Musician Essays (Examples)

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Amazing Contributions of Blind Musicians
Pages: 5 Words: 1655

326). Likewise, Dagbovie (2005) points out that ay Charles drew on black history for his inspiration during a period in American history when the "tradition of protest" had not yet been firmly established. Another biographer suggests that the musical genius of ay Charles helped him reach a prominent place in American society where he could make a difference in the Civil ights Movement: "James Brown fathered funk; Sly Stone raised it. ay Charles' mastery of it all made America see beyond its blinding bigotry" (Dyson, 2005, p. 174).

The research showed that blind musicians can be either musical savants or musical prodigies, with the vast majority of professional performers representing the latter. If 100 people were asked to name a flower, most likely 99 would say "rose." Likewise, if asked to name some famous blind musicians, 99 out of 100 people will probably respond "Stevie Wonder and ay Charles." The…...



Cooper, B.L. (1991). Popular music perspectives: Ideas, themes, and patterns in contemporary lyrics. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press.

Dagbovie, P.G. (2005). Of all our studies, history is best qualified to reward our research. Black history's relevance to the hip hop generation. The Journal of African-American History, 90(3), 299.

Goldstein, D. (1998). Music institute for blind college-bound musicians. RE:view, 29(4), 163.

Haroutounian, J. (2000). The delights and dilemmas of the musically talented teenager. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 12(1), 3.

Richard Wagner -- Great Musician
Pages: 5 Words: 1522

However, though he is still regarded a controversial racist in some quarters, that agner was a musical genius is not in doubt. Indeed, most of his compositions attest to this fact. This is more so the case when it comes to one of his compositions by the name Ride of the Valkyries. In my opinion, this remains one of the most passionate of his compositions. The opening of this classic can best be described as attention-grabbing. As the composition progresses, it simulates what can be regarded a rapid motion to create an air of both intensity and excitement. hen it comes to the melody, the same is chiefly in strong low brass. This gives the composition a rather heavy feel.


As I have already noted elsewhere in this text, apart from being gifted in the art of composition, agner also comes across as being rather controversial based on his move to…...

Bremen Town Musicians Ludwig Karl Grimm Wilhelm
Pages: 4 Words: 1195

Bremen Town Musicians" Ludwig Karl Grimm ilhelm Karl Grimm- Tells characters similar problems.Give specific evidence examples story. Can leave a space question I put separate boxes's formated .
Town Musicians of Bremen

The "Town Musicians of Bremen" folktale recorded by the Brothers Grimm is set in a rural area in Prussia, taking into account that its writers were generally concerned about stories involving elements that were familiar to them. The setting is meant to emphasize the simplistic and yet powerful nature of the story, taking into account that it is apparently meant to put across a succinct message. In addition to the geographical setting of the story, the tale is set in an area containing several farms that put across the idea of a home. Readers are likely to sympathize with the central characters as they realize the importance that a home can have on an individual.

The animals are on their…...


Works cited:

Mulock Craik, Dinah Maria, "The Fairy Book: The Best Popular Stories," (Harper, 1870)

Record Review for Rock R Musician
Pages: 6 Words: 1745

Ray Charles was one of the greatest musicians of all time. He embodied the term genius, for there was hardly a music genre in which he did not excel, whether gospel, blues, rock, country, or soul (Inductees pp). By combining the elements of gospel and blues, Charles created what came to be known as soul music (Inductees pp). During the 1950's, while signed with Atlantic Records, he broke down the barriers between sacred and secular music and fostered "a crossover between gospel music and the rhythm patterns of the blues" (Inductees pp). Over the decades, Charles also used elements of country and western, as well as big-band and jazz into his music (Inductees pp). Ray Charles is considered to be "as complete and well-rounded a musical talent as this century has produced" (Inductees pp).
Ray Charles Robinson was born in 1930 in Albany, Georgia, but grew up in Greenville, Florida (Ray…...

Copland the American Sound Many Young Musicians
Pages: 2 Words: 512

The American Sound

Many young musicians often hear the phrase American sound and wonder what the concept actually means. Historically, the idea of American sound is music that identifies with America in one way or another during a period in history. American sound may vary slightly from different time periods, but has been centered on important historical topics and ideas that have importance to the specific writer's interest. It is believed by many musical historians that the famous American composers William Grant Still and Aaron Copland created American sound in their works. Still's Afro-American Symphony and Copland's Appalachian Spring embody the conceptual idea of American sound, and the reasons why both author's works are considered American sound will be explained in detail.

Afro-American Symphony

In 1930, William Grant Still wrote his first symphony, and he entitled it the Afro-American symphony. Still's work combined the traditional elements of a full symphony orchestra (celeste,…...



Kamien, R (1997). Music: an appreciation. New York, NY; Mcgraw-Hill College; 3rd edition

Smith, C.P. (2000). William Grant Still: A study in contradictions. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.

Distinguished Historian Musician and Civil
Pages: 1 Words: 301

They take nothing for granted, especially school. While in America kids are cutting classes and slacking off, children in the Dominican Republic soaked up every ounce of knowledge they could. They rose to the challenges posed to them by poverty and oppression. What I witnessed in a developing nation was the immense strength of the human spirit and the ability of all people to overcome adversity.
My experience in the Dominican Republic opened my eyes to social and political realities, and my time in the military school helped me to gain the discipline and courage I will need to succeed. Like Bernice Johnson Reagon, I hope to explore ways of helping others meet life's challenges head-on, helping them to discover who they are. I intend to accomplish my goals by studying law and working hard to change injustice, the greatest challenge of all. Thank you for your consideration....

Utah Symphony Case Study 1 Like Many
Pages: 3 Words: 1192

Utah Symphony Case Study #1
Like many artistic endeavors, opera and symphonic organizations are facing increased budgetary pressures. Consumer spending on the arts has decreased, some say because of access to the Internet and other media, others a decline in public and foundational support coupled with increased costs. Such has been the case for the Utah Symphony and Opera, both of whom have been hindered drastically since 2001. One solution would be to merge both organizations and reach an economy of scale for musicians, audience, human and other resources, advertising, and thus would result in an economy of scale that might help save both organizations (Delong & Ager, 2005).

Baily and Motivation: Bill Bailey was Chairman of the Operatic Board and had some initial concerns about the merger. The Opera was actually financially stronger than the symphony and had its own identity. Bailey was concerned that this identity might be subsumed by…...


Works Cited

Collier, N. (2008, January 28). Personal Power Vs. Positional Power. Retrieved from NSC Blog: 

Delong, T., & Ager, D. (2005). Utah Symphony and Utah Opera: A Merger Proposal. Harvard Business School Case Study, 9-404-116, 1-16.

Gollwitzer, P. (1999). Implementation Intentions. American Psychologist, 54(7), 493-503.

New Charter University. (2012, August). Commonly Used Influence Tactics. Retrieved from

Jelly Roll Morton Was Born Ferdinand Joseph
Pages: 5 Words: 1278

Jelly oll Morton was born Ferdinand Joseph La Menthe in 1890 and later became a pioneer of modern American jazz. Growing up in New Orleans, he played piano in saloons and brothels when he was still a child. As an adult, he formed a band, the ed Hot Peppers and also played on his own. Morton is renown for his ability to bring traditionally black musical styles to the mainstream and he was heavily influenced by his New Orleans upbringing. Morton is particularly remembered for a series of recordings he made in Chicago for CA Victor in the 1920s, and Morton is credited as being one of the first to mix individual improvisation with more structured group arrangements. Although he claimed to have invented jazz, this is not strictly true; instead, he is credited as the first jazz composer. After Morton, improvisation became a staple of jazz. His best-known tunes…...



"Jelly Roll Morton." The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz. Accessed 10 October 2004. 

"Jelly Roll Morton." Accessed 10 October 2004.

"Jelly Roll Morton. World Book online. Accessed 10 October 2004.

Electronic Music Instruments Techniques &
Pages: 6 Words: 1798

Carlos also proved that the music of ach was dimensionally ever-changing and could be expressed quite well through the use of electronics.
Pink Floyd, one of the most influential "psychedelic" groups from England, utterly transformed the entire spectrum of music in the late 1960's and early 1970's through the use of the synthesizer and other electronic devices. On their "Dark Side of the Moon" album, Pink Floyd, especially bassist/keyboardist Roger Waters and keyboardist Richard Wright, completely altered all previous ideas concerning how the synthesizer could take the listener on a new voyage of discovery into uncharted territories of sound. For Pink Floyd, the synthesizer was far more than just a tool -- it was a machine with the capabilities of transforming the landscape of sound into something cosmic in origin.

In conclusion, electronic music, from its humble beginnings in the 1940's and into the present day, has greatly influenced most popular…...



Appleton, Jon H., ed. The Development and Practice of Electronic Music. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975.

Darter, Tom. The Art of Electronic Music. NY: William Morrow & Company, 1984.

Electronic Music with the Theremin." Popular Electronics. April 1955: 19-26.

Horn, Delton T. Electronic Music Synthesizers. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab Books, 1980.

Sidney Bechet
Pages: 8 Words: 2899

Sidney echet truly led the life of a jazz musician. He was a supporter of Dixieland Jazz who played the clarinet and was the first person to play Jazz on a Soprano Saxophone. Domineering is a word frequently used to express his music. Various fights showed he had a short temper that reflects in his music. His solos were often soaring and passionate, endlessly inventive, direct rather than ornate. Throughout his life, he never had the discipline needed to play in a regular band; he always preferred to be a soloist and worked in many different bands.
Personal Life

echet was born on May 14, 1897 in New Orleans, Louisiana to a black Creole family. His father Omar was educated in a private school so he spoke and wrote both Creole Patois and English. His mother Josephine was black, but was referred to as a passeblanc. echet grew up in a middle-class…...



Schuller Gunther. Early Jazz: Its Roots and Musical Development. Oxford University Press. 1968.

Chilton John. Sidney Bechet: The Wizard of Jazz. Oxford University Press. 1987.

Larlan Colin. Ed. The Guinness Encyclopedia of Popular Music. Stockton Press.1992.

Collier, James Lincoln. The Making of Jazz: A Comprehensive History. Dell.1979. Marsalis Wynton. Copyright (c) 1997

History of Music
Pages: 10 Words: 3511

Cool Jazz
A Brief History of Cool Jazz

December 6, 2012, would have marked the ninety-second birthday of pianist Dave Brubeck. The nonagenarian was looking forward to performing at the Palace Theater near his home in aterbury, Connecticut. Sadly, Brubeck died of heart failure just one day shy of the celebratory concert. The concert went on as scheduled, but it was a memorial rather than a birthday party. It is what Brubeck would have wanted. Brubeck was one of the originators of a jazz style that became known as "cool jazz." He was a brilliant pianist who loved to experiment with rhythms and instrumentation in ensemble work. Brubeck never stopped innovating over his long career during which he composed symphonies, classical and religious music, ballets and film scores He valued musical integrity over commercial reward. "You never know what's going to work," he said. "You just go with what you believe in,…...


Works Cited

Dave Brubeck Quartet. 1961. YouTube. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. .

Dryden, Ken. "Take five: The public and private lives of Paul Desmond." All About Jazz.

2 Feb. 2011. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. >.

Elvis and Black Music the
Pages: 15 Words: 4658

Blues music however did not cross racial lines, with the majority of famous blues musicians still residing in New Orleans and various other well-known black music entertainment venues of the South.
Gospel music has been an African-American church tradition with influences from traditional African music and especially prevalent during the slavery era. Later (most likely because of those particular ignominious associations and all they implied, especially in the South) gospel music was strongly discouraged within mainstream society and actively suppressed.

Similarly, blues music represented a blending of black musical traditions with a centuries-long history originating from the earliest days of American slavery. Sammy Davis Jr. And Nat King Cole, were and remain today among the best-known of early black entertainers within the (then) up-and-coming rock 'n roll genre of the 1940's. Each had a heavy influence upon Elvis himself.

Obviously, though, the blending of Southern musical traditions was not started by Elvis…...


Works Cited

African-American Musical Tradition." (June 9, 1998). Retrieved January 9, 2007,

From: .

Bane, Michael. White Boy Singin' the Blues: The Black Roots of White Rock.

Harmondsworth, Eng: Penguin, 1982.

Technological History of Jazz in
Pages: 5 Words: 1575

This were then replaced with larger big band orchestras as technology allowed such large groups to be clearly recorded, "As the swing era began, shorts were made of many of the top orchestras," (Yanow 2). Big band orchestras began showing up in all the major Hollywood productions. They featured pre-recorded songs where the musicians lip singed. It is interesting to have such a crucial period on film. The Swing Era "was fortunately captured for feature films and short subjects at the time it was all happening," (Behlmer 1). Big bands became incredibly popular in feature films during the 1930s and 40s. Benny Goodman, "The King of Swing," had a movie- Hollywood Hotel in 1937 "the full orchestra plays an abbreviated version of that quintessential Swing Era arrangement of 'Sing, Sing, Sing' in the film," (Behlmer 1). From big Hollywood productions came popularity on the small screen. As televisions became the…...


Works Cited

Behlmer, Rudy. "Big Bands in the Movies." Turner Classic Movies. 2009. Retrieved 16 Nov 2009 at 

Gridley, Mark C. Jazz Styles: History and Analysis. 9th ed. Prentice Hall. 2006.

History Link, "The Jazz Singer, the First Successful Feature Film with Sound, Debuts in Seattle at the Blue Mouse on December 30, 1927." The Free Online Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15 Nov 2009 at 

Schoenherr, Steven E. "Recording Technology History." San Diego University. 2005. Retrieved 16 Nov 2009 at

Pop Is Tomorrow's Classical- Paul Mccartney Discuss
Pages: 8 Words: 3141

Pop is tomorrow's Classical"- Paul McCartney. Discuss this contention within the context of rock/classical music collaborations since the early 1950s.
Classical Rock and Popular Prophecy

To the average music-listener, musical genres are easily divided into homogenous groupings without any danger of overlapping one another. Certainly, there are rare occurrences of "cross-over" hits on the radio that find airplay on both Adult Contemporary and Country stations, or those releases which find an audience among both Easy Listening and Rock fans. Another seemingly strange occurrence that may be observed by the slightly more alert music consumer is that time shifts musical pieces from one genre to another, and yesterday's Alternative Rock is today's Easy Listening, yet even this phenomenon is considered an anomaly of the music industry. A simplicity is desired among musical elitists that preserves some musical forms as valid, labeling others as mere fads. However, the deep impact of musical styles…...



"Classical Music." Heart & Soul. World Book. 2004.

Duxbury, Janell R. "The Nexus of Classical and Rock." Progression, no. 39, p70-74. Summer, 2001.

Duxbury, Janell R. Rockin' the Classics and Classicizin' the Rock: A Selectively Annotated Discography. Greenwood Press, 1991.

Fissinger, Laura. "Jim Steinman: To 'Hell' & Back." BMI MusicWorld. Spring 1994.

Role That Patronage Royal Ecclesiastical
Pages: 7 Words: 2085

On the other hand, he is also referring to the rigorous formation of a cantata. He saw through the rigorous formation of the cantata an instrument to bring a certain order into individual existence as well, with the Lutheran religion as the middle element (Schrade, 1946).
In reference to the previous subchapter on Lully, we should point out towards the fact that, while for Lully, royal patronage was essential for the characteristics of his creation and, in fact, the direct source of inspiration and ultimate goal, ach used the civic appointment to rise above the actual demands and only use the pretext of needing to compose cantatas for a perspective to go beyond and ensure that his musical vision was reached. In Lully's case, patronage determined musical vision, for we cannot see Lully's music otherwise than in the role of a grandiose propaganda instrument for the French absolute monarchy. In…...



1. Schrade, Leo. 1946. Bach: The Conflict between the Sacred and the Secular. Journal of the History of Ideas. University of Pennsylvania Press

2. Isherwood, Robert. 1973. Music in the Service of the King. Ithaca and London: Cornell U.P.

3. Isherwood, Robert. 1969. The Centralization of Music in the Reign of Louis XIV. French Historical Studies. Society for French Historical Studies

4. Bach's Cantatas: a Brief Orientation. On the Internet at   retrieved on September 30, 2007 .Last

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing Poetry and music collaborations in Ireland?
Words: 405

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of poetry and music collaborations
B. Importance of these collaborations in Ireland
C. Overview of the essay

II. Historical background of poetry and music collaborations in Ireland
A. The tradition of combining poetry and music
B. Famous Irish poets and musicians who have collaborated in the past

III. Characteristics of Irish poetry and music collaborations
A. Common themes explored in collaborations
B. Styles and genres of music often used in collaborations
C. Impact of collaborations on the artistic scene in Ireland

IV. Notable examples of successful poetry and music collaborations in Ireland
A. Seamus Heaney and The Chieftains

Need guidance for a thesis statement on the music topic?
Words: 577

Thesis Statement

Crafting a Compelling Thesis Statement for a Music Thesis

A thesis statement is the central argument or claim that your music thesis will explore and support. It is the foundation upon which your entire thesis will be built, guiding your research, analysis, and writing. Crafting a strong and effective thesis statement is essential for the success of your thesis and requires careful consideration.

Characteristics of a Strong Thesis Statement

Clear and Concise: Your thesis statement should be concise and to the point, stating your argument or claim in a clear and unambiguous manner.
Specific and Focused: Avoid broad or general statements.....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on popular world music. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 644

Topic 1: The Transformative Power of Polyrhythms in West African Music

Explore the intricate polyrhythmic structures found in West African music, analyzing their cultural and social significance.
Discuss how polyrhythms enhance musical expression, communicate cultural narratives, and foster communal bonding.
Examine the interplay between different rhythmic layers, the role of improvisation, and the techniques used to create rhythmic complexity.

Topic 2: The Global Fusion of Reggae and its Socio-Political Impact

Trace the evolution of reggae music from its Jamaican roots to its global dissemination.
Analyze the distinctive elements of reggae, including its rhythmic pulse, lyrical themes, and vocal techniques.
Discuss the....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on julian barnes. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 289

Certainly! Here are a few lesser-known but interesting essay topics on Julian Barnes:

1. The role of photography and visual art in Barnes' work
2. The influence of classical literature and mythology in Barnes' writing
3. Barnes' exploration of memory and the nature of personal identity in his novels
4. The significance of music and musicians in Barnes' novels, such as in "The Noise of Time" and "The Sense of an Ending"
5. The portrayal of aging and mortality in Barnes' work, particularly in "Levels of Life" and "Nothing to Be Frightened Of"
6. Barnes' engagement with contemporary political and social issues in his novels, such....

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