Mystery Essays (Examples)

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Mystery of Capital in His
Pages: 3 Words: 962

This reveals an important connection between capitalism and participatory governments, and a look at how De Soto views the relationship between democracy and capitalism further demonstrates how countries, and especially developing countries, can more effectively grow and protect capital.
Naturally, De Soto views democracy and capitalism as two forces existing in a symbiotic relationship, but only when the political and economic systems are integrated at the same level. This means that the disparate property systems of developing countries must become "interconnected in a larger network" because only then can they "become tremendously powerful," thus incentivizing citizens to participate politically (De Soto 72). The relationship between democracy and capitalism can serve to support and refine each one, but in many developing democracies "what national leaders are missing is that people are spontaneously organizing themselves into separate, extralegal groups until government can provide them with one legal property system" (De Soto 73).…...


Works Cited

De Soto, Hernando. The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails

Everywhere Else. New York: Basic Books, 2000.

Mystery in William Faulkner's a
Pages: 10 Words: 4383

Faulkner utilizes many techniques in setting up this mystery and one is imagery. The images associated with the house are ones that conjure up visions of death. For example, we read that the house had "a big, squarish frame house that had once been white" (Faulkner 452). It had once been on the town's "most select street" (452) but now it was doing well to lift its "coquettish decay about the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps - an eyesore among eyesores" (452). It also smells of "dust and disuse -- a close, dank smell" (452). These images foreshadow what is about to occur in the house and they prepare us for a woman that is much like the house in that she is stuck in a time and place that does not exist anymore. Another technique Faulkner uses with the house is symbolism. The house is also a…...

Mystery Provides a Summary 2 Theories Explain
Pages: 2 Words: 790

mystery" provides a summary (2) theories explain mystery. Because theories sound -fetched, include source promoter theory -- a scientist, a historian, a theologian,
The mystery of Giza: How was the Pyramid of Giza constructed?

One of the great mysteries of the ancient world is how the Pyramids of Giza was constructed. One of the Seven Wonders of the World, and the only remaining wonder, the historian Herodotus stated that slave labor, using ramps, was the primary method used when constructing the impressive structure:

He [Cheops] closed the temples, and forbade the Egyptians to offer sacrifice, compelling them instead to labour, one and all, in his service. Some were required to drag blocks of stone down to the Nile from the quarries in the Arabian range of hills; others received the blocks after they had been conveyed in boats across the river, and drew them to the range of hills called the Libyan.…...



Kratovac, Katarina. (2011). Egypt says Jewish slaves didn't build pyramids. CS Monitor.


Orcutt, Larry. (2000). The Pyramids of Giza. World Mysteries. Retrieved:

Mystery of Autism Has Long Eluded People
Pages: 18 Words: 5104

mystery of autism has long eluded people in the medical and education profession. Millions of people around the world suffer from the disorder and seek treatment for it each year. Since the discovery of the disorder a plethora of research has been conducted but there is still very little that is known about the origins of autism or effective treatments to combat the effects of the disorder.
The purpose of this discussion is to explore autism and the current trends in education that provide treatment for the disorder. e will provide a literary review which will detail information from sources such as Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, ERIC Digest and the American Journal on Mental Retardation. These are scholarly journals that provide insight on the disorder.

This topic was chosen because of the challenges that educators face in addressing the needs of students with autism. Autism is a serious disorder…...


Works Cited

Blacher J., Kraemer, B. (2000)Transition for Young Adults With Severe Mental Retardation: School Preparation, Parent Expectations, and Family Involvement. Mental Retardation, 39, 423-435. Retrieved Online on December 17, 2002 at 

Boyer, Lynn. (2001)Converting Challenge to Success: Supporting a New Teacher of Students with Autism. Journal of Special Education. Retrieved Online on December 17, 2002 at 

C.L.G (2000) Attention in preschool children with autism. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. Retrieved Online on December 17, 2002 at 

Dunlap, Glen.(1999). Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Reston, VA: ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education. (ERIC Document

Mystery of Melville's Bartleby the
Pages: 4 Words: 1221

He determines that Bartleby suffers from a mental trauma. These actions come from a man of which the narrator and the readers know very little. It would seem logical for the narrator to assume Bartleby had suffered some cruel injustice. The narrator feels pity for Bartleby because he seems sad; he goes nowhere, seems to eat or drink nothing, and says nothing. Everything the narrator and readers feel at this point are not because of anything Bartleby does per se. These emotions are based on very little and Bartleby does not provoke any of them.
Bartleby has a connection to death. This last piece of information the narrator reveals might be the most significant in regard to understanding Bartleby's behavior. Being a clerk in the Dead Letter Office must certainly take its toll on someone, the narrator surmises. This occupation seems to fit Bartleby's nature; the narrator describes Bartleby as…...


Work Cited

Melville, Herman. "Bartleby the Scrivener." Bartleby Online Database. Information Retrieved

January 29, 2009.

Lives Mystery Magic Death Life New Orleans
Pages: 4 Words: 1534

LIVES MYSTERY, MAGIC, DEATH LIFE NE ORLEANS. TOPIC; Dan Baum works ensure readers understand life New Orleans life America. The people New Orleans things differently Americans.
hen you first lay eyes on Dan Baum's Nine Lives, you don't really know what to make of the book. That is, you are a little confused of whether or not it is a fiction book. It does have that aura of a fiction book, a sort of mystery entangling it. But once you start reading the ?About the book? introduction, you find that it is not actually, that is, a fiction book. It is in fact a cursive lining up of people testifying their lives and that it would indeed appear unimaginable for them to carry on living some place else other than New Orleans. And that, because, as the author tells us, ?that New Orleans is like no place else in America…...


Work Cited

Baum, Dan. Nine Lives: Mystery, Magic, Death and Life in New Orleans. PDF file. <>

Role of Mystery Shoppers in
Pages: 2 Words: 773

After all, sitting in on a class is not the same thing as actually taking a class. However, if the university wished to improve certain student services, the data might prove helpful in some instances. For example, mystery 'shoppers' could go to the university financial aid office, and rate the helpfulness and knowledge of the advice they received, when they confronted the official with a particular, common problem. Students could also measure how long it took them to get through certain steps of the registration process for classes online, and record if they received appropriate feedback in dealing with any potential, common difficulties with the Internet system. Students could provide information about the quality of help and the amount of time they were given with their faculty advisors, the quality of the student handbook and course catalogue, the amount of time it took to get an appointment at the…...

Honeybee Mystery Pesticides Honeybee Mystery the
Pages: 13 Words: 3437

Some beekeepers use a combination of pesticides. Studies have confirmed traces of fluvalinate concentrations in honey and wax samples obtained from colonies that were treated with two strips of Apistan. [Gatien, 2003]
esides these In-hive chemicals, bees are also affected by the agricultural pesticides when they feed on the pollens. Though these pesticides undergo a rigorous testing phase before they are made commercially available, the risk factors for Non-target ecosystems are not always fully understood. With newer pesticides appearing on the market to replace older ones, which have become less effective due to the development of resistance by pests, the risk for non-target species is also on the rise. A case in point is the recent study in France, which has implicated the new pesticide Imidacloprid (a Neonicotinoid insecticide) as the cause for the significant loss of bee colonies. Imidacloprid is found to be a safe pesticide due to its…...



1) Dan Kulpinski, (2008), 'Honeybee Mystery Unsolved After Two Years', Available at, 

2) Gunther Hauk, (2007), 'Colony Collapse Disorder: Do we Harvest what we Sow?, ACRES, May 2007, Vol 37, No 5, available online at, 

3)Benjamin Oldroyd P, (2007), ' What's Killing American Honeybees', PLoS Biol. 2007

June; 5(6): e168., Available online at,

Seafloor Sediments Mayan Mysteries the Mystery What
Pages: 2 Words: 730

Seafloor Sediments
Mayan Mysteries

the Mystery

hat caused the collapse of the Mayan Civilization? In 800 A.D. The Mayan Civilization was thriving in a region from southern Mexico to northern Honduras. These indigenous people (numbering over two million) were competent astronomers, they were successful farmers -- they converted hillsides into fertile fields for crops like maize (corn) and squash -- they built impressive facilities, created an accurate calendar and discussed philosophy. And they were sophisticated enough to have established trade with other peoples in distant places around the globe. But around 900 A.D. The Mayan Civilization appears to have died, vanished, disappeared, and as to what happened to this seemingly advanced civilization remains a mystery. This paper reviews several theories as to why the Mayan Civilization mysteriously vanished, and will use one theory that has the most plausible and scientifically valid narrative.

Several theories as to why the Mayan culture disappeared

Among the many theories…...


Works Cited

Bley, B. (2011). The Ancient Maya and Their City of Tulum: Uncovering the Mysteries of an Ancient Civilization and Their City of Grandeur. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse.

Minster, C. (2008). What Happened to the Ancient Maya? Retrieved January

12, 2014, from .

Mott, N. (2012). In a wet period, Maya farms thrived, and an empire flowered, studies say.

Age-Associated Well-Being Remains a Mystery Age and
Pages: 3 Words: 1052

Age-associated Well-Being emains a Mystery
Age and Happiness

Global and hedonic well-being may represent a potentially valuable social indicator, but little is understood about the underlying causal factors. The best predictor of well-being that has been identified so far is age, in that self-reported well-being begins to improve during mid adulthood. In an attempt to discover the underlying factors controlling well-being the data from a large survey were stratified by age and then analyzed for possible confounding factors. The strong association between age and well-being was confirmed with a high degree of confidence, but failed to detect any evidence of a causal association between gender, relationship status, raising children, or employment status. Although maturity-related traits, such as increased wisdom and affect regulation, have been proposed in the past to explain the age-associated increase in well-being, the sharp slope deflection points and the U-shape of the curve are inconsistent with these explanations.

Age-Associated Well-Being…...



Stone, Author A., Schwartz, Joseph E., Broderick, Joan E., and Deaton, Angus. (2010). A snapshot of the age distribution of psychological well-being in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 9985-9990.

Cartensen, Laura L., Fung, Helene, H., and Charles, Susan T. (2003). Socioemotional selectivitiy theory and the regulation of emotion in the second half of life. Motivation and Emotion, 27, 103-123.

Mysteries of Chaco Canyon
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Chaco Canyon
"The Mysteries of Chaco Canyon," narrated by Robert Redford, explores the mysteries surrounding the Pueblo site at Chaco Canyon. The film begins with a brief narration about how the original migration of people to the area of Chaco Canyon was for them to seek a special place to be the "center of our world." Therefore, there is deep spiritual and metaphysical significance in the actual physical, geographical location of the buildings. This is in spite of the fact that the area is unsheltered from the elements, which deliver temperature and weather extremes that can be inhospitable to life. It took 250 years to complete the massive construction project, and to build in architectural elements that would serve as an astronomical indicator such as the shaft of light that appears only at certain times a year. Four themes the film covers include the difference between archaeological and oral traditions; the…...

Mysteries of Life Is What the Future
Pages: 4 Words: 1117

mysteries of life is what the future holds. Knowledge of the present and past is clear but no one, no matter how intelligent or wise, is capable of predicting what the future might bring. Many try and, in some marginal way, are correct in their predictions but for most the future is the great unknown.
With the future unknown the best that one can do is prepare for as many eventualities as possible. As unpredictable as life is the one certainty is that the need for a quality education is an essential part of it. Toward this end, I certainly anticipate within the next ten years to have completed my formal education and to have established roots in my business career. As I intend to pursue a masters degree in business, I will have only been in the working environment for, at most, four years but should have been able…...

The mysteries of Udolpho Book Analysis
Pages: 3 Words: 910

I enjoyed reading the book as it provides the reader with a lot of suspense over what will happen next in the book. The events are not predictable, which means that the reader cannot in anyway be in a position to know what will be happening in the next chapter. The series of events arranged by the author provides the reader with a desire to continue reading the book to uncover some of the issues that pertain to Emily and her family. Of importance in the book is the love story between Emily and Valancourt. Their affair remains a mystery that can only be uncovered by reading the whole book and understanding the flow of events. The reader sympathizes with Emily especially after she lost her mother and father. This sympathy made me continue reading the book to determine her fate.
Answer two
The book is enjoyable to read as events unfold…...

How Paganism and Mystery Religions Influenced Christianity
Pages: 6 Words: 2172

paganism and mystery religions influenced Christianity.

Paganism and mystery religions

Pagan Mystery religions have been associated with paving the way for Christianity presentation across the ancient and present world. They played the role of preparing the people emotionally and mentally in understanding the kind of religion which was represented by Christianity. They existed in varying degrees, examples was the Galilean cult which was to replace them. There encouragement was for a shift from the philosophical and state religion systems towards the craving for personal salvation as well as promise of immortality. It is believed that Christianity have been manifested through the paganism and mystery religions, since they were involved in doing the groundwork which paved the way for Christian missionary work. Most of the perception, as passed from paganism into Christianity got a highly insightful and spiritual meaning by Christianity.

The early church developed from the Greco-oman world which formed one of…...



Angus, S., The Mystery Religions and Christianity, (Charles Scribner's Sons, New York: 1925),

Cumont, Franz, The Mysteries of Mithra, (The Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago: 1910).

Cumont, Franz, The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism, (The Open House Publishing Co., Chicago: 1911).

Mayan People There Are Many Historical Mysteries
Pages: 2 Words: 685

Mayan People
There are many historical mysteries which have fascinated human and encouraged investigation. Among the most often examined and theorized over are the potential reasons for why the Mayan civilization suddenly disappeared from the face of the Earth. Scholars, conspiracy theorists, and all manner of investigators have looked into the culture, the people, and the environment in the vain effort to finally determine exactly what happened to this large population. Once one of the largest groups Central and South America, by 900 AD, the Mayans were in a steady rate of decline which led to their eradication by the year 1200 (Ancient 2000). Over the course of three hundred years, an entire civilization of human beings had completely fallen off of the face of the earth and no one was or is yet able to say for certain why this happened. Of course with so much time having passed, it…...


Works Cited:

"Ancient Mayan Civilization." (2000). Mayan Archaeology. 

Chella (2005). "What Happened to the Mayans?" Unsolved Mysteries.

I am writing a paper on Edgar Allan Poe\'s \"Masque of the Red Death\" and how death is inescapable. What is a good essay title? My teacher wants a creative one.
Words: 224

One of Edgar Allan Poe’s most enduring themes was the inescapability of death and the “Masque of the Red Death” is a great example of that theme and of the mystery elements in Poe’s gothic fiction. Some titles for an essay about it could be:

  1. Prospero Parties While the Poor Perish: If Death is Inescapable, Is It Immoral for Prospero to Party Until Death Comes for Him?
  2. Mortality Moral: What Poe Has to Say About the Inevitability of Death
  3. Didacticism and Death: Examining the Masque of the Red Death Through a Symbolic Lens
  4. The Pursuit of Emptiness: Does Chasing....

How do I write a paper explaining why Sir Arthur Conan Doyle related to Sherlock Holmes?
Words: 347

Sherlock Holmes is probably the most famous fictional detective in the English language.  Known for his keen observational skills and ability to put together facts, Sherlock is still considered a genius detective.  In fact, the ultimate detective continues to inspire mystery fans, everywhere.  However, his creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle famously had a love-hate relationship with Holmes.  In fact, he believed Holmes was preventing him from pursuing other characters in his writing and even killed him (and his mortal enemy, Moriarty) in a story, only to bring Holmes back to meet readers’ demands.....

All answers to my art analysis worksheet part one assignment ?
Words: 477

Certainly! Here are the answers to your art analysis worksheet, part one, with proper spacing and format:

1. Title of the artwork: The Starry Night
Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Year of creation: 1889
Medium: Oil on canvas

2. Formal analysis:
- Line: Van Gogh uses bold, curvy lines to depict the swirling sky and cypress trees. Short, thin brushstrokes are used for details.
- Shape: The artwork features various organic shapes like the crescent moon, stars, and swirling clouds.
- Color: A vibrant and contrasting color palette is used, with deep blues dominating the sky, complemented by the yellow stars and tree....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on hedgehog vs fox. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 448

The Enigmatic Duel: Comparing the Elusive Hedgehog and the Cunning Fox

The realm of nature abounds with captivating creatures, each possessing distinctive traits and survival strategies. Among these fascinating animals, the hedgehog and the fox stand out for their contrasting yet intriguing qualities. This essay delves into a thorough comparison of these two creatures, exploring their physical attributes, behavioral patterns, and ecological roles, unveiling the profound differences and unexpected similarities that define their enigmatic existence.

Physical Disparities and Defensive Adaptations
Hedgehogs and foxes exhibit striking physical differences that reflect their respective adaptations to their environments. The hedgehog, with its diminutive size and globular....

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