to extract natural gas from the earth. The industry insists it is safe, and recently the Environmental Protection Agency issued research that indicates fracking can be safely done. hat is hydraulic fracking? Fracking is a procedure in which water is injected under high pressure into a "bedrock formation," which in turn releases natural gas that has been trapped in rock formations (USGS). This paper points out the benefits of hydraulic fracking

Main Body of the Paper on Hydraulic Fracking

Fracking involves a process where water is mixed with chemicals and "fine sands, then pumped at extremely high pressure into the shale rock," which fractures the rock, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Once the rock below the surface of the earth is fractured,…...


Works Cited

Environmental Protection Agency. "Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic

Fracturing for Oil and Gas on Drinking Water Resources." Retrieved November 24, 2015,

From   2015. .

Grace Communications. "Natural Gas Fracking -- Introduction." Retrieved November 24,

LNG Liquefied Natural Gas Liquefied Natural Gas
Pages: 6 Words: 1881

LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
Liquefied Natural Gas LNG

LNG (liquefied natural gas)

Why using LNG (liquefied natural gas) as a marine fuel is an innovative subject?

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a clean-burning fuel that is obvious, colorless, fragrance-free, noncorrosive, and harmless. One cubic meter of LNG is equal to 600 cubic meters of natural gas at atmospheric pressure, thus providing for better storage ability and easier transporting. LNG is presently less costly than petroleum based-fuels and is expected to stay the lesser price fuel for the probable future. These innate properties create LNG an attractive alternative fuel for concentrated fuel consuming request such as hardwearing trucking, Oil and natural gas borer, browbeat, mining, aquatic, and other manufacturing consumer. It is also a perfect power cause for distant site where contact to natural gas pipelines is restricted. The command for LNG fuel is speed up in the United States because of natural gas's plentiful…...



Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., LNG Alternative Fuel,, n.d, web. Retrieved 29 October 2012 from

Bandemehr, (2012). Reducing Emissions from Ships: AU.S.-Mexico Fuel Switching Demonstration,, 23 July 2012, web. Retrieved 29 October 2012 from  

Current and Future Supply and Demand of Natural Gas
Pages: 10 Words: 3584

Future Supply and Demand of Natural Gas
The technology developed in the United States has become available for application in other countries mainly through efforts of major service companies. Until the mid 1990s, Canada's gas production was predominantly from conventional gas formations. This conventional gas filled the available pipeline capacity and unconventional gas resources, which are more difficult to produce, were largely ignored. However, as pipeline capacity was expended and conventional gas production began approaching a peak, market conditions in Canada began to favor development of unconventional gas (Harry, pp88-96) In the recent past, the natural gas markets were fairly predictable; they are now undergoing profound and uncertain changes. Independently, each regional market had developed gradually deposits from the nearest pipeline networks and limiting exchanges between areas. The current trend is marked by greater competition between the available sources and greater flexibility in systems gas. (Tad, pp14-15)

It is apparent that…...


Works cited

Ammann, Daniel. The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2009, p16-38.

Andrei Viforeanu, Wayne Wells, Jay W. Hodny. "Passive surface geochemical survey leads to dry gas discoveries," 2003, p44-46.

Bill White. "State's consultant says nation is primed for using Alaska gas." Energy Bulletin, 2005, p15.

Chris Vernon. "UK gas and electricity crisis looming." Energy Bulletin, 2005, p4-6.

Natural Gas and Revenues
Pages: 2 Words: 648

For each item identified, explain why the data item is important, and describe the level of detail that would be necessary for the data to be useful.
The major data items that Citizen's Gas should be incorporating into their system include: the number of customers they are working with, the customer rate structure and the heating factors. As far as the number of customers is concerned, this is when the company is estimating future usage among based on current demand. The reason why this data is important, is because it helps executives to determine, how much natural gas they will need to meet customer demand throughout the year. ("20.1 Adapted from CMA Exam," n.d.)

The customer rate structure is when monthly data is collected and sent to managers about changes in revenues. This helps everyone to determine if there are sudden shifts in usage. As a result, the level of data…...



20.1 Adapted from CMA Exam. (n.d.).

Citizen's Gas. (n.d.).

Natural Gas and Oil
Pages: 6 Words: 1819

Upstream Division: ExxonMobil

Although ExxonMobil remains a successful company, like all oil and gas organizations, it remains highly dependent upon market conditions, including shifts in the price of crude oil and natural gas. "A decline in oil or gas prices lowers ExxonMobil Upstream business profit margins, whereas an increase in oil and natural gas prices lowers ExxonMobil Downstream and Chemical business profit margins" (Miglani, 2016, par.14). While the size and diversification of the Exxon Corporation has permitted it to mitigate the severity and degree to which such conditions impact its profits on one hand, on the other hand, it still must review its operations and total quality management (TQM) policies to ensure that it is maximizing its opportunities as an organization.

Inputs and Outputs

ExxonMobil is one of the largest and most famous oil and gas companies in the world. Its upstream segment engages in the exploration of and the production of crude…...

Gas Turbine Systems a Gas Turbine Also
Pages: 8 Words: 2756

Gas Turbine Systems
A gas turbine, also known as a combustion generator, is a kind of inner combustion system. It consists of an upstream revolving compressor coupled to the downstream generator, as well as a combustion chamber amid the two. Power is included in the gas stream inside the combustor, where gas is combined with air as well as then ignited. Inside the high-pressure atmosphere of the combustor, burning of this gas raises the temperature. The various products of this combustion are pushed inside the turbine area. ight there, the higher velocity as well as quantity of the gas movement is redirected via the nozzle across the turbine's rotor blades, moving the generator which drives the compressor as well as, for a few turbines, propels their mechanical outcome. The power given up for the generator originates from the decrease in the heat as well as stress of the exhaust fuel (Treager,…...



Curtis, C.G. (1899). Patent US0635919. Available at: .

Eckardt, D. And Rufli, P. (2002). Advanced Gas Turbine Technology - ABB / BBC Historical Firsts. ASME J. Eng. Gas Turb. Power, p. 124, 542-549

Kamps, T. (2005). Model Jet Engines. Traplet Publications.

Kay, A. (2002). German Jet Engine and Gas Turbine Development 1930-1945, Airlife Publishing.

Gas & Oil Shortage Oil
Pages: 5 Words: 1616

All these factors have added too many variables to the Middle East, an important region for crude oil production" (Xuequan, 2008).
4. Conclusions

The improved standards of living have contributed significantly to an increase in the population's demands. And to satisfy these demands, with the ultimate scope of registering higher profits, the American corporations have abused the natural resources and are now moving towards the resources in other countries. Two such vital resources are crude oil and natural gas. The situation of gas is quite stable, but that of oil is critical. Based on limited natural resources, a weakening American dollar, speculative operations on the international market, but also the regulations implemented by OPEC and the conflicts in the Middle East, the price of oil has sky rocked - and it is likely to continue its ascendant trajectory.


Leonard, a., 2008, the Story of Stuff, accessed on May 30, 2008

Wallace, E.,…...



Leonard, a., 2008, the Story of Stuff, accessed on May 30, 2008

Wallace, E., May 13, 2008, the Reason for High Oil Prices, Business Week,   accessed on May 30, 2008 

Xuequan, M., April 18, 2008, Weak Dollar Not Sole Reason for High Oil Prices, Xinhua News Agency,   Ast accessed on May 30, 2008 .

2004, Why are Oil Prices so High?, BBC News, accessed on May 30, 2008

Gas-Burning and Wood-Burning Fireplaces Now That Colder
Pages: 3 Words: 990

Gas-Burning and Wood-Burning Fireplaces
Now that colder weather is bearing down, many people are turning to their fireplaces for warmth and comfort, as they have done for centuries. But while building a fire was once a necessary skill to achieve the glowing warmth of a blaze in the fireplace, modern technology has now made creating a roaring fire as easy as flipping a switch. Homeowners now have the choice between gas-burning and wood-burning fireplaces in their homes, but what are the differences between the two and is there a clear advantage of one over the other?

The essential difference between the two is obvious: the material used to build the fire. Wood-burning fireplaces rely on cured fire logs and kindling, whereas gas fireplaces are filled with fake logs and rely on a connection to a gas line for burning fuel.

Because of the difference between the burning materials, the construction of wood-burning…...



"Burning Wood Is More Expensive Than Gas?! " Retrieved from 

Guttman, George. "Wood vs. Gas Fireplaces." Sound Home Resource Center. Retrieved from

Heavier Environmental Regulation on Oil and Gas Drilling Activities
Pages: 16 Words: 5303

Regulating Oil and Gas Drilling and Transport
The American economy runs on energy produced from oil, coal, natural gas, hydroelectric power, nuclear power and renewable sources like solar and wind energies. In fact according to a report in the Congressional Research Service, oil provides the United States with 40% of its total energy needs. It is used in myriad ways, providing "…fuel for the transportation, industrial, and residential sectors" (Ramseur, 2012). Because of the great need for energy to fuel the American economy, oil in "vast quantities" enters the country and moves through the country by ships and by pipelines, Ramseur explains in the Congressional Research Service. Hence, it is inevitable that some spills will occur, and they certainly do occur, notwithstanding the attempts by the industry to conduct its business safely.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports that the U.S. consumed 6.87 billion barrels (about 18.83 million barrels a day)…...


Works Cited

American Petroleum Institute. (2012). Energy Security. Retrieved February 15, 2013, from

Barkham, Patrick. (2010).Oil spills: Legacy of the Torrey Canyon. The Guardian. Retrieved February 14, 2013, from .

Griffin, Catherine. (2013). European Satellite Confirms Arctic Ocean is on Thin Ice, Global

Warming Strikes Again. Science World Report. Retrieved February 15, 2013, from .

Role BP Construction Gas Pipe Line Baku Tbilisi Erzurum
Pages: 5 Words: 1578

P Construction Gas Pipe Line


The aku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline is a massive project that involves three countries -- Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey. It is a project that is based on the natural gas deposits, of more than one trillion cubic meters, in Azerbaijan's portion of the Caspian Sea, an area known as the Shah-Denz gas field- 12km in width and 30km length of a stripe of the Caspian Sea. The stripe has a depth of 50m on the northern side and 500m on the southern side. The deposit is the biggest gas deposit situated in Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian Sea. This pipeline was constructed being parallel to the aku-Tsibili-Cyehan oil pipeline that runs from Azerbaijan to the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. The TE pipeline is also known as either South Caucasus (gas) Pipeline or Shah Deniz pipeline. The construction project…...



Baloghlanov, Elshan. Azerbaijan & New Energy Resources. June 8, 2009.

Muttitt, Greg, and James Marriott. Some Common Concerns. Lincolnshire: PLATFORM Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale, CEE Bankwatch Network,, 2002.

Petersen, Alexandros. "The Case of the East-West Transport Corridor." Integrating Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey with the West, 2007: 1-20.

Shenoy, Bhamy, Gurcan Gulen, and Michelle Michot Foss. "Analysis Suggests Economic Viability of Trans-Caspian Sea Gas Line." The Oil & Gas Journal, 1999: 51-58.

Managing Natural Resources - Natural
Pages: 15 Words: 4609

In the GEOMA methodology, carbon dioxide displaces methane within the water lattice which reforms into a more stable state than was present with the methane. While this new technology is still in development, it is very promising (Traufetter, 2007). ecent advances by researchers from Japan, China, India, Canada, Australia, and the United States could result in commercial exploitation of Methane gas within the decade.
Natural gas recovery techniques have come a long way since that first primitive well in Fredonia. Now, a complex and sophisticated process brings natural gas from the field to your home. Exploration for new sources of natural gas has become a highly evolved science. Geologists study the physical structure of a potential site. The scientists can use seismology and magnetometers to develop three dimensional models of the earth using computer programs designed for that purpose. These models allow the geologists to narrow down specific areas that…...

Cross-Boundary Offshore Oil & Gas Resources Joint
Pages: 9 Words: 4203

Cross-oundary Offshore Oil & Gas Resources
Joint Development Agreements & Frameworks


[Type the company name]


Table of Contents

1. Introduction 3

2. The rule of capture 3

3. The CooperationApproach 4

4. Legal framework to develop trans-boundary offshore O&G resources 5

4.1 Cross-border unitization agreements 6

4.2 Joint Development Agreements (JDA) 6

4.3 National law and its application in Co-operative Agreements 7

4.4 ilateral treaties for trans-boundary oil and gas exploration 7

4.5 The Framework Agreement Approach 9

4.6 The Third Party approach to dispute resolution 10

5. Conclusion 10

ibliography 11

Treaties & Conventions 11

ooks 11

Articles 12

Websites 13

1. Introduction

Subsea resources such as petroleum and natural gas are important sources of meeting the energy demand of countries. Cross-territory disputes are arising among different countries. Advancement in technology in exploration and extraction of subsea resources has expedited the overall procedure of competitive drilling. This is due to aggressive efforts by each country to explore its subsea resources. Since oil and gas reserves migrate towards lower pressure areas,…...



Treaties & Conventions

Cross boundary petroleum cooperation between the UK and the Kingdom of Norway 2005

Treaty, Timor Sea. "Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste relating to the Unitization of the Sunrise and Troubadour fields Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra (Dili, 6 March 2003)(1)." Accessed from

U.S-Mexico Trans-boundary hydrocarbons agreement 2012

Development of Oil and Gas
Pages: 7 Words: 2370

il and Gas
Development of Two Important Materials in Earth's Early History

According to scientists, Earth began its life 4.6 billion years ago, when cosmic dust collided to form increasingly large particles. These particles, after millions of years of colliding and increasing in mass, eventually formed the Earth, with a mass similar to what it is today (5.9736 x 1024 kg or 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg) . Soon, the Earth's atmosphere began to form, as well as various minerals within its core. Studying the Earth is a fascinating endeavor, yet one that comprises extensive research and writing. For the purposes of this paper, I will examine two elements that are of vital importance to human life today: oil and gas. In this study, I will thus speak both about the development of the two materials in the Earth's early history-how they developed, what factors contributed to this development, and when this development occurred --…...


Oil and gas industries also comprise upstream and downstream exploration. The upstream process includes exploration and production and the downstream refers to refining crude oil and gas, distribution of the two and marketing. Some companies may be "fully integrated," meaning they have capabilities for both upstream and downstream interests; others only concentrate on exploration and production and are known as E&P companies. Furthermore, many companies operate nationally and internationally, while others are "independent." This short description of the oil and gas development process is very important because it can show how two natural fuels found in the Earth are utilized to improve our daily lives, for others' financial gain, of course. [16: "Overview of the oil and gas exploration and production process." Environmental Management in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production. Web. 19 Apr. 2011. < >. ]


This paper has focused upon the development of the two fuels in the Earth's early history and has discussed oil and gas development, complete with how this development process took place, what factors contributed to it and how long it took. Furthermore, the paper has also analyzed the impact of oil and gas towards humanity and the complex process through which these resources are handled today, thus placing this paper's aim in a larger context and showing the importance of this study.

Occ Safety Oil Offshore and Gas Installations
Pages: 6 Words: 1930

Occ Safety
Oil Offshore and Gas Installations: Safety Culture

The offshore oil and gas installation industry is one of the most notoriously hazardous due to its extreme and remote conditions. Both acute and chronic health and safety issues plague offshore oil and gas industry workers. However, offshore oil and gas installation sites are not more hazardous than other natural resources-related occupational sectors; moreover, the occupational safety in the offshore oil and gas industries are on par with other industries (U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2011). The same is true for offshore oil and gas installation sites in other countries like the United Kingdom, where it was found that "the sector demonstrates a relatively low lost time injury rate and has, for many years, outperformed a number of comparatively lower hazard industrial sectors (Oil & Gas UK, 2012).

The hazards of working in offshore oil and gas installations are well-known and…...



American Petroleum Institute (2013). The oil and natural gas industry's ongoing commitment to safety. Retrieved online:

"American Petroleum Institute Guide to Reporting Process Safety Events," (n.d.). Version 2.0. Retrieved online:

Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (n.d.). Safety training in Atlantic Canada's Offshore Oil and Gas Industry. Retrieved online: 

Flin, R., Mearns, K., Fleming, M. & Gordon, R. (1996). Risk perception and safety in the offshore oil and gas industry. Retrieved online:

What is a backstop or choke price? Discuss the importance of a backstop price when managing a non-renewable resource, particularly in the context of having or not having substitutes for the resource.
Words: 307

A backstop or choke price is a concept used in the management of non-renewable resources, particularly in the context of commodities such as petroleum or natural gas. It refers to a predetermined price level at which the resource becomes economically viable to extract or produce.

In the absence of substitutes for a non-renewable resource, a backstop price becomes crucial for sustainable resource management. This is because non-renewable resources are finite and their extraction and consumption can have detrimental effects on the environment and society.

Having a backstop price ensures that resource extraction or production continues only when it....

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Fossil Fuels?
Words: 497

I. Introduction
A. Brief overview of fossil fuels
B. Importance of fossil fuels in today's society
C. Thesis statement on the impact of fossil fuels on the environment

II. What are fossil fuels?
A. Definition of fossil fuels
B. Types of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas)
C. Formation process of fossil fuels

III. Advantages of fossil fuels
A. Reliability and affordability
B. Energy efficiency compared to alternative sources
C. Job creation in the fossil fuel industry

IV. Disadvantages of fossil fuels
A. Environmental impact (air and water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions)
B. Finite resource leading to depletion
C. Contribution to climate change....

What are the primary factors contributing to the acceleration of climate change globally?
Words: 466

Primary Factors Exacerbating Global Climate Change

Climate change, a pressing global crisis, has witnessed an alarming acceleration in recent decades, primarily driven by human activities. The primary factors contributing to this acceleration include:

1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

The burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) for energy production releases significant amounts of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, causing global temperatures to rise.

2. Deforestation and Land Use Change:

Large-scale deforestation, primarily for agriculture and urbanization, removes vast areas of forests that absorb CO2. The clearing of forests also releases....

How have historical conflicts between Russia and Germany influenced their current diplomatic relationship?
Words: 515

Historical conflicts between Russia and Germany have had a significant impact on their current diplomatic relationship. The two countries have a long history of conflict, dating back to the 18th century when Prussia and Russia were rivals for dominance in Eastern Europe. The Napoleonic Wars, World War I, and World War II further strained relations between the two countries, with the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany fighting a brutal war on the Eastern Front during World War II.

The end of World War II saw Germany divided into East and West, with East Germany falling under Soviet influence and West Germany....

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