Microsoft Windows Essays (Examples)

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Microsoft Windows File Systems Comparison and Contrast
Pages: 3 Words: 1164

Microsoft Windows File Systems: Comparison and Contrast
The standard versions of Windows use three types of file systems: FAT, exFAT, and NTFS. Windows 8 server also uses eFS. The 8 server (Windows Server 2012) is the only version that uses that type of file system, as the other versions of Windows are not able to boot from that type of file system at all. In order to better understand these file systems, it is very important to compare and contrast what they have to offer. Since the eFS files are only used by Windows 8 server, they will be discussed first. Then the information can move on toward the more commonly used files within the Windows system.

eFS is a file type used only for Windows 8 server. It stands for esilient File System, and was designed to be for file servers only (ussinovich, Solomon, & Ionescu, 2009). It is similar to…...



Carrier, B. (2005). File System Forensic Analysis. NY: Addison-Wesley.

Custer, H. (1994). Inside the Windows NT File System. CA: Microsoft Press.

Giampaolo, D. (1999) (PDF). Practical File System Design with the Be File System. NY: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

McCoy, K. (1990). VMS File System Internals. VAX-VMS Series. NY: Digital Press.

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Windows
Pages: 7 Words: 2575

The AD MMC even permits multi-selection and editing of user objects, which is a potential reclaimed from the NT user Manager days. Among the greatest changes in the MMC is the Saved Queries. Saved Queries permit the user to build XML-based queries into your AD users & Computers MMC and refresh them periodically to achieve the updated results. This gives the capability to really build custom views and reports on the directory objects based on certain norms which one can give. For instance, a search query can be made for all the users with a certain description, or all the computers that have a certain OS version or build number.
Together with the potential to pick up the search criteria from a pull-down menu of attributes to every object, as 'Saved Queries' basically builds an XML file to each query, it even permits us to edit or write down our…...



IDC White Paper: Windows Server 2003. [online]. January, 2005. Available at Accessed 18 June, 2005

Introducing the Windows Server 2003 Operating Systems. [online]. 24 July, 2002. Available at 8 June, 2005

Microsoft Certified Windows Server 2003: 10 Benefits. [online]. Available at   Accessed 18 June, 2005 .

Saharon, Yossi. Professor Windows-May 2003, Can You Fix the Past? Active Directory Can.

Windows Vista Defining Microsoft Windows
Pages: 3 Words: 1403

0 of the Windows.NET Development Framework.
From the standpoint of Microsoft Windows Vista being suitable as an enterprise desktop, the inclusion of highly differentiated security features and the reliance on the security development lifecycle will be quickly tested and evaluated by CIOs looking for the increased productivity that Windows Vista claims to provide in conjunction with Microsoft Office applications, for example. For those enterprises with a geographically diverse workforce, the inclusion of these new security features will be aligned with their unmet needs today. Microsoft has learned well from previous generations of their operating systems when it comes to enterprise deployment, by including modularization of components including multilingual support, inclusion of Windows Imaging, and Nondestructive Imaging, and the ability of system administrators to complete unattended installations. This has been a long-standing requirement from enterprise users.


Windows Vista's long development cycle is attributable to the decision by Microsoft executives to move towards a…...

Microsoft Windows Vista Configuration You
Pages: 2 Words: 581

Document your plan in an Executive Summary.
As confidentiality is a critical issue in Human esource (H) records, the installation of these systems will require more intensive pre-definition of parameters of the Windows Vista Business edition as well. The same technique used in the accounting scenario of "ghosting" will also be used to ensure accuracy and consistency of the disk image of operating system and applications are defined and then mass produced across all other systems on the H network and departments. The specific Vista features of online collaboration and support for secured SharePoint connections will also be used as H often works outside their organization with outside agencies and departments. Having secured communication will be critical for staying in compliance to regulations on the use of employee records. There will also be support for role-based access throughout Windows Vista as well, coordinated with each department manager or director. These…...



Hong, G., Dean, P., Yang, W., Tu, Y., & Xue, D.. (2010). Optimal concurrent product design and process planning based on the requirements of individual customers in one-of-a-kind production. International Journal of Production Research, 48(21), 6341.

Microsoft Windows 7 And Windows
Pages: 4 Words: 1588

Microsoft has provided legacy API support in the latest WinHEC-delivered kit of the Microsoft Windows Vista Developer's SDK to ensure upward and backward compatibility. Having a more streamlined kernel is also going to give the user interface greater speed and ability to respond to more complex imaging tasks. As a result, Microsoft is planning to have Tablet PC technology and touch-screen support on all versions of Windows 7 in addition to support for role-based access and authentication, a key feature enterprise accounts have wanted. The Windows 7 operating system will also support more advanced TCP/IP variations than Windows Vista, with a HomeGroup command that allows laptops to connect with shared data at corporate offices. It is evident that Microsoft intends for Windows 7 to be an enterprise-ready operating system for large businesses that have standardized on their operating system for the last decade or longer. Windows 7 will also…...



Yardena Arar (2008, December). Microsoft Sets the Stage for Windows 7. PC World, 26(12), 16-18. Retrieved December 1, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry database. (Document ID: 1602259561).

Tom Spring (2008, December). Leaner Windows 7 Will Let You Add Features a la Carte. PC World, 26(12), 18. Retrieved December 1, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry database. (Document ID: 1602259571).

Comparing Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Vista

Microsoft and Runs on Microsoft Windows and
Pages: 2 Words: 620

Microsoft and runs on Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac O X operating system. The current versions are Microsoft PP 2011 for Mac and Microsoft PP 2010 for Windows. Originally designed for Macintosh and called "Presenter," Dennis Austin and Thomas Rudkin of Forethought, Inc. created the original version with the name changed to "PowerPoint" in 1987. Microsoft bought "Forethought" in that same year, and developed the program (Atkinson, 2009).
It was PP 1997 that introduced the significant changes in the program with its transition to a non-linear, movie-like style from one page to the next, using the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language that allowed users to achieve this process without need for learning programming (Atkinson, 2009). PP 2000 introduced the clipboard that could hold multiple objects at once, as well as the Office Assistant icon whose presence was later configured to be less intrusive.

Microsoft Office manufactures a number of products…...



Atkinson, M. (19 August 2009). The problem with PowerPoint. BBC News. Retrieved on January 23, 2011 from: .

Microsoft. Retrieved on January 23, 2011 from: 

PowerPoint 2010. Retrieved on January 23, 2011 from:

Security Implementation of Microsoft Windows
Pages: 6 Words: 1851

Window Security Implementation

NextGard Technologies specializes in the network consulting services for small, medium and large organizations inside and outside the United States. Currently, NextGard has approximately 250,000 employees in 5 countries and the company corporate headquarter is located at Phoenix, AZ. However, the company decides to secure and upgrade its current network to enhance organization efficiencies. Currently, the company has 5 district offices at the following locations:

New York City, New York,

Atlanta, Georgia,

Los Angeles, California,

Montreal, Canada,

Bangalore, India.

At the district offices, employees have a combination of mobile computers, desktops computers, and wireless devices. Moreover, the company has the mix of computers operating with the Window 7, Window Vista, Window XP and Window 2000. The company also has Window Active Directory located at the Phoenix office and the Phoenix office has two proxy servers to provide Internet access control and Web cache services for the company since majority of the company applications are…...



Bruce, S.(2005). Crypto-Gram Newsletter. Counterpane Internet Security, Inc.

Mike, N. ( 2008). Windows 7 Unveiled Today at PDC 2008. Windows Team Blog. Microsoft.

Popa, B. (2013). Windows 8.1 Build 9600 Compiled, RTM Still on Its Way." Softpedia. SoftNews.

Scarfone, K. & Hoffman, P. (2009). Guidelines on Firewalls and Firewall Policy. National Institute of Standards and Technology .

Dominance of Microsoft Windows the Problem and
Pages: 3 Words: 1044

Dominance of Microsoft Windows
The Problem and What Steps have been taken to Address the Situation

The basic problems with the computer are: that is slow to boot up and it takes longer to surf the Internet. Sometimes, there is a syntax 404 error box that will pop up when visiting the different websites. This is problematic, because it means that the computer is: becoming slower and is taking longer performing basic functions. The different steps that were taken include: removing programs that were not in use, conducting a scan of the anti-virus software and defragmenting the hard drive of the computer.

What Sites did you to when looking for Help?

The different websites that were visited during the process of trying to troubleshoot the problems with the computer include: PC Pit Stop, Tek -- Tips, Answers that Work and the Microsoft help center. These various sites were selected, because they can provide a…...



Answers that Work. (2011). Answers that Work. Retrieved from:

Pit Stop PC. (2011). Pit Stop PC. Retrieved from: 

Select a Solution Product. (2011). Microsoft. Retrieved from: 

Tek -- Tips. (2011). Tek -- Tips. Retrieved from:

Windows Vista Overview of the
Pages: 10 Words: 3044

This translates into the use of system cache as part of the memory allocation algorithms inherent in the VA memory space approach to managing memory in Vista. In addition, memory manager now relies on kernel page tables that are loaded at system initiation and allocated on demand. This saves a significant amount of system resources including a minimum of 1.5MB on Intel x86-based systems and up to 3MB on PAE-based systems. The resource savings are exponential when applied to 64-bit systems, where up to 2.5GB of memory can be saved through this approach to memory management. Microsoft also continued this approach to the definition of the boot sequence on systems with large registries, predominantly found on 32-bit based Intel systems. The options on this specific Memory Managers include turning on or off the option of using a 3GB switch, which is essential for larger systems used for multipath network…...



Danny Bradbury. "Microsoft's new window on security. " Computers & Security

25.6 (2006) 405. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 9 May. 2008

Christopher Breen. "Which Windows? " Macworld 1 May 2007: 49. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 9 May. 2008.

Reid Goldsborough. "Windows Vista: What to Do? " Tech Directions 66.8 (2007): 14-15. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 9 May. 2008

Microsoft Vista Physical vs Digital Products --
Pages: 4 Words: 1746

Microsoft Vista
Physical vs. Digital Products -- Physical products are those that can be touched, felt, have physical presence, must be produced, warehoused, packaged, shipped and purchased. However, physical products are most certainly not limited to brick and mortar stores. The Internet has opened up an entirely new world for commerce online -- in both physical and virtual worlds with e-Commerce. E-Commerce is the buying and selling of products and services over electronic means, usually the Internet. As Internet usage grows, so does trade conducted electronically, allowing for a number of improvements and innovations that follow suit. Most economists see e-commerce as a market segment that leads to intensive price competition and consumers armed with greater knowledge. In two particular industries, e-commerce has actually changed the way the market works on those industries, causing the brick and mortar versions to fade away. In fact, larger e-commerce firms like, use economies…...



Microsoft's Seventh Seal. (October 23, 2009). The Economist. Cited from: 

Physical Product vs. Digital Product -- Pros and Cons. (September 17, 2010). Online Business Watch. Retrieved from:

The Click and the Dead. (July 1, 2010). The Economist: Retrieved from:

Windows XP the New Windows
Pages: 3 Words: 1175

ecover Easily from Problems Caused by System or Application Changes

If something goes wrong with your computer, you can easily remove and roll back any system or application changes without losing files and other valuable information.

Join a Network or Domain

Windows XP Professional is designed to work with Windows Server networks and includes capabilities for both small office networks with up to 10 PCs and Windows Server-based networks.

Work with the Tools you need, to get things done

Choose from the widest range of software, hardware, and services designed to work together seamlessly including support for many older applications designed for earlier versions of Windows.

Key features of Windows XP Professional and the benefits from using it over the existing operating system

Windows Messenger

This feature is the easy way to collaborate in real time through text, voice, or video with better performance and higher quality.

emote Desktop

emote Desktop allows you to create a virtual session and use…...



Information about Windows XP. (2003). Retrieved March 25, 2005, from St. Norbert College 

Microsoft Windows XP Professional. (2005). Retrieved March 25, 2005, from, Inc. 

Windows XP Professional Features. (2004). Retrieved March 25, 2005, from Microsoft Corporation

Windows Me vs Windows 2000 Professional
Pages: 8 Words: 2090

indows ME vs. indows 2000 Professional
indows Millennium Edition (ME) and indows 2000 Professional are desktop operating systems (OS) that were released in the year 2000 by Microsoft Corporation, the unveiling of indows 200 Professional preceding that of indows ME by a few months. Both operating systems were improvements on the existing indows software at the time, i.e., the indows 2000 Professional was a follow-up on the indows NT 4.0 and the indows ME was the successor of indows 98 Second Edition (SE). They are still two of the most important operating systems for indows users, although targeted at different categories of users. hile the indows 200 Professional is generally meant for the corporate and business institutions, the features of indows ME suit the home and general computer users. In this paper we will discuss the main features of the two operating systems in order to compare the two. hile doing…...


Works Cited

Mendelson, Edward. "Windows Me: It's All About Me." PC Magazine. September 1, 2000. November 23, 2002.,4149,10453,00.asp 

Gottesman, Ben. The Best of 2000 - Software. Microsoft Windows 2000. PC Magazine. January 2, 2001. November 23, 2002.,4149,10451,00.asp 

Ten Reasons to Move." November 18, 2002. Microsoft Windows Operating System. November 23, 2002.

Kennedy, Patrick, Steven Kirk and Ken Nordhauser. "Windows 2000 Professional vs. Windows Me." August 2000. Vectors Dell Highlight. November 23, 2002.

Microsoft Office Is the Most Popular Comprehensive
Pages: 2 Words: 631

icrosoft Office is the most popular comprehensive bundle of productivity applications in the world. It contains word publishing, spreadsheet, presentation, e-mail, and database software and is most often used with the icrosoft Windows operating system. It can also be used with the Apple acintosh. The icrosoft Office suite enjoys almost universal worldwide familiarity. The most recent version of S Office is Office XP, which is designed specifically to be compatible with the Windows XP environment.
Functionally, Sun StarOffice is very similar to icrosoft Office. The chief difference is that it is written using open source code and may be altered by programmers to match their specifications. It is the most popular system for Linux and Unix-based computers and utilizes an XTL-based interface. It is considered an 'alternative' to the Windows system because it is popular with developers, who often criticize icrosoft for the fact that the source code is unavailable and…...


Microsoft Powerpoint allows the user to design presentations that use graphics and visual effects. It is often used in with data that has been created in Excel. Microsoft Access is a database project that allows the user to enter and manage data and sort according to fields. Its chief limitation is that it is meant for one user to operate at a time. StarOffice Impress has essentially similar features, but uses the Macromedia Flash format to present its documents. Sun Microsystems pioneered Java Internet application technology and most computers have the capability of reading flash documents.

Datasheet: StarOffice 7 Data Sheet.

Microsoft Office XP: Office Home.

Microsoft Anti-Trust Case Microsoft Was Charged With
Pages: 3 Words: 923

Microsoft Anti-Trust Case
Microsoft was charged with using its position as an industry leader in computer software to force buyers to buy products that were bundled with Internet Explorer. The claim was considered a breach of anti-trust laws which declared that a company cannot package two products together based on one's popularity or market position with the consumer (U.S. v. Microsoft, 2002-2006). Microsoft has denied such claims that they took an unfair advantage of the market and consumer in order to strengthen an already dominant position in the industry (Hemphill, 2004). Especially in the case of the product coming from a company that has domination over the software industry such as Microsoft.

The Internet Explorer browser was not sold but given as a free product with the purchase of the Operating System by Microsoft. This is done by many companies throughout the industry. However when Microsoft applied this marketing principle, it was…...



Brick, R. (2001). U.S. appeals court overturns Microsoft anti-trust ruling . Retrieved June

16, 2011 from nytimes. com/2001/06/28/business/28WIRE-SOFT. htmlhttp://www.

Goldman, D. (2010). iPhone anti-trust law goes to class action. Retrieved June 16, 2011

from cnn. com/2010/07/12/technology/apple_att_lawsuit/index. htmhttp://money.

Windows XP vs Vista History
Pages: 3 Words: 921

It also offered a relatively faster booting experience than its predecessors. This OS was widely accepted and became the standard OS for workstations in the industry and the personal computers at home. For indows Vista, although it was earlier stated that it would be much more reliable and secure than any other previous versions of indows, it was not well received by the it professionals and the industry for the reason that it was not stable and cost much more than indows XP and has a higher minimum hardware requirements.
indows XP Hardware Considerations typical personal computer with a minimum processor of 233 MHz, 64 MB of RAM and a hard disk of at least 1.5 GB can run the basic applications included in the indows XP operating system. Users of old indows operating systems such as the indows 98 and indows Me don't have to upgrade their hardware to…...


Works Cited

Poque, David., Zacker Craig., Zacker, L.J. Windows XP Pro: The Missing Manual. Sebastopol: Pogue Press/O'Reilly and Associates, Inc., 2003

Simpson, Alan. Windows XP Bible, Second Edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc., 2005

Welsh, Kate Shoup and Chase, Kate J. Microsoft Vista Visual Encyclopedia. New Jersey: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2007

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