Modern Architecture Essays (Examples)

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Modern Architecture
Pages: 2 Words: 842

International style of architecture was a major style that emerged, and rose in popularity, in the 1920s and 1930s. he term "International Style" stems from the name of a book by Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson written to record an International Exhibition of Modern Architecture that was held at the Museum of Modern Art. his occurred in New York City in 1932. his International Exhibition not only identified, but categorized and expanded upon characteristics common to Modernism. he impact was felt across the world. Hitchcock's and Johnson's goals were to define a style of that time, which would encompass this new, modern architecture. hey identified three unique principles: "the expression of volume rather than mass, balance rather than preconceived symmetry and the expulsion of applied ornament" (Henry Russell Hitchcock).
All the works which were displayed as part of the exhibition were carefully selected, as only works which strictly followed the…...


This work is one of the most influential works of architectural criticism and history of the twentieth century. Initially produced as a catalog to accompany a controversial and groundbreaking 1932 Museum of Modern Art show of the then new architecture emerging in Europe and America, The International Style quickly became the definitive statement of the principles underlying the work of such giants as Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, and other pioneers. This new edition has been completely redesigned and reset, and it features a new foreword by Philip Johnson, who reflects on the legacy of the International Style and examines the still-precarious power of architecture.

Jobst, R. "Charm is Not an Antiquated Notion." FFWD Weekly 31 March 2005.

In criticizing the neo-traditional design of Tonko's 17th Avenue and 7th Street S.W. project, the Beltline planning group's Bob van Wegen maintains that all new buildings should be designed in a contemporary style. To reference historic styles in new buildings is, he argues, akin to stuffing the pet cat after it dies. People have learned through decades of bitter experience that new buildings will almost certainly be inferior to what stood before. Brick gives way to stucco, quality loses out to "economic feasibility" and charm is expunged by an architectural elite who seems to dismiss it as an antiquated notion.

Mid Century Modern Architecture
Pages: 7 Words: 2667

It is interesting to learn that Mid-Century modern is really an architectural, interior and creation purpose procedure that normally defines mid-20th century expansions in modern blueprint, architecture, and urban expansion from approximately 1933 to 1965. The period, occupied as a style descriptor even during the mid-1950s, was reiterated in 1983 by author Cara Greenberg in the name of her manuscript, Mid-Century Modern: Furniture of the 1950s, which celebrating the style which is now documented by researchers and museums all over the world as a noteworthy design movement. ith that said, this paper will discuss the architecture of the Stahl and Neutra Houses that were visited on a tour in Los Angeles, California.

Stahl House

One of the first stops that we landed at was the Stahl house which we learned had a very interesting background. Upon entering, it was brought our attention that a man named Julius Shulman, who was an American…...


Works Cited

Gislason, Neil. "Building Paradigms: Major Transformations in School Architecture (1798-2009)." Alberta Journal of Educational Research 55.2 (2009): 230-48.

Guillen, Mauro, F. "From Autos to Architecture: Fordism and Architectural Aesthetics in the Twentieth Century." Contemporary Sociology 39.4 (2010): 445-7.

Hobbs, Stuart D. "Exhibiting Antimodernism: History, Memory, and the Aestheticized Past in Mid-Twentieth-Century America." The Public Historian 23.3 (2001): 39-61.

Kaufman, P. "American Glamour and the Evolution of Modern Architecture." Choice 48.3 (2010): 488-9.

19 Century Federal Hall National Memorial Modern Architecture
Pages: 5 Words: 1730

Federal Hall National Memorial
The New York City Hall was located at the 26 all Street prior to the construction of the classic column building by Town & Davis. The City Hall was later on known as the Federal Hall. The Bill of Rights was written by the First Congress of America in this building and the first presidential oath was taken by George ashington in here. Although it was in 1812 that the Federal Hall was demolished however, the stone slab that ashington stood upon is still kept safe in the present building's rotunda. The statue of ashington stands outside. Presently, the 26 all Street is maintained as the Federal Hall Museum and Memorial by the United States Department of the Interior and the National Park Service as a symbol of honour to the very first President that America had as well as the start of United States of America.…...


Works Cited

Craven, Jackie. Walking Down Wall Street.Retrieved November 22nd, 2013. 

New York Architecture.Federal Hall National Memorial. Retrieved November 22nd, 2013 

Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History.The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved November 23rd, 2013 

Dunlap, W. David.Federal Hall Is Uplifted, First by Steel, Then by Art; Paintings from the Uffizi to Arrive.The New York Times. 2004. Retrieved November 24th, 2013

Postmodern Architecture What Formal and
Pages: 4 Words: 1269

Architectural historian Charles Jenks praises the radical eclecticism of the new movement although he takes a more measured view of the purpose of architecture, suggesting that taste and function often do have a role in many postmodern constructions.
The composite, collage, 'anything goes' approach of postmodernism has caused some critics to deny that it is a style at all, merely a broad statement applied to architecture since the 1970s, continuing through today. How can postmodernism be a style if it is no style at all? Because it arose during the historic preservation movement and embraces the old, not the new, it merely seems to feed off of the old rather than make a new contribution to the architectural cannon (Paradis, 2003). However, even postmodernism's critics admit that it would be difficult to mistake a postmodern structure for a historic structure of another era. Rather than showing one period, or reviving…...


Works Cited

Art and culture: Postmodern architecture." Arts & Culture Website. 10 Oct 2007. 

Foster, Hal. "(Post) Modern Polemics.'" Perspecta 21:1984.

Jencks, Charles. "Post-Modern Space,' & 'Conclusion - Radical Eclecticism?' From the Language of Post-Modern Architecture. London, 1977, pp118-126 & 127- 132.

McLeod, Mary. 'Architecture and Politics in the Reagan Era: From Postmodernism to Deconstructivism.' Assemblage. 8: 1989.

Postmodern Architecture Postmodernism in Architecture
Pages: 5 Words: 1574

As a result, it gives off the appearance of being somewhat economical in its use of space. In spite of its enormity, it does not loom like a shadowy giant in a city of low-register structures. Rather, it somewhat gracefully stretches lengthwise, taking on a majestic but unassuming centricity in the otherwise modest Milan skyline.
This is an important feat because, as with most of Europe's older urban centers, it would be designed to achieve economic modernization without imposing callously over some of the remarkable historical structures that make Milan one of the world's most elegant cities. Another example of such architecture, "Philip Johnson's At&T Headquarters is often cited as an example of postmodernism. Like many buildings in the International Style, the skyscraper has a sleek, classical facade. At the top, however, is an oversized 'Chippendale' pediment." (Craven, 1) This reflects a flourish of subtle variation on a model which…...


Works Cited:

Craven, J. (2007). Postmodernism: Picture Dictionary of Modern Architecture. About Architecture. Online at 

MiMoa. (2008). Pirelli Tower. Mi Modern Architecture. Online at 

Paradis, T.W. (2007). Architectural Styles of America. Northern Arizona University. Online at 

Wolfe, Tom. (1981). From Bauhaus to Our House. Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.

Architecture Manifesto
Pages: 5 Words: 1675

ole of Architecture in the Progress of Society
Architecture can be defined as "the masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses seen in light" (Conway and oenisch 9). In other words, it is an experience that is emotional and artistic. Some people agree that architecture is the amalgamation of building and art. However, many do not agree with this opinion (Conway and oenisch 9). According to Britannica Encyclopedia, architecture is "the art and technique of designing and building" ("architecture") whose practice "is employed to fulfill both practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves both utilitarian and aesthetic ends" ("architecture"). Therefore, every society has a spatial connection to the natural world. The sort of architecture and the produced structures reflects history, culture, environment, traditions, ceremonies, customs and artistic sensibility of a society ("architecture").

Buildings keep people warm and dry and are directly involved in the reasonableness and feasibility of living. On…...



"architecture." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 2012. Web. 2 Aug 2012. .

"architecture." Questia. Columbia University Press, 2012. Web. 2 Aug 2012. .

Ballantyne, A. Architecture: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. Web. 1 August 2012. .

Conway, H., & Roenisch, R. Understanding Architecture: An Introduction to Architecture and Architectural History. New York: Routledge, 1994. Web. 1 August 2012. .

Modern Movement
Pages: 5 Words: 1406

The advent of modernity has wrought massive changes in human society. New forms of transportation and communication, for example, have changed the way people work, learn, conduct business and organize into communities. Technological advances in medicine have resulted in new forms of treatment for disease and longer life spans. Upheavals such as the women's movement and the civil rights movement have challenged prevailing norms and transformed social relations.

The field of architecture is no exception. The modern architecture movement is also largely a response to the availability of new technologies and the changing social needs. The first part of this paper looks at the various definitions of what constitutes "modern" architecture. The next part then looks at how the various styles sought to take advantage of new material and to address changing social needs.

In the last part, the paper examines how modern architecture is responding to new concerns, such as…...


Works Cited

Cannon-Brookes, Peter. "Modern architecture, modern materials and modern technology." European Business Review. 14(3). Proquest Database.

Kuipers, Marieke. "The modern movement." The Unesco Courier. September 1997. Proquest Database.

Lacayo, Richard. "Buildings that breathe." Time Magazine. August 26, 2002. Proquest Database.

Larkin, David. Frank Lloyd Wright: The Masterworks. New York: Rizzoli, 1993.

Architecture Urban Space and Architecture
Pages: 4 Words: 1013

Ecological urbanism is, as Mostafavi describes it, a "sense of sensibilities' that specifically influence urban design and development in a way that will more effectively address the growing number and diversity of urban community needs.
Ecological urbanism is thus a conscious architectural and design trend that addresses the issues exposed more spontaneously by practices classified as everyday urbanism.

Le Parc de la Villette

The Parc de la Villette in Paris, France was designed by Bernard Tschumi and constructed in the 1980s and early 1990s, and can in many ways be seen as an early example of the trends of ecological urbanism and even everyday urbanism to various degrees.

Located at the edge of the city on land that was formerly occupied by slaughterhouses and other industrial structures, the park was part of a very deliberately designed urban renewal project meant to provide public space that was culturally relevant and accessible while also serving…...


Galinsky. (2006). "Le Parc de la Villette." 

Galinsky. (2006). "Le Parc de la Villette."

Architecture Construction Thermal Isolation Materials
Pages: 14 Words: 4132

Currently, the cytotoxicity of chrysotile, which is a type of asbestos, as well as Rockwool along with other man-made vitreous fibers (MMVFs) have been evaluated by cell magnetometry. This method established cytoskeleton-dependent functions of macrophages, which contribute to a significant role in phagocytosis, and is used to assess the degree of harm caused on macrophages (Kudo, Kotani, Tomita and Aizawa, 2009).

Biological consequences of MMVFs have to be looked at not only at the cell level but also in the lung. To date there have been no studies done to look at the safety of Rockwool by way of lung magnetometry. In a study done by Kudo, Kotani, Tomita and Aizawa, 2009, rats were forced to inhale Rockwood a nose-only inhalation exposure system, and then looked at by lung magnetometry, a biopersistence test and pathological examination. The well-being features and safe utilization of mineral wools have been looked at for almost…...


Works Cited

Baldwin, Stephen Andrew. (2010). "List of Materials to Build a Vocal Booth," viewed 20

October 2010, <>

"CSR Building Materials Rockwool Insulation," 2008, viewed 20 October 2010,

Architecture House The Jones House
Pages: 5 Words: 1419

Adele Weder might have had this renovation in mind, when she described D'Arcy's constructions as being Modernistic, graceful, and well-proportioned. The lightness of his touch and grace illuminates this dwelling.

Prefabricated cabin.

The Cowboy cabin

Set squarely in the woods, the Cowboy cabin is a flat-pack cabin, one-story, well proportioned as all of D'Arcy creations are, and resonating with its landscape and surroundings by the use of scrubbed, unadorned wood.

D'Arcy shocks again by shifting the entrance door from its familiar place, and by transforming a tectonic structure into something that is 'light and minimal' and blends into its surroundings.

Totally scorning conspicuousness, the unadorned structure merges light and air (in its breadth of light material to portray a modernistic dwelling that focuses on simplicity and primal value and by doing so it becomes one with the wood around it, humbly fitting in and becoming part of its context.

Portraying a minimalist style, the cabin has…...



Canadian Architect. "The Cowboy." Retrieved March 3, 2011 on from: 

D'Arcy Jones Design Inc. Retrieved March 3, 2011 on from:

REM Koolhaas Modern Architect
Pages: 6 Words: 1962

Rem Koolhaas: A survey of his work and aesthetic philosophy
The radical Dutch architect and architectural theorist Rem Koolhaas is often called one of the world's best -- and one of the world's most controversial -- architects. Koolhaas is as much known for his aesthetic philosophy as he is for his work. "Koolhaas' most provocative -- and in many ways least understood -- contribution to the cultural landscape is as an urban thinker…he has written half a dozen books on the evolution of the contemporary metropolis and designed master plans for, among other places, suburban Paris, the Libyan desert and Hong Kong" (Ouroussoff 1). Koolhaas does not merely wish to create buildings but also change the way in which the world conceptualizes buildings and aesthetic space.

One of Koolhaas' most famous buildings is the French convention hall the Congrexpo, located in Euralille, a shopping and entertainment complex in Lille, France. It is…...


Works Cited

Craven, Jackie. "Metabolism." Apr 2014. 

"Interview with Dutch Architect Rem Koolhaas: 'The World Needs Europe'." Spiegel Online.

30 October 2008. Retrieved on 6 Apr 2014.

Architect in the Architecture of Today
Pages: 11 Words: 3218

Materiality is a tool in which should be incorporated into the performative deign, but also allows a design to enhance a form or space and invoke different emotions.
"First, material artifacts engage us with all our senses. Materiality comprise physical properties such as texture (roughness or smoothness, details), geometry (size, shape, proportion, location in space, and arrangement in relation to other objects), material (weight, rigidity, plasticity), energy (temperature, moisture), as well as dynamic properties. Many of these properties are 'dimensions of touch'. Secondly, our interactions with materials are not just 'physical' but they spur our thinking, help us communicate ideas that would be difficult to communicate through words alone, adding an 'experiential' dimension to our action. hile the concept of affordances of artifacts is fundamental to an analysis of the use of material artifacts, it is not sufficient for addressing the very intricate interrelationships that emerge in people's interactions with…...


Works Cited

Bonet, Llorenc. Exhibition Design. Gloucester: LOFT Publications, 2006.

Giulio Jacucci, Ina Wagner. "Performative Roles of Materiality for Collective Creativity." C & C (2007): 73-82.

Hertzberger, Herman. Space and the Architect: Lessons in Architecture 2. Vol. 2. Rotterdam, 2010.

Holl, Stephen. Anchoring. New York: Princeton University Press, 1991.

Oif Columns in Architecture Extends
Pages: 25 Words: 6600

3. Curriculum or Method of the Study

The research methodology that was applied in this study was essentially an inclusive, extensive and comparative overview of the literature on the subject. Various sources were consulted, which included books and scholarly articles on the column in architectural history. Also included in the literature survey was information and data from online databases and verified websites.

The information gleaned about columns and their historical context was extrapolated and then entered into a free-from database for further analysis. This resulted in an overall survey of the progression and evolution of various forms and types of columns, from the Egyptian column to the present day. A comparative method of analysis was employed in order to ascertain the commonalities as well as the differences between the various types and forms of this architectural structure.

What should also be mentioned is that the focus of the research, and a factor that…...



Ancient Roman Architecture. Retrieved from 

Architecture of ancient Greece. Retrieved from 

Barry C. What Are the Types of Architectural Columns? Retrieved from

Column: New World Encyclopaedia. Retrieved from

Bramante Architecture a Fact of History Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1151

Bramante Architecture
A fact of history is that enaissance marked a new emerging base towards the already established architecture of antiquity that was rooted in thorough recovery of the past and new inventiveness, but it was because of this that the great cities of Europe gathered much of their form that is admired by the world today. The word renaissance has entered the minds of people with dominant positive connotations of pure genius and renewal. (Campbell, 2004)

enaissance architecture is the architecture of the early 15th to 17th centuries in different areas of Europe which demonstrated a revival of elements of the ancient Greek and oman thought and culture. First established in Florence by Filippo Brunelleschi, the renaissance spread like wild fire to other parts of Italy as well and from there the style was carried to France, England, ussia, Germany and other parts of Europe. (Gromort)

During the enaissance, artists were no…...



Campbell, G. (2004). Renaissance art and architecture . (1 ed., p. 318). Oxford University

Press, USA.

Gromort, G. Italian renaissance architecture: A short historical and descriptive account.

Hersey, G.L., &, F. (1993). High renaissance art in st. peter's and the vatican, an interpretive guide. University Of Chicago Press.

The Politics of Architecture
Pages: 10 Words: 3114

Introduction According to a famous architectural scholar, the architectural industry's slow growth results from wanting political goodwill (Jencks 1973). A good relationship between the two realms is critical to architectural designs' progress, and the stakeholders in both disciplines should understand the underlying relationship (Milne 1981). Goodman first explained the possibility of politics affecting architecture in 1947, but up to now, many have not realized the existing connection between the two domains (Goodman and Goodman 1947.
In this study, the relationship between politics and architecture will explain how architecture is used to play political games and how architecture designs are based on the political environment. The study will also highlight the contribution of politics to modern architectural designs.
The best way to understand how architecture and politics have been relating over the years is to observe different past occurrences concerning the two domains. It is worth noting that the point of interest is not…...



Architecture Foundation, 2020, November 22. Caruso St John: Yesterday and Today - In conversation with Nana Biamah-Ofosu and Ellis Woodman. YouTube. Retrieved from  

Beyonce, 2018, June 16. APES**T - THE CARTERS. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Cornea, N., 2019. Urban Political Ecology. Oxford Bibliographies Online. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199874002-0203.

Goodman, P., and Goodman, P., 1947. Communitas: Means of livelihood and ways of life. New York: Vintage.

Jencks, C., 1973. Modern movements in architecture (Vol. 5). Editions Mardaga.

Kwinter, S., 2010. Notes on the third ecology. Ecological Urbanism, pp.94-105.

Lnag, C., 2018 June 19. Art History Experts Explain the Meaning of the Art in Beyoncé and Jay-Z's 'Apesh-t' Video. Time. Retrieved from 

Milne, D., 1981. Architecture, politics, and the public realm. Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, 5(1-2), pp.131-146. 

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding gothic essay?
Words: 469

Gothic Literature and the Exploration of Darkness

1. The Gothic as a Mirror to the Human Psyche: Explore how Gothic literature delves into the depths of human psychology, revealing our hidden fears and desires.
2. The Supernatural in Gothic Fiction: Analyze the role of the supernatural in Gothic literature and its function in creating fear, mystery, and ambiguity.
3. The Gothic Landscape as a Reflection of the Mind: Discuss the significance of setting in Gothic literature, examining how gloomy castles, desolate landscapes, and eerie atmospheres reflect the characters' inner turmoil.
4. Female Gothic: Empowerment or Oppression? Investigate the portrayal of women in Gothic fiction,....

if the first body paragraph of the passage is that I woke up early and rushed out of the home in my eagerness to get to know my new school. I walked down the road and I found that the school buildings very modern, which attracted my attention, especially when the sunshine was shed on the buildings. In addition to me, there are many curious freshmen who seem to marvel at the industrial beauty of the buildings. After searching for a few minutes, I finally found the location of the new student registration.What can I write in my topic sentence and conclude sentence?
Words: 597

Topic Sentence

As I embarked on my first day as a freshman, eager anticipation propelled me towards the alluring campus, where the resplendent architecture and shared sense of wonder among my fellow newcomers heralded an unforgettable journey of learning and growth.

Concluding Sentence

The modern architectural masterpiece that housed my new academic sanctuary became an enduring symbol of the transformative potential that lay ahead, a testament to the boundless possibilities that awaited within its walls.

Elaborated Response

As I awoke with the dawn's embrace, a surge of excitement coursed through my veins, propelling me out of my slumber and into the crisp morning air. With....

How has literature review highlighted the sustainable architecture of Manjarabad Fort?
Words: 724

In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on sustainable architecture in the preservation and restoration of historical sites. Manjarabad Fort, located in the Hassan district of Karnataka, India, is a prime example of sustainable architecture that has been highlighted in literature reviews. Built in the 18th century by Tipu Sultan, this star-shaped fort stands as a testament to the ingenuity and design capabilities of the architects of that time.

One of the key features of sustainable architecture at Manjarabad Fort is its strategic location and orientation. The fort is situated on a hillock, providing natural protection and defense....

How does the intricate design of Wembley Stadium showcase innovative engineering principles?
Words: 795

1. Wembley Stadium, located in London, England, is renowned for its iconic design and innovative engineering principles. Since its completion in 2007, the stadium has served as a symbol of modernity and sophistication in the world of sports architecture. The intricate design of Wembley Stadium showcases a perfect blend of form and function, highlighting the advanced engineering techniques employed in its construction. From its striking arch to its state-of-the-art retractable roof, every aspect of the stadium reflects a commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in architectural and engineering design.

2. The design of Wembley Stadium is characterized....

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