Multicultural Diversity Essays (Examples)

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Multicultural Diversity the Topic of the Project
Pages: 6 Words: 1828

Multicultural Diversity
The topic of the project is "multicultural management in the virtual project setting." In today's globalized business environment, multicultural work teams are become the norm, rather than the exception. Often, projects are undertaken at multiple work sites around the world, so that not only are teams diverse, but they are virtual as well. The members of these teams, with their different ethnic backgrounds, will often have different values, and different perspectives on the issues that the team faces. Such diversity can aid with problem-solving and also with decision-making where the employees' different experiences and worldviews contribute to seeing the problem in multi-faceted ways. This can help to drive innovation and help the company to derive original solutions, allowing the organization to better compete in the global environment. Promoting creativity and building global consensus are two of the most important benefits of multicultural, diverse work groups (Horwitz & Horwitz, 2007).



Works Cited:

Bell, B.S., & Kozlowski, S.W. (2002). 'A typology of virtual teams: Implications for effective leadership'. Group & Organization Management, 27, 14-49.

Horwitz, S.K., & Horwitz, I.B.. (2007) 'The effects of team diversity on team outcomes: A meta-analytic review of team demography'. Journal of Management, 33(6), 987-1015.

Kozlowski, S.J.W., Gully, S.M. Nason, E.R., & Smith, E.M. (1999). 'Developing adaptive teams: A theory of compilation and performance across levels and time'. In D.R. Ilgen & E.D. Pulakos (Eds.), The changing nature of work and performance: Implications for staffing, personnel actions, and development (SIOP Frontiers Series). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

O'Reilly, Williams, & Barsade. (1998). 'Group demography and innovation: Does diversity help'? In DH Gruenfeld (Ed.), Composition (pp.183-207). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Multicultural Diversity
Pages: 10 Words: 2672

acism in a Multicultural Society
United States is called a melting pot because of the influx of immigrants from diverse backgrounds who have all somehow adapted well to the life in the U.S. We are talking about the U.S. In multicultural context because no other country can claim to have a society so diverse as America. But with multiculturalism come few serious problems too including racism. acism had been a pervasive issue in the United States for a very long time and just when we think it has been effectively dead, some incident occurs to remind us that it is still very much a part of this society. African-Americans still suffer from racism in variety of ways. But it is not the only minority group that has endured racial attacks, there are now other groups facing similar problems including Muslims after the 9/11 attacks and it has become a much wider…...



Alexander, N. Antonio Segrio Alfredo Guimar-es, Beyond Racism: Race and Inequality in Brazil, South Africa, and the United States. Lynne Rienner. Boulder, CO. 2001. 505.

Maran, R. A Report from the United Nations World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance Durban, South Africa 2001. Social Justice. 2002. 177+.

Kelly, G. -- LOYALISTS LAUNCH ANTI-RACISM FIGHT; Poster Campaign to Stamp out Hate Crimes in Ulster. Newspaper Title: The Mirror. March 10, 2005. 22.

Strickland, Bill: The changing face of racism: new strategies needed for new century. Crisis (The New); Mar/Apr2001, Vol. 108 Issue 2, p20, 2p, 1c

Race and Gender Discrimination Multicultural Diversity Sex
Pages: 10 Words: 3808

ace and Gender Discrimination
Multicultural Diversity

Sex Discrimination

Age Discrimination

This paper discusses literature regarding the Equal Employment Opportunity Act which helps protect both applicants and employees from being discriminated against on the basis of their race, religion, age, sex, gender or disabilities. It also discusses and explores the roles of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which is a federal agency that investigates and enforces the laws that were enacted from the EEOA. This paper also explores the notion that despite our modern social advances, we are not totally removed from discrimination of all types in the workplace. The role and relationship of the hospitality industry as it pertains to laws and regulations is also discussed.

etype Title Here


The Equal Employment Opportunity Act was created and born out of Title VII of The Civil ights Act of 1964; it consists of a series of laws that are all aimed at preventing discrimination of various and…...



Bohlander, G.W., & Snell, S. (2007). Managing human resources. Mason, OH: Thomson.

Casado, M.A., & Dereshwizky, M.I. (2007). Cutulral Diversity in Higher Education: Implications for Hospitality Programs, 128(2), 294-306.

Dennis, H., & Thomas, K. (2007). Ageism in The Workplace. Generations, 31(1), 2-9.

Equal Employment Opportunity Act. (n.d.). The U.S. Department of Labor Home Page. Retrieved February 22, 2011, from

Diversity in the Classroom Community
Pages: 5 Words: 1372

Another factor that impacts the level of community resources offered is that many of the schools do not offer intramural activities for elementary school students. Participation in these group activities are most often children from middle to middle upper class families; due in part to cost and accessibility.
Those representing the lower socioeconomic strata tend to take greater advantage of the social services available within the community. Social services purported to be available including both state funded and privately funded organizations that offer basic services including food, clothing and shelter, as well as public welfare such as Temporary Assistance to Need Families, Social Security benefits, Medicaid and Medicare. The Department of Family and Children Services is a large provided of social services and serves as the gatekeeper to many of the private agencies that offer foster care, domestic violence counseling services, child welfare services, as well as many levels of…...



Burt, J., Ortlieb, E., & Cheek, E. (2009). An investigation of the impact of racially diverse teachers on the reading skills of fourth-grade students in a one race school. Reading Improvement, 46(1), 35-45.

Keengwe, J. (2010). Fostering cross cultural competence in preservice teachers through

Multicultural education experiences. Early Childhood Education Journal, 38(3),


Multicultural Responses in an Irish
Pages: 4 Words: 1099

V. Implementation of Multicultural Diversity and Classroom Harmony Creation

Classroom harmony should be relatively easy for the teacher of geography to create since the entire focus of the study of geography are places and locations throughout the world and certainly this is a study subject endlessly graced by potential subjects that have the potential to create understanding and harmony in the classroom.

II. Key Example of How Teaching Subject May be Facilitated

A key example of how teaching geography can be used in facilitation of cultural diversity is the study of world cultures in combination with world locations. For instance, teaching geography on the Western world and specifically on the United States can involve the sharing of knowledge of the many and diverse cultures that together represent the demographics of the United State. Included are African-Americans, native Indians and of many various tribal lineage, as well as the European Caucasian and other immigrants…...



Clark, Marie and Drudy, Sheelagh (2006) Teaching for Diversity, Social Justice and Global Awareness. European Journal of Teacher Education. Vol. 28, No.3. 3 Aug 2006.

Abu-Saad, Ismael (2004) Separate and Unequal: The Role of the State Educational System in Maintaining the Subordination of Israel's Palestinian Arab Citizens. Social Identities. Vol. 10. No. 1. Carfax Publishing. Taylor & Francis Group.

Liederman, Molokotos (2009) Religious Diversity in Schools: the Muslim Headscarf Controversy and Beyond. Social Compass, 2000; 47; 367. Sage Publications.

Dehyle, Donna (nd) Navajo Youth and Anglo Racism. Harvard Educational Review.

Diversity Important in Health Care
Pages: 14 Words: 3805

The Foundation called specific attention to the prospect of institutional and policy-level strategies to increase the participation of under-represented minorities in the health professions. In response, the Institute Committee on Institutional and Policy-Level Strategies for Increasing the Diversity of the U.S. Healthcare Workforce came out with a report, entitled "In the Nation's Compelling Interest: Ensuring Diversity in the Health Care Workforce." The Committee consisted mostly of academicians, two of whom represented the nursing profession.
In its report, the Committee recognized the importance of increasing racial diversity among health professionals in order to improve access to care, greater patient choice and satisfaction and better educational experiences for practitioners, among other benefits. It also recognized the lack of strategies in reducing institutional and policy-level barriers among health profession educational institutions or HPEIs. In response to the lack, the Committee recommended that health professions education make a clear stand and mission on the…...



AHRQ (2007). The national healthcare disparities report, 2006. Agency for Healthcare

Quality and Research, Medscape. Retrieved on June 18, 2009 from

Alabama Nurse (2004). ANA Review: Institute of Medicine report on workforce diversity,

Multicultural Resources Report of Internet Sites Multicultural
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Multicultural Resources Report of Internet Sites
Multicultural and diversity issues exist in our day-to-day is therefore very important to sensitize people and make them aware of these issues and how they can deal with them. The paper is a report on multicultural resources using the internet sites.

Milano, P.J. (1997).The National Forum on People with Differences. Retrieved November 19, 2013 from

There are so many internet sites that contain information on some aspects of multicultural and diversity such site is Y? Forum. This is a national forum on people with differences. This site provides a safe place where people candidly discuss tough issues such as stereotypes, racism, religious persecution, gander discrimination, homophobia and other issues pertaining to cultural diversity. This site has an appealing appearance which attracts anyone that visits the site hence they will be able to read through what is contained in the is very easy to…...


American Counseling Association is another site that contains information on multiculturalism and sis easy to navigate through the site as everything is clearly indicated on the webpage. There is an icon for the homepage, knowledge center and browse by topic. Therefore whatever topic one wants to access is easily therefore makes it easy for anyone visiting the site to maneuver and get exactly what they want and they are looking for. There are also some links to social media such as Facebook and twitter on the top most side of the site. This enables one to share the site with other people and hence it becomes very easy for information sharing .there is even an option to join this site and continue learning in the process. This is very good as it will enable those people who join the site to learn and get their questions answered in every possible way (American Counseling Association, 2013).

Curators of the University of Missouri, (2011). Diversity and Multiculturalism. Retrieved November 19, 2013 from 

This is yet another site that contains information on diversity. There are various diversity researches that are listed on the site with their names, their research description and contact information. This is very useful as it gives one a guideline on the available research that has been conducted on this topic and how it was also has the access to contact information of those who carried out this research and hence can do a follow-up if they have any questions to be answered. These research topics give the viewers of the site a guideline on the available

Multicultural Counseling Is Color-Blind
Pages: 4 Words: 1209

Multicultural Supervision

Ethical and Legal Concerns

Section I of the ACA (2014) Code of Ethics on Resolving Ethical Issues mandates professional counselors to behave ethically and to obey the law. They are fully aware that client welfare and the trust enjoyed by their profession entirely depend on a high level of professional conduct on their part. They adhere faithfully to the ACA Code of Ethics and other applicable codes. They base their solution to an ethical issue or dilemma on the Code, consultation, relevant ethical standards, principles and laws. In cases when ethical responsibilities conflict with established laws, regulations and/or other governing legal authority and no solution is achieved, they may choose to yield to the requirements of these legal authorities (ACA).

Section .1.c. On Respect for Confidentiality obliges counselors to guard all confidential information of both current and future clients (ACA, 2014). They reveal specific information only with the client's…...



ACA (2014). ACA Code of Ethics. ACA Governing Council. Retrieved on March 29,

2014 from 

DeTrude, J. (2001). The supervision process: complications and concerns. Professional Issues in Counseling: Sam Houston State University. Retrieved on March 30, 2014


Multicultural Newsletter What Is Multicultural Literacy Approaching
Pages: 4 Words: 1411

Multicultural Newsletter
hat is Multicultural Literacy?

Approaching the subject of multicultural literacy for the first time a student might think it has to do with getting minorities to become literate -- to be able to read and write in English or in their native language. That would be wrong, albeit it is a good goal in terms of bringing all students up to speed in communication skills. hat is important to remember about multicultural literacy is that by the year 2020, an estimated fifty percent of the student population in American public schools will belong "…to an economic, ethnic, racial, religious, and/or social class minority" (Stevens, et al., 2011, p. 32). Teachers and counselors must be fully knowledgeable vis-a-vis the culturally relevant issues that are present when the classroom is diverse, as it clearly is becoming today and will continue to be in the near future as well.

hat Stevens is getting at…...


Works Cited

Authors and Artists for Young Adults. (2001). Diego Rivera. Retrieved October 16, 2012,

Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History. (2006). W.E.B. Du Bois. Retrieved October 15, 2012, from Gale Biography in Context.

Stevens, Elizabeth Years, and Brown, Rachel. (2011). Lessons Learned from the Holocaust:

Blogging to Teach Critical Multicultural Literacy. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 44(1), 31-51.

Multicultural Marketing to a Multicultural Audience --
Pages: 8 Words: 2956

Multicultual Maketing
Maketing to a multicultual audience -- Stabucks and McDonald's

All businesses today must be multicultual to some extent (Makgosa 2012). The Intenet has opened up new potals to multicultual, multinational consume audiences. Moe foeign nationals in developing nations aspie to imitate the Ameican, consumeist life they see potayed in the moden media. Ameica itself is gowing inceasingly divese, which demands a moe caefully-segmented appoach to maketing. Howeve, this ceates a poblem fo global businesses such as Stabucks and McDonald's. On one hand, the coe foundation of thei business is based upon maketing a paticula type of lifestyle, a lifestyle gounded in an image ooted in Ameicana (o in the case of Stabucks, a vey Ameican vision of a Euopean cafe). The coe poblem of today's multicultual maketing is that changes must be made to addess an inceasingly divese audience: an audience which demands moe than mee tokenism o a few…...



Palacios, S. (2011). Multicultural is the wave of the future. Ad Age. Retrieved: 

Patterson, P.G., Scott, J., & Uncles, M.D. (2010). How the local competition defeated a global brand: The case of Starbucks. Australasian Marketing Journal, 18(1), 41-47.

Starbucks: Japan's highest-rated coffee chain. (2009). What Japan Thinks.

Multicultural Literature
Pages: 6 Words: 2417

Multicultural Literature
what is multicultural literature? What are the characteristics of quality multicultural literature?

Within the latter part of the twentieth century, a pattern referred to as multiculturalism acquired popularity in American education (Almerico et al., 2006). Gay (1994) within an intensive research of the very commonly used meanings of multicultural literature recognized 13 particular explanations involving the idea and mentioned that a number of factors had been typical out of all definitions for the reason that all of them concur that the content material of multicultural literature ought to include:

Cultural pluralism, ethnic identities, unequal division of resources as well as

Opportunities along with other socio and political issues arising from extended track records of oppression

Multicultural education like a school of thought, a strategy for education transformation, along with a collection of particular subject material within just educational courses. (p. 3)

In her own book, Affirming Diversity, Nieto (2000) mentioned:

Multicultural literature & #8230; not…...



Almerica et al. 2006:

The authors in this research carried out a content evaluation of children's literature college books to find out the way the phrase multiculturalism had been interpreted within just the perspective of children's literature. They established the way the idea had been outlined, the degree to which various subcultures within the America had been depicted, the quantity of textual content dedicated to every depicted cultural group, and also the quantity of suggested trade books for every group.

HMC 2008:

• The racial foundation involving the classroom has and also will continue to transform.

Multicultural Classrooms for Some the Discussion of
Pages: 3 Words: 1025

Multicultural Classrooms
For some, the discussion of multiculturalism is a theoretical one, with little practical application to their day-to-day behavior. Even when people encounter others from different cultures, ethnocentric ideals may prevent them from really understanding how cultural backgrounds impact their interactions. For classroom teachers, however, multiculturalism is much more than a theoretical concept; it is the framework that helps establish how a teacher can create a classroom environment that is beneficial for all of the students in the classroom. However, establishing a multicultural classroom is not a simplistic process. In order to do so, an educator must consider many factors that relate to development in children. Educators must also think about the different family backgrounds of the students. Finally, teachers have to keep in mind that they may direct their classrooms, but they do not completely control them; the teacher has to play an active role in facilitating the creation…...



Australia Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship. (2011). The People of Australia: Australia's Multicultural policy. Retrieved September 11, 2013 from Australian Government website:

Lo Bianco, J. (2010). Multicultural education in Australia: Evolution, compromise, and contest.

Retrieved September 11, 2013 from International Alliance of Leading Educational Institutes website: 

Swetnam, L. (2003). Lessons on multicultural education from Australia and the United States,

Diversity in Multicultural Business Globalization
Pages: 9 Words: 2610

Companies will need to look at regional and national differences, and draw on the similarities between countries to enhance their competitive advantages (Powell, 2005). It is clear that as company, like WTI grows globally, they will benefit from a multicultural workforce. They must put managerial, educational, and cultural proactiveness in place, which will not only improve their opportunities for greater worldwide competition, but by bringing establishing a multicultural workforce, they also improve the interrelationships between their employees. Employees who do this, learn to communicate and other points-of-view and opinions. By doing this WTI, and other large companies, poise themselves to become successful in the emerging globalize culture of the 21st century.
Using Innovative Human Resource Techniques to Manage Diversity - Human resource management, whether specifically titles or not, has been a part of any organization's management since groups banded together for specific tasks. Ancient armies, projects, and even educational and…...


Figure 2 -- Simple life cycle utilizing eHRM for employee (Armstron, 2006; Boudreau).

Thus, this simple figure shows that starting with the potential employee's entry of their resume into the electronic system, how the data begins to manage itself and becomes available to those who need it most. Employees and managers all have access to the data, and the employee can update the resume when new skills are acquired, apply for internal jobs by simply sending a note to the manager, manage their payroll, sick-leave, vacation, and retirement data, and work with their own professionals to plan and execute their career.

For managers, the system focuses on skill management and the ability for individual managers to do skill-based strategic planning and what if scenarios without the need to access hundreds of man-hours of time from another department. The manager can quickly see both who within the organization, and on resumes on file, might have a particular desire or skill set which the company is in need of. For the employee

Diversity in the Workplace
Pages: 12 Words: 3815

Diversity in the Workplace
The increase in globalization has resulted in greater levels of interaction of individuals from diverse cultures and beliefs than ever before in the history of the world. As noted in the work of Green, Lopez, Wysocki and Kepner (2002) "People no longer live and work in an insular marketplace; they are now part of a worldwide economy with competition coming from nearly every continent." (p.1) Diversity is defined as "The variety of experiences and perspective which arise from differences in race, culture, religion, mental or physical abilities, heritage, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other characteristics." (University of California, San Francisco, 2012, p.1)

Challenges, arriers, and enefits to Workplace Diversity

The Multicultural Advantage website reports that there are specific barriers and challenges to workplace diversity and that these are inclusive of: (1) communication; (2) resistance to change; (3) Implementation of diversity in the workplace policies; (4) and (5)…...



1. A Diverse Workforce Is Integral to a Strong Economy. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from: 

2. Andrade, R. And Rivera, A. (2012) Developing a Diversity-Patent Workforce: The UA Libraries' Experience. Journal of Library Administration. 51:7-8, 692-727

3. Best Practices in Achieving Workforce Diversity (2010) U.S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved from: 

4. DuPont, K. (1999) Handling Diversity in the Workplace; Communication is the Key. American Media, Inc. Retrieved from:

Diversity and Multicultural Education
Pages: 4 Words: 1215

Using Power Point: Understanding Diversity answer the below questions

How could prejudice affect a person's ability to learn and work?

Prejudice could affect the person's self-esteem and self-confidence. Teachers and peers might treat the student differently than they would without the prejudice, even if the prejudice is "positive," such as prejudice toward Asian students in a math class. Prejudice might impede a person's ability to learn and work, because it impacts the reactions of both teachers and students.

How important is the issue of diversity in your daily life?

Diversity is hugely important in my daily life. I do not like being in homogeneous places, because they are not reflective of the world at large. The world is diverse, filled with people with differing points-of-view and backgrounds. My views and outlooks change when I interact with different people, and I like that diversity makes me think more critically and creatively.

At your school or job,…...

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