Motor Skills Essays (Examples)

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Music on Fine Motor Skills
Pages: 4 Words: 1453

egardless of the type of music students listened to while being evaluated, their fine motor skills performance did not significantly vary. There are a number of possible explanations for these results.
The most likely explanation for the lack of significant findings in this study is the small sample size. With only 12 students in the sample, it is quite likely that the sample size simply was not large enough to detect any significant differences that may actually exist. In other words, while music and type of music may in fact have an important role to play in the performance of fine motor skills, it could be that a sample of 12 is too small to allow for the detection of a significant difference. Consequently, future research should examine this question with a larger sample size in order to determine whether a larger sample size may produce statistically significant results. In…...



McHale, K. & Cermak, K. (1992). Fine motor activities in elementary school: Preliminary findings and provisional implications for children with fine motor problems. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 46(10), 898-903.

Schlaug, G., Norton, a., Overy, K., & Winner, E. (2006). Effects of music training on the child's brain and cognitive development. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1060, 219-230.

Schneider, S., Munte, T., Rodriguez-Fornells, a., Sailer, M., & Altenmuller, E. (2010). Music-supported training is more efficient than functional motor training for recovery of fine motor skills in stroke patients. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 27(4), 271-280.

Tabachinick, B.G. & Fidell, L.S. (2012). Using Multivariate Statistics (6th Edition). New York: Pearson.

Motor Skill Acquisition Model Fitts Posner
Pages: 6 Words: 1810

Teaching a Motor SkillQuestion #1A motor skill is any movement that is learned and carried out by the muscles. Motor skills can be classified according to three main criteria: environmental predictability, task organization, and importance of motor vs cognitive importance (Newell, 2020). Environmental predictability refers to how predictable or variable the environment is in which the skill will be performed. For example, a soccer player needs to be able to control the ball in a variety of different game situations, including when the opponents are trying to block her. This requires a high degree of environmental predictability. In contrast, a trapeze artist needs to be able to adapt to changing wind conditions and grip the bar securely, which means that she must be able to perform the skill in a less predictable environment. Task organization refers to how complex the task is. A simple task, such as picking up a…...


ReferencesBugdadi, A., Sawaya, R., Olwi, D., Al-Zhrani, G., Azarnoush, H., Sabbagh, A. J., ... & Del Maestro, R. (2018). Automaticity of force application during simulated brain tumor resection: testing the Fitts and Posner model. Journal of Surgical Education, 75(1), 104-115.Domingue, B. W., Kanopka, K., Stenhaug, B., Sulik, M. J., Beverly, T., Brinkhuis, M., ... & Yeatman, J. (2022). Speed–Accuracy Trade-Off? Not So Fast: Marginal Changes in Speed Have Inconsistent Relationships With Accuracy in Real-World Settings. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 47(5), 576-602.Graham, S. (2018). A revised writer (s)-within-community model of writing. Educational Psychologist, 53(4), 258-279.Graham, S., Kiuhara, S. A., & MacKay, M. (2020). The effects of writing on learning in science, social studies, and mathematics: A meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research, 90(2), 179-226.Krakauer, J. W., Hadjiosif, A. M., Xu, J., Wong, A. L., & Haith, A. M. (2019). Motor learning. Compr Physiol, 9(2), 613-663.Lu, S. J., & Liu, Y. C. (2015). Integrating augmented reality technology to enhance children’s learning in marine education. Environmental Education Research, 21(4), 525-541.Molina, S. L., Bott, T. S., & Stodden, D. F. (2019). Applications of the speed–accuracy trade-off and impulse-variability theory for teaching ballistic motor skills. Journal of Motor Behavior.Newell, K. M. (2020). What are fundamental motor skills and what is fundamental about them?. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 8(2), 280-314.Ricca, A., Chellali, A., & Otmane, S. (2020, November). Influence of hand visualization on tool-based motor skills training in an immersive VR simulator. In 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) (pp. 260-268). IEEE.Tenison, C., & Anderson, J. R. (2016). Modeling the distinct phases of skill acquisition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 42(5), 749.

Motor Learning
Pages: 6 Words: 1763

Motor Learning
The objective of this study is to examine the stages of motor learning including cognitive, associative and autonomous stages and the role of attention in learning motor skills. Practice scheduling will be examined and the variable impacting memory and retention of motor skills and the impact of individual differences. The role of augmented feedback will be examined and finally, this work in writing will discuss the observable changes in human coordinated movement that occur as both novices progress through the stages of learning to hit a softball.

According to Hart (2011) "A motor skill is a learned sequence of movements that requires voluntary body and/or extremity movement to achieve a goal." (p.1) Optimization of a learning conditions is reported to involve "careful manipulation of the practice context. Motor learning is enhanced when practice variables are manipulated to promote cognitive effort since cognitive processes greatly contribute to learning during the early…...



Dunphy, BC (2003) Assisted Performance and the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD); a Potential Framework for Providing Surgical Education. Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology. Vol. 3, 2003, Retrieved from: 

Fitts, P.M., & Posner, M.I. (1967). Human performance. United States of America: Greenwood Press.

Grimley, GC (2007) The Impact of Haptic Guidance on Musical Motor Learning. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Sept 2007. Retrieved from: 

Hall, JC (2002) Imagery Practice and the Development of Surgical Skills. The American Journal of Surgery. Vol. 184, Issue 5. Nov 2002.

Motor Processes in Sport
Pages: 10 Words: 4377

Motor Processes in Sport
Tom is an 18-year-old goalkeeper who recently moved up in class from youth to adult football. He was an early maturer and has a history of being more advanced in soccer than his peers but now a weakness is exposed. He never learned to kick with his left foot and this has been a problem at this level. The current paper discusses the proposed reasons for his difficulty and outlines a plan of intervention.

Understanding the Effects of Early Maturation as They Apply to Tom

The traditional view holds that early maturation in boys has more positive consequences for psychosocial adaptation than late maturation. The early literature by researchers like Mussen and Jones (1957) described early-maturing boys during late adolescence (17 -- 18 years) as having higher self-esteem and self-confidence, a more positive self-image, and as being more socially mature, which may have led to more favorable perceptions of…...



Baddeley, A. (2003). Working memory: Looking back and looking forward. Nature Reviews: Neuroscience 4 (10), 829 -- 839.

Banister, E.W. (1991). Modeling elite athletic performance. In H. Green, J. McDougall and H. Wenger (Eds.), Physiological testing of elite athletes (pp. 403 -- 424). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Brewer, J., Balsom, P.D., & Davis, J. (1995). Season birth distribution amongst European soccer players. Sports Exercise Injury, 1, 154-157.

Castaneda, B. & Gray, R. (2007). Effects of focus of attention on baseball batting performance in players of differing skill levels. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 29 (1), 60-77.

Motor Control and Motor Learning
Pages: 2 Words: 888

new branch of science called Sports Science that respectively makes use of motor learning and motor control in the sports industry.
Sports Science

Motor learning and motor control is a field of science that is being studied from a sports point-of-view. Motor learning is connected to all the processes and conditions that affect one's ability to acquire skills, while motor control ascertains neuromuscular performance of individuals. Many people are taking great interest in the learning of motor skills and expertise, and the development of coordination. This new field of sports is based on the use of the knowledge base in the movement and sport sciences, cognitive sciences, and also physical therapy.

Sports science is a new area of study that is forcing people to explore the scientific explanation for David Beckham's superb soccer skills, and even wondering what would Wimbledon be like if say Pete Sampras had to use an old-fashioned wooden…...



Computational Learning and Motor Control Lab, available at on: November 20, 2003,accessed

Graduate Programs: Masters in Motor Control, available at   accessed on: November 20, 2003 ,

JCU - Motor Learning and Motor Control, available at:, accessed on: November 20, 2003

Motor Behavior Specialization - Doctoral Degree Program, available at accessed on: November 20, 2003,

Caffeine Increases Visual and Motor Performance
Pages: 6 Words: 1913

Caffeine Improves Visual-Motor Performance
Biological Investigation

Acute Caffeine Ingestion Improves Visual-Motor esponses

Caffeine represents the most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world, so understanding how this chemical affects an individual's physiology is essential to providing the best healthcare advice for the general public. Towards this goal, the response times of college students were studied before and after ingestion of water, ed Bull, or coffee. The task involved clicking a mouse button as fast as possible in response to a computer monitor screen changing color. Compared to water, response times improved by almost 6 and 13 seconds for ed Bull and coffee, respectively. Based on published information, which suggests the ed Bull and coffee ingestion would provide approximately 80 and 122 mg of caffeine, respectively, these results indicate a dose-dependent improvement in task performance as the caffeine dosage increased. Although between subjects variability was high, these results are remarkably consistent with previous findings.…...



Bruce, M., Scott, N., Lader, M., & Marks, V. (1986). The psychopharmacological and electrophysiological effects of single doses of caffeine in healthy human subjects. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 22, 81-7.

Brunye, T.T., Mahoney, C.R., Leiberman, H.R., & Taylor, H.A. (2010). Caffeine modulates attention of network function. Brain and Cognition, 72, 181-8.

Caffeineinformer. (2014). Drip Coffee: Caffeine levels. Retrieved 16 Mar. 2014 from .

Jacobson, B.H. & Thurman-Lacey, S.R. (1992). Effect of caffeine on motor performance by caffeine-naive and -- familiar subjects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 74, 151-157.

Application of Feedback in Motor Learning
Pages: 6 Words: 2367


When io de Janeiro recently won its bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games, they had one world famous representative on their Olympic committee that may have actually been more famous than our President Barak Obama. This individual may not be a household name in America, but he is most famous for scoring 2 goals in the 1958 World Cup championships when he was only 17 years old. This made him the youngest player to ever play in these renowned championships and over the course of his distinguished career; the majority of the football world would certainly consider him to be the best soccer player ever. Brazil actually has declared this individual as a national treasure in order to thwart other teams and countries from stealing him away and out of their country. His name is Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, but you may know him simply as -- Pele. So…...



Adams, James A. (1971). "A Closed-Loop Theory of Motor Learning." Journal of Motor Behavior 3:111-150.

Keele, Steven W. (1968). "Movement Control in Skilled Motor Performance." Psychological Bulletin 70:387-403.

Leawoods, Heather. "Gustav Radbruch: An Extraordinary Legal Philosopher." Retrieved on November 3, 2009, from

Magill, R, A. (2007) "Motor Learning Control: Concepts and Applications. McGraw Hill: Louisiana State University, USA.

Milestones in Physical Motor and Perceptual Development of Children
Pages: 2 Words: 653

Developmental milestones are important for comparison and to make sure that a child is growing at what is considered the normal pace. For this we will take a look at some important milestones from birth to 3 years. These developmental milestones are considered a rough account of how a child should develop. Some children will demonstrate all of these while others will master some skills and may lag behind in others. Generally physicians would not consider it a sign of developmental delay unless the child is markedly slow in some areas of development. General milestones from birth to 3 years are mentioned below and it must be noted that these milestones are important for professionals in related fields since they can assess a child's progress against these milestones and at the same time study the reasons behind developmental delays.
Birth to one year:

Motor Skills

During this critical period of growth, the child…...



All information comes from: Developmental milestones. Retrieved online from

Motor and Process Skills Among Blacks and
Pages: 2 Words: 655

Motor and Process Skills among Blacks and Whites
As its title suggests, the purpose of the research in this journal article was to learn if the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS), which is an assessment of daily living in personal and domestic activities (ADL), can be utilized as a "valid, nonbiased tool when assessing black Americans," according to the introduction (Stauffer, et al., 2000). Why such research is necessary, as explained by the authors, is that when occupational therapists study blacks, they want to be sure that statistical bias and incorrect assumptions to not enter into the equation.

As of 1999, roughly 13% of the American population was African-American, amounting to about 33.8 million people. But within the black population, there are distinctive subgroups, and so, across-the-board occupational generalizations are risky, in terms of researchers' need to achieve - and report - accurate, usable data.

The AMPS, Stauffer explains, serves…...



Stauffer, Lisa M.; Fisher, Anne G.; & Duran, Leslie. (2000). ADL Performance of Black

Americans and White Americans on the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills.

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 54, 607-612.

Innovation Management at Ford Motors
Pages: 10 Words: 3250

Additionally, aside financial resources, they also used their assets. The most relevant example in this sense is the selling of part of its interests in Mazda. It as such transformed its assets into liquidities -- the 20% shares in Mazda were converted into $540 million (Murphy) -- that better allowed them to pursue their innovation objectives.
The matter of technological innovation is not only a core focus of Ford's, but of all players within the American automobile industry. The reasons for the rivalry in terms of &D are numerous, the most outstanding however being constituted by the desire to attract and satisfy as many customers as possible, managing as such to increase organizational revenues. "&D efforts in the U.S. Auto industry are channeled into a variety of processes such as stamping, casting, machining, and assembling. Within the time-frame of our investigation, &D efforts had to embrace sudden changes in taste…...



Brighton, G., July 17, 2006, Ford to Drive Revolution with £1bn R&D Project, PSFK,   last accessed on May 6, 2009 

Murphy, J., November 18, 2008, Ford Cuts Mazda Stake, The Wall Street Journal

Ramrattan, L.B., 1998, R&D Rivalry in the U.S. Automobile Industry: A Simultaneous Equation Model Approach to Bain's Hypothesis, American Economist, Vol. 42

Ramsey, J., October 7, 2007, Ford is Biggest Spender on R&D, AutoBlog,   / last accessed on May 6, 2009 

Team Implementation General Motors
Pages: 8 Words: 2214

Team Implementation - General Motors
Team implementation -- General Motors

The American automobile industry has historically been one of the largest employers of the country. During the recent years however, the industry has suffered massive demises and was forced to downsize its staffs. Some of the challenges which faced the automobile industry included the forces of globalization which intensified competition, the changing consumer demands, the fluctuating prices of oil or the very threat of global warming.

But the more recent and most severe challenge was raised by the internationalized economic crisis. Commenced within the American real estate sector, the crisis soon expanded to the automobile industry, the furniture, electronics and virtually all commercial sectors of the economy.

General Motors was one of the companies worst affected by the economic recession. The organization was forced to downsize, restructure its debt and request financial aid from the United States Government. These solutions have generated some short-term…...



Dettmann, T.R., Effective teams… some guidelines, CF Systems, last accessed on December 8, 2011

Kiev, A., 2008, Hedge fund leadership: how to inspire peak performance from traders and money managers, John Wiley and Sons

Lumsden, G., Lumsden, D., Wiethoff, C., 2009, Communicating in groups and teams: sharing leadership, 5th edition, Cengage Learning

Phillips, J., Gully, S.M., 2011, Organizational behavior: tools for success, Cengage Learning

Ford Motor Company
Pages: 4 Words: 1539

World's Most Ethical Companies: Analyzing Ford Motor Company
The Ford Motor Company, herein referred to as Ford, is a U.S.-based multinational manufacturer of transportation vehicles, particularly luxury cars and commercial trucks. It was formed by Henry Ford in 1903 and has its headquarters in Dearborn, Michigan. The company currently ranks second among America's largest automakers; and is fifth in Europe, and eighth in the world. Cisco Systems, one of its largest technological partners, acknowledges that the company's high-level moral consciousness in the treatment of its stakeholders has contributed to its success year after year. This text outlines the various ways through which Ford demonstrates its moral responsibility to different stakeholders and examines how these acts contribute to the company's overall success.

Ford's Moral esponsibility towards Customers

Organizations have a moral responsibility to ensure that customers receive value for their money and are kept satisfied through high-quality products. Ford goes out of its way…...



Cisco Systems. (2007). Ford's Innovative Customer Relations Programs Increase Owner Satisfaction and Promise 20% Reduction in Annual Savings. Cisco Systems Inc. Retrieved 30 August 2014 from 

Ford Motor Company. (2012). Sustainability 2012/13. Ford Motor Company. Retrieved 30 August 2014 from

Ford Motor Company News Center. (2014). Let the Sun In: Ford C-Max Solar Energi Concept Goes off the Grid. Gives Glimpse of Clean Vehicle Future. Ford Motor Company. Retrieved 30 August 20145 from -- ford-c-max-solar-energi-concept

The Volvo Group. (2012). The Volvo Group Sustainability Report 2012. The Volvo Group. Retrieved 30 August 2014 from

Teaching the Skill of Listening to Children
Pages: 4 Words: 1786


Teaching the Skill of Listening to Children

This short essay aims to discuss the process of teaching listening skills to children. The main focus is to describe problems that may arise and then to suggest some possible solutions for each in terms of the learning process in general. Listening as a skill set is one of the more critical skills needed by young learners. To show how difficult attaining listening is, consider this from a non-native speaker. "A common complaint from learners on first visiting an English-speaking country is that their listening skills cannot cope with fast spontaneous speech." (Cauldwell) It is believed that of the group of four skills humans use most often, listening should be considered to be by far one of the most frequently used. Consider how in the United States speaking and listening are usually taught in tandem, but from the teaching perspective, speaking over time gets…...



Adams, James A. (1971). "A Closed-Loop Theory of Motor Learning." Journal of Motor Behavior 3:111-150.

Carlisle, Lynn (1988). "Communication Skills." Sacramento: California State Department of Education, Division of Special Education. ED 315-933.

Cauldwell, Richard. (2009). "Grasping The Nettle: The Importance Of Perception Work In Listening Comprehension." Retrieved on December 20, 2009, from .

Edleston, Charlotte (1987). "A Program of Games and Activities to Increase Listening and Attentional Skills in Kindergarten." Nova University: Ed. D. Practicum, Dissertation/Theses. ED 292-586.

Marketing Setback Ford Motor Company
Pages: 2 Words: 744

Now "battered by soaring gas prices and plummeting sales" Ford has been "forced to slash production of the trucks that have been its lifeblood -- from half of its vehicles today (and 70% in 2005) to a projected "one-third by 2012" (arner 2008). Congress is calling for Ford along with the other American car companies demanding a bailout to show a real commitment to raising fuel economy standards and creating a leaner, meaner production machine.
Ford must point to its previous good-faith attempts to raise fuel standards to support its calls for government assistance. Many point to previous CEO Bill Ford's inability to sell his vision to other members of the company: "no matter his personal convictions, Bill Ford had neither the operational skills nor the management talent to make his green aspirations a reality. Instead, the chairman tried to tack environmental changes onto a business model focused obsessively on…...


Works Cited

Bray, Jim. (2008, October 28). Ford flexes its marketing muscles with new crossover. The Post

Chronicle. Retrieved 19 Nov 2008 at

Currie, Alan. (2008). Ford, GM, Chrysler chiefs should have gone by fuel-efficient car to bailout.

Telegraph. Retrieved 19 Nov 2008 at

Strategic Plan for General Motors Upper Mid Sedan Vehicle Segment
Pages: 10 Words: 3251

Strategic Plan for General Motors Upper Mid Sedan Vehicle Segment
Mission Statement

To maintain and consolidate the status of the company as the number one auto manufacturer in the U.S. y employing the core values of continuous improvement, innovation and integrity and teamwork. To foster consumer enthusiasm and also enhance the team by giving them individual respect and responsibility.

External Environment

Remote Environment

Economic: Currently the U.S. economy is experiencing a slowdown. The buying power of the American consumers is shrinking and that is causing the sellers of goods to suffer. The automotive industry, being seller of high priced and high involvement product, is suffering as a result of this slowdown. The consumers are spending less and less on upgrading their cars or buying second hand cars. This will cause the sales of light vehicles in 2002 to go down from the 17 million units' barrier that has been achieved for the past three years…...



1. GM official web site, accessed on 7-26-2002:

2. Author not available, [FEBRUARY 1, 1999]. COVER STORY: Reviving GM. Business Week.

3. Kiley, D. [11/07/2001]. GM exec predicts market share gain. USA TODAY. B10

4. Stoddard, H. [03-01-2002]. How's fourth best sound?., Ward's Dealer Business, 16.

I am looking for some help coming up with an outline for a term paper on Autism and ABA therapy?
Words: 503

As you are probably already aware, applied behavioral analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment modality for people on the Autism spectrum is incredibly controversial.  While ABA therapy was once seen as the ultimate treatment and the most successful means of helping people with Autism function in a neurotypical world, many adults with Autism report experiencing ABA therapy as a dehumanizing approach.  The goal of ABA therapy is to make people with Autism appear “normal,” but there are very valid questions about whether this is ethical.  For some people with Autism, the approach....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on speech and language development?
Words: 213

1. The impact of technology on speech and language development in children
2. The role of play in promoting speech and language development
3. The influence of social factors on language development in bilingual children
4. The relationship between early childhood education and language development
5. The effects of music and singing on speech development in children
6. The importance of parental involvement in supporting speech and language development
7. The impact of speech and language disorders on academic success
8. The connection between reading and language development in young children
9. The role of storytelling in language acquisition and development
10. The benefits of speech therapy in addressing....

What are the key elements to consider when conducting an APA interview?
Words: 477

Key Elements of an APA Interview

1. Introduction

Begin by establishing rapport and setting a respectful tone.
Introduce yourself, state your purpose, and obtain informed consent.
Explain the interview process, including its duration and structure.

2. Personal History

Inquire about family background, childhood experiences, and educational history.
Explore significant events, relationships, and influences that have shaped the individual's life.

3. Presenting Problem

Ask the individual to describe the specific concerns or difficulties that brought them to the interview.
Gather details about the onset, duration, severity, and impact of the presenting problem.

4. Mental Status Examination

Assess the individual's appearance, behavior, speech, mood, and thought....

How does a comprehensive outline of early childhood development contribute to building strong foundational skills for future learning?
Words: 488

A Comprehensive Outline of Early Childhood Development

Early childhood development encompasses the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth of a child from birth to age eight. Understanding the trajectory of this development is crucial for building strong foundational skills that support future learning. A comprehensive outline of early childhood development serves as a roadmap for educators, caregivers, and policymakers to provide age-appropriate and developmentally supportive environments for young children.

Physical Development

Birth to 1 year: Gross motor skills develop rapidly, including rolling, sitting, crawling, and walking. Fine motor skills also emerge, such as grasping, reaching, and scribbling.
1 to 3 years: Gross....

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