Millennial Essays (Examples)

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Millennial Generation and Their Work in Nonprofit
Pages: 5 Words: 1541

Millennial Generation and Their Work in Nonprofit
Millennials and the Nonprofit Sector: A Modern Volunteer Workforce

Volunteer work is always crucial to help increase the strength of supporting those in need within our society. However, who volunteers and works with nonprofit organizations is a huge part of driving new innovation in charitable practices. Today, a new development generation that is increasingly entering adulthood is the Millennials. These individuals have more education and a greater demand to give back to their society. As such, more young people are volunteering in getting involved with nonprofit organizations, which is a positive outlook for the future.

The Millennial generation is the newest group of individuals reaching adulthood. It features young adults born between the years of 1982 and 2002. This makes them roughly between 18 and 29 years old, many of whom are teens and twenty somethings. They are incredibly different than any other generation which came…...



Central Piedmont College. (2013). Who are the Millennials? Millennial. Web. 

Corvington, Patrick. (2011). Skills-based volunteerism: A new generation of service. Corporation for National and Community Service. Web.

Eisner, David, Grimm, Robert Jr., Maynard, Shannon, & Washburn, Susan. (2009). The new volunteer workforce. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Web. 

Pew Research Center. (2010). Millennials: Confident, Connected, Open to Change. Pew Research. Web.

Millennials and Food Sampling
Pages: 2 Words: 786

Sampling Design
The objective of the research is to assist McDonalds in appealing to millennials. The company's North American sales have been flat for the past four years. Sales in the U.S., the company's largest market, were down 2.1% in 2014. This trend has resulted in a decline in net income. Changing consumer tastes are often cited as a problem for McDonalds -- the number of customers actually declined more than sales, by 4.1%. The research will help with this problem by testing the attitudes of millennials towards food.

The population consists of Americans who are in the millennial generation. This generation has been defined as those born between 1980 and the mid-2000s, according to the White House (CEA, 2014). These people range in age between 10 and 35 today. The cutoff for the population of the survey will be 18-30, so that the survey population are all adults, and all clearly…...



CEA (2014). 15 economic facts about millennials. Council of Economic Advisers. Retrieved November 18, 2015 from

Jenkins, R. (2015). 5 reasons millennials aren't answering your phone call. Inc. Magazine. Retrieved November 18, 2015 from 

US Census Bureau (2015). Millennials outnumber baby boomers and are far more diverse, census bureau reports. Retrieved November 18, 2015 from

Higher Education and Students
Pages: 11 Words: 4243

Millennial and the new Gen Z
This research involves a comparison between the Millennial and Gen Z. generations. Other research topics include the distinctions between communication and technology, an evaluation of online communication among Millennial Colleges in the modern world as well as the adjustments required in order for them to communicate with people of Gen Z, to maintain their competitiveness in the field of virtual higher education. Another issue that has been thoroughly discussed is Gen Z's as Gen X'ers offspring and Millennials as Baby bloomers' offspring.

The Gen Z's that are upcoming; those born between the mid-90s and 2007 mostly include youth who have been raised with computers, cell phones and internet. They are dependent, savvy and have complex knowledge of technology. In addition, they have grown up to be introduced to smart phones. This generation has financial concerns due to doubts concerning student loans and an economy that is…...



Aaker, D. A. & Biel, A. L. (Eds.). (1993). Brand Equity & Advertising: Advertising's Role in Building Strong Brands. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Bloemer, J. M. M. & Kasper, H. D. P. (1995). The Complex Relationship Between Consumer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty. Journal of Economic Psychology, 16, 311-329. Retrieved 24 August 2016 from 

Gibson, L. A. &Sodeman, W. A. (2014). Millennials and Technology: Addressing the Communication Gap in Education and Practice. Organization Development Journal, 63-75. Retrieved 24 August 2016 from

Iacosta. (2015). List of Generations. Iacosta Site. Retrieved 24 August 2016 from

Postmillennial View the Bible Is
Pages: 5 Words: 1652

Thus, it is of no surprise that certain metaphors can be understood as being references to the Roman society.

Christians believe in a God who is forgiving and kind, and who never leaves his followers behind. Furthermore, Christianity sometimes promotes the concept of sinners who are saved instead of being punished for their wrongdoings. The Bible has several episodes where apostles say that sinners have no place in heaven, and that there is no second chance for them. Also, it appears that those that have sinned will be taken by surprise, with no time to repent for their sins.

If one were to take into consideration all the details presented in the Book of Revelation, it would be possible for him or her to compare the start of the millennium from the book of Revelation with the start of Noah's journey, or with Lot's departure from Sodom and Gomorra. Both in Noah's…...


Works cited:

1. Barr, David L. (2004). "Reading the Book of Revelation: A Resource for Students." Brill.

2. Fiorenza Schussler, Elisabeth. (1998). "The Book of Revelation: Justice and Judgment." Fortress Press.

Barr, David L. (2004). "Reading the Book of Revelation: A Resource for Students." Brill.

Barr, David L. (2004). "Reading the Book of Revelation: A Resource for Students." Brill.

Millennialism in America Charismatic Prophets
Pages: 7 Words: 2145

For Jehovah's Witnesses, that millennium was supposed to begin already, first in 1914, and later in 1975 (Brom 2004). The year 2000 brought to light the fear and fiction surrounding Y2K and the numerical millennium, but the return of Christ had yet to take place. "As the millennium approaches, self-styled messiahs like David Koresh and Marshall Applewhite have flourished, teaching impending doom with doctrines cobbled from Christianity, millennialism and even science fiction," (Washington Post Staff 1997).
A new date of spiritual revolution has now been set, embraced by many members of New Age millennial movements: 2012. The year 2012 has been selected because of its connection with the Mayan calendar, which is embraced by many New Age individuals. However, the generic New Age brands of millennialism often lack the presence of a charismatic prophet. The New Age movement is therefore qualitatively different from that of other millennial movements that draw…...



Brom, Robert H.

2004. History of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Catholic Answers. Retrieved online: 

Hatch, Nathan O.

1974 The origins of civil millennialism in America: New England clergymen, war with France, and the Revolution. The William and Mary Quarterly 31(3): 407-430.

Prophecy Amillennialism vs Premillennialism There Have Always
Pages: 3 Words: 805

Amillennialism vs. Premillennialism

There have always been discussions among church leaders and scholars regarding the end times and what will occur. The rapture, the return of Christ and the final battle between the forces of God and those of Satan have all been discussed ad infinitum. But, there is one set of beliefs that seems to still cause a great deal of debate among people in the Christian church. This split is between those who believe in a millennial kingdom that follows the rapture and subsequent tribulation period, and those who believe the words in Revelations 20 to be figurative (Slick). Though both sides offer support for their argument it is possible to find scripture that supports the premillennial point-of-view and refutes the amillennial.

The scripture where all the talk of a thousand year reign comes from is in Revelations 20: 2,3 which, from the King James version of the Bible, says;



Works Cited

Slick, Matt. "Amillennialism and Premillenialism." Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, 2003. Web.

Vaterlas, Gary. "Amillennialism vs. Premaillennialism." Rapture Notes, 2010. Web.

Kraft Foods Canada Targeting of the Millennials
Pages: 11 Words: 3322

Situation Analysis
Marketing to Millennials is important. The problem has been that they have been ignored and instead, their parents were the ones that were a market to for many years. This is significant since parenthood is altering the way millennials have been interacting with products and how they pick the products. Before they had children, millennials were particularly more likely to purchase brands that they looked at as having amazing quality. This was regardless of the value. They now put a greater stress on convenience and price in comparison to other features when ordering for themselves. Kraft Canada wants to come up with a way to not just market to the parents, but also to their children in a way that is effective and that can be traded in a way that is appealing (Kraft Foods Canada:Targeting The Millennials 2014). It is evident to the company that such transitions make…...

The Social Interaction Characteristics of Millennials Compared to Baby Boomers
Pages: 7 Words: 2023

Social Interaction among Millennials and Baby BoomersIntroductionWhen it comes to social interaction differences among Millennials and Baby Boomers there is much to be said. Millennials are digital natives and have grown up with social media. Boomers have come to the technology late but have embraced it to some extent, though not quite to the same level as Millennials. In the workplace, among family and friends, and in terms of digital communication, Millennials and Baby Boomeers interact socially in ways that are similar and different and this paper will discuss and describe those ways.WorkplaceOne of the main points to remember with regard to Boomers is that they grew up with face to face interaction and they value being able to communicate in a face to face manner (Venter, 2017). Millennials are much more willing to engage in virtual communication or to work in virtue workplaces (Ngotngamwong, 2019). However, there is an…...


ReferencesAccius, J., & Yeh, J. C. (2016). America must invest in its next generations. Generations, Journal of the American Society on Aging, 40(4), 101–107.Allen, R. S., Allen, D. E., Karl, K., & White, C. S. (2015). Are Millennials Really an Entitled Generation? An Investigation into Generational Equity Sensitivity Differences. Journal Of Business Diversity, 15(2), 14–26.Bennett, J., Owers, M., Pitt, M. and Tucker, M. (2010). Workplace impact of social networking. Property Management, Vol. 28 No. 3, pp. 138-148. H. W., Melton, B. F., Welle, P., & Bigham, L. (2012). Stress tolerance: New challenges for millennial college students. College Student Journal, 46(2), 362-376Lee, H., Park, N., & Hwang, Y. (2015). A new dimension of the digital divide: Exploring the relationship between broadband connection, smartphone use and communication competence. Telematics & Informatics, 32(1), 45–56Licite, L., Janmere, L., & Auzina, A. (2018). Role of the social environment in the study process for millennials. Proceedings of the International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM, 18, 241–248. .5593/sgem2018/5.4Ngotngamwong, R. (2019). Working with Millennials: From the Perspective of Baby Boomers and Gen Xers. Human Behavior Development & Society, 20(2), 62–73.Stewart, J. S., Oliver, E. G., Cravens, K. S., & Oishi, S. (2017). Managing millennials: Embracing generational differences. Business Horizons, 60(1), 45–54., E. (2017). Bridging the communication gap between Generation Y and the Baby Boomer generation. International journal of Adolescence and Youth, 22(4), 497-507.,

Targeting Millennial Moms through Influencers
Pages: 3 Words: 1027

Kaft Foods Canada CaseIntoductionThe case involves Kaft needing to taget Millennial moms who want less pocessed foods (cheese) and moe natual quality foods. Millennials as a population ae ising and sales of Kaft pocessed cheese slices ae declining. Kaft needs to find a way to maket to Millennials without alienating taditional families who still buy its poducts. Millennials oveall tend to pefe fast casual (Chipotle) to fast food (McDonald\\\'s) and they need incentives in ode to come back to Kaft. This pape exploes how to maket to this population.BackgoundKaft Foods Canada is facing a challenge in tageting millennial moms who pioitize natual and oganic foods ove pocessed poducts. The sales of Kaft\\\'s pocessed cheese slices ae declining as millennials shift towads fast-casual dining options like Chipotle and healthie lifestyles. To maintain its maket shae, Kaft needs to develop a stategy that tagets millennial moms without alienating taditional families who still…...


references than its traditional customer base. However, by adopting a marketing strategy that leverages social media influencers and user-generated content, the company can reach this target demographic in a natural and authentic way. Partnering with popular influencers and mom bloggers who align with its brand values and promoting the use of branded hashtags and social media contests can help increase brand awareness among millennial moms.Moreover, highlighting the nutritional and organic qualities of its products can appeal to health-conscious millennial moms who prioritize natural and wholesome food choices. By providing clear information on the nutritional value of its products and using labels that clearly indicate the organic and natural ingredients, Kraft Foods Canada can differentiate itself from competitors and win the trust of millennial moms.Finally, emphasizing sustainability and eco-friendly design in product packaging and marketing materials is crucial for Kraft Foods Canada to promote its commitment to environmental causes and resonate with millennial moms who prioritize sustainability. By using sustainable materials in its packaging, the company can reduce its environmental footprint and send a strong message to its target demographic about its commitment to eco-friendliness.In conclusion, by implementing a marketing strategy that focuses on building strong relationships with social media influencers and mom bloggers, promoting the nutritional and organic qualities of its products, and emphasizing sustainability and eco-friendliness, Kraft Foods Canada can successfully target millennial moms without alienating its traditional customer base. This approach can help the company increase sales, build customer loyalty, and promote sustainability in the food industry.

Marketing Management with Millennials
Pages: 2 Words: 684

Like many other fields that exist within business and society at large, there is always some modicum of shifting and changes that occur. They usually do not happen overnight but they can move quickly due to being aided and assisted along in prominence by the presence of technology and other advancement. Social media, for example, is just one thing that has helped change the pace of society from noticeable to nearly frenetic. Even so, generational changes are the biggest source of change in many instances and paradigms and marketing management is no different. While the desires, wants and needs of the older generations is still relevant to many marketers, the emergence of the Millennials over the last generation and the coming reveal of Generation Z has most certainly changed the marketing landscape and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

When some marketing professionals and people with opinions about…...

Kraft Foods Canada Targeting the Millennials
Pages: 4 Words: 1181

Problem Definition
Until now, Kraft has rested its marketing strategy for its processed cheese slices on the traditional demographic of Canadian families. As the millennial market grew, the need to reposition Kraft singles became immediately apparent. Moreover, the market for processed cheese itself had been falling and millennials tended towards products that reflected wellness and healthy food—the antithesis of what processed cheese offers. Kraft therefore finds itself in a position of needing to rebrand one of its most iconic products, making Kraft Singles relevant to millennial moms—and their children.

Kraft Singles promotes four core brand attributes overall: health, nutrition, taste, and convenience (p. 7). To retain authenticity, Kraft Singles needs to develop a new marketing campaign that is both relevant to millennial moms while also remaining rooted in these four core attributes or values. Because of the connotation of processed cheese as being less healthy than real cheese, Kraft Singles cannot necessarily…...

1000 Years of Revelation 20 1-6 Evangelical Christian
Pages: 8 Words: 2553

1000 Years of evelation 20:1-6
Evangelical Christian perspective on 1000 years of evelation 20:1-6 (the Millennium)

Evangelical view of the millennium is dependent on hermeneutical approach towards the Bible as a whole, as well as our way of interpreting the book of evelation. Since realized millennialism is at times suspected for not adopting the "literal" approach, this becomes extensively misleading. An evangelical Christian can affirm the literal-nature of Scripture and also recognize all metaphors pertaining to a text, which recognize the fact that all the prophecies of Old Testament were fulfilled by Jesus. Our debate revolves around interpreting Scripture rather than concerning the commitment to Scripture (Jupp, 2009).

The interpretation of evelation 20 in the light of entire counsel of God is imperative as evelation tends to be the only book present in New Testament which discusses millennium. Charles Hodge believes the explanation of obscure passages to be essential in interpretation of Scripture…...



Bebbington, D. (2007). Evangelicals and Eschatology in Britain. Unpublished Paper Presented at St. Andrews University.

Benware, P.N. (2006). Understanding End Times Prophesy: A Comprehensive Appoach. Chicago: Moody Publishers.

Hodge, C. (1997). Systematic Theology. Originally published 1872. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

Hoekema, A.A. (1977). Amillennialism. In Robert G. Clouse, ed., The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity.

Gaming as an Instructional Strategy
Pages: 35 Words: 10150

Knowles stated "The richest resources for learning reside in the adult learners themselves" (p. 66). n instructional strategy like gaming may help to facilitate tapping into the adult learner's experience. Through collaboration during the play of a game, learners may discuss prior experiences to aid in discovery of the correct answer. Gaming activities also permit peer feedback to be given to students based on their previous experiences. The millennial student desires immediate feedback and integrates their experiences into their learning (Tapscott, 1998). gain, through group discussion and collaboration, learners share previous experiences with others to confirm or not the correct answer.
By not tapping into the experience of adult learners, negative effects may result (Knowles, 2005). The adult learner identifies their experiences as who they are. In other words, their experiences help to define them as a person. dult learners, who perceive their experiences as being ignored or devalued, perceive…...


A somewhat controversial and negative environmental outcome identified from the review of literature was the competitive component to gaming. In an evaluation conducted by Gruendling et al.(1991), some learners (5%) felt threatened by competitive nature of gaming (N = 40) and stated that gaming can cause unnecessary anxiety and stress. Bloom and Trice (1994) stated that too much competition can take the fun out of the process of learning for some and perhaps discourage student participation.

Psychosocial Outcomes

Psychosocial outcomes were also identified from the review of literature. Gaming was found to have encouraged and enhanced active participation and communication-social interactions, improve peer relationships, promote teamwork and collaboration, as well as decrease participants fear, tension, stress, and feelings of intimidation (Ballantine, 2003; Bays & Hermann, 1997; Berbiglia et al., 1997; Bloom & Trice, 1994; Cowen & Tesh, 2002; Dols, 1988; Fetro & Hey, 2000; Gifford, 2001;

Thousand-Year Reign of Christ
Pages: 8 Words: 2407

Revelation 20:1-6 (the Millenium)
The objective of this study is to examine the 1000 years of Revelation 20:1-6 (The Millennium) an exegetical and theological topic therefore the review will be extended beyond only the biblical in terms of research and will examine the views of other scholars in this area of inquiry.

The lue Letter ible states the following in the ook of Revelations, Chapter 20, Verses one through six:

"Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were completed; after these things he must…...



Christianson, D. (2014) Revelation 20: 4-6. The Millennial Kingdom. Retrieved from: 

Four Views on the Millennium (2014) the Blue Letter Bible. Retrieved from: 

The Millennium: Thousand Years Reign of Christ (2014) Apttoteach. Retrieved from: 

Thomas, Robert L. Revelation 8-22: an exegetical commentary. WEC. Chicago: Moody, 1992, 1995.

Health Disparities the Growing Inequalities
Pages: 2 Words: 775

This is important, because utilizing technology to deliver various health care solutions will: increase collaboration, improve the underlying amounts of care and it can help to reduce costs. Once this takes place, it means that implementing various changes can be easier.
When a health care professional encounters an Asian patient in their practice, what are at least three characteristics he/she should consider in order to improve communication and cultural competence in delivering services to this patient and tell why those characteristics are important to consider.

Three characteristics that should be considered would include: family, communication and the concept of time. Family matters to Asian patients, as this is their foundation for strength and support. Communication is important, with these patients more focused on body languages and pauses (to signify substance vs. The actual words). Time will be different between the two cultures, as Asian patients will place less of an emphasis…...



Cultural Values of Asian Patients. (2009). Dimensions of Culture. Retrieved from:

Define Culture. (2010). Roshan Institute. Retrieved from: 

Values. (2010). Business Dictionary. Retrieved from:

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Employee Retention ?
Words: 210

1. The Importance of Employee Retention in Maintaining a Successful Business
2. Strategies for Improving Employee Retention Rates in the Workplace
3. The Role of Company Culture in Employee Retention
4. The Impact of Employee Benefits and Incentives on Retention Rates
5. Challenges and Solutions for Retaining Millennial Employees
6. The Connection Between Employee Engagement and Retention
7. Addressing Turnover and Retention Issues in a Remote Work Environment
8. The Financial Costs of Employee Turnover and the Benefits of Retaining Staff
9. The Role of Leadership in Employee Retention Strategies
10. Best Practices for Creating a Positive Work Environment that Encourages Employee Loyalty and Retention.
11. Exploring the Relationship Between....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about types of young adults at church?
Words: 236

1. Exploring the Diversity of Young Adults in Church

2. The Many Faces of Young Adults in the Church Community

3. Understanding the Different Types of Young Adults in Church

4. A Study of Young Adult Churchgoers: Their Beliefs and Backgrounds

5. The Role of Different Types of Young Adults in the Church

6. Profiles of Young Adults in Church: From Millennials to Generation Z

7. Diversity and Unity: Young Adults in the Church

8. Examining the Spiritual Journeys of Young Adults in Church

9. Shedding Light on the Various Perspectives of Young Adults in Church

10. Embracing the Differences: Young Adults and Their Place in the Church
11. Generational....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about types of young adults at church?
Words: 207

Titles for an Essay on Types of Young Adults at Church

1. The Spectrum of Young Adult Faith: Exploring the Diverse Landscape

2. A Tapestry of Young Adult Spirituality: Uncovering Different Threads

3. Navigating the Crossroads: Types of Young Adults in the Church

4. The Emerging Church: A Portrait of Young Adult Faith in the 21st Century

5. Beyond Labels: The Rich Diversity of Young Adult Christian Experiences

6. The Young Adult Faith Journey: A Spectrum of Beliefs and Practices

7. From Millennials to Gen Z: Understanding the Changing Faces of Young Adult Christianity

8. The Post-Denominational Church: Exploring Young Adult Faith in a Pluralistic Age

9. Faith in....

What are the key components of achieving a truly authentic company title?
Words: 438

1. The Importance of Company Authenticity in Building Trust and Loyalty

2. Unveiling the Power of Authenticity in Company Branding and Reputation

3. Authenticity as a Catalyst for Sustainable Growth and Success in Business

4. The Role of Company Authenticity in Connecting with Millennial Consumers

5. Embracing Authenticity: How Companies Can Stand Out in an Overcrowded Market

6. Authentic Leadership: Building Trust and Inspiring Employees in the Workplace

7. The Authenticity Paradox: Balancing Transparency and Vulnerability in Company Communication

8. The Impact of Authenticity on Customer Satisfaction and Word-of-Mouth Marketing

9. Authenticity vs. Artificiality: Distinguishing Genuine Companies from Fakes


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