Mining Essays (Examples)

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Mining Group Gold the Five
Pages: 2 Words: 683

The process therefore accepts conflict and emotion are natural parts of the management process, but tries to leverage this conflict and emotion towards the achievement of the overall objective.
The mining group process does have some interesting elements in terms of effectiveness. Everybody has seen the rambling meetings where issues simply are not resolved, making it difficult to move the process forward. In such situations, there is little doubt as to the benefits of establishing internal discipline, which is something that the mining group gold process does, in particular with the timekeeping. Over time, this process will also change the culture of the organization with respect to meetings. Whereas there will probably be a lot of initial resistance, one of the things this technique does is that it forces people in the meetings to come prepared, so that a lot of the fact-finding components that can get people sidetracked have…...



Kayser, T. (2010). Mining Group Gold. McGraw-Hill.

Hightower, T. (2014) Mining group gold: A cooperative approach to meeting effectiveness. FieldTrip101. Retrieved April 11, 2014 from

Mining Unstructured Text to Build
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

It is through these inscriptions that the significance of human torture and sacrifice could be detected in the Mayan Culture. One of the greatest rulers of this civilization was seen in the shape of Lord Pacal or Lord Pakal the Great, K'inich Janaab' Pakal (23 March 603-28 August 683). He took over the reins at the age of 12 on July 29th, 615 a.D., a mature age for the Mayan people, and continued his rule for the next 68 years. It was during his time that the city of Palenque reached significant height. The tenure of Lord Pacal is dated from 615 to 683 CE, and falls under the late Classic Period. The most prominent of buildings from this time include the northern complex made up of "five temples, two nearby adjacent temples, and a ball court. A third group of temples lies to the southeast." It was in…...

Mining the Process of Extracting New Information
Pages: 10 Words: 2900

The process of extracting new information from existing information through the use of computer system is called Text Mining. Text mining retrieves data of available information and establishes the connection between the facts mentioned in that data. This is how, new information is developed. Since it is newly formed information, its validation is conducted through experimentation. The process of web search is often confused with that of text mining, though these are two entirely different processes. In web search, the computers match the keywords in the database and bring the relevant records. The information is written down by somebody and then uploaded on the internet to make it searchable. On the other hand, in text mining, altogether new information is generated out of existing body of knowledge (Berry, 2004).

Text mining finds its roots in data mining. Data mining refers to the process in which the computer system retrieves unique…...


Using categorization procedures will allow the customer service centers to segment the database according the content and topic of the database, hence the customers will find it convenient to browse through the relevant topics. Text categorization aims to divide a document according to different elements of topics it comprises of. It also compares documents for content relevance with one another (Gupta and Lehal, 2009).

One method to learn the algorithms of categorization is to understand the procedures from available classified documents. Furthermore, use of these algorithms for categorization of unclassified documents can be useful. For instance, let there be two sets D. And C. containing n and p elements respectively, where'd is a set of categorized documents that belong to set of C, which represent the classes. The objective of learning categorization process is to ascertain which element of set D. corresponds to element of C. Hence, n documents corresponding to different classes are classified into p types. Hence, data collected is run through feature selection process for preparation (Shantanu and Shourya, 2008).

Data collected consists of text that comprises of

Mining the Concept of Text
Pages: 10 Words: 3299

The heuristics that are considered are probabilistic machine learning approaches. Such an approach is the 'Alignment Conditional andom Fields' that is designed for a scoring sequence for undirected graphical models. (Bilenko; Mooney, 2005) There are demands for this type of software and there is a vast area of information analysis where text mining is beginning to get important. One field is in the analysis of literature and research reviews.
Literary and Scientific Demands:

There is more demand for the text mining in the literature review and library sections. There are extensive researches done for creating algorithms for book-based text mining. esearchers Sophia Ananiadou et al. (2009) have used text mining solutions in creating literature reviews. The creation of a text mining framework for systematic reviews and the creation of what the researchers Ananiadou, Sophia; et al. (2009) called as the 'service exemplar' were used as a test bed for deriving the…...



Ananiadou, Sophia; et al. (2009) "Supporting Systematic Reviews Using Text Mining Social

Science" Computer Review, vol. 27, no. 4, pp: 509-523.

Berry, Michael W; Kogan, Jacob. (2010) "Text Mining: Applications and Theory"

John Wiley and Sons.

Mining Rocks on an Industrial Scale
Pages: 4 Words: 1252

ock Mining
Mining might have been the second earliest humankind activity after agriculture. The two endeavors were together the primary industries of the first civilizations. Little has changed in terms of the significance of these industries to humankind. From the ancient times to date, mining has played a significant role in human existence. Here the term mining refers to the extraction from the earth of any naturally occurring mineral substance for utilitarian purposes. After minerals have been extracted, they can be sold in open markets, enabling the countries that have these minerals to get paid by those that do not. This results in the countries that have minerals to be the great-powers of the world while those that do not to suffer from lower living standards. There are two general types of mined minerals geologically, these are:

Mineral: this refers to a naturally formed inorganic compound that has an orderly internal structure…...



Zappa, M. (2011). Rocks. Edina, Minn: ABDO Pub.

Heinio M. (1999). Rock Excavation Handbook. Retrieved 20 September 2015 from 

Bell F., G. (n.d.) Geology and construction. Retrieved 20 September from 

Introduction to mining (n.d.). Retrieved 20 September 2015 from

Pollution From Mining Activities How Serious Is
Pages: 6 Words: 2171

Pollution From Mining Activities
How serious is the pollution that results from mining activities? How clean are the coal mining activities in Kentucky, est Virginia, and other Appalachian areas where mountaintops are stripped away to get at the coal? hat other mining activities cause pollution of the air, the land, and the waterways? This paper will delve into those mining activities and report the pollution that results from those strategies.

The Pollution from Mountaintop Removal Strategies

An article in National Geographic (Mitchell, 2006) points to the fact that miles of rivers and streams are simply filled in, drowned in dirt, coal waste, and rocks. And Mitchell discusses the pollution that results when the coal is mined and the waste and other chemical residues are dumped in ponds. Hundreds of billions gallons of "toxic black water and sticky black goo," which are byproducts of mountaintop mining, are dumped into "slurry ponds, sludge lagoons, or…...


Works Cited

Bloomberg News. 2010. 'China: pollution and protests increase / Mining spill kills numerous fish in Fujian,' retrieved April 7, 2012, from .

Chuanmin, Yang. 2011. 'Toxic mine spill was only the latest in long history of Chinese pollution,' The Guardian, retrieved April 8, 2012, from .

Environment News Service. 2010. 'Tennessee Governor Petitions to Block Mountaintop Mining.' Retrieved April 7, 2012, from .

Mitchell, John G. 2006. 'When Mountains Move,' National Geographic / Science and Space, retrieved April 8, 2012, from .

Chilean Mining Re Correspondence to Families of
Pages: 4 Words: 1255

Chilean Mining
RE: Correspondence to Families of Trapped Miners

(To be hand-delivered via print letter from company personnel)

It is with great concern but also with considerable hope that I bring you news today regarding your family members and loved ones. Earlier today, there was a roof collapse in the Compania Minera San Esteban Primera's San Jose copper mine shaft, an estimated 350 meters below the surface. The collapse resulted in the complete blocking off of the mine shaft, making it immediately impenetrable for either rescuers to enter or for miners to exit. There are an estimated 33 miners who were known to be in the mine shaft at the time of the collapse and who are therefore believed to be presently trapped in the mine. e believe that a member of your family is among the missing.

hile we provide this information with heaviness in our hearts and prayers in our minds, a…...


Works Cited:

Weik, J. (2010, August 6). Over 30 workers trapped after Chilean copper mine collapse. Metal Bulletin Daily, (224), 65.

Environmental Impact of Coal Mining
Pages: 13 Words: 3880

The prominence of this type of mining method is underlined by a study prepared for the Governor of West Virginia which states that,

"ountaintop removal methods are essential to maintain the state's present level of coal production. The lower production costs of TR have contributed significantly to maintaining West Virginia as a competitive coal producer."

3. Environmental impact of coal mining in the Appalachians.

3.1. Underground mining

The earliest coal mining in Appalachia consisted of various primitive form of underground as well as surface mining. However in the initial stages of mining in the region the methods used were minimally invasive in terms of the environment and "...had only minimal impact on the physical and organic environment."

However, this was to change with the increases in the demand from industry and more advanced technology. "In the 1870s, however, markets began to expand beyond local users. Industrial investment in the region led to a proliferation of…...


Mountaintop removal mining. Internet. Accessed 1 August 2008.

Encyclopedia of Appalachia: Coal Mining. Essay online. Available at   Accessed 1 August 2008. .

Coal Mining in Appalachia

Mountain Mining
Pages: 8 Words: 3729

Mountain Mining
Mining is the process by which minerals of various different kinds are taken out of the earth. As a general practice, a hole is dug into the ground, from where the minerals are harvested. These may be metals like gold or silver or copper, or they may be coal and salt and other like minerals, and they can be diamonds and other precious stones as well. It must be noted that most substances that are obtained form the earth are mined and mining also provides metal that can be used for steel making, and for other industrial purposes, and the gold and precious stones obtained from the earth can be used for the production of jewelry. The stones mined from the earth are used for building purposes, and they are also used for making the gravel that is used on highways. (The Topic: Mining, the basics)

There are in fact…...



Bellis, Mary. History of the Metal detector. Retrieved From 

Accessed 18 October 2005

Coal Mining in Pennsylvania. Retrieved From

Data Mining
Pages: 6 Words: 2372

Computer Science
Data Mining in the Film & Media Industry

Motion pictures, cinema, or films, which are a leading form of entertainment in the visual media industry, is one of the most powerful, influential, and lucrative industries in the world and in modern history. For Americans, it is a common occurrence, for example, to read or hear news reports regarding the huge sums of revenue that films generate in their opening weekends or in the overall run they have in the theaters. The film industry, as part of the greater visual media industry, continues to make strides in technological development and creative innovation, which often translates into large sums of money, or at least impressive sums of money for the amount spent toward the budget and promotion. The film industry is not an industry that has yet successfully used data mining, data analytics, or predictive analytics in a noticeable way. The paper…...



Chulis, Kimberly. Big data analytic for video, mobile, and social game monetization: Understand and influence profitable consumer behavior. IBM, 2012, Web, Available from:   2012 December 08. .

Foster, Ian Armas. Film Industry to Turn to Wikipedia for Predictive Analytics. Datanami, 2012, Web, Available from:   2012 December 08. .

Willmore, Allison. Is Netflix Changing the Way TV Series are Made with Its Use of Data Mining, or Doing More of the Same Old Thing? Indie Wire, 2012, Web, Available from:   2012 December 07. .

Scott, Karl. Social Analytic and the Movies. Slashdot, 2012, Web, Available from:   2012 December 08. .

Economic Benefits of Landfill Mining
Pages: 15 Words: 4223

Yard Trimmings - 12.9%

Food scraps - 12.4%;

Plastics - 11.7%;

Rubber, leather and textiles - 7.3%

Metals - 7.6%

Wood - 5.5%

Glass - 5.3%

The following figure shows the number of landfills in the United States between 1998 and 2006

Number of Landfills in the United States 1998-2006

Source: EPA (1997)

The work of van der Zee and de Visser entitled: "Assessing the Opportunities of Landfill Mining" states: "Long-term estimates make clear that the amount of solid waste to be processed at landfills in the Netherlands will sharply decline in coming years. Major reasons can be found in the availability of improved technologies for waste recycling and government regulations aiming at waste reduction." (nd)

The work of Sperling and Hansen entitled: "Land Reclamation at Municipal Landfill Sites" states that municipal landfill closure presents a great challenge in terms of reclamation which involves multiple objectives including: (1) isolation of refuse; (2) minimization of leachate production; (3) prevention of erosion; (4)…...



Landfill Reclamation (1997) United States Environmental Protection Agency Solid Waste and Emergency Response (5306W_ EPA530-F-97-001 July 1997. Online available at 

Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling and Disposal in the United States; Facts and Figures for 2006. United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Strange, Kit (nd) Landfill Mining - Preserving Resources through Integrated Sustainable Management of Waste - Technical Brief - World Resource Foundation, Kent, England. Online available at

Forster, Gary a. (2001) Assessment of Landfill Reclamation and the Effects of Age on the Combustion of Recovered MSW. MSW Management. March/April 2001. Online available at

Sago Mining Crisis Began With
Pages: 8 Words: 2122

However, the lack of internal communication, particularly as to underground communication, is a leading cause of the Sago Mining crisis.
y lack of underground communication, it is meant both a lack of direct communication between the rescue teams and the trapped miners and a lack of scientific communication as to the actual conditions of the underground mines and the ability of the rescue teams to go into the mines for the rescue. If there would have been updated technologies implemented into the mines prior to the explosion, the disaster could have been avoided. Underground communication capabilities would have made it possible for the rescue teams to communicate with the trapped miners, allowing for a more efficient finding of their location and the ability to guide them to a safe area of the mine. Underground communication between the mine's condition and the rescue teams would have allowed for the rescue process…...



ABC News. "Rescuers Break Ground in Miner Mission. 3 Jan. 2006.

BBC News and Current Affairs. "Fury Over U.S. Mine Rescue Fiasco." 4 January 2006.

Dao, James. "Blast Traps 13 in a Coal Mine in West Virginia." The New York Times. 3 Jan. 2006.

McLachlan, Justin. "West Virginia Mine Explosion, My Time There." New York Times. 3 Jan. 2006.

Economic Impact Australian Mining Boom
Pages: 7 Words: 2442

In the period between 2002 and 2012, Australia experienced a mining boom; a period in which the level of exports increased more than threefold and also the investment made in mining as a percentage of the nation’s GDP increasing from 2 percent to 8 percent. Imperatively, during the mining boom period, there was a significant increase in demand for minerals. This is because of the demand for minerals not only locally but also internationally. Therefore, this caused a rightward shift in the demand curve. This leads to the positioning of a new equilibrium price. The comparative theory best explains the exportation of minerals by Australia and the importation of other commodities from other nations. In this regard, Australia is considered to have a comparative advantage in the production of minerals because it can produce minerals at a relatively lower opportunity cost compared to China. Another aspect that was influenced during…...

Surfing & Mining the Wave of Big
Pages: 5 Words: 1674


What used to consider a simple annoyance or frustration has now become a respected field of inquiry. Consumer information has transformed into Big Data. As with many things that are vast, Big Data has the potential to intimidate. It is now the professional responsibility of people working in many fields to be aware of Big Data, and be able to use it to their respective organization's advantage. Navigating through and understanding what Big Data is a formidable challenge in of itself, yet not impossible. Effective management of the 21st century cannot fear or be overwhelmed by Big Data; managers must learn how to use Big Data like any other tool within their professional arsenal to maintain the status quo and even ahead or make establish new trends in business.

Big Data is in simple terms, mass quantities of data that are so massive that…...



Byrne, N. (2011) Mining Big Data for Meaning. Technology_IRELAND, 4(42), 28 -- 31.

Chong, R.F. (2012) Starting your education in big data. IBM developerWorks, BigDataUniversity, Available from:   2012 July 13. .

Forsyth Communications. (2012) For Big Data Analytics There's No Such Thing as Too Big: The Compelling Economics and Technology of Big Data Computing. Available from: 2012 July 11.

Manyika, J., Chui, M., Brown, B., Bughin, J., Dobbs, R., Roxburgh, C., & Byers, A.H. (2011) Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity. McKinsey Global Institute, McKinsey & Company: New York.

Bethseda Mining Case Study
Pages: 2 Words: 405

Bethseda Mining The details of the project are as follows:
1. The company has a four year contract encompassing 500,000 tons of coal every year at $82 for every ton
2. The production level in the four respective years include: 620,000 tons, 680,000 tons, 730,000 tons and 590,0000 tons
3. Fixed costs amounts to $4.1 million each year
4. The variable costs amount to $31 for every ton
5. Net working capital is 5 percent of the sales. This will be built up in the year before the sales
6. Spot sales of excess coal are $77 for every ton
7. Land: Purchase cost is $4 million. The land is held for ten years, after/tax sale currently $6.5 million
8. $2.7 million is necessitated for reclamation at year 5
9. Donation of land for $6 million deduction
10. Equipment cost of $95 million, 7 year MACRS depreciation
11. Equipment sale is at 60% of purchase price after completion of contract
12. Tax rate…...

When examining the geology of a region for potential useable aquifers, what characteristics or factors would you consider?
Words: 117

The type of soil is very important, along with the vegetation (abundance and type) growing there. How much rain that region gets is less important than its elevation, as runoff from many miles away – where more rain may fall – can contribute to useable aquifers even in what appears to be a desert area. How large the aquifers may be and how deep one may have to go to properly access them also matter, as these issues are related to the time and cost (i.e. the value) of the aquifer. Areas that are densely populated should be avoided, as....

How can I start my essay on Deviance?
Words: 340

Choosing how to start your essay on deviance depends on the type of essay you are writing and the type of coursework you are trying to complete.  Deviance is a broad topic that is covered in many of the soft sciences, including (but not limited to) sociology, psychology, and criminology.  It is also discussed in the humanities, particularly philosophy and history.  Therefore, we would probably begin the essay with two things: a definition of deviance and an explanation of how that definition fits into the context of the essay we are writing. 

Generally, deviance is a sociological concept....

Can you please provide me a scholarly article about the benefits of homeschooling?
Words: 427

Sure.  We are happy to provide you links to a few scholarly articles you could use to discuss the benefits of homeschooling. We also want to tell you about a neat research tool on Google that many people do not know exists.  If you go to it narrows down your search results to scholarly articles and books.  It also provides a blurb overview of the resource you are examining and usually links to an abstract in case the blurb is not long enough to let you evaluate whether the source will be useful for your research. ....

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