Medicaid Expansion Essays (Examples)

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Medicaid Expansion for Low Income People
Pages: 1 Words: 368

Medicaid ExpansionThe state policy to focus on is Medicaid Expansion. Medicaid expansion aims to ensure that all people residing in the state with a household income below 138% of the federal poverty level get covered under Medicaid (Allen & Sommers, 2019). To ensure that low-income individuals gain access to health care services, expanding Medicaid is necessary. Without the expansion, it becomes difficult for low-income individuals to access healthcare and continue to be discriminated against. educing health disparities begin by ensuring that all individuals get equal access to medical coverage. Therefore, pushing for the implementation of Medicaid expansion will allow those with low incomes to have health coverage. Also, states implementing Medicaid expansion receive new funding from the American escue Plan to support their efforts. The expansion s not mandatory, and states can decide whether to expand or leave it as is. However, with the continued decrease in the non-Hispanic White…...


ReferencesAllen, H., & Sommers, B. D. (2019). Medicaid expansion and health: assessing the evidence after 5 years. Jama, 322(13), 1253-1254.   Sommers, B. D., Blendon, R. J., & Orav, E. J. (2016). Both the ‘private option’and traditional Medicaid expansions improved access to care for low-income adults. Health Affairs, 35(1), 96-105. 

Quality of Healthcare in States without Medicaid Expansion
Pages: 13 Words: 3763

The Impact of State Health Policies on Healthcare Quality: An Analysis of the 2022 State Health System Performance ScorecardIntroductionThe 2022 Scorecard on State Health System Performance by the Commonwealth Fund gives an overview of how different states in the U.S. fare in terms of health care access, quality, service use and cost, health disparities, and health outcomes. The differences in performance between states like Hawaii and Massachusetts (top-performing) and Mississippi, Oklahoma, and West Virginia (lowest-performing) can be influenced by state health policies. This paper provides an assessment of the role these policies might play as well as some new, innovative trends related to this issue.Healthcare Access and Insurance CoverageStates that have expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) typically have higher rates of insurance coverage (Baumgartner et al., 2020). Massachusetts is known for being a leader in health reform since it implemented its own version of health reform prior…...



Barrett, M., Boyne, J., Brandts, J., Brunner-La Rocca, H. P., De Maesschalck, L., De Wit, K., ...

& Zippel-Schultz, B. (2019). Artificial intelligence supported patient self-care in chronic heart failure: a paradigm shift from reactive to predictive, preventive and personalised care. Epma Journal, 10, 445-464.

Baumgartner, J., Collins, S., Radley, D., & Hayes, S. (2020). How the Affordable Care Act

Medicaid and Medicare Programs
Pages: 1 Words: 405

Medicaid and MedicareMedicaid and Medicare are two health programs that sound very similar and usually confused and used interchangeably despite being very different. Each of these government health insurance programs is regulated by a set of its own policies and laws (Mitchell, Potter & Amin, 2019). In addition, the programs differ on the premise that they designed for different sets of individuals. Medicare is a federal health insurance program that serves people aged 65 years or more or those under 65 years and have a disability. This program provides health insurance coverage to these individuals regardless of their incomes. Medical bills under this program are paid from trust funds paid into by those covered (Digital Communications Division, 2015). As a federal program, Medicare is primarily similar across the country and run by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. On the contrary, Medicaid is an assistance program that serves low-income…...


ReferencesDigital Communications Division. (2015, October 2). What is the Difference Between Medicare and Medicaid? Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website:   D.A., Hurley, R.E. & Short, A.C. (2004, March 1). Medicaid Managed Care: The Last Bastion of the HMO? Health Affairs, 23(2), 155-167. Retrieved from, J., Potter, D. & Amin, S. (2019, December 10). Medicare vs. Medicaid. Retrieved November 10, 2020, from Draper,

Accountable Care Health Organizations
Pages: 2 Words: 763

Medicaid and the ACA
Discuss the issues central to the expansion of Medicaid created by the Affordable Care Act. From state policy perspective is this a good way to increase access to healthcare at a reasonable cost? Be sure to discuss the success stories you uncover as you complete your research for this question. eview the following and consider the questions below as part of your initial post.

From the State's perspective, expanding Medicaid under the ACA is a sound financial investment. However, the Supreme Court ruled that each state could decide to enter the program individually and as a consequence many states have not. These states claim that they cannot afford the program. However, a report by the Congressional Budget Office clearly shows that the Federal Government will actually be responsible for the bulk of the costs in the first decade of the program -- about 93% of the total costs.




Angeles, J. (2012, July 25). How Health Reform's Medicaid Expansion Will Impact State Budgets. Retrieved from Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: 

Klein, S., McCarthy, D., & Cohen, A. (2014). Health Share of Oregon: A Community Oriented Approach to Accountable Care for Medicaid Beneficiaries. The Commonwealth Fund, 1-12.

Semro, B. (2014, April 29). Numbers Tell the Story of ACA's Success, But They Also Show Millions are Missing Out. Retrieved from The Huffington Post:

Addressing Maternal Mortality in Underserved Communities
Pages: 4 Words: 1188

Addressing Maternal Mortality: The Role of Medicaid Expansion and Telehealth in Reducing Disparitiesection I: Health Problem and Research QuestionMaternal mortality is a critical and urgent public health issue in the United tates, particularly in underserved communities and among racial minorities. The high rates of maternal mortality, especially in rural areas and among Black and Hispanic women, are linked to various systemic inequities, including inadequate access to postpartum care. tudies show that Medicaid is crucial to maternal health, covering many births. However, there are gaps in extending postpartum care and addressing racial and ethnic disparities in maternal outcomes?.Research Question: How can extending Medicaid postpartum care coverage in underserved communities reduce maternal mortality and improve health equity for Black and Hispanic women?Rationale: This question was selected because data indicates that many maternal deaths occur during the postpartum period. Extending Medicaid postpartum coverage from 60 days to one year has been shown to…...


Shah, L. M., Varma, B., Nasir, K., Walsh, M. N., Blumenthal, R. S., Mehta, L. S., & Sharma, G. (2021). Reducing disparities in adverse pregnancy outcomes in the United States. American heart journal, 242, 92-102. Sundstrom, B., DeMaria, A. L., Ferrara, M., Meier, S., & Billings, D. (2019). “The closer, the better:” the role of telehealth in increasing contraceptive access among women in rural South Carolina. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 23, 1196-1205.

Pending Piece of Legislation
Pages: 8 Words: 2266

Pending Legislation
The concept of providing basic healthcare services individuals in need has undergone an agonizing transition, from a luxury once only afforded by the affluent to a basic human right granted to citizens of every economic station, and the recently enacted Affordable Care Act (ACA) was designed to finalize this ethical evolution. eflecting perhaps the bitter political enmity currently consuming the nation's once cherished democratic process, epublican legislatures in states throughout the union have bristled at the ACA's primary provisions, threatening all manner of procedural protestation as they attempt to delay and derail the bill's eventual implementation. One of the most intriguing aspects of the sprawling, thousand page law, however, has been the stipulation that individual states will be given a choice to either accept federal funding to expand their statewide Medicaid roster, or to forfeit all federal funding for that program in perpetuity. This Faustian bargain of sorts…...



Adimora, A.A. (2013, February 19). Medicaid expansion needed in north carolina for many reasons. The Charlotte Observer. Retrieved from north.html

Dalesio, E.P. (2013, February 12). House panel rejects medicaid expansion in nc. Associated Press/WRAL. Retrieved from expansion-in-nc/12099212/

Frank, J. (2013, February 14). N.C. bill leaves thousands with few health insurance options. The Miami Herald. Retrieved from bill-leavs-thousands-with-few.html

Jackson, D. (2012, March 12). Many southern republicans say obama is muslim. USA Today. Retrieved from   southern-gopers-say-obama-is-muslim/1 -

Presidential Candidates Positions on Health
Pages: 7 Words: 2051

HEALTHCAE Healthcare: Analysis of Medicare-Medicaid and Presidential Candidates Positions on HealthMedicare and Medicaid are two types of health coverage granted to people above 65 years or who have a low socioeconomic status (Cotton et al., 2016; Allen et al., 2021). They are run by the same government but are separate in certain terms. This paper aims to analyze how both the Presidential campaigns and their candidates stand by their positions of these two health insurance plans and how Covid 19 has impacted the politicization of both of them.Part 1: GridTable 1: A separate description of basic coverage under Medicaid and Medicare (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2018)MedicareMedicaidIntended to provide services for people aging 65 years or above, disabled individuals or suffering from end-stage renal illnesses (ESD)Intended to provide services to individuals belonging to low socioeconomic segment, pregnant women and childrenPart A: Hospital insuranceProvides services for inpatient hospitals, nursing facilities…...


ReferencesAbutaleb, Y., Parker, A., Dawsey, J. & Rucker, P. (2020, December 19). The inside story of how Trump’s denial, mismanagement, and magical thinking led to the pandemic’s dark winter. The Washington Post. H., Gordon, S.H., Lee, D., Bhanja, A. & Sommers, B.D. (2021). Comparison of utilization, costs, and quality of Medicaid vs. subsidized private health insurance for low-income adults. Jama Network, 4(1). Brown, E.A., White, B.M., Jones, W.J., Gebregziabher, M. & Simpson, K.N. (2021). Measuring the impact of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion on access to primary care using an interrupted time-series approach. Health Research Policy and Systems, 19. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2018, July). Medicare and Medicaid basics. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (n.a.). Student health plans. Cole, M.B., Shafer, P.R. & Gordon, S.H. (2021). What the new Biden administration may mean for Medicaid. Jama Network, 2(1). Cotton, P., Newhouse, J. P., Volpp, K. G., Fendrick, A. M., Oesterle, S. L., Oungpasuk, P., Aggarwal, R., Wilensky, G., & Sebelius, K. (2016). Medicare advantage: Issues, insights, and implications for the future. Population Health Management, 19(S3), S1–S8., O.K., Vargas, R.B., Kermah, D., Pan, D. & Norris, K.C. (2007). Health insurance status and hypertension monitoring and control in the United States. American Journal of Hypertension, 20(4), 348-353. Ellerbeck, A. (2021, April 19). The health 202: Trump tried to shrink Medicaid. Here’s how Biden will try to expand it. The Washington Post., A.W. & Davis, L. (2019, July 12). A growing number of American teenagers- particularly girls- are facing depression. Pew Research Center. Griffith, K., Evans, L. & Bor, J. (2017). The Affordable Care Act reduced socioeconomic disparities in healthcare access. Health Affairs, 36(8)., P. S., Chinn, S., & Soroka, S. (2020). Politicization and polarization in COVID-19 news coverage. Science Communication, 42(5), 679–697. Association of Medicaid Health Plans. (2020, June 11). IAMHP blood pressure monitoring kit notice., S. & Kwachi, I. (2018). The impact of ACA Medicaid expansion on socioeconomic inequality in healthcare services utilization. PLOS One, 13(12). Levitt, L. (2020). Trump vs. Biden on healthcare. Jama Network, 324(14), 1384-1385. Medicare Interactive.Org. (n.a.-a). How Medicaid works with Medicare. Medicare Interactive.Org. (n.a.-b). Medicaid and Medicare part D overview. Rapfogel, N., Gee, E. & Calsyn, M. (2020, March 23). 10 ways the ACA has improved healthcare in the past decade. Center for American Progress. Schneider, A. & Ingram, H. (1993). Social construction of target populations: Implications for politics and policy. American Political Science Review, 87(2), 334-347.,

Effects on Public Health of Health Care Reform
Pages: 15 Words: 5200

Health Care eform Effecting Public Health United States
Healthcare reform is an integral part of the United States healthcare system. Below is an evaluation of the effects healthcare reform has had on healthcare in the U.S. Internet sources as well as peer-reviewed journals will be looked at so as to see the effects.

The cost of healthcare has been on the rise. Issues of healthcare quality ought to be paid attention to and healthcare access equity improved upon (Health Care Transformation). Given these causes, while some differences exist on what reforms to carry out, a majority of Americans hold the belief that the U.S. Healthcare delivery systems need some improving. For a long time ANA has been advocating for reforms in healthcare and several of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provisions are in line with the Health System eform Agenda of the ANA. The ANA gave a chart that gives information concerning…...




Kemp, C. (2012, October 11). Public Health in the Age of Health Care Reform. Retrieved January 21, 2015, from 


How National Health Care Reform Will Affect a Variety of States. (2011, April 5). Retrieved January 21, 2015, from

10 Million Fund Allocation Budget Plan
Pages: 15 Words: 4256

Budget Plan for $10 Million Fund Allocation
Positive economic development in any city in the United tates relies on the provision of effective, efficient, and strong infrastructures that will attract investment to generate job opportunities in the city. A central goal of any city is also to improve health outcomes for the residents to improve their health outcomes. City public officials should also provide safety and securities, and improve students achievements to enhance quality of human developments . However, a city officials are required to keep proper accounts of all income and expenditures to deliver high quality financial resources.

As a newly elected public official of the city of between 50,000 and 250,000 population, our goal is to attract investment opportunities in the city through effective use of budgetary control to meet the economic and health needs of the residents in order to enjoy 100% federal funds. Our goal is to also…...


Sources of Payment, and Incremental Costs, Health Affairs.

Lunenburg, F.C. (2010). Financial Controls: A Safeguard Against Misuse of Public Funds. National Forum of Educational Administration & Supervision Journal. 27(4).

Nkuah, J.F. Tanyeh, J.P. & Asante, J.(2013). The Relationship between Financial Control Systems and Public Sector Efficiency in Ghana. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences.2(7):209-235.

Malloy, L.C & Merkowitz, S.P. (2015). The Economic Impact of Expanding Medicaid. Healthy Economy.

Popovcic-Avric, S. Mizdrakovic, V. & Djenic, M.(2014). Budget Control and Fund Accounting. International Conference: XIV International Symposium .

Children's Health Insurance Plans Regardless
Pages: 30 Words: 8370

" (National Conference of State Legislatures Forum for State Health Policy Leadership, 2007). However, regardless of state, the applicants have to meet certain qualifications. First, applicants have to be both uninsured and not eligible for Medicaid for other forms of state sponsored insurance. In addition, not all S-CHIP recipients have to be children; states can get waivers to use S-CHIP funds to cover adults. These other recipients are generally adults who are responsible for S-CHIP eligible children, and/or pregnant women. However, "at the end of 2005, four states had waivers to use SCHIP to cover childless adults, and nine states cover unborn children who will be eligible for SCHIP at birth as well as prenatal and childbirth services for the mother of the child." (National Conference of State Legislatures Forum for State Health Policy Leadership, 2007). The fact that states have chosen to do this reaffirms the concept that the…...



DeNavas-Walt, C., B. Proctor, and J. Smith. (2007). Income, poverty, and health insurance coverage in the United States: 2006. Washington: U.S. Census Bureau.

Dubay, L. (2007).

Making sense of recent estimates of eligible but uninsured children.

Retrieved January 28, 2008 from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Impact of ACA From Organizational and Patients
Pages: 3 Words: 1470

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act/Impact of ACA from the Organizational and the Patients view
Impact of the Affordable Care act (ACA) on the population that it affected

Impact of the economics of providing care to patients from the organization's point-of-view

How will patients be affected in relationship to cost of treatment, quality of treatment, and access to treatment?

Ethical implications of this act for both the organization and the patients

Impact of the Affordable Care act (ACA) on the population that it affected

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), as initially passed, mandated Medicaid expansion, for covering a majority of low-income, as-yet-uninsured American citizens and immigrants (with legal residency in the U.S. for a minimum duration of 5 years). The United States Supreme Court, however, in the historic National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, 132 S. Ct. 2566 (2012), maintained that the obligatory Medicaid expansion proved to be unconstitutionally forced upon states. The decision rendered…...



ACA. (2015). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Retrieved on 13th September, 2015 from 

Howard, P. (2015). The Impact of the Affordable Care Act On the Economy, Employers, and the Workforce. Retrieved on 13 th September, 2015 from 

Kengmana, R.T. (2015). An Ethical Perspective on the Affordable Care Act. MA: Psych Central. Retrieved on 13th September, 2015 from 

NCIOM. (2015a). Examining the Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in North Carolina. Chapter 7: Quality. Retrieved on 13th September, 2015 from

Economic Evaluation in Health Care
Pages: 11 Words: 3917

Healthcare Economics Evaluation
This report is about a proposed healthcare economics investigation. Some early research has been done and will be described based on what was found and how it was found. The report will conclude with a proposed plan for further economic evaluation on that same topic with a great deal the expected and proper form and function of that research to be described in that section. A conclusion will wrap up the report.

Critical Appraisal of the Evidence

Topic Selected

The author of this report has chosen how to make health care affordable and have the most amount of people possible covered in the United States as this is one of the more omnipresent issues and matters in American society in the modern time. Health care being at the forefront of the American news cycle is nothing new as it is has been a huge part of the political and social discussions…...



Berkowitz, E. (2008). Medicare and Medicaid: The Past as Prologue. Health Care Financing Review, 29(3), 80-93.

Bovbjerg, R.R., & Schoenbaum, S.C. (2004). Malpractice Reform Must Include Steps To Prevent Medical Injury. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 140(1), 51-54.

Budget problems, Medicaid expansion main topics at SAMHSA meeting. (2012). Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly, 24(32), 1-3.

CDC. (2013, March 19). CDC Online Newsroom - Press Release: October 17, 2011. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved March 19, 2013, from

ACA What it Means for the Elderly
Pages: 4 Words: 1472

affordable Care Act (also known as the ACA or Obamacare) on the elderly
Obamacare: Its impact upon the elderly

The impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (often called 'Obamacare') upon America is often discussed by politicians as if it had a uniform impact upon all citizens. However, the ACA's effects have been relatively disparate, depending upon the nature of the population. This paper will specifically focus upon the impact of the ACA on the elderly of a variety of socio-economic categories.

One of the criticisms of the American healthcare system before the passage of the ACA was the spiraling cost of entitlement programs such as Medicare, the federally-provided health insurance program for seniors. "One good result of all this [ACA] is that the burden of Medicare for taxpayers in future years has been drastically lowered. In fact, the day Barack Obama signed the ACA into law he cut the long-term unfunded…...



ACA.   / Accessed November 6, 2014. 

FAQ: What retirees and seniors need to know about the ACA? NPR. October 11, 2013.

  Accessed November 6, 2014. 

Goodman, John. What seniors have to fear from Obamacare? Forbes. October 28, 2014.

Health Care and Insurance
Pages: 5 Words: 1959

health care industry, in terms of the economics of that business, and how it is structured. The Affordable Care Act was introduced in 2010 in order to address some of the issues that are inherent in the health care industry, namely a high rate of uninsured and skyrocketing costs that were threatening the quality of care for everybody else. The reality is that the ACA has been highly successful. While there are still too many uninsured, some 20 million Americans have gained health care. The costs have been fairly high, but they are decreasing, the from a fiscal point-of-view the Congressional Budget Office sees the ACA as actually contributing positively to the federal budget by around 2019.
So the benefits of the ACA have basically been realized, and at a fairly reasonable, and declining, cost. The law has met its primary objective, and performed fairly well. There were some issues,…...



Bryan, B. (2016). The percentage of Americans without health insurance just hit an all-time low. Business Insider. Retrieved December 4, 2016 from 

CBO (2016) Budgetary and economic effects of repealing the Affordable Care Act Congressional Budget Office. Retrieved December 4, 2016 from 

Kaiser Family Foundation (2016) Status of action on the Medicaid expansion decision. Kaiser Family Foundation. Retrieved December 4, 2016 from 

Lorenzetti, L. (2016). Here's why you'll likely pay more for your employer-sponsored health insurance. Fortune. Retrieved December 4, 2016 from

The Impact of Datasets in Research
Pages: 4 Words: 1056

Secondary Analysis of Archived Data (SAAD) in Public Health esearchIn public health research, accessing appropriate data sets is often crucial for addressing pressing issues like maternal mortality. While some researchers conduct original research, others rely on secondary analysis of archived data (SAAD) to explore existing information and draw conclusions. This approach is beneficial in contexts where original research may be time-consuming or financially prohibitive. The SAAD process involves the retrospective analysis of pre-existing data to answer new research questions, often using quantitative methods.elevance of the Data Set to Public Health esearchOur project focuses on the critical issue of maternal mortality in underserved communities, particularly among Black and Hispanic women. The data set being analyzed for the Final Project contains information related to maternal health outcomes, Medicaid policies, and racial disparities in healthcare access. This data is critical for answering the research question: How can extending Medicaid postpartum care coverage in…...


ReferencesAlshehri, T., Abokhodair, N., Kirkham, R., & Olivier, P. (2021). Qualitative secondary analysis as an alternative approach for cross-cultural design: A case study with Saudi transnationals. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Haley, J. M., Hinojosa, S., Lacy, L., & Willis, C. (2022). Advancing Maternal Health Equity in Southern States. Manu, E., & Akotia, J. (2021). Introduction to secondary research methods in the built environment. In Secondary Research Methods in the Built Environment (pp. 1-15). Routledge. Manu, E., Akotia, J., Sarhan, S., & Mahamadu, A.-M. (2021). Identifying and sourcing data for secondary research. In Secondary research methods in the built environment (pp. 16-25). Routledge. Saad, H., Bunting, B., & Mc Cullough, J. (2021). How can Big Data be used to answer public health research questions? Evidence Based Midwifery, 19(1), 19-31.

I need some suggestions for health care policy essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 648

1. The Role of Technology in Transforming Health Care Delivery

Discuss the latest technological advancements in health care, such as telemedicine, AI-powered diagnostics, and wearable health trackers.
Explore how technology can improve access to care, reduce costs, and personalize treatments.
Analyze the ethical implications of using technology in health care and the potential for data privacy and algorithmic bias.

2. Addressing Health Disparities through Policy Interventions

Identify the root causes of health disparities based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location.
Evaluate the effectiveness of existing policy interventions aimed at reducing disparities, such as Medicaid expansion and community health centers.

Need help generating essay topics related to President Trump / President Biden. Can you help?
Words: 455

Essay Topics Related to President Trump and President Biden

Domestic Policy

Fiscal Policy Differences: Examine the contrasting approaches to fiscal policy employed by Presidents Trump and Biden, highlighting their impact on the economy and national debt.
Immigration Reform: Analyze the evolution of immigration policies under Presidents Trump and Biden, considering their motivations, implementation, and implications for the nation.
Healthcare Debate: Discuss the heated debate on healthcare under Presidents Trump and Biden, examining the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid expansion, and drug pricing reforms.
Education Reform: Compare the educational initiatives and policies proposed by Presidents Trump and Biden, evaluating their effectiveness and potential....

How can we ensure equal access to healthcare for all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status?
Words: 488

Ensuring Equal Access to Healthcare

Guaranteeing equitable access to healthcare for all individuals, irrespective of socioeconomic status, is a cornerstone of a just and compassionate society. Achieving this goal requires a multifaceted approach that addresses structural barriers, expands healthcare coverage, and promotes health equity.

Addressing Structural Barriers

Eliminate poverty: Poverty is the root cause of many health disparities. Addressing poverty through social welfare programs, affordable housing, and job creation can significantly improve health outcomes.
Reduce discrimination: Discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or other factors can limit access to healthcare. Enacting anti-discrimination laws, promoting cultural sensitivity in healthcare settings, and challenging....

What impact does the Affordable Care Act have on healthcare accessibility in America?
Words: 438

The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, has had a significant impact on healthcare accessibility in America. Some of the key ways in which it has improved accessibility include 1. Expansion of Medicaid The ACA expanded Medicaid coverage to millions of low-income adults in states that chose to participate in the expansion. This has increased access to affordable healthcare for individuals who were previously uninsured. 2. Health insurance exchanges The ACA established health insurance marketplaces where individuals and small businesses can shop for and purchase insurance plans. This has increased access to coverage for people who may not have....

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