Narrative Essays (Examples)

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A narrative essay is an essay written about a personal experience, usually from the first person perspective.  Because narrative essays are w

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Narrative Analysis on Confessions of a Stupid Haole
Pages: 5 Words: 1533

Narrative Analysis on "Confessions of a Stupid Haole"
okanaan Kearns's short story "Confessions of a Stupid Haole" explores the broad and multifaceted issue of cultural integration in the United States. The plot scenario for the story involves a Harvard professor who loses her job and returns home so that she can bid her dying grandmother farewell. Additionally, the heroine, ap, has lost her position as professor and will need to move in with her parents until she can find new employment. There are many ways in which the failure of cultural integration manifests, and the first is names. Another of the sources of conflict centers on the fact that she is unable to get along with her family, as they resent her for losing her job despite the fact that her termination was conducted through no fault of her own. The heroine also has difficulty interacting with others in her native…...


Yap's inability to get along with her family represents another form of cultural integration. When Yap returns home to Hawaii, no family member greets her, and her mother does not even take a break from putting away groceries. The only family member with whom Yap has a strong rapport is her grandmother, Popo, who is ready to die at the conclusion of the story. The fact that the grandmother is dying also suggests that the narrator will not have any familial support after the grandmother dies. In her last exchange with her grandmother (which serves as the final passage of the story), Yap refers to herself as a "stupid haole," the same phrase used by the driver in the car on the freeway. The fact that Yap identifies herself as a "stupid haole" suggests that she actually considers herself to be as much a member of mainland American culture as native Hawaiian culture, reflecting the way she has been marginalized by her family. Cultural integration often refers to one's attempt to integrate into a foreign culture, but in the case of the narrator, she is unable to assimilate within either her second culture (mainland America) or that of her native Hawaii.

Lack of cultural integration also manifests through the narrative structure of the story itself. Specifically, the narrator tells the story in a fragmented, vignette structure that shifts in location and time. The story begins in an airport in Hawaii in the present tense, but then jumps backward in time on a number of occasions, each of which convey scenes where cultural prejudice surfaces. For example narrative "detours" shift the action to August 1989 (in Cambridge), September 1985 (New Haven), July 1990 (Boston), October 1990 (Sulton), March 1995 (Sutton), and September 1971 (Honolulu). These shifts are particularly important because location is inextricably linked with culture, so that the absence of a stable location reflects the way in which the narrator does not have a culture in which she is accepted. Indeed, the fact that the location changes almost constantly parallels the many instances of cultural marginalization inflicted upon the narrator and by her as well. Moreover, by telling the story through a vignette structure, the narrator reveals her conflicted psychological state, as she has difficulty attempting to integrate within her native and adopted cultures.

Yokanaan Kearns's "Confessions of a Stupid Haole," reveals the cultural prejudices that exist between the mainland American and native Hawaiian cultures, which are ostensibly both "American" and yet unable to embrace the other. The cultural prejudice is portrayed in a balanced manner, as it is exhibited by both the mainland and Hawaiian characters. Names, familial interactions, and the structure of the story itself all constitute elements that relate to the theme, and there are no characters who do not exhibit prejudice. Kearns demonstrates how decades after the integration of Hawaii within the United States, there continues to be animosity tension between the two cultures.

Narrative of Frederick Douglass
Pages: 4 Words: 1350

Narrative of Frederick Douglass
Slavery is perhaps one of the most common forms of human justice in the history of the world. Although the phenomenon has existed for centuries, across many cultures, a particularly brutal form of the phenomenon was perpetrated in the United States before its abolition. It is, however, a testament to the human spirit that some, like Frederick Douglass, had the inner will and drive to escape overwhelming odds that would keep him a slave for life. In his book The Narrative of Frederick Douglass, the former slave recounts not only the ways in which he worked to escape the slavery into which he was born, but also the brutal and literally bloody conditions often suffered by slaves. It is little wonder that Douglass did not only want to escape these inhuman conditions, but also that he recognized the dehumanizing effect of slavery on both slaves and their…...

Narrative Argument From a General
Pages: 3 Words: 1044

I would beg to differ with this, because of specific stories that place the human spirit far above the sum of its physical parts.
I read a document by Jewish captives I a Nazi camp once. They went through the most terrible of physical hardship. There was no food, or food was at least inadequate. There was not sufficient health care, and, for most inhabitants, they have been separated from friends, family, and even acquaintances. By theories such as that of Maslow, these people should have become feral animals, fighting like dogs for the little food they were provided with.

But, according to the story I heard, this was not so. According to my story, the feeling among the Jews was that their humanity was the last bit of dignity that they could hold on to. They shared everything. If a person was hurt or died, they took care of the…...

Narrative and Craft on a
Pages: 7 Words: 2389

Science holds that there is a central "truth" to every artifact, which is seen as the primary evidence for the specific time period investigated. This is then used in writing cultural histories. Once again, this relates with the above-mentioned assertion by assi, that the visual orientation and accurate depiction of recent history via the visual media inspires the same for art from periods before such technological advancements as photographs. This also influences the way in which contemporary art is displayed and viewed.
As such, the contextualization of the narrative in creating historical texts is mutually influencing among the past, present and future, with the present carrying the most influence. Current culture and contextualization necessarily influences interpretations of art from the past, and particularly from the ancient past. In this way, the distance in terms of time and culture is bridged by narrative interpretation and contextualization. Although this may be inaccurate…...



Albano, Caterina. 2007. Displaying lives: the narrative of objects in biographical exhibitions. Museum and Society, March 2007. Vol. 5 Is 1. 

Baetens, Jan & Van Looy, Jan 2007. digitising cultuarl heritage; the role of Intereptation in cultural Preservation.

Bassi, Karen. 2006 Things of the Past: Objects and the time in Graak Narrative. Johns Hopkind University Press

Narrative Theory According to the
Pages: 3 Words: 906

Mr. Murdoch's rehearsal of his presentation indicates an attempt to verbally convince the Chinese of his goodwill. It does not however include a connection with the Chinese way of thinking. This is what the actual narrative during the meeting provides.
The initially cold Chinese reception of Murdoch and his company indicates the truth perceptions initiated by Murdoch's earlier speech. His willingness to however participate in Chinese narrative protocol does win him a degree of favor. This narrative also differs fundamentally from his failing speech in that it is an interaction rather than a one-sided speech. The Chinese delegates are able to respond to every element of the narrative and draw conclusions based upon Murdoch's responses. This contrasts with the initial speech in that conclusions were drawn without the opportunity for rebuttal. Murdoch could only attempt to make amends by non-verbal means, and this was insufficient.

Another way in which Murdoch's narrative…...

Narrative Voice in Old Goriot
Pages: 4 Words: 1617

The narrator in alzac's novel is passing judgments and making comments related to the characters and their environments, in the purest realist style. He is observing and describing as if he was watching them through a huge magnifying glass. His own opinions are less transparent than in the case of Oliver Twists' narrator. He chooses to stay detached and observe and record instead of sympathizing with one or the other.
The author deliberately chooses to superpose his voice over that of the narrator, pointing out that his work is destined to entertain, being a work of ficiton: "You will do the same, - you my reader, now holding this book in your white hand, and saying to yourself in the depths of your easy chair: "I wonder if it will amuse me!" (Pere Goriot, p. 2). On the other hand, even if the characters and the events are fictional, they…...


Balzac, Honore de. Pere Goriot. Comedy of Human Life. Roberts brothers, 1886

Proust, Marcel. Swann's Way. Holt, 1922

Dickens, Charles. Oliver Twist. Oxford University Press, 1999

Narrative Contrast of the Male and Female
Pages: 3 Words: 1237

Narrative Contrast of the Male and Female Enslaved Experience in America:
Comparison and Contrast of the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs

Female and male autobiographical narratives invariably take different forms because of the different, albeit culturally constructed, nature of male and female experience. This is true of narratives of free people even today, but even more so of the enslaved African-Americans of the 19th century. Thus, not only does Frederick Douglass' Narrative contrast in its 'plot' or true-life story structure and interest in comparison to Harriet Jacob's tale of her escape from bondage. Both tales are significantly impacted by the gender of the authors as well as the author's intent in writing and intended audience. Douglass tells the tale of a young man, whom escaped ignorance and violence through movement. Jacobs tells the tale of…...


Works Cited

Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, Written by Himself. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001.

Jacobs, Harriet. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself.

Edited by Jean Fagan Yellin

Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1987.

Narrative of the Life of
Pages: 4 Words: 1174

He began to use religion to sanction his cruelty toward slaves. He became pious, attended Church meetings, and invited other persons of religious piety to his house. But in his treatment of human beings whom he held in bondage, nonetheless, the master became a more cruel and sadistic monster. He became a barbaric religious hypocrite.
Ultimately, Douglass argues that American slaveholders totally perverted the meaning of Christianity and that the slaveholders were not true Christians. He makes it clear toward the end of his narrative that his criticism of religion was directed at the specific way American slaveholders practiced it. Douglass explains:

hat I have said respecting and against religion, I mean strictly to apply to the slaveholding religion of this land, and with no possible reference to Christianity proper; for, between the Christianity of this land, and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest, possible difference -- so wide,…...


Work Cited:

Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Forgotten Books, 2008. Print.

Narrative of Frederick Douglas American Slave Numerous
Pages: 3 Words: 971

Narrative of Frederick Douglas, American Slave
Numerous authors have written accounts of the horrors of slavery. Some of the most convincing of these accounts were written by actual slaves themselves, a fact which is readily underscored by an analysis of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. However, there is a principle point of distinction between Douglass' work and that of other accounts of the iniquities of slavery, which predominantly include the intense physical horrors the institution of chattel slavery produced during the formative years of the United States. Many accountings of slavery detail the lascivious and rapacious behavior of masters and unspeakable acts of physical cruelty that typified this lucrative practice. However, there were also a number of psychological and mental horrors produced by slavery, the effects of which are perhaps more lasting and profound than those of the former. An analysis of several key scenes in…...



Douglass, F. (1845). Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. Retrieved from

Narrative Story
Pages: 2 Words: 720

The Fairy Tale would have been jealous of her, if she wasn't my best friend. We all were all jealous of the two of them in high school. They were perfect teenage lovers, like Romeo and Juliet minus the heartbreak. Even when they got married right out of high school and everyone said it was too soon "they are too young," they seemed to make it work. Even when she got pregnant so soon, they scrimped and saved and got by. The two little girls were never wanting.

See what I'd brought you," Teddy would say when he came home on Friday nights, his hands filled with fruit and chocolate purchased on the way home.

A called the girls my nieces when I came to visit. The eldest girl had light hazel eyes piercingly resembling the actress, Vanessa Williams. Her daddy always joked that we was already jotting down the rules of…...

Narrative Role in Story Narrative Perspective Plays
Pages: 2 Words: 718

Narrative Role in Story
Narrative perspective plays an important role in many works of literature and often helps to determine the themes of said work. DH Lawrence's short story, "The Rocking Horse inner" is an allegorical tale, which investigates the relationship between luck and money and the impact that these topics have on the characters in the story. The omniscient narrator of the story helps to guide the reader through the story without influencing the events that transpire, thus establishing that the events that take place are allegorical and are supposed to teach a lesson to the reader.

The story is told from an omniscient narrator's perspective who understands the complexity of the relationship between Paul, a young boy whose "luck" enables him to bet on horses and provide his mother, Hester, with money that he believes the family so desperately needs. Throughout the story, Hester continuously argues with her husband about…...


Works Cited

Lawrence, DH "The Rocking Horse Winner." Web. 21 August 2012.

Narrative Analysis Sue Monk Kidd's Novel the
Pages: 6 Words: 1790

Narrative Analysis
Sue Monk Kidd's novel The Secret Life of Bees and Angela Carter's "The Company of Bees" both feature adolescent female protagonists who escape from a patriarchal world of poverty, abuse and oppression, although the young women end up in very different places. In addition, the stories contain many magical, fantastic and surrealistic elements such as werewolves, witches, magical forests or the three Boatwright sisters acting as shamans or wise women in a matriarchal religion. Carter's short story is a take-off of the Brothers Grimm Little Red Riding Hood tale, even though none of the characters actually have names, while Kidd's novel is set in South Carolina in 1964, at the dawn of the feminist, civil rights and antiwar movements that shaped the entire decade. Indeed, it is a more feminist and matriarchal story than the revised version of Little Red Riding Hood, given that male characters are far less…...



Carter, Angela. The Company of Wolves. Logie, 1984.

Kidd, Sue Monk. The Secret Life of Bees. Penguin Books, 2002.

Narrative Robert Leonard 20496360 Summerfield Ct
Pages: 3 Words: 821

Her life seemed to be seeping away. I pushed her hair away from her mouth to keep her airway clear, and tried to tilt her head back, but as I did so, she gave a small gasp, and quit breathing.
Frightened now by this event, I pried her mouth open and leaning over I placed my mouth over hers and exhaled. I watched as her chest expanded with the incoming air and then as it slowly compressed again. I tried again, and then again. I put my ear next to her heart and her rough-spun flannel shirt brushed against my ear as I listened for her heartbeat. It was not audible. I made a hammer with my two fists and struck her chest.

In a desperate attempt to save this young girl's life, employed all the life-saving techniques I had been taught as a coach and a lifeguard who was constantly…...

Narrative Human Beings Tend to Focus on
Pages: 6 Words: 2103

Human beings tend to focus on first impressions as a means of judging someone by using that first impression in order to compare what they expect from someone based on their appearance or initial interaction with what the person is actually like. Oftentimes one's first impression is actually quite astute, but occasionally people who may seem "limited" or otherwise discountable for one reason or another upon first meeting surprise you by revealing a depth of character and insight not visible upon cursory introductions. In these cases, the person you misjudged not only surprises you by proving you wrong, but also offers a lesson in judgment that can be useful the next time around. So it was with my last landlord, Terry, who, upon first meeting, struck me as a burnt-out stoner, incapable of real conversation, let alone friendship. It was only after some time did I realize that in reality,…...

Narrative Research Project Past Present
Pages: 7 Words: 2247

But was not interned, and like your grandfather's stories of hiding in bunkers or fearing the draft, it is part of a distant knowledge of something that it supposed to be me. The Japanese-American history is one of immigration, discrimination, and internment; of reparations, intermarriage, and an awkward transformation and amalgamation of cultures. t is about being the Japanese of hip anime, world-class technology, and cutting-edge fashion.
Being American is about McDonalds, Levi's jeans, the proliferation of Starbucks, the Michael Jackson scandal, and essay topics like this.

The plaque at the Poston/Colorado River Relocation Center reads: "May it serve as a constant reminder of our past so that Americans in the future will never again be denied their constitutional rights and may the remembrance of that experience serve to advance the evolution of the human spirit ... "

While may not be constantly reminded of a servitude of the past,…...



Asakawa, Gil. Being Japanese America: AJA Sourcebook for Nikkei, Hapa ... And Their Friends. San Francisco: Stone Bridge Press, 2004.

Iritani, Frank and Joanne. Ten Visits. San Mateo, CA: Asian-American Curriculum Project., Inc., 1995.

How a slave narrative has helped as a tool for the ongoing movement of equality for the people of colour?
Words: 382

There are a number of fantastic slave narratives that really describe the experiences of people in slavery.  However, there is a problem with most of these narratives.  Written by former slaves, these narratives are going to represent a rarity among slaves because their authors could read and write, while teaching a slave to read or write was punishable under many slave codes.  Therefore, we strongly suggest looking at a more comprehensive collection of slave narratives.  Fortunately, the Works Progress Administration compiled slave narratives under a few different programs, most notably the Federal Writer’s Project. ....

What was the meaning of freedom for enslaved people in the United States on the eve of the Civil War during the antebellum period?
Words: 353

To tackle a three-page essay on the meaning of freedom for enslaved people in the United States, it is very important to keep in mind that there was no single idea of freedom.  The condition of slaves varied tremendously throughout the United States.  Some slaves lived near urban areas and had relatively high amounts of personal autonomy as well as exposure to free people of color, while other slaves were in isolation on plantations and may not ever encounter free people or color or even regularly encounter slaves held captive on other plantations.  In addition, men, women,....

I need help with an essay outline on “To Kill a Mockingbird” ACT 1 This is an introduction to Theatre class?
Words: 1267

To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the most beloved books and movies of all time, making it no surprise that it has become a popular theatre production.  There are so many issues that arise in the novel, movie, and screenplay that even seemingly insignificant things, such as Atticus allowing his children to call him by his first name, take on a significance in the story.  If you were working on a narrative criticism or essay, you would highlight that significance.  However, in outlining an act from a play, you do not....

I need help with an outline for a narrative essay?
Words: 603

A narrative essay is probably the most personal and least formal type of academic essay you will be asked to write.  Narrative essays are all about storytelling, which means that they may be somewhat less structured or rigid than other types of essays.  While that can be a benefit to some writers, for others the fact that narratives are not as tightly structured makes them more difficult to approach.  One way to help your narrative keep the structure of an essay is to keep in mind that while a narrative tells a....

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