National Guard Essays (Examples)

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National Guard Counterdrug Program Provides
Pages: 5 Words: 1393

In addition, the National Guard provides this function at both the counterdrug level and the drug demand level. The drug problem is based in part on the easy supply of illegal drugs and in part on the high demand for illegal drugs. In order to truly address the drug problem, both sides of this equation must be tackled with the same enthusiasm and the same high level of coordination among agencies. The National Guard is well-positioned to fulfill this role and has taken up this mantle.

It should also be noted that a significant portion of the National Guard's effort is aimed at the military community. The Guard delivers courses on the causes and prevention of drug abuse to military personnel as part of its mandate in the war on drugs, and works with the other branches of the military to ensure that substance abuse among military members is reduced (Phelan,…...


Works Cited:

NGR 500-2. National Guard Counterdrug Support. Retrieved July 13, 2011 from

Phelan, B. (2009). Guard-sponsored substance abuse prevention course proves eye-opening. 131st Bomb Wing. Retrieved July 13, 2011 from

National Guard and the National
Pages: 5 Words: 1606

Pershing had G-1 dealing with personnel; G-2 dealt with intelligence; G-3 deals with operations and training; G-4 was the supply division; and G-5 was focused on "strategic planning" (Madloff, 66).
Meanwhile, the Congressional Digest (the official federal publication that explains legislation) in 1934 provided some basic details on the Act of 1920. Beyond what has already been described vis-a-vis the 1920 Act, the Congressional Digest explains that the Act fixed the number of members of the Army at 15,034 combat officers, 280,000 enlisted men, in addition to the number of officers (17,726) alluded to earlier in this paper. There was also flexibility built into the military, in that the size of the army could "be varied depending on the changing importance of the branches in the scheme of defense" (Congressional Digest, 1934).

In conclusion, the Army National Guard has been very active in protecting Americans at home and abroad. At one…...


Works Cited

Army National Guard. 2011. Always Ready, Always There. Retrieved November 19, 2011,


Congressional Digest. 1934. Provisions of the National Defense Act. Vol. 13, Issue 4. Retrieved

November 18, 2011, from EBSCOhost.

National Guard - America's Militia
Pages: 4 Words: 1152

In 1903, groundbreaking national defense legislation hiked up the role of the United States National Guard as a reserve force for the U.S. Army. In fact, all this legislation did was render legitimate the purpose of the Guard as it was used since 1776. In World War I, which the U.S. entered in 1917, the National Guard made up an incredible 40% of the U.S. combat divisions in France; in World War II, National Guard units were among the first to deploy overseas and the first to fight.
In essence, the Guard has long been the backbone of the United States military, but only in 1903, finally, did it get at least Congressional recognition and appropriation for its roles in all major United States conflicts.

The purpose of the Ohio National Guard was particularly notable during the War of 1812. After receiving statehood in 1803, Ohio continued the law creating a…...



Ohio National Guard. 2004. A brief history.

Snook, David. 2004. History of the Iowa National Guard. Iowa National Guard.

NGB. 2004. About The National Guard. The National Guard Board.

Baker, Bonnie. 1999. The Origins of the Posse Comitatus. Air and Space Power Chronicles, Nov. 1, 1999.

NPV Assessment of National Guard Armory Plan
Pages: 5 Words: 1640

Assessment of National Guard Armory Proposal from a Financial Perspective

The State of Massachusetts would like to replace a National Guard armory, to assess whether or not replacement is a viable strategy it is essential to assess the costs against the alterative of retaining the existing the current armory. There are several different methods of assessment which may be used; one of the most popular is the net present value (NPV) (Boehlje & Ehmke, 2013). This takes the cost of a future project and the gains or costs, and discounts them into today's value. By discounting the savings (or cash flows) on a compound basis the time value of money is incorporated into an assessment, so different projects may be assessed and compared on a like for like basis (Berk, DeMarzo, & Harford, 2011).

The aim of this paper is to compare the potential costs associated with building a new armory, with…...



Carter, M, (2014, Feb 22), Why Whole Foods Market May Have a Big Problem, Motley Fool, accessed 22nd Feb at 

Lambert, T, A, (2008), Four Lessons from the Whole Foods Case, CATO Institute, accessed 22nd Feb at 

MacKey, J; Robb, W, (2013). Letter to Stakeholders, accessed 22nd Feb 2014 at 

Meador, Don; Britton, Mike; Phillips, Paige; Howery, Andrew, (2007), Case Analysis -- Whole Foods Market, accessed 22nd Feb 2014 at

Ohio Army National Guard Consists of a
Pages: 26 Words: 7256

Ohio Army National Guard consists of a plethora of people who are seeking to make a difference in the world they serve. They will honor and protect the United States in all aspects of their life. This is done by using ships and plane to prepare for war or to help others if an epidemic should arise. These individuals are brave individuals who believe in changing lives for the positive through their hard work with the army. One will discuss in more detail what is proposed to make this part of the army better through much research and analysis.
Imagine studying the practices of those who are in Human esources in the Army National Guard (Association of African Universities, 2011). What will one discover through this process? Is he or she able to find sufficient evidence through this process in which discrimination is taking place among those who are not getting…...



Association of African Universities. (2011). The role of human resource and management development. Retrieved June 23, 2011, from Association of African Universities:

Department of Labor. (2011). Equal employment opportunity is the law. Retrieved June 23, 2011, from Department of Labor: .

Draper, M. (2010). Referral and selection certificate. Springfield: Ohio Army National Guard.

Mattke, E. (2010). Employer hiring practices that discriminate against women in the United States. Ethics and Critical Thinking, 1-40.

Effects of Current Deployments on National Guard and Reserve Soldiers and Families
Pages: 4 Words: 1259

Deployments on National Guard and eserve Soldiers and Families
The use of reserve components for support of "overseas contingencies has increased significantly since September 11, 2001, and the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq."[footnoteef:1] This has resulted in a great impact on the members of the reserve forces and their families upon deployment of these members of the National Guard services to Afghanistan and Iraq. It is related in the work of the "Defense Science Task Force on Deployment of Members of the National Guard and eserve in the Global War on Terrorism "that while children's "behavioral responses and mental health status during noncombat or routine deployments relate to the level of concurrent family stressors and/or maternal psychopathology…" that "…less is known about children from U.S. military families during a time of war or about the impact on children and families of a parent's combat experience or the combat deployment…...



Defense Science Task Force on Deployment of Members of the National Guard and Reserve in the Global War on Terrorism (2007) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Washington, DC Retrieved from: 

Elliott, Matt (2010) Q&A with Stacy Bannerman. PBS. 19 Aug 2010. Retrieved from:

Gever, John (nd) Extended Military Deployments to Combat Areas Increase Stress, Anxiety and Depression among Families. MedPage Today. Retrieved from: 

Mansfield, A.J. et al. (2007) Deployment and the Use of Mental Health Services among U.S. Military Wives. All Military. Retrieved from:

Guard and Reserve Military Families
Pages: 19 Words: 5196

" (Rand National Defense Research Institute, 2009)
It is reported by Rand National Defense Research Institute that when service members and their spouses were polled for the purpose of making an assessment of the readiness of the family for the most recent deployment. Findings state as follows:

65% of service members and 60% of spouses indicated (Rand National Defense Research Institute, 2009)

The way that family readiness was defined is stated to however vary and that there are three specific readiness categories were cited including:

(1) financial readiness;

(2) readiness related to household responsibilities; and (3) Emotional or mental readiness. (Rand National Defense Research Institute, 2009)

It is critically important that knowledge be gained concerning how families prepare for deployment of the service member. It was found in the study conducted by Rand National Defense Research Institute that "…like readiness, coping meant different things to different families." (2009)

Those who had no defined representation of coping totaled…...



Castaneda, Laura Werber (2008) Deployment Experiences of Guard and Reserve Families: Implications for Support and Retention. Rand National Defense Research Institute. Online available at: 

How Can the Military Best Support Guard and Reserve Families During Deployment? (2009) Rand National Defense Research Institute. Online available at:

CHAPTER FOUR: Results (4-5 pages)

Pisano, Mark C. (2008) Military Deployment: How School Psychologists Can Help. NASP Communique, Vol 37 #2. October 2008. Online available at:

Guard Services Industry Guards Are
Pages: 3 Words: 1415

According to the figures for 2000 and that is the latest that is available, their average earnings are $17,570 in a year. In this business the contracts are given to the one who quotes the least and this makes the security companies oppose any government rules which will increase their costs. The businesses which employ them also do not want increased charges. This has resulted in criminals becoming security guards, and even those that are checked, go through the checking of records in only one state. Stories keep coming about beating, raping and robbing the people they are expected to protect. Even according to New York Daily News, there have been employment of criminals for the protection of Statue of Liberty and some of the guards were even convicts. At the same time, the labor department expects that demand of security guards will grow up very fast till 2010, and…...



Hall, Mimi. Private security guards are Homeland's weak link. USA Today. 23 January, 2003. Retrieved at   Accessed on 15 June, 2005 .

Schneider, Greg. Looking Abroad for Answers on Airport Security; Attacks Add Urgency to Long U.S. Effort. The Washington Post. 09 October, 2001. Retrieved at   Accessed on 15 June, 2005 .

Security Guards and Gaming Surveillance Officers. Retrieved at   Accessed on 15 June, 2005 .

National Health Care Reform --
Pages: 4 Words: 1572

The ultimate House vote was two hundred and twenty to two hundred and seven. The senate vote was fifty three to forty three. The republicans were collectively opposed in both chambers (3 June 2010, 3).
The Future of the Health Care ill

Subsequent to disagreements as political enemies for more than a year, the Obama administration and the health insurance industry realized that they require one another.

oth have huge stakes in the success of the new health care law (14 May 2010, 1)

The political destiny of President Obama and Congressional Democrats rely on their capability to interpret it's assurance into realism for voters. This can be attained by restraining health expenses and making insurance accessible to everybody at reasonable price. Similarly, the fiscal future, in fact the continued existence, of the health insurance industry relies on the government. That is on set of laws being written by federal officers and on…...



1. "Critics Question Study Cited in Health Debate, " New York Times, 2 June 2010, sec. a, p. 1.

2. "Health Reforms," New York Times, 26 March 2010, sec. a, p. 1.

3. "Two Health Care Adversaries Find a Need to Collaborate, " New York Times, 3 June 2010, sec. B, p.3.

4. "Companies Try to Shape Rules, " New York Times, 15 May 2010, sec. a, p.22

Overarching Theme of the Democratic Republican National Committee DRNC Convention
Pages: 4 Words: 1220

Overarching theme of the Democratic-epublican National Committee
Statement of the purpose of the exercise

The objective of the table top stimulus has been to replicate as practically as one possibly can the likeliest circumstances that the actual work-team task force might experience throughout the DNC, in addition to a worst-case scenario.

Participating entities and their roles

A few of the entities included within the table top conference consist of: Major Susan Barker, the commander of the Crime Scene Investigations Bureau related to the Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD) together with professionals coming from the Miami-Dade Police Crime Lab, the Broward County Sheriff's Workplace Crime Scene Investigations Bureau, the town of Miami PD Crime Scene Section, Jackson Memorial Hospital, the FBI's Hazardous Material esponse Unit, the Miami-Dade Police Bomb Squad, the Miami-Dade Healthcare Examiner's Office, the 44th Civil Support Team related to the Florida National Guard, along with Miami-Dade Fire escue's Urban Search & escue Team.




Corley, J., and Lejerskar, D. (2003). Simulation for Emergency Response: Homeland Defense Center Network - Capitalizing on Simulation, Modeling and Visualization for Emergency Preparedness, Response and Mitigation. In Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Winter Simulation: Driving Innovation (New Orleans, LA). Winter Simulation Conference, 1061-1067.

DHS (Department Of Homeland Security). (2004). Fact Sheet: National Incident Management System (NIMS).

Frishberg, L. (2005). Looking Back at Plan AHEAD™: Exercising User-Centered Design in Emergency Management. In CHI '05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Portland, OR). ACM Press, New York, NY, 988-1003.

Jain, S., and Mclean, C. 2003. Simulation for Emergency Response: A Framework for Modeling and Simulation for Emergency Response. In Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Winter Simulation: Driving Innovation (New Orleans, LA). Winter Simulation Conference, 1068-1076.

Evidence and Analysis The National Guardsmen Violated
Pages: 15 Words: 4614

evidence and analysis: "The national guardsmen violated the Students right of assembly at Kent State University on May 4, 1970." The paper will describe the evidences and circumstances of May 4, 1970 in details, the analysis and the observation of the relative facts will be included in the paper so that the readers can gain effective information regarding the day in which the nation lost four lives. The paper will initially describe the Kent State University, its formation and the relative subjects, which the university offers to the students.

Kent State University, among top colleges and universities, offers educational opportunities ranging from certificate programs, associate's, bachelor's, master's, educational specialist and doctoral degrees. Kent State, located in Northeast Ohio, is the second largest among Ohio universities. Kent State, regarded as one of the nation's top 90 public research universities, serves more than 36,000 students…...


Works Cited

As retrieved from The May 4th Deaths: Kent State 30 Years Ago by Murray Polner   May 18,2004 On



As retrieved from May 4th, 1970 - General Information

National Brands Fight Private Labels
Pages: 25 Words: 6876

" (Sinha and atra, 1999)
Sinha and atra state that "most researchers now content that a generalized price -- quality relationship does not exist" although the "degree to which a higher price implies higher quality" has been examined and as well has been the "topic of considerable research in marketing." (1999) Therefore for the purpose of this study this antecedent relating to price consciousness will not be a variable in understanding the questions posed in this study.

Sirha and atra (1999) state that this inference "is widely accepted as being context-specific, moderated by situational characteristic such as the extensiveness of a consumer's cognitive schemes and his/her product class knowledge" and cite the work of Peterson and Wilson (1985). Therefore, it can be understood that while the consumer might believe that a higher price being paid obtains the same equal receipt of quality in some categorical purchases but yet not in others. Each…...



Aiken, Leona and Stephen West (1991), Multiple Regression: Testing and Interpreting Interactions. London: Sage Publications.

Ailawadi, Kusum and Bari Harlam (2004), "An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Retail Margins: The Role of Store Brand Share," Journal of Marketing, 68 (January), 147 -- 66.

Ailawadi, Kusum and Kevin Keller (2004), "Understanding Retail Branding: Conceptual Insights and Research Priorities," Journal of Ailawadi, Kusum L., Pauwels, Koen and Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict E.M. (2008) Private Label Use and Store Loyalty. Journal of Marketing Vol. 72 (November 2008), 19 -- 30. 2008 American Marketing Association.

Ailawadi, Kusum, and Scott Neslin, and Karen Gedenk (2001), "Pursuing the Value Conscious Consumer: Store Brands vs. National Brand Promotions," Journal of Marketing, 65 (January), 71 -- 89.

National Human Environmental Securities
Pages: 3 Words: 811

National security is an important concept which has often been mistakenly used to refer to protection against external threats. With people gaining better knowledge of the term security, national security has become a complex term that involves human as well as environmental security. For a nation to feel completely secure, it should not only be protected against external threats and aggression but also against internal problems that might make its citizens feel less safe. National security also includes local or internal security which is often defined separately as if it was not a part of the broader term. We must understand that if a person feel threatened in his own country due to any reason such as racism, religious persecution or environmental problems, then he cannot consider his country secure for himself.

Local insecurity leads to national disturbance which might make a country and its people feel vulnerable. For many people,…...



1) UN Human Development Report 1994:   / (Accessed on 04/30/05) 

2) Howard Zinn, The Logic of Withdrawal, January 2004 Issue: (Accessed on 04/30/05) 

3) Peter K.B. St. Jean, The Relevance Of National Security To Economic, Political, And Social Development. University of Chicago, Department of Sociology (Accessed on 04/30/05)

States Rights vs National Government
Pages: 5 Words: 1485

National laws formulated and implemented by the federal government have often been criticized for their centralizing effect and for restraining/restricting the power of state laws. In a republican form of government, state laws have enormous significance as this form of government allows "people . . . To pass their own laws in virtue of the legislative power reposed in representative bodies, whose legitimate acts may be said to be those of the people themselves." [1] Deborah Merritt, Ohio State University law professor, has often been cited in Court rulings for her discussion of relationship between federal and state laws. Merritt notes that "since at least the eighteenth century, political thinkers have stressed that republican government is one in which the people control their rulers." [2].

United States is a prime example of this form of government since the Constitution allows states to make its own local laws…...



1. Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, 222-23 n.48 (1962), quoting In re Duncan, 139 U.S. 449, 461 (1891).

2. Deborah Jones Merritt, The Guarantee Clause and State Autonomy: Federalism for a Third Century, 88 Colum. L. Rev. 1, 23 (1988)

3. Id. At 61 (quoting Brown v. EPA, 521 F.2d 827, 840 (9th Cir. 1975), vacated and remanded for consideration of mootness sub-nom EPA v. Brown, 431 U.S. 99 (1977))

4. U.S. Const. art.,I § 8, cl. 3.

Canadian National Security and Privacy
Pages: 10 Words: 2773

One of the largest issues between the two nations is the issue of truck passage. In the past trucks carrying goods or cargo had enjoyed a cursory glance as they crossed into the other nation however, after the World Trade Towers came down border agents on both sides of the border began to investigate trucks with much more scrutiny than ever before.

Historic allies, Canada and the United States agreed following 9-11 to a plan for a "secure and smart border" both U.S. And Canadian officials said would protect against terrorist attacks while facilitating this vital stream of trade. Seventy percent of the trade with Canada is truck-borne, with a truck crossing the border every three seconds in a stream of 200,000 vehicles each day (Canada, 2002).

The essence of that agreement was that the United States and Canada would devise ways to identify regular, unthreatening traffic in people and cargo and…...



Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Accessed 10-22-06) 

Danna, Anthony and Oscar H. Gandy 2002 All that glitters is not gold: Digging beneath the surface of data mining. Journal of Business Ethics 40: 373-386.

Ericson, Richard V. And Kevin Haggerty 1997 Policing the Risk Society. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

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