Miscommunication Essays (Examples)

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Miscommunication Within the Workplace
Pages: 8 Words: 2470

Workplace Miscommunication
Miscommunication in the Workplace

Factors, Effects, Preventions, and Solutions

By definition, communication is a two way process that needs four components to make it successful. First, the message must have a sender as the source. Second, the channel through which communication will be sent must also be there as means to send the message. Third, the receiver should also be present as the destination of the message itself. Lastly, an encoding process must of course be there as well otherwise communication itself will be null and void. Feedback is then given by the receiver turning this element as the new sender and the old sender takes the position of the new receiver. This goes on until a conclusion is reached and communication is then terminated by both parties. All four components must work together or else it is highly possible to have miscommunication (Emery, 2012).

In a workplace, proper communication is a…...



Brewer, E.C., & Holmes, T.L. (2009). Obfuscating the Obvious Miscommunication Issues in the Interpretation of Common Terms. Journal of Business Communication, Volume 46, Number 4,, 480-496.

Emery, R. (2012, September). Communications: Its Importance and Basic Elements. Retrieved January 5, 2015, from   http://region3.asse.org/ :

Baray's Analysis of Cultural Miscommunication
Pages: 4 Words: 1387

He blames Oscar's rigid, German character and personal defects for his inability to succeed in America. This shows how even someone with a religious affinity with Oscar cannot necessarily connect with Oscar's experience. Although both men are Jews, the American assumes that with gumption and hard work, someone can find a home in America, after an initial rocky start. The individual, never the culture is at fault -- a very American, individualistic assumption. Perhaps this reflects both men's anxiety with 'the other' -- with America Oscar's part and with the sight of a foreign Jew on the part of the American.
This sense of miscommunication and frustration when the 'other' is not happy to become a part of a new culture is hardly exclusive to clashes of national perspective, however. In "Diary of an Indian Girl," the American "palefaces" cannot understand, in Chapter One of the narrative, why the American…...


Works Cited

Barna, Laray M. "Intercultural Communication Stumbling Blocks." From Intercultural

Communications: A Reader. New York: Wadsworth, 1997.

Malmud, Bernard. "The German Refugee." From Great Immigrant Stories. New York:

Klett, 1993.

miscommunication barriers and overcoming them
Pages: 3 Words: 933

Two of the most basic principles of communication include taking responsibility as a sender and receiver of messages, and cultivating respect for others and the self. From these two principles, other aspects of effective communication can flow more freely. However, human beings are fallible and occasionally revert to emotional states that impede understanding, harmony, or respect. In this example, miscommunication occurred as a result from not taking responsibility and from not remembering to practice the principle of respect. Analysis of the example reveals several barriers to communication including the presence of noise, and also self-concept. In the future, the barriers of noise and self-concept can be effectively removed with greater self-awareness and a compassionate frame of mind.

The Situation

It was nine o’clock in the evening and neither my partner nor I had eaten dinner yet. He had just returned home from work and I had been taking care of a sick…...

E-Communities' Impact the Impact of
Pages: 18 Words: 4918

Twelve ESL learners who participated subsequently found that participating in text-based online chat rooms promoted a noticeable difference in their face-to-face conversations, particularly in noticing their own linguistic mistakes.
Psychologists stress little if any learning occurs without attention. "Text-based online chat, a particular form of synchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC) involving written oral-like conversation, has the great potential of increasing noticing for two reasons:

1. Compared to face-to-face conversations, CMC allows conversations to flow at slower speeds than face-to-face; consequently permitting "speakers" to have longer times to process receiving and producing the target language.

2. CMC can save texts (previous messages) in format that users may later access. (Lai and Zhao)

The following copy of "ESL Online Talk Community" illustrates concept Lai and Zhao present.

Practice makes perfect, but many ESL students do not have opportunities to practice speaking English. This Website is trying to establish an online community to enable learners to practice their…...

Sago Mining Crisis Began With
Pages: 8 Words: 2122

However, the lack of internal communication, particularly as to underground communication, is a leading cause of the Sago Mining crisis.
y lack of underground communication, it is meant both a lack of direct communication between the rescue teams and the trapped miners and a lack of scientific communication as to the actual conditions of the underground mines and the ability of the rescue teams to go into the mines for the rescue. If there would have been updated technologies implemented into the mines prior to the explosion, the disaster could have been avoided. Underground communication capabilities would have made it possible for the rescue teams to communicate with the trapped miners, allowing for a more efficient finding of their location and the ability to guide them to a safe area of the mine. Underground communication between the mine's condition and the rescue teams would have allowed for the rescue process…...



ABC News. "Rescuers Break Ground in Miner Mission. 3 Jan. 2006.

BBC News and Current Affairs. "Fury Over U.S. Mine Rescue Fiasco." 4 January 2006.

Dao, James. "Blast Traps 13 in a Coal Mine in West Virginia." The New York Times. 3 Jan. 2006.

McLachlan, Justin. "West Virginia Mine Explosion, My Time There." New York Times. 3 Jan. 2006.

Collaborative Teaching
Pages: 2 Words: 675

Amy's story perfectly illustrates some of the main issues and challenges that arise in co-teaching scenarios. Especially when one or more parties are unfamiliar with co-teaching, miscommunications and misunderstandings are inevitable. Amy's story also demonstrates the importance of training co-teachers, educating them as to the various models and methods of collaborative teaching in heterogeneous classroom environments. Many of the challenges that arise during co-teaching can be solved by simple common sense communication and interpersonal skills.

The actions proposed for Amy and her co-teachers like Joe include the collaborative development of a lesson plan; regularly scheduled meetings for lesson plan development as well as constructive criticism and feedback; implementation of one or more different co-teaching styles; and improved communications with the principal of the school.

Collaboratively developed lesson plans will eliminate the discomfort Amy initially felt when she first entered Joe's classroom as a co-teacher. The rationale behind a collaboratively developed lesson plan…...

Communication and the Social World
Pages: 2 Words: 743

Social World and the Communication Process
Sociological imagination is the essence of sociology. This is imagining that every life of an individual is given form, meaning and significance within the historically specific cultures as well as the ways of organizing social life. Those individuals with a sociological imagination are similar to good sociologists. Social imagination is a standard against which one can judge sociology. Social imagination is therefore a sociological vision a mode of looking at the world, which sees links between the problems of an individual that seem private and important social issues. It is the ability to see things socially and how they interact and bring an influence on one another. This is a concept of being able to think ourselves away from usual routines of one's day-to-day life to view them in a new way. For one to have sociological imagination they have to pull away from…...



Crossman, A., (2010).The sociological imagination. Retrieved July 10, 2014 from  http://sociology.about.com/od/Works/a/Sociological-Imagination.htm

Communication Couples Minimal Language Communication Between Couples
Pages: 2 Words: 701

Communication Couples
Minimal language communication between couples

More often than not, we assume that what we are trying to communicate to those close to us is easily comprehended. We believe this because we are familiar with the other person and feel there is a connection that allows us to communicate with minimal language.

In fact according to Psychology Professor Boaz Keyser at the University of Chicago, most believe that communication between people they know well, as opposed to communication with a stranger, is more clearly understood. In a study Keyser co-authored he calls this phenomena "closeness communication bias." (HealthDay 2011)

However a study of 24 married couples indicates that the bias doesn't hold up. An experiment was carried out with couples sitting with their backs to one another and stating phrases which weren't exactly clear. Instead of them comprehending what their spouses were trying to communicate, they often totally missed the mark.

One example given…...



Baugh, Eboni J. And Humphries Deborah (2010) Can we Talk? Improving Couples' Communication, Florida Preparation Series, Department of Family, youth and Community Sciences, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida

Hamlett Shauntelle, (2010) Spouse Communication Techniques, Livestrong section 1.1

HealthDay News, (2011) Jan 24 Close Relationships Sometimes Mask Poor Communication

Change Plan for SBAR Implementation Change Proposal
Pages: 4 Words: 1354

Change Plan for SBA Implementation
Change Proposal - Healthcare

Change Proposal

Change Issue

The benefits of the SBA are apparent to the nursing staff in the Labor, Deliver, ecovery, and Postpartum Unit of St. Johns Hospital Birth Center. All nursing staff receives training in SBA and it has been implemented -- successfully -- for a few months at a time. However, nursing staff soon return to the historical ways of communicating about patient care, which has predominantly been by giving a verbal report.

Benefits of SBA. SBA stands for Situation-Background-Assessment-ecommendation and it is a framework for communication about patients' conditions that is used by members of a healthcare team. The following discussion is from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2011) website. The benefits to using SBA by hospital staff are: (a) It is an easy-to-use, easy-to-remember mechanism; (b) it is a concrete way to frame conversations that fosters effective and timely communication; (c) it permits…...



Ambrose, D. (1987). Managing Complex Change. Pittsburgh, PA: The Enterprise Group Ltd. Retrieved

Ducker, P.F. (1993). The New Realities. New York, NY: Harper & Row. Retrieved  http://books.google.com/books?id=WmAsWS9-fFsC&printsec=frontcover&dq=drucker+the+new+realities&hl=en&src=bmrr&ei=ASoRTvqyIZDUtQPs4pWADg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=book-thumbnail&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ6wEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false 

Golden, B. (2006). Transforming healthcare organizations, Healthcare Quarterly, 10(Spring), 10-19. Retrieved  http://www.longwoods.com/content/18490 .

Kotter, J.P. (1996). Leading Change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Retrieved  http://books.google.com/books/about/Leading_Change.html?id=ib9Xzb5eFGQC

Shoring of Hyundai to the
Pages: 10 Words: 3236

Some of the reasons why Hyundai relocated to Alabama State of the U.S.A. include the failure that she suffered in Korea. With the influx of cheap imported cars and the violent nature of the labor unions in Korea, the company had started to suffer serious decline in profits; this necessitated the move to look for other alternatives of operation. This landed the company in the U.S. As the revolution of the manufacturing companies and industries in the country (Carmel & Tjia, 2005). This is the place that provided the utmost and best labor regulations for the company. Another significant factor is the state government's incentive package. The incentive was very attractive to Hyundai as they could abate tax if they relocated there. This was a massive boost to the process of adaptation and profit realization. Moreover, the company was offered a site for setting their operations and a good access…...



Lansbury, R.D., So?, C., Kwo-n, S., & Hyo-ndae Chonghap Sangsa (Korea). (2007). The global

Korean motor industry: The Hyundai Motor Company's global strategy. London:


Motherson sumi systems limited: 2009 company profile edition 2: Chapter 6 SWOT analysis.

Communication Problem Related to Small
Pages: 4 Words: 1342

This is exacerbated by the problem that Carmen is close friends with the owner Kenneth. Kenneth has a similar conflict management style to Carmen. He can be extremely nice when dealing with people casually, but whenever a problem arises like Carmen he makes excuses, avoids the problem, tries to pass it on to someone else, or resorts to texting or faxing messages rather than confronting complaints. Their favorite 'nonverbal' communication strategy is simply not being there.

A failure to listen is one of the most common workplace communication problems. "When people or groups are in conflict, communication between them tends to get worse and worse. As a conflict escalates, people limit their direct contact with people on the other side, because such conflict is uncomfortable or threatening….Eventually all direct communication between parties may be cut off. Sometimes, communication is cut off in protest" (Lack of communication channels/avoided communication, 2005, OTPIC). The…...



Craig, Suzanne. (2012). What restaurants know (about you). The New York Times. Retrieved:


Lack of communication channels/avoided communication. (2005). Online Training Program

on Intractable Conflict (OTPIC). Retrieved:

Business Communications Final Analysis Report in Order
Pages: 5 Words: 1530

Business Communications Final Analysis Report
In order to apply the strategies and decisions formulated in the initial phases of the communication research, they are applied in the context of business communication, particularly in group decision-making processes. In the final analysis report, the case study on the Creative Media team conflict is discussed, addressing the prevalent issues that bring about miscommunication within the team.

The case study on the Creative Media team situation has the following specifics: Gap Jeans, Inc. is planning to launch a new advertising campaign for its new product, called the Gap Washed Jeans, which features a denim-wash (faded look) feature for women, which will be available in hipster and flared styles. Gap is looking for a creative ad agency that will conceptualize and produce the ad campaign, although specific information about the nature of the ad campaign is not yet formulated. Thus, the whole advertising and marketing process, from…...

Cultural Interaction and American Revolution
Pages: 3 Words: 991

Cross-Cultural Differences and Communication
Cultural identity is a significant force that shapes the interaction between people from different cultures. The contemporary globalization has made intercultural interactions inevitable in the contemporary society. People draw conclusions about other people's culture depending on a wide range of observations about the individual's way of live, values and behavior. For instance, understanding what people from specific cultural values helps in drawing about that culture in that specific aspect of value or behavior (Byram, 2015). For example, I have drawn the conclusion that martial art is a significant cultural practice in the Chinese culture. This conclusion is informed by the several Chinese films that I have watched that have largely been characterized by Martial Arts. This predominance of martial arts in these films informed the conclusion I have drawn from the Chinese culture.


I am visiting a new country within a different culture from my culture.…...

Supervisory Experience I Army Implement Military Supervision
Pages: 8 Words: 2211

supervisory experience. I army implement military supervision great I ethics supervisors communicate
Military Miscommunication by Supervisors

There are a number of diverse facets which directly influence the effectiveness of supervision, which is an essential component of the preservation and structuring of order within an organization, be it for private or public interests. One of the most influential factors which helps determine the degree of efficacy achieved in a managerial or supervisory position is the concept of communication, which is vital to the transference of ideas and both the designation and completion of tasks which are essential to the propagation of an enterprise. Flawed communication is oftentimes one of the primary reasons for insufficient supervisory conduct, which may manifest itself in a variety of ways including in a lack of employee productivity, internal and external conflicts within and involving an enterprise, respectively, and in insufficient organization and management of an organization's resources.…...



Rue, L.W., Byars, L.L. (1990) Supervision: Key Link to Productivity. Boston: Irwin. 3rd Ed.

Kleiman, L.S. "Management and Executive Development." Reference for Business: Encyclopedia of Business (2010): n. pag. Web. 25 Mar 2011.Kotter, J.P. & Cohen, D.S. (2002). The Heart of Change. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.

Gomez-Mejia, L.R.; Balkin, D.D. Cardy, R.L. (2008). Management: People, Performance, Change, 3rd edition. New York, New York USA: McGraw-Hill.

Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries (2003) The Dark Side of Leadership. Business Strategy Review 14(3), Autumn page 26 (2003).

Contextual Cues in Conversation Gumperz
Pages: 6 Words: 1756

Interviews can certainly be shaped by culture-specific nuances, but, at the same time misunderstandings may accrue due to other factors in other words, cultural differences may not be the only or accurate attribution to communicative difficulties in interview situations. There are too many other complexities that may be responsible for initiating miscommunication. Gomperz and Cook-Gomperz (2008) distinguish between socio-linguistics and linguistic anthropology but arangi concludes that: "A selective characterization of a communicative situation on the basis of different cultural attributes of the-participants can only serve to reify cultural differences in an essentialist way." (424). Rather what is needed is the application of discourse analysis to speech since discourse analysis functions as a two-pronged approach: on the one hand it traces individual communication to cultural background, and, on the other hand, it sources that same communication to societal and institutional role-relationships. 'Culture' may be a concept that has become exaggerated…...



Chan, B. (2004). Beyond" Contextualization:" Code-Switching as a" Textualization Cue" Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 23, 7-27

* Gumperz, J. Contextualization conventions

Gumperz, John & Cook-Gumperz, J (2008) Studying language, culture, and society: Sociolinguistics or linguistic anthropology, Journal of Sociolinguistics, 4, 532-545

Halliday, M.A.K. (2005). On matter and meaning: the two realms of human experience. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 1, 1.

What unexpected factors could impede successful negotiation outcomes?
Words: 399

1. Cultural differences: Misunderstandings and misinterpretations can occur if negotiators from different cultures have differing expectations, communication styles, and attitudes towards negotiation.

2. Hidden agendas: If one or both parties have undisclosed goals or motivations that are not fully disclosed during negotiations, it can hinder trust and transparency in the process.

3. Emotional reactions: Strong emotions such as anger, frustration, or fear can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive decision-making during negotiations, ultimately impacting the outcome.

4. Power dynamics: Power imbalances between negotiating parties can influence the bargaining process and prevent an equitable agreement from being reached.

5. External influences: Factors such as time....

What unexpected factors could impede successful negotiation outcomes?
Words: 603

Unexpected Factors that can Impede Successful Negotiation Outcomes

Negotiations are complex processes influenced by various factors. While some factors are typically considered and anticipated, others can emerge as unexpected obstacles, hindering the achievement of successful outcomes. Here are several unexpected factors that can impede successful negotiation outcomes:

1. Emotional Barriers:

Emotions can play a significant role in negotiations, both positively and negatively. Unexpected emotional responses, such as anger, fear, or anxiety, can cloud judgment, impair communication, and make it difficult to find common ground. Emotional biases can lead to misunderstandings, defensiveness, and a breakdown in the negotiation process.

2. Cultural Differenc:

Cultural differences can create....

How can assertive communication help improve personal relationships and interactions with others?
Words: 672

Assertive Communication: A Catalyst for Enhanced Personal Relationships and Interactions

Assertive communication, characterized by the ability to express oneself clearly and respectfully while considering the rights and perspectives of others, plays a pivotal role in fostering healthy and fulfilling personal relationships. By adopting an assertive stance, individuals can navigate interpersonal interactions with greater confidence, empathy, and effectiveness.

Benefits for Personal Relationships:

1. Increased Understanding and Trust: Assertive communication facilitates open and honest dialogue, allowing individuals to express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. This transparency builds trust and mutual understanding, fostering a foundation for stronger and more enduring relationships.

2. Reduced Conflict....

How does the title \"Cat in the Rain\" symbolize the husband\'s indifference?
Words: 291

1. Analyzing the Layers of Emotion in the Husband's Behaviors in Hemingway's "Cat in the Rain"
2. Decoding the Husband's Aloofness: A Close Reading of Hemingway's "Cat in the Rain"
3. The Enigmatic Husband: Exploring the Complexities of Masculinity in "Cat in the Rain"
4. Unraveling the Emotional Distance: Understanding the Husband's Indifference in Hemingway's "Cat in the Rain"
5. Beyond the Surface: Delving into the Husband's True Feelings in Hemingway's "Cat in the Rain"
6. Masculinity and Miscommunication: An Examination of the Husband's Actions in "Cat in the Rain"
7. Dissecting Indifference: A Study of the Husband's Behavior in Hemingway's "Cat in the Rain"
8. The....

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