Military Leadership Essays (Examples)

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Leadership on the Surface Military Leadership and
Pages: 5 Words: 1558

On the surface, Military Leadership and Virtual Leadership seem like polar opposites. Military leadership is old, entrenched, and traditional with little flexibility in terms of normative behavior. On the other hand, virtual leadership is new, highly flexible, and sometimes signals a flat organizational hierarchy. Military leadership cannot exhibit a flat organizational hierarchy, because effective military leadership depends on the ascription to established structure and chain of command. In spite of these core differences, military leadership and virtual leadership share much in common. Both require trust, morale, and loyalty among team members. The difference is that usually the virtual leader has to work harder to gain trust and keep member morale high. Both military leadership and virtual leadership address immediate and real life situations as well as remote situations distant in both space and time. Various leadership styles can work with a military leader and a virtual leader, including transactional and…...

Military Leadership Is a Profound
Pages: 2 Words: 493

It is only by addressing the challenge at multiple levels, including the system level, that we can build a force with the needed psychological strength to withstand the varied stressors of current and future complex operations." [footnoteef:2] [2: Paul Bartone et al. "To Build esilience: Leader Influence on Mental Hardiness. Defense Horizons, November 2009, 69.]
Understanding others in an empathetic manner will no doubt serve a military leader well in dangerous times. A third model of military leadership suggests that a flexible level of empathy can signify the success of a leader within the military. The U.S. Army War College published an important model that suggests this approach. The suggestion stated "This paper argues that the U.S. Army should continue its bold initiatives in its current Campaign of Learning and go even further. It should develop creative leaders who can exercise adaptive leadership with the capacity to provide learning environments…...



Bartone, P. et al. (2009). To Build Resilience: Leader Influence on Mental Hardiness. Defense Horizons, November 2009, 69.

The U.S. Army War College. "The Letort Papers." Edited by John B. Richardson, December 2011.

The U.S. Department of the Army. Field Manual 6-22 Army Leadership. October 2006.

Military Leadership Looking at My Own Cooperative
Pages: 2 Words: 847

Military Leadership
Looking at my own cooperative work in a hospital as a leader for an intensive care unit, I can see how I use all three types of leadership that have been covered in the lessons on the American experience of the Vietnam War: strategic thinking, tactical planning, and logistics. In fact, not only do I incorporate all three of those skill sets in my daily work in a mission-driven organization, but I also feel like any successful leader must be willing to incorporate all three of those leadership approaches. Furthermore, a leader must have sufficient personal insight to realize when he or she is unable to fully and appropriately implement a component of leadership and be able to ask for assistance in instituting that component. I feel that as a leader, I am able to recognize the need for all three types of leadership, am able to employ all…...



Brydson, D. (2014). Strategic and tactical planning: Understanding the difference. Retrieved February 6, 2014 from Small Biz Link website: 

Daddis, G. (2012, March 16). Thinking more about Vietnam: Wars are neither won nor lost by strategy alone. Retrieved February 6, 2014 from Foreign Policy website: 

Genc, R. (2008). The logistics management and coordination in procurement phase of organ transplantation. Tohoku J. Exp Med, 216(4), 287-296.

Military Leadership Graduation Speech Greetings
Pages: 2 Words: 511

Moreover, true leadership is integral to coping with the struggles of life effectively or at all. Developing leadership is essential for the success of individuals or organization and their ability to implement successful leadership strategy, building talent, and develop future leaders. Leader development is a process that requires a variety of development experiences and the ability for leaders to learn from their experience, which is part of the skill set we have learned in this course. We, the next generation of leaders, have been developed through effective strategies, proper training, and experiences.
We have learned how to take our natural abilities and hone them into skills, which contribute to our becoming true leaders. Leadership is not necessarily a privilege, but it is definitely a great responsibility. True leadership means the capacity to lead others, as well as the ability to recognize the leadership qualities in others. This might not have…...



Jago, a.G. (1982). Leadership: Perspectives in theory and research. Management Science, 28(3), 315-336.

Analyzing the Military Leadership
Pages: 5 Words: 2166

Military Leadership
Over the centuries, leadership has played a major role, in the survival, success and endurance of any Army. However, in our history there exist clear examples that show lack of leadership. Developments in the conceptual and physical components have influenced campaigns and battles significantly. They have brought about great changes in the way these battles are conducted, but conflict, and particularly land conflict, remains a human endeavour. At all levels, it was good leadership that maintained morale in the trenches, held the thin red line, motivated troops and thus ensured the tactical battle field success. In the future, effective leadership will play an essential role if at all any Army is to succeed (The oyal Military Academy Sandhurst, 2014).

Military Leadership

Military Leadership


The oyal Military Academy, Sandhurst (2014), states that leadership is an intangible, yet a very powerful property. Many have attempted to give it a definition and quantify it. However,…...



Department of the Army. (2015, June 30). Leader Development. Field Manual (FM 6-22) . Washington, DC, United States: Center for Army Leadership. Retrieved from

Sewell, G. F. (2009). Emotional Intelligence and the Army Leadership Requirements Model. MILITARY REVIEW, Vol 89, Issue 6,93-98. Retrieved from 

The Molossian Naval Academy. (2013). Military Leadership. Retrieved June 7, 2016, from Spyglass Hill:

The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. (2014). Developing Leaders. Camberley: Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Retrieved from

Most Important Area of Training for Modern Military Leadership
Pages: 4 Words: 1259

Most Important Area Of Training For Modern Military Leadershi

esiliency: The single most important area of training for modern military leadership?

The military life is invariably a stressful one and service in the modern military brings unique psychological and physical stresses to troops. According to Bartone & Armstrong (2009), the most important character that must be fostered in contemporary training is that of resilience. "esearch over the past 25 years has confirmed that psychological hardiness is a key stress-resilience factor. People who show high levels of psychological hardiness exhibit greater commitment (the abiding sense that life is meaningful and worth living), control (the belief that one chooses and influences his or her own future), and acceptance of challenge (a perspective on change in life as something that is interesting and valuable)."[footnoteef:1] Of course, technical competency is required and soldiers must be physically fit to withstand the rigors of combat. But resiliency…...



Bartone, Paul T. "Chapter 6: New Wine in Old Bottles: Leadership and Personality in the Military Organization."

Bartone, P, Barry, C., & Armstrong, R. "To Build Resilience: Leader Influence on Mental

Hardiness." Defense Horizons, 69 (2009): 1-8.

Fielder, Dave. "Defining command, leadership and management success factors within stability operations." PKSOI Paper, 2009

General James Mattis
Pages: 1 Words: 343

Some of his more popular nicknames are ‘the mad dog’ and ‘warrior monk.’ He has spent decades on the war front and is regarded one of the most effective military leaders ever. Today, he serves as Donald Trump’s Secretary of Defense. Prior to his retirement, James Mattis served as the Commander of the United States Central Command, effectively meaning that he oversaw military operations in a number of vast regions including, but not limited to, the Middle East. His character, approach to leadership, and accomplishments make him stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other maverick generals before him, including Douglas MacArthur, George S. Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. As much as he is tough-fighting and tough-talking, Mattis is also a charismatic military leader. He managed to inspire his troops towards the accomplishment of missions and did not shy away from ‘getting into the trenches’ and, thus effectively uplifting the morale of the marines.…...



Danielo, D. (2007). Blood Stripes: The Grunt’s View of the War in Iraq. Mason, OH: Stackpole Books.

Fick, N.C. (2006). One Bullet Away: The Making of a Marine Officer. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Military Ops Military-Led Reconstruction and Fiedler's Contingency
Pages: 12 Words: 3209

Military Ops
Military-Led econstruction and Fiedler's Contingency Theory

In light of the unfolding instability, violence and difficulty that characterized the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States military must reexamine its approach to the strategic invasion, occupation, reconstruction and power-handover that have evolved into a war-making template for the nation. Accordingly, the research conducted hereafter considers the need for a change in leadership orientation, using Fiedler's Contingency Theory as the lens for the literature review thereafter. The Findings drawn from the review of literature are presented in this account and, generally, provided confirmation of the pertinence of Fiedler's contingency theory to modern military strategy as well as the pertinence of Fiedler's Least-Preferred Coworker checklist to defining ideal military leadership. The reported findings connecting Fiedler's ideas with strategic and empirical documentation on applied military policy contribute to a number of policy recommendations. In particular, these policy recommendations revolve around two major dimensions…...



Conner, Maj. W.D. (2005). Understanding First in the Contemporary Operational

Environment. School of Advanced Military Studies; For Leavenworth Kansas.

Ellyson, L.M.; Gibson, J.H.; Nichols, M. & Doerr, A. (2012). A Study of Fiedler's

Contingency Theory Among Military Leaders. Allied Academies International

Leadership Traits in the Face
Pages: 5 Words: 1731

And certainly those men and women that have the ability to be trained, and have the character and judgment and willingness to be led before they are ready to lead, are certainly ready become military leaders. And just as a diamond must have three properties to become a diamond -- carbon, head, and pressure -- a leader must have three properties as well -- "character, knowledge, and application" (UC).
In conclusion, inspiring troops as they go into harm's way is the solemn, august responsibility of military leaders. The traits that a leader must have in order to lead and inspire, include: engendering trust; be willing to assume the same risks as those he is leading; be competent and cooperative and have sound judgment; and have the character and knowledge to know what to do and when to do it.

orks Cited

Crandall, Doug. (2006). Leadership Lessons from est Point. Hoboken, NJ: John…...


Works Cited

Crandall, Doug. (2006). Leadership Lessons from West Point. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Harvey, Robert. (2008). Maverick Military Leaders: The Extraordinary Battles of Washington,

Nelson, Patton, Rommel and others. New York: Skyhorse Publishing.

Sweeney, Patrick J. (2010). Do Soldiers Reevaluate Trust in Their Leaders Prior to Combat

Leadership Path Goal Theory the Boy Scouts
Pages: 8 Words: 2436

Leadership Path Goal Theory
The Boy Scouts" using the "path- goal theory

Leadership theories

Path Goal Theory

Explain how the theory works and include an example

Explain the effect of power and influence that leaders have on followers in the organization

Are the followers receptive?

Would you recommend another strategy?

Transformational Leadership

Transactional Leadership

Evaluate the role of transformational and transformational leadership in the organization

Effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership in the organization


Assess the traits and characteristics of an effective team leader within the organization

Explain how the leadership supports vision, mission, and strategy in the organization

If you were the leader in the organization, what would you change and why?




The leadership theories are different in their relevance and approach, however, the importance of effective leadership cannot be undermined in operations of a successful organization. The boy scouts and other military organizations also deploy various leadership and management practices in order to motivate their members. It further leads them for successful operations…...



Bolman, L.G., & Deal, T.E. (2011). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice and leadership. USA: Jossey-Bass.

Samson, D., & Daft, R.L. (2009). Fundamentals of management. Australia: Cengage Learning.

Winkler, I. (2010). Contemporary leadership theories. USA: Springer.

Leadership Type a Versus Type B Leadership
Pages: 2 Words: 558

Type a versus Type B Leadership

The ability to guide and direct a group, department or entire organization is predicated on being able to balance task and relationship orientation through transformational leadership. The most effective leaders balance short-term transactional strategies for getting immediate results with transformational leadership skills, intermediating between each using emotional intelligence (EI) to guide their decision making (Ivey, Kline, 2010). The foundational elements of transformational leadership include individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation (Ismail, Mohamed, Sulaiman, Mohamad, Yusuf, 2011) and idealized influence. Transformational leaders are able to use situational awareness and EI to selectively apply each of these approaches at the most opportune time to get the best results (Ivey, Kline, 2010). The intent of this analysis is to evaluate how these techniques can be used for assessing scores from the Type A versus Type B tests taken. I received a score of 38 on Type A and…...



Ismail, A., Mohamed, H.A., Sulaiman, A.Z., Mohamad, M.H., & Yusuf, M.H. (2011). An empirical study of the relationship between transformational leadership, empowerment and organizational commitment. Business and Economic Research Journal, 2(1), 89-108. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Ivey, G.W., & Kline, T.B. (2010). Transformational and active transactional leadership in the Canadian military. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 31(3), 246-262. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Leadership as Seen Through Cornwallis
Pages: 3 Words: 929

So was this true for Cornwallis, who must bear the dubious association of his side's historical failure to retain the American
colonies even as evidence suggests that his best efforts were extended as
exemplary traits of leadership. Certainly, as Buchanan reports, "it is
also a measure of his leadership that in all the actions in which we have
observed him his militia performed like seasoned regulars." (Buchanan, 190)
This relationship between leader and organizational members is an expected
demand of the military.
Perhaps more surprising and pleasing with consideration of unique
anecdotal detail of the Buchanan text is the core competency listed by the
military requiring "the ability to operate in an environment, encompassing
higher and lower command structures, and using one's influence outside the
traditional chain of command." (DoA, 67) This means that a leader is
expected even such formally and bureaucratically impacted contexts to hold
a certain degree of freedom extended from his own unique insights and
skills. That is to denote…...


Works Cited

Buchanan, J. (1999). The road to Guilford Courthouse: The American

Revolution in the Carolinas. Wiley.

Department of the Army (DoA). (2006). Army Leadership: Competent,

Confident, and Agile (FM6-22). Defense Link. Online at



Leadership One of the Historical
Pages: 2 Words: 574

Many of these modern characteristic of a leader have been passed down to us in the form of the business and political leaders. For example, a company leader or business manager nowadays will certainly be required to have charisma, to be able to organize his personnel so as to obtain the desired strategic and tactical results. It is by being a respected personality and by a certain charisma that the leader is able to impose his will over the rest of the employees. This is perhaps the best reflection of a meritocracy at work, as well as that of its most important benefits.

The meritocracy-based leadership view is certainly the most inspiring. There are several reasons for this. First of all, this type of view guarantees that the best leaders make it to the top rather than that they are selected based on birth and rank criteria. This will guarantee that…...

Leadership Styles in Organizations of
Pages: 3 Words: 991

Therefore, culturally endorsed leadership theory may require some degree of code-switching (employing different languages or emphasizing and de-emphasizing certain cultural elements) on the part of leaders in order to maintain the balance of general attributes associated with positive leadership. In general, however, there is less of a reliance on the leader as an individual in this type of organizational leadership style, and more of a reliance on universally perceived leadership qualities.
Another fairly efficacious style of leadership for contemporary organizations is transformational leadership. Transformational leadership theory seeks to actuate a change by empowering the various individuals that comprise an organization with the tools necessary to perform their jobs better. Transformational leadership may require a restructuring of a company's objectives, or a reevaluation of the best ways to achieve those values. Oftentimes, transformational leaders are charismatic and are endowed with natural leadership attributes that endear them to people. Their goals are…...



Ivey, G.W., & Kline, T.B. (2010). "Transformational and active transactional leadership in the Canadian military." Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 31 (3): 246-262. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Javidan,, Dorfman, P., De Luque, M., & House, R. (2006). "In the eye of the beholder: Cross cultural lessons in leadership from project GLOBE." Academy of Management Perspectives, 20 (1): 67-90.

Traywick, B. (2008). "Reagan's transformational leadership." Retrieved from

Leadership the Only Constant in Life Is
Pages: 3 Words: 1013

The only constant in life is change. Perhaps, it is the recognition of this fact that led the management guru, Peter Drucker, to observe, "Leaders grow; they are not made." Peter Drucker's words are significant because they imply that the test of true leadership lies in the ability to grow by leading change (1999). Indeed, some of the world's greatest leaders such as Franklin D. oosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King are admired precisely because they possessed such a quality: "Effective leadership, research suggests ... is a function of the situation in which it is found." (Kotter, 1988, p. 21) Thus, it is evident that good leaders are people who continuously engage in a process of change in order to secure a better future.

The examples of oosevelt, Gandhi, and King also serve to illustrate another quality that a good leader must possess, which is the quality of courage. This…...



Drucker, P. (1999, June). The new commandments of change. Excerpt from Management

Challenges for the 21st Century. Inc. Magazine. Retrieved Nov. 7, 2004: 

Harris, T.E. (1993). Applied Organizational Communication: Perspectives, Principles and Pragmatics. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Heart Quotes Center. (2004). Leadership Quotes and Proverbs. Retrieved Nov. 7, 2004:

How did Spartacus lead his slave rebellion against Rome?
Words: 558

Spartacus, a Thracian gladiator, became the leader of a formidable slave rebellion that shook the Roman Republic from 73 to 71 BC. His military prowess, strategic acumen, and indomitable spirit played a pivotal role in the uprising's initial success.

Prelude to Rebellion

Before the outbreak of the Servile Wars, thousands of slaves were forced into gladiatorial combat for the entertainment of Roman citizens. Spartacus, a skilled gladiator, was among those who endured the harsh conditions and brutality of the gladiatorial arena. Driven by desperation and a fierce desire for freedom, Spartacus emerged as a leader among his fellow gladiators.

Outbreak of Revolt

In 73....

What role do military initiation rituals play in shaping soldiers\' identities?
Words: 623

1. Military initiation rituals play a crucial role in shaping soldiers identities by fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among individuals who undergo the same challenges and experiences.

2. These rituals often serve as a rite of passage, marking the transition from civilian to military life and instilling a sense of discipline, loyalty, and commitment to the group.

3. Through the shared hardships and trials of initiation rituals, soldiers form strong bonds that enhance their cohesion, teamwork, and willingness to sacrifice for the common good of the unit.

4. The symbolic significance of military initiation rituals reinforces the values....

What does General Davis\' fight for the 99th Squadron reveal about leadership?
Words: 385

1. Leading with Valor: General Davis and the 99th Squadron

    An exploration of how General Davis's leadership qualities were instrumental in advocating for the Tuskegee Airmen.

2. The Fight for Equality: General Davis's Advocacy for the 99th

    Analyzes the leadership lessons from General Davis's efforts to ensure fair treatment and recognition for the 99th Squadron.

3. Champion of Change: General Davis's Role in Shaping Military Leadership

    Discusses how General Davis's fight for the 99th Squadron set a precedent for leadership in military integration.

4. Against All Odds: Leadership Lessons from General Davis

    Examines the resilience and strategic leadership General....

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