Multicultural Education Essays (Examples)

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Multicultural Education Is a Field
Pages: 8 Words: 2350

The Metropolitan eport

In 1996, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company produced a series of reports " to bring the opinions of teachers, students and parents to the attention of educators, policymakers and the American public." The fourth report in the series, the Metropolitan Life Survey of the American Teacher 1996: Students Voice Their Opinions on Learning About Multiculturalism,."..assessed students' opinions and interests in learning about multicultural topics." Lou Harris and Associates conducted the nationwide survey. Public school students in grades 7-12 were asked about (1) the availability of multicultural courses, (2) their interest in taking multicultural courses, and (3) the effectiveness of lessons being taught.

The results of the findings were as follows:

Sixty one percent."..of students say their schools offer classes on multiculturalism" (defined in the survey question as."..the history and culture of people who came to the U.S. from different parts of the world, such as Asia, India, Africa or South America.").…...



Banks and Banks. (2004).Multicultural Education. Learning Point Associations, Naperville, Illinois: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.

Burnett, Gary. (1994) Varieties of multicultural education: an introduction. ERIC Digest 98. Jun 1994. ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education New York NY.

Clark, William a. And Morrison, Peter a. (2003). Mirroring the mosaic: redistricting in a context of cultural pluralism. New York: RAND Corporation publication.

Coballes-Vega, Carmen. (1992). Considerations in teaching culturally diverse children. ERIC Clearinghouse on Teacher Education, Washington D.C.

Multicultural Education in the US Schools
Pages: 7 Words: 2177

Multicultural Education and Communication Issue
The concept of multiculturalism refers to the cultural diversity with a given society. In other word, multiculturalism is a policy that promotes diversity as well as institutionalism at an organizational level such as schools, businesses, cities and nations. However, Gary (1994) defines multicultural education as "any set of processes by which schools work with rather than against oppressed groups." (p 1). Multiculturalism education can be defined "as a movement towards providing equal educational opportunities for everyone from different cultural, ethnic, or religious backgrounds." (Celik, 2013 p 1). The propagation of multicultural education started as far back as 1960 during the civil right movements in order to implement a "long standing corrective de facto policy of assimilating minority group into the "melting pot" of dominant American culture" (Gary, 1994 p 1). The assumption towards multicultural education is that American schools should be designed towards cultural enrichments in…...



Banks, J.A. (1994). An introduction to multicultural education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Banks, J.A. (2004). Multicultural education: Historical development, dimensions, and practices. In J.A. Banks & C.A. McGee Banks (Eds.), Handbook of research on multicultural education (2nd ed., pp. 3 -- 29). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Banks, J.A. (2006). Cultural diversity and education (5th Ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Celik, R.(2013). A History of Multicultural Education in the U.S.A.: Origins, Approaches, and Misconceptions. The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education. 2(4).

Multicultural Education Today Has Become
Pages: 5 Words: 1634

On the other hand, Bennett's model has also inspired me to learn more about cultures other than my own, as well as how to be more culturally sensitive. This helps me in terms of mediating between teachers, students, and parents, many of whom are still burdened by prejudice, even if this is benign and not necessarily known to the individuals involved. I have learned to handle this in a subtle rather than overt way, by guiding them towards a better understanding when interacting with each other.

Finally, Nieto's article provided me with some startling facts; although I am aware of the segregation issue in schools, and that it is far from over, I was not aware of the countrywide extent of this, and indeed that there was a backward movement towards segregation during the 1990s. Whereas the other two articles were considerably positive in terms of addressing segregation in a positively…...



Bennett, Milton J. (1993). A Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity. Retrieved from 

Gorski, P.C. (2010). The Challenge of Defining "Multicultural Education." Retrieved from 

Nieto, S.M. (2003, Dec/Jan). Profoundly Multicultural Questions. Educational Leadership, Vol. 60, Iss. 4. Retrieved from

Multicultural Education it Is Useless
Pages: 4 Words: 1438

The fundamentalist White orientation is one often accounted for and met in everyday life, as well as in the education process. We need not refer to extremist and violent groups, but to the uniformed category with which Howard himself identifies for much of his teenage years, up to the college period. Just as he hadn't met a person who wasn't white until then, similarly we may tend to believe that stating the fact that color makes no difference to us is enough to surpass the fact that we indeed have "a mask of dominance" which we unconsciously wear. In this case, we deny the fact that there are racial differences and would rather follow the line "we are all the same," that is a rejection of diversity rather than understanding it.

The integrationist White orientation believes that a condescending approach is right when approaching racial problems. Howard himself identifies with this…...



1. Howard, Gary. "We Can't Teach What We Don't Know: White Teachers, Multicultural Schools." New York Teachers College Press. 1999

2. Howard, Gary. How we are white. Southern Poverty Law Journal, Teaching Tolerance. On the Internet at

3. Review of the book on the Internet at't-Teach-What-We-Don't-Know-White-Teachers-Multiracial-Schools-Multicultural-Education-Series-New-York-N.Y...html

4. Howard, R. Gary. White Americans in a Multicultural Society: Re-thinking Our Role. Greater Rochester Diversity Council. 1993. Adapted from "Whites in Multicultural Education: Rethinking

Multicultural Education
Pages: 10 Words: 2683

New York City Multicultural Education
Multicultural education

Multi-Cultural Education in New York City

Aspirations to be an educator, a teacher in the diversity of the New York City Schools must realize that considerations are school-wide focused on setting out and maintaining as well as assessing effective applications in the administering, educating and teaching methods in a multicultural setting.

New York City is a place full of diversity and is in fact the home to Ellis Island, Lady Liberty whose arms have taken in all ethnic and cultural representations of the rainbow into her harbor throughout the last 228 years and yet it has not changed. The responsibilities and considerations in educating the Americans of today in New York City grows were more ethnically and culturally diverse as the world becomes smaller and smaller.

ench-marks in New York City Schools:

There are eight cultural benchmarks inclusive in multicultural schools that are effective institutions according to anks (1999).…...



Banks, C.A.M. (1997). Parents and teachers: Partners in school reform. In J.A. Banks & C.A.M. Banks (Eds.), Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives (3rd ed.), (pp. 408-426). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Banks, J.A. (1997). Teaching Strategies for Ethnic

Studies (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Banks, J.A. (1999). An Introduction to Multicultural Education (2nd ed.) Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Multicultural Education
Pages: 5 Words: 1495

No Child Left Behind Act will affect multicultural education.
Review current reference material.

The No Child Left Behind Act will provide unprecedented changes in the K-12 educational system that will allow all school age children to benefit from the various educational programs available. Children will be provided with a multicultural education that will improve the quality of education overall for children across the country.

On January 8, 2002, President Bush enacted the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, which was the most comprehensive educational reform act since 1965. The act redefines the federal government's role in K-12 education and will help close the performance gap that currently exists between disadvantaged and minority children and their peers.

The Act provides the framework for improving the performance of America's elementary and secondary schools while providing guidelines for ensuring that no child is trapped in a failing school that does not meet the stipulations of…...



  Department of Education. Executive Summary of No Child Left Behind Act. July, 2002 .U.S.

Multicultural Education the Purpose of This Article
Pages: 2 Words: 625

Multicultural Education
The purpose of this article is to show how complex multicultural education is. There is much to be learned from studying this, and the roots of it really need to involve a multidisciplinary approach. Without this approach, the goal of multicultural education is never actually realized. Having a framework that can be used to create concepts in this area helps to show that there are many different genres that the research into this area can be involved in, and they all important.

Bennett's main goal in her article is to show that there are many different ways to prepare these types of programs and figure out how best to teach students. Sometimes just rearranging a program that is already in existence is the best idea. Other times, it is necessary to design completely new programs that will do the job as intended. Having an article such as this one…...

Multicultural Education Exists in My School Due
Pages: 2 Words: 456

multicultural education exists in my school due to the nature of the demographics that attend the school. The faculty and administration appear all to vary in different cultures as well making the environment very diverse and of a varied background. The school itself is located in one of the most diverse areas in the world in Brooklyn NY. New York city is a cultural melting pot that changes all the time. The proximity of this school to all of the constant cultural development ensures that my school is multicultural.
For some it may seem unique and very strange to have a middle school composed of mostly Chinese Russian and Hispanics students. The faculty is mostly white with other blacks and Hispanics as well. There is a good mixture of culture that resonates in the student's modes of communication, style of dress and physical features. There are also many subtleties in…...

Multicultural Education Regarding Sensitivity to Ethnic and
Pages: 2 Words: 738

multicultural education regarding sensitivity to ethnic and racial differences: "psychologists are encouraged to be aware of their attitudes and work to increase their contact with members of other racial/ethnic groups, building trust in others and increasing their tolerance for others" (Guidelines, APA, 2013: 8). The practice of psychology requires a sense of acute self-awareness. The psychologist cannot necessarily assume that he or she is innately unbiased, given that simply being a part of a specific cultural worldview of any kind carries with it some inherent biases. Psychologists have a responsibility to engage in "efforts to change their attitudes and biases help to prevent those attitudes from detrimentally affecting their relationships with students, research subjects and clients who are racially/ethnically different from them" (Guidelines, APA, 2013: 8).
This sense of acute self-awareness is intimately related to the specialty guidelines issued by the APLS for forensic psychologists, including those related to impartiality…...



Guidelines on multicultural education, training, research, practice, and organizational change for psychologists. (2013). APA. Retrieved:

American Psychology-Law Society: Specialty guidelines for forensic psychologists. (2013).

APLS. Retrieved:

Multicultural Education
Pages: 2 Words: 775

Multiculturalism in School Curriculm
Over 140 years ago, Lord Acton envisioned an America where each child would be treated equally and there would be no discrimination or major differences in class due to race and culture. Unfortunately, he saw the future incorrectly.

According to Changing America, A Report of the Council of Economic Advisors, "the population of the United States continues to grow increasingly diverse." Hispanics and minority racial groups -- defined as racial and ethnic groups that make up less than 50% of the population and include non-Hispanic blacks, Asians and American Indians have grown faster than the population as a whole. In 1970, these groups together totaled 16% of the population. This percentage grew to 27 in 1998. Continuing on this trend, by 2005 minorities will account for almost half of the U.S. population.

Sadly, however, despite these changing numbers, racial discrimination continues in the United States. According to the American…...


Works Cited

American Civil Liberties Union. "Racial Equality." Website visited 6 May 2003. 

Changing America: Indicators of Social and Economic Well-Being by Race and Hispanic Origin. (1998) Washington, DC: Council of Economic Advisors for the President's Initiative on Race.

Kull, Steven. (1994). Fighting Poverty in America: A Study of American Public

Attitudes, Washington, DC: Center for Study of Public Attitudes.

Multicultural Education and Cultural Identity
Pages: 3 Words: 956

Running head: WEEK ASSIGNMENTS 1WEEK 7 ASSIGNMENTS 4Week 7 AssignmentsPart 1: Knowledge and Power in Shaping Racial and Class Stratification in SocietyThe stratification of class and race is typical in most communities. Koput & Gutek (2010) explain the assumption that there are people in the society who have sufficient human capital and have a higher propensity to accomplish higher-level tasks. However, they also affirm that this form of stratification only occurs when dealing with certain aspects such as education or experience. Racial stratification is a common problem in the society due to the associated impacts. Jackson (2007) addresses the famous works of Paulo Freire in which he reveals the truth about racial oppression in the community. Race stratification involves the ranking of ethnic groups based on their perceived superiority. However, this superiority is only achieved through the oppression of the less powerful ethnic groups. Class stratification mainly arises due to…...


ReferencesAl-Hazza, T.C. & Bucher, K.T. (2008). Building Arab-Americans’ cultural identity and acceptance with children’s literature. The Reading Teacher, 62(3), 210-219.Gay, G. (2004). The importance of multicultural education. Educational Leadership 61(4). 30–35.Jackson, S. (2007). Freire re-viewed. Educational Theory 57(2) 199-213.Koput, K.W. & Gutek, B.A. (2010). Gender Stratification in the IT Industry: Sex, Status and Social Capital. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar PublishingRenda, T. and El-Haj, A. (2006). Race, politics, and Arab American youth: Shifting frameworks for conceptualizing educational equity. Educational Policy, 20(1). 13-34. 

Adult Support for Multicultural Education
Pages: 5 Words: 1528

As is stated by Bennett "When teachers accept the goal of developing competencies in multiple systems of standards of perceiving, evaluating, believing and doing, it becomes obvious that knowledge about multiple dialects and languages is part of becoming educated" (p. 297).
While neither educators nor parents can magically erase all cultural and ethnic barriers and inequities, any more than they can resolve all of the communication problems created associated with an increasingly diverse classroom, they can achieve significant results by making a conscious and concerted effort to ensure that every student is treated fairly and in a manner that respects rather than ignores their cultural heritage.


Allen, S.F. & Tracy, E.M. (2004) evitalizing the role of home visiting by school social workers. Children and Schools, 26, 197-208

Baker, M.L., Sigmon, J.N., & Nugent, M.E. (2001). Truancy reduction: Keeping students in school. Juvenile Justice Bulletin, 1-14

Bennett, C. (1995). Comprehensive multicultural education: Theory and…...



Allen, S.F. & Tracy, E.M. (2004) Revitalizing the role of home visiting by school social workers. Children and Schools, 26, 197-208

Baker, M.L., Sigmon, J.N., & Nugent, M.E. (2001). Truancy reduction: Keeping students in school. Juvenile Justice Bulletin, 1-14

Bennett, C. (1995). Comprehensive multicultural education: Theory and practice (3rd ed.). Massachusetts: Allen & Bacon

Goodman, J.F., (1998, December) Moral descriptors and the assessment of children, Journal of Moral Education 27, 475-487

Diversity and Multicultural Education
Pages: 4 Words: 1215

Using Power Point: Understanding Diversity answer the below questions

How could prejudice affect a person's ability to learn and work?

Prejudice could affect the person's self-esteem and self-confidence. Teachers and peers might treat the student differently than they would without the prejudice, even if the prejudice is "positive," such as prejudice toward Asian students in a math class. Prejudice might impede a person's ability to learn and work, because it impacts the reactions of both teachers and students.

How important is the issue of diversity in your daily life?

Diversity is hugely important in my daily life. I do not like being in homogeneous places, because they are not reflective of the world at large. The world is diverse, filled with people with differing points-of-view and backgrounds. My views and outlooks change when I interact with different people, and I like that diversity makes me think more critically and creatively.

At your school or job,…...

Education Multiculturalism in Education Creating
Pages: 10 Words: 3181

A group that is, by its very nature, mentally defective, will also easily be viewed as incapable of supporting itself without help - a strain on the larger society. In terms of modern day American society, this could be seen as declaring that African-Americans, and other similarly impoverished and marginalized groups, are likely to remain forever within the care of the social welfare system. Believers in such ideas might easily raise the question - why bother with caring for these people at all? More to the point; however, is the question of whether there is really anything wrong with most of these individuals at all? Clearly, a large part of their "mental disabilities" derive from internal and external assumptions about what it means to be African-American, or a member of some similarly tagged minority group. A multicultural approach to the educational process helps to guarantee that all individuals are…...



Allen, J., & Hermann-Wilmarth, J. (2004). Cultural Construction Zones. Journal of Teacher Education, 55(3), 214+.


Block, P., Balcazar, F., & Keys, C. (2001). From Pathology to Power: Rethinking Race, Poverty and Disability. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 12(1), 18.


Multicultural Classrooms for Some the Discussion of
Pages: 3 Words: 1025

Multicultural Classrooms
For some, the discussion of multiculturalism is a theoretical one, with little practical application to their day-to-day behavior. Even when people encounter others from different cultures, ethnocentric ideals may prevent them from really understanding how cultural backgrounds impact their interactions. For classroom teachers, however, multiculturalism is much more than a theoretical concept; it is the framework that helps establish how a teacher can create a classroom environment that is beneficial for all of the students in the classroom. However, establishing a multicultural classroom is not a simplistic process. In order to do so, an educator must consider many factors that relate to development in children. Educators must also think about the different family backgrounds of the students. Finally, teachers have to keep in mind that they may direct their classrooms, but they do not completely control them; the teacher has to play an active role in facilitating the creation…...



Australia Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship. (2011). The People of Australia: Australia's Multicultural policy. Retrieved September 11, 2013 from Australian Government website:

Lo Bianco, J. (2010). Multicultural education in Australia: Evolution, compromise, and contest.

Retrieved September 11, 2013 from International Alliance of Leading Educational Institutes website: 

Swetnam, L. (2003). Lessons on multicultural education from Australia and the United States,

\"How can incorporating history and culture enhance EFL learner\'s experiences?\"
Words: 228

1. The Role of History, Culture, and Civilization in EFL Learning
2. The Benefits of Integrating History and Culture into Language Lessons
3. Understanding the Importance of Cultural Awareness in EFL Education
4. Enhancing Language Skills through the Study of History and Civilization
5. Inspiring EFL Learners Through Cultural Immersion
6. Embracing Diversity: Promoting Tolerance and Understanding in EFL Education
7. The Evolution of Societies: Lessons from History for EFL Learners
8. Strategies for Engaging EFL Learners in the Study of History and Culture
9. The Impact of Multicultural Education on EFL Learners
10. Fostering Empathy and Open-mindedness Through the Exploration of History, Culture, and Civilization
11. The Role of....

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover values attitudes and belief philosophy of education?
Words: 302

Certainly! Here are some essay topics that cover values, attitudes, and beliefs in the philosophy of education:

1. The role of values in shaping educational practices and policies
2. Exploring the impact of teachers' attitudes and beliefs on student learning outcomes
3. Examining the importance of fostering a growth mindset in education
4. The ethical considerations of teaching controversial topics in the classroom
5. Integrating social justice and inclusivity in the curriculum: challenges and opportunities
6. The role of multicultural education in promoting understanding and empathy among students
7. Examining the impact of technology on values and attitudes in education
8. The importance of critical thinking and independent....

How do educators promote diversity and inclusivity in South African schools?
Words: 778

1. Education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of a country, as it equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in society. In South Africa, a country known for its rich cultural diversity, promoting inclusivity and diversity in schools is essential to create a welcoming and supportive learning environment for all students. This essay will explore how educators in South African schools can actively promote diversity and inclusivity, ensuring that every student feels valued and respected.

2. South Africas history is marked by years of apartheid, a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination. Even....

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