Motion Picture Essays (Examples)

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Motion Picture Industry the Relationship
Pages: 16 Words: 4466

Interestingly, results indicated that the three timing variables investigated, which were releases prior to long weekend, during summer, or during Christmas, did not demonstrate relation to total revenues (Simonoff & Sparrow, 2000). However, the third quartile grosses were noticeably higher for seasonal releases in comparison to non-seasonal releases (Simonoff & Sparrow, 2000).

One of the most important factors involved in determining the success of a film in terms of box office revenue is the release date (Simonoff & Sparrow, 2000). Simonoff and Sparrow (2000) explain how movie studios often will plan a release date for a film up to a year in advance and leak this info to the media in an attempt to "scare off" competing films. Furthermore, this occurs among major blockbuster motion pictures as well as small budget films, as it is unlikely to find two movies targeting the same audience released in the same weekend (Simonoff &…...



Box Office Mojo (2007). All time box office: opening weekends. Box Office Mojo, retrieved 6/22/2007 at .

De Vany, a. (1997). Complexity in the movies. Department of Economics, Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, University of California, retrieved 6/22/2007 at .

Jaeger, J. (2003). The movie industry. Matrix Entertainment Corporation, retrieved 6/22/2007 at

Simonoff, J.S. & Sparrow, I.R. (2000). Predicting movie grosses: winners and losers, blockbusters and sleepers. Chance, 13(3), 15-24.

Motion Picture Directors From the
Pages: 2 Words: 596

Everybody's Sweetheart is well-known for the fact that it presented 1920 audiences with a storyline to remember and to fantasize about, given that people (those in the South particularly) were going through a difficult period and many of them hoped to accomplish themselves both from a material and from a social point-of-view. In spite of his expertise in analyzing movies, Sandburg cannot help but being visibly impressed by this motion picture.

The Mask of Zorro has, according to Sandburg, triggered waves of appreciation from a movie-crazed American public. People could not ignore all the intriguing elements in the motion picture, especially considering that most of them were innovative for the 1920s. Sandburg's appreciation of the movie is obvious through the fact that he recognizes the film as one of Douglas Fairbanks' best motion pictures, both as a producer and as an actor.

Film audiences from the start of the century were yet…...


Works cited:

Rice Burroughs, Edgar. "Tarzan's Seven Lives." Screen Play Magazine. 1934.

Sandburg, Carl & Bernstein Arnie & Ebert Roger. The movies are: Carl Sandburg's film reviews and essays, 1920-1928. (Lake Claremont Press, 2000).

"INTOLERANCE' IMPRESSIVE.; D.W. Griffith's New Picture Is a Stupendous Spectacle." Retrieved February 8, 2011, from the NY Times Website:

Motion Picture Industry Filmmakers Have
Pages: 3 Words: 927

he list of "hou Shalt Nots" is portrayed as being definitive in all five movies.
wo of the films do not address the life of Moses except indirectly. In "he Decalogue," the filmmaker applies the themes of each of the en Commandments to a series of characters in the ten-part series. Each installment in the series focuses on one of the en Commandments as the main theme. David Hugh Jones' 1999 film "he Confession" is a much thinner exposition of the en Commandments. he story of the Fertig family addresses a few of the Commandments but not all ten and is not a systematic or thorough means of addressing moral or Biblical matters. Still, the religious themes do add moral depth and dimension to the movie.

Biblical films like Cecil B. DeMills' two "en Commandments" movies and also the Dreamworks production "he Prince of Egypt" convey the morality of the en…...


Two of the films do not address the life of Moses except indirectly. In "The Decalogue," the filmmaker applies the themes of each of the Ten Commandments to a series of characters in the ten-part series. Each installment in the series focuses on one of the Ten Commandments as the main theme. David Hugh Jones' 1999 film "The Confession" is a much thinner exposition of the Ten Commandments. The story of the Fertig family addresses a few of the Commandments but not all ten and is not a systematic or thorough means of addressing moral or Biblical matters. Still, the religious themes do add moral depth and dimension to the movie.

Biblical films like Cecil B. DeMills' two "Ten Commandments" movies and also the Dreamworks production "The Prince of Egypt" convey the morality of the Ten Commandments also. However, films set in Biblical times may appeal less to a general audience than those that are set in the contemporary world. Religious, and especially Christian, viewers might glean more moral content from the Cecil B. DeMille movies or "The Prince of Egypt" because of familiarity and sympathy with Biblical themes and content. Viewers who have a more secular view of morality may find films like "The Decalogue" and "The Confession" to be more morally compelling because they can relate to the characters.

Therefore, Biblical films can best be divided into two main categories: those that are set in Biblical times and those that are not. The ones set in Biblical times might address some of the Old Testament allegories such as the birth and life of Moses including the exodus of the Jews from Egypt after their enslavement. Cecil B. DeMille brought Moses' story to life in two films: both entitled "The Ten Commandments." The Dreamworks team drew upon the same story of baby Moses and Moses the leader of the Jews but produced an animated film lighter in tone and moral content than the DeMille versions. Each of these three movies uses Moses as an actual character and allows the viewer to find ways of applying the tale of Moses to his or her own life. In other words, the two "Ten Commandments" movies and "The Prince of Egypt" are about more than just the Ten Commandments themselves but are actually about one of the main figures in the Bible. The second type of Biblical film is not set in Biblical times. Movies like "The Decalogue" and "The Confession" are not about Moses but they are about the Ten Commandments. These films are explicitly centered on the moral component of the Bible and how that morality applies to life in the modern world.

Motion Picture Industry Has Played a Pivotal
Pages: 7 Words: 2132

motion picture industry has played a pivotal role in the lives of many Americans. Films have captivated audiences around the world with their information, cinematic, acting, and story. Many films illuminate a particular aspect of society that needs to be altered for the better, while others simply entertain with an intense story. Feature films, especially those marred with fantasy, suspense and intrigue are very popular among the viewing population due primarily to their emotional appeal. Below is chart of the top 10 grossing films of 2012 (oback, 2010).
The Hunger Games




Dr. Seuss' The Lorax




Safe House







The Vow







Jump Street







Journey 2: The Mysterious Island







Wrath of the Titans







Act of Valor







John Carter















Notice that The Hunger Games is ranked near the top. This statistic is important because it indicates the relevance of the topic to the individual consumer. Movies are unique as they often depict real world circumstances in an entertaining manner. Although the entertainment component…...



1) Francis, D.R. (2008, September). Economic Slump: Ethics Loom Large. Retrieved July 31, 2011, from Christian Science Monitor: 

2) Scott, D. (2008, October). The Ethics of Risk and the Economic Crisis. Retrieved July 31, 2011, from Center for Ethics: 

3) Dominus, Susan (April 8, 2011). "Suzanne Collins's War Stories for Kids." The New York Times.   Retrieved November 14, 2011. .

4) Eisenberg, Eric (March 20, 2012). "5 Reasons The Hunger Games Isn't Battle Royale."   Retrieved March 23, 2012. .

Oscar Micheaux's 1920 Motion Picture
Pages: 3 Words: 916

Considering the feelings that the film puts across, one can even consider that it is meant to take up a place in the pages of history. This is the oldest existing motion picture directed by an African-American and it is most probably going to play in front of numerous audiences interested in conditions in the U.S. during the first few decades of the twentieth century. It is actually difficult to determine whether the director wanted it to provide people with an artistic concept or if he primarily wanted to provide them with troubling information concerning society's hypocrisy.

Micheux uses the concept of a black man being lynched for his presumed attempt to rape a white woman as a stereotypical idea meant to influence viewers in expressing lack of interest in the white woman's condition. The director presents viewers with the harsh reality of the 1920s when the masses took advantage of…...


Works cited:

Dir. Oscar Micheux. Within Our Gates. Micheaux Book & Film Company, 1920

Mummy Stephen Sommers' 1999 Motion Picture the
Pages: 7 Words: 2067

Stephen Sommers' 1999 motion picture The Mummy puts across an account involving a group of researchers and opportunists wanting to profit as a result of getting involved in an Egyptian expedition. The Mummy is an adventure horror meant to keep viewers entertained by providing them with laughs while also introducing scary scenes. To a certain degree one can say that the film's narrative structure also involves elements related to comedy, considering that it goes from a bad situation to a happy ending. Some might be inclined to think that the film is confusing because of the series of elements it contains, as it is sometimes difficult to determine whether viewers are meant to be amused or terrified by events occurring throughout the movie.

The plot is in a chronological form, as it goes from the times of Pharaoh Seti I to the modern era, in 1926 as archeologists and history…...



Dir. Stephen Sommers. The Mummy. Universal Pictures, 1999.

Elder Willis' 1936 Motion Picture
Pages: 2 Words: 560

One of the most significant concepts about the film is that it is meant to portray African-American experiences in a hostile society. Similar to his ancestors, Zinga focused on achieving his dreams regardless of the cost of his endeavor. Also, he manages to go through experiences similar to the ones that other Africans went through as a result of their struggle for recognition.

In spite of the fact that some might consider that the film is too idealistic and that it presents the perfect life of an individual of African ancestry, it is actually meant to trigger deep feelings in audiences that had trouble understanding the negative effects that discrimination had on society as a whole. The director practically wanted viewers to understand the complex feelings experienced by Africans as a result of the fact that they were forcefully taken away from their homes. Moreover, he also wants individuals to comprehend…...



Dir. J. Elder Willis. Song of Freedom. British Lion Films, 1936.

Quentin Tarantino's 1994 Motion Picture
Pages: 2 Words: 562

he mise-en-scene and the filming complement each-other and make it possible for viewers to be presented with an intriguing account involving archetypal characters going through experiences that are not actually that common.
It is very probable that both arantino and Ross focused on adopting attitudes that would make viewers regret that they ever had doubts regarding the two films. hese two individuals actually focused on providing the wrong impression in the beginning only to get actively involved in making later scenes more elaborate.

Surely, it would be wrong to say that these films entail a lot of complex thinking, but it is likely that they were not designed to trigger philosophical discussion (even with this, they are both likely to have raised numerous debates concerning the nature of man and how he is inclined to abandon everything that he believes in when presented with epiphanies).

he films and the way they are…...


The films and the way they are edited certainly puts across the feeling that viewers are privileged to witness artwork, not just movies meant to lighten the mood. Although Pulp Fiction is a whole different story in comparison to The Hunger Games, it is only safe to say that they are both meant to emphasize the artistic nature of their creators. Filming in both movies is beautiful and it is obvious that the camera work was not only meant to capture the story, as it was also provided with the mission to contribute to making it happen.

Dir. Gary Ross. The Hunger Games. Lionsgate, 2012

Dir. Quentin Tarantino. Pulp Fiction. Miramax Films, 1994.

Mira Nair's 1992 Motion Picture
Pages: 2 Words: 583

One of the common themes in the two motion pictures is the fact that individuals face great adversity and are nonetheless determined to go through with their plans. The central characters in both films are well-acquainted with the risks they face as a result of getting involved in a controversial relationship. Even with this, they are unhesitant and love ultimately emerges as the principal tool keeping them going and making it possible for them to struggle in order to achieve their goal.

Mina and Demetrius fight on account of the love they have for each other, Lila fights for her baby, and Ray finds to provide her children with a home. Each of these individuals is in a critical situation but this does not stop them from focusing on their plans. Poverty fuels them and enables them to employ indifferent attitudes toward society's regulations.

The fact that the central characters are working…...


Works cited:

Dir. Courtney Hunt. Frozen River. (Sony Pictures Classic, 2008).

Dir. Mira Nair. Mississippi Masala. (MGM, 1991).

Wstern Film Motion Picture Directors
Pages: 3 Words: 928

hen he stays among those in the Cheyenne tribe, Jack has a fairy-tale-like life, he learns about respect and about how to be at peace with the world.
Question number 4.

The Searchers is one of the most renowned esterns mainly because it has John ayne starring in it and because of its confusing, yet clever, plot which keeps the audience captivated. The movie is certainly representative for the genre because it complies with most of the rules that such films needs to conform to.

The movie is also believed to be characteristic for the United States from the period following the Civil ar. Ford apparently tries to justify Ethan's racism through the fact that the character has been compelled to act accordingly because of the fact that Indians have destroyed his brother's family.

As he comes home, Ethan visits his brother, Aaron, and gives money and presents to him and to his…...


Works cited:

1. Little Big Man. Dir. Arthur Penn. Cinema Center Films, 1970.

2. The Searchers. Dir. John Ford. Warner Bros., 1956.

Motion Pictures Eadweard Muybridge and
Pages: 1 Words: 354

From Muybridge's work, the leap toward full-fledged motion pictures was small. Etienne-Jules Marey also expanded the boundaries of photography by shooting a rapid sequence of shots: chronophotographs (Dirks). However, true motion pictures demanded new technologies. The invention of celluloid and the perfection of projection systems enabled the prototypes of motion pictures to evolve into movies.

Thomas Edison was also influenced by Muybridge's work with still photography and the zoopraxiscope. Edison's kinetiscope followed closely on the heels of Muybridge's earlier invention. Along with a plethora of similar devices, the zoopraxiscope and the kinetiscope paved the way for the evolution of the motion picture entertainment industry.

orks Cited

Dirks, Tim. "Film History Before 1920." Retrieved 12 Oct 2007 at

History of Edison Motion Pictures." Retrieved 12 Oct 2007 at

National Museum of American History. "Freeze Frame." Retrieved 12 Oct 2007 at

The Zoopraxiscope." Retrieved 12 Oct 2007 at


Works Cited

Dirks, Tim. "Film History Before 1920." Retrieved 12 Oct 2007 at 

History of Edison Motion Pictures." Retrieved 12 Oct 2007 at 

National Museum of American History. "Freeze Frame." Retrieved 12 Oct 2007 at 

The Zoopraxiscope." Retrieved 12 Oct 2007 at

The Role of Technology I The Development of Television and Motion Pictures
Pages: 3 Words: 951

Television's elationship to Science and Technology

Scientific knowledge has led to the development of machinery, and equipment among other provision of technology. Notably, computer technology is a product of scientific knowledge: the advancement of the science and the engineering knowledge has led to the increase in the practical application of knowledge. As a result, the technology has continued to advance leading innovation and modernization. Television is a product of scientific knowledge and thus led to the transmission of knowledge of science from one region to another. Television has had gradual improvement in different time. For example, in the ancient time, the transmission of news and entertainment was limited and only in the black and white. As seen in the modern society, television has advanced from black and white images to colored photographic images (Williams, 1974). The improvement in the mode of transmission of images is a…...



Dick, P. K. (1982). Blade Runner. Random House LLC

Jonze, S., Kaufman, C., & Burwell, C. (1999). Being John Malkovich. Universal Studios.

Williams, R. (1974). "The Technology and Society" from "Television: Technology and Cultural Form." New York: Schocken, pp. 35-50

Motion In Your Response Include Your Interpretation
Pages: 2 Words: 840

motion? In your response, include your interpretation of the characters' emotional state of mind as they experience these events/
A single mom announces her two little boys that she will have to leave the home alone for a day. The film opens with the stories told from two opposite points-of-view. Of curse, their relationship is one of love and hate, like that between two respectable brothers. The older one, Lenny, is annoyed that instead of going with his friends to Coney Island on Sunday he faces the perspective of staying home and taking care of his little brother. The little one, Joey, is constantly seeking to join in the play of the older one and they constantly reject him. Both brothers are feeling frustrated. Joey, because of his brother's constant refusal to let him join in the play with the older ones, Lenny because he feels pestered by his brother's…...

Pictures Can Speak Louder Than Words and
Pages: 4 Words: 1414

pictures can speak louder than words, and this is clear in the photo entitled "U.S. Navy: An aerial view of damage to akuya, Japan after a 9 magnitude tsunami." The photo initially looks like picture of a tiny child's toy boat, which is floating in a muddy sea of debris. The boat looks brave and cheery, as it floats amidst the muck, garbage, and flotsam and jetsam of people's belongings. However, the first, deceptive glance of the photograph quickly ebbs away as the viewer becomes aware that he or she is bearing of witness to one of the greatest human tragedies to strike a nation, as a result of a natural disaster, in the 21st century. The photograph highlights the smallness and vulnerability of the human condition in the face of epic destruction beyond human control.
Japan's long national nightmare began when an 8.9-magnitude earthquake, the "fifth-largest recorded since 1900"…...


Works Cited

Harlan, Chico. "One year later, Japan still in crisis." The Washington Post. 12 Mar 2012.


McGroarty, Patrick & Vanessa Fuhrmans. "Germany to Forsake Its Nuclear Reactors."

Wall Street Journal. 31 May 31, 2011.

Movies Ratings Television Shows Ratings Currently Area
Pages: 5 Words: 1449

movies atings television shows atings. Cuently aea numbe shows television potaying negative aspects ace, class gende. Fo, show "Family Guy" a show played "pimetime" mateials show "kid-fiendly.
Watching Toy Stoy is likely to influence many adults to believe that it would be wong fo them to allow thei childen to view the animated comedy. I believe that it is wong fo the Motion Pictue Association of Ameica film ating system to povide it with a G. ating, taking into account the violent scenes that the animation contains. Andy's next-doo neighbo, Sid, is a hoible peson and he is obsessed with mutilating toys. While it would be pefectly nomal fo childen to occasionally beak toys, an individual who wants to mutilate toys and who ceates mutant toys consequent to doing so is actually deanged.

Poviding childen with the image of a deanged individual is pobable to have a negative effect on them…...


references and profanity, but violence is practically absent and adolescents are shown in ways that are characteristic to teenagers in general.

This film has an inappropriate rating and it should have been provided with an R. rating or even with a PG-13 rating. By labeling it NC-17, the Motion Picture Association of America virtually fails to acknowledge that teenagers are capable of putting across behaviors that are not socially acceptable. The reality is that many teenagers are likely to identify with characters in the film and that the most activities shown are actually perfectly normal for teenagers.

The chart is meant to emphasize the rating that each film should be provided with when concerning particular aspects like violence, sexuality, and drug use:

2 stands for G -- general audience

4 stands for PG -- parental guidance suggested

How did Thomas Edison\'s inventions revolutionize the way we live?
Words: 356

Thomas Edison's inventions revolutionized the way we live in several ways:

1. Light bulb: Edison's incandescent light bulb brought light into homes, businesses, and streets at all hours of the day, making it easier for people to work, study, and travel after dark.

2. Phonograph: Edison's invention of the phonograph allowed for the recording and playback of sound, transforming the way we listen to music, the radio, and other audio recordings.

3. Motion picture camera: Edison's development of the motion picture camera laid the foundation for the film industry and revolutionized entertainment, communication, and advertising.

4. Electrical power distribution: Edison also played a key....

How did Thomas Edison\'s inventions revolutionize the way we live?
Words: 670

Thomas Edison's Revolutionary Inventions: Reshaping the Modern World

Thomas Edison, an American inventor with an unparalleled legacy, revolutionized the way we live through his transformative inventions. His contributions to electricity, communication, and entertainment laid the foundation for modern society.

1. The Electric Light Bulb: Illuminating the Night

Edison's incandescent light bulb, patented in 1879, transformed nights from darkness into brilliance. Replacing kerosene lamps and candles, it provided a safe, reliable, and affordable source of light. This invention revolutionized work and leisure activities, extending hours of productivity and allowing people to engage in nighttime entertainment.

2. The Electric Grid: Powering Modernity

Edison established the first centralized....

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