National Football League Essays (Examples)

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National Football League
Pages: 15 Words: 3870

National Football League is the most profitable sports enterprise. The industry boasts over 100 teams and grosses billions in profits each year. The purpose of this discussion is to analyze this industry using Porter's five forces. We will also provide a company analysis of the Cincinnati Bengals. In addition, the discussion will focus on an analysis between the United States Army and the National Football league.
Industry Analysis of the National Football League using Michael Porters 5 Forces:

The national football league has grown tremendously since the time of its inception. Although the NFL is known today as the premier entity for football in America, it is not the first professional football league. The first league was the American Professional football league, which was founded in 1920. (NFL History Guide) The national football league came into being in 1922. (NFL History Guide) According to the NFL history guide, once the NFL…...



The 12 Stories to Watch. (2002, September 5). The Washington Times, p. E18.

Arena Football Quietly Flourishes. (2004, March 21). The Washington Times, p. C03.

Bengals Can't Change Stripes. (2003, September 8). The Washington Times, p. C01.

Cimini, M.H., & Behrmann, S.L. (1993). Five-Year Impasse Ends in Football. Monthly Labor Review, 116(3), 50+.

Labor Unions the National Football League NFL
Pages: 3 Words: 1254

Labor Unions
The National Football League (NFL) is a high profile sports organization that contributes to the large and growing sports business market and is one of the most recognized corporate brands in America. Every Sunday millions of people watch professional football presented by this organization. Commercial slots for these games provides incredible amounts of revenue as products such as jersey's, cable packages and season tickets contribute to this powerful organization. Integral to this corporation is the National Football Players Association (NFLPA) which is the labor union that supplies the league with players. The purpose of this essay is to examine the relationship between the NFL and the NFLPA to identify legal issues and obstacles that arise in their interaction in order to better understand the implications that unionized organizations promote in their business models.


Professional football is a very dangerous occupation and its players literally risk their lives and well-being in…...


Works Cited

Coenen, Craig R. (2005). From Sandlots to the Super Bowl: The National Football League, 1920-1967. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press.

Johnston, S. (2010). Union Organization Process. Practical Law Company,2010. Retrieved from   [HIDDEN] %29.pdf 

NFL Player Association Constitution. Viewed on 12 Feb 2013. Retrieved from ution%20-%20March%202007.pdf (2008). History of the NFLPA. 15 April, 2008. Retrieved from

NFL Foundation
Pages: 12 Words: 3936

Their activities and support of the foundation; enable the league to demonstrate a higher purpose which is of greater social value. (Ferriter)
In the majority of cases, the NFL is using the various high profile marketing events to illustrate the importance of sports in promoting various charity related events. The Super Bowl is the biggest event with it using the game as an avenue to help the community which is hosting it. At the same time, it is an avenue for helping to promote social responsibility. Evidence of this can be seen with Babiak & olfe (2006) saying, "The NFL is becoming progressively more invested in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in an effort to establish itself as a socially conscious organization, one based on the twin pillars of football and the community. As the proverbial jewel in the NFL's crown, the Super Bowl is an institution composed of many…...


Works Cited

"Community." NFL Foundation, 2014. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

"Kirk Cousins of Washington Redskins Says He'd 'Welcome' Gay Teammate: 'Nobody's Perfect." Huffington Post, 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2014.

"NFL Foundation Kicks Off Summer With Nearly $700,000 in Grants to Youth Football Camps." NFL Communications, 2013. Web. 22 Apr. 2012

Babiak, Kathy and Wolfe, Richard. "More than Just a Game? Corporate Social Responsibility and Super Bowl XL." Sport Marketing Quarterly. 15.4 (2006): 214-222. Print.

Analyzing the NFL and Its Contributions to the American Society
Pages: 6 Words: 2060

National Football League refers to professional football league based in the U.S. And forms the major professional football sport leagues in the U.S. The league comprises of the 32 teams that are divided equally between the American Football Conference and the National Football Conference. Formed in the 1920, the league has expanded to become one of the largest and most renowned football leagues across the world. The organization rewards its champions using three trophies and rewards that include the Brunswick-Balke Collender Cup (1920), Ed Thorp Memorial Trophy (1934-1969), and Vince Lombardi Trophy that is currently used. Organizational success is attributed to the excellent leadership structure that aims at ensuring the adoption of activities that contribute to the realization of the desired organizational objectives (Layden, 2006).
Structure of the essay

This research paper analyzes various issues related to the National Football League. In specific, it describes the nature, structure, products, and services provided…...



Bass, T. (2007). National Football League: between the lines reader. New York: Scholastic.

Hancock, J. (2005). Investing in corporate social responsibility: a guide to best practice, business planning & the UK's leading companies. London: Kogan Page.

John, H. (2005). Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Case Studies.. (2005). Ottawa: Conference Board of Canada.

Layden, J. (2006). 2006 National Football League megastars. New York: Scholastic.

NFL Overtime Rule the NFL
Pages: 5 Words: 1663

Justification is an important part of the game and a number of fans say that if a team's defense cannot stop the opposite team from launching a drive into the end zone, they are worthy of being given the loss. In spite of everything, it could have just as simply gone the other way. Unmistakably it is to a team's difficulty to misplace the coin toss and have to deal with catastrophic consequences in case they fail, but supporters of defensive football claim that it is a genuine way to decide the game. The NCAA and the CFL work in the perfect way, according to followers of equal-opportunity overtime; every team is arranged an equal number of possessions ahead of the winner being determined. If, though the primary team to have the ball scores and the second team does not, it is game over. In case the first team…...


Works Cited

Easton, S., & Rockerbie, D. Overtime! Rules and Incentives in the National Hockey League. Journal of Sports Economics, Vol6, 2005.

Fort, Rodney and James Quirk. Optimal Competitive Balance in a Season Ticket League Working Paper. 2009. Print.

Longley, Neil and Swaminathan Sankaran. The Incentive Effects of Overtime Rules in Professional Hockey. Journal of Sports Economics Vol. 8 No. 5, 2007. Print

N.F.L. Ponders Changing How Overtime Is Played. New York Times, Section D, Page 5. 2003. Print

Equipping for the Future National
Pages: 3 Words: 852

Selecting diverse staff members who are technically astute with a command of world languages and cultures will make NOV a company for the 21st, not simply the 20th century and ensure that the company does not become left behind in an environmentally conscious global environment.
NOV's approach to training was similarly far-thinking and far-reaching as its recruiting efforts. Eschewing specialization, it tried to create a leadership team with a thorough knowledge base of every facet of the company. The chosen new managers spent an entire year rotating different jobs, almost like a doctor has a residency in different facets of medicine, to broaden his or her area of expertise. Talent management itself is a many-layered process at NOV. The 'old boys club' of a relatively small number of homogeneous management staff had been expanded by the recruiting and training effort. The mentoring received by the candidates during their orientation year…...

Regulation of the NFL From
Pages: 34 Words: 10136

On the other hand, we might be able to "incubate" a cable network by playing a Thursday night series of cable games, and such a network could be a long-run success that would strengthen our product as well." (Tagliabue, 2004)
Tagliabue states that prior to proceeding with a new package it is necessary to ensure that this new package is based on "sound television premises and that it is structured to complement our other television packages rather than to cannibalize our Sunday and Monday night audiences and move us down the road to commoditization. As previously mentioned, commoditization is ultimately very negative in a 400-channel universe, and the challenge we face is how to balance the need for revenue and viewers to ensure the long-run success of our sport. In theory, greater revenues are available from cable television, which is both advertiser and subscriber supported, than from broadcast television, which…...



Badenhausen, Kurt, Ozanian, Michael K. And Rondey, Maya (2006) The Business of Football. Forbes. 31 Aug 2006. Online available at: 

Barros, Carlos Pestana and Barrio, Pedro Garcia-del (nd) Efficiency Measurement of the English Football Premier League with a Random Frontier Model. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia.

Brenner, Adam (2004) Welcome to the Club. The Business of Football. Forbes 2 Sept 2004. Online available at: 

English Football and its Governance (2009) All Party Parliamentary Football Group. April 2009. Online available at:

Clean Hits The NFL and
Pages: 5 Words: 1618

In tat case, te NFL will, naturally, take te position tat if tey do not want to be included in a profit-making activity, te NFL will gladly take te profits witout tem. Weter tis is truly collusion is peraps te decision of te individual to wom te tougt strikes; but certainly it seems to appear as collusion wen in fact it is not by any means deliberately collusive. Players' claims notwitstanding, it is very unlike te NFL to procure less-tan-maximum television revenues simply because tey must split tem wit anoter group; in fact it goes contrary to all oter signs tat te NFL sows and actions tat it takes.
I do not like Roger Goodell, te Commissioner of te NFL -- wo does?

-- but it is not in my interests to claim tat e is overseeing an organization caracterized by collusion wen in reality it is clean in tat regard.…...

American Sports of NFL and NBA and Their Influence in Popular Culture
Pages: 7 Words: 2030

ports and popular culture (NFL/NBA)

Pop Culture

Popular culture entails all forms of mass communication such as:





Books and Cartoons and comics


It is somewhat different compared to higher forms of cultural art such as:

Classical music


Conventional theatre

In terms of mass communication, popular culture means messages which are intellectually and artistically limited primarily designed to entertain and humor the viewers (Hollander, 2014). Following the industrial revolution, the people had a lot of time to spare which led to a huge demand for entertainment and amusement and gave height to media. The increasing supply of goods also made it necessary for the advertisers to attract the consumers and mass media could reach a large number of audiences at the same time (Hollander, 2014).


The physical activities have always been in the life of human beings in the form of different leisure activities. These activities consisted of hunting and war-like nature as well as dancing and other activities.…...


Sports have played a huge role in the American society on the whole as they have become a necessary part of the popular culture. American football is quite a popular game which brings NFL (National Football League) in limelight. NFL is same to same as other sports have an off season too when they are on a season break. Leagues such as NBA (National Basketball Association), MLB (Major League Baseball) and NHL (National Hockey League) follow the same pattern which builds the hype for them (Lee, 2012). It enables the public to forget all about sports for a while until it swings back in action again. The off season usually consists of training sessions, gym, trading players, NFL Combine and NFL Draft. These activities are heavily kept watch of by loyal fans followed by intense discussions (House, 2012).

Super Bowl is intensely popular in United States. Even the non-followers are somehow influenced by it as they hear news about it or by viewing it. The news channels mention regularly and social media is definitely on fire with news and updates. A famous band plays during halftime while a draw exists for watching the advertisements during the game and halftime (Lee, 2012). Companies are compelled to dish out loads of cash to display advertise themselves as the Super Bowl progresses. These ads are usually creative and funny and sometimes mixed. People for the sake of fun choose a particular team and cheer it till the end or otherwise friends pick a team and contend that it will win the title. It's sort of a public gathering event where food is enjoyed and drinks are taken in huge quantities. Tostitos and Doritos are chips found mostly at super Bowl parties while in case of drinks Coke, Pepsi and Budweiser. For the sports fans, it's their day off as they spend the entire day in front of a TV or mocking the opponent's team for fun. TV shows often give reference to Super Bowl just as Christmas and Halloween. Betting on a high level is also involved for the winning team, people are cut some slack from office, schools and colleges as it's the biggest event of the year (Hollander, 2014).

In 'Popular culture and the rituals of American Football' by Mark Axelrod, several cultural practices in America regarding football are mentioned. Before the ports went global, there were a lot of rituals and myths

Reebok NFL Replica Jerseys
Pages: 3 Words: 1104

Reebok NFL Replica Jerseys: A Case for Postponement
Reebok International Ltd. (Reebok) is an American sportswear and apparel company. With its headquarters in Canton, Massachusetts, the company designs, manufactures, and markets a broad range of sports apparel and footwear brands worldwide. Under the leadership of Paul Fireman, the company has grown over the years to become one of the largest players in the global sportswear and apparel industry. In 2000, Reebok entered into a 10-year agreement with the National Football League (NFL) to manufacture and market NFL licensed merchandise, including an NFL-branded apparel line, footwear, practice apparel, sideline apparel, and on-field uniforms. With 32 teams, NFL is the leading professional confederation for American football.

Licensed Apparel Business

Whereas the licensed apparel market is a lucrative market, retailers face a number of concerns since demand is influenced by factors beyond their control. Retailers rely on Reebok to deliver merchandise on time and without increasing…...

Change Management in the NFL
Pages: 2 Words: 8314

Leadership and Organizational Change Potential in the NFL
Organizational Problem or Opportunity

Description of the Problem or Opportunity

Purpose of the Investigation



Summary of Section Highlights

Problem or Opportunity Background

• Current State of the Target Organization

• elevant Organizational Processes or Systems or Functions

• elevant Theory

isk Management

Organizational Change

Lewin's Change Management Model

McKinsey 7-S Model

Kotter's 8 Step Change Model


Corporate Social esponsibility

Investigative Steps

Investigative Approach and Design Strategies

• Investigative Approach

• Theory Thread Strategies

• Data Collection and Preparation Strategies

Investigation Parameters or Limitations


Findings of the Investigation


elevant Analysis

Overall Findings: A Synthesis


Interpretation and ecommendations 34

Organizational Implications 34

ecommendations 34

• Implications for Decision Makers 35

• Future esearch 35

Summary 36

eferences 37

Executive Summary

The National Football League (NFL) is currently the most popular sport with American adults, however this position is not guaranteed to remain indefinitely. The NFL is plagued by a slew of problems that range from everything from player misconduct and serious indiscretions both on and off the field, issues related to injuries, player safety, and brain…...



Bass, B. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press.

Bass, B. (1999). Two decasdes in research and development in transformational leadership. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9-32.

Benta, D. (2011). On Best Practices for Risk Management in Complex Projects. Informatica Economica, 142-152.

Business Dictionary. (N.d.). Change Management. Retrieved from Business Dictionary:

Major League Football Teams
Pages: 4 Words: 1459

league football teams with higher salaries win more frequently than other teams?
The wages of football players have risen noticeably over thirteen fold for the highest paid player from the season that ended in 1985 to that which ended in 2011. This improvement together with the mutually beneficial relationship between the sport and media has brought about an interesting field that has attracted academic scholars to do research on the impacts between different amounts of salaries and its influence on personal and team performance. (Fullard, 2012)

The matter of remunerations of professional players has always attracted public interest for a long time. There are many non-academic reading materials on the issue of salaries of professional players. emunerations have shifted for the better from 1950's into the 21st century. esearch has been done on different kinds of sports to find out the relationship between wages and performance. The most used model for…...



Borghesi, R. (2008). Allocation of scarce resources: Insight from the NFL salary cap. Journal of Economics and Business 60.6: 536-550.

Frick, B., Prinz, J., & Winkelmann, K. (2003). Pay inequalities and team performance: Empirical evidence from the North American major leagues. International Journal of Manpower, 24(4), 472-488.

Fullard, J. (2012). Investigating Player Salaries and Performance in the National Hockey League. Masters Theses

Haugen, J. (2004).Team Success and Personnel Allocation under the National Football League Salary Cap. The Park Place Economist, Vol. XIV, 56-62

Kurt Warner NFL Christian and
Pages: 2 Words: 779

Today, when they go out to eat it is not unusual for the Warners to pay for the meal of another family in a restaurant, to show their seven young children the value of charity (Battista 2010). Warner has also unapologetically proclaimed his devout Christian faith throughout his long career, crediting God with his success. This has earned him the respect of even his non-believing teammates.
Brenda, a former Marine, is known for being a strict yet loving parent. The Warners are determined to instill humble Midwestern values in their children: one reason that Warner's faith is accorded such respect is because of his sincerity and lack of hypocrisy. Before every meal, the family prays, and children must obey certain rules such as "after ordering at a restaurant, be able to tell Mom the server's eye color," and "throw away your trash at the movie theater and stack plates for…...



Battista, Julia. (2010, January 10). Cardinal's Warner walks away after 12 improbable years.

The New York Times. Retrieved April 9, 2010 from 

Crouse, Karen. (2008, September 26). The rules of the family.

The New York Times. Retrieved April 9, 2010 from

NFL Retirement Benefits Issues and
Pages: 7 Words: 2086

Furthermore, EISA issues aside, according to Linda Sanchez (D-California), "It concerns me when those who work hazardous jobs don't get the care they deserve, whether a coal miner, tire factory worker or football player... " referring to the questionnaire distributed to the NFLPA requesting medical data pertaining to their retirees, she said, "I look forward to timely responses to our questions so we can determine what steps might be necessary that those who made football great aren't neglected."13

AP, 2007

Carpenter, 2007


Professional football is, by all accounts, a violent sport whose participants frequently suffer significant physical injuries on the playing field. Because of the nature, frequency, and intensity of the collisions inherent to the game, especially at the professional level, the effects of football injuries often persist long after retirement. Most insidious are the cumulative effects of repeated cerebral concussions, only recently identified as a specific injury when they occur, especially with…...



Associated Press. 10/24/07 NFL Adds $10 Million to Medical Fund, Latest Step in Dispute Concerning Retirees and Pensions. Retrieved, November 3, 2007, from CBSonline at 

Associated Press. 5/31/07-35 NFL Players Qualify for Dementia-Alzheimer's Assistance Retrieved, November 3, 2007, from FoxNews Web site, at,2933,276617,00.html 

Carpenter, L. 10/13/07 Congress Presses NFL, Union on Benefits. Retrieved, November 3, 2007, from at 

Conrad, M. (1999) Sportslaw History: The John Mackey case. Retrieved, November 3, 2007, at

Legal Structure and Management of a National Level Sporting Organization
Pages: 10 Words: 2976

Legal Structure and Management of a National Level Sporting Organisation
Sports activities in the world today are becoming more popular and are attracting huge crowd. This is one of the reasons that have made sponsors to come in so as to help such clubs that are not able to support themselves financially. Through sponsoring, the sponsor is able to market and advertise its products within the stadium where the club is playing among other benefits. It is worth noting that sports are viewed as a means of income to each stakeholder including the players. Essendon football club has made Australia to be known worldwide because of the good performance the club has exhibited over the years.

Essendon Football Club is rated as a dynamic world class club in the Australian sporting arena. The success and competitiveness of the club is dependant on its set legal structure and proper management that foresees its…...



Books, H. 2011. Articles on Essendon Football Club Including: List of Essendon Football Club, Honours, Anzac Day Class. America, AM: Hephaestus Books.

Bools, L., & LLC, G.B. 2010. Essendon Football CLub: Essendon Football Club, List of Essendon Football CLub Honours. United States, U.S.: General Books LLC.

Clark, T. 2007. Stick This in Your Memory Hole. Doncaster East Victoria, VIC: aduki independent press.

Devaney, J.P. 2009. Full Points Footy: Encyclopedia of Australian Football Clubs. Lincoln, LN:

What are the short and long term consequences of concussions in sports and how can they be prevented?
Words: 302

I. Introduction

  1. Overview of Concussions in Sports

    1. Definition and prevalence of concussions in sports

    2. Importance of understanding concussion effects
  2. Scope of the Essay

    1. Focus on high school, NCAA, and NFL athletes

    2. Discussion on short-term and long-term consequences

II. Body

  1. Short-Term Consequences of Concussions

    1. Symptoms immediately following a concussion

    2. Impact on athletic performance and recovery time
  2. Long-Term Consequences

    1. Chronic Traumatic....

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