Michael Genquk (nd) A Synthesis of Ethnographic Research. University of Southern California, Center for Multilingual, Multicultural Research.
Lambert, Elizabeth (1990) The Collection and Interpretation of Data from Hidden Populations. NIDA Research Monograph 98. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration. National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Pierce, Todd G. (1996) Gen-X Junkie: Ethnographic Research with Young white Heroin Users in Washington, DC. Substance and Misuse. Vol. 34, Issue 14, December 1999.
Peyrot, Mark, (1985) Narcotics Anonymous: Its History, Structure, and Approach. Substance Use and Misuse. 1985 Vol. 20 No.10.
Interview One
Mitchell Powers
Marital Status:
Criminal Defense Lawyer
Native American
Religious Affiliation:
Interview Questions
Question 1. How did you find out about NA meetings?
Answer 1. I had surgery just as I went through my divorce and before I knew it I was addicted to pain medication. I really could not function without it and became very sick when I didn't…...
Generally, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous programs also award members with sobriety chips or other methods of recognition or rewards symbolizing the successful maintenance of sobriety for specific periods of time.
The main activity of the Narcotics Anonymous meetings consists of individuals sharing their personal stories and experiences with other members of the group. In doing so, group members often become much more open and honest begin to realize that their experiences are very similar to those of many other people who have similar problems with substance abuse and other addictions.
In many cases, the effect of participation in the group has the effect of helping group members become more honest with themselves as well as with the group about their problems. Because most addicts tend to develop very similar defense mechanisms to help them deny the magnitude of their problems, the experience of hearing others describe problems and consequences that…...
He reminded everybody that the most important aspect of honesty was to always be honest with one's self and he congratulated all the new potential members for making the first step in addressing their problems by taking the initiative to come to the meeting. He asked for a show of hands from new prospects and several people sitting in the back raised their hands, after which the regular members all turned in their direction and applauded briefly to congratulate them for taking the first step in their recovery.
Then, the leader asked for a show of hands from people who wished to share with the group. After four people raised their hands, he assigned an order for them to speak and the first of the group shared a story about hanging out with the wrong people. He had previously tried to drink socially, but found after several drug relapses, that…...
Speech on Alcoholism and Addiction
Main Points: I. Alcoholism is an addiction, not a character flaw.
Treating alcoholism requires modern rehabilitation methods.
The "Twelve-Step" program advocated by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
represents an extremely effective route to recovery.
Central Idea: For centuries, society has viewed addiction to alcohol and other substances as a defect in one's moral fiber, rather than a medical affliction. Modern scientific exploration into the subject of addiction has revealed that alcoholism is actually the result of neurotransmitters in the brain becoming activated, chemical responses throughout the body, genetic influences, and even environmental factors. By revising the widespread belief that addiction to alcohol is one's own "fault," and recognizing the litany of variables which determine whether somebody will be prone to addictive tendencies, the stigma placed on alcoholism may eventually be lifted.
A. For as long as mankind been aware that the actions of an individual are determined by an inherent sense of…...
Dodes, L. (2002). The heart of addiction: A new approach to understanding and managing alcoholism and other addictive behaviors. New York, NY: Harper-Collins
Narcotics Anonymous Fellowship. (1991). An introductory guide to narcotics anonymous, revised. Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Retrieved from Guide to NA.pdf
Clinical Case Management
Case management emerged during the late 19th and early 20th centuries in an effort by professional social workers to address the broad-based social problems that followed the Industrial evolution, including most especially poverty (Aufderhaar, Giddens, Holder, et al., 2013). Since that time, case management has influenced by a wide range of evidence-based practices and social workers in virtually every field use these techniques to help their clients overcome the problems that are adversely affecting their lives. To gain a better understanding of the process, this paper reviews the relevant literature to provide a definition of case management, the rationale in support of its use, and a discussion concerning how case management can be useful as part of an overall treatment plan. In addition, based on a representative vignette involving a young couple and their minor daughter, this paper also examines how case management can help these clients,…...
Aufderhaar, L., Giddens, B., Holder, L. A. et al. (2013). Social work case management. National Association of Social Workers. Retrieved from / naswstandards/CaseManagementStandards2013.pdf.
Darnell, J. S. (2013, May). Navigators and assisters: Two case management roles for social workers in the Affordable Care Act. Health and Social Work, 38(2), 123-126.
Miller, E. (2011). Individual outcomes: Getting back to what matters. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic.
Perosa, L. M. & Perosa, S. L. (2010, April). Assessing competencies in couples and family therapy/counseling: A call to the profession. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 36(2), 126-130.
Covert participant anthropological observations of AA and NA meetings indicate that in practice the use of theological components of the program is even more explicit than the 12 steps might indicate. During the meeting the members hold "each other's hands, and lead the membership into a recitation of the Lord's Prayer. Affixed to the Lord's Prayer is an AA ending: 'Keep coming back; it works'" (Alexander & ollins, 1984, p.7). Anthropologists and critics alike have commented upon the 'cult-like' nature of AA and NA: new adherents are encouraged to leave their jobs and cut family ties to facilitate their path to sobriety; there is a ritualistic aspect to the group's meetings; a demand for purity on the part of the membership; and required adherence to all of the group's rules (Alexander & ollins, 1984, p.8). The emphasis on the need to confess and tell one's stories, the need to prioritize…...
Alexander, Francesca & Michele Rollins. (1984). Alcoholics Anonymous. The unseen cult.
California Sociologist, 7(l): 33-48. Retrieved March 15, 2010.
Egelko, Bob. (2007, September 8). Appeals court says requirement to attend AA
Relapse prevention therapy breaks down the chemical dependency recovery process into specific tasks and skills, which patients must learn in order to recover; it also shows patients how to recognize when they are beginning to relapse, and how to change before they start using alcohol or drugs again (Gorski and Kelley, 2003).
In order to understand the process of relapse prevention, we will first look at the phenomena of chemical dependence, and its associated behaviors, and the phenomena of relapse, in order to be able to then look at the various ways of tackling these behaviors to induce relapse prevention in the patients.
What is Chemical Dependency/Chemical Addiction?
Chemical dependency is a disease caused by the use of alcohol and/or drugs, causing changes in a person's body, mind, and behavior: as a result of the disease of chemical dependency, people are unable to control the use of alcohol and/or drugs, despite the bad…...
Bell, T. (1990). Preventing adolescent relapse: A guide for parents, teachers and counselors. Independence, MO: Herald House / Independence Press.
Daley, D. (1987) Relapse prevention with substance abusers: clinical issues and myths. Social Work, 45(2), 38-42.
Gorski, T.T. Passages Through Recovery. Center City, MN. Hazelden Press, 1989.
Gorski, T.T. Understanding the Twelve Steps. New York: Prentice Hall/Parkside, 1989.
It has been argued that despite this fact, because substance abuse treatment has been developed by men, for men, it emerged "as a single-focused intervention based on the needs of addicted men." (Covington 2008). ithout empowering substance abusers whose lives have become severely impaired in terms of basic life functioning, treating the abuse or disability as a purely biological function will have little effect, and only address the physical withdrawal symptoms, and surrendering to the addiction may not address the need to seek out new, positive social relationships and to actively construct an environment that does not facilitate the addiction.
Even addicts with jobs who are minimally socially functional may have social structures revolving around their addiction. In the case of many women in particular, the life pattern of being involved with an abusive partner, which may have driven the women to abuse drugs in the first place, becomes a…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bakalar, Nicholas. (2006, July 25). Review sees no advantage in 12-step programs.
The New York Times. Retrieved September 27, 2009 at
Buddy, T. (2009, March 7). Are you a functional alcoholic? Retrieved September 27, 2009 at
Help her to realize that having a child may interfere with her future career, but that many mothers have successful home and job lives. There are an infinite number of options, and a determined teenager can find a way to success. Do not skirt around the issues of danger, however, as teenagers are more likely to miscarry or have other complications with their pregnancy such as premature labor and low birth weight of the child. Teenage mothers are more likely to need bedrest during the late stages of pregnancy, and a cesarian section during birthing, and the child is at greater risk for any number of complications.
Of course, while supporting a pregnant teen is vital, the key to solving the problems faced by teenagers dealing with pregnancy is to stop it before it happens.
Provide accurate and unashamed information about sex and pregnancy to children and teenagers, and encourage other…...
Adolescent Anger and Aggression." Psychiatric Institute of Washington. 2001.
Combat Teenage Sexual Abuse." NSPCC. 2001.
Getting a Sexually Transmitted Disease." Frequently Asked Questions. American Social Health Association.
Lamprecht, Catherine. "Talking to your Child about STDs." KidsHealth. Nemours Foundation. 2001.
Another collaborator with SFPC is the Switchboard of Miami Mission. Switchboard helps connect families and people in need with existing community resources; Switchboard also offers services where there were none in existence. For example during the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew -- a category 5 hurricane that took the lives of 65 people -- Switchboard received more than 1,500 calls per day. People wanted to know where they could get help, water, medical aid and more. Post-disaster systems of communication were set up by Switchboard that linked with over 40 other local nonprofits and with the Miami-Dade County Office of Emergency Management (
Also in collaboration with SFPC is the Alcoholics Anonymous organization, the Narcotics Anonymous organization, and About Sober, which specialized in drug rehabilitation programs. All the drug rehab programs and alcohol treatment centers in South Florida are linked in collaboration with The About Sober group provides a "Recovery Coach"…...
mlaWorks Cited
About Sober. (2010). Get Connected. Stay Connected. Retrieved February 9, 2010, from .
Dow, John W. (2010). From the Desk of the Executive Director. Retrieved February 8,
2010, from
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association. (2010). About Us -- Mission Statement.
("hite House Drug Policy: Funding." (2006) Office of National Drug Control Policy) The lack of medical resources, however, currently available through most CAPs may make it difficult for CAPs to provide meaningful medical aid to addicted individuals. Most of the aid is likely to be directed towards hosting counseling and support groups. However, unlike federal drug efforts, CAPs, by allying themselves with faith-based community partnerships can provide psychological support by directing persons in need towards the potentially beneficial role that faith and spirituality play in the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse as conveyed through programs designed to treat and promote recovery from substance abuse such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. ("Faith Based and Community Initiatives," 2006, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Relationship between CAPs and HIV / AIDS
CAPs would seem ideal to fight AIDS, given that CAPs can deploy "community-oriented primary care," or an approach to…...
mlaWorks Cited
About Us: Community Action Agencies (CAA)." (2006). Community Action
Partnership (CAP). Retrieved 2 Dec 2006 at
Community Action Agencies and Faith-Based Organizations: A Legacy of Productive partnerships." 2000). Community Action Partnership (CAP). Retrieved 2 Dec 2006 at
Community Action Agencies and Local Youth: Building a Future Together." (2003).
Indeed, the lack of "recognition and protection" by schools in general contributes to the "critically high level of suicide" among this community of minority students (146).
Surely alert, competent, contemporarily up-to-date school counselors understand that they have the "daunting but imperative obligation to become social activists for gay, lesbian, and bisexual students" since these students are the most "stigmatized members of school environs," Stone continues. There is no doubt that certain legal and ethical issues come in the way of school counselors' being free to help LGBT adolescents with their difficult decisions.
It is a "complex landscape" for counselors indeed, and they need to use caution in discussing birth control, abortion, drug abuse and more with straight and gay / lesbian students; moreover, since parents have the ultimate authority when it comes to counseling their children on important matters (the U.S. Supreme Court has affirmed that fact in several cases), the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Cabaj, Robert Paul, and Smith, Mickey. (2008). Overview of Treatment Approaches, Modalities,
and Issues of Accessibility in the Continuum of Care. Center for Substance Abuse
Treatment. Retrieved August 27, 2011, from .
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (2008). A Provider's Introduction to Substance Abuse
Addiction recovery
Theoretical models
A brief overview of some prominent theoretical models relating to behavior modification is felt to be a pertinent starting point for his study, as many of these aspects can be compared to the actual interviews and case studies of the subjects. Research suggests that the recovery from drug and alcohol addictions is commonly a long-term process and can involve relapses before sustained and permanent rehabilitation is achieved. ehavioral theories have been shown to be effective in this process. Theories such as cognitive behavioral relapse prevention are a method that has been proven to have a sustained success rate. This theory relates specifically to the formations of behavioral changes in that patients are taught ways of acting and thinking that will assist them in avoiding previous addictions.
For example, patients are urged to avoid situations that lead to drug use and to practice drug refusal skills. They also are…...
An Analysis of Behavioral Change and Addiction Recovery. Retrieved April 30, 2005.Web site:
Borges, G., Cherpitel, C.J., Macdonald, S., Giesbrecht, N., Stockwell, T., & Wilcox, H.C. (2004). A Case-Crossover Study of Acute Alcohol Use and Suicide Attempt. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 65(6), 708+. Retrieved May 2, 2005, from Questia database, .
Cisler, R., Holder, H.D., Longabaugh, R., Stout, R.L., & Zweben, A. (1998). Actual and Estimated Replication Costs for Alcohol Treatment Modalities: Case Study from Project MATCH. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 59(5), 503+. Retrieved May 2, 2005, from Questia database,
drug use and abuse in the United States and presents differing approaches that are used (or proposed) to get a handle on the problem. There is no doubt that the drug abuse issue is not new and it is not being reduced by any significant amount. This paper presents statistics and scholarly research articles that delve into various aspects of the drug abuse issue in the United States, with particular emphasis on drugs that are abused in eastern Kentucky and generally in the Appalachian communities.
History of Drug Use & Availability
The history of illegal drug use in the United States goes back to the 19th Century, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). The DEA has a Museum in Arlington, Virginia, that illustrates the history of drug discoveries, drug use, and drug abuse through the years. The DEA reports that morphine, heroin, and cocaine were "discovered" in the 19th…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bureau of Justice Statistics. (2008). Drugs and Crime Facts / Drug Use / Youth. Retrieved November 30, 2012, from
Drug Enforcement Agency. (2012). Illegal Drugs in America: A Modern History. Retrieved November 30, 2012, from .
Grant, Judith. (2007). Rural women's stories of recovery from addition. Addiction Research and Theory, 15(5), 521-541.
Havens, Jennifer R., Oser, Carrie B., and Leukefeld, Carl G. (2011). Injection risk behaviors
Substance Abuse
Introduction to the Characteristics and Extent of Alcohol, Tobacco or Other Drug Use.
Addiction means physical dependence on a drug, with withdrawal symptoms when its use ceases, and in this sense, alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hashish, opiates and amphetamines are all addictive drugs. In addition, these drugs also cause psychological dependency since they enhance a person's sense of pleasure, sociability, sexuality and emotional satisfaction, and also mask pain, low self-esteem and anxiety (Wilson and Kolander, 2011, p. 6). Student surveys are "likely to underreport the overall level of substance use and abuse by young people," and since black and Hispanic students have higher dropout and absenteeism rates, this affects survey results as well (Mosher and Akins, 2007, p. 136). Hard drug users and addicts are also more likely to be homeless, which means that their true numbers are always unknown.
All studies and surveys confirm that marijuana is the illegal…...
Goldberg, R. (2010). Drugs across the Spectrum, 6th Edition. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Maisto, S.A. et al. (eds). (2010). Drug Use and Abuse, 6th Edition. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Mosher, C.M. And S. Akins. (2007). Drugs and Drug Policy: The Control of Consciousness Alteration. Sage Publications.
Wilson, R. And C.A. Kolander. (2011). Drug Abuse Prevention: A School and Community Partnership. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
1. The role of a substance abuse nurse in promoting and providing support for individuals struggling with addiction
2. The impact of substance abuse on mental health and the role of nurses in managing co-occurring disorders
3. The importance of culturally competent care in substance abuse nursing
4. The challenges and rewards of working with individuals with substance use disorders in a nursing setting
5. The ethical considerations of caring for patients with substance abuse issues
6. The role of education and prevention in addressing substance abuse from a nursing perspective
7. The impact of substance abuse on families and the role of nurses in supporting....
Certainly! Here are some potential essay topics related to social problems and programs addressing those issues:
1. The impact of homelessness on individuals and communities, and the effectiveness of government-funded programs such as Housing First in addressing this issue.
2. The challenges faced by individuals struggling with addiction, and the benefits of programs like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous in providing support and recovery resources.
3. The prevalence of food insecurity in low-income communities, and the role of government assistance programs like SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) in ensuring access to adequate nutrition.
4. The mental health stigma in society, and the importance of....
Zia Recovery Center: Substance Abuse Treatment Program Introduction Substance abuse is a complex and chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It can lead to physical, psychological, and social problems, and it can be difficult to overcome. However, there are many effective treatment programs available, and Zia Recovery Center is one of the leading providers of substance abuse treatment in the United States. How Zia Recovery Center Helps Individuals Find Hope and Healing from Substance Abuse Zia Recovery Center offers a comprehensive range of treatment services, including medical detoxification, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, and aftercare planning. The center's treatment philosophy is....
AA and NA meetings are a crucial aspect of recovery for individuals struggling with addiction. These meetings follow the principles outlined in the 12 Steps, which provide a structured approach to achieving and maintaining sobriety. The course readings on the 12 Steps offer insight into the rationale behind each step and how they contribute to the overall recovery process. By aligning AA/NA meetings with course readings on the 12 Steps, individuals in recovery can gain a deeper understanding of the principles guiding their journey towards sobriety.
One of the fundamental aspects of AA/NA meetings is the recognition of powerlessness over....
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