Methamphetamine Essays (Examples)

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Methamphetamine Abuse in the U S
Pages: 4 Words: 1674

The second largest category of economic expense arose from crime and criminal justice expenses. The costs were for arresting and incarcerating drug offenders and also the cost of non-drug crimes due to the abuse of the drug like thefts as a means of supporting the habit. The abuse of the drug was also found to contribute significantly to loss of productivity and the expense of moving children to foster homes away from their methamphetamine addicted parents. The other economic cost was due to the production cost of methamphetamine which required the use of toxic chemicals. This would be as a result of injury incurred by emergency personnel as well as other victims and also the efforts applied in cleaning up the hazardous wastes that come about due to the production process. These estimates are based on the effect of production and abuse of the methamphetamine on the society and…...


Works Cited

"About $23 Billion in 2005, Study Estimates." Science Daily. 7 Feb. 2009. 17 May. 2010.

"Georgia 2009, Factsheet." U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Dec. 2008. 17 May.


Methamphetamine Dependency
Pages: 4 Words: 1239

Addiction and Changes (Stimulants Meth)
Addiction can be described as habits of intentional, appetitive behaviors that develop to become excessive and generate severe consequences. The addiction usually takes place over time since they involve a process change and entails various predictors as well as different course. The term addiction has conventionally been used to identify self-destructive tendencies that may incorporate a pharmacological element. Individuals who become addicted to substances usually have numerous challenges and difficulties in altering and stopping these habits. Generally, addictions are characterized by inter-connected psychological and physiological elements to the behavior and constancy of problematic behavioral patterns (DiClemente, 2003, p.5). Stimulant Meth is an example of diagnosable addictions that can be treated through several treatment modalities and methods.

Addiction to Stimulant Meth

Stimulants are substances that derive their name from the fact that they arouse cells in the central nervous system, especially the spinal cord and the brain and forces…...



DiClemente, C.C. (2003). Addiction and change: how addictions develop and addicted people recover. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Moeller, F.G., Schmitz, J.M., Herin, D. & Kjome, K.L. (2008, October). Use of Stimulants to Treat Cocaine and Methamphetamine Abuse. Current Psychiatry Reports, 10(5), 385-391.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2014, January). Drug Facts: Methamphetamine. Retrieved from National Institute on Drug Abuse website: 

Promises Treatment Centers. (2014, May 16). How Do Meth Addicts Differ From ADHD Drug

Understanding the Dangers of Methamphetamine S Abuse in the US
Pages: 7 Words: 2414

Properties, Abuse Patterns, and Effects of Methamphetamine
Characteristics of Methamphetamine

Methamphetamine also referred to as "meth" describes a powerful man-made drug that adversely impacts the central nervous system. Common terms used to refer to meth include glass, speed ice, crystal, and crank. The preparation of meth engages the catalytic hydrogenation of pseudoephedrine or ephedrine and subsequent conversion to hydrochloride. Preparation of meth can also engage reducing the condensation product of methylamine and benzyl methyl ketone (Dobkin, & Nicosia, 2009).

Physical Properties

Meth occurs as a white substance.

Occurs in a solid state, crystals.

Odorless with a bitter taste (Mehling & Triggle, 2008).

Chemical Properties

Soluble in water, alcohol, and chloroform. Besides, it is slightly soluble in absolute ether.

It melts at temperatures between 171 °C and 175 °C.

Meth's Abuse Patterns

Meth abuse occurs in three patterns that include low intensity, binge, and high intensity. Low-intensity abuse refers to an individual that uses meth on a causal basis through swallowing or…...



Brackins, T, Brahm, N. C. & Kissack, J. (2011). Treatments for Methamphetamine Abuse: A Literature Review for the Clinician. Journal of Pharmacy Practice. Volume 24(6): 541-550

Brown, R. (2010). Crystal Methamphetamine Use among American Indian and White Youth in Appalachia: Social Context, Masculinity, and Desistance. Addiction Research & Theory, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp. 250-269

Dean, A. C. et al. (2013). An Evaluation of the Evidence That Methamphetamine Abuse Causes Cognitive Decline in Humans. Neuropsychopharmacology: official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Volume 38(2): 259-274

Dobkin, C. & Nicosia, N. (2009). The War on Drugs: Methamphetamine, Public Health, and Crime. The American Economic Review, Volume 99, Issue 1, pp. 324-349

Criminal Justice - Methamphetamine Methamphetamine
Pages: 2 Words: 595

Unlike other drugs of abuse that must be imported from other parts of the world at great expense and requiring sophisticated planning and resources, the production of methamphetamine is conducted in makeshift meth labs set up in private homes or in abandoned structures, which partly explains its prevalence in rural communities.
Similarly, one of the primary ingredients for manufacturing methamphetamine is an anhydrous ammonia, which is used extensively in farming in the manufacture of pesticides, making rural areas ideal for meth labs because of the increased availability of potential sources of that ingredient. The production of methamphetamine is extremely dangerous because of the chemicals involved which can cause explosions if mishandled.

ecause both the chemicals and the waste byproducts of the production process are so toxic, meth labs represent considerable danger to those involved in manufacturing methamphetamine, as well as to neighbors in the community and law enforcement authorities seizing and…...



Dershowitz, a.M. (2002) Shouting Fire: Civil Liberties in a Turbulent Age. New York: Little Brown & Co.

SAMSHA (2009). U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Methamphetamine. Retrieved February 9, 2009, at 

Schmalleger, F. (2008). Criminal Justice: An Introductory Text for the 21st Century. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Health Effects of Meth Addiction
Pages: 3 Words: 959

Addictions: Designer DrugMethamphetamine (Meth) is a designer drug, known alternatively by its street names as speed, crank, ice, chalk, dunk, Batu, Tina, Go-Fast, Shabu, Tweak, Glass, Crystal, and Scooby snax (DEA, 2020). Meth belongs to the group of drugs known as stimulants. Meth increases the amount of dopamine naturally produced in the brain, giving the user a high. The meth user experiences a powerful high as a result of increased levels of dopamine in the brain, and this high is then wanted again and again as it is so powerful. As Prakash et al. (2017) point out, the euphoric effects of METH occur due to release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is involved in the experience of pleasure, motivation and motor function (p. 3). Meth can be sold as a powder, rock, base or pill. The drug is made using the primary ingredients of ephedrine and pseudophedrine, which can be…...



DEA. (2020). Drug fact sheet. Retrieved from 

Liang, Y., Wang, L., & Yuan, T. F. (2018). Targeting withdrawal symptoms in men addicted to methamphetamine with transcranial magnetic stimulation: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA psychiatry, 75(11), 1199-1201.

Prakash, M. D., Tangalakis, K., Antonipillai, J., Stojanovska, L., Nurgali, K., &Apostolopoulos, V. (2017). Methamphetamine: effects on the brain, gut and immune system. Pharmacological research, 120, 60-67.

Meth There Is Such a
Pages: 13 Words: 3241

hen found, these labs must be dismantled by people wearing hazardous material suits." (Halperin 2006-page 1)
ith the huge budget allocated to Homeland Security, many of the tech-savvy drug producers and dealers can be tracked and busted with the same type of weaponry they use to create the drug product in the first place. Homeland Security's budget allows for the purchase and training for officials. This training allows them the capabilities to combat the ever increasing sophistry of the drug dealers.

That a high percentage of the crystal meth drug dealers also consume their product is another potentially dangerous situation. The drug itself can lead to paranoia and psychological problems and if the drug dealer is ingesting the drug the result is that many times the environment in which the drug is being produced is one of great volatility, both due to the nature of the chemicals themselves as well as…...


Works Cited

Booth, Stephanie, (2006) the Faces of Meth, Teen People, Vol. 9 Issue

Constantine, Thomas a. (2000) Victims: The Forgotten Ingredient, Albany Law Review, Vol. 63, Issue 3, pp 687

Crystal Meth (2006) Times Educational Supplement, Issue 4674, pp 11-14

Gaining Against Crystal (2005) Advocate, Issue 953, pg 24

Crystal Meth
Pages: 6 Words: 1838

Meth Moms: Rehabilitation Strategies
The drug methamphetamine, also known as "meth," is cheap and easily obtained. This makes it a risk among those who feel overwhelmed by their circumstances, such as mothers or pregnant women. This addiction, whereas the drug itself is not costly, cost many of these women their children. In order to rehabilitate them it is perhaps better to work with them on a social basis than to send them to jail or to remove their children on a permanent basis.

elow the issues involved with meth addiction are considered, along with strategies that could be followed towards rehabilitation.

Reasons for Taking Meth

The pressure that society imposes on the modern woman is immense. Not only is a woman expected to be a career woman; she should also take good care of her home and her children. oth these things are almost mutually exclusive jobs, and without help, a woman cannot manage…...



Bonner, A. & J. Waterhouse (eds.). (1996). Addictive behaviour: molecules to mankind: perspectives on the nature of addiction. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Joint committee of the American bar association and the American medical association on narcotic drugs. Drug addiction: crime or disease? Interim and final reports. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

McMurran, M. (1994). The psychology of addiction. London; Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis.

Meth in the News. (2003) "Are Super Moms Turning to Meth to Do It All?" Meth in the News, .

Mat Meth Materials & Methods
Pages: 2 Words: 659

Visual observations were recorded.
4.4 Identification of Macromolecules in Household Substances

Nine test tubes were labeled in sets of three: "B1," "B2," "B3"; "S1," "S2," "S3"; and "L1," "L2," "L3." Two ml of baby formula solution was added to ach of the "B" tubes, tow ml of sports drink solution to each of the "S" tubes, and two ml of lemon-lime soda solution to each of the "L" tubes. The procedures used for the positive tubes (those labeled with a "+") in the experiment above, section 4.3, were then applied to these tubes -- tubes "B1" "S1" and "L1" all received two ml of Benedict's reagent, were heated at 100 degrees Celsius for three minutes and placed in test tube racks; tubes "B2" "S2" and "L2" all received a dropper full of iodine and were gently shaken before being placed in the test tube rack; and tubes "B3" "S3" and "L3"…...

CBT and ABC Model
Pages: 2 Words: 658

Twenty-three-year-old Maria is unwilling to acknowledge her addiction to methamphetamines. As a consequence of her drug abuse, she has lost her son to the foster care system, she has a dysfunctional relationship with the child's father -- also a drug addict, and she has no real job or housing. Five months pregnant, she has lost the support of her family because they are tired of her behaviors. Maria is in the pre-compliance stage. She will not acknowledge that she has a drug problem, she does not want to be in a rehabilitation program, and she does not want to meet with a social worker, even though the court has ordered her to do so. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) using the Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence (ABC) Model is indicated, but without acknowledgement of her drug problem, these further steps will not be possible with Maria.

Following a psychological examination, the first step in a…...

Clandestine Drug Laboratories and the Fire Service
Pages: 7 Words: 2356

Clandestine Drug Labs and the Fire Service
hat are the risks and inherent dangers when firefighters are facing a blaze that resulted from a meth lab? hat should firefighters do when they suspect a fire has been caused by the existence of a meth lab? Are clandestine meth labs more prevalent then they were a few years ago? These questions and others will be addressed in this paper.

hat States' Firefighters have the biggest Threats from Meth Labs?

According to the U.S. Department of Justice (and the Drug Enforcement Agency) the states with the most meth labs (as of 2011) are Missouri (2,684 busts in 2011), Indiana (1,364 busts in 2011), Kentucky (with 1,084 busts) and Tennessee (1,130 busted meth labs). Other states that have a great deal of meth lab activity include Oklahoma (916), Michigan (365 labs busted), Mississippi (269 labs shut down) and Iowa (380 labs busted) (DOJ, 2012).

These states have…...


Works Cited

Hadlock, Tim. (2010). Clandestine Drug Labs Present Hidden Dangers for Firefighters.

Fire Engineering. Retrieved September 14, 2012, from .

Jordan, Larry P. (2011). Calhoun firefighters lean about dangers of meth labs. The Times and Democrat. Retrieved September 15, 2012, from .

Lindsey, William, and DeNicola, Michael. (2010). Trust Your Instincts. Fire Chief. Retrieved September 15, 2012, from .

Gender and Counseling the Past Few Years
Pages: 10 Words: 2823

Gender and Counseling
The past few years have seen significant advances in the field of counseling. Psychologists and psychiatrists have gained a better understanding of the human psyche. Based on their insights, they have been able to identify new problems and propose more effective methods of treatment.

Many of the problems identified affect the mental health and role of men in society. This is a significant advance, since men's problems have previously been ignored. However, despite such advances, many men are still reluctant to seek help for their mental of psychological problems.

The first part of this paper examines the various gender roles that have been assigned to men in American society. It studies how, through a process of socialization, men are required to acquire several key characteristics that are defined as "masculine," such as aggression, competitiveness and the ability to restrain their emotions.

The next part then examines how these roles and characteristics…...


Works Cited

Allen, Jo Ann and Sylvia Gordon. 1990. "Creating a Framework for Change." Men in Therapy: The Challenge of Change. Richard L. Meth and Robert S. Pasick. New York: The Guilford Press.

Connell, Robert W. 1987. Gender and Power. Cambridge, Polity Press.

Eckert, P. 1989. "The whole woman: Sex and gender differences in variation," Language Variation and Change (Cambridge), Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 245-267

Grant, J. 1988. "Women as managers: What they can offer to organizations," in Organizational Dynamics (New York), Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 56-63.

Personal Agency The Importance of
Pages: 6 Words: 2482

Bernie Krisher of American Assistance for Cambodia set her up in Phnom Penh twice more, but each time she ran away after a few days, desperate to get back to her meth supply" (Kristof and uDonn, p.39). hile I have not returned to Mexico and the carefree lifestyle I led there, I cannot deny having the desire to do so, on occasion. hile I know that the life I lived there was not the right life for me, I still long to return to it on occasion.
Of course, the differences in countries and cultures are, in many ways, becoming less apparent as the world becomes more global. This globalization has challenged the existing social structures in many countries, including those countries with castes or caste-like socioeconomic divisions. Discussing India, Kapur stated that, "ancient social structures are collapsing under the weight of new money. Bonds of caste and religion and…...


Works Cited

Barber, Benjamin. "Jihad vs. McWorld." The Atlantic. N.p. 1 Mar. 1992. Web. 6 May 2013.

Kapur, Akash. "How India became America." The New York Times. 1-2. 9 Mar. 2012. Web.

6 May 2013.

Kristof, Nicholas and Sheryl WuDunn. "Microcredit: The Financial Revolution." Half the Sky:

Effecting Change the Use of
Pages: 15 Words: 4091

According to a 2002 survey conducted under the auspices of NIH, ecstasy abuse among college and university students in general is a widespread trend that impedes academic performance (Bar-on, 2002). The NIH survey targeted 66 4-year American universities and colleges alike. The projected findings indicated a diminishing trend in undergraduate academic performance amongst students who indulge in binge drinking and abuse ecstasy in the process. Elsewhere, a Harvard College drug study indicated persistent drug users were more likely to miss lectures and delay in their coursework than the average student (Montgomery & Fisk, 2008).
A parallel IP esearch dubbed "Predictors of academic achievement and retention among college freshmen" projected that while certain students manage to cope with the new life role upon entering college, a good number of students flunk out of college before completing their freshman year. According to this research, 75% of the freshman drop out is related…...



Bar-on, R. (2002). Bar-on Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I): Technical Manual. Toronto, Canada: Multi-Health Systems

Erikson, E (1956) "The problem of ego identity" (pdf) Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 4: 56 -- 121

Kotter, J & Cohen, D (2002) the Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations Harvard Business Review Press

Montgomery C. & Fisk J.E. (2008) "Ecstasy-related deficits in the updating component of executive processes" Human Psychopharmacology 23 (6): 495 -- 511

Legalization of Marijuana
Pages: 3 Words: 923

Medical Marijuana Legislation and Civil Liberties
When the historic passage of legislation permitting medical marijuana use in states like Arizona (2010), Delaware (2011) and Massachusetts (2012) is considered in conjunction with the fact that 13 other states have similar legislation or ballot measures pending, the traditional conception of marijuana ingestion as a criminal act is being reexamined on a societal level. Further bolstering this assertion is the legal situation in California, Colorado and Washington, where marijuana has been decriminalized entirely and permitted for recreational sale by licensed dispensaries, providing the platform for a restoration of basic rights in these jurisdictions. With approximately half of the states in the union already affording citizens with medical needs the liberty to seek relief in the form of marijuana, while the federal government's ostensible ban on the substance remains in effect, the stage has been set for a national debate over the merits of legalizing…...



Mill, J.S., Smith, J.M., & Sosa, E. (1969). Mill's Utilitarianism: Text and criticism. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth Pub. Co.

Father and Son Addiction
Pages: 4 Words: 1462

Father and Son Addiction
Drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most compelling problems faced on multiple levels by society in the United States and across the world today. On the societal level, the problem affects the level of crime and public safety, as well as the relative moral fabric of society in general. On the collective level, it affects family unity and well-being. On the individual level, it destroys the lives and relationships of the addicts themselves. Indeed, there is no level on which addiction and drugs hold any long-term benefits. Sadly, it is the short-term high that takes precedence over all else for the addict. The fact that it is short-term creates a vacuum that is impossible to fill. Filling this vacuum, however, is the aim of all addicts, which creates long-term problems in search for short-term solutions. The Sheff family, and particular the father and his eldest…...



Sheff, N. (2009). Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines. New York: Atheneum Books.

Sheff, D. (2009). Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction. New York: Houghton Mifflin Co.

Is there anything in the news related to drug trafficking in italu that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 855

Drug Trafficking in Italy: A Complex and Evolving Problem


Italy, located at the crossroads of the Mediterranean Sea, has long been a strategic transit route for drug trafficking from producing countries to consumer markets in Northern Europe and beyond. In recent years, the country has faced significant challenges in combating drug trafficking, with organized crime groups playing a major role in the illicit trade. This essay will explore the current state of drug trafficking in Italy, examining its impact on society, the efforts of law enforcement to combat it, and the need for comprehensive strategies to address this complex problem.

The Role....

What significance does the title \"Breaking Bad\" hold in the context of the TV series?
Words: 164

1. The Transformation of Walter White: Breaking Bad
2. Morality and Consequences in Breaking Bad
3. Addiction and Power in Breaking Bad
4. The Complexity of Character Development in Breaking Bad
5. Breaking Bad: A Study in Ethical Dilemmas
6. The Psychological Impact of Breaking Bad
7. Breaking Bad and the American Dream
8. The Role of Family in Breaking Bad
9. Gender and Representation in Breaking Bad
10. Breaking Bad: A Critique of Capitalism and Corruption
11. The title "Breaking Bad" also highlights the idea of breaking free from societal norms and expectations. Walter White, a mild-mannered high school chemistry teacher, decides to break bad and enter the world....

How does methamphetamine use impact cognitive functioning and decision-making in the brain?
Words: 362

Methamphetamine use can have severe impacts on cognitive functioning and decision-making in the brain. Methamphetamine is a powerful stimulant that affects the brain's dopamine system, which plays a critical role in motivation, reward, and decision-making.

Chronic use of methamphetamine can result in structural and functional changes in the brain, particularly in areas such as the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making and impulse control. These changes can lead to impairments in cognitive functioning, including difficulties with memory, attention, and problem-solving.

Methamphetamine use can also disrupt the brain's reward system, leading to compulsive drug-seeking behavior and impaired decision-making abilities. Users may....

How does long-term methamphetamine use impact memory function over time?
Words: 290

Long-term methamphetamine use can have a significant negative impact on memory function over time. Studies have shown that chronic methamphetamine use can lead to cognitive impairments, particularly in the areas of attention, working memory, and executive function.

One of the reasons for this is that methamphetamine use can cause damage to the brain's dopamine system, which is involved in memory and cognitive function. Over time, this can result in problems with learning, memory retrieval, and decision-making abilities.

Additionally, long-term methamphetamine use can also increase the risk of developing other mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety, which can further impact....

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