Nanotechnology Essays (Examples)

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Nanotechnology Development and Uses the
Pages: 3 Words: 806

.." And stated benefits include positive impacts in the areas of medicine, health and safety products as well as in the area of information technology and the entertainment industry. Furthermore nanotechnology has enabled technologies that allow the storing of energy as well as distribution, sensoring, processing and display technologies and as well "bioanalysis and drug delivery, robotics, and medical devices..." (Ibid) Research on the particles of nanotechnology reveal that since "fine particles of dust can easily penetrate into the lungs" the nanoparticle is able to "bypass or damage the lungs' clearing mechanisms...due to their minute size." (Netherlands Research Council Report, 2006) Legislative and regulatory bodies are preparing for the many issues that will arise due to the development and use of nanotechnology. The Health Council of the Netherlands states that: "Applications that involve the insertion of ICT implants into the brain touch the very core of being. They give rise…...



Small Wonders (2004) Nanotechnology Surveys - The Economist December 29, 2004. Online available at 

Nanotechnology: Sizing up the Future (2002) European Research Commission Background Briefings Online available at

Health Significance in Nanotechnology (2006) Netherlands Research Council Report, April 2006. Online available at .

Nanotechnology (2006) Definition. Center for Responsible Nanotechnology. Online available at .

Nanotechnology Medical
Pages: 3 Words: 922

Health Care Bill
The purpose of this work is to outline the legislative process and propose valuable new legislation. There are several learners objectives. The first is to understand the legislative process. The second is to be able to understand and identify gaps in the present regulatory environment. The third is to be able to gain an understanding of the wording of health care laws.

There is a wide range of health care initiatives at the Federal level, including new drug protection, the Affordable Care Act and Medicare Part D. A new law would need to address an area of weakness for these laws. One area where a new law could be beneficial is with respect to the governing of nanotechnology and biotechnology, which are currently governed under the FDA's approval process for medical devices (Crasto, 2014). Such approvals take a long time, because of the need for testing. However, the rapid…...



Crasto, M. (2014). Nanotechnology, its applications in medicine, pharmaceuticals, and drug developments. New Drug Approvals. Retrieved June 10, 2014 from 

Walenta, C. (2010). Constitutional topic: How a bill becomes law. U.S. Constitution. Retrieved June 10, 2014 from

Case Study Nanotechnology and the Dark Secret of Hendrick Schon
Pages: 4 Words: 1412

Schon Dark Secret
In Unit One we defined what the natural sciences are. List 5 different natural sciences mentioned in the video and the context in which they are mentioned. (Example: Nanotechnology - molecular transistors may one day usher in a world of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is the ability to manipulate matter at the scale of atoms and molecules.)

Biology: The impact to the human body of nanobots would be beneficial to health cures.

Chemistry: The knowledge of basic molecular relationships is explicit when mentioning this type of molecular technology.

Physics: The laws of motion affect the behavior of grey goo.

Earth Science: The weather implications and disaster prevention benefits were discussed as positive consequences of nanobot technology.

Biophysics: This specific field of natural science is the predominant arena for the study of nanotechnology as it is related to the human body.

Define Moore's Law and describe its effect on society.

According to the film "Moore's Law states that…...


Works Cited

"The Dark Side Secret of Hendrik Schon." (5 Feb,2004). Horizon Season 40 Episode 11. Narrated by Jack Fortune.

Packaging Material and Food
Pages: 2 Words: 593

Traditionally, beer bottles are made of glass -- a packaging material that has been around for thousands of years. Glass has been used to bottle beer since the early 20th century (Brody, Bugusu, Han, et al., 2008). ecently, Miller Brewing company became one of the first big-name brewing companies to use plastic instead of glass for beer bottles. Plastic has been shunned in beer packaging because of plastic is just porous enough to allow carbon dioxide gas to escape, also allowing oxygen in -- thereby spoiling the beer. Nanotechnology has allowed the carbonated beverage industry and beer firms specifically to capitalize on the lightweight and unbreakable features of plastic without sacrificing product shelf life or quality. Clay is the most common nanoparticle type used in the manufacture of plastic beer bottles. The addition of clay to the plastic extends the shelf life of the product to about six months (Silvestre…...



Brody, A.L., Bugusu, B., Han, J. H. et al. (2008). Innovative Food Packaging Solutions. Journal of Food Science 73(8): R107-R116.

"Food Packaging Using Nanotechnology Methods: an Overview of 'Smart Packaging' and 'Active Packaging'" AXONano. 25 July, 2005. Retrieved online: 

"Nano in packaging," (n.d.). Retreived online: 

Philpott, T. (2014). Are nanoparticles from packaging getting into your food? Mother Jones. 11 June, 2014. Retrieved online:

Update the Trends Tech of Radical Evolution
Pages: 5 Words: 1520

Radical Evolution
The first product that will be discussed are the nano-Spiders, created by a group of scientists from Columbia University. These are microscopic robots that are made out of human DNA. The reason they are made out of DNA is that their main purpose is to travel around the human body and be able to identify potential health problems, whenever they exist.

The robot moves along the DNA track because it has been pre-programmed by the scientists to reach a certain goal. This could only have been done by using advanced information technology. ecause of this technology, the robot, which is in the form of a spider with four legs, can go along a certain path that has been programmed by the scientists, to reach the final destination. The legs are made of "enzymatic DNA"

, while the body is formed of a certain protein.

The current prototype is not able to…...



1. Daily Mail Reporters. May 2010. Meet the nano-spiders: the DNA robots that could one day be walking through your body. The Daily Mail. On the Internet at   Last retrieved on September 26, 2013 .

2. Japanese latest invention: the dental training robot that can "feel pain." Mail Online. On the Internet at   Last retrieved on September 27, 2013 .

3. Realistic female robot created to feel pain. The Inquisitir. On the Internet at   Last retrieved on September 27, 2013 .

Daily Mail Reporters. May 2010. Meet the nano-spiders: the DNA robots that could one day be walking through your body. The Daily Mail. On the Internet at

Ethics in Nanomedicine the Term
Pages: 40 Words: 10726

All these charters that have clearly defined the boundaries of what both the positive i.e. natural rights and negative i.e. The unjust exploitative rights of the people are and how no institution or research domains have the right or power to violate them (Dierkes, Hoffmann and Marz, 1996).
Based on the above fact, we have to consider all the concerns related towards security of an individual as well as his rights, societal principles and considerations, national strategies, the financial system and market of the country as well as the social-educational-traditional structure that might be put in jeopardy due to a scientific research of nanomedicine. Hence we have to carefully consider that the researchers who are investing their time and effort in to the nano-medical research are treated with value while still securing the human rights of the society i.e. awareness of and protection against the hazardous effects of nanoparticles on…...



Beauchamp TL, Childress JF. (2001). Principles of Biomedical Ethics. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press.

Brennan, M. et al. (2002). Communication, Cultural and Media Studies. Routledge. London.

Chambers, T. (1996). From the ethicist's point-of-view: The literary nature of ethical inquiry. Hastings Center Report 26(1): 25-32.

Chang K. (2005). Tiny is beautiful: translating 'nano' into practical. New York Times; p. A1.

Big Can Sometimes Be Very
Pages: 10 Words: 2895

The first is that some nanotoxicological effects are the direct result of new nanotechnologies: There is a strong ethical argument that can be made that as humans develop new technologies we must also -- and as simultaneously as possible -- develop strategies to counter any detrimental effects of the new technologies. (This is a corollary of the second lesson of global warming.) This could also be seen as a sort of corollary of the Hippocratic Oath: If at first you can do no harm than as quickly as possible move to fix the harm that we as humans have caused.
ut there is another aspect of nanotoxicology that fascinates a number of job seekers, which is the fact that nanoparticles act in ways that cannot be easily predicted from larger particles. This makes nanotoxicology in many ways a complex new that needs a number of different types of workers in…...



Bainbridge, William and Mihail Roco (Eds.) Managing Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Innovations: Converging Technologies in Society. New York, Springer, 2006.

Barhard, Amanda. "Nanohazards: Knowledge Is Our First Defense." Nature Materials 5, pp. 245-8.

Berger, Michael. Toxicology - from coal mines to nanotechnology, 

Environmentalists are worried about the possible risk associated with Nanosilver,

Advances in Nanomaterials and Their Applications
Pages: 7 Words: 2098

Advances in Nanomaterials and Their Applications

Nanomaterials, including carbon nanofibers and nanotubes, are being explored extensively for their use and application in multiple manufacturing domains. One of the most eager manufacturing sectors to incorporate nanomaterials into their midst is the athletics gear and sporting industries. Tennis rackets, surf, skate, and snow boards, skis, ski poles, boats, bicycles, hockey sticks, baseball bats, golf clubs and balls are all potentially transformed by the use of nanomaterials. Other athletics applications of nanomaterials include sports stadium materials, artificial turf, running track surfaces, clothing, and gymnasium equipment (Chunyan, 2011). While nanomaterials are proving promising from design, implementation, and development perspectives, there are also significant safety issues that need to be taken into consideration by engineers, manufacturers, and industry regulators.

The root word "nano" comes from the Greek meaning dwarf because the particles are extremely small and require special technologies for visualization as well as manipulation (Hickman, 2002).…...



3M (2013). 3M nanomaterials strengthen sports gear. Retrieved online: 

Abraham, T. (n.d.). Nanotechnology and nanomaterials -- applications and global market analysis. Retrieved online: 

Chunyan, L (2011). Study on application of biosafety of nano-materials in sports engineering. Future Computer Science and Education (ICFCSE, 2011).

DeJong, K.P. & Geus, J.W. (2007). Carbon nanofibers: Catalytic synthesis and applications. Catalytic Reviews 42(4): 481-510.

Countermeasures and Neutralization of Weapons
Pages: 15 Words: 4042

This when the Army must spread out its resources to engage threat WMDs and WMD networks. The concept applies to counterforce operations, sensors, protection, and training.
Leveraging new technologies. Many of the required capabilities presented in the strategy will be possible only through applications of new technology. The Army must leverage these new technologies.

Enhance training. Unit training is currently more flexible and quickly adaptive in comparison with institutional training. but, it often lacks valuable consistency and standardization.

Institutional training content updates, approval, and resourcing it is tied to processes too slow to remain current. Future training will prepare soldiers and leaders to exercise sound judgment in the analysis of data / information, understanding cultural impacts on operations and to act in periods of uncertainty.

These ideas are providing a background for implementing new technology and key strategies for improving the countermeasures and neutralization of WMDs. However, this research is not talking about…...



"Disarmament." UN.   (accessed January 30, 2013) 

Michael, Vane, " Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction," U.S. Army,   (accessed January 20, 2013). 

Barry, Ezill. "Identifying Factors that Influence Terrorist Decisions." Journal of Homeland Security 1, no. 1, (2012): 1- 15.

Brookes, Peter. A Devil's Triangle. Lantham: Rowman, 2005.

Mechanical Alloying and the Milling
Pages: 8 Words: 2371

Although the precise mechanics involved remain unclear, it is likely that during this phase, the high defect boundaries serve as attractors for any imperfections that already existed in the crystal lattice and that the nanocrystals which are, by contrast, relatively defect -- free, become increasingly refined and near crystalline perfection.
3. The final step in the process involves random reorientations of the single-crystalline grains with regards to their neighboring grains. At the point where the grain structure achieves its limiting size (this size limit relates to the particles' crystal symmetry and the energy and amount of mechanical milling employed), the material become amenable to plastic deformation through grain boundary sliding. In fact, this type of deformation mechanism has been discerned in superplasticity in which a high diffusion rate stage is capable of accommodating such forces at any strain rate. esearchers have posited that in the case of the nanocrystalline, the…...




Nickols-Richardson, Sharon M. 2008. "Nanotechnology: Applications and Implications

in Family and Consumer Sciences." Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences 100(2): 4-


The Scientific Commercial and Creative
Pages: 6 Words: 1832

Real trial-based evidence shows a clear success in reduced cracking in cement which is reinforced thusly.
Our research tells that these reinforces cement bodies "have aspect ratios
of 500 or more and diameters - about the same size as the distance between
layers in hydrated cement - so that cracks in the matrix would quickly
encounter well-dispersed SCNTs, inhibiting their growth." (Makar, 1) In
order for these findings to be used in any real-world setting, we must
continue to refine and broaden the field of empirical study on this
Beyond concrete, the far-reaching potential yielded by the
proliferation of the carbon nanotube is not simple exciting, but may prove
itself to be one of the most important revelations of its time. The sheer
diversity of its usability and the relative novelty in the exploration of
its properties suggests that its capacity for as yet unimagined
technological applications is still unfolding

orks Cited:

Adler, R. (2006). Carbon-nanotube 'Strings' May ID Single Molecules. New
Scientist. Online at…...


Works Cited:

Adler, R. (2006). Carbon-nanotube 'Strings' May ID Single Molecules. New

Scientist. Online at  

carbonnanotube-strings-may-id-single-molecules.html -

AzoNano. (2005). Prestigious award for Nano-fiber Reinforced Concrete.

Nanotechnology. Online at 

Diffusion of Innovation Diffusion Research
Pages: 9 Words: 3226

Potentially, this changes the way profit is used to build a larger network of computer users who now wish to harness the power of technology to develop a new world.
Chapter: 9 Socioeconmics

Berlin Wall Falls/Soviet Union Collapses

Citation: Koeller, D. (2003), Fall of the Berlin Wall. WebChron.


Tags: Political innovation, political/social upheaval, modernism in Europe

Summation: By the end of 1989, the Soviet-backed regimes of Eastern Europe no longer existed and the Berlin Wall, the quintessential symbol of the Cold War, had been decimated. This dissatisfaction with communism as practiced Soviet style was now being openly criticized, even in the ussian epublic, the so-called "homeland of communism." Extreme vocal critiques came first from the outlying republics and the ethnic minorities, many of who had been living in a tradition of autocracy for centuries. Gorbachev's message of change and openness, despite the appeal in the West, stripped the Soviet Union of structure, and…...



1972 in Review." (January 1973). UPI.Com.

Retrieved from: 

Butterworth, T. (May 24, 2007). Fifteen People Who Changed The World. Forbes.

Retrieved from:

Leadership Award Speech Welcome to the 21st
Pages: 5 Words: 1963

Award Speech

Welcome to the 21st Century, my friends. This is your century of reward and your day of awards. The Eagle Award, established in 2001, is organized and sponsored by Transcoast London Ltd. It aims to create, or rather -- to recognize -- the astounding role models and leaders like yourselves. As leaders you are important, for others may feel inspired by your achievements. The word "inspired" is an important one, because it is further defined as "in-spirited." What controls our lives are the meanings we associate with things in our lives, which are shaped by our own personal psychology, our world view, and the beliefs and values that we have created. You, as role models and leaders, have a unique spirit in you, and "inspiring" spirit, and that what makes you leaders is that this spirit touches others and gives that spirit to them. You have added value to…...

United Beverages Inc Summer 2012
Pages: 10 Words: 2717

Preliminary Conclusions for Kid-Energy Drink

1. Potential market is smaller than current GangBuster market.

2. Fast acceptance rate.

3. Approximately 80% of focus group responded favorably to concept.

Based on current trends in beverage packaging, it is also reasonable to suggest that further innovations in nanotechnology will provide manufacturers with the ability to produce truly interactive beverage containers that can provide a wide range of product information (including the history of the temperature of which the beverage has been maintained), display different graphics and messages that change (like a slideshow), and perhaps even respond to individual questions from the consumer (Buzby 2010). In fact, according to this industry analyst, "In the beverage packaging sector alone, worldwide sales of products using nanotechnology grew almost six-fold in two years from $150 million in 2002 to $860 million in 2004" (Buzby 2010, p. 529). While much of this investment in nanotechnology has been focused on improving the…...



Buzby, J.C. (2010). 'Nanotechnology for Food Applications: More Questions than Answers.'

Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 528-530.

Chao, R. & Kavadias, S. (2007, November 15). 'United Beverages: Product Development

Genius or One-Hit-Wonder?' Darden School of Business: UV0900-PDF-ENG.

Hydrogen Fuel in the Later
Pages: 2 Words: 826

According to Dr. David Thompson, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry at Memorial, long-term goal is to make fuel from sunlight, a field known artificial photosynthesis. The larger question revolves around whether a system can be designed to take captured solar energy and create molecules that can be utilized as fuels (Hester, 2007).
The general idea, of course, is that the Petroleum Era will be replaced by the Hydrogen Era. Because hydrogen is so prevalent in the universe, it will require only the technological acumen to harness this most abundant element in order to produce a clean, unlimited, reliable, and endless supply of power. Enough scientists believe in this technology that in January 2003, President G.W. Bush announced a $720 million commitment towards the development of hydrogen fuel ( Modern society has the technology to change behaviors, or at least the vision to develop this alternate paradigm, but perhaps…...



Alternative Energy Institute 2006, "Powering Our Future: An Energy Sourcebook for

Sustainable Living." Cited in: 

Gibilisco, S. (2006), Alternative Energy Demystified, McGraw

I need some suggestions for science essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 340

Certainly! Here are some science essay topic suggestions:

1. The impact of climate change on the environment.
2. The role of renewable energy sources in reducing carbon emissions.
3. Exploring the potential health benefits of genetic engineering.
4. The effects of plastic pollution on marine life and ecosystems.
5. The future of space exploration and its potential for human colonization.
6. The ethical considerations of using animal testing in medical research.
7. The development and implications of artificial intelligence in various fields.
8. The challenges and benefits of using nanotechnology in medicine.
9. Exploring the effects of deforestation on biodiversity and climate change.
10. The impact of technology on human....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Pollution?
Words: 549

Essay Topics on Pollution

Air Pollution:

The Impact of Air Pollution on Human Health and the Environment
The Role of Vehicle Emissions in Air Quality Degradation
The Economic and Social Costs of Air Pollution on Cities
The Effectiveness of Air Quality Regulations and Standards
The Future of Air Pollution Mitigation and Control

Water Pollution:

The Causes and Consequences of Water Pollution in Developing Countries
The Impact of Agricultural Practices on Water Quality
The Role of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Reducing Water Pollution
The Legal and Policy Framework for Water Pollution Control
The Challenges and Solutions to Marine Pollution

Land Pollution:

The Sources and....

Need help generating essay topics related to Medical Equipment. Can you help?
Words: 270

1. The role of technology in improving medical equipment efficiency and accuracy
2. The impact of advancements in medical equipment on patient care and outcomes
3. Challenges and opportunities in the development and adoption of new medical equipment
4. The importance of proper maintenance and calibration of medical equipment in healthcare settings
5. The ethical implications of using advanced medical equipment in patient treatment
6. The cost-effectiveness of investing in new medical equipment for healthcare facilities
7. The role of medical equipment in improving the diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions
8. The future trends and innovations in the field of medical equipment
9. The impact of....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on research question about life after death. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 520

1. The Neurobiology of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs):

Explore the scientific evidence behind the subjective experiences reported by individuals who have had NDEs.
Analyze the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these experiences, including altered brain activity and the release of neurochemicals.
Discuss the implications of NDE research for understanding the relationship between consciousness and physical death.

2. The Anthropology of Afterlife Beliefs and Practices:

Compare and contrast the afterlife beliefs and practices across different cultures and historical periods.
Examine the social and cultural factors that shape these beliefs, including religious traditions, social structures, and environmental conditions.
Analyze the role that afterlife beliefs play in....

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