Mechanical Engineering Essays (Examples)

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Ethics in Mechanical Engineering Ethical
Pages: 4 Words: 1132

This definition implies that organizational commitment is essentially a conscious, value-based process." From this perspective, Bob should not have any ethical conflicts with his job if he is to be considered committed to it.
Yet at the same time, someone who has no moral problem with helping to produce weapons that cause such pain and mass destruction may not be of the moral character to be trusted with such a dangerous job. As Martin and Schinzinger (2004, p. 268) point out, "We must rely on individuals who have arrived at morally autonomous, well-reasoned positions for either engaging in or abstaining from weapons work" if we are to trust that they will not run "a wild course." Therefore it is not reasonable to expect someone like Bob to feel no conflict of values whatsoever; but it is reasonable to expect him to have worked out the proper reasoning behind his actions…...


Reference List

Henriquese I & Sadorsky P. 2006, 'The adoption of environmental management practices in a transition economy', Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 641-661.

Lang, DL 1990, Values: The ultimate determinants of commitment and legitimacy. Greenwood Press, New York, NY, USA

Martin, MW & Schinzinger R. 2004, Ethics in engineering, 4th edn. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA, 2010, Mechanical Engineer Job Description viewed 18 July, 2010,

Mobile Mechanical Engineering Position in
Pages: 3 Words: 943

For these customers, an electric olls-oyce would be ideal" (qtd. In Squatriglia, par. 5). The olls-oyce name is synonymous with excellence; it is good to know that they are extending that excellence to a more socially and environmentally conscious plateau, rather than restng on the laurels of luxury that the brand has built during the century of its existence.
This tradition of excellence is the main reason I would like to work for olls-oyce. To be a part of making -- and someday perhaps even designing -- a perfectly planned machine, a car I have envied for so long, would be an extraordinary experience. Their new car, the Phantom, is being built in a brand new factory in West Sussex (Schifsky, 3). I like that even though the company was bought by the German company BMW, the cars are still being manufactured in England. BMW's decision to build the factory…...



Anon. 2004. Rolls-Royce history. [Online] (Updated Jan. 23, 2008). Available at: (Accessed 28 October 2008)

Buerkle, Tom. International Herlad-Tribune. 1998. BMW wrests Rolls-Royce name away from VW. [Online] Available at:   (Accessed 28 October 2008) 

Schifsky, Chuck. 2000. Rolls-Royce: a century of elegance [Online] Available at:   (Accessed 28 October 2008) 

Squatriglia, Chuck. Wired Blog Network. 2008. Rolls-Royce considers an EV. No, seriously.... [Online] Available at:   (Accessed 28 October 2008) 

Mechanical Engineering and Engineering
Pages: 8 Words: 2404

Ferguson's Argument and Evidence
In Eugene Ferguson Engineering and the Mind's Eye, he makes the case that the existing privileging of science and math over the nonverbal and visual in engineering education is mutually a dangerous practice and a historical abnormality. y applying a well-demonstrated chronicle of engineering strategy, Ferguson claims that not all engineering complications can be resolved by analysis in mathematical; short of the ability to envisage machines, environment, and the structures. He goes on to explain the fact that engineers, a lot of the time, make poor judgment calls. These weak calls lead to crushing disappointments in nuclear power plants, bridges, refrigerators, and other machinery. The book holds a generous variety of old drawings and sketches and presents well-chosen themes, as well as a foretaste into the history of engineering, from its earlier stages to its status, scattered with the essential part played by the mind's eye. Ferguson…...



Brown, John K. 1999. "When Machines Became Gray and Drawings Black and White: William Sellers and the Rationalization of Mechanical Engineering." IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology 25 (2): 29-54.

Buchanan, R. A. 1986. "The Diaspora of British Engineering." Technology and Culture 27 (3): 501-524.

Burke, John G. 1966. "Bursting Boilers and the Federal Power." Technology and Culture 7 (1): 1-23.

Hounshell, David A. 1980. "Edison and the Pure Science Ideal in 19th-Century America." Science 207 (4431): 612-617.

Engineering Statement of Purpose
Pages: 2 Words: 449

Personal StatementWhen I was a child I would wonder about the stars I observed in the night sky. Unlike some children, I was not content to simply regard the stars as beautiful pinpoints of light or to listen to my parents relate myths of how the constellations came to be. I was driven to learn more, to watch scientific programs about the universe, and to start to read about the real reasons stars were visible in the night sky.My mechanical orientation also led me to become a Boy Scout. Although I loved all aspects of scouting, I was especially drawn to the ability to create simple machines, go-carts, and rockets as well as to spend time in the outdoors and learn about the natural environment. I worked hard to be selected for a competitive high school in my area that emphasized math and science. Pursuing a major in mechanical engineering…...

Systems Engineering Roles Evaluating Systems
Pages: 10 Words: 2741

Third, subsystems engineers are more attuned to how their specific product and technology areas are driven by external market forces and market dynamics than system engineers typically are. The reason is that subsystem engineers, both hardware and software, seek to understand how customer and market needs impact their existing and future designs. As both of these classes of subsystem engineers are more focused on how to create valuable contributions to their specific area of expertise, monitoring market and customer trends tends to be a passion for many of them. It is not unusual for example to see an engineering team know more about market trends, research, unmet customer needs and competitors than a marketing department for the same product (Hoberman, 2009). This is precisely why subsystem engineers in high technology companies often end up running product management, product marketing and corporate marketing because they have a better grasp of…...



David Carrington, Paul Strooper, Sharron Newby, & Terry Stevenson. (2005). An industry/university collaboration to upgrade software engineering knowledge and skills in industry. The Journal of Systems and Software, 75(1-2), 29-39.

George T. Dasher. (2003). The interface between systems engineering and program management. Engineering Management Journal, 15(3), 11-14.

R. Harrison, a.W. Colombo, a.A. We-st, & S.M. Lee. (2006). Reconfigurable modular automation systems for automotive power-train manufacture. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 18(3), 175-190.

Steve Hoberman. (2009). How to Produce Adequate Definitions: Clear and complete attribute definitions improve data deliverables. Information Management, 19(5), 45.

Engineering Materials
Pages: 10 Words: 2830

Engineering Materials: High Strength Steel and Bus Seat Frames
The purpose of this paper is to conduct research and the review the findings. This paper seeks an understanding of the engineering material of high strength steel, the process in which it is made and the items it is used to build specifically that of bus seat frames. Over the course of the research, it is has been determined that high strength steel is effective when used in building lightweight yet safe and sturdy bus seat frames. This construct lends to the overall safety of buses using this material, specifically in existing models found in buses designed by a company called Fainsa located in Barcelona, Spain. This paper explores the process and design of these seats by looking at the process in which high strength steel is created. By understanding how high strength steel is made, one can better understand its…...



(2005). "Compartmentalize." (Sept. 21, 2005).

(2005). "Steels for Strength." (Sept. 21, 2005).

Basta, E., and Hoon, G. (2004). "Slitting ultrahigh-strength steels: Are you ready to process these coil types?" Stamping Journal 8,

The Roman Colosseum an Engineering Masterpiece
Pages: 12 Words: 3695

Engineering the oman Colosseum
While the Colosseum stands, ome shall stand; when the Colosseum falls, ome shall fall; when ome falls, the world shall fall. -- The Venerable Bede quoting an Ancient Anglo-Saxon Peasant Prophecy

Perhaps the most enduring symbol of the greatness of the oman Empire can be seen today in the ruins of the Colosseum. This massive amphitheatre is situated in the middle of modern ome near the oman Forum and has become an iconic representation of the oman Empire at its zenith. Although estimates vary, analysts believe that at least 50,000 and perhaps as many as 80,000 spectators were accommodated in its capacious dimensions and the Colosseum has become the benchmark by which all subsequent stadia have been judged. Flush with the treasures and riches of Jerusalem, the builders of the Colosseum spared no expense in its design and construction, but despite its impressive seating capacity and functional design,…...



Barbi, Gulomar, "The Colosseum," The World and I, 22(9) (2007, September), 37-40.

Burn, Robert, Roman Literature in Relation to Roman Art, London: MacMillan, 1888.

"Colosseum building materials," The Colosseum [online] available:  

Education in Engineering Is a
Pages: 2 Words: 556

Departmental managers should play a role in determining the specific areas of special competence required of engineers reporting to them and they should contribute to the in-house development of testing tools used to ensure competence in those areas.
Monitoring their professional status is also an ethical responsibility of every firm employing professional engineers (Harris, Pritchard, & abins, 2008). At a minimum, that means maintaining accurate records of certification status and dates; but it also means that the organization must apply the same level of concern to ensure that all in-house standards and testing requirements are met, beyond those formally required by law. In practice, every supervisor and department head must play an active role in that regard by singing off on individual employee compliance with periodic testing requirements.

More specifically, those elements of testing should be linked directly to performance by specifying different testing modules to correspond to every specialty area…...



Harris, C.E., Pritchard, M.S., and Rabins, M.J. (2008). Engineering Ethics: Concepts

and Cases. Cengage Publishing.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells in Green Engineering
Pages: 3 Words: 1353

Fuel Cells in Green Engineering
The energy tomorrow is beginning to be available today. Fuel cells, which just a very few years ago were a pipe dream, are becoming g a reality, and they are used in areas ranging from space exploration to toy motivation (Joy). The promise of the fuel cell can be seen in the fact that they use the most abundant source of energy on the planet, Hydrogen atoms (Birch). They are also being seen as the energy savior because they emit a common, non-toxic waste which can also be utilized as a saving grace around the globe, water (Joy; Patturaja). A fuel that uses the most abundant element on the planet and emits clean, pure water does seem like science fiction, but there are already being used with it as a motive force.

The space shuttle has always been powered by hydrogen fuel cells (Joy). Although they are…...


Works Cited

Birch, Amanda Sue. "Microbial Fuel Cells: Converting Waste to Water and Watts." Engineering and Technology for a Sustainable World. (2010). Print.

Fields, Scott. "Making the Best of Biomass: Hydrogen for Fuel Cells." Environmental Health Perspectives. (2003). Print.

Joy, Linda E. "A Basic Overview of Fuel Cell Technology." Automotive Community. (2007). Web.

Khan, Abdul Majeed. "Electricity Generation by Microbial Fuel Cells." Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences. (2009). Web.

Building Engineering Services
Pages: 6 Words: 2100

Buckingham Palace -- Heating Engineering Structure
Buckingham Palace - Heating Structure

The average temperatures of the groundwater systems are primarily maintained at the recorded depths of 10-15m under the ground surface (this is estimated at the mean yearly air temperature for the specific region) with further depths increase based on the geothermal gradient of the region (this is estimated to be 2.6°C for every added 100m of depth). Consequently, there's a temperature velocity and difference between the two estimates of the air temperatures and underground or groundwater temperatures for all the year; the analysis shows that the groundwater temperature maintain to be cooler in comparison that the air temperature throughout the year even during summers. We have seen numerous building engineering structures hence utilize the groundwater temperatures to control the heat/cold within the buildings. Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom is one exemplary illustration of the use of groundwater temperatures. The structure…...



Abesser, C. (2010). Open-loop ground source heat pumps and the groundwater systems: A literature review of current applications, regulations and problems. British Geological Survey.

Coopers (2010). KoolShade Solar Control. Available from:

Green Energy 360. 2008. [cited 27 May 2010]. Available from

Energy Saving Trust. 2010. [cited 27 May 2010]. Available from

Basics of Mechanical Drawing
Pages: 4 Words: 982

Architectural Drawings
All great constructive projects must have began with a mental image of that structure. To bring that mental idea intro fruition, a medium is needed to help model the mental aspects into something more concrete. The purpose of this essay is to examine and discuss some of the more important qualities associated with the architectural drawing. Specifically, this essay will address the difference between floor plans and site plans and some of the aspects about those differences will be highlighted. Next, the essay will address some other key concepts that deal with the architectural drawings and their modeling capabilities. The essay will conclude with ideas on how to best incorporate the use of architectural drawings into a real and solid project, manifested in the world.

Floor Plans and Site Plans

Floor plans and site plans have some differences and require different information and data. A floor plan is used by the…...

Engineer Engages in a Process That Is
Pages: 10 Words: 2802

engineer engages in a process that is both technical, and social as he or she works to facilitate the creation of a product to meet the customer's needs. If this process were strictly functional application of mathematics, design specifications and materials testing, the bulk of the work could be done by a computer. But the design process is all together human, interwoven by cultural issues, communications issues, and the knowledge that is created as the engineering process travels from conception to completion.
In any design project there generally are different kinds of engineers - mechanical engineers, electronics engineers and so on. They speak different languages; they have different responsibilities, competencies and interests. To reconcile their different claims and proposals, negotiation is required. The book uses the example that refrigerators in the States are huge and in Europe they are small. Clearly there are technical reasons, but the main reason has…...


Works Cited

Bucciarelli, Louis. Designing Engineers. 1996. Mass: MIT Press

Sharpe, Mike & Partworks, Brown. Air Disasters. 1999. USA: Brown Packaging Partworks

Invention by Design by Henry Petroski Published
Pages: 5 Words: 1638

Invention by Design, by Henry Petroski, published in Cambridge, MA by the Harvard University Press in 1996. Specifically, it will discuss what in the book is relevant to the Mechanical Engineering program, the author's main points, and whether these points are valid or invalid. Henry Petroski's book takes engineering to a level that just about anyone can understand, and makes it interesting even to the layperson. This book is not only an excellent introduction to the many facets of engineering; it is also a fascinating look into engineering by example, from the simple paper clip to the complicated oeing 777 aircraft. It is a fascinating look into what makes good engineering, and what engineers actually do, and should be required reading for any engineering student.

On first glance, "Invention by Design" seems to be simply a book about engineering. However, the author has several differing thoughts and ideas…...



Petroski, Henry. Invention by Design. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,1996.

History of CNC Computer Numerical
Pages: 18 Words: 5340

Michael Cooley (1972) has suggested that the drawing office has been downgraded in importance as a result of the finer division of labor in engineering that began in the 1930s. He described how the creative design element had become increasingly separated from the work of executing drawings. The fragmentation of shop floor jobs was, according to Cooley, paralleled by fragmentation of the job of the designer/drafter. Until the 1930s, drafters in ritain were responsible for designing a component, stress testing it, selecting materials for it, writing the specifications, and liaising with the shop floor and customers. ut starting in the 1930s, these functions were progressively broken down into separate jobs and taken over by various specialists, such as stress testers, metallurgists, tribologists, methods and planning engineers, and customer liaison engineers, leaving drafters with only the job of drawing (3D Systems Corporation, 2001).

In effect, in the ritain of the 1930s, drafters…...



3D Systems Corporation. 2001, 3D Systems. Retrieved Nov 3, 2011. from the World Wide Web:

Brown, Richard D. 2009, Knowledge Is Power: The Diffusion of Information in Early America, 1700 -- 1865. New York: Oxford University Press.

Chandler, Alfred D. Jr., 1977, The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Cooley M. 1972, Computer-Aided Design-Its Nature and Implications. Richmond, Surrey: AUEW/TASS.

Why I Want to Be an Engineer
Pages: 2 Words: 623

A popular joke posted on the flat hats of robed college graduates, listening to commencement speakers it the phrase -- 'will deconstruct for food.' In other words, now that this college graduate has a pricey liberal arts education that has taken him or her four years to obtain -- what does he or she do now? Also, last year, just "over half of all employers said they would raise starting salaries for new hires in the coming year. Those that do increase pay will make only modest adjustments, boosting salaries by 3.4% on average." (Geary, 2003)

The confusion expressed by such slogans as 'will deconstruct for food,' is often not reflective simply of what the graduate knows how to do -- he or she hopefully knows how to think and to engage in critical analysis, but what he or she wants to do with the rest of his or her…...


Work Cited

Geary, Leslie Harris. (9 Dec. 2003) "Jobs for College Grads Rising." Money. Retrieved 29 Nov 2003 at

How can the S-curve envelope assist project managers in monitoring project progress effectively?
Words: 464

Monitoring and Controlling Project Progress: The Role of S-Curve Envelope Introduction Monitoring and controlling project progress is crucial for project managers to ensure timely and successful project completion. The S-curve envelope is a valuable tool that provides visual insights into project progress and enables project managers to identify deviations and take corrective actions. This literature review explores the concept of the S-curve envelope and its significance in effective project progress monitoring. Concept of S-Curve Envelope The S-curve envelope comprises two curves: the upper envelope curve (UEC) and the lower envelope curve (LEC). The UEC represents the earliest possible completion dates for project activities, considering....

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