Melting Pot Essays (Examples)

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Melting Pot Goodfriend Joyce D
Pages: 3 Words: 1085

Towards the second half of the 18th century, it became more difficult for the Dutch children to obtain an education in Dutch language, and gradually conversion to the Anglican faith increased amongst all non-English groups, including the French. By placing sanctions on Dutch language schools, the English authorities successfully steered Dutch children to English schools. Once, Dutch had been the language at home and within church, but no more. The French Huguenots as well had a thriving community, with their own religious and social institutions, and religion was an equally important force as they too created their own churches early on. They had fled France to escape persecution and were eager to embrace their religious freedom at first. But around the time the Dutch began to lose their language and schools, the French also became more Anglicized and attended English, rather than French institutions of worship.

It must not be forgotten,…...


Works Cited

Goodfriend, Joyce D. Before the Melting Pot: Society and Culture in Colonial New York City, 1664-1730. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.

Joyce Goodfriend, Beyond the Melting Pot, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994), 6.

Goodfriend, 269.


Melting Pot as a Young
Pages: 3 Words: 812

One example is found in the lines, "Mr. Scott the retired plumber, and his plump midwestern wife, considered moving home back home where white and black got along and stayed where they belonged." The implications of this, though not surprising for the times, are still saddening to think of. Mr. Scott thought of moving back to a place where races were separated because that is where they got along with each other. This means that whites and blacks were not getting along with each other in Queens where there was no separation. Despite the amount of negativity surrounding Queens in the 1960's, there was an uplifting aspect to it all. A sense of community is always an extremely comforting thing and it seems as if Queens had this in its possession. As part of a melting pot, everyone has to stick together in order to standup against the oppression…...

Myth of the Melting Pot Is Inherently
Pages: 5 Words: 1360

Myth of the melting pot is inherently flawed. Amalgamated in theory, the cultural and ethnic fabric of the United States was developed not by the theoretical claim of mass immigration. Unfortunately, the development of the melting pot is a euphemism to distort the truth and ostensibly shield the fact of slavery, kidnapping, and rape to which the development of the nation rings true. Therefore, is the melting pot a cover to distort the true nature of a new social working class that is destined to be an enslaved working class to the aristocracy?
Israel Zangwill's mockery of the Melting Pot was a function of the 1908 drama to which he parodies the melting pot myth using characterization and symbolism to define just how the misconception of the melting pot is a ridiculous mistruth that is designed to ostensibly bring in the most qualified workers to the country for labor exploitation. The…...

America Is the Melting Pot
Pages: 3 Words: 1297

Slaves' newly acquired freedom, Booker T. Washington's teachings, and the Horatio Alger model, which asserted that the individual molds his own destiny, influenced this form of personalized music. According to historian Lawrence Levine, "there was a direct relationship between the national ideological emphasis upon the individual, the popularity of Booker T. Washington's teachings, and the rise of the blues. Psychologically, socially, and economically, Negroes were being acculturated in a way that would have been impossible during slavery, and it is hardly surprising that their secular music reflected this as much as their religious music did." (Levine, Lawrence W., Black Culture and Black Consciousness) as a consequence, it was the emphasis on the individual that influenced the blues personalized form of song" (McElrath). Blues music opens doors for other music to emerge from African-Americans such as rap and hip-hop. With that, the African-American culture has greatly impacted history through music.…...



McElrath, Jessica. The History of Blues Music.. retrieved April 3, 2008, at

The Effects of Hip Hop Music on Today's Youth. Retrieved April 3, 2008, at

Ford, Sabrinia. (2004). Hip Hop and Women's Sexuality. Retrieved April 3, 2008, at


America Is Supposedly the Melting
Pages: 8 Words: 2761

A further stereotype about Asians that cannot be ignored is that regarding the sexuality of the Asian female. "Asian Pacific women have generally been perceived by Hollywood with a mixture of fascination, fear, and contempt....If we are 'good' we are childlike, submissive, silent, and eager for sex or else we are tragic victim types. And if we are not silent, suffering doormats, we are demonized dragon ladies -- cunning, deceitful, sexual provocateurs." (Hagedorn) the pornography industry is highly populated with Asian women fulfilling the male desire for sexual stereotypes. Japanese school girls in short skirts with lollipops and repressed sexual needs are a popular fetish. The subservient Geisha wife in kimonos, pale make-up, and most importantly donning a subservient, unthreatening, submissive sexual attitude is another. Look again and one is certain to find the "dragon lady" as mentioned above: the over-sexed, wild, uninhibited Asian girl looking to please as many…...



Hagedorn, Jessica. "Asian Women in Film: No Joy, No Luck."

Mura, David. "Fargo and the Asian-American Male."

Shah, Sonia. "Race and Representation: Asian-Americans." 1999.

Gilliam, Frank. "The Local Television News Media's Picture of Children - 2001." Study on Race, Ethnicity and the News. October 2001.

Salad Bowl
Pages: 4 Words: 1280

Melting Pot
The United States has not moved from the "melting pot" to the "salad bowl." Those who suggest that this is the case are entirely unaware of the nation's history, which shows that every new generation of immigrants brings its own language, culture and traditions. It is only over the passage of time that their children and grandchildren adopt the norms, language and common culture of the nation. Evidence from the past shows that this has always been the case. It is only because people see the contemporary period as somehow unique because they are experiencing it, and past starts to blur once we move past a generation or two that anyone would think of the past and present differently. This paper will show that the melting pot paradigm existed in past generations, and that the patterns of settlement and cultural assimilation are basically the same today as they ever…...


References (2014). German newspapers in the U.S. And Canada. Retrieved July 13, 2014 from 

Bisin, A. & Verdier, T. (2000). Beyond the melting pot: Cultural transmission, marriage, and the evolution of ethnic and religious traits. The Quarterly Journal of Economics.. Vol. 115 (3) 955-988.

D'Innocenzo, M. & Sirefman, J. (1992). Immigration and ethnicity: American society -- melting pot or salad bowl. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Kallen, H. (1915). Democracy vs. The melting pot. The Nation. Retrieved July 13, 2014 from

Planning and Implementation of Diversity Initiatives
Pages: 6 Words: 1807

United States of America has attracted many people from different corners of the world in search of their "American dream." People come to America in hopes of attaining freedom, earning a living and living in way that they have always wanted to. The earliest immigrants to America were 100 English Colonists who were known as the Mayflower Pilgrims. This set of persons was looking for religious freedom on when they migrated to North America. This basically set the trend of immigration and ever since then America is the destination majority of the immigrants opt for. According to statistics from migration policy, nearly one quarter of the 70.9 million children under the ages of seventeen had one immigrant parent.
Seeing how the statistics clearly show the inflow on immigrants into the country, there has been quite some debate whether America is a melting pot or a salad bowl. It is true…...



Henderson, G. (1994). Cultural diversity in the workplace (1st ed.). Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books.,. (2014). Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States. Retrieved 29 July 2014, from 

Mitchell, K. (2012). 'Melting Pot' or 'Salad Bowl': Recognizing Diversity in the Workplace | Council Business Solutions. Retrieved 29 July 2014, from,. (2006). BBC NEWS | Americas | 'Melting pot' America. Retrieved 29 July 2014, from

Playwright Israel Zangwill Is United States of
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Playwright Israel Zangwill
Is United States of America in the second decade of 21st century a melting pot -- the kind of melting pot that was envisaged by Israel Zangwill close to 104 years ago? The answer is an overwhelming no. Today more than ever there is no one idea of Americanness or American culture that is acceptable across the board. Most of this is attributable to the differences in the immigration patterns as they existed in 1908 and today. In 1908 most of the immigrants were of European background with a European heritage. Over a generation or two, these immigrants groups assimilated and integrated fully into American society as Americans. One notable exception was of course the African-American experience.

Latter half of the 20th century however saw migration from areas that were as diverse as China, Vietnam, the Indian subcontinent and the Arab world. These migrants have brought their own cultures,…...

Israeli Politics Separating Religion From
Pages: 2 Words: 624

Most Israelis do not desire assimilation into a common whole, given that they hold the other components of their identity equally dear as their Jewish heritage and their Israeli citizenship. A Russian Jew may have more in common with fellow Russians than an Ethiopian Jew and an Israeli may be an atheist yet a member of a religious state.
Does an Israel national identity still exist, asks Yehoshua? He does not ask this question of the Palestinian nationals, who clearly see themselves as apart from Israeli society, both legally and in terms of how they profess their own citizenship and nationhood. However, even for Jews, Israel proposes an interesting question of what constitutes a nation. Israel gives refuge and citizenship to every Jew, no matter where he or she may hail from, but the state of Israel also has civic institutions that are limited to professed nationals, some of whom…...

Tongue-Tied The Lives of Multi-Lingual
Pages: 4 Words: 1204

It cannot be denied that NCLB largely tests students on standardized measures that value verbal fluency above all else (interestingly, competency in a foreign language is not required in NCLB) bilingual students are shown in a poor light, and guidance towards specific prescriptive techniques to suit the individual student's cultural needs, level of fluency, and family situation is not provided by NCLB. NCLB encourages teaching students how to pass a test rather than fosters the type of skills they need to truly 'own' their learning at worst, or at best, by excludes students from school performance results, which may result in a lack of funding for ESL programs, as opposed to programs that really 'count' towards the magic numbers required to meet district standards.
The anthology questions the fundamental assumption that cultural assimilation is a necessary marker of progress in the American school system. The one potential advantage, albeit a…...

American Character
Pages: 4 Words: 1511

Huckleberry Finn is the closest we have to a national hero. We trust the story of a boy with no home and who is restless as the river -- The genius of America is that it permits children to leave home; it permits us to be different from our parents. But the sadness, the loneliness, of America is clear too.
What is odriguez telling us about a central feature of the American Character, and about tensions within our core values? What reasons, what causes, might contribute to this national tendency? Which authors and/or other course materials support your ideas?

There is a tension within the American character. On the one hand, we pride ourselves so our individuality. On the other, we seek to conform, fit in, be a part of the 'melting pot'; but we are forever lonely.

Individualism has been an intrinsic part of the American myth. It is seen in the…...



Ole Rolvaag, Giants in the Earth, Harper & Bros., 2002

Anzia Yezierska, Bread Givers New York: Persea Books, 1979

Lawrence Levine, Black Culture and Black Consciousness

Gene Yang, American Born Chinese

Women in Literature Toni Morrison
Pages: 3 Words: 1015

A black woman walking up to the counter at Macy's will be a customer, not an American-American customer; a Latino buying a car at a used car lot in Memphis won't be a Mexican-American he will be a customer. That's how it should be.
THREE: Why is the focus so different between male authors and female authors? For the same reason that men see the world from a very different lens than women see the world. Naomi Wolf has a very good perspective on why there is such a dramatic difference between what men write about and what women write about, and I agree with her wholeheartedly. There were archaic yet potent attitudes toward women a century ago, Wolf explains, in which "normal female activity, especially the kind that would lead women into power, was classified as ugly and sick." In fact, there were whispers that if a woman engaged…...

Hofstede Writes Culture Is More
Pages: 6 Words: 1632

For instance, multiculturalism is the official policy of Australia, but New Zealand insists on a bicultural stance. This is quite backwards and must be rectified. Multiculturalism is a theory (although it is vague) about the bases and groundwork of a culture rather than a practice which subsumes cultural thought processes. Multiculturalism was redefined by Said's "Orientalism" as well.

Looked at broadly, the term is often used to describe societies (especially nations) which have many distinct cultural groups, usually as a result of immigration. This can engender anxiety about the stability of national identity, yet can also result in cultural exchanges that benefit the cultural groups. Such exchanges range from major accomplishments in literature, art and philosophy to relatively token appreciation of variations in music, dress and new foods.

On a smaller scale, the term can also be used to refer to specific districts in cities where people of different cultures co-exist. The…...



Hofstede, Geert. source information derived from author's Web site and publications.

I Am a 26-Year-Old Male Community College
Pages: 4 Words: 1199

I am a 26-year-old male community college student. I live in an Francisco, California, but was born in Korea and lived there until I was 22. I am an international student majoring in the Health ciences. I decided that moving to the United tates and pursuing my educational and career goals would offer me a chance to expand both personal knowledge and gain greater insight into a different cultural experience. Certainly, this has been the case. Not only are customs completely different in the United tates, but communication and expectations are as well. While an Francisco is a major city, and at times crowded, it is nothing like the wall-to-wall experience of people in Asia. Additionally, I know from my studies that America is considered a large "melting pot," but I was certainly never prepared for there to be so many different ethnicities and diverse people all grouped together in…...


Sources Used:

La Bier, D. (30 November 2010). How Volunteering Affects the Volunteer. Huffington Post. Retrieved from:

1st and 2nd Grade Observations
Pages: 5 Words: 1549

Elementary School ESL Teacher
Befitting the United States of America's unique status as a cultural melting pot, the nation's educational system has learned to adapt its traditional method of English language instruction to suit students who primarily speak another language at home. The concept of English as Second Language (ESL) learners has emerged during the last few decades to recognize the need for teachers to customize their lesson plans, becoming more inclusive in terms of accessibility to ESL students. In light of the fact that ESL students are far more likely to absorb English during their earliest years, many school districts have elected to integrate ESL instruction within the 1st and 2nd grade levels, in the hope that this proverbial head start will enable the majority of ESL students to effectively utilize English in the educational setting. Recently, I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity to observe a 1st…...

Could you help me draft an essay outline about what makes Brazil a potential bucket list item?
Words: 513

I. Introduction
A. Brazil's captivating allure as a travel destination
B. A melting pot of diverse landscapes, vibrant culture, and rich history
C. Thesis statement: Unveiling the captivating elements that make Brazil a must-visit bucket list item

II. Natural Wonders and Diverse Landscapes
A. Amazon Rainforest: The largest rainforest in the world, teeming with biodiversity and home to indigenous cultures
1. Explore the intricate ecosystem and witness the mesmerizing wildlife
2. Embark on a riverboat journey through the labyrinthine waterways
B. Iguazu Falls: A breathtaking natural spectacle, straddling the border between Brazil and Argentina
1. Marvel at the thunderous cascades and rainbows that adorn the falls
2. Wander through the....

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about FAT City Workshop?
Words: 301

1. Engineering Innovation at the Core of FAT City Workshop: A Comprehensive Exploration

2. Unlocking the Power of Collaborative Design: A Case Study of FAT City Workshop

3. The Nexus of Craftsmanship, Technology, and Community: Inside FAT City Workshop

4. From Idea to Invention: The Transformative Role of FAT City Workshop in the Maker Movement

5. Cultivating Creativity and Ingenuity: The Impact of FAT City Workshop on Emerging Designers

6. The Art of Sustainable Design: Exploring the Environmental Ethos of FAT City Workshop

7. Beyond the Workshop: FAT City Workshop's Legacy in Shaping the Design Landscape

8. The Alchemy of Innovation: How FAT City Workshop Fosters Creative....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on caribbean sea?
Words: 250

1. The Blue Jewel: Exploring the Wonders of the Caribbean Sea

2. An Untold Story: The History and Significance of the Caribbean Sea

3. Beyond the Surface: A Deep Dive into the Marine Life of the Caribbean Sea

4. Sailing into Paradise: The Beauty and Charm of the Caribbean Sea

5. Climate Change and Its Impact on the Caribbean Sea

6. A Sailor's Guide to Navigating the Waters of the Caribbean Sea

7. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Intriguing Maritime History of the Caribbean Sea

8. The Caribbean Sea: A Gateway to Cultural Diversity and Rich Heritage

9. Protecting Paradise: Conservation Efforts in the Caribbean Sea

10. The Caribbean....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to learning english in united states?
Words: 740

Essay Topic 1: The Role of Immersion in Second Language Acquisition: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Studying English in the United States

Begin with a hook that highlights the importance of immersion in learning a second language.
State the thesis statement: The United States provides an immersive environment that facilitates English language acquisition, but also presents unique challenges.

Body Paragraph 1: Benefits of Immersion
Discuss the advantages of interacting with native speakers in everyday situations.
Explain how exposure to authentic language promotes fluency, pronunciation, and cultural understanding.
Cite research or anecdotal evidence to support the benefits of immersion.

Body Paragraph 2:....

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