Narcissism Essays (Examples)

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Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch Current
Pages: 4 Words: 1205

Culture of Narcissism" By Christopher Lasch
Current paper is a report on 'The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations' written by Christopher Lasch. The book was first published in 1979. The author will focus on why the 1950s were simpler times as compared to modern era. The author will also discuss the theme and topic of the book and critically analyze the depiction of contemporary culture in America by Lash.

The main question of this book was: why it happened that a familiar and serious mental disorder was replaced and dominated by another in United States?. How it emerged that patients having strong symptoms of classic neuroses were reinstated by patients with 'diffuse dissatisfactions'? Why there has been a trend of more and more patients coming with indistinct problem like 'feeling dissatisfied with their lives; feeling that their survival has no reason; with self-esteem and ego problems…...



Lasch, Christopher. The culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 1979

Case Study of Narcissism
Pages: 11 Words: 3487

Narcissist Personality Disorder
Examining narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)

What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is commonly termed as 'a continuous pattern of magnificence (fantasies and illusions), desire for praises and lacking compassion'. It is notably described by five key elements as mentioned below:

Illusions of self-importance

An obsession with illusions of huge success, fame, love, beauty and wealth

Faith in being unique / special

Desiring constant praise

Having a sense of entitlement

Being manipulative

Lacking compassion

Jealous of others

Increasingly arrogant / ego-maniac / having attitude problem (Skodol, Bender & Morey, 2014).

Features and symptoms of NPD

NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) are typically indicative of susceptible self-esteem where attention seeking and desiring constant praises are a given, whilst having overt and covert illusions of grandeur. There are troubles in having an identity, intimacy, compassion, self-direction and lastly, certain maladaptive characteristics of antagonism (Skodol, Bender & Morey, 2014). These characteristics explain NPD's diagnosis:

A. With mediocre or increased impairment in a person's behavior…...



Holtzman, N., Vazire, S., & Mehl, M. (2010). Sounds like a narcissist: Behavioral manifestations of narcissism in everyday life. Journal of Research in Personality, 44(4), 478-484. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2010.06.001

Levy, K. (2012).Subtypes, Dimensions, Levels, and Mental States in Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. J. Clin. Psychol., 68(8), 886-897. doi:10.1002/jclp.21893

Links, P.S., & Stockwell, M. (2002).The Role of Couple Therapy in the Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 56(4), 522.

Matusiewicz, A., Hopwood, C., Banducci, A., & Lejuez, C. (2010).The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Personality Disorders. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 33(3), 657-685. doi:10.1016/j.psc.2010.04.007

Paranoia and Narcissism
Pages: 5 Words: 1306

Paranoia and Narcissism: Created During Childhood
This paper will study the effects childhood issues can have when it comes to creating someone who is paranoid and narcissistic as an adult. The video watched during class portrays the building blocks that were used to create such personalities in several world famous powers. Hitler, Stalin and Hussein are all examples used in this video to explore how childhood issues and insecurities, combined with problematic parental relationships work together to create adults who are paranoid and narcissistic.

There were three sources used to complete this work.

The video creates a strong base for understanding narcissistic personalities. Adolph Hitler had many insecurities that stemmed from childhood. His anger at Jewish people is interesting considering his own Jewish background. This displays another angle of dysfunction when it comes to parental relationships as the video alludes to the possibility that Hitler was only angry at the Jews because of…...



Depicting a Tyrant: Solzhenitsyn and Klima (accesse 12-11-04) 

Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- 6/14/99 -- Sam Vaknin (accessed 12-11-04)

Academic Preparation and Nurses
Pages: 2 Words: 419

self-psychology approach to narcissistic personality disorder: A nursing reflection.
Donna M. Czuchta Romano

JOURNAL: Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, Year 2004, Volume 40, Page 20-28.

APA CIAION: Romano, D.M.C (2004). A self-psychology approach to narcissistic personality disorder: A nursing reflection. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 40(1): 20-28.

What was the major purpose or problem described in this article?

o describe how nurses can use the self-psychology perspective to help people with narcissistic personality disorder, and to help nurses work more effectively with people with narcissistic personality disorder.

What, if any, were the hypotheses or research questions?

he research question is which psychotherapeutic interventions are most useful for nurses working with patients who have narcissistic personality disorder or similar traits. he hypothesis is that Kohut's self-psychology perspective can be effectively applied to narcissism in a nursing context.

2. What sample was used in this research?

Only one case study was used in this research, a 25-year-old university student who had been…...


The author claims that applying the self-psychology framework to the case study of James, her own understanding of narcissistic personality disorder improved, allowing her to have greater empathy with the patient. Unresolved issues of self can lead to outbursts and depression, which are symptoms of underlying feelings of insecurity and vulnerability. Because narcissistic personality disorder patients can be challenging for untrained staff, it is important to help nurses understand how narcissistic personalities function and to have greater empathy in order to help the client to improve.

5. What is your opinion or reaction to this research?

The research questions the efficacy of narcissistic personality disorder as a general psychiatric condition or diagnosis. For example, the author claims that James "insisted on knowing my academic preparation" and was also "not impressed with the . . . years of academic preparation needed to work on the unit," (Romano, 2004, p. 25) as if these concerns were not legitimate or in some way indicative of narcissism. The author also fails to clarify whether the diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder was an assumption her own, or how that diagnosis was made otherwise. Also, the research shows that there is in fact an ironic level of narcissism among nurses who dislike their credentials being challenged or questioned by clients who have a right and a responsibility to do so.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder NPD Mentalization Based Treatment
Pages: 1 Words: 345

Response 1 My colleague’s discussion centered on narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). From the onset, it would be prudent to point out that as my colleague observes, NPD manifests itself in terms of lack of empathy as well as consideration for other persons. Further, persons with NPD often possess a strong desire for acknowledgement, admiration, and affirmation. This effectively means that such persons could appear rather demanding, selfish, and even manipulative. Towards this end, my colleague is categorical that the disorder could negatively affect romantic, personal, or even professional engagements/relationships. It therefore follows that the relevance of treatment interventions cannot be overstated.
The treatment option that my colleague has assessed is psychotherapy – with the specific kinds of psychotherapy mentioned on this front being inclusive of family or marital therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and psychodynamic therapy. Towards this end, the alternative therapeutic approach that I would suggest is mentalization-based treatment. This has…...



Drozek, R.P. & Uruh, B.T. (2020). Mentalization-Based Treatment for Pathological Narcissism. Journal of Personality Disorders, 34, 177–203.

Ronningstam, E. (2020). Introduction to the Special Issue on Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Journal of Personality Disorders, 34, 1–5.

Narcissism According to the Mayo
Pages: 1 Words: 346

This is one of the reasons why it can be so damaging in relationships; many without a psychological background are not aware that the traits displayed by sufferers of the disorder are indeed the result of the disorder rather than the personality itself.
According to current estimations, about 0.7-1% of the population suffer from the disorder. The onset of narcissism generally occurs either in infancy, adolescence or early adulthood. Medication is rarely used to treat the disorder, unless it manifests with other conditions as well. Narcissism is generally treated with psychotherapy. Although the prognosis for adult narcissism sufferers is poor, talk therapy does help to integrate them into society and to function better within relationships.


Ashmun, Joanna M. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): How to ecognize a Narcissist. 2000.

Mayo Clinic. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. 2009.

Vaknin, Sam. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Definition. 2008, Nov. 2.



Ashmun, Joanna M. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): How to Recognize a Narcissist. 2000. 

Mayo Clinic. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. 2009. 

Vaknin, Sam. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Definition. 2008, Nov. 2.

Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Treat Narcissism
Pages: 2 Words: 551

Peer Responses Peer 1
Borderline personality disorder feels like one of those disorders that almost everyone has to some degree; that is probably why people who have it—i.e., who are diagnosed with it—are so interesting: people can relate to them. Other extreme examples of this disorder could include Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye and Marla from Fight Club. I think we all probably even have friends or family members who would fit this diagnosis. Why is it so common? While psychotherapy would be a helpful treatment approach, I myself would be more inclined to cognitive behavioral therapy. One of the things I think people who are bipolar probably resent is being probed by a psychiatrist. They know how they are and they are not interested in exploring the reasons with a stranger. Maybe some are, but I think the character in the film you are talking about would probably benefit…...



Carlson, E. N., Vazire, S., & Oltmanns, T. F. (2011). You probably think this paper\\\\'s about you: narcissists\\\\' perceptions of their personality and reputation. Journal of personality and social psychology, 101(1), 185–201.  

Lecci, L. B. (2015). Personality. Retrieved from 

File, A. A., Hurley, R. A. & Taber, K. H. (2017). Borderline personality disorder: Neurobiological contributions to remission and recovery. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 29(3), A6-194. 

Lecci, L. B. (2015). Personality. Retrieved from 

Leadership Style and Leader
Pages: 9 Words: 2576

Narcissistic leaders are part of society and take on roles that promote at times progress, at other times, chaos. This is because the narcissistic leader only cares about him or herself (Maccoby, 2012). Although such leaders may be useful in certain settings, in others, they can create long-term damage amidst subordinates and followers. Covenant leadership on the other hand generates the highest performance leaders via motivated, high-trust, and committed relationships. These leaders have a good understanding of life through successful integration of ethics and leadership, applying the private and public aspects of life into an integrated whole. The problem with covenant leadership is that it takes time to build such connections, leading to frustration and problems in the short-term. This essay hopes to examine both leadership styles and see how the narcissistic leadership style causes problems and how the covenant leadership style can offer solutions.
Narcissism has its roots in the…...

City in Modern Literature Professor
Pages: 11 Words: 3609

And moreover, Barth summarizes Sennett's book as a discussion of how "eighteenth and nineteenth-century Paris and London" reflected an "erosion of public life through an analysis of middle-class behavior in the theater and on the street."
And Barth adds that Sennett's work "...lacks the terse logic of comparative history," and "makes many excursions into fleeting aspects of culture, yet in its discussion of the theater misses the rise of vaudeville house and music hall as the nursery of a new urban audience." Yes, Barth concludes, Sennett is correct that "public and private behavior changed between the three decades," but instead of documenting those public and private changes, Barth continues, Sennett calls upon (in Sennett's words) "...the expectations of a sophisticated, intelligent general reader."

And if that reader discovers (continuing with Sennett's words as quoted in Barth's essay) "a reasonable analysis of how a malady of modern society has come about, the…...


Works Cited

Axhausen, K.W. 2000. Geographies of Somewhere: A Review of Urban Literature. Urban Studies 37 (September): 1849-1864.

Barth, Gunther. 1977. Richard Sennett: The Fall of Public Man. American Historical Review

82 (December): 1214-1215.

Berman, Marshall. 1977. Facades at Face Value: The Fall of Public Man. The Nation (August):

Jungian Approach to Psychotherapy Represents
Pages: 3 Words: 853

Jung's instrumental role in affirming psychology as a science is downplayed by modern researchers. Yet as the author notes, much of what Jung unearthed in his research and clinical work has bled through to modern clinical psychology. The most obvious implication that Jungian psychology has become part of the mainstream social sciences is the Myers-Briggs test.
However, the concept of the archetype is Jung's. So, too, are issues like extraversion and introversion. Jung is renowned for detailed personality typing, a process that is integral to healing. Typing indicates the quest for self-awareness. Like going backwards, the process of being more aware of the self is often akin to diving into a dark pool.

We Jungian therapists might sometimes be called upon to delve into primitive landscapes ourselves, searching for cultural emblems and icons that match a client's budding self-awareness. The Cambridge Companion to Jung, which contains a plethora of useful essays…...



Gambini, R. (1998). The challenge of backwardness. Chapter 9 in Casement, a. (1998). Post-Jungians Today. p. 149-234. Routledge.

Robertson, R. (2005). Jung and the making of modern psychology. Psychological Perspectives, 48, 1.

Schwartz-Salant, N. (1982). Narcissism and character transformation. pages 133-169

Young-Eisendrath, P. & Dawson, T. (2008). The Cambridge companion to Jung. pages 141-313

Ann Casement's 1998 The Qualitative
Pages: 3 Words: 975

In the prologue to Jung's (1965) book, Memories, dreams, reflections, he states that life, to him, is like a plant that lives on its rhizome. The real life of the plant is not seen but hidden, rather, in the rhizome.

The part that appears above ground lasts only a single summer. Then it withers away -- an ephemeral apparition. When we think of the unending growth and decay of life and civilizations, we cannot escape the impression of absolute nullity. Yet I have never lost a sense of something that lives and endures underneath the eternal flux. What we see is the blossom, which passes. The rhizome remains.

Jung (1965) goes on to explain that his book about his life has been based on the rhizome of his life -- the interior happenings as opposed to the exciting events of his life -- like traveling -- because it is the rhizome of…...



Casement, Ann. (1998). Post-Jungian today: key papers in contemporary analytical psychology. Routledge.

Dunne, Claire. (2002). Carl Jung: wounded healer of the soul. Continuum International Publishing Group.

Edinger, Edward. (1992). Ego and archetype. Shambhala.

Jung, Carl. (1965). Memories, dreams, reflections. Vintage Book Edition.

Jungian Analysis Patient Background and
Pages: 11 Words: 3474

" The subject describes how his mother also adamantly refused to consent to the use of Novocain or any other anesthetic when he visited the dentist (despite his pleas and pleas from the dentist) because of her distrust of "chemicals."
There is likely a direct connection between the subject's development of a highly abrasive and uncontrollable on-air persona and the degree to which the subject's control over basic aspects of his life was denied to him throughout his formative years (Casement, 1998; Mitchell & Black, 1995). More specifically, the subject was denied the right to express himself and he was often forced to abide by very conservative rules of proper conduct both in the home and also outside the home, such as by his mother's repeated warning that he was her "representative" outside the home. The self that developed seems to reflect both the explicit absorption of certain ideas from his…...



Andrews, J.D.W. "Integrating visions of reality: Interpersonal diagnosis and the existential vision." American Psychologist, Vol. 44; (1989): 803-17.

Bagarozzi, D.A. And Anderson, S.A. (1989). Personal, Marital, and Family Myths:

Theoretical Formulations and Clinical Strategies. New York: Norton.

Casement, a. (1998). Post-Jungians Today. Papers in Contemporary Analytical

Clinton's Speech After Lewinsky's Scandal
Pages: 15 Words: 4945

Clinton's Lewinsky Speech
Presidential scandal speeches should be considered a unique form of discoursed that follow a common pattern and have similar elements. All of these may not be found in every single speech but most certainly will, including ichard Nixon's Second Watergate Speech (1973), onald eagan's Iran-Contra Speech (1987), and Bill Clinton's Monica Lewinsky Speech (1998). All the presidents used strong, direct and active voice when making these speeches, with Clinton seeming to be particularly prone to narcissism and use of the first-person singular. A standard feature of all such speeches is for the president to take responsibility for what went wrong, express regret, and then call on the country to move on so the government can return to dealing with the nation's 'real' business. Both Nixon and Clinton also had a strong tendency to blame their political enemies for their predicament, and with good reason, although in Nixon's case…...



Clinton, B. (1998). Monica Lewinsky Speech. 

Nixon, R. (1973). Second Watergate Speech.

How Humility Fosters Leadership
Pages: 13 Words: 3774

Leadership OutlineI. Introductiona. Statement of the problemi. Despite the importance of humility in leadership, there is a lack of empirical research that examines the relationship between humility and effective leadership among Christians in public leadership roles (Irving & Strauss, 2019; Kelemen et al., 2023).ii. Given the unique challenges faced by these leaders, it is essential to understand the role of humility in promoting positive leadership outcomes in this context (Irving & Strauss, 2019; Kelemen et al., 2023; Malphurs, 2003; Morris et al., 2005).b. Purpose and delimitations of the studyi. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between humility and effective leadership among Christians in public leadership roles. The study will focus on:1. exploring the specific ways in which humility influences leadership outcomes,2. as well as how other traits such as integrity, authenticity, communication skills, adaptability, emotional intelligence, narcissism, and remoteness impact leadership effectiveness.3. The study will be…...


ReferencesAcharya, A. (2020). The myth of the “civilization state”: Rising powers and the cultural challenge to world order. Ethics & International Affairs, 34(2), 139-156.Ali, M., Li, Z., Haider, M., Khan, S., & Mohi Ud Din, Q. (2021). Does humility of project manager affect project success? Confirmation of moderated mediation mechanism. Management Research Review, 44(9), 1320-1341.Brennan, G., & Brooks, M. (2014). Rational choice approaches to leadership. RAW Rhodes & P.’t Hart (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership, 161-175.Candela, A. G. (2019). Exploring the function of member checking. The qualitative report, 24(3), 619-628.Irving, J. A., & Strauss, M. L. (2019). Leadership in Christian perspective: Biblical foundations and contemporary practices for servant leaders. Baker Academic.Kelemen, T. K., Matthews, S. H., Matthews, M. J., & Henry, S. E. (2023). Humble leadership: A review and synthesis of leader expressed humility. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44(2), 202-224.Malphurs, A. (2003). Being leaders: The nature of authentic Christian leadership. Baker Books.McIntosh, G. L., & Samuel Sr, D. (2007). Overcoming the dark side of leadership: How to become an effective leader by confronting potential failures. Baker Books.Morris, J. A., Brotheridge, C. M., & Urbanski, J. C. (2005). Bringing humility to leadership: Antecedents and consequences of leader humility. Human relations, 58(10), 1323-1350.Nayak, M. S. D. P., & Narayan, K. A. (2019). Strengths and weaknesses of online surveys. Technology, 6(7), 0837-2405053138.Newstead, T., Dawkins, S., Macklin, R., & Martin, A. (2021). We don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t need more leaders–We need more good leaders. Advancing a virtues-based approach to leader (ship) development. The Leadership Quarterly, 32(5), 101312.Nguyen, N. T. T., Nguyen, N. P., & Hoai, T. T. (2021). Ethical leadership, corporate social responsibility, firm reputation, and firm performance: A serial mediation model. Heliyon, 7(4), e06809.Rogers, J., & Revesz, A. (2020). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs. Routledge.Rueda, D. (2021). Is populism a political strategy? A critique of an enduring approach. Political studies, 69(2), 167-184.Sarwar, H., Ishaq, M. I., Amin, A., & Ahmed, R. (2020). Ethical leadership, work engagement, employees’ well-being, and performance: a cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(12), 2008-2026.Seitz, S. R., & Owens, B. P. (2021). Transformable? A multi-dimensional exploration of transformational leadership and follower implicit person theories. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30(1), 95-109.Sindane, A. M. (2011). Values and ethics enter the real world: a framework for public leadership and governance. Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship= Koers: Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap, 76(4), 751-769.Stein, M. (2013). When does narcissistic leadership become problematic? Dick Fuld at Lehman Brothers. Journal of Management Inquiry, 22(3), 282-293.Stowell, J. M. (2014). Redefining leadership: Character-driven habits of effective leaders. Zondervan.Van Dierendonck, D. (2011). Servant leadership: A review and synthesis. Journal of management, 37(4), 1228-1261.Wang, X., Liu, Z., Wen, X., & Xiao, Q. (2022). An implicit leadership theory lens on leader humility and employee outcomes: Examining individual and organizational contingencies. Tourism Management, 89, 104448.Zaim, H., Demir, A., & Budur, T. (2021). Ethical leadership, effectiveness and team performance: An Islamic perspective. Middle East Journal of Management, 8(1), 42-66.Zyuzev, N. (2022). Altruism and rational choice theory. The American Sociologist, 53(1), 44-52.

Rational Choice Theory and Leadership
Pages: 12 Words: 3452

Leadership Traits: The ole of Humility in Effective Leadership for Christians in Public LeadershipIntroductionEffective leadership is crucial for the success of any organization or community. In the context of public leadership, Christian leaders are called to serve others with humility and prioritize the interests of others over personal gain. This paper argues that humility is the necessary foundation for effective leadership for Christians in public leadership. While traits such as integrity, authenticity, communication skills, adaptability, and emotional intelligence are complementary for effective leadership, traits like narcissism and remoteness are not desirable for Christian leaders in public leadership. Positive traits can positively influence decision-making through the lens of the ational Actor or ational Choice models, while negative traits can negatively influence decision-making.ational ChoiceThe rational choice approach is a useful framework for understanding leadership decision-making in complex situations, as it assumes that individuals make decisions based on rational calculations that maximize their…...


ReferencesBrennan, G., & Brooks, M. (2014). Rational choice approaches to leadership. RAW Rhodes & P.’t Hart (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership, 161-175.Irving, J. A., & Strauss, M. L. (2019). Leadership in Christian perspective: Biblical foundations and contemporary practices for servant leaders. Baker Academic.Malphurs, A. (2003). Being leaders: The nature of authentic Christian leadership. Baker Books.McIntosh, G. L., & Samuel Sr, D. (2007). Overcoming the dark side of leadership: How to become an effective leader by confronting potential failures. Baker Books.Morris, J. A., Brotheridge, C. M., & Urbanski, J. C. (2005). Bringing humility to leadership: Antecedents and consequences of leader humility. Human relations, 58(10), 1323-1350.Newstead, T., Dawkins, S., Macklin, R., & Martin, A. (2021). We don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t need more leaders–We need more good leaders. Advancing a virtues-based approach to leader (ship) development. The Leadership Quarterly, 32(5), 101312.Rueda, D. (2021). Is populism a political strategy? A critique of an enduring approach. Political studies, 69(2), 167-184.Sindane, A. M. (2011). Values and ethics enter the real world: a framework for public leadership and governance. Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship= Koers: Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap, 76(4), 751-769.Stein, M. (2013). When does narcissistic leadership become problematic? Dick Fuld at Lehman Brothers. Journal of Management Inquiry, 22(3), 282-293.Stowell, J. M. (2014). Redefining leadership: Character-driven habits of effective leaders. Zondervan.Van Dierendonck, D. (2011). Servant leadership: A review and synthesis. Journal of management, 37(4), 1228-1261.Zyuzev, N. (2022). Altruism and rational choice theory. The American Sociologist, 53(1), 44-52.

How does excessive social media use contribute to feelings of insecurity?
Words: 318

1.Excessive social media use perpetuates feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt as individuals compare their lives to the curated and idealized portrayals they witness online.

2.The constant bombardment of filtered and edited images on social media creates unrealistic beauty standards, fostering body image concerns and feelings of insecurity.

3.Social media platforms cultivate a culture of comparison, leading individuals to measure their worth against others and feel inferior when perceived as lacking.

4.The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) induced by social media perpetuates a constant state of anxiety and insecurity as individuals strive to keep up with perceived social norms.

5.Cyberbullying and online harassment on social....

I\'m searching for essay topics on donald trump. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 612

Topic 1: The Rhetorical Strategies of Donald Trump

Analyze Trump's use of language, imagery, and emotional appeals in his speeches and public statements.
Examine the effectiveness of his rhetorical devices in shaping public opinion and influencing policy.
Discuss the impact of Trump's rhetoric on American political discourse and the role it played in his electoral success.

Topic 2: The Impact of Donald Trump on American Foreign Policy

Trace the evolution of Trump's foreign policy from his isolationist campaign promises to his actions as President.
Analyze the effects of Trump's "America First" doctrine on U.S. relations with allies and adversaries.
Examine the....

I\'m interested in debating effects of fake social media influence. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 220

1. "The Positive and Negative Effects of Fake Social Media Influence"
2. "The Ethics of Fake Social Media Influence: Are Fake Followers Harmful or Just a Marketing Strategy?"
3. "The Legal Implications of Fake Social Media Influence: Should Companies Be Held Accountable for Deceptive Practices?"
4. "The Psychological Impact of Fake Social Media Influence: Does It Perpetuate Inauthenticity and Comparison?"
5. "The Economic Impact of Fake Social Media Influence: Does It Skew Market Trends and Consumer Behavior?"
6. "The Role of Regulation in Addressing Fake Social Media Influence: Is Government Intervention Necessary or Is Self-regulation Sufficient?"
7. "The Future of Fake Social Media Influence: Will Advances....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on marshall applewhite?
Words: 556

Marshall Applewhite: Charismatic Leader of the UFO Cult

Marshall Applewhite, a former theology professor, gained notoriety as the charismatic leader of the UFO cult known as Heaven's Gate. This enigmatic figure played a pivotal role in shaping the beliefs and practices of his followers, leading them on a path that culminated in a mass suicide in 1997. Exploring the life, teachings, and legacy of Marshall Applewhite unveils a fascinating and complex tale of religious zealotry, UFO mythology, and the search for extraterrestrial enlightenment.

Applewhite's Background and Influences
- Early life and religious education
- Experience with drugs and psychedelic substances
- Influence of various religious....

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