education in the promotion of national economies. Investing in higher education is a critical investment that any country should undertake in anticipation of greater national return. A body of research suggests that education is an important tool in the promotion of both local national regional as well as international economies; it is a tool for eradication of poverty and related issues. Therefore, challenges need to be taken into consideration and these include inequality in admission into institutions of higher learning as well as inequality in higher education based on social and demographic groups. The themes selected here in touch on the significance of education and more so higher education and focusing on developed and less developed countries. Some studies have revealed that graduates actually contribute to economy and society in developing countries, but much more research is needed on this topic. There is a need to open up this…...
Diasa, R., Mattosb, C., & Balestieria, J. (2004). Energy education: breaking up the rational energy use barriers. Energy Policy, 32, 1339 -- 1347.
Godoy, R., O'Neill, K., McSweeney, K., Wilkie, D., Flores, V., Bravo, D., et al. (2000). Human
capital, wealth, property rights, and the adoption of new farm technologies: the Tawahka Indians of Honduras. Human Organization, 59 (2 ), 222-233 .
Grootaert, C., & Narayan, P. (2004). Local institutions, poverty and household welfare in Bolivia. World Development, 32, 1179 -- 1198.
National Economic Policies
Economic policies refer to the crucial action that the government takes to control the economic aspects that might affect the cash flows in any given nation. The government is essential in ensuring that all the economic activities in the nation maintained to secure the profitable margins of the nation. The economic policies control almost every activity in the nation, which are vital in controlling the economy. The national economic policies control the large economic fields of a given region to ensure that the nations make profits (Cohen 123). Most of the national, economical aspects are more vital in controlling the imports and exports into nations. The national economic policies generated by international institutions, established by the member state nations. In creating the management team of the international institution, each nation is required to give a leader that will assist in creating the policies to govern the economy of…...
mlaWorks cited
Cohen, Stephen D. The Making of United States International Economic Policy: Principles,
Problems, and Proposals for Reform. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 2000. Print.
Persson, Torsten, & Guido E. Tabellini. Political Economics: Explaining Economic Policy.
Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.: MIT Press, 2000. Print.
National Health Care Spending in the United States
For several years now, health care spending in the U.S. has been on the rise. In that regard, containing the situation has become a major headache not only for the government but also for consumers and employees looking for ways of keeping up with raising costs. In this text, I explain my position on the national health care spending in the U.S. In so doing, I will review the current health care expenditures at the national level and whether the same can be said to be sufficient or insufficient. Further, I will also make recommendations on where in my own opinion additions or cuts seem necessary. Next, I will discuss how the health care needs of the public are paid for. This paper will also provide a forecast of the various health care system needs going forward and why it is necessary to…...
Chantrill, C. (2011). U.S. Healthcare Spending. Retrieved September 22, 2011, from
Healey, B.J. & Lesneski, C.D. (2011). Transforming Public Health Practice: Leadership and Management Essentials. John Willey and Sons.
The Tax Foundation (2010). Net Cuts to Medicare, Increased Medicare Tax on High-Income Earners Comprise Bulk of Funding. Retrieved from
In the fifth place, some English language cinemas compete directly with Hollywood within its own playing field. The sixth and seventh cinema types are interesting, since they attempt to retain a singular identity without external influence. One of these is the cinema that exists entirely within a state-controlled industry, which is often subsidized by the same state. Finally, there are those national cinemas that hold such a specific identity that they distance themselves, in terms of language or culture, from the nation-states within which they exist.
Having identified these categories, Crofts also points out the importance of recognizing their permeability. The author uses the example of French, Australian, and Indian films to demonstrate this point. The French, for example, would operate in the fields of differing from Hollywood, not competing directly with it, but occasionally delivering critique on its films and practices. On exceptional occasions, French cinema would also venture…...
Abbas, a. (2007). Hong Kong. The Cinema of Small Nations. Edited by Hjort and Petrie. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Altman, R. (2012). Film/Genre. London: Palgrave Macmillan
Bergfelder, T. (2000). The Nation Vanishes: European co-productions and popular genre formula in the 1950s and 1960s. Cinema and Nation. Edited by Hjort and MacKenzie. London and New York: Routledge.
Crofts, S. (2008). Reconceptualising National Cinema/s. Theorising National Cinema. Edited by Vitali and Willemen. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
In addition, just over $41 billion was removed from 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. The cuts in military spending will affect a wide variety of citizenry. Specifically, military personnel will be affected with reduced budgets across the board. This will result in a reduced readiness of the military to protect the United States, in the short-term and the long-term. This reduction in spending will also negatively affect civilian contractors and other companies that provide products and services to the military. This will result in lost revenues and decreased profitability for these organizations. A secondary effect of this could result in lost jobs and reduced tax revenues for the city, state and national governments, as well as reduced revenues for other businesses in the community, if these organizations implement worker layoffs.
Social Security cuts will negatively affect the growing population of Baby Boomers and those already receiving Social Security benefits. However,…...
The final step in decrease law enforcement budgets was the cut of 20% federal prison system. As of right now, prisons take up millions of dollars to house drug offenders and other non-violent criminals. These funds are needed elsewhere, and so they must be taken from keeping up the building and regulation of so many unnecessary prisons in the United States.
In terms of protecting consumers much needed to be done. To ensure consumers protection on investments, deposit insurance increased by 10%. This will allow people to renew faith in the banking system in they have more insurance on their deposits. Additionally, I cut 20% of tax cuts for the richest 1% of tax payers, 10% for the second two richest. Hold even for the third, and an increase of 10% for the bottom tax payers. Furthermore, I cut 20% of untaxed foreign profits and 10% of tax benefits for…...
National Interest as a key determinant in Foreign Policy
National Interest and Foreign Policy
National Interest Defined:
The national interest is, very simply, the objectives of a country ranging from the macro goals i.e. economy, military to the micro goals like social use cyber space. National interest is an integral part of international relations as it is a concept based out of the realist school of though. This will be discussed in more detail in the paper.
Foreign Policy Defined:
Foreign policy, very simply, is the strategy that guides all international dealings and associations of a country
When dealing with national interest, one has to wonder about the degree to which domestic politics is vital for the comprehension of that country's foreign policy. Domestic politics is not of immense significance; this has been depicted by an eminent assumption related to structural realism, global association. The systemic vigour of the global supremacy division propels a country's foreign…...
Bond, J.R., and R. Fleisher. 1990. The President in the legislative arena. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Clarke, K.A. 2001. Testing nonnested models of international relations: Reevaluating realism. American Journal of Political Science 45(3): 724 -- 744.
Clarke, K.A. 2003. Nonparametric model discrimination in international relations. Journal of Conict Resolution 47(1): 72 -- 93.
Fearon, J.D. 1998. Domestic politics, foreign policy, and theories of international relations. Annual Review of Political Science 1: 289 -- 313.
"Both the U.S. side and the Mexican side replicate the political, economic, social, and cultural systems of their respective nation-states. At the same time, borderlanders have blended the structures, institutions, and life expressions of the two societies to create something novel and entirely theirs -- the ambiente fronterizo, or borderlands milieu. Today the area stands as a prime example of binational interdependence, providing striking evidence of the trend toward closer ties among the world's nations and societies" (Martinez, 1994)
Coleman, M., 2005, U.S. Statecraft and the U.S. - Mexico Border as Security/Economy Nexus, Political Geography, Volume 24, Issue 2, pp. 185-209
Hackenberg, ., 1997, the U.S.-Mexico Borderland in Century XXI, Culture and Agriculture, Volume 19, Number 3
Longley, ., December 2004, Illegal Immigration Costs California Over Ten Billion Annually, About U.S. Government Info
Martinez, O.J., 1994, Human Interaction in the Texas - Mexico Borderlands, University of Arizona, Ast accessed on March 28,…...
Coleman, M., 2005, U.S. Statecraft and the U.S. - Mexico Border as Security/Economy Nexus, Political Geography, Volume 24, Issue 2, pp. 185-209
Hackenberg, R., 1997, the U.S.-Mexico Borderland in Century XXI, Culture and Agriculture, Volume 19, Number 3
Longley, R., December 2004, Illegal Immigration Costs California Over Ten Billion Annually, About U.S. Government Info
Martinez, O.J., 1994, Human Interaction in the Texas - Mexico Borderlands, University of Arizona, Ast accessed on March 28, 2008
Obama's health care reform will make health care more accessible and more affordable and make insurers more accountable, as well as expand health care coverage to every American and make the health care system sustainable by stabilizing family budgets, the economy and the Federal budget.
The cost of Obama's overall health care bill will cost approximately $940 billion over 10 years, according to the Congressional udget Office. The bill will include that by the year 2014 there will be significant health access reforms. Insurers will be prohibited from denying coverage to people with medical problems of charging them more money (CS 2010).
While these numbers do sound manageable, Congress has not responded kindly to Obama's health care reform ideas. When Obama has even mentioned the idea of health care for illegal immigrants, the president was rudely interrupted by a heckler yelling, "you lie" ( ). Under Obama's proposal of health care reform,…...
CBS News. "What's in a health care bill? Take a dose." Retrieved on June 1, 2010, from the Web site: (2010) "Obama calls for congress to face health care challenge." Retrieved on June 5, 2010, from the Web site:
Peter Baker, "As Oil Slips Away, So Do Chances for Obama," New York Times, health care plan&st=cse...
mlaRobert Pear, "Health Insurance Companies Try to Shape Rules," New York Times,
Robert Pear, "Study Points to Health Law's Penalties," New York Times,
Peter Baker, "As Oil Slips Away, So Do Chances for Obama," New York Times, health care plan&st=cse
National Presto Industries
Defense segment of the business at National Presto Industries, Inc. provides an excellent example of a reinforcing loop. The main issue at hand here is the dependency of this particular segment of the business on the contracts received from the Department of Defense and the U.S. Army, as the sole supplier of contracts and client for National Presto Industries on this side.
The arguable reasoning can be that as the Department of Defense provides more contracts for the company, National Presto Industries needs to provide more resources in order to be able to fulfill those contracts. While this is a positive element in the present time, in turn, this type of resource allocation is likely to make the company vulnerable due to a lack of diversification.
Understandably, as previously shown, if the U.S. Army finds a different supplier for its ammunition or decides to break off the business relationship with…...
1. Thomas, James; Clark, Shawn; Gioia, Dennis. (1993). Strategic Sensemaking and Organizational Performance: Linkages among Scanning, Interpretation, Action and Outcomes. Academy of Management Journal. Vol. 36, No. 2, 230-270
2. Argyris, C. (1990), Overcoming Organizational Defences: Facilitating Organizational Learning, Allyn & Bacon, Boston.
3. Amidon, Debra M. (1997) Innovation Strategy for the Knowledge Economy. Butterworth-Heinman, Newton
4. Garvin, D.A. (2000), Learning in Action: A Guide to Putting the Learning Organization to Work, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
Many of the positive facets of globalization -- such as laborers taking classes during the weekend and actually expanding their knowledge by gaining an opportunity to see the world -- that she discusses are not experienced by the majority of the workers who are regularly exploited by multi-national companies. These individuals come from a mental and physical poverty, and are trapped into a technological one as well in which they are only allowed to work, profit little while doing so, and have few opportunities to do anything else. Chang was fortunate enough to see some successes in this system of globalization and oppression, but there are many developing countries that lack China's resources where the workers are simply exploited.
Overall, it is quite clear that there are negative repercussions of globalization for working class people in both developed and developing countries. In the former, individuals regularly lose (and have lost)…...
Baran and Sweezy agreed with Veblen's primary thesis about the "subdued conflict between workmanship and salesmanship," in which workmanship is being pursued in the interests of sales of often superfluous goods rather than those that are socially necessary. Baran and Sweezy went so far as to say that Veblen's view of the matter (published in 1923) "as a description of the situation in the 1950s and 1960s... is 100 per cent on target." (O'Hara, Anthony, 2004)
Under monopoly capitalism, true innovation, according to Veblen, is often separated from sales and profit. The engineers produce innovations that can be used by the whole community and the capitalists often destroy technological progress. Baran and Sweezy stress the sabotage of this industry by businesses wasting capitalism such as planned obsolescence, where engineers design a product, light globes, and other commodities that will break down after a certain length of time or use. Another…...
Fahrer, Marion. (2005, February 1). "The innovation outlook: Graham Fletcher, a senior executive with IBM, one of the world's leading technology originators, examines the latest technologies and those ahead, as a new on-demand era of innovation emerges.(Innovation Supplement)," Journal of Banking and Financial Services.
O'Hara, Phillip Anthony;Sherman, Howard Jay. (2004, December 1) "Veblen and Sweezy on monopoly capital, crises, conflict, and the state.," Journal of Economic
Report shows Europe has trouble narrowing economic gap with United States," AP
Australian Economy
The UAE economy
Macroeconomic analysis of the Economies
Household final consumption expenditure
General Government final consumption expenditure
CPI & Inflation
Interest rates
Exchange ates
Government Spending & Taxes
Money Supply
United Arab Emirates
Household final consumption expenditure
General Government final consumption expenditure
CPI (Consumer Price Index)
Interest ates
Exchange ates
Government Spending & Taxes
Money Supply
In this paper, we describe as well as compare the economies of two countries (United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Australia).We do this by effectively researching the economic characteristics of two national economies, and then selecting a limited number of critical variables which can best be used in describing their similarities and differences. We also research the critical background on the two national economies so as to explain their current economic situation while also suggesting their likely future economic states. The paper begins by presenting a general introduction to the two economies. This is the followed by a detailed and in-depth macroeconomic analysis of Australia's and UAE's economies.The specific variables…...
Central Intelligence Agency (2012).GDP (official exchange rate).Available online at
Laurie, Kirsty and McDonald, Jason. (2008)A Perspective on Trends in Australian Government Spending [online]. Economic Round-up, Summer 2008: 27-50. Availability: ISSN: 1031-8968. [cited 17 Dec 12].
Tim Colebatch, T (2012). "Economic Irrationalism."
OECD (2009). National Accounts at a Glance 2009.Available online at
Immigration contributes to U.S. Economy
How immigration contributes to U.S. economy
Popular Press
Giovanni Peri
30, August, 2010
The Effect of Immigrants on U.S. Employment and Productivity
The article by Peri narrates the effects of immigration over the total population of the country. He says that the statistical analysis proved that the economy expanded and became more productive after the immigration and the investment also went up. He narrates another opinion that the foreign born U.S. citizens are decreasing the job opportunities for the U.S. born citizens yet there is a consent that output actually increased. He discussed that there is no significant evidence that the jobs grew or dropped for U.S. born workers because of the immigrants. Thus, this means that U.S. workers did not lose jobs because of the immigrants rather new jobs were created for the immigrants that were great for the overall economy.
Peri stated that the population of immigrants is not very…...
Aguilar, L.A. "The Important Role of Immigrants in Our Economy," (2013), Retrieved from:
Borjas, G.J. "Native Internal Migration and the Labor Market Impact of Immigration."
Journal of Human Resources 41(2), pp. 221 -- 258. (2006)
The Evolution and Impact of Musical Theatre
The historical development of musical theatre from its origins to modern Broadway and West End
The influence of different musical genres, such as operetta, vaudeville, and rock, on the evolution of musical theatre
The impact of musical theatre on popular culture, including its role in shaping societal norms and values
The Role of Music and Lyrics in Musical Theatre
The importance of music and lyrics in conveying the story, characters, and themes of a musical
The different ways in which music and lyrics can be used to create emotional impact and drive the narrative....
The Articles of Confederation, America's first constitution, were established with the intention of creating a loose confederation of sovereign states. However, this document was fraught with weaknesses that ultimately led to its failure. One of the primary issues was the lack of a strong central government, which resulted in an inability to enforce laws or manage interstate disputes effectively. This structural flaw was evident in the economic turmoil that ensued, where states could not agree on trade regulations, leading to economic discord and a lack of national economic policy. The inability to levy taxes directly from the citizens meant that....
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