t is suggested that the benefits of the technique far outweigh any possible objections. Personally, find myself convinced. t is important to provide women with as many equal opportunity work options as possible. The authors make very good arguments for freezing eggs and using them later in life, when partnerships, finances, and emotions have stabilized.
believe that the article was well written and clearly addresses all the issues and main points. All the new concepts are thoroughly explained via illustrative examples. The authors also provide a myriad of important statistical and research information to underwrite their claims. ndeed, this alone is enough to convince any reader.
The arguments for egg freezing that find most compelling is the one relating to workplace equality. Although women have had the right to vote for almost a century now, some social attitudes regarding women and childbirth remain. Women who work while the…...
mlaI tend to agree wholeheartedly with the authors that none of the counter-arguments presented provide sufficient opposition to cancel the advantages of egg freezing. Indeed, the technology provides women with much wider range of choices than would otherwise be the case. Access to this technology also provides the basis for a much more stable family life. Older people no longer have the work, relationship, or financial stress that younger people often do. Hence families as a whole benefit from a wider choice in terms of pregnancy.
Goold, Imogen & Savulescu, Julian. (2009) In Favour Of Freezing Eggs For Non-Medical Reasons. In Bioethics, Vol. 23 no. 1 pp 47-58.
Fighting cancer is among medical science's greatest challenges and it is to this field of specialty I have been drawn. For the past several years I have devoted my time and energies to laboratory research projects involving the synthesis of histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. HDAC inhibitors have emerged as one of the most promising chemical agents in counteracting cancer. Our goal for the past year has been to synthesize a new HDAC inhibitor. Our research was based on prior research and we are endeavoring to add to the growing body of scientific literature in this area. My work involves the synthesis, purification, characterization, and submission of the chemical compounds for biological screening or in vivo tests. Our research team successfully synthesized several new compounds of hydroxymic acid. We also developed a benzamide compound that is now known as MS-275, which was patented by Merck. Synthesizing MS-275 was one of the…...
They do not show what people perceive, and, in the end, this is what consciousness is (18).
According to Steinberg, PET studies of vegetative patients have indicated "that the primary sensory cortices respond to pain and sounds, but that higher-order associative cortices do not. For minimally and fully conscious people, in contrast, sounds activate associative areas as well" (18).
A study of minimally conscious patients exposed patients to recorded narratives. Similar brain activity was found in both healthy control subjects and the patients. However, when the recording was played backwards, only the healthy controls' cortices were activated, indicating that only fully conscious brains are engaged by ambiguous stimuli.
Figure 1:
Source: Steinberg 17)
Leviton concurs with Davis and Gimenez's work. Arousal is surmised to be linked with cognition. but, he cites Plum and Posner as noting that the limits of consciousness are difficult to define quantitatively and satisfactorily. Self-awareness is inferred by appearance and…...
Bothwick, C. & Crossley, R. "Permanent vegetative state: Usefulness and limits of prognostic definition." NeuroRehabilitation 19 (4) 2004: pp. 381-389.
Davis, a. & Gimenez, a. "Cognitive-behavioral recovery in comatose patients following auditory sensory stimulation." Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 35 (4) Aug 2003: p. 202.
Fackelmann, K. "The conscious mind: Karen Ann Quinlan case yields surprising scientific data." Science News 146 (1) 2 July 1994: pp. 10-11.
Godlovitch, G., Mitchell, I., & Doig, C. "Discontinuing life support in comatose patients: An example from Canadian case law." Canadian Medical Association Journal 172 (9) 26 Apr 2005: pp. 1172-1173.
Chemical Substances on Liver and Kidney Enzymes and Tissues
A number of common consumer products and foods contain toxic substances that can have an adverse effect on liver and kidney enzymes and tissues (Steenland & Fletcher 2010). In addition, a number of naturally occurring and artificial substances contain toxic elements that are harmful to these organs (Steenland & Fletcher 2010). In this regard, Satarug and Nishjo (2004, p. 1512) report for example, "The metals cadmium and lead are ubiquitous environmental pollutants of increasing worldwide concern because of their renal toxicity and long residence time in the kidney." Likewise, Maher (1997) emphasizes that one of the most common toxic substances ingested by humans is alcohol which can have a deleterious effect on the liver, but even more so as it is metabolized. In this regard, Maher (1997, p. 6) reports that, "As alcohol is broken down in the liver, a number…...
Blindauer, KM & Jackson, RJ (1999, June), 'Environmental Pesticide Illness and Injury: The
Need for a National Surveillance System,' Journal of Environmental Health, vol. 61, no.
10, pp. 9-11.
Bryant, B (1999), Race and the Incidence of Environmental Hazards: A Time for Discourse.
Introduction Reproductive science has changed the lives of women and helped to restructure society in general, because it changes the roles that sex and parenthood play, by disassociating the two. Without reproductive technology, the role of women has typically been limited to bearing children, which then extended to rearing them. Reproductive technology has allowed women to be more selective about when and how they have children. As women gained social power from this freedom, they have extended this social power into a number of other spheres, creating substantial shifts in most societies with regards to things like gender equality (Sherwin, 2001). This shift is ongoing. Whether a new reproductive technology changes this dynamic further would be dependent on whether it functions in some way as to provide a benefit that existing technologies do not have. Society as a whole changes because falling birth rates disrupt the typical patterns of development, though…...
APA (2018). Delayed cord clamping: What are the risks and benefits. American Pregnancy Association. Retrieved March 28, 2018 from Sherwin, S. (2001). Normalizing reproductive technologies and the implications for autonomy. Globalizing Feminist Bioethics. Boulder: Westview Press.http://americanpregnancy.org/labor-and-birth/delayed-cord-clamping-risks-benefits/
Medical Advances in Cancer Treatment Research
This paper discusses the medical advances in cancer treatment research. The writer explores several treatment options and compares them to treatment options of the past. There were two sources used to complete this paper.
There was a time when a diagnosis of cancer meant a death sentence. The word still strikes a chord of fear among the millions each year who are told they have it, but in recent years there have been many advances in medical science that allow many who would have died from the disease to live long and full lives. There are more cancer survivors now than ever before and treatment options continue to be made available.
In the past there were only two options for the treatment of cancer. One could have surgery and one could be given a course of radiation treatments. The surgery was for the purpose of removing the…...
Lobotomy is a popular medical procedure introduced in curing mentally ill individuals, which requires the removal of the prefrontal lobes of the cortex of the brain, the part of the brain wherein aggressive and violent behavior is triggered. However, in the movie, lobotomy is shown to have disastrous results: McMurphy's violent behavior is indeed abated, but as illustrated in the movie, the lobotomy had turned him into a 'vegetable' neither responding to his ward mates' call for attention nor displaying his usual rowdy, obnoxious, McMurphy self.
This instance in the movie is considered as patterned after the medical model of abnormal psychology, wherein "mental disorders are described as medical diseases with a biological origin" (450). ecause this is the prevalent thinking in medical science during the time the movie (and novel) was made, Nurse Ratched decided, in order to "treat" McMurphy, to let him undergo lobotomy. Subsistence to the medical…...
Santorck, J. (2001). Psychology. NY: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Medical Home Model and Health Disparity
Nursing esearch Proposal
The Impact of the Medical Home Model on Health Disparities
The Impact of the Medical Home Model on Healthcare Disparity
Medical homes are primary care practices where a physician or NP establishes a long-term care relationship with patients and provide patient/family-centered, coordinated, and culturally-sensitive care (AANP, n.d.; Strickland, Jones, Ghandour, Kogan, & Newacheck, 2011). The benefits include improved healthcare access, quality, and safety. A number of states have enacted statutes supporting the medical home model after research findings revealed health disparities for racial and ethnic minorities were reduced (NCSL, 2013).
As a nurse practitioner I am interested in how effective a medical home model would be in reducing healthcare disparities, especially for racial and ethnic minority children residing in underserved communities. Nurse practitioners have traditionally practiced in underserved communities and will continue to do so; therefore, any strategy that could improve the quality of care with…...
AANP (American Association of Nurse Practitioners). (n.d.). Medicare legislation: Fact sheet: The medical home -- What is it? How do nurse practitioners fit in? Retrieved from: http://www.aanp.org/legislation-regulation/federal-legislation/medicare/68-articles/349-the-medical-home .
Abrams, M., Nuzum, R., Mika, S., & Lawlor, G. (2011). Realizing health reform's potential: How the Affordable Care Act will strengthen primary care and benefit patients, providers, and payers. The Commonwealth Fund. Retrieved from: http://www.commonwealthfund.org/~/media/Files/Publications/Issue%20Brief/2011/Jan/1466_Abrams_how_ACA_will_strengthen_primary_care_reform_brief_v3.pdf .
NCSL. (2013). Health disparities: State laws. Retrieved from: http://www.ncsl.org/research/health/health-disparities-laws.aspx .
Strickland, B.B., Jones, J.R., Ghandour, R.M., Kogan, M.D., & Newacheck, P.W. (2011). The medical home: Health care access and impact for children and youth in the United States. Pediatrics, 127(4), 604-11.
This begins by asking a question. In that case, the question would be: Does Sensa cause weight loss without dieting? Background research would then need to be done. This would include any literature and other research information that could be found on Sensa from reputable sources. Information from InStyle and Good Housekeeping would not be considered for this type of research, because these are not reputable magazines from a scientific standpoint. A hypothesis would be constructed from the background research, which would be that Sensa causes weight loss without dieting. From that point, it would be necessary to conduct an experiment to prove or disprove that hypothesis.
An experiment to prove or disprove this hypothesis would need to include a control group, and that group would need to eat the same food and the same quantity of food as those using the Sensa. This is difficult, because everyone metabolizes food…...
Braithwaite, J., & Jackson, J. (2006). What is pseudoscience?
Weight loss discovery making national headlines. (2012). How life works. Retrieved from http://www.howlifeworks.com/a/a/?cid=7425aa&AG_ID=520
Many of the results of scientific advancement have become part of the fabric of our humanity. But many of the advancements have also done grave damage to our planet, our traditions, and our social interactions.
In the end, whether scientific progress appears to be a good or an evil depends on what kind of world we want for ourselves, and what sort of control we want to maintain over that world. As long as our objectives are clear to ourselves, as long as the pace and direction of our endeavors remain within our control, and as long as we maintain a sense of awe and mystery in at least some aspect of our lives, science and technology will, as Bishop argues, lead us to a full unfolding of our potential as a species. But if we proceed with murky goals, if we allow the pace and direction of our endeavors…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bishop, J. Michael. "Enemies of Promise." The Presence of Others: Voices and Images that Call for Response. Eds. Andrea Lunsford and John Ruszciewitz. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2008. Print.
Chorost, Michael. "My Bionic Quest for Bolero." The Presence of Others: Voices and Images that Call for Response. Eds. Andrea Lunsford and John Ruszciewitz. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2008. Print.
Grady, Denise. "Struggling Back from War's Once-Deadly Wounds." The Presence of Others: Voices and Images that Call for Response. Eds. Andrea Lunsford and John Ruszciewitz. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2008. Print.
Shelley, Mary. "Excerpt from Frankenstein." The Presence of Others: Voices and Images that Call for Response. Eds. Andrea Lunsford and John Ruszciewitz. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2008. Print.
Science appealed to me as early as I can remember in my academic career, specifically, solving problems through experimentation. Biology, in particular, captured my interest because it seemed to combine science with the goal of providing healthcare and comfort to patients suffering from medical disease. Since then, I have learned that the other scientific disciplines contribute equally toward improving modern health care, but the biological sciences have always captured my greatest interest.
My recent volunteer duties at the (Name of nursing home) nursing home confirmed to me the profound satisfaction inherent in providing patient care. The experience of being able to improve the lives and outlook of elderly patients (some of whom suffer more from depression and loneliness than any organic disease) remains one of the most rewarding endeavors that I have ever undertaken.
The satisfaction of helping others is one element that has been missing from my professional life, despite the…...
Medical Nursing
Medical l Nursing
The United States has the largest number of professional nurses in the world totalled 3 millions approximately. Despite the available large number of professional nurses, there is still imbalance between the supply and demand for nurses in the United States. Demand for the professional nurses has outnumbered the supply. Typically, critical nursing shortage has become a serious issue in the United States, and the production capacity is lagging based on the estimated future needs. The concept of nursing shortage refers to the situation where the demand for nurses outnumbers the supply. The worsening nursing shortage in the United States has created the demand for more nurses to fill the gap. Many private and public sectors healthcare leaders have advocated for the serious solution to boost the supply of nurses. One of the solutions advocated is that the U.S. should facilitate the migration of foreign graduate nurses to…...
Aiken, L.H. (2007). U.S. Nurse Labor Market Dynamics Are Key to Global Nurse
Sufficiency. Health Service Research.42(3):1299-1320.
Brush, B.L. Sochalski, J. & Berger, A.M. (2004). Imported Care: Recruiting Foreign Nurses
to U.S. Health Care Facilities. Health Affairs. 23(3):78.87.
Medical Robotics
In spite of research gaps, medical robotics is a growing trend in the United States.
Advances in Medical Robotics (Diana, 2011)
Hybrid Assistive Limb 5 (HAL5) is an artificially powered ecoskeleton that helps double the amount of weight someone can carry unaided.
DaVinci Si HD Surgical System performs minimally invasive surgery through superior visualization and greater precision, with incisions of one to two centimeters causing less pain and speedier recovery. It reduces the hospital stay to one half and costs one third less.
Sofie incorporates force feedback allowing a surgeon to feel the pressure they apply making sutures and pushing tissue aside. Sofie is expected to develop in five years.
Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery System is a non-invasive alternative to surgery for treatment of cancerous and non-cancerous tumors.
Nursebot is designed to specifically help elderly deal with daily activities allowing them to live at home.
RIA is designed to life people who are too weak. It is…...
Davies, B. (2006). Essay: Medical robotics -- a bright future. The Lancet, vol 368, doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69929-7, S53-S54.
Diana, a. (2011, Jan 29). 12 Advances in Medical Robotics. Retrieved from InformationWeek Healthcare: http://www.informationweek.com/healthcare/patient/12-advances-in-medical-robotics/229100383
Huang, G.P. (2006). Robotics and clinical research: Collaborating to epand the evidence-based for rehabilitation. JRRD, 43(5), xiii-xvi.
Seaman, a. (2013, Jan 4). Racial gaps in access to robotic prostrate surgery. Retrieved from Yahoo Health: http://health.yahoo.net/news/s/nm/racial-gaps-in-access-to-robotic-prostrate-surgery
In the last fifteen or so years the concerns about vaccinations, and particularly the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccination (MMR) have come to the forefront of societies debates from a limited connection to autism that is most likely associated to the correlation between onset of symptoms of autism and autism spectrum disorders and standard immunization practices. The fear created a general public that was afraid to allow their children to get the life saving MMR and in turn many parents have denied their children vaccinations at all. Parents' fears of some connection between the vaccination and/or its ingredient makeup cause or trigger autism and an accompanying serious bowel disease is related to a single, very limited research study conducted in the UK (n 12). There has been a substantial increase in incidents of autism over the last 20 or so years and the extreme social, physical, emotional, financial…...
mlaWorks Cited
Matson Ronald R. PhD, Scientific Laws and Theories May 1, 2008 http://science.kennesaw.edu/~rmatson/Biol%203380/3380theory.html.
Purcell, Edward a. The Crisis of Democratic Theory: Scientific Naturalism & the Problem of Value. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1973.
Sawin, Enoch I. "The Scientific Method and Other Bases for Evaluation Procedures." ETC.: A Review of General Semantics 62.4 (2005): 386.
Steuernagel, T. Increases in Identified Cases of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Policy Implications. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 16(3), 2005, 138.
That is not to say that theory and application cannot be separated into ethical categories. They can be, but those categorizations are always going to be somewhat skewed by the researcher, because no human being is capable of perfect neutrality. To assume that one can research for the sake of purse science really does involve imaging that scientists are not human beings with their own personal motivations. Moreover, this is not an issue that developed in the post-atomic world. Even before the use of the atomic bomb, scientists were motivated by personal motivations that kept them from being completely neutral. Therefore, it might be better to consider the ethics of scientific discovery from a viewpoint that includes the inherent morality of a discovery. For example, chemotherapy could be used as a weapon with very disastrous results, because its side-effects are devastating and can even be fatal. However, chemotherapies are developed…...
1. The importance of data governance in healthcare IT systems.
2. The role of data governance in ensuring patient privacy and confidentiality in health IT.
3. Challenges and solutions in implementing effective data governance strategies in healthcare organizations.
4. The impact of data governance on improving healthcare outcomes and patient care.
5. The role of data governance in ensuring data quality and integrity in health IT systems.
6. Ethical considerations in data governance for health IT data.
7. The role of data governance in facilitating interoperability and data sharing in healthcare.
8. The impact of data governance on healthcare analytics and predictive modeling.
9. Strategies for building a....
I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the philosophical question on when someone is dead
B. Importance of understanding death and its definition in society
II. Historical Perspectives on Death
A. Ancient beliefs on death and the afterlife
B. Evolution of medical knowledge and its impact on defining death
III. Medical Criteria for Death
A. Definition of clinical death
B. Brain death vs. cardiac death
IV. Ethical Considerations of Death
A. Debate on when life truly ends
B. Implications for organ donation and end-of-life care decisions
V. Cultural and Religious Perspectives on Death
A. Views on death and the afterlife in different cultures
B. How....
Significance of Science in Societal Progress and Development
Understanding the significance of science has a profound impact on society's progress and development. Science plays a crucial role in:
1. Technological Innovation and Economic Growth:
Science provides the foundation for countless technological advancements that drive economic growth.
From computers and smartphones to medical devices and renewable energy sources, science fuels innovation and improves productivity.
Technological progress leads to job creation, increased efficiency, and improved standards of living.
2. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making:
Science provides a systematic and rational approach to problem-solving.
Scientific methods allow us to gather evidence, analyze data, and test hypotheses to reach....
1. The concept of a "good death": exploring cultural and religious perspectives on what constitutes a peaceful and dignified end of life.
2. The ethics of physician-assisted suicide: examining the arguments for and against allowing individuals to choose when and how they die.
3. Death denial in modern society: how our fear of mortality affects our attitudes and behaviors towards death, dying, and grief.
4. The psychology of grief and bereavement: exploring the different stages of mourning and the impact of loss on mental health.
5. The intersection of death and technology: how advancements in medical science and digital communication are reshaping our understanding....
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